Attached: Reimu 2.jpg (1285x1796, 398K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah, I'm thinking she's in.

Attached: 1532535646005.jpg (1161x1404, 348K)

It's not Soku, but I might get it. Does it have netplay?


Call me when IaMP get ported

Attached: 1553095009368.jpg (473x514, 163K)

Japan's Tiny Tina

>we live in a timeline where Touhou is in a Nintendo console


But Raymoo is a zombie and not family friendly.

The game's been out on a far better platform for like two years already

Attached: foltest.jpg (698x659, 141K)

because I don't wanna buy a switch

reveal when?

she is finally a legitimate contender for smash

You have to go back.

Miko is a tranny though. Project harder, nigger.

Can you elaborate as to why this particular videogame belongs in these three other boards instead of the videogame board?

Attached: 654.jpg (600x564, 23K)

"Generals"—long-term, recurring threads about a specific game—should be posted in /vg/. This is not to say threads about specific games cannot be created on Yea Forums, just that long-term, recurring threads belong in /vg/.

Attached: reimuz.png (363x318, 16K)

2hu threads used to be every where so they made a board specifically for it (/jp/), but it's faded in popularity in the west so it's pretty unnecessary and /jp/ is used for more than 2hu now

You are not allowed to talk about video games here bro, this is the off-topic shitposting board.

god i hope not, last thing i want is autistic smash fan base with 2hus

Well shit, now nobody can't say that Nintendo doesn't have an official Touhou game.

Attached: hakurei reimu (wily beast and weakest creature and etc) drawn by speckticuls - 6e982411d8c756e7924e1 (1200x789, 64K)

Reimu! Reimu!! I'm gonna buy Reimu's game! Raymoo is going to be successful on the Switch and will get into Smash! REIMU!!

>Official touhou game on switch
We made it bros

Attached: ReiCline.png (834x733, 419K)


Attached: 1550441074564.png (301x490, 295K)

*Nobody CAN
I am sick of making this mistake.


Attached: 1556890640566.jpg (1024x961, 207K)

you sound like you're in great pain

it was real all along

The game was announced _today_ so I don't think it really counts as a long-term recurring thread

nigger you've been making touhou thread every single day for the past 2 months. It's time to fucking stop

"undead zombie" is redundant

>still forcing this meme
You already lost Trophy the Hedgehog

At least Shadow is featured in Smash unlike Reimoo

I'm talking about the particular game in the OP, not the series in general

I couldn't give less of a shit if reimu's armpit stink lines was featured in smush

You can't fool me Smashbabbies.
You don't even play her game, none of you shitposting nintenkiddies does.

Attached: pissed shrine maiden.jpg (900x638, 246K)


cursed image
Why has Tenshi so many

>Shadow and Geno tears still sweet to this very day

Also, shit dead meme.

Attached: 1556826772656.jpg (219x211, 6K)


Attached: __komeiji_satori_touhou_drawn_by_arai_togami__2d50b5fb3075f9c39bb1c3906d7dd282.jpg (1200x1200, 525K)

I beat imperishable night a gorillion years ago, does that count

Wow, will it have matchmaking?


Attached: 1539555427538.png (1500x2102, 2.63M)

Reimu is inside Marisa

Why do Reimu, Shadow, and Otis always bicker with each other?

Hope they fix the netplay

>fighting game
don't care lol

Attached: 1525887663081.png (600x500, 172K)

Are you retarded or what

Attached: 1531456090520.png (680x453, 390K)

Attached: 1448166317195.jpg (362x434, 56K)

i've never understood those weird pants. are those underwear? or do girls wear panties under that?

shitty netplay is the full tasforo experience
shit since iamp, never improved
we had to reverse soku to play it


Unironically hype for this, even though I didn't care for AoCF.
Based as fuck, Reimu confirmed for Smash.

They're called bloomers, dude. They're like boxers for girls but cute.

Marisa as an assist trophy would be perfect
They are bloomers, old timey panties.

This is a JP only announcement, correct?

why would you ever want anyone to visit the shithole that is /2hug/?

Nintendo netplay, as shit as it is, is leagues better than Tashitro.

Two avatarfags dedicated their free time to antagonize Reimufags because ?????


Attached: 1536830763472.png (576x558, 267K)

Because they are underage edgelord avatarfags who think by showing how they hate anything with cute girls they prove their manliness.
At least that's the case for Shadowfag, I'm not quite sure about Otisfag

Fuck consoles and their exclusives!
Touhou games should remain indie for PC!

Fuck Smash too!

Attached: nigger.png (1440x866, 418K)

Daily reminder Yea Forums's quality would skyrocket if all Smashniggers were forcefully removed for good

I want a Hecatia t-shirt but I can't find a decent one which ships to EU.

There still arent any non secondary games on it tho

Only way for me to stop being a Meleefag unless she just wasn’t fun to play

define "secondary"

ok ok, sorry. i thought it was one of the modern ones. one of these... knickerbockers

Attached: Fanciest_of_trousers.jpg (800x1216, 196K)

There's a trillion custom shirt stores in EU, just slap the text in a black shirt and there you go

Attached: 1549271968774.gif (600x382, 2.54M)

It's a term used for when someone invades muh sekrit club


Figured I'd ask here. EoSD isn't on Steam is it? I was 100% sure I saw it on there but after doing a bunch of searching I can't find it.

You're right. Fuck those autistic niggers. We should hijack every Smash thread to show our dominance.

Attached: 1509896547224.jpg (640x640, 50K)

Almost nobody wears pants in 2hu though, save for this birb

Attached: 1540365124023.jpg (700x700, 385K)

Seething porniggers

Yea Forums term: person i don't like
actual definition: someone who claims to be a fan but doesn't indulge in the source material much, if at all
pretty weird how people are talking about a relevant game, right? let's make more twitter threads, that'll show em

Only 15, 15.5 and 16 are.

Imagine still being a Steam drone


And 14.3

He means non-official games.
Though the term "secondary" mainly refers to people who claim to be a fan yet never play or care about the official product they are fan of.

Attached: walking disaster.jpg (1099x1232, 211K)

You wrote that with a neutral expression on your face.

>talking about a recent game makes it acceptable to spam the board with low quality shitposts and derail unrelated threads

The earliest games will never be on steam or any other platform because it would warrant a remaster and ZUN couldn't possibly bother with that shit

And 16.5


How hard would Yea Forums implode if ZUN revealed a switch port for Wily Beast?

Attached: 1549577164501.png (2052x1944, 1.02M)

Is it gonna have proper online? Might pick it up if I get an excuse to play with Headphones some more.

Attached: 1541620700823.png (1136x1600, 1.44M)

isn't aocf official?

16.5 doesn't exist

He lost the source code for EoSD, PCB and IN, it seems

the cutest birb

Attached: 1546426824561.jpg (4096x3119, 1.27M)

Yes it is.

not gonna happen
ZUNart is too ugly for normies and quality control niggas would flip for that

this one for example You may be thinking about FDF

Exactly, you're a subhuman low quality shitposter who probably doesn't even care about the source material and just want to spam your ebin roster threads because muj funny maymays

And there's been ten Smash threads per hour, so what?

I've seen people say that for years but I haven't seen a glimpse of the source of that information

Well Yea Forums, which one?

Attached: __yorigami_jo_on_and_yorigami_shion_touhou_drawn_by_itatatata__64a88738f56682e9369bfb74fc2901ed.jpg (720x960, 88K)


ZUN's art isn't ugly, it just takes time to get used to how unique it is

Attached: 4a27d5f0fe3b0ba9d5d7b13ed52b7373.jpg (398x700, 196K)

>Disliking a game makes you a secondary
okay buddy

That's not ZUN's art you fucking nigger. That's a soulless imitation.

Don't make me post Satori.
And you're posting someone who actually draws good ZUNart.

No, shitposting only give Touhou a bad rep more than it already is.
At least don't associate me with you niggers.

Attached: komachi no thank you.png (595x841, 671K)

This is a soulless imitation of a post.

I am a fan of touhouhentai not the game

>seething that ZUN's art has soul while imitators don't
seethe moar

not really
ZUN is notorious for making stupid anatomy errors
pic related

Attached: J. Geil.png (263x480, 110K)

Attached: mystia59.jpg (320x500, 35K)

ZUN art you said?

Attached: 1528264670873.png (256x512, 53K)

8 and 12 had the best art styles

Do you guys think there might be a possibility that Wily Beast becomes an Epic Games Store exclusive?

Attached: remilia consider the following.jpg (452x299, 21K)

>jap game on a chink store

Attached: 1549397836529.png (512x383, 190K)

Don't shit talk Huyusilver
I was talking about the style itself. Clownpiece looks really great for example, he manages to draw good stuff when he doesn't fuck up proportions or perspective.

Attached: 0fea36703753f6883c9ac17c7e29b0be.jpg (455x580, 109K)

It will also have DRM.

My nigga

Attached: 200px-YoumuIN.png (200x364, 97K)

I'm not sure japan has even heard of the epic store yet.

Soulless ZUN imitation is soulless.

It's /jp/ retard

Smashniggers and phonescum*

tim sweeny would run from ZUNart
like ps4 and most likely switch would do
Steam's "let's publish all the things" at least for me, is a blessing in diguise
any artstyle can work
the execution is what separates shitty art from good one
ZUN has afwul execution until recently, that WBaWC is pretty cute imho

Kill yourself tranny retard

ZUN's skill is growing.

Attached: 1542989990509.jpg (1500x500, 30K)

LoLK and HSiFS had ZUN's most dynamic expressions and poses yet. Fuck off with your nostalgiafaggotry.

I would if i was a tranny

Satori and Koishi exist

ZUN's art isn't bad per se, but he fucks up stuff like anatomy and other things that make it sometimes painful to see. It's honestly a shame he's been making games for more than 20 years and while he has definitely improved it still feels meh.

What about that post was nostalgic?

at least read the spoiler tag


Attached: 1555937840833.jpg (575x658, 46K)

Attached: 1476989548200.jpg (500x376, 43K)

This fuckup is honestly hilarious considering most of the characters are okay

It’s literally inconceivable that Reimu is left out of Smash now.

you talking shit about PERFECTION?

Attached: satori-11.png (465x261, 244K)

I still don't like the bland shading and play-doh skin, but that happens to most Japanese artist.
It's just like transition from 80s anime to 2000s.

Give me all the "LoLK Marisa bullying Hecatia" pictures you have

Reimu already had Azure reflections in 2018.

I don't know why this picture of Marisa became such a meme, it looks fine. Seems like people were looking for the next "lol Reimu is an undead zombie" image way too hard.

I've done the research and I have come to the conclusion that Hecatia is the strongest 2hu of all time for several obvious reasons, mainly due to her status as a liminal deity.

Attached: 1475508287332.jpg (974x1300, 1.03M)

that was a fangame
this is the real deal

fuck binbou sisters
it was yuuka and mima's turn!

And because ZUN literally said she was the strongest

I've done the research and I have come to the conclusion that Heca's boobs are my favorite.

Attached: 1502463585079.jpg (1023x1447, 166K)

Imagine being one of the few people not dicked by Zeus

Attached: 1556318504638.gif (914x672, 820K)

Voodoo zombies aren't dead

Nah mate sorry it's terrible, her facial expression just looks fucking weird and the shading doesn't help. Just compare her to her HSiFS art which is very nice, you can clearly tell it's fucking terrible.

You're late you mong ZUN confirmed it already.

Attached: 1527366636082.jpg (400x600, 80K)

I don't wanna be rude
but every touhou looks pretty amateurish compared to litteraly every fotm indie game
that's to be expected from a guy that mainly is a composer, but for looks those big platforms have high standards

I'm only saying it's only natural for Hecatia to be the strongest because she's simply been so powerful and influential, compared to any of the other lame, gay goddesses or religious leaders of Gensokyo.

Attached: 1484866396679.jpg (826x1169, 172K)

Yeah, how could ZUN's art hold a candle to masterpieces like this?

Attached: 2c082f288433f09735822238408d8316.jpg (170x320, 6K)

But when is ACTUAL game coming out?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 242K)

>ZUN kowtowing to Corporate Chinese Trash

don't use heca for shitposting

When are they going to release Touhou 1, the first fucking game in the """"""""""series"""""""""""" on a non-dead platform?

>tfw netplay is vastly improved on switch


Attached: reimu fist.jpg (540x404, 22K)

Emulating the PC-98 games is easy though

shovel knight
super meat boy

>waifu wars baitfag
And don't come back.

You can emulate it on PC

never ever
ZUN lost the source code of every game until 9-10 IIRC

bow down to your God, fag

Attached: 1547932876683.jpg (240x320, 54K)

Why do people call it "official" when it's just a Fighting Game spinoff with barely any input from ZUN, let alone dev work? There are other Touhou fangames on the eshop IIRC.

>also on ps4

because it's an official spinoff. same situation as mario tennis being developed by camelot and not nintendo.

I've played every 2hu from 6 onwards but never got past the third level in any of them because of my insistence on resetting after every death and my RPG mentality of "could save that for later" with bombs.

Since Hell seems to be the major culprit in WaHH, the fairy manga, and TH17, will we get to see more interactions between Old Hell and Hell soon?

Attached: 1544303229848.webm (264x422, 315K)

>Touhoufags are waifufagging elitists
>combine this with their fear of normalfags/ironic weebs
>Reimu is added as a character
>this pushes Touhou towards the limelight
>new fans flood in and discover the decades of shitposting
>start spouting old memes like a bunch of TF2 players
>/jp/ gets a heart attack and gets catalog bombed
>Yea Forums tries to raid /jp/ during the initial reveal and /jp/ mods accidentally ban a bunch of /jp/ posters during the chaos
>/jp/ also enters a new era of paranoia because they think their board will be invaded when nobody gives a fuck about them and their idolshit anymore
>Touhoufags and /jp/ being forced to talk about the games again mindbreaks them
>Touhou threads on Yea Forums get insta-derailed by Twitter screencaps of random people saying ignorant shit about the games (and Touhoufags are too autistic to ignore them)
>a LOT of porn, mostly armpit screenshots of Smash Reimu
>people speculating about what musical tracks will be in and how hard Sakurai will suck EOSD dick
>Marisa and Sanaefags rosterfagging
>three dozen reaction videos of nobody e-celebs acting confused
>at least half of them are making generic waifu jokes because they have no idea of who Reimu is
>collective outrage and confusion from western characterfags
>Neptunia/Love Live ironic weebs latch on Touhou
>they start bringing fumos to EVO
>they start banning fumos at EVO
>Gokufags become even more obnoxious because "an anime character is in"
>the bullet hell difficulty attracts souls-like fags and e-celebs
>Jap sites can't stop cumming and laughing at the Fatesfags
>2ch is on full shitstorm mode because she was a Sans tier meme choice
>Pixiv gets nuked so hard by crossover art that it becomes unusabl

Attached: file.png (260x276, 65K)

being a collab doesn't make it unofficial

because ZUN is the director, and always composes at leat one new track


Will ZUN port Soku to Switch if I buy 15.5?

Attached: alice_14.jpg (314x324, 159K)

She's in

Attached: 1526921361225.jpg (1377x1377, 192K)


It's canon

At least use a touhou pic.

>barely any input

ZUN provided the stories and character design, and they are part of Touhou storyline.
Pic related is originally from fighting game and she have been in multiple official media ever since, including her own shmup, whether people like her or not.

Attached: __usami_sumireko_touhou_drawn_by_irohasu_sasagarasu__7a5c62361aa3986f3be4064ecb94ff51.jpg (1200x1000, 184K)

Who the fuck is "they"?


>Satori and Koishi exist
12 is UFO

That's actually Fortune Teller

Suika, Tenshi, Kokoro and the rest of the fighting games cast are part of official canon you dumb dumb

Sounds fun

ZUN, Mrs. ZUN, ZUN Jr. and ZUNette.

Tasofro cocksuckers
those faggots should fuck off and stop leeching 2hus

>She's in
Explain how is this a good thing? As if everything needs to be in smash. And it's just a spinoff on top of that yet ya'll talk about smash even though it's not even related.

Attached: cirno stupid question.png (500x500, 108K)

eh but its not the same...

It's a mainline game

Attached: 1544406373550.png (944x944, 98K)

The shirts you're looking at in the non-EU stores are literally made with similar custom shirt services, you're just cutting the middle man doing it yourself

you don't know what "mainline" means do you

Because the character is canon, the story is written by ZUN and he compose new songs?

What do you think about this flower Youkai?

Attached: b1b.jpg (600x857, 39K)

It's produced by ZUN and is officially part of the canon lore. What do you think mainline means?

go back

Attached: 1525833647855.png (595x510, 48K)

It's already out, it's called Smash

Fuck Switch, when will ZUN make the games playable on Linux?

Attached: Reimu PCs.png (2048x1055, 1.09M)


Wine already run Touhou games better than Windowns post-7

I thought you meant this game...

Attached: IMG_20190503_171824.jpg (1920x1080, 318K)


Attached: 1372429456205.jpg (600x338, 35K)

>that wriggle

Yeah but this is my crowd

Attached: fit.jpg (600x450, 76K)

Mainline stands for the traditional danmaku games. Fighting games are part of the spinoffs alongside photo games and GFW.

Looks good

I love that Yuugi with the massive buffed arms


Attached: gayest cirno.png (720x960, 953K)

What problems windows 8 and 10 have with touhou?

Is that Touhou unreal mahjong?

Are you lucky, user?

>Excellent Luck Reimu

Attached: 1556718597461.png (1423x718, 1.16M)


Attached: Istantanea_2019-05-03_21-36-45.png (1920x1049, 213K)

How is this going to affect my 1cc attempt?
I'm about to play UFO.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-04-02-36-16.png (720x1280, 193K)

I'm not gonna make it, aren't I

Dunno for sure, but on W10 I have issues with some games’ exclusive fullscreen modes.

Small luck Youmu.

I feel like a little bit of luck is what I need right now,

The best Touhou

Attached: 1499201981327.jpg (431x600, 48K)

Attached: D5bB9dTWwAAvl4E.jpg:large.jpg (1919x805, 146K)

What a fucking surprise

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png (783x810, 965K)

Yes, very lucky indeed.


Attached: 1548088118004.jpg (175x188, 42K)

>no work tomorrow
my colleagues are going to be pretty mad about the project, then

Definitely not a fan of the multiple artits mishmash

Hell yeah

>Activates Fantasy Nature

It's okay I guess, could be worse.

Why the fuck doesn't ZUN use art like this for the games?
His paper hand-drawing is soulful.

Attached: 1556898372165.png (1750x1300, 788K)

Pen and mouse are two different things

Attached: 1552902258646.jpg (1000x1055, 231K)

>open the website
>the moment the image loads up I can only catch a glimpse of Sakuya before my laptop blue screens and restarts itself

Attached: remilia peek.png (300x300, 7K)

Why does he always make Youmu the cutest one.

the coloring was done by a fan

Fuck Reimu and fuck shrine maidens

Attached: kasen ibaraki.png (2036x1444, 1.66M)

But the lineart isn't, and it's still good

Attached: fortunes.jpg (2494x1200, 1.85M)

That's your reward for clearing the game, endings are in that style.

in 2005 they were, they've been uncolored scribbles since mof

Why won't he invest in a digital drawing tablet/drawing pad?

There's a video of him drawing Seija (I think her ISC art) and he's using a digital tablet, I'm pretty sure

>EoSD, now that was a Touhou game

Attached: 1556429812593.png (1252x2356, 3.87M)

Next reitaisai.

Attached: 1525667597355.jpg (1204x1780, 557K)


Attached: 1554867002919.jpg (212x203, 9K)

>only two of the tagged posts were about smash
DUDE, it's not the first fucking time you do this, Next time FUCKING TAG THE ONES ABOUT SMASH, it makes you look more retarded than you are, I'm seriously starting to think this shit is a bot

>Excellent luck
Alright, i sure hope so.

Yuyu very beautiful as always

Attached: Yuyuko (2846).jpg (1000x1000, 509K)

Shadow the Hedgehog getting raped by Reimu Hakurei

What is it about touhou that draws such a diverse range of fans?

Attached: Screenshot_20190503-210306.png (2560x1440, 2.03M)

A common complaint rosterfags brought up was the lack of any official Touhou games on a Nintendo console, beyond that Reimu pretty much hit all the marks to a potential character.

Part of this potential lies on the amount of content that can be easily carried to smash. Since 2hu is owned by one guy you have a much easier legal process and Sakurai can go nuts on the 10 years of games. Needless to say that there is a huge potential for music, spirits, stages etc.

Cute girls and 11/10 music with one if not the most biggest porn content.

I was waiting for this to be posted, thank you so much.

Sometimes it's Suica, sometimes Suika

Attached: 1546652687346.png (750x942, 977K)

Honestly I just like the games, music and lore.

Youmu is top qt, she gets unfairly shat on for some reason
Best stg5 boss theme fite me

Attached: 1532798866626.jpg (723x1023, 341K)


Attached: 29b6d42dd9de739873cdf81416e04e6c.jpg (1000x1200, 108K)

ZUN in charge of romanisation

Posting god tier content

Whelp the only thing officially keeping her out of smash is whether Sakurai is ok with her in or not.

Hiroari > Faith is for the Transient > Pierrot > Reverse Ideology > Lunar Clock > Backup Dancers > Tiger-Striped Bishamonten > Great Gods > Corpse Voyage > Lunatic Eyes

>Lunar Clock anywhere but the bottom


Attached: 1448402417684.png (500x354, 300K)

He still hasn't named the best Stage 5 boss theme

Attached: Yuka.png (128x128, 3K)

Her theme was so forgettable compared to the stage's theme itself. Lullaby of Deserted Hell is so fucking comfy.

based and spookpilled

Not him but I think it's really good, perhaps even of my favorite touhou tracks

Attached: 1299268806775.jpg (438x408, 11K)

>Aunn and Waggysaggy

Attached: yamame blush.png (480x515, 94K)

When is Clartranny translating the rest of the Grimoire of Usami?

Attached: koishi.png (1013x1440, 1.71M)

It’s slowly being translated on the wiki. Typesetting will probably take a long time

What's Clartranny?

Also Nintendo wanting it since they chose the DLC
Also ZUN wanting it


It literally is pronounced cheer-no.
I don't get how this blows so many people's minds.

>Corpse voyage that low
>Faith is for the transient that high

Attached: 1535749486019.jpg (407x407, 45K)

On the contrary, Youmu is quite overrated.
The only 2hu that gets a lot of unfair hate is Reisen.

Attached: C2mi03JFLHQ.jpg (1920x1323, 488K)

>that suika

Attached: 1535661747730.png (808x853, 712K)

unironically have sex
with reimu

She/he/it/whatever already translated the first half on the wiki.

Attached: 1535649431212.jpg (1494x542, 212K)

Thing is whether Nintendo wants it is irrelevant in a sense. Maybe AoCF was brought too the switch explicitly too for shadow reimu being part of the DLC? In addition ZUN finally broke a major rule of his on porting an official game onto a console. This is still all speculation though, it could ultimately be a metric fuck load of nothing.

>schizophrenically checking the wiki

>Antinomy Of Common Flowers
FUUUCK, why not Hisoutensoku? It's my favourite

>mot SWR/UNL remastered
i sleep

What? I'm checking XIR Tumblr because that's where the updates on the translation are being posted. Are you retarded? It's the same as checking for manga translations.

its not Hisoutensoku but Ill support it cause I wish they bring that one to the switch instead.

it worked!

Attached: aocf switch.png (674x646, 429K)

Reisenanon you have to admit reisen is really overrated.

user if AoCF sells well perhaps we will get the other games for the switch, which would be pretty damn great.

I said "the rest" for a good reason. Half the translation isn't out.

Touhou has an entire board dedicated to it called /jp/, i ask the moderation to do its job.

Probably before Sunday because that's when the new demo is coming out.

I ask you to do some basic research before opening your mouth you fucking retard

Silly user, that's the idolshit and Yea Forums rejects board.

>Look at this... I got nine million graze today!

>announcing a report

/jp/ got completely fucking wrecked by idol cancer, that's a fate I don't wish on anyone.

Ask /jp/'s moderation to remove 3dpd and idolshit first

*Shrine Maiden's Paradise intensifies

That'd be implying the board is worth browsing outside idol threads when 90% of 2hu threads are 300 posts worth of weird people drooling over characters

Attached: 1528508014664.jpg (1000x1150, 384K)

What did Satori see, Yea Forums?

Attached: Satori1.jpg (850x833, 168K)

my cock

also the best age range

that shit belongs on because idol threads are literally nothing but porn all the way down.


Harasaki's doujins

This post

>demo literally hours away.
I am scared.

Attached: hakurei reimu and komano aun (wily beast and weakest creature and etc) drawn by hater (hatater) - d3 (1321x1020, 1.43M)

Let's wait for the butthurt and meltdown

the physical manifestation of my loneliness

Aunn is cute!

Attached: AunnSprite2.gif (64x96, 31K)

those games are very old anyway for a port, a complete remake would make more sense.

The demo is tomorrow, baka. Today ZUN is revealing the CD, which usually has the stage one boss on it.

reimu but with big titties

take your post there first you triple nigger with a side of retard

Thanks for the bump

You realize Japan is in literally the next day right now right?

THAT Harasaki doujin

>2d fightan

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Attached: _20190503_220412.jpg (446x228, 7K)

Nigger are you retarded? Retaisai is the 5th. Today in Japan it's the 4th.

Which one?

and what's wrong with a 2d fighting game that features modern japanese animation? arcana heart is a fun game, and so is guilty gear. take your retardation somewhere else, mister.

Attached: silly old frog.gif (487x560, 898K)

Late on the train but heres the scoop

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The hanging one?
Or the one where koishi and satori meld into some fucking T-virus abomination after koishi cuts both hers and satori's stomachs open and pours some weird medicine in their entangled intestines?

>"In addition ZUN finally broke a major rule of his on porting an official game onto a console."
>what is ULiL: Reisen Version?

Attached: satori.png (415x219, 6K)


ULiL has been on the PS4 for years now.

is that the NTR text adventure?

>unironically liking weaboo games

Attached: download (23).jpg (179x282, 8K)

2 fighting games are boring

Attached: poster,210x230,f8f8f8-pad,210x230,f8f8f8.lite-1u2.jpg (210x230, 11K)

Touhou is shit

Attached: tenor.gif (498x498, 207K)

your dickwon't survive, user

Attached: __komeiji_satori_touhou_drawn_by_asuzemu__8e0fa1804486f0c06d9d030cedff8068.png (752x1062, 640K)

>get Youmu

Attached: 1390778903343.jpg (335x378, 54K)

>botting to avatarfag as a frog

Engage in intercourse.

Why is Aunn so sexy?

Ignore the retard you dumb dumb

Based based based
Shes so lickable and kissable
Sweat reimu!!!!

based and pitpilled

Aunn is a precious little puppup that tries her best to freeload off the Hakurei Shrine.

Attached: aunn want fishe.webm (1000x620, 2.86M)

No Okuu no buy

Attached: 1553211518293.jpg (960x957, 53K)

Because fuck the spinoffs. Give me a proper Touhou collection.

>I will only play SA and Soku

it's okay, it won't die because i believe in it not dying, and in gensokyo as long as you believe it's true. even if it dies it's one hell of a way to go, too, so i dont mind it that much.

Attached: oh yes.jpg (2448x3264, 837K)

>Dissapearance of gensyoko
>Gnesokyo defenders
to name a few

Attached: 1551173982725.jpg (206x213, 13K)

>Touhou All-Stars
>You can use any shot type in any game


Attached: 930.png (259x288, 10K)

real talk, how would a mainline game even work on a switch

Attached: kanmari.gif (1000x531, 506K)

Literally the best part of touhou is its fanmade stuff

Hold [Right trigger button] for focused movement

You can already play the mainline games with controllers

You can play with a controller on PC, it's not like the input is very complex

>not including stirner with all posts

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screen-wise, i mean


it'll probably go the undertale route and have some art on the side since the game is a square

Black bars

ZUN even prefers playing his own games with a duelshock

do we really need to discuss this every 30 minutes

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>more Touhou games on console

Attached: 1510789519720.gif (491x704, 3.22M)

>super lucky

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Attached: beelzeboss.jpg (1280x720, 47K)

>implying reddit secondaries aren't a thing already

This would be pretty sweet.

i want one

Attached: 1556653521224.png (661x720, 491K)

>literally says she wasn't born 50 years ago in eiki's Extra

Attached: cutenavel.png (800x800, 732K)

Only problem with Switch is that the appeal over other platforms is that you could play it portable, but the joycon doesn’t have a D-pad.

>implying secondaries aren't a thing already

Attached: 1555303196190.png (999x1000, 620K)

user, the Zombie Reimu joke is simply poking fun at Reimu's corpse-esque complexion in MoF, nothing more.


Attached: reimu.png (540x1029, 230K)

Oh no, pay attention Reimu!

Attached: reimu mail.jpg (900x1197, 93K)

>Kasen regains her arm
>becomes double the semen demon she already was as a hermit

Attached: 1550849874368.gif (185x344, 265K)

Secondaries has been Touhou's majority fanbase for the last two decades.


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a necessary evil for which i hold nothing but silent contempt

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Generals belong on /vg/


Attached: 1556599176413.png (724x1024, 949K)

wad? i no lie 2hu now


Attached: 1529869651652.jpg (1280x1842, 486K)

>this whole thread
>not a single big tittied touhou posted

shame. The games are ok i guess.

You're the biggest tard here

>two semen demons combine
>double the semen demon
checks out

Attached: 1555703181707.png (1017x1443, 1.18M)

Yea Forums is the worst place to discuss touhou.
/vg/ and /jp/ are leagues better.

I like 2hu agen
lol fuuggg

In the last popularity poll, around 80% of respondents claimed to have played EoSD, with another 70% of those being able to score a Normal 1cc. The prevalence of secondaries is nothing but a /jp/ bogeyman.

>Miserable luck
>Got a job interview tomorrow

Attached: 1529316960320.png (700x700, 103K)

The popularity poll is 90% Japanese. The Japanese don't have a secondary problem. The west does. Retard.

>fighting games

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Really? Just remember seeing a lot of hate for Youmu on Yea Forums.
What's her general reputation in most of the Touhou community?

>The game's been out on a far better platform for like twenty years already

Hey faggots, I just dropped to tell you that pic related is out and scanned already.

Attached: 1554692192422.png (340x991, 132K)

>japanese poll
>this proves secondaries don't exist!
based brain damaged user

Attached: 2018-07-01_22-36-57.png (1024x606, 1.21M)

Wow that cat is FUCKING fat. Satori should take her out for more walks and put her on a diet.

Attached: c7ed4274bd9911824542b35301665c47.png (1024x768, 577K)


Okay M***

Satori is too busy playing with her new pet.

>with another 70% of those being able to score a Normal 1cc
>tfw 30%

Attached: 2qldhqv.png (248x278, 54K)

Yea Forums is the only place that talks about the actual games

FINALLY, but I still have finish off the rest of her doujins

Attached: ERECT.gif (300x167, 894K)

Don't give the shitposter attention

lol no

low quality bait kys

>complaining about muh shitposter
>on fucking Yea Forums of all places
Are you retarded or is it your first day here?

Yea Forums is the worst shithole to discuss video games and everyone knows it you double retard

Just search touhou in the panda, is the second result.

/vg/ and /jp/ have absolutely zero discussion about the games and anyone who tries gets ignored. you can go there right now and see for yourself.

>thinks Yea Forums is his shitposting klub
>calls anyone a newfag
Slit your wrists

touhouniggers need to be gassed

Attached: 1529030086455.png (503x608, 298K)

you're not wrong

It's the other way around dude, just look at this miserable thread. Yea Forums is literally the ONLY PLACE that doesn't discuss the games and just masturbates to 2hus and shitposts with non-2hu shit.

Unironically best fighting game
fuck soku fags

Okay newfag

>MFW Reimu for smash

Attached: 1495831303941.gif (620x620, 1.65M)

>try Touhou
>beat the game
>bad ending, for the good ending beat it without using Continues
lmao fuck this, there's a bazillion games and I don't have time to git gud at all of them

Attached: 1555548660507.gif (281x193, 2.34M)

here are two recent posts over in /2hug/. notice which got completely ignored and which didn't.

Attached: Untitled.png (1320x311, 68K)

It's a shame too, because manga, LN, and lore/mythology discussions are the best part about talking about Touhou.

Attached: H12.png (1114x1600, 729K)

Attached: she's in.jpg (1800x2105, 766K)

>muh cherrypick
I can also do the same you brainlet tranny retard
Jeez, Yea Forums is so retarded

Attached: veddit.png (1080x294, 63K)

You won't find those here either

>Reimu's in

Attached: 1522186302591.gif (600x800, 3.03M)

Who is the Karl of Touhou?

>UFO Lunatic is the rarest 1cc with only 7% of the voters managing to clear it

So that confirms it's the most patrician and less secondary friendly shmup in the franchise.

Attached: 1551409871182.png (709x1002, 1.31M)

Attached: 1479726729988.gif (727x810, 3.92M)

there's nothing stopping your from going over to /vg/ right now and sifting through the shitheap that is /2hug/ to find the 3 posts that are actually about video games but obviously you won't do that because that evidence goes against your narrative.

>Yea Forumseddit

Attached: SSiBRinnosuke.jpg (245x334, 56K)

Keep seething, /2hug/ will always be the superior choice when it comes to gameplay and lore discussion, especially compared to your fast shitposting pseudo-general

I can't believe Yassy's playing Risk of Rain 2.

epic as usual sakuyafag. Go back to your general with your boyfriend shotty.

>being so butthurt that you resort to namecalling Yea Forums shitposters
The absolute state of your shitposting general, LMAO

>/vg/ has entered the thread

Attached: 1530138887152.png (600x550, 34K)

>Yea Forums still seething over the superior board

Attached: 1487779864353.jpg (1280x1024, 354K)

all by teams of people
2hu is by 1 person

How come Touhou threads in Yea Forums always break down to cavemen wanting to fuck underage girls?

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Remilia's last card is cancer

Attached: 1536372172925.jpg (1000x1000, 97K)

people even remotely give a shit about 15.5? That game felt dead from the start

Because Yea Forums is a discusssionless shithole

Spelunky was by one person. But it had very little content and I think it was just in Gamemaker.

Its probably not even coming to the west.

Wasn’t that mostly because the netcode was bad? Maybe they’ll fix that.

depends on the time of day. quality unironically plummets during american afternoon/evening.

Where's soku/PoFV/Ethanols ?

Attached: memehand.jpg (143x94, 12K)

Fuck off retard

Quality discussion as usual Yea Forumseddit

Gotta say I'm surprised. An official Touhou game made by ZUN and Tasofro is now coming to Switch. Welcome to club Nintendo Touhoufags. Reimu now has an actual chance of getting in.

Attached: __clownpiece_touhou_drawn_by_cato_monocatienus__92e9a3abde9e1c50ebc15fae563ec7b7.jpg (800x800, 161K)

The picks were already made a long time ago though.

Want to host in about an hour from now?
I'll be available to play.

I know but you're acting like we won't get season 2.

But you didn't beat the game

I think it would be suitable in a hours from now, I even entered a soku tournament for later,

Attached: Bad touhou doujin plot.png (603x355, 343K)

Here, have some ethanol

Attached: 1552734293409.jpg (1536x2048, 355K)

I killed (one) the final boss
I beat it

There other swordhus than Youmu or she the sole swordhu?

EVO 2020 headliner

We wont. Were looking at 5 dlc characters and it took half a year to release one. I dont see them announcing more dlc 3 years from now.

if you didn't beat the extra stage you didn't beat the final boss

They are all pretty anime therefore they are all swordies.

Something I dont think has been mentioned is that a PS4 port was announced too.

There's Momiji, Tenshi, Shinmyoumaru and I suppose Nemuno even if it's more of a hatchet/butchers knife than a sword

>japanese poll
>claimed to have
I really doubt these numbers are anywhere near the truth even in japan, let alone the west

sure thing jan.

Also Byakuren and Okina pressumably have swords based on their spell cards. And Nemuno has a giant meat cleaver.

Nah. That'll be the next game. C'mon, Tasofro. Don't fuck this up for me.


Attached: HATE.gif (500x385, 492K)

sanae for san andreas confirmed

Fuck /vg/ and fuck /jp/, post music you would want to see in smash if Reimu got in

Hard mode: post fan music that comes close to the kind of arrangement you would want to see

Attached: 1551953290955.png (1280x720, 703K)

You Smashniggers can go fuck yourselves as well tbqh

These two are pretty good

Attached: 1546451524063.jpg (500x667, 85K)
An obvious choice.

which one's the cutest and why is it wakasagi

just do the miniboss glitch, she deserves it anyway

Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree that there is nothing wrong with UFO

The most notable one other than Youmu is Yorihime.
Most other characters with swords don't seem all that proficient at sword fighting and use them primarily for their special abilities.

Now that the dust has settled, we can all agree that there is nothing wrong with DDC

Unpopular opinion: there is not a single version of dichromatic lotus butterfly that I like.

Attached: 1556490697342.png (400x449, 220K)
Really can't have Reimu in any fighting game without this in it somewhere.

Sanae. Definitely Sanae.

I was once called that because I only cared about fanart

Jokes on then, I like Cave shmups better. To me you're not even terciaries, just trash.

>Green Eyed Jealously
>Kogasa's theme
>legend of great dorks
>Raccoon eating grapes

Attached: 1538965374089.jpg (1152x1112, 512K)

How well did you do?
how many people did you massacre and do you still charge 3A crush massacre?

doesn't play the games. It really is as simple as that

The tournament is in 3 hours from now, completely doubt I can massacre people that know how to play as always.
So, hosting time?

Woah, based

what if i play the games but have never 1 cc'd one because im a shitter

still not a secondary

>Primary: Got into touhou with the official, numeral games.
>Secondary: Got into touhou by memes or derivated works
>Tertiary: Got into touhou but doesn't indulges in the actual games, just the derivate works

Answer the following questions:
1)Are you still interested in the source material (games)?
2)Do you need Yea Forums to make you play the games?
3)Do you have an itch that makes you want to dig deeper into 2hu?

Call me basic, but this one

Primary is actually defined by how much you know about the works. If you've played the games (all of them) and know what's going on, you're a low level primary. If you've played the games but didn't give a shit about what was going on/didn't actually complete it, you're still a secondary
It would be a pleasure to hear another take on these songs. They are great already, but the use of actual instruments would be something else.

Definitely this one:

What about official manga? Is that primary?

Attached: 1552498771605.png (306x372, 121K)

>being a primary is as simple as it gets, just play the games!
>also here's a 400 part list of conditions for being a primary

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Get on my level nigga

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