Dragon Quest

You're going to buy our game again on the Switch to show support for our series right?

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No, Final Fantasy is more interesting, neither series is fun.

No, but I'm going to watch the movie tho

Skipped on PS4 due to Sony troubles so I'm excited to get the definitive version my first time around on Switch.

No, your series sucks

>Buy a Sony game on a Nintendo system
No thanks.

>Sony game

No. I pirated and played your game on PC just so I can allow myself to masturbate to the doujins.

I'll wait for the steam DLC/free patch instead.

Yeah. Wish I could just buy it as dlc though.

Leave him be, he's simple.

For that to happen, the game needs to be good.

Damn right I am. Also Serena is best girl.

>I'll wait for the steam DLC/free patch instead.
It wouldn't be free. They had to pay for voice actors and development time for new content so the best case scenario is a expansion DLC cost. Worst case (likely scenario) is you're paying full price for a new version.

Not much ecchi in series so not interested. Square Enix should step up their cunny game and add more ecchi.

Jade's body

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I wouldn't mind paying 10 bucks for DLC. But I'm not paying another 60 for some tacked on sidequests.

Not happening.

Does the switch version come with more varied BGM? If not, I highly recommend anyone buying it to reconsider. The game is OK but there's like 4 BGM tracks in the whole game.

>steam dlc
we're lucky we got a pc port at all
i doubt we're getting switch extras patched in years later

I can't wait to marry her bros

funny how this was literally the first game to be announced for the switch and it still isnt out for it
ps4 release was 2 years ago

No, I already bought the game and being an early adopter fucked me pretty hard. I hacked my Switch just so I could play this version for free.

is all the music orchestrated or just certain songs like battle theme and field?

Yeah and Ill be jerking off to Jade doujins during the wait too

Top tier taste

Yes, I will be buying Veronica's game again.

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I’ll be playing it for the first time when it comes out on the Switch. In the meantime, I’m gonna finish the rest of the series that I haven’t played through. How was 11? Was it as good as 5?

You forgot IX

So does this game also end around level 40 with the post game being nothing but grinding in order to beat 2-3 bosses like 7 and 8 did?
Is it a staple of the series to have a poor postgame is what I'm asking essentially. Definitely enjoyed my time with 7 and 8 otherwise.

I want to cram my fat fucking cock into her pussy

Yeah the postgame's not very good this time around.


something like that. I like them all, though II is kinda meh.

Postgame is Act 3.

No I will buy it for the first time because I seen the scenario coming.

Can't wait for that 600p docked goodness.

>this time around.
Meaning that there is a DQ game with good post game? Which one is that?

>You forgot IX
Just like everyone else.

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Why is the OST in nearly every DQ game complete trash??

The same hack don’t letting anyone do it instead.

How come Enix doesn't do the smart thing? Release a collection of Dragon Quest 1-10 in the west and use the best versions of the games and include unlockables like history of the franchise to inform newcomers and release that for the Switch? Also advertise. Enix is a moron so far. The only reason Dragon Quest doesn't have a reliable fanbase out of Japan is just sheer idiocy.

How big of a cuck do you gotta be to buy a shit game in hopes of imaginary pussy?

Because he has like 3 styles of song he just replicates for every track in every game.

Sad town theme. Upbeat town theme. Bombastic and ear raping battle theme.

Why is your taste complete trash?

Because they can sell them all desperately at different times.

Why didn't you use roman numbers for DQ VIII? Why would you use them on all of them except one?

uh, which one?

>DQV > DQ8 = DQIII >
I'm not gonna comment the rest of games on your list because I don't like VII and didn't finish anything after VIII, but this is true. 5 is easily the best DQ games, and I can't decide between 3 and 8.

What the fuck are you on about? Since when is DQ a porn game?
Why are you posting on Yea Forums if you don't even know anything about the most basic videogames?
So many questions.

Already beat the game and was disappointed.

I might pirate it on Switch.

>and was disappointed.
Just out of curiosity, what disappointed you?

That would be costly and sell fuck all

Also let's face it, the majority of these games have aged poorly and even the most up to date versions are a bit crap

one of them in particular

One of them is boring so not her, I want the exciting fun one.

it was an error user, I fixed it in the following post.

Because there technically isn't one for 8. VIII is nonesense and isn't the right way to do it.

You mean the one who dies?

The orchestrated music is DQVIII was comfy as fuck. Like the tower music.

I uninstalled this game because the world music is super annoying.

You're right, it should be DQIIIIIIII

Tower of Alexandria, you mean? Oh yes.

I didn't see your second post, that just rubbed me the wrong way. Apologies

VIII is not nonsense, 5+1+1+1.
Either that or IIX, which is even more stupid.

have sex

Don't want to talk spoilers even for a game this old but yes that one.

Surprisingly this isn't a copypasta.

Kindly leave the site or preferably life in general. Thanks in advance.

No. Playing a graphically crippled potato version of this game is an insult to how great it is. If and when Square does a re-release or DLC expansion, then I will play it again in Japanese. If they don't, then that's too bad but I'm not playing one of the most graphically impressive games this generation on a fucking toaster oven that can't even run a 10 year old port of tales of vesperia without constantly crashing.

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>Release a collection of Dragon Quest 1-10
You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

Why is VII fine but VIII isn't?

Same. I was going to buy it on this Golden Week sale but I remembered this bullshit

Thanks user, that means a lot to me

have sex, sweaty

Holy shit mods get rid of this shitstain already.

The voice actors and the art direction are the only genuinely good things about the game. Fight me.

top tower theme comin through

who is the most fuckable DQ girl?


Ya'll need to stop fighting. Here have this and get mad at this instead.

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Or I can just not be mad at anything and merely make fun of retards on the internet as I debate that DQ7 is the best.
Seriously though how can anyone be mad at resetera? It's like getting angry over children being dumb, they can't help it so what's the point?

it's like getting mad over Yea Forums, for gods sake

>purple hair character
Do not lewd Henrick.

Nah other boards have standards. Yea Forums is equally full of retards though that's true.


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I am going to buy it and impregnate Jade while laughing at the vanilla version beta testers.

have sex

she fucks demons

She may not be related to you by blood but she's still family.

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When I learn japanese, sure

That got retconned out of existence if you play the post-game.

she's still family because she's my wife, that's correct

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not him but the whole O MY REWIND

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that's a big forehead

so it's ok cuz she's 20 years old right

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serena's getting fucked up on sparkling cider

why is DQVI so underrated?

People hate Murdaw

Ravioli ravioli don't lewd the magic loli

she probably couldn't satisfy you because she's so small.

fuck off nigger

y'all can take Jade, I'll take best girl

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>Suffew fow youw mastew!

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smashbabbies will experience pure tamashii JRPG instead of wondering if Persona 5 is coming to the switch

is there a notable amount of content being added? Like DQVIII added Red and Morrie for the 3DS version.

>New story scenarios focusing on each party member
>Dual audio
>Orchestrated music
>3DS version's exclusive content (16-bit mode and legacy quests)
>Can change battle speed
>New Audio Drama DLC
That's what know so far

There's a rumor of a new party member too. They had a vote on it a while back. I think the top 3 was Jasper, Ice Witch and Gemma.


Reminder that Kandar deserves a happy ending too.

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Not a very good selection

>only the switch version gets all the good stuff
how is this even fair?

It’s not

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Do you think SE will reveal anything DQ related at E3? I'm hoping for offline DQX

Are these some kind of bench mold? I might play Erik and Sylvando's game again though.