Is this the only decent game that can scratch a GOT itch? Its also just underrated, as a wrpg and I think has aged well with time.
Is this the only decent game that can scratch a GOT itch? Its also just underrated...
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>GOT itch
is bioware that hungry for attention? I'd agree on witcher or KCD, but damn inquisition of all things.
KCD is probably the only one, anything with too much fantasy goes way too far from Game of Thrones. Medieval, plot about taking over land and usurping people, the whole noble vs commoner shit.
Witcher 2 is what you're looking for.
It's stupid schlock written by and for retards, so you're right at home
More like Dragon Age Origins, which has a plot revolving around a very similar threat to the wight walkers.
maybe the game of thrones rpg?
It's not too bad, bit clunky, but playable.
that one melee berserker thing build was decent fun.
>aged well with time
It's 5 years old
holy shit GoT has been big longer than I thought
Anyone complaining and bitching about Inquisition
Have you actually played the game or are you a contrarian faggot echoing Yea Forums's opinions and think you're well informed of the game after watching 5 minute youtube clip?
I don't see a reason to hate the game because the game looks good, the combat is satisfying and varied and story is decent
I want to hear a good reason to hate the game, go on
>waahh wahhh story bad, me too smart for story
you haven't consumed actually good media in your entire life, mouthbreathing retard, stop pretending you're a fucking connoisseur of writing when in truth you know absolutely fuck all what makes a story good
please, present us with something that you deem "well written"
i recently tried playing it again a few months ago, and the biggest reason why is stopped was that the dialogue was clearly written by someone with a low IQ. A smooth brain rtying to write inspiring, threatening, erotic, dialogue is so cringy and outputting. i found that almost none of the dialogue choices for the character made sense given their context, and i was constantly butting heads with my options for dialogue, wishing i was playing a better game every time i entered a conversion with an NPC.
>I don't see a reason to hate the game because the game looks good, the combat is satisfying and varied and story is decent
Low effort bait
if you liked anything after season 3 then yes
most of the game is fetch quests and SJW agenda pushing. god you people have astoundingly bad taste in video games
play fucking kingdom come deliverance and stop taking it up the ass
Well he "hasnt consumed actually good media in his life" but you on the other hand have ben shoveling rancid shit down your throat, so that makes his taste still better than yours, buddy.
Biodrones, not even once.
if you're unironically defending bioware's fucked up writing abilities then you got bigger problems than what you think other people should be enjoying, and they are in your brain
there's your (you), don't tell anyone I gave you one
>strategy/behavior options for companions completelly gutted compare to previous games
>barely any skill combos
>scared to go full action rpg so its a weird hybrid that just feels like shit
>muh crafting//MMO grind that's not even worth the effort
>companions are shit
>obnoxious elf/solasfags
It is simply bad.
>remove healing spells because "muh balance"
>plot is completely fucking shit
>game is suffering from being designed as open world areas littered with monsters and points of interest, that add nothing but tedium to the game
>you can't just go for quests immediately, you have to do menial shit like closing fade rifts
>ending of the game is closed off behind DLC
>graphics are mediocre at best with completely ugly models and coat of grease over everything, I think hairstyles are the biggest failure in video game history
And many, many more. Thank God I got it for 5 bucks on PS Store sale.
You actually have to have some incredibly strict form of autism to write-off a game solely because you didn't like the dialogue choices
I had similar gripes with Gothic 2's dialogue choices and such, but that didn't take away from my experience of the otherwise magnificent game.
Thy highness and his 200 IQ should stick with making spaghetti necklaces and finger paintings since you can't find enjoyment in dumb fiction
The fucking state of braindead bioware fans nowadays... Can't fucking stop to read dialogue, only wants shiny collectibles plastered all over the screen and watered down gameplay... I'm fucking glad Bioware is dying and CRPGs are making a comeback.
Witcher 1-3 are the only games that are remotely like GoT
they're also much better than GoT
>no counterargument
>buzzword insult
Like clockwork. Nobody's defending biodrones, inquisition is not a bad game and you can't even object.
>zero arguments - the post
Just saying things doesn't make it so, give us some data to work with
I love how you didnt reply to any of the other people bringing up valid complaints about the gameplay and design.
That's because I was writing plethora of other replies
There are valid complaints but also many of them are blown out of proportion
>casualized gameplay to appeal to wider audience
a game doesn't have to cater to hardcore players to be deemed good
this is not an argument and I've yet to hear examples with valid criticism behind them
>not completely action RPG but rather a hybrid
not sure what this is supposed to mean, the gameplay has stayed somewhat the same than previous 2 games
>crafting as a complaint
not everyone's cup of tea but certainly not a negative, gives an alternative for regular looting of gear
>shit companions
hardly an argument, you can command your party and make use of them how you see fit, different party comps for different situations, they're as good as you gear them up to be
>removal of healing spells
Not every RPG has to follow the same formula of what type of spells there needs to be in a game, shields act almost the same way
The open world aspect I can agree with, games with more linear approach tend to be better at keeping interest than having a sandbox with collectibles and shit to do, people tend to lose interest after wandering aimlessly.
Frostbite engine is absolutely amazing for creating good looking sandboxes, but sucks at animations, cycles etc.
The Screenshot and the audience Cisquisition fostered quite literally proves that it was so bad that it groomed a completely new fanbase of gibberling mongoloids like you.
But sure, Ill bite.
The combat-system completely falls apart on any other difficulty than easy
>Its impossible to actually use any custom tactics at all because your squadmembers cant even stand still in the same spot for 10 seconds
>It was so bad that I had to decide between turning down Nightmare-Difficulty or disabling Friendly Fire.
>Birds view is a bugged mess, unoptimized, slow, unresponsive and simply a pain to use.
>Can forget about using any crowdcontrol abilities in combat because your retarded AI companions will decide to attack that one disabled mob for a miniscule amount of extra dmg
>Higher Difficulty turns enemies into walking HP-Blobs that two-shot everything but your tank
>Its easier and faster to nuke enemies into oblivion than actually resorting to any sort of tactics
>Cross-Combo system is completely useless beyond Medium simply because it doesn't do enough damage and its easier to take Solas, Iron Bull and Cole and skill them for maximum Ability spam for DPS than disabling enemies or creating combos.
This is hands down the worst combat of any game that had the audacity to call itself an RPG. They somehow even managed to make the combat worsethan in DA2. Bravo Bioware.
game was fine until I hit the timegated mission table
absolutely fuck that shit, then I got a mod to remove all the time shit in the table and the game wen't back to being okay, 6/10 with mod 4/10 without