Do you agree with this list?

>Hispanic characters aren’t always represented well in video games. They are there, but they don’t always get the treatment that other groups tend to get. When asked, most people can’t even name a few Hispanic characters, let alone think of any prevalent ones in gaming culture. However, when they are recognized, even a little bit, it can be seen as a beautiful thing, reminding us that representation is important in video games.

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>Do you agree with this list?
No, King should be first

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I don't care and I'm mexican

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Cute Chihuahua

>1. Rico R-
Stopped reading there. 1 should be King from Tekken. Whoever made this list is a brain dead idiot.

What is Vega, a spaniard, doing amidst latinos?

Suplex Daddy is the best.

Vega is Hispanic, from Spain but not Latino


My first thought was Garcia Hotspur

I don't agree with anything ever, even if I agree with it.

>picture of character notnon the list


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Is he saying Spanish people aren't white?

Hispanic just means Spanish speaking heritage

1. King
2. Ramiro Cruz
3. Manny Calavera
4. Juan Aguacate
5. MAYBE Rico Rodriguez.
I fixed your list, Journalist cuck.

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>hispanic so that they can pull from any country of hispanic descent
>they struggled to name 5
Jesus. King should be #1, but how do you not mention Angel after? Just Cause? Who gives a fuck about Just Cause? Or the random pain in the ass sister from Dead Rising? Journalism Failure 101 here.

Somebod ymake a List with the 5 best germanic characters.

Without including Adolf Hitler

Best Mexican girl should appear

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Fuck hispanic characters,I want native central/south american characters

where the hell is all the Aztec and Inca vidya?

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Blazkowitz takes up like 3 slots automatically.

relating to Spain or to Spanish-speaking countries, especially those of Latin America.
a Spanish-speaking person living in the US, especially one of Latin American descent.

It's not strictly incorrect but it is definitely odd to call a Spaniard hispanic. Hispanic essentially means "like Spain".

Dom in Gears was the biggest bro in gaming.

>It's odd to call Hispanic someone from Spain
>Spain is known as the Kingdom of Hispania

If you want people to care about your culture, let people make shit featuring your culture even if it's a little inaccurate. As soon as people need a checklist to follow before inclusion, they'll just skip you.

It's all a non issue though. It's all hyper privelaged white women that worry about accuracy.

>Rico Rodriguez
Motherfucker comes from an island in the Mediterranean that's just as much french and italian as it is spanish. They don't even speak spanish there.
Whoever wrote this fucking list is an addled zoomer who doesn't know a fucking thing about videogames.
Where's Manny Calavera?
Where's Luis Serra?
Fuck this place.

>hispanic characters
>character in the pic is brazilian
One fucking job

Yes. Those two facts are not mutually exclusive.

>expecting game journalists to actually play video games

Delta in general were fucking great.
Its amazing to think that the perfect multicultural team of cool dudes came from THE dudebro shooter of the 00s. And they probably weren't even trying.

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What would you expect from the lowest form of Hispanic.

Colombian bro checking in and I do care. Hispanic culture is way more interesting than nigger culture and we get no forced representation. I don’t even give a shit if white people are the ones writing it, there’s a lot to take from instead of the same old tired shit.

Because everytime someone tries some fucking punk bitch white girl throws a hissy.
I, for one, love hispanic culture.
Fucking hate you people, though. Faggots.

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Whoever wrote this crap is about to get quesadilla bombed.

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Rico Rodríguez is Mexican

Nobody cares about Incas


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Why are all Hispanic characters from Mexico?

my favorite Honduran Caravaner

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I miss Dom so much bros...

I barely play fighting games, let alone Tekken, but King is memorable as fuck and I'd always pick him if I did play.

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>picture of Christie

They know she's a hue right?

thanks for posting gladium, forgot to filter your trip

He was a straight up nigga,

Attached: RDR2_Artwork_Characters_JavierEscuella-2246-360.jpg (640x360, 75K)

What's a hue?


Basado y rojoempildorado

Who the fuck cares about spics? Maybe you shouldn't have the world's poorest countries and the highest crime rates in the world, then we can discuss model characters.

You for real right now?

Gunther Hermann

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representation is forced racial catering
just make a good game instead of being a fat racist sjw whale

who gives a shit you sjw faggot kill yourself

now i want a Inca-souls game

Best Pokemon from Mexico

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