Kakariko Village...home

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At least it was before Bongo Bongo fucked everything up

nice minecraft village retard

>You will never play ocarina of time for the first time ever again

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What was Hyrule's tax policy?

for me, it's Littleroot Town

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It hurts.

BotW's Kakariko looks better and more comfy.

>three houses in a forest clearing

Pretty embarrassing m8

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have sex

I still remember not knowing how to get past the guard when I was a kid because I barely understood English.

>Super Mario Sunshine is 17 years old this year
>Ocarina of Time is only 4 years older than it

Really jogs your cogs

Hylians: 20%
Gorons: 25%
Zora: 5%
Shiekah 1%
Gerudo: 50%

>People in Kakariko bathed in and drank water from a well filled with corpses

Xen.... home....

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>i will never play this shitty game because i will never buy a nintendo console
feels pretty good desu

>what is emulation
based retard

It actually does. Pretty impressive thinking of the graphical disparity between the two after such a short period of time

>Hearing the title theme
>First time seeing the huge open field and feeling absolute wonder at how much there's to see
I want to go back.

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For me, its Castle Town.

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>play Xenoblade back in 2012
>step out onto Gaur Plains for the first time
>recaptures that same magic all over again

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For me, it's the back alley.

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Woah there user, a soldier died there..

Every other location was proper 3d, why was the town so shit?

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The late 90s are unironically the time when 3D graphics relatively made the largest jump.
Afterwards it started to come down to minor shit you usually wouldn't even notice.


but Yea Forums told me that only Americans played on the N64

emerald came out 15 years ago dog

Now, leaving aside that is obviously not the case.

>understanding English

For me it was Xenoblade X because I hadn't played the original.

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X's world is kino, too bad about the story

True, hopefully X2 manages to bring together the best of X and the other two games.

I spent hours wandering around doing stupid shit in the village as a kid

Yes, it's still zoomer shit though

wow those grafics are shit

Nintendo, don't hire whoever made that

wow these tits are ass

Heffner, don't hire whoever made that

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Well if that one user was telling the truth, I don't think anyone in the game ever bathed.

Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's for zoomers. Also if you think Pokémon emerald is on the same level as Fortnite you're a fucking retard.

What expression is this face supposed to convey?

Too bad about the character models

have sex

modern Yea Forums would probably call her a tranny

Manhattan... home.

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Home is where the start is.

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Zoomer is anything modern

Gamecube is retro

No it's not

soul overload

I just got Ocarina and my friends old 3DS, can't wait, looks comfy


How can it be retro when I was in high school when it came out? Not everyone's an underage zoomer like you

Have fun and don't listen to the remake haters

pre-rendered 3D is kino

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gas all nostalgiafags

Why was this necessary? n64 could render all of Hyrule field at once but not a single 3D town square?

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Mona Lisa was the original smug anime girl

Its more soulful

they ran out of time

OoT was originally designed with that scrapped 64DD thing in mind, they had to go back and cut/change a bunch of stuff to get it to work on the regular N64. Hyrule Castle Town is just one of the casualties.

Prerendered backgrounds look better than what the N64 could render in real-time.

she doesn't have eyebrows

And thats a fucking good thing

Ive showed the game to a friend lately and he didnt get it, not one bit

It just doesnt have the same magic nowadays

Based boomer.

Fuck off samefagging underaged shiteater

I don't think you know how samefagging works, kiddo. Why are you zoomers so angry?

OoT remake is great, its the MM remake thats a fuckin abomination

That ain't me dumb cunt

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This is the town equivalent of a cuck shed.

But aren't pre-rendered backgrounds harder and more expensive than real time?

multiplayer when?

This is soul. Such a powerful, emotive scene. I genuinely felt Saria's pain.

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You may not like it, but this is what peak comfy looks like.

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not at all, how do you figure? a pre-rendered background is just that - an image stored on the cartridge that is called up as needed. an actual area like kakariko village needs to be rendered in real time as you play it, which is much more expensive.

zoom zoom

I haven't gotten to MM yet, what's bad about it?

This scene made me realize to stop putting pussy on a pedestal and go save the world

I don't get why this was a thing when it's confirmed that prerendered graphics take up even more space than just rendering it normally. Not to mention it looks all pixelated, gross, and doesn't fit with the style of the rest of the game at all.

Mostly SOUL/SOULLESS stuff.

Fucked up physics and retarded boss redesigns.

It's basically true.

What’s different about the physics?


I think people would rather suspect Downs.

You don't build momentum when you run onto water as a deku scrub

It's not about "taking up space" it's about processing power you retard.

You think being in high school during the early 2000s is modren? Are you so fucking jaded that you can't judge time correctly anymore?

they fucked up the bosses big time
physics arent necessarily different, its just you cant hop on water as easily with the Deku mask.

and they fucked the Zora swimming

its just arbitrary stuff that was perfect when the original game came out.
they did add a couple QOL features, but i'd trade that in for boss fights that stayed true to the original.

they seriously fucked up the boss fights

Pure comfiness in every game it's in.

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I figured that If pre-rendered backgrounds were easier and cheaper, than Devs wouldn't have unanimously stopped the practice in the mid 2000's.

Not him, and I was in middle school when it was released, but the GC is retro by now.
In the another three or four years fucking Wii and PS3 will be retro.
Think back to that time. NES was easily considered retro in the late 90s.
It was about as old as the GC is now.

By the way, how has time been treating you?

fuck off fucking autistic assperger retards

the game is fine and better than vanilla. your autistic nostalgia doesnt make the game any worse

>The name "Kakariko" may have originated from "cocorico," a French onomatopoeia for the sound of a crowing rooster. It may also come from the Spanish verb "cacarear," which means the crowing of a chicken. This is probably due to the fact that Cuccos appear in every incarnation of Kakariko Village. The village's name in the French version is, in fact, "Cocorico."


>the game is fine and better than vanilla
no (You) from me, nignog

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Kino der toten... home.

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pic related

>Deku controls and physics slowed down and nerfed without retooling the Swamp's object layouts to account for the changes
>Zora swimming absolutely raped (not even the Magic swimming feels right)
>Bomber's Notebook is forced on you, covers way more characters and events, and the new animations of the notebook jotting shit down are murderously slow and now entirely transition the screen to a fullscreen menu instead of the original simply having a quick pop up window in-game
>the bosses get progressively worsely raped as you play on, all being designed as far more railroaded bosses that afford you increasingly little experimentation for your first fights with them (and they make the FD mask an even more useless bonus)
>Fishing Holes are added but they amount to absolutely nothing meaningful; not even any achievements in the Bomber's Notebook
>the retooled save system trivializes the themes and actual consequences of the time system (they should've simply made the Statues offer only one save opportunity per cycle)
It's like Aonuma's jealous ass was trying one last time to implement the wrong lessons from games like TP and SS.

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For me, it's Clock Town

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Whoops! Seem to forgotten an extra meme arrow there

die zoomer

>reddit letter media consumer

no suprises here

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I think it might have to do with emphasizing just how badly Hyrule's gone to shit once you leave the Temple of Time after becoming Adult Link
While most other towns remain the same (because there's only so much you can do with just changing some textures while leaving all the models in tact), the new background for Castle Town really emphasizes the "HYRULE IS FUCKED" vibe the game tries to go for while you're an adult
Just speculation on my part

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i wish nuzombies was fun

Only one person actually had a RedLetterMedia pic. And that doesn't address the argument. You haven't argued why MM3D is better.

I seem to have done it again

>I haven't gotten to MM yet, what's bad about it?
More like what is NOT bad about it.
OoT3D is at least pretty much just the OG game with worse art-directing + some casual spoonfeeding functions you can live without.
MM3D changes fucktons of gameplay, for the worse.

>Link just stares at her for a couple of seconds, turns 360 and gtfo.
young link was based

Personally, for me? It's gotta be Outset island

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For me, it’s Norune Village

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Zoomers are the generation after 90s kids. If you grew up with Mario Sunshine you're a zoomer. You probably think Oblivion is better than Morrowind to.

But what do they eat?

>building concept lets you put things wherever the fuck you want to make your own towns how you want
>turns out everything has a 100% canon placement if you want to actually fully complete everything and in fact there is no freedom to build at all

Biggest fucking shit betrayal of all time

>Zoras barely have to pay for anything because everyone wants to get into their pants
Master race

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Para yo, es San Miguel... La Ciudad del Sol

Kino picks

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God, I want to fuck that fish so bad.

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I miss it bros

Japan did it first. Da Vinci in Fate/Grand Order takes on the form of his Mona Lisa.

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Zanzibar Land... Home.

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define modern

I remember literally pissing myself because I was so engrossed with the game that I didn't want to get up and use the bathroom.

Metal Gear 2 is peak comfy


wtf why is it so tiny?! I thought it was bigger!