/osug/ is extinct

>/osug/ is extinct
>no osu discussions anywhere on the internet
>lesser and shitier beatmappers
>practically has a dead community at this point

why did osu die Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


too many weeaboo songs

game got overrun by little zoomers who are obsessed with esports and memes.

more like redditors. Reddit destroys everything it touches.

>too many weeaboo songs
This, I'm not into high pitch voices so it was very hard to find anything to play.

>no osu discussions anywhere on the internet
what would you even discuss? how many shitty maps of anime songs there are and how there's not enough other genres? how all maps are either piss easy or balls to the wall hard with almost no in-between?
also lazer where/when/will it ever?

why, my peenus weanus of course :)

hahaha! :D

it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah

theres lots of really interesting music to find if you search for unranked maps. I've found so many good singers/bands that way.


Weebs make everything shit

I tried getting into osumania when I got nostalgia over jamlegend but the charts are hot trash. The notes aren't even synced to the song they just spam notes for the sake of being hard.
Also I strongly dislike vocals specially moe shit.

Community is more about sucking top player cock nowadays.

because it's not a very good rhythm game

But there is so much digging to find when some smart filter would be a godsend.


because as a rythm game its actually quite basic compared to other rythm games. I'm not saying its not fun but even guitar hero is a bit more complex


> Nightcore
Only ironic weebs like that shit.
Take a song, high pitch, put an anime girl background, there 2000000000000 views.
I just play Osu for my Touhou beatmaps desu

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ironically, it's full of seasonal anime songs, but completely ignores iconic/old stuff. They should hire good mappers to map diverse music to keep game alive and promote old maps by putting them on top of the list from time to time.

>songlist is 99% anime openings and other weeb shit
>gameplay is ass, just spaz your arm and mash two keys
>osu!mania is just a poor-man's iidx, don't even get me started on osu!taiko
>combo-based scoring encourages mashing instead of being on time
>community is shit, most mappers don't know what the fuck they're doing
If you want to play a decent rhythm game there's a million other games that are better.

>ouendan/EBA are all pop and rock songs
>osu! is all japanese annie-may flavor of the month and the rare "people actually put effort into this file" contest winner/song with storyboard/whatever
where did it all go so wrong bros

I would play it if had less weeb shit. All good maps are cringe shit

>combo based scoring
It should have died sooner.

Would rather play stepmania.

This i like the game but nothing but anime beatmaps kills it for me

>>combo-based scoring encourages mashing instead of being on time
how so? don't you lose combo if you mis-time? or am i mis-remembering shit

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Haven't played in forever but I think you lost your combo if your timing was shit but not if you tried to hit nothing.

Why would someone play this game when you can emulate every good rhythm games on pc

This is the only thing I really hate about osu, especially with slider breaks.

osu is only about streams and retard jumps
they don't even listen to the sound when doing a map, they just put streams everywhere and it sound like shit
also combo based scoring is retarded

>osu is only about streams and retard jumps
>they don't even listen to the sound when doing a map, they just put streams everywhere and it sound like shit
Here's your (You)

This, it's almost impossible to find a good /new/ map. Thank god for older beatmap packs and Entozer's beatmap list, because now I'm actually pretty decent at it thanks to both.
I had a friend a few years ago on steam who said he was banned off the osu!forums for constantly spamming the creator to add the game to steam, and inevitably got pwned for it. I think it would've been an excellent decision, but I still legitimately do not understand how the site still functions - it's literally sharing mp3 files for music.

I still and always will play the game for all of the thousands of old maps i've hoarded, but there's no reason to start these days. The only out is for anons to upload beatmap packs that contain graveyarded maps and other oddities, they're always underrated gems. I'm buying a beatmania controller though, I just don't like mania or the way people treat osu anymore. It genuinely deserves to go into maintenance mode.

That's what threw me off osu for good and got me to learn Project Diva instead. At least there your accuracy is more important than your combo.

>practically has a dead community at this point

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I just want a new Ouendan/EBA game ;_;

Maps are prioritizing speed instead of jumps so they're less fun.

Shut your bitch-ass up

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osu! is bigger than ever but the quality of mapping has gone down a shit ton over the past 4 years and the pp system has degraded to the point of not being even remotely fun.
Basically most of the oldfags quit or rarely play and the newfags are brainless retards that eat shit.

t. brainlet with potato aim
Just because you can't control your nerves and choke like a bitch doesn't make it a bad system.

The community is shit
>multiplayer full of larping 14 year olds and russians with smoke signals for internet
>every lobby devolves into high rank players putting on maps that are way higher rated, eventually all the lower ranks leave and it's now a high rank lobby
>"trust me it's easy xDDD" as they put on fool moon or some other overplayed bullshit meme map, often dying immediately when the map really kicks in
>sotarks or other 1:30 length anime op/ed maps that are way overweighted for pp
>everyone gobbles high rank player cock whenever possible

Let's just play singleplayer instead
>combo based scoring
>pp farm maps mean the progression system is broken, you can get a top play for half the effort if you pick a map designed for pp, not fun or anything else
>80% of new ranked maps are from the usual suspects that make the same map over and over again, like making them out of lego

I play it an hour or two a week, it's not terrible, but I wouldn't want to be associated with it in public.

But what's the problem with that though?

I like Osu, but I fucking suck and will never get good, I can barely finish songs on easy mode.


what are some good rhythm games for pc


i mean't aside from osu

>a clear with 99 perfects and 1 miss is worse than a clear with 90 perfects and 10 misses
This is your brain on combo based scoring

It barely has any real jpop. Where the fuck are my SMAP songs

If the one miss play had a miss on the hardest part of the map(the middle most likely) then yes its worse than a play with 10 miss but they fc'd the hardest part.

Shit maps mostly.

Maps are either:
>Unsynced garbage
>impossible hard shit for tablets
>snorefest for mouse
And few good maps.

There is huge spike in difficulty, without bridge to git gud. Plus scoring algorithm is absolutely retarded.

that VR rhythm game

I want to play beat saberso bad, but I'm afraid that after 30-50 hours or so I'll lose interest and dropping dropping however many dollars for a headset and reliably working wands/hands/whatever for one game seems a bit much.
It's cheaper to buy a console of your choice and a taiko drum.

there are other, non-rhythm vr games that are also good, like bootleg counter strike or the multitudes of cockpit simulators
also can't you just, like, rent a headset? is that not an option at all?

Too much seasonal anime songs and not enough Bemani/DJMax/BMS

LunaticRave2 (or IIDX INFINITAS if you got patience and money/time to burn), keyshootmania, Stepmania.

>renting a headset
First time I heard of such a thing. A quick google search says 40-60 eur a day, which is unreasonably steep. I'm convinced I'd love it for the first week or month, so renting would only make me want to buy it even more. After a month though, not so sure.
Also nobody I know owns a headset so I can't go to their place or shit like that.

When did it become cool and acceptable to hate anime here? Did the redit invasion actually get this bad?

For mania at least, you don’t break combo unless you completely miss. Even getting the most off time judgement will keep your combo, unlike pretty much every other vsrg.

Good, osu is shit.
>Community is pure fucking cancer, consists of underage ironic weeaboos and other reddit-tier faggots
>Relies on combos almost exclusively for score, which is absolutely fucking retarded.
>Ranking system is shit because of the above.
>Fucking VARIABLE TIMING WINDOWS the settings of which are completely in the hands of the mapper.
>Most maps are fucking trash. There's an incredibly obnoxious tendency to overmap songs that have relatively simple composition only so they're harder to play.
>Almost every song in the game is stolen from Bemani games. Literally picking the scraps of better rhythm games.

Feel free to even attempt to prove me wrong, you actually fucking can't. It's the literal reddit of rhythm games. The only good thing about osu is that it acts as a filter for catching the lowest common denominator of weebs and other faggots from contaminating the rest of the rhythm game community.

Literally every single osu faggot should eat shit until they die from a stomach rupture, they're already halfway there.

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I like anime but I don't want to share a community with ironic weebs.

This, desu. The reason I go back to the other rhythm games is because you do get some variation with genres and its not just another fucking FOTM anime OP/ED. Hitech to gabber to chill house, those different genres change up the sound and chart design enough to keep a songlist fresh.

git gud

i dont dislike anime but i liked elite beat agents and it didnt have anime in it's songs so i expected more of that with osu! but i didnt get what i expected.

Haven't played it in years.
Don't remember why I stopped.
Probably related to my switch to Linux, though.

But mania is not even combo based. Combo literally means nothing and it's all about accuracy

Idk if that changed in scorev2 but I know combo does in fact have a fairly heavy weight in your score, the only difference is that it doesn’t act as a multiplier in mania since the score caps at 1mil or something. Combo does affect your score though

my problem is only that they keep using the literal most boring shit out there
only ever play about 1/50 songs i have

What about Osu Tatakae Ouendan 1+2?

This. Play other rhythm games you faggots.

> Imagine being this wrong about the game
Did you even play it ? What fucking meme maps did you play ?
Most of the maps I played were actually good and not over mapped and some shit.
Community is cancer, like most communities. But the game itself is fine

Dunno I haven't played in years but from what I remember getting high accuracy and shit combo was still much better than getting perfect combo with shit accuracy.

Agree with everything except he overmapping part. All rhythm games need to have hard charts to play otherwise you end up with 2015 sdvx where people start the game for the first time and within 3 months they have already reached the point of AAAing the hardest charts because nobody added hard charts to the game

>ywn experience those satisfying key buttons clacking to the music
I hate that arcades are mostly dead in the west or usually too far away to be worth the time/money

Nah, it's a more case of this Around 2010 or 2012 (i forgot the date) mods started banning people for "offending" special snowflakes, sometimes due to language barriers. On top of that they got rid of many channels and removed all the shitposting channels, turning both in-game chats and forums into no-fun-allowed zones, eventually banning pillars of the communities

isn't it just japanese rock and pop and what not? japanese lyrics do not make a song anime.


>play other games
>posts arcade cabinets
Good luck finding an arcade in yurop. If you do find one, it probably only has DDR as far as rhythm games go

desu beat saber gets a lot of mileage out of that 30 - 50 hours since your sessions will only be around 1hour long. obviously you'll be able to go longer as you get used to it

fuck those fags who think hitting lots of notes just by flicking your wrists is fun though. quite honestly lost interest since thats what the majority of maps started turning into, spam fests just like osu

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Plenty of good maps are still being made for people want to basically dance. Few sure compared to the mashing shit maps.

Avoid anything thats expert only is a good start, means the creator is shit and just wanted to throw in tons of notes rather than make something fun.

Any good rhythm games besides Voez on iOS? I prefer these kinds of games with touchscreen.

Cytus, made by the same guys

What is there to discuss about it?

Cytus is better

>muh reddit boogeyman
you newfags are pathetic

for me, i want to play maimai.
live in america so, well, fuck me

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>40-60 eur a day
you could get one new for 10days of renting, what the fuck are those price

Cytus 2 is pretty sick and it's getting a Miku song pack in a couple of days

osu has always been garbage only ironic weebs play

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arcade data

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Actual weeb here and i agree
Only ever play 1 out of 70 maps since all of the music they choose is garbage, and anything thats tolerable was obviously left in by mistake

one time i was playing handheld taiko in public and someone saw and said "dude is that osu?" cemented my opinion of osu players

Any good mobile rhythm games?


here's your dead game bro

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20k peak is nothing, there was a time where the peak was 250k


Community maps fucking suck, they are either too easy or too hard, they can't get on the "just right" difficulty curve of these masterpieces.

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Those maps are piss easy when played with a mouse/tablet, have you tried to play any of the 1:1 ports?

Anytime someone recommends something it's always some DDR ripoff garbage. Who the fuck plays 4k on a keyboard

Anyone saying "too many anime songs" is literally retarded. Normie music has never been the focus of the game. In fact it's cringeworthy to see 100bpm pop songs try to get mapped. Weebshit has more beat diversity, higher than average BPM (faster), and has the advantage of pissing off normalfags.

>Why yes, I do indeed play Etterna

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You can full combo the entire song and still get a shit score if your accuracy is shit. It really doesn't mean much.

so if i want to try out taiko what should i get switch or ps4?
are the drums any good? thought i saw something how you should open it and place a piece of cork board inside

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Didn't think that someone would port them, where can I find them?
I mean, yeah, I could look for them on the beatmaps page, but if there's an easier way to find 'em, I'd be grateful.

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Or search tags authentic eba cover

>Unsynced garbage
None of the ranked maps are mistimed.
>impossible hard shit for tablets
For a pretty long time, the 2nd best player was a mouse player.

Turns out shitters only hate osu because they're shitters

How about you actually learn the game instead of sucking ass and complaining that it's not EBA? There obviously is a learning curve. EBA charts fucking suck with any proper osu playstyle.

More than likely your shit timing caused you to miss due to high OD

The rest is more arguable, but be aware that there's quite a few top 100 players that use mouse.

>switch or ps4
both have different songs, the switch have shitty minigames while the ps4 have nothing
>are the drums any good
shitty quality on both

for example is literally an anime song.

I had to reduce my tablet area and was never able to adapt. I miss this game but I gave up.
What is there even to discuss?

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>I hate that arcades are mostly dead in the west
Over here they never were a thing, because arcade machines are treated exactly like gambling machines.
Why are they dying elsewhere?

Overmap is a term faggots use as an excuse to cry about sucking at the map.

Get the PS4 version, the Switch version is literally for kids and is generally regarded as one of the worst console Taiko games in a long time whereas the PS4 version is considered one of the best. PS4 has a proper practice mode, lets you play against other players' ghost data if that's your thing and has a great assortment of DLC if you grow tired of the default tracklist.

The drums require modding but it's pretty easy to do and there is a ton of tutorials out there on how to do it.

what an absolute shitter lmao

Overmapping makes sense as a term when there's literally no reason to have that many notes in a space besides to inflate difficulty. Let's say a song segment has a simple beat and all of a sudden the mapper goes off and makes his own batshit insane beat for no reason. That's definitely overmapping.

don't try to talk with osu shitters
they think having 14 beat streams is acceptable when there is no sound in the music

>Let's say a song segment has a simple beat and all of a sudden the mapper goes off and makes his own batshit insane beat for no reason
That is literally not allowed in ranked maps, at least when I still played. You'll have to show some proof of that.

The people who say the maps are shit have no clue what they are talking about.
Every single active player of the game I've talked to is able to give me a collection of maps that they find fun and enjoyable. People from any skill range can answer do this.
I'm guessing the people in this thread who formed an "opinion" on this game played it once years ago and think that is 100% of the content.

>You'll have to show some proof of that.
just download any map from the past 2 years

>Let's say a song segment has a simple beat and all of a sudden the mapper goes off and makes his own batshit insane beat for no reason.
Then it's not synced properly. Not overmapped.

Looks like you don't even play the game lmao
Nice argument

>I'm guessing the people in this thread who formed an "opinion" on this game played it once years ago and think that is 100% of the content.
You're giving them too much credit. They literally just parrot what a single /jp/ rhythm game thread fag told them, you see it by how much "criticism" is just factually wrong.


>finally find a song i like
>only mapped at 3 stars or below
>literally unplayable

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I don't have osu installed, but I highly doubt that I'd find what you're trying to prove. Objective "overmapping" isn't allowed and usually doesn't make it through the modding process.

what did you expect from this place

imagine thinking this reply meant anything lmao

Why can't osu!shitter go back to their shitty forums or the osu reddit where they belong

the osu shitters are the ones who can't play the game ie you

It can 100% be timed properly and be overmapped.
The maps that are made today would absolutely be considered overmapping in the past when we had rules, but le epic mappers (all started back in like 2012, its never stopped) pushed the bar so far that it's been normalized.
What do you want exactly? A specific map? Just go download any TV size map from the past year, nearly all of them have become a playground for mappers to do whatever avant garde art project they want.

Skystar, Monstrata, Hollow Wings, UndeadCapulet, Sotarks, or any one else that knows they belong in this list if any of you are reading this suck a fat one

>how dare they have their own opinions! Damn osu faggots

Skystar and Hollow Wings made some of the best and most fun maps of my time. Now I know for sure that you're just bad at the game. Dropping names was a mistake.

>I can't complete this map so its shit
git gud

why even play osu in the first place, it was literally made for weeabos.

Before every map was triangle spam, monstrata made some good shit

just hope an R1 opens near you

That's the argument everyone says when they don't know how to constructively add to the conversation about the state of this game.
"You're just bad, obviously you can't even play it!" - This statement has been the facilitator of the slippery slope I've witnessed this game go through as a mapper/modder.

What those people, among others, did to osu! turned it into what it's become today, a marketplace of overmapped shit for those looking for their next PP hit.
They not only did this through their maps, but also by pushing against the modding community until they got what they wanted. Let's not even begin to talk about how fucked up it is that there's literal cartels that can get maps ranked in a day due to their friends.

A lot of the mappers that belong in that list have made good maps, but they did far more damage than good.

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I stopped playing because I did everything I wanted to do. I got too good for easy/normal maps and I didn’t feel like becoming autistic in order to beat the hard maps. Then my computer died and I just didn’t feel like reinstalling.

Good maps are still being made to this day for any skill level.

>That's the argument everyone says when they don't know how to constructively add to the conversation about the state of this game.
No, that's because you're an absolute shitter who can't play maps with non-generic mapping style like HW stuff
Keep crying while people have fun

>PP hit
If you're playing HW maps for pp, you're probably doing something wrong.

The game becomes more enjoyable the better you get.

I'm up to 5* and it has only gotten better
Aside from the turboslider spam maps it's bretty good

>too many weeaboo songs

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It would be nearly impossible for there not to be good maps still made, that doesn't mean that the ratio of shit hasn't gone up drastically.
I rest my case. Try to contribute to the conversation next time.
His maps are unique the way Pollock's paintings were unique at the time, its definitely ... creative, but I included him in the list because his shit would have been by far unrankable if the window of whats acceptable in mapping hadn't already been pushed so far.

It's for ironic weeaboos. What did you expect out of retards that click on circles for a rank?

they implied they arent playing it

Post KINO maps

Anyone else love pata-mon maps?
Shit's not a rancid jump fiesta but rather patterns that are kind of tricky to read
Too bad most of them are low *rating


Bros... how did he casually fc this shit after years of being inactive.

"""""""”"""""""""""rhythm"""""""”""""""""""" game

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Bastardized ouendan gameplay by allowing keyboard mapping to function for taps. If you dont have a stylus or know how to increase your mouse sensitivity then fucking burn it down.

No joke, I was literally about to post this. Grumd's mapping style and breakcore are just such a perfect combo.

From Skystar, this one was pretty memorable for me:


I just want lots of instrumental songs to play. There are plenty of video game songs for that.

cheaters are rampant, I quit half a decade ago

If they did miss 10 times on easier part then yes its worse

>or know how to increase your mouse sensitivity
What retard doesn't know how to do this? You? Fucking kek I would be surprised if you can even function independently.

But not on osu.

Glad it's fucking dead.
Lost all respects I had for them when I discovered they refuse to delete accounts because ''it messes with their databases'' and also charge money for changing your name (EVEN THOUGH the old name can still be seen on your profile).

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At my Round1 I heard someone behind me say "it's like osu!mania" while I was playing IIDX

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>how to increase your mouse sensitivity
If you're too dumb to change the game options that's hardly the game's fault, imbecile-kun.

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>Playing IIDX
I can smell you from here.

This, the human wall has been distorted so much that no one cares anymore, pretty much all top players cheat. No way to detect it either. Your scores will never be appreciated accurately as long as people who are garbage at the game believe crazy impossible scores


>pretty much all top players cheat
Bullshit. You have any facts to back that up?

>Bullshit. You have any facts to back that up?
Of course not. He's probably an IIDX shitter who's mad that osu is the better game.

Not him but a good amount of them actually do although they are non detectable hacks like replay submitters.

Most notable players stream with handcams


I don't know advance they've gotten, but people used to get caught when they used those.

Yeah that doesn't stop them from using replay submitters when not streaming. Its extremely easy.

good luck getting in the top100 with a hack

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>10-20k cheaters get banned a month
>still decaying 3k per month

You're fucking retarded

>Bullshit. You have any facts to back that up?
That's the problem
Probably no one here remembers the Tom94 incident

t. played the game for 5 minutes and got mad because he wasn't instantly a god
Angelsim got number 1 with mouse at one point

Who here FPoSu?

I do, and his hacking wasn't subtle, there were others who had their suspicions and enough proof before he fucked up while recording. He's also not the only one who hacked his way to the top 20 or even top 10, but these are single cases and far from
>pretty much all top players cheat

Now that's just simply not true at all
You don't have a larger timing window just because the AR is lower and vice versa for high AR
AR only affects when you first see the note and never when you can actually hit it

He's talking about OD, and while it's not wrong, it's weak criticism because it doesn't matter. If you can time OD10, you can time everything else, and that's all it comes down to.

He's probably talking about OD, but that barely make a difference and most mappers use the same OD

>First 4 minutes of the song is 5*
>Last 30 seconds is 7*
>Map has 7.4* difficulty
This is my biggest complaint about this game. Maps being piss easy for the first 90% and then the very end being some shit that turns your wrists to dust and you fail. That's not a difficult map, that's one difficult section.
Fucking Sotarks

Maybe that French dude who streamed and it was obvious but he never got banned
I don't know man, I try to avoid anything osu! related past 5 years. You've been playing that long? Are you still really good (if you were)?

What is even the point of this mode? Am I retarded or is it literally just mouse only osu with a weird 3D environment?

Nah, I've not played osu in over two years. I used to be 3-digit before I stopped. I just come to these threads to see the hilarious shit IIDX faggots say.

I've dropped over 30,000 in rank recently and I've never had more fun playing this game
Caring about PP and rank really turns this game into a boring grindfest with modern PP mapping

I'm actually disgusted with this `mappers familia`. Community is an absolute dipshit, made of circlejerks. If you even dare to criticize any of BIG mappers' set you get comeback from 10 guys literally wanting to suck this mapper's dick.
I just came to this realization by watching Sotarks' channel.

Well, I like the game itself. I like weeaboo songs so it just clicks for me. But scoreV2 is a must. Too bad peppy is a lazy, stubborn fuck.

Also enjoy osu!lazer. Coming Summer 2030

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This is so true. Downloading a shit ton of beatmaps and just never logging in and playing offline is the most fun you can have playing

I've played nothing but Loved maps for the last 2 weeks and it's been great. Downside is most Loved maps are jump maps so now I can now pass 6.5* jump maps but I can't pass 5* stream maps

It's good for FPS aim train I think?

osu died after the ranking update, that prioritized older players, rather than skilled players.

Download that retarded long stream practice map where it's like a square that loops around and around. Helped me

what did he mean by this

Did you have a stroke typing this?

Yeah playing for rank is trash
During the last few years I played osu, I just stopped caring cared about rank, just enjoying the game and unranked maps
This is the most healthy way to play, get good by playing stuff you like then spam a few maps to increase your rank from time to time if you care

Are you talking about bonus pp? lmao

>Fucking Sotarks
Funny, I find his maps quite consistent in difficulty.
But I agree, those maps with vastly higher difficulty towards the end should not get ranked.

Around 2014-2015 or something, there was a ranking update that just pushed older players ranks to the top and dropped actual people with points and skill.

Can you not read?

user you are actually retarded.

Sotarks' maps are consistent in that they usually have a few short 1-2 jump sections
But then they'll have like a 30-40 second long section which is purely 1-2 jumps and it's just so fucked up

Because it takes actual skill to get good at it and those that are good deserve the recognition and shit they get. Nobody wants to spend the time to git gud or make maps.

pp killed osu
make geckogates #1 again

Because osu! is a shit game. It's Elite Beat Agents with none of the skill or rhythm.

user you don't know shit about osu

You keep the combo as long as you hit but the points are far less if its good or bad compared to the higher ranks. So actually ranking takes timing and precision. Which gets chaotic on higher ks of Osumania.

they replace score ranking with pp my dude

>osu is too hard for me so its shit

>It's Elite Beat Agents with none of the skill or rhythm
The insanity in this thread is reaching the next level.

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No there isn't. Its based on points and skill. I've got tons of friends who are in the Top 5 of their countries just due to skill alone.

(You) I have 1k hours in the game what you are talking about is ppv2 but you have no actual understanding of what you are talking about. It didn't push old player ranks to the top it implemented osutp which was a third party ranking system that ranked plays on skill rather than popularity.

It really is, its pretty easy to tell when a thread is popular and anons just pop in to throw in an opinion they heard somewhere and then leave.

>Around 2014-2015 or something, there was a ranking update that just pushed older players ranks to the top and dropped actual people with points and skill
I have no idea what you're talking about, cookiezi was unbanned late 2015 and he went back to #1 in a few days

That's what high BPM songs with complex rhythm are for. Just adding notes where the song doesn't have any doesn't make sense, which is why even in 2019 SDVX some songs stop at 13 EXH

you do realize every beat agent maps are in osu aswell

And Joker is in Smash, that doesn't make Smash a Persona game.

so how is there no "skill or rhythm" if you can literally play the same game on a different platform?

This analogy dude. What the hell are you smoking?

More like osu! is too fucking easy. The timings are too lax and the charts are catered to retards. Not surprising that osushitters don't know what a good rhythm game is.

And you have aids, so...

What fucking dimension do you come from where EBA is anywhere close to being hard, let alone as hard as a game where the upper limit is decided by people who've been playing for a decade?

ok show me your best score in osu

Are you mad that osu is more popular and requires more skill than your favorite rhythm game?

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Post you passing Galaxy Collapse no mod please

I miss cookiezi's old plays

Shame about the Everything will freeze reverse choke

In what situation is this true

Any situation where those 90 were one combo and those 99 were made up of smaller combos

In standard a low acc higher miscount run could be worth more score than a high acc lower miscount run depending on where the misses were.

Personally, I moved onto beat saber.

It feels just as, if not more gratifying to play, easier to impress people with, and at the very least burns a couple hundred calories every session so I don't feel like a fat cringy fuck playing it.
Just wish it had a stronger beatmap community. I have already mastered most of the songs worthwhile

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>used to play in 2012
>met a cool guy from venezuela
>spoke perfect english
>just after pp was released, we found a way to get a ton easy
>would search up obscure maps and play hd hr on the hard difficulties
>got top 500 in a couple weeks doing this even though we were absolute shitters
>one day his account gets deleted, probably some retarded reason maybe got bored and cheated
>don't remember his username
>probably struggling to survive now or dead

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>Why do people talk about stuff that they hate more than the stuff that they like
He's right, this is dumb

You do realize I wasn't the original user, I was actually agreeing with you. I was talking shit about him saying it had no knowledge because he's like one of the anons who just pops in and spouts random shit he heard and leaves.

FPBP. Once something gets infested by weebs it's doomed to die slowly, painfully and miserably. Same happened to Yea Forums.

Fling your arms around is more cringe than clicking your keyboard a lot. Not saying beat saber isn't fun or anything. It just looks retarded from an outside viewer
t. had family visit and play with my vive

Because if we don't talk about the bad maps and the way mapping has gone to shit then we can't do anything about it

>Osu is too easy

Try being rhythmically challenged and say its too easy. I know what you'll say

>but I am
Nah, trust me, you aren't.
Because they don't like anything and spend their time bitching about everything because they're sad and lonely and its how they express their feelings.

everyone moved over to chen2, the better imageboard

Yea Forums was always weeb central you fucking retard, that's the entire reason it exists is because SomethingAwful can't banning anime talk with Moot and shit.

This is hands down the most accurate answer to the question.

you dont have to get involved in the community to play the game so who cares

Only discord trannies complain about communities being cancer

The case is they get many positive responds even if their map is shit. Then they got swayed by single negative comment. That's just like they are affraid of stating the truth that they made a mediocre map.

if they get positive responds then maybe its not shit

Or its actually a good map, and people have differing opinions on things. Not saying it doesn't happen, just saying it's not always the case.

It was always a weeb game.


osu is a soulless clone of the most manly/based rhythm series to exist. niggers dont even tap fucking notes, they trace with a motherfucking tablet stylus and press buttons. that shit is wack as fuck bro.

It's a "simulator" that you play in a way which is fundamentally different from the game it is simulating, and it does a shitty job at it. Then you have additional nonsense like this which is just embarrassing:

buy a touchscreen

The retard who made the video as well as the people keep posting don't even know what they're talking about. Cranked up OD all the way to the bottom, and what does it prove? You keep your combo because it's within the 50 range. Play any proper chart and try this and you'll break combo and die.

You tap notes in osumania if the map is good.

so what's the problem with stating the negative opinion?
What I meant is that these mappers see only negative comments and cry over them like children.

I swear out of the 87 posters in here, only about 8 of you have probably played OSU, the rest are just parodying shit you read/saw elsewhere.

The point is nobody asked for a shitty IIDX simulator meant to compensate for the base game's general trashiness. It's especially insulting how most of Osu's top "maps" depend on music from Japanese indie artists who made their mark in the BMS/be-music scene, such as cranky and xi. Osumania is completely indefensible and only complete retards too fucking salty about their inability to play proper rhythm games try to ironically defend it.

sorry i don't want to have holes on my crt

Why did Flash Flash Revolution die Yea Forums?

worst music game on the scene by far, and I'm also counting the mobile ones

seething iidxbab

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It isn't simulating IIDX you fucking retard. O2Jam is an entirely seperate thing.
>It's especially insulting how most of Osu's top "maps" depend on music from Japanese indie artists who made their mark in the BMS/be-music scene, such as cranky and xi
Don't know how you conclude that these are the "top maps", but most of the xi shit didn't even originate in BMS of Fighters or is tied to BMS at all.
>Osumania is completely indefensible and only complete retards too fucking salty about their inability to play proper rhythm games try to ironically defend it.
You haven't made any good argument yet, so try again. The bullshit you were trying to prove is just you not understanding shit about the game or bothering to.

because its a shitty flash game with a retarded amount of input lag

>only complete retards too fucking salty about their inability to play proper rhythm games try to ironically defend it.
You IIDX neckbeards are the only ones sperging out

>The absolute state of osufags
Christ you're all pathetic, no wonder your game is dead

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>but most of the xi shit didn't even originate in BMS of Fighters or is tied to BMS at all.
xi is a known name exclusively thanks to bms

Ran out of fuel already? Damn, I thought you'd put in more effort.

I don't give a shit about that part, I'm talking about his music. Since the argument is always that osu only steals music from other rhythm games, but this doesn't apply here.

Same thing Beat Saber is suffering from. Literally just meme songs and animefags.

I don't wanna be a fucking little girl listening to fucking anime music hitting blocks.

that made me laugh way too hard

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It's time to let go granpa

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but that's literally what happened
>jap makes song for bms/bemani/phone otoge
>osutards make map and pretend is osu shit
osu is literally the deviantart of music games it deserves all the hate it gets

I wanna get into rhythm games, where should I start?

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I've been using osu solely to play Taiko mode for years now, and from my time spent (regrettably) within the osu community it seems to have one of the largest transgenders playerbases

Discord trannies aren't a meme, they're everywhere in osu. But I mean, should you even be surprised considering the genre of game osu is? Also surprise surprise, most of them are insufferable and usually attention whores

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>osutards make map and pretend is osu shit
literally never happened
everyone know its shit from beatmania, sdvx etc
it's even written on the map page at "source"

You do realize that you can see the Artist name and Source of material on all beatmaps right?

>it deserves all the hate it gets
Ah yes, DOZENS of smelly IIDX fags from Yea Forums sure are doing a great job putting osu in its place. I don't know how they're still alive after being bullied into submission like this.

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everyone that played it simultaneously got carpal tunnel

More specifically, too few Anime OPs, instead just a shitton trance, superweab, and J-Pop.

>tfw you find a beatmap that's a suitable replacement for tapping your fingers on the table to the beat of a good song

>all this osukeks salt

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>tfw iidxtards stop bumping the thread

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maybe they're busy playing their real and alive game that doesn't need to leech off other stuff to keep existing lmao

>western iidx community
Even in Japan it's a zombie being kept alive by its hardcore players. But I'm glad there's still a little bit retardation left in this rhythm game general.

>tfw they're back

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Shut the fuck up faggot and go back to Yea Forums

Like someone said earlier the fact that 99% of the music is weeb shit really kills the game for me.
Imagine playing something by Einstürzende Neubauten or even some normie friendly bands like the Smiths.
Every single song being from an anime or anime related really hurts the enjoyability of this game

there's a lot of non-anime song

Fact of the matter is normie music is all the same tempo and beat, nobody wants to play that.
