Is it true that Smash players smell bad? Do you have any personal experience with this?
Is it true that Smash players smell bad? Do you have any personal experience with this?
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People smell bad at at tournament, most autists that attend these don't know how to put on deodorant
I've seen a thread like this before.
In my experience it's not an issue 90% of the time, though on hot days after a few hours poorly conditioned venues can get kinda bad. I have had to sit next to a few people that were straight up rank, though.
Yes, like no offense to the people I play with but some of them smell, like this one guy he just smells sweaty but this other guy has horrible breath
I don’t understand why smash players smell this bad
I only play smash with friends and family. So yes. It smells like farts and pizza.
Normal hygiene aint shit next to those mad wavedash skills or whatever the fuck they're going on about.
Most Nintendo fans smell the worst. Was at a local convention and a horrible smell was lingering in the nintendo area. Plenty of smash stations before it was released as well. Every other spot, people would let you play after one round or when the demo is finished. Not in the nintendo area. Stinky autist would look at you befuddled if you wanted to play something.
But a lot of fighting games attract stinkers regardless, since you have to have a degree of autism required to continuously spend time playing them and getting better, unlike most other games.
Except for skullgirls, most people who play that are pretty cool.
I mean I'm sure there's plenty of them that don't smell great but personally I shower once, maybe twice a day depending on if I go to the gym. I just like being clean.
Not really, this is a delusion by street fighter and other fighting game players. The difference between smash and street fighter tournaments is one has teenagers that don't shower and the other has people in their mid 30s not showering. One clearly smells worse, but because smash players are capable of joking about themselves and the latter isn't, the joker mostly goes on smash.
Moral of the story, don't go to smash tournaments, but don't even get near a "real" fighting game tournament
Do people really not get why this happens? Smash players smelling bad picked up because it's funny, but it's any tournament with the nerd stereotype. Fighting games, card games, DnD sessions, comic book stores ect ect.
If you haven't noticed a lot of people with these hobbies are fat, and the area for these hobbies are normally small. Stuff a bunch of fat people in a low ventilated room and guess what happens. They sweat. Combine that with the fact not a lot of these people are really good with hygiene in general.
It got so bad YuGiOh made an official ruling to clean yourself up.
t.YuGiOh fag that had his fair share of smelly basement tournaments
What delusion? I'm telling you what I personally experienced. Kys. Didn't read the rest of your post. Take a shower.
I shower every other day, BUT I wash my face and pits with a lotion scrub on the day I'm not showering.
Anynore than that and my skin chaps like shit.
I get why it happens. Smash players stink and it's entertaining to make fun of lolcows. Yes, you are pathetic.
and you clearly haven't been to a real fighting game tournament, if you saw specifically nintendo cosplayers or something smelling the worst you're probably just remembering the con the way you want to and are now doubling down on it
This is pretty accurate.
Warhammer shops fucking reek of sweat and so do CEX shops and they cater to mostly overweight nerds.
>your memories are wrong
Lmao, kys.
And I've been to a fighting game torunament before. Was nowhere near as bad. I'm from Switzerland and not from your 3rd world shithole where people get shot daily. Tell me again how I don't know what I experienced.
Any large group of nerds is gonna fucking smell bad you idiot
>what about the other people?
Back to Venezuela, commie smash faggots.
We get it you don't like Smashfags.
I'm not saying smashfags are exempt, I'm saying nerds fucking stink
Smashfags are fucking nerds, as is pretty much all of Yea Forums
What do you think a poorly ventilated room would smell like if you stuffed every Yea Forums user in it? My guess is bad cheese and death.
Yu-Gi-Oh has the second-most-known fandom for smelling bad.
>It got so bad YuGiOh made an official ruling to clean yourself up.
Read the post retard.
I did, retard.
yet it's the smash players who smell so bad that they stand out from the other autists
Then why point out something he already pointed out, retard.
He didn't point out that Yu-Gi-Oh specifically is also known for smelling bad, not just nerd hobbies in general, retard.
>YuGiOh made an official ruling to clean yourself up.
>t.YuGiOh fag that had his fair share of smelly basement tournaments
>didn't point out that Yu-Gi-Oh specifically is also know for smelling bad
This Tbh, speaking as a melee player myself
I've been to quite a few big melee tournaments, only noticed an odd smell around the smash4/ultimate sections of tourneys, and I figured it's because they're younger/more Nintendo autism crowd than the usual melee set, which has a demographic more similar to the FGC. (btw smash is not FGC)
I guess my point is, it's probably mostly 1st-timers, teens who haven't discovered deodorant, etc, which Uber-popular new releases tend to attract.
(only smell I've ever noticed at a melee tourney or a FGC tourney is weed)
>Smash players smelling bad picked up because it's funny, but it's any tournament with the nerd stereotype. Fighting games, card games, DnD sessions, comic book stores ect ect.
>If you haven't noticed a lot of people with these hobbies are fat, and the area for these hobbies are normally small. Stuff a bunch of fat people in a low ventilated room and guess what happens. They sweat. Combine that with the fact not a lot of these people are really good with hygiene in general.
Holy shit, retard.
I remember back in highschool joining a "game club" since I had nothing better to do. They had Smash bros, and I remember this one kid who would play it had the absolute worst smell to him. It was horrible. Every single day he smelled like this. He must have never bathed, used deodorant, and had unnaturally bad glands for him to smell as bad as he did, as consistently as he did. On an unrelated note, I remember another kid who would walk through the halls wearing a Mario hat and holding a Wii wheel in front of his face, steering as he walked through the halls like the cover of Mario Kart Wii.
>shower/clean/deodorant self every day
>still paranoid that I might smell bad
In my experiences, every type of "nerd" gathering smells awful. Vidya, comics, card games, anime, etc. conventions and the like all smell like death. Seems to be an issue with this type of demographic
See this is what I'm talking about. A dude like that would not be tolerated at a weekly anywhere other than a high school, but he might make an appearance at the latest Nintenbro tournament even though he doesn't know how tf to play, it's the same as Mario kart to him
In my experience? Odds of a guy like this playing smash Bros = 10x the odds he plays Blazblue or whatever. Idk why.
So you get like ten or twelve of them scattered around every smash major and they stink up the joint. Shit sucks
You're a dumb faggot. I've been to plenty of FGC tournies and the smash smell is always hella present.
Yeah. That's the rule I was referencing.
How fucking difficult is it to take a shower
If I shower that means less time for GAYMEN XD
I guess you assume I'm from America
Not really though
The smell is part of the meta, imagine distracting your opponent because of the smell. that's like an instant win.
Yes, all 14 million Smash Ultimate players smell bad.
I can only speak to the Melee/PM side of things but I’ve been to many in state tournaments and out of state majors like Paragon, EVO, and Genesis and I would say that most people do not reinforce the stereotype of smelling bad. There was one event I went to with kind of a crowded player area, and the CRTs there were all very condensed and causing more heat than normal, so yeah the players were sweating and that was unfortunate but most events have setups in a more spacious configuration and better AC. All of the people I’ve roomed with have been great and always showered and took care of hygiene daily even if it was many of us in a room. We’ll probably never escape the meme though because there are some autists that fit the bill to a T and once you get people making fun of others over the internet it never really stops if those people are still targets of ire.
>all these literal smash shitters on full damage control
Even Max says you fat fucks smell
I went to a local smash tourney once. The smell was fine, but holy fuck the heat, I was almost gasping for air time to time.
I didn't. Yikes. Obsessed retarded fag from a shithole
I do
>Playing in a Melee tournament in Atlanta
>Sit next to my opponent
>That smell
>Mix between tire rubber and sweat
>Unfortunately he cannot compete without playing the Space Jam on repeat
>No headphones, so its blaring loud as fuck
>Disrupting all the other players around them, including myself
>Some complain, the TO doesn't care
>"Do what you gotta do to win as long as you aren't physically touching your opponent, B."
>Win the match, and the next opponents don't smell any better + have more obnoxious quirks
Shit sucked.
Literal autism.