I just picked these up. What am I in for?
I just picked these up. What am I in for?
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Spoilers that ruin the games.
the best star wars games money can buy, and pretty beginner friendly d20 rpgs
play them in order and you will have a good time
Kotor1 either jesus doormat jedi or dickass evil sith choices.
Kotor2 more of the same alignment choices but with Kreia tellinging you both extremes are flawed.
A good game, and a bad game.
all while knowing full well you have to be one of the extremes for the class advancement, fuck kreia
i suggest getting the restored content mod for swkotor 2, especially as they also fix up alot of the bugs.
Great games. Make sure you play 2 with the Restoration content.
A very disappointing endgame for 2, which feels rushed and incomplete as hell, even with the Restored Content mod.
true. but unfinished as it was its still a better ending than mass errect 3.
>here's my padawan. I have trained him wrong, as a joke.
first, get the restored content mod for 2, its mandatory.
second, get the fuck away and play both or you will get spoiled. seriously, who the fuck jumps head first into a sea of trolls and retards like this?
>A very disappointing endgame for 2
I thought it was better than the endgame of Kotor 1, which has one of the worst endgame in any RPG I've experienced, with waves upon waves of respawning enemies. You couldn't run past them either, since they would KO your party members and the game has the 'you must gather your party before venturing' requirement for area transitions.
The final conversation with Kreia is much more interesting than Kotor's 30-second award ceremony ending.
Kotor 2's endgame setting of Malachor is certainly a hell of a lot more memorable than the rather generic Star Forge.
Taris is a slog and something is bothering this nigger
You mean it’s better than a game that has one of the most notoriously bad endings in the history of video games? Well shit, let me roll out the red carpet.
Sub HD resolution with no easy fix.
star wars
Just stopped by to say: FUCK KREIA. Old ass hag, judging my choices no matter what.
A combat system that becomes more and more trivial as you progress, and by the end of the game you’re steamrolling fights.
You think Kreia was hot when she was younger?
Good games from an era when RPGs weren't bullshit
dickless goodie two shoes or twisted fucking psychopath followed by an unfinished game that turns the writing of the first one on its head
Kreia seems like one of those people that was born old.
I think she might have looked a lot like Atris.
A solid rpg for Kotor even if it's very derivative and kind of silly in Universe.
You need restoration mod for II and it's a more mixed bag. It would be the better game if it was finished but sadly it isn't, even with the mod.
Gee, think they’re related?
i recently started replaying this and got an interesting argument with atris where you call her on all her shit and she realises she's a cunt, i dont remember being in the game, is it part of the restored content or was i just an edgelord at 13 when i played it the first time?
I suppose it was implied but I don't think it was made clear. Or I didn't see it.
Who knew Star Was and a fucking d20 system would work. They are monuments to a bygone time, enjoy them for what they are. There are few RPGs now that have the same feel, I just replayed KOTOR1 and it pushed me to try KOTOR. Having a fucking ball so far, will not shill it tho. Play KOTOR 1-2 and have fun.
Really? Star Forge May have seemed like a generic factory, but Malachor seemed like endless repetitive caves and temple rooms. There was nothing distinctive about any of the rooms or corridors from what I remember. It all feels so copy and pasted, probably because that’s exactly what happened.
bitch is trying to make you think for yourself. Stop being a pussy and just taking it, and stand up to her with your own ideals and shit and she will be on your dick in no time
judging by her daughter, i would say yes
Im retarded, it pushed me to play the Star Wars MMO, I hate acronyms....
>You need restoration mod for II and it's a more mixed bag. It would be the better game if it was finished but sadly it isn't, even with the mod.
>more than double the amount of feats
>more than double the amount of Force Powers
>the addition of a new influence system that makes character interaction much more interesting, including the ability to train companions into Jedi or Sith and teach them Force Powers
>the addition of a new in-depth crafting system where having a higher rank in a skill (repair/computer/awareness/demolitions/stealth/security/treat injury) lets you craft different items, equipment and equipment mods
>the addition of actual skill checks; in Kotor 1 only (Force) Persuade was ever checked in dialogue and it was basically an insta-win button for quests
>lightside/darkside points are now attached to all interactions and dialogue responses, not just for completing quests like in Kotor 1
>equipment is far more interesting and varied
>various other improvements, such as the addition of unarmed combat, prestige classes, force forms and lightsaber stances
>much more variety in gameplay and level design; there is nothing in Kotor 1 like the defense of Khoonda or the vision quest on Korriban
>a beautiful orchestral score, with each area in the game having its own unique track; Kotor 1's score consisted of low quality synthesized music, and the same tracks were lazily reused for different areas
>12 companions, an increase compared to Kotor 1's 9 companions
>a humongous leap in the quality of storytelling, dialogue and voice acting
>actual Jedi robes (instead of the lame tunics of the first game) and facial hair, meaning you can finally LARP as a badass Jedi Master
>all this with a development time of barely a year and made by a newly formed studio and a tiny development team; by comparison, Kotor 1 had a development time of more than 3 years with an experienced studio and a big development team
2 is vastly superior to 1, even without mods.
Apparently a few good hours of shitposting on Yea Forums.
I enjoyed using cheats to make every character into a Jedi and give them infinite light side or dark side points.
>jade empire
>think about doing a light side playthrough in Kotor 1
>remember instead how much fun it is to turn Bastila into a corrupted dark side slut
It's just too good, I can't resist it. It's like turning Xoti into a maniac in Deadfire.
>all this with a development time of barely a year and made by a newly formed studio and a tiny development team; by comparison, Kotor 1 had a development time of more than 3 years with an experienced studio and a big development team
Yes it’s amazing how fast a team can make a game when 90% of the assets are already made for you, engine included.
Why the fuck are you opening the config file when you can just run commands?
I don't know if its different on the steam version, but in the disk version you needed to enable cheats first.
Last play thro we talked and she was against me having feelings for her and I told her that I never had feelings for her. I felt bad. She felt bad. So when I fought her and turned her back to the light I told her my true feelings that I loved her. So many good feels from that play through, dont think I will ever top how the whole game went that time, feels wise....
honestly if it was a singleplayer game i would love it. the story for imperial spy is 10/10, same with sith warrior or whatever the class was. but the grinding and most of the general quests were a fucking chore to drag out time and by the time you're lvl 35-40 the grinding will make you stop caring about the story because its just so fucking tedious.
I'd rather do taris than fucking paragus station.
>Windows XP
>Hypercam 2 shortcut on desktop
What fucking year is this?
Stream that film, if you're so great.
early 2000s
It would be so nice if there was some way to bypass it on repeat play throughs, like how Resident Evil lets you skip tons of bullshit if the player knows what they’re doing.
A a very typical star wars story followed by a engaging deconstruction essay with better companions and force powers
So far, I have enjoyed it, Im fucking depressed from being an over worked retard who refuses to sleep so I stay up gaming. Its been fun, defiantly gonna get a sub soon and join an RP guild.
This is the model they used for the jedi Exile in SWTOR.
You may like it or not, but this is her official appearance.
>Yes it’s amazing how fast a team can make a game when 90% of the assets are already made for you, engine included.
You say that, yet you have sequels ike Dragon Agee 2 that manages to look and play worse than its predecessors.
Cuz we 1337 coders here
they are not
actual spoiler:
She was Arren Kae, jedi archaist like atris, who trained revan the shit that made him quit the order, which led her teachings getting all the blame for the jedi schims. She also banged a general making the handmaiden, and finally got exiled form the order. After getting disillusioned by the jedi, she founded her own sith academy teaching sion and nihilus the other extrermes of the force, but being powerhungry niggers, they quit listening to her halfway after gaining near godlike powers, and they too betrayed her.
Not giving up, and wanting to prove that her teachings are true: it is actually the force user, not the force itself who should be controlling events, she found a blank state that already proved they are not forces little bitch (unlike literrally every current force user to the point of dieing wihtout it) by willingly giving it up once: the exile. She then sets them up to gain power and best all her other apprentices, doubters and even herself in either arms or though philosophy, then if they succseed, they will have a clean state to spread their own (seeded in hers) teachings without opposition, whatever it may be, jesus or satan, she will be happy.
thanks user.
That makes me appreciate the game even more.
Because they switched engines between the games dude. That makes a world of difference.
First of all, if you care about spoilers, leave. The games have been out for forever and people don't spoiler their story discussions anymore.
1 is a hodgepodge of star wars tropes that is superb on the first playthrough. Combat sucks but the rest of the game is fun so it's easy to ignore. At first.
Gameplay wise 2 is a slight upgrade over 1. This is a fact. The leveling system is slightly more fleshed out and combat is slightly better with the addition of some stuff to make it less painful. Overall it's only small improvements, but it still makes going back to play 1 a little more frustrating because it doesn't have them.
2's story is divisive here, mostly because it's not the classic straightforward story star wars media is known for. Some people love it for trying to do something original and interesting with the star wars setting, other people think its pretentious. Whether you hate it or love it, you have to admit it's impact here has been large because we still discuss it 15 years later. It's discussed more than 1.
I've played them both at least 15 times each and I still find them fun when I go back to them. 1 is a little less fun because the story is so straightforward and the twist is boring. 2 is still pretty fun because it gives you a lot to think about. Personally I think 2 has aged better because of this.
>a very typical star wars story
That's an understatement. KOTOR 1 copies the original trilogy plot points harder than The Force Awakens.
>main character forced into adventure
>mentor character dies early on
>become jedi out of necessity
>Millenium Falcon-style ship
>droid duo who hate each other
>wookie-smuggler duo
>get captured, escape bad people place
>space superweapon guarded by thing on nearby planet
>hidden relationship between main character and villain
>stronk female gets captured
>find a wise old jedi in a shithole
>ending celebration straight out of IV
It's actually a copy-pasta of the original trilogy AND The Phantom Menace (it was too far in development to copy the later 2 prequels when they came out):
>Opens with the Sith shooting down a Republic ship, with their target getting away in an escape pod
>Hero is told they have to find a Jedi
>Heroes meet scoundrel+wookie duo in cantina
>Hero has to win a swoop race to free someone from captivity
>Female lead is captured, but breaks free and kills her capturer
>Hero is told they're force-sensitive and this is why they're so good at swoop racing
>Heroes meet a guy in a Cantina who offers access to a ship off-planet, which is named after a bird, supposedly the fastest in the sector and described by the owner as not looking like much
>Hero taken to Jedi Council for training, although some Jedi reluctant to do so due to "person's age"
>There is a Yoda clone
>Sith hire bounty hunter to kill heroes
>Hero built their own protocol droid
>Old Jedi living as a hermit joins the hero
>Awkward personality droid translates Sand People speech for heroes
>Underwater section with a giant fish wreaking havoc
>Ship caught in tractor beam. Crew plan "alternatives to fighting" before being taken in, but end up fighting anyway
>Heroes run around to disable the necessary systems so that the ship can escape
>Villain is disfigured Sith Lord and has some cybernetic parts as a result
>Villain makes surprise appearance. Han Solo type tries to shoot him and fails
>"I am your Father" type reveal. Jedi friend knew
>Jedi friend stays behind to fight main bad guy so that others may escape
>Main threat is a weaponized space station capable of destroying planets
>Republic/Sith square off in front of space station that's being protected by a shield generator disruptor field on a nearby world
>Heroes disable disruptor field, defeating the Sith who were waiting for them
>Hero/villain fight in observation deck overlooking said Republic/Sith battle
>Ends with award ceremony
Kotor 1 is fantastic
Kotor 2 is okay, but annoying
Both games are deconstruction pieces. The devs on both games were open about this.
Do you honestly think you're intelligent for making this point?
Not him, but he never said he was intelligent. Defensive much?
>Not him
Sure, have another (you)
KOTOR 2 was largely original outside what was necessary to carry over from the first game.
>Yes it’s amazing how fast a team can make a game when 90% of the assets are already made for you, engine included.
That argument might apply to the graphics/mechanics side of things, but it doesn't explain how Kotor 2 has much better music, voice acting and writing when it was developed in 1/3 of the time as Kotor 1.
That's all you got?
>n-no you're the same person shut up
Poor tourist can't see ips.
>oh no he caught me samefagging
>I know, I'll lie and pretend I can see other people's post IPs
>pretend I can see other people's post IPs
HAhahahaha be honest, you started browsing recently, right? 2016?
I'm this guy:
You're just wrong and asshurt.
>Oh no he's onto me, better double down
>No you're the newfag
Hence why I did argue about those aspects.
What’s more is that I don’t know how much development time actually affects those things. Do you?
Very clunky RPGs with terrible first hours and terrible endgame for KOTOR 2
>whats an extension im new
Keep digging that hole, newfag, you're only embarrassing yourself
>I-I-I can see your IP
Wow you sure smell of summer Yea Forums
>completely retcon basilisks for one part of one game just so it can fit 3 people
Literally why?
Bioware so salty they got absolutely one-upped story and lorewise by a hobo dev like Obsi that they proceed to fuck up all the established characters, including their own.
SpaceJesus is the only canon Exile
>young Kreia
>therefore must be scantily clad
This is why nu Star Wars nuked the expanded universe
Go away, tranny.
Hot women in skimpy clothes has always been a thing.
yeah, and look where we are now.
As long as her ankles are covered it's fine by me.
Visas is hotter because you get to IMAGINE whats hidden under there. Dont you go equivocating less is more to wearing burkas
What a comfy planet.
You can clearly see her massive titties pressed to her skintight robe. Her pale skin, lush lips and that sexy voice with that ever so submissive demeanor in all her actions. She's sexual as fuck.
because young women wear nun clothing and blush at the thought of showing even an ankle. and all artists depicting woman in anything else than a 6 layered blast padded armor are perverted men
not like woman had a literal revolution so they can thot it up without consequence. its them sexist males holding them at gunpoint
almost all of that applies to kreia too. go take a shower atton.
As long as she isnt wearing high heels it doesnt trigger my autism. Bioware seems to have a fetish for high heels in combat outfits for some reason
You can see Kreia's wrinkles
Well now I’ve got a boner.
You’ll hate the speeder races and pazaak is often cheating you
>old hag that's not even related to you judges your every move
>shames you for showing sexual attraction or intent
>makes you realize what she was talking about only after she's dead and even at that with very little payoff
Pretty fucking realistic if you ask me. That's literally old people in a nutshell.
I'm just curious. Do you also go to the beach or in a hot climate area in your country and have a problem with girls in bikini? lmao see if you can go to a beach and judge your own body before judging others
Make sure to get the restored content mod for kotor 2. Otherwise it'll only be half as good.
I just started playing this game yesterday and HOLY FUCKING SHIT IT TOOK ME 20 ROUNDS JUST TO BEAT THE PAZAAK TUTORIAL GUY.
fuckin plebs
How does it matter if the first one just feels better and is more interesting? I played 2 even with the robot planet mod and imo it doesn’t come near kotor 1.
god I hate how fucking buggy kotor 2 is, I remember hitting level 15, trying to talk to kreia to pick my advanced class and receiving no prompt, so I just thought the game was bugged and left it alone for the rest of the play through, then I accidentally clicked on her off the ship and the prompt comes up by the time I'm level 28, and I'm about to return to dantooine again. Fucking nigger ass game.
I agree KOTOR 2 suffers from being underbaked, but it improved on the endgame in some aspects. For example, the final Malak fight is a chore for non-combat builds but the final Darth Sion fight gives high speech characters the ability to soften him up with discouragement. I haven't played the game in a long while and so I don't have that many examples spring to mind, but there are a number of other ways KOTOR 2 addresses KOTOR's flaws.
Make sure to play dark side at least one time. The game has this kid-friendly tone but gets shockingly dark (by contrast) in some parts.
Uhh, you don't get to bring alignment points
The Krayt dragon plate on Tatooine is always my favorite.
>I got paid, you get nothing.
>not him but..
I would say they are tied with the original two Battlefront games. The four are definitely the best Star Wars games.
Biggest thing holding back 2 is that it's glaringly obvious that only about half of the party interactions were ever completed
Mods my man, literally the most popular tsl ones out there