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Other urls found in this thread:

This has to be the worst hair. Not only is it hipster looking, like the droves of pompous pretend-viking bearded faggots who wear something like that irl, it looks like a bundle of plastic meat worms gnawing on a temple. Simply hideous.

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How can a short sword reach me when I can't hit with my fucking halberd

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Last thread got archived so I'll ask again.
Armoured punch man or mobile punch man?

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>kick guy off bridge when there's like 3 mobs left during a 48 man horde
>he gets butthurt and vote kicks me
>I come back and vote kick him on round 20 and it passes
is there a better feeling?

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How does this game compare to Chivalry? How are the ranged options? Cheap deaths by catapults and shit?

is character creation in this game unrestricted or something? saw lots of different variations of characters for people

Armored, fists can only do so much against real weapons.

Bunch of pathetic pussies who can't go five minutes without referencing their favorite garbage to fanboy over. I'm sure every idiot who posted an image in this thread also posted a video of them crying to the next star wars garbage trailer.

So far I have to agree. Being able to take 2-3 hits makes a world of difference.
Almost managed to go positive though, people tend to panic when they realize they might get fisted to death.

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>he doesn't use peasant and fleshwound perks
Explain yourself.

How much of an asshole are you?

hey Bee Man still upset that I kicked you off the bridge once?

Someone redpill me on this game. Is it just fortnite but with swords and shit? Is there actually a character creator? Does armor do anything?
is it good?

>guy on the enemy team is cleaning house, 8+ KD
>not bothering defending at all, he just spams morphs with a longsword and it works because no one's good at chambering or parrying on reaction yet
>equip a shield
>he dies as many times in the next few minutes as he did for the entire match until that point

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if you're too retarded to read posts that don't give you a (You) and forming an opinion on your own you're too retarded for this game sorry

This game has no right to be as good as it is. I'm in class right now and all I wanna do is earn gold to get better-looking gear.

I'm still pretty low level, do you guys use passives at all? Since I can't afford a ton of good armor yet I have like 4 passives but besides fireproof and friendly they seem pretty inconsequential

>MORDHAU is a multiplayer medieval slasher
>Create your mercenary and fight in brutal battles
>you will experience fast paced combat, castle sieges, cavalry charges, and more

Look up the game yourself or read the damn posts, you lazy shit.

Does this game have fucking KCD/Chivarly's gameplay? I like how it looks but I'm fucking sick of those two gameplay styles.

no, yes, yes, yes

Watch a review.

But half the fun of character edition is to try to recreate famous characters. It's ok in Soulcalibur, why should it be bad in Mordhau ?
I've made a nude Arthur build from Ghouls and Ghost, with a short spear and throwing axes, with the acrobatic perk so he can jump around everywhere. It's the most fun I've had since Dark Souls 2.

I'm not exactly amazing, but it seems like dodge is mandatory, it opens up a fair few options to you, even with medium and heavy armor.

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so are there gonna be content updates or just bugfixing/patching?

Haven't messed with colors yet since I'm only doing frontline but I like him

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I love fire.

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the two i have on that character are more or less the only mandatory combat perks for tourneyfag play, i'd say. Dodge is 100% needed on peasant memebuilds.

Game is done, thank you for the money.

Only Chads may reply to my post.

Knight pussies hiding behind 10 layers of armor and shields as well as Archer cucks need not apply.

Attached: Chad Thundercock.png (661x804, 468K)

Even if that's true, it's good value for the base game.

>Leg armor
>Head armor
>Meta weapon
Pleb and virginpilled

>helmet and no body armor
Thanks for making the area I need to hit to get a 1 shot kill the biggest one, I guess.

I've got three main dudes. A 14th century knight in jupon, a billhookman, and a 10th-11th century Norman knight.

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Can I create cute girls in this game?

No girls, blacks or Irish allowed.

>all the posts are people talking about their character. Nothing about the actual game
Nice. Real informative

Okay. So sounds team based. Made the fortnite comment since it seemed like every video I saw I was under the impression it was some FFA type game.

did I ask?

Thanks for telling me user, I was curious to know.

why would u make a game with a character creation but not have cute girls as an option. Truly a game made for plebeians

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I like them user, thanks for sharing.

Is that Barricade Doncarrion

Dodge, bloodlust, tenacious are top tier. But most of them have their use, except maybe peasant and rat.

Anime and the Japanese obsession with sexualisation of young girls is degeneracy. That's why.

Is there a melee system video, you fags?

Found the gachaslave insect.

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I would say weebs deserve to be sterilized but they'll never breed anyway so it's a moot point.

Skinny fat archer covering his shame in layers of clothing.
A real man revels in the bloodshed showing his prime physique.

Not everyone is emotionally stunted and obsessed with young girls with big eyes.
KYS weeb
pic related is you

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>you don't use a rapier and shield do you, user?
>i'm not mad, i'm just disappointed in you

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It's just like mount and blade I guess.

If I use a spear will everyone call me a fag?

How many plastic surgeries this guy had?


They should release females in a realistic form. give them 1/3rd of the stamina bar men have, so they're just useless eyecandy.

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Why are bows so shit?

Just watching someone stream gives me a familiar old adrenaline rush. Shame I don't have a modern pc to play it... I'm just here to shitpost.

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none. its all editing.

I'm using the default knight and raider loadouts.

It's a photoshop made by some russian woman

Playstation release when?

not as long as you dont go full meme warrior with shield and rapier

But I've seen some other photos of him here recently, in non-studio settings? Are these photoshops too?

Reminder to rep yotsuba

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yes retard

obligatory for honor post

They're already a huge, OP nuisance in every mode that isn't BR. Any more damage and we'd be dealing with a swarm of bowniggers.
the devs should just aim to funnel bow users into archery gamemodes in the future, or something.

yes, don't have it handy but someone has an original that shows what the guy actually looks like pre photoshop

No, game is under NDA. If you post a video Gaben comes over and shits down your throat.

Is there a page where you can see the perks/weapons of default classes?

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>How does this game compare to Chivalry?
Basically more of the same, with better gfx, fewer maps, awesome customisation (including a surprisingly good face editor) and so far, less exploity moves.
>How are the ranged options?
Xbow, recurve bow, longbow, rocks, daggers and axes.
Plus you can biff a wide variety of shit at people.
It's just too bad you can only carry a maximum of 3 short spears... :'(
>Cheap deaths by catapults and shit?
Yes. In certain maps, catapult will rape your team.
Deathmatch and horde mode are joyous fun.
Missions are a little lacklustre so far.

Game is good, very fun but hard to actually get into a game, due to shitty server browser and a LOT of server issues.

Customisation is God-tier though.
I made a heavily armoured tank of a man, with a tiny dagger, and bear traps.
It is a fucking riot in death match.
My mate and I played for almost 4 hours straight, and were laughing practically the entire time.

Yes, retard.

here's your gigachad

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You don't have to be rude.

is this based or cringe? im having a hard time telling

Why are russian people so ugly?

Anyone else thought a knights helm was next to her in the thumbnail?

the girl has a very aesthetic face. good for modelling

>referencing 4chinz culture outside of 4chinz
absolutely cringe

You can customise a hell of a lot.
You modify the face, like how you do in fallout 4.
You also change the fatness, musculature and skinniness.
Then you equip your merc with gear from a points buy system. Different equipment costs different amounts of points.
You can also equip perks that do things like reduce fall damage, full health on kills(that one is a little TOO op.) or more damage to archers when you're using ranged gear (take that with throwing knives, axes or spear for maximum archer salt)

How's the combat and how much of it is actually skill instead of luck and spamming poke move?

how do shields function in this game? how were you able to beat him? are shields op?

This class just shits on everything

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It's aesthetic in a cheap way. If you know what I mean.

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cant wait for girls to be added

hitboxes are very precise so you can always hit where theyre not actually blocking like the legs or the other arm
you can also overhead with some polearms to whack their head
and kicking a shield causes them to stun long enough to get a full attack in

Is this game perfect for someone with an autistic fascination with medieval times?

Kicks need a buff

A real man isn't such a girl that he picks aesthetics over function.

It has got a skill gap, but in all honesty, you can wreck almost anyone if you have a fast enough weapon and can feint/chamber.
You'll see people crying about rapier and that's for this very reason.
Dagger though, is where it's at if you wanna stab a motherfucker up in record time.

Never gonna happen
The devs are shieldniggers, it's why they made kicks so awful in the first place

Fuck yes they do.
Why is the range so God damn terrible!?

Without any armor whatsoever, the Dodge + Acrobat perks make you a fucking whirlwind. Consecutive sidehop around dudes as you cave their skulls in.

>"Oh okay, axes do good slash attack damage to head/torso and have weak stab"
>Look at swords
>They are literally better in every way
So why use axes/maces when swords do everything they do plus great stab damage?

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>Sneak up on 3 archerfags spamming arrows at my team next to their spawn
>Chop off two of their heads in one swing with the Zweihander
>Stab the other one as he turns around

Is there a better feel, lads?

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Praise the Sun, fags

Makes you look cool as fuck

A real man is secure and confident in his person when he conducts himself half naked in public. Uncaring to the whims of lesser insecure 'men'.

Yes, pick up [hunter] and 1 shot them with throwing knives / rocks

how high will it go this weekend? i hope the servers will be alright

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Axes do more damage to structures.
An axe with wrecker damages faster than a blacksmith hammer with smith can repair.

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It's not reddit, so you wouldn't know based on your vocabulary, you fucking zoomer.

Maces have much better damage against lvl 2 and 3 armor, which most people will be using.

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A real man isn't confident in the fact that his skin will stop the giant blade hurtling towards it. A real man makes rational decisions towards accomplishing his goals, not doing stupid things so people will notice him.
Such arrogance and insanity s in the realm of women.

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Throwing axes are so much fucking fun

Sounds like you should stop playing online games. Kick features are meant for people who tk, like you.

should i get rid of flesh wound or change armors

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I haven't used a shield yet. Should I start? They always whoop my ass, either shield and rapier or shield and spear.

Yoinking a ballista from them.
>better in every way
Longswords are versatile, not better. They won't do nearly as much damage and won't oneshot people as often.

>short spear
>its not short

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axe boys are to get your team past spike walls or other shit

There's a lot of games I end with a lot of points but like 6 kills 3 deaths or whatever playing axemen and engineers.


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What if kicks had more range when you wear less armour on legs?

Okay, I'll bite
I keep seeing this game on Yea Forums but don't know what the fuck it's about

So what is this shit?

Yea, not using Zwei

2/3 stamina bar, o/a damage, hp and speed would be realistic

>Try to chop through a structure with muh axe
>Overhead whiffs through it somehow
>stampede of teammates push me into the spikes

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Online only Chivalry clone that will be dead in a month or two, get it right now or don't bother.

The one engineer Squad.

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Where's your shield fuccboi

It's based

ahahah life as an objective bro can be tough

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Don't bother unless it's a Buckler.
The hold-guard shields are a shitty crutch and outright worse than just parrying with a weapon worth the same amount of points. You can use them to be a turtling fag in a 1v1 scenario unless the opponent knows how to drag his swings and hit around the sheild's block tolerance. Shields are generally fucked as soon as you have to deal with two enemies.
The Buckler is at least useful when paired with the 1-point weapons as it gives you better stamina management than parrying with the small fast weapons.

The devs still are trying to come up with a mechanic for shields that make them unique and useful rather than a redundant alternate form of parrying.


yeah, actually doing the objective because most archers just shoot other archers or miss

Shouldn't it be "Justiciar"?

I'm okay with dropping 25 dollarydoos for a month long game.

I'm not sure where these meme that games need to be alive for 10 years came from; MMOs are old and busted.

Is being a peasant just a meme or does it have any real benefits?

you are part of the whiny faggot audience the devs specifically never wanted to play their game

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Bye flesh wound heloo helmut

I guess I'll just keep not using them, then. I suck dick and the last thing I need to is to have a crutch keeping me from learning how to parry and chamber correctly.

If anyone has a spare copy they would like to gift or wants someone to play with:

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>walls instead of spikes
Garbage engineer.

>Also dodge
Spearniggers have no idea what hit them

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>Horsemen charges at me
>Throw shortsword and take out horse luckily
>Cave his head in with an axe as he lies on the ground

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The benefit of stoning kniggas until they ragequit

You can play an MMO solo, but in a purely PvP game you need others to play with you or the game simply doesn't work. If you liked Chivalry then bite the bullet and go for it, this is a one time revival of that gameplay style for a while.

Lemme just check down the back of the couch, random copies of digital games just fall down there

This game has survived in closed beta for years, and it'll keep trucking for a few more. I don't know why everyone is doomposting, oh wait it's Yea Forums.


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>Is it just fortnite but with swords and shit?
why do people make posts like this? just watch a fucking gameplay video and you get the midst of the entire game in the first minute.

This. At least put down spikes half inside the wall so that if some loser walks up and starts smacking it'll hurt him.

let's team up some time pal

Attached: file.png (477x907, 369K)

But it was team deathmatch, it was the objective

Is the Zwei considered trash? I got topscore with it one time but I probably got lucky cause I'm still learning

What weapons are considered the "best" right now anyway?

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Archers deserve other archers, I can think of no better punishment

AIDS upon ye

I put a rock on my engineer and I was doing like 22 damage to niggas

Just look at the faces of the characters. Why did they have this game be a cartoon. Seems tone deaf.

Theyre gonna fucking add them so might as well embrace it nigger

I don't have the dosh to hop on the latest funwagon. By the time I do the party has gone and left to something else.

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>naked female players
>chopping up a woman's corpse
>stoning a female to death
>igniting a female with dire pots


This. I know a group who gets every fad online game that dies in a month. They've done Apex, Raft, War of Rights (two times ever), PUBG?, Hunt, and the list goes on. What happened to long lasting MP games, bros?
Best I've got is War Thunder and that isn't saying much...

Why a short sword?

>killing women to take out my incel rage


Wash the dishes for your mommy, she might buy it for you.

>it's made by the same developers as Chivalry
nani the fuck?

>What happened to long lasting MP games
It isn't the 90s anymore and we have more than three options for multiplayer games. In fact the oppostie is the truth, we get a new multiplayer option every other fucking day.

Good luck trying to hit your targets with one eye lmfao

>i deflect an attack
>they immediately follow it up with and endless series of attacks i must also deflect or i will die
>they deflect my attack
>i am stunned for so long they can attack me and kill me


>not making your archer character look scummy as fuck

Attached: wew2.png (467x893, 592K)

Is this game anything like Chivalry? Is it Better? Is it worse?

Can't wait to toggle them off in the menus

posting my foppish rapier boi

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Bet you play Rhodoks too

It's nowhere near os good as For Honor so don't bother with it

Its Chivalry without contortionists and ballerinas.

going to stick both my poles up that ass, boy

Attached: mord.jpg (1419x1319, 245K)

based forhonorbro keeping retards who ask the same stupid questions 20 times a thread out of our threads

I'm such a fucking faggot holy shit, not able to kill anyone on 1v1, still manage to hit my buddies from behind and being fucking stupid
Now, what weapon should I use to git gud ?

you sound like a bitch

Stop regurgitating the meme that rapiers are for whimpy faggots. You faggot.

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is it really impossible to just watch a gameplay video or something?

Is this game better than exanima?

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Embrace the shieldnigger life. Useful for your teammates. Infuriating for your enemies. Absolutely braindead to play.

Post your weaponfus
For me, it's the executioner's sword

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any game is better than that unfinished piece of shit

thanks doods

It's hard to tell how exactly the gameplay happens. How the moves come out and stuff.

Billhook and Falchion for me'st

Attached: Butterfly Billhooker.png (514x931, 630K)


>searching deathmatch servers
>all of them are "1v1 DUELS ONLY (no peasants, no pots, no engineers, knights only, final destination)
The one game where I want to have a big clusterfuck battle with random, unique loadouts, and the gamemode is filled with spergs.

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I love the maul but fucking sucks i can't use the pointy end with the pointy tip variant.

So is it good?
Do you recommend it ?

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No fuck off were full

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So whens the anime mod out so you can dismember and pin cushion cute girls

If its ok for MK 11 it should be good here

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>norman knight
pick one

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grug here

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Well the devs did say they want to have mod support since modding is a big part of PC gaming. So expect fifty thousand katana mods when it becomes a thing.

Surprised they didn't cuck out with muh female warriors like Total War Rome

daily reminder: press p to go into 3rd person

can someone give me a quick rundown of mordhau? is it essentially just a better version of chivalry?

At this point we don't need more players. Servers are under too much stress already.

no it doesn't you shitter. kick is a built in anti shield weapon that cost 0 points. Not only that but you have other items like fire bombs that shit on shields.

People who complain about shields are literally bad at video games

It's a shittier version of For Honor

absolutely cringe

As I understand it, when you parry an attack you have a small window to perform a reposit. This is a normal attack that flies out faster then your attacks normally would

What's your favorite horde weapon?

It's kinda based but bluepilled

cringe but redpilled

I'm gonna enter anyways lmao

>shoots you in the back while you're dueling a guy 1 on 1

Attached: teg3.png (1668x1072, 886K)

but it plays nothing like for honor

Your mother is the least favored handmaid and you smell of milk.

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Why bother playing horde when i can get shafted in duels?

and thats a good thing

rcoket league has been out for 2 years and still gets like 50-60k players a day.

How's the rank up system in this game?
Does it take ages to actually unlock the good shit or can I get it all at a reasonable pace for a guy with actual shit to do in his life?

Did Bill Burr name your guys?


What would Lindy think of Mordhau?
>No frenchies getting killed
>Longbow doesn't kill everything in 1-2 hits
>The Bren not mentioned anywhere as the best machine gun ever created

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Nothing wrong with spears.

Don't buy it, fuck off we're full


"You'll never be half the man your mother is!"

Spears are excellent, so he would like that

Attached: 1556648673162.png (426x402, 16K)


That attire looks great, you're making me want to get it for the fashion alone. I'd make that probably in black though. Can you show me what that'd look like if there is black in the game for that?

just pick up a shield and fireproof lmao what the fuck you pleb


He would still like it because it has no fire arrows, no dual wielding swords/axes, no flails and no katanas. Also there's a bunch of polearms which he loves.

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Chivalry 2.0 with more scummy casual bullshit like spears and horses

>smoke grenade > shields, spears, bows, firebombs, horses

"This post in grossly incandescent" Ay sir "Praise the sun"

you can't even fucking turn while kicking it's so awful
what the FUCK were they thinking

FUCK archers

rate my low budget merc

Attached: 1488236962960.png (1920x1080, 1.12M)

>can't turn while kicking


I wonder if Skallagrim, Shadiversity and Matt Easton will make videos for Mordhau now that it's been released. I know that they reacted to trailers way back in 2017 or whatever. Shad even played it in alpha.


Attached: 10.png (749x938, 987K)

yes, it's basically chivalry but better in every way
you can watch the trailer and some of the recent devblogs to get a better idea of what it's like

>should I change my class to counter?

why is this legal

Try turning while kicking IRL my dude

>go into back frontline
>kill all archers

cool farquad build

>short sword

how about shit that matters like traps, smoke bombs, and fire bombs m8. At least a spear or something for horses. Looks like this guy is going to hate archers AND women at this rate.

Very aesthetic

Ikr, it's an outrage, you can't make spins like Chun-Li. It's almost like you have to aim before kicking.

you can a little but but this isn't street fighter you retard

This is as black as I can currently make it for now, in about 5 more levels you unlock a much darker metal.

Attached: blackver.jpg (1616x1001, 760K)

a real man doesn't play video games

shut the fuck up shieldniggers
>oh no he's telling the devs how bullshit my cheese is and how it slows the game to for honor levels wahhhhhh

>implying the lute doesn't matter

Former Chiv fag here. Haven't played it in a while.

This game looks fun, but I'm too lazy to research it well aside from liking the combat.
Can I get a quick run down on what features it has that Chiv didn't?
I saw mounted combat.

Attached: Chivalry.jpg (349x303, 35K)

unironic question; can you roll in this game?

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The zwei is good enough for the reach but if you're in any small area or by teammates you'll get hate.

If I was shit at M&B combat, will I get stomped hard in this?

Nice, yeah it looks like your original is pretty much the better version for now until maybe that darker metal then. Thanks user


its not that the lute doesn't matter its that the other things don't with it.

Keep the lute as your back up melee and have your main melee be throwable or not. Then use the third slot for situational shit like horses, archers, construction, etc.

+more refined combat
+way more customization options
+decently paced gear based progression system
-less maps

t. some other chivfag

>tdm, frontline
>99% of the time is teams gangbanging vs inferior numbers

Wow sure is skill based

yeah he watches cucked ass Netflix shows for 4 hours a night with his wife (all of which she picked out) when she isn't busy sucking off Tyrone


shields are gay but so are spinning kicks
fighting shields shouldn't revolve around only being able to kick them and I hope they change that soon

Soulsbabby pls

yes. Still fun, though
>t. dogshit 20 death a round faggot

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>that projection

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Your mistake is thinking the knights are the players
This is actually a tower defense game for engineers.

peace was never an option

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Explain this

Attached: Screenshot_245.png (296x153, 106K)

>guy tries to come deal with me
>taunt horses to come joust at me
>trapped the fuck out and go flying off horse
>literally looking at people going omiwa shindeiru and then turning away

Attached: Screenshot_110.jpg (2197x1309, 276K)

Ah fair enough, I run the friendly perk on it so I don't fuck my team over too hard if I accidentally hit them

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>knows I'm right
chop chop, the newest interracial cuckold miniseries won't watch itself

no buy then

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What can engineers do?

If you were good you could 1v3. People play like shit when they think you won't suddenly turn and smack the shit out of them.

who here /lutechad/?

Attached: bard.png (563x429, 10K)

Can't get Lutebot to work. Keeps telling me it can't access my steam fodler.

Ruin my fucking life.

>b-but archers are too strong
>b-but horses are too strong
>b-but SHIELDS

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everything they worked for and their own lives gone in an instant to fire bombs

place barricades, spike barriers, crossbow turrets, and build objective fortifications

looking like an early access survival game knigger

If a team with a good engineer gets the third point it's over, they win.

Damn, I wish they add mode like in Foxhole
Running supply chain, repairing walls and fortification, Weapons manufacturing

>tfw you can no longer charge enemy archers while screaming "KILL THE ARCHERS FIRST"

>doubling down on the projection

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>tripling down on the denial
tell me again how you don't play games on a video game board. You're just gazing in from the outside wishing you could join in again, but Joan won't let you. Sorry, bud! At least she lets you touch the V once a month when Tyrone isn't available!

o shit what are you doing

Absolutely based

us 4channers amirite XD

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Stabbing with the maul is surprisingly viable, because 1 good stab puts people into bodysuit range.

the hero we deserve, but not the one we need right now.

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since they will have the same height and hitboxes as the men they will be 6' 6 amazon warriors

>Shouts incoherently while beating you to death.

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can you see in those too or is everyone blind? I had a nigger throw one and I couldn't see what the fuck was going on before my head was removed

based with a dab of cringe

pushing the objective and winning games, pleb

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He would rate it trash as slashing weapons do damage against full plate.

>seeing that beat a peasant named "Gawker" to death
I wish

How does the equipment work for this game? Can I play as a dude in full plate armor who wields a big two handed sword?

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The only way to beat shield fags is prolonged duels, every time they block they lose stamina

enjoy snail pace

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everyone is blind. You can hang out right at the edges and pop in and out using your memory to judge where they will be in the 1-2 seconds you cut vision between each other. If you use it for a few games you'll understand just how to use it to flank people 2 feet infront of you. Also it has twice the throwing range of fire bombs so when you see retard archers like 3-4 on some highground you just throw a smoke bomb at them and they are basically hard stunned for 10 seconds or they have to move.

The game needs balance but no one in this thread (except for me of course) knows what the fuck they are talking about.

anyone who uses a shield is an n word sorry but I had to lay it out there

>play game for 80 minutes and take a break
>it now violently flickers green and purple every time I launch it
I literally have 18 minutes left of loading the main menu trying to fix this or I can't refund.

>Cheap deaths by catapults and shit?
There's usually some nigger that keeps spamming boulders in the most crowded area 24/7 killing more teammates than enemies.
The real cancer are horses. They are tanky as shit, fast and can easily oneshot you if rider has proper weapon.

Holy shit lol

so you can't block anything with fists and just need to dodge, right?

rad, user

tfw want to make pic related but have to be like level 25 and have 20,000 gold. Can you even wear a chainmail hood with a salet?

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based fister

Is it just more or is this game entirely dependent on your ping? If you have low ping you're guaranteed to hit first.

I hover around 100 ping and get absolutely fucked everytime.

That sounds shitty.
What -is- the counter to horses?


Reminder that the counter to spears and rapiers is having dodge and using your bare hands.


yes, you can pretty much perfectly replicate the character in that pic

Billhooks. Hitting a horsefag with one knocks them off, stuns them for 3-4 seconds, and basically makes them a free kill at that point.


retard mode

join servers with low ping? Honestly doing anything other than checking off all of those boxes and selecting frontline is just asking to be put into a shit server. Tbh they should cut half of the modes in this game. I just want to play the BR. Server lists were a mistake desu.

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree Iron Company > Free Guard?

Flesh Wound is by far my favorite perk. I've have so many times where I technically die but still kill someone before I fall over. Those 5 seconds can make a huge difference. In team based modes it's always great. Even if you don't kill someone you can still be a distraction or deal damage in those 5 seconds keeping people on their toes for a little longer for your team mates. I've also had a few times where I get my arm chopped off and lose my weapon only having my fist left, I'll swing on a nigga and kill them. Flesh Wound may not be top meta but it is good and super fun to use.

steel traps, engineer spikes, long weapons like spears, thinking for more than 2 seconds.


Billhook and Spear.
Billhook tears down the rider, Spear outrange them. Most horsefags quickly learn to avoid anyone carrying them.

billhooks and ranged weapons work really well
and for some reason firepots do ridiculous damage to horsemen

especially on taiga

For these type of games I'm used to it.

Spears don't do shit against horseniggers since Mordhau doesn't have momentum damage like MB so you do regular damage to riders while they do super amped up damage.

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Building spikes or walls on horsenigger's raperoute seems to be the least time wasteful option.

>yfw this gets added next patch

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Just get a billhook.
Billhooks are a guaranteed knockdown if you hit the horseriders.

I literally just got done with a match where I did it 4 times.
Fuck horsefuckers.

against weapons with little range or slow speed you can be close very aggressive, against long weapons like the zwei or halberd you should dodge backwards and punish

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When they get hit by the spear it staggers them, stopping their attack animation.
You also deal damage to the horse at the same time.

>tfw soon you'll get moved to /vg/ and fucking die

>5 crashes out of nowhere today alone
this isn't funny anymore i just want my gold and i get fucked out of it 30 minutes into these games and all my time is wasted. What the fuck? The game runs fucking fine, so its not my hardware.

how toaster friendly is this game?

Can you dual wield?

and yeah you can't block shit except another's fist

why did you make knock off geralt?

No, it's not fantasy weebshit.

Can they add it later? I want dual wield.

>player count numbers already in freefall
only a matter of time before For Honor puts this game back in its place

Is the best way to counter stab spam chambering? Can you morph your chamber?

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When they add katanas. So you can dual wield katanas. With your big tittied asian waifu character.


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>dual wielding is fantasy weebshit

Can we all agree that For Honor won?

Yes except Rapiers which actually can be spammed fast enough to chamber your chamber.

Sooner the better.

link to the comic?

>30 dollars on an indie For Honor clone

These baits are getting weaker and weaker

Here's your weebshit, bro.

40k incoming

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-03-12-36-28-1.png (1861x277, 203K)

It's called Crecy.

I plan on buying it tonight. That’s like an extra 1

Its at 38,682 now

someone post once it's 40k so we can update the chart

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Hey come on, no reason to bully Chivalry now. It was insanely fun before metafags started abusing the exploits. And thanks to devs being complete retards that never bothered to fix it you got Mordhau. Where devs are a bunch of guys who loved Chivalry but were frustrated with the exploits in it so they decided to make their own shit.

>implying it will last

lmao For Goner

>aye, i've seen some shite

For Honor and Chivalry numbers are switched.

>The one game where I want to have a big clusterfuck battle with random, unique loadouts, and the gamemode is filled with spergs.

Warband, Chivalry, they always find their way in through the cracks

>tfw its only 6,25 dollars in my country

Not bullying chivalry, I fucking loved the game until thoses spinning autists ruined it for me
Thought this video was really hilarious tho

Why didn't they make so that you need to parry in the same direction of the attack?

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Unironically playing a bownigger is LITERALLY the scummiest and most pathetic way to play these types of games, there is nothing worse than having your amazing duel cut short by some "HEHE NOTHIN PERSONNEL KID" bownigger who can't play a regular class to get kills so he has to sit at the back of the map with a bow, holding M1, release, holding M1, release, holding M1, release, like can you IMAGINE the kind of person who purchases and downloads a first person medieval combat game and decides to play as a bownigger? What's the thought process? How is it fun to stand in one place the entire match just holding and releasing M1? and ruining the game for everyone else while they're at it? Bowniggers were always one of the most hated parts of Chivalry and they're back in full force in Mordhau, the devs learned nothing about the hatred people harbor for bowniggers and the people who play bowniggers learned nothing about playing a proper fucking class. They are the absolute worst part of the game, nobody enjoys playing against them, nobody says "OH WOW I GOT OUTSKILLED SO HARD WHEN THAT BOWNIGGER SHOT ME IN THE BACK", and no decent fucking person enjoys playing a bownigger. They're always low level shitters because they can't learn how to play the game properly. It's a fucking wheelchair class so shitters can get kills and pretend they're good at the game with their artificially inflated KD/R. It's always bittersweet when you finally track down the bownigger who's sniped you across the map 5 times in a row only to discover he can't parry even 1 of your melee attacks because he's a complete shitter. But instead of trying to learn the game he keeps playing his wheelchair class and some of them even enjoy how much it ruins the game because all bowniggers are both retarded and sadistic. I hope all bowniggers die of rectal cancer.

Outta the way plebs

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keep crying bitch nigga

This but unironically

>our game lost pop from the very first day, s-so clearly this game that's actually gaining population every day almost a week in will die just as fast!

>everyday it keeps topping its previous day record


>tfw you got into NW when it was losing popularity and vanilla maps were beginning to be dropped in favor of minisiege trash
I really missed out.


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The best strategy for shields I've found (although admittedly I've only been using it in duel servers) is to get them into a rhythm. Attack, then block their blow, then attack again etc. etc. Eventually they run out of stamina, because I guess shields use up more stamina to block. That's the most reliable tactic against them I've found so far. Occasionally kicking helps too

Delete this

Does mordhau have moments like this? if so i'm buying it

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guys please
if you keep playing this game the shill that ruined all our threads wins
please stop playing

That depends on how fast they will update the game.

man, this game is all i ever hoped for while playing chiv. the combat is weighty, no spinning shit, and the animations are toptier. good example of what happens when devs focus solely on combat

>faggot backslashes
no it doesn't

Little did you know that the shill was the falseflag that expected this game to die day one and was just shitposting other threads in order to make it hated.

How good is the customization in this game? Actually how is it in general compared to Chivalry?

So far I've seen less people spazzing out like their spines are made of cooked noodes

user the devs literally said after a few updates it’ll look like all the super perverted Skyrim screenshots.

There’s gonna be huge titty bikini armor girls everywhere.

>How good is the customization in this game?

>Actually how is it in general compared to Chivalry?

>Is it just fortnite
how the the fuck do you come up with that speculation? why is nu-Yea Forums so fucking retarded.

This happened to me user, try getting to the options and switching to bordered window if you're fullscreen, or vice versa, fixed it for me

Absolute S O U L.

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Just tried it, so much worse than For Honor holy shit. Thank fuck for the Steam refund period

Never played chivalry, but there are a fuckload of cosmetics, you can customise your shoulders, sleeves, shoes etc. You can change around colors and add patterns or symbols. You can also customise your face and body build and there are lots of weapons to choose from. And if you take the peasant perk you can even use shit like pans, scythes, pitchforks and so on.

Post steam ID.

Because it's a worse chamber, which requires direction
You gay weeb


The customization's nowhere near as good as For Honor's though

Big boy maul, constantly top of the leaderboards with this bad boy

Attached: Mordhau.png (615x1066, 715K)

where to buy this cheap?

>game stops responding
>can't close it

Tell me about it
>Join up a random game
>Skirmish mode
>Spergs are whining about honorable duels and 1v1's
>They just keep spamming "Cowards" because they're shit at the game
We need a new crusade

Attached: file.gif (480x270, 1.74M)

Thanks nigs, think I'll pick it up after work.

>literally just stab over and over and get chambers if they try to fight back
rapier is god tier

Attached: what ho.png (1160x934, 990K)

>short spear
>can't be thrust from behind a shield

I wouldn't buy it, there's a lot of problems right now, it's overpriced and it's boring. I'd pick up For Honor instead.

How the fuck do I get good? Duels end up being parrys back and forth until some faggot steps in and kills me or the other guy, the fuck am I missing here?

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>3 ranged builds

Attached: DkQUrg5VsAACn_I.jpg (747x431, 47K)

>hey guys i use the one OP weapon in the game
Fuck off fag


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They're going to add women and bikini armour? Refunded.

I mean the honor in the community, if you are the last guy standing they will lets you duel and kill the annoying shit archers if you can. altough that would just be the last team standing gamemode in chivalry.

Nice depth perception eyelet

will do

my knigga

spotted the fag that can't drag his weapons

kek no

They're also going to add elves and samurais.

>That fucking gay spinning to fucking exploit your way to getting hits

Reason that Medieval Warfare is and forever will be absolute fucking garbage, if I got the choice to make sure that the MW dev team burnt in hell forever but it meant I had to chop off all my fingers I would fucking do it in a heartbeat.

For Honorfags trying to cope might be the funniest thing I’ve seen all week

Not jacked enough, dude.

No celebration until Mordhau breaks For Honor's all-time playercount. That will never happen though.

Often times yeah, if you're the last guy standing in a round of skirmish they fight you 1v1. Hell one time I saw a guy solo 3 guys that were attacking him at the same time and not giving him breathing room. But some people (myself included) are getting kinda annoyed at the duel style a lot of matches take. There are dedicated dueling servers, but now we have to be honorable and 1v1 the last guy, who just happens to be the best fighter on the entire server and who kills all 4 of us.

just block when they you see them turn fast bro, it aint hard. unless they have 200 ping but fags who play on servers above 80+ ping deserve it.

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Doesn't really matter though, doesn't really matter faggot when For Honor is the better games does it
the indie dicksucking in the gaming community will be it's downfall, imagine liking a shittier game and playing an objectively shittier game just because of some falsely noble vendetta against AAA developers who KNOW how to make a good game, in this specific case Ubisoft with their melee combat magnum opus For Honor
You are all idiots, just like anyone else who has purchased, played, or defends this garbage fucking game

>had to give the game away for free for that to happen

>playing as a crossbow guy on skirmish on contraband
>three guys walk around the ruined pillar near the edge at the middle
>aim at them
>all three scuttle back and try to push each other so that they can get into a safe spot

Attached: 1553184131852.gif (330x275, 1.99M)

Not an argument.

You were lucky they were amateurs. Someone with more experience would have pushed through and tanked the shot if he needed to because the time it would take you to switch weapons is enough to shove a halberd up your ass

>tfw someone gets on a horse

they call me horsechoker

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anons where i can buy it cheap

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>le ubisoft
user please

>Lets beyblaaade!

no where

you can get it from the money laundering key sites but you'll pay for it later in life when they drop the bombs. More like a loan desu.

Chiv duels were dumb though. No stupid shit like this in Mordhau

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I really really like this post

That's no chad my man

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Looks good but you're still gonna be one shotted by competent bowniggers and get your head chopped off

It's like 27 bucks right now user, if that isn't cheap for you then I think you're just fucked.

As they should. Fuck special snowflake nohelmetniggers.

unlock tech

In Russia.

Based but he should have more muscles and be fist-only

thanks fellows

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> 3dpd
> wh*te
That’s a yikes

Alright, explain to me
Why is a random game like this gaining such popularity? Especially when it's almost directly copying off another game.

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Shills and bots

Stopped reading there, but then again I should have stopped when some dumb nigger gets mad at a stick flying at them. I only use bows during Horde but everyone whining about MUH HONOR can sit on horse cocks.

How do I kill shield niggers

I'm just trying to use my warhammer in peace and there's always 2000 of them. Should I pack firebombs? I also know I need to kick more. I always forget it's there

Because the other game is dead, and this is essentially a spiritual sequel that improves most aspects of the game its based on.
Personally I've had an itch for this kind of game for a while, so I jumped on the opportunity when I heard it released.

Because people played Chivalry and this is a new Chivalry bait game for those types of people.

make a virgin

Its a good game.

what to do i bought and played it when it was still broken and refunded. i played 100 minutes and it was not so much fun cause of packet loss and lag on servers even with 40-60 ping. will the refund get denied if i play another 15min now ? seems like servers are working now

Niche game with niche appeal with no real, modern rivals in the medium. Also word of mouth.

Is it though?

>play by myself
>can find a server ease no biggie
>want to play with a friend
>we can't find a fucking server that both of us can join to save our lives because one guy joins and then the other guy gets "SERVER FULL"
FUCK this matchmaking

It felt like a decent sacrifice for better leg armor, usually i can just dodge archerfags

>cant add bodyhair

/vg/ threads have been up for ages and are alive and well

I didn't play For Honor or Chivalry and bought this because a friend told me to. Laughed my ass off all last night and generally had a good time despite being horrible at the game.

I also love the super mad retards in chat, it's like early CS all over again

is leg armor even useful? nobody ever hits the legs

How Koreans draw the Warden Versus how Japanese draw the Warden

Attached: 61466172_p0.png (1157x1637, 2.22M)

Chiv was good too when it wasn't ballerina warfare sim yet. Nobody plays it anymore, save for a few spinning autists, so there was a gap to fill. Also the game isn't as expensive as a triple A game like BF5 (this is why Russians are already beginning to ruin this game), and there aren't much fun MP games competing with it right now. Add a good word of mouth and voilà, 30000k+ players at once.

Shit, anybody remember War of the Roses? I think that was the first multiplayer medieval fightan game I ever played.

>having friends
I wish I had a friend who would play the cute young adventurer to my grizzled veteran knight

Pity devs were retards

we are on 40k now boys

Still showing 39,938 to me

I do and i loved it more than i love Mordhau.

they were sabotaged by (((paradox)))

More salt was generated in For Honor because 1v1 fags could just be thrown off a cliff. Gods Lawbringer was strong then.

There are people. In this thread. Living in our society. Who think giving their Mercs hideous wounds makes them look "cool."


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>those videos
I hope this is joking

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is this game actually fun or is it just stupid flavor of the month trash ?

that was my favourite, rip

Time to update

Fun for now, depends on how the devs keep it up with updates.

>Range from 100 to 400 ping on servers in my region
Something is wrong and I have no idea what it is.


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Flavor of the month. Get it while it's still alive.

Fun as fuck. I have never clinged to flavor of the month trash so I understand your concern. It's good.

listen kiddo you don't become the best without making any mistakes

Official servers still need a bit more tuning but are otherwise doing much better.
A ton of user servers are showing up though, and those usually have great pings from my experience.

You probably could still refund after another game or two, so long as you adequately explain that the game was a server-side mess at launch (and it was).


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I barely ever play multiplayer games but this shit if fun as fuck. It's meaty and whenever I think I found some surefire way to win someone more skilled kicks my ass. I though morphs were invincible until some bastard with a morningstar that always blocked at the last second caved my head in

can some one explain this image. Why is for honor there? They are completely different games.

Official servers are completely fixed for me since their update. I would get the game back asap

Real chad plays peasant. You beta.

What makes me a good demopan?

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i dont want to because they said they are going to add cunts

what about "progression" on private server ?

Mordhau shill shitposts in every Chivalry, For Honor, and M&B thread. Just ignore him.

They were shitting up the threads before the release.