Like this:
This fan remake is one of the few that is better than the source material desu, better graphics,less bugs but there are still too many, and better controls.I will play it when its finished and you ?
Like this:
This fan remake is one of the few that is better than the source material desu, better graphics,less bugs but there are still too many, and better controls.I will play it when its finished and you ?
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>not an official sega produced remake
No thanks.
Sometimes fans can do great things buddy,I didnt make it but I think its clearly superior to the original
As long as the garbage fire that is the story is kept faithful I'm all for it
Stop shilling your trash
You and I know people are interested in the things I posted ,its not whatever random trash its clearly picked with thought behind
>Sometimes fans can do great things buddy
No Sonic fan has made a real innovation on a sonic game.
Wasnt Sonic Mania made by fans?
>Sonic Mania
Never heard of it.
Yeah sure...
It looks good but it seems like whenever Sonic interacts with a boost pad or something he goes super slow.
The most annoying glitch for me was that no matter how fast you go if step have a ledge no matter how tiny it is Sonic suddenly stops like at 1:12-1:17
I haven't.
>implying we haven't already reached a point where the fans are making better content than Sega themselves
That comment ended up pretty bad but I think you understand me right?
No, they never made a real innovation.
If you are not joking you should check it out,you ll probably love it
I didn't like ms. pac-man.
Im not forcing you , if you think you are wasting your time checking it out just dont do it its as simple
Innovation has given us gems like Sonic 06, Sonic Boom, Sonic Forces, Golden Axe Beast Rider or just no new games for any of SEGA's old franchises.
At this point I'll gladly take some quality content made by fans either officially suported by SEGA or not than having SEGA try again and fail misserably, all the good things Sonic Mania did for the Sonic franchise were undone by Sonic Forces soon afterwards.
I won't play the same 2D sonic game again and again.
That honestly didn't look too bad.
>>not an official sega produced remake
that means it's good
New sonic game when?
In less than 20 days
May 21st
it looks the same, but maybe its because i haven't played 06 in over 10 years
>all the good things Sonic Mania did for the Sonic franchise were undone by Sonic Forces soon afterwards.
And they'll be further undone my the movie
You are not crazy it does look similar,not the same tho,its just a big improvement not a radical change
maybe the rumored SA1 remake will get announced
Even with how much of a dumpster fire 06 was. I really liked the soundtrack it had.
this looks like the exact same bad gameplay but with slightly better graphics
what's the point?
I feel like they'd remake SA2 first, if only to grab the attention of the sixth gen kiddies who are in their 20s now
Kill yourself retard
they actually spoke about remaking SA1 first, either is fine for me, though.
That game was a fucking abomination, why would you remake it? Sonic moves slow as fuck without boost pads, it has the worst homing attack in the series, you bonk on fucking everything.. I don't get it. Why?
yup, sonic 06 was pretty fun, and in my opinion better than sonic forces
Did you know zebreahead also had/did some songs for the Tony Hawk games?
Its not the worst Sonic game
they're obviously going to fix the bugs in the remake to make it actually playable, retard.
Based and Sonic06pilled
I wouldn't be surprised. It's pretty much the type of rock you would hear in any sport game.
the gameplay still looks really fucking clunky, isn't this ported to unity? can't they fix this shit?
That doesn't mean it's worth remaking
Also this There are a lot of bugs tho but less than the original and less gameplay intrusive
It's not, but it's probably the worst of its type. And half those issues aren't products of its rushed development time, they were all part of the core design. It's straight worse than SA2 in practice, even if you made a hypothetically bug free 06
Nothing I complained about was a bug
Never realized it was the same zebrahead. I mean I never made the connection.
If they pulled off a good remake of 06 I'd mess with it.
Yeah but bug free + better graphics + more polished controls could end up in an actually decent game
Yes it is worth remaking you piece of shit cock sucker. It is ambitious and has a fuckton of potential. But I'm sure you cock sucking cum guzzling faggots would rather a shitty uninspired sequel to that rom hack by that afro having fucked up tooth having aussie
Who gives a fuck if I haven't heard of this or that sonic game?
Breathing life and care into a remaster of a bad game where the major faults are bugs and performance instead of intentional design is worth the effort compared to remastering an already great and timeless game. Fans would just play the original if it were a good game and lot would say that the remaster ruins it and that it is “soulless”. No reason not to take a dumpster fire and make it playable.
Sonic 06 has inherent problems which cannot be fixed like too long levels and shitty story. Silver isn't fun either.
No it fucking won't. It's a bad game.
I tell a lie though, it's not fundamentally worse than Heroes. At least Sonic doesn't control like an air hockey puck
What the fuck was ambitious about it? Give me a fucking reason. The Havok physics engine that was all the rage at the time? The multiple characters done before and better by both adventure games? Or maybe the story. That shitstain of a story wasn't a "bug", that was honestly what they wanted to do
It's an awful, awful game and it only deserves to be remade so it can finally be put in a grave for good.
I think you dropped this
we dont accept nintentard mentality like you
now we just need a remake of generations
-classic sonic with proper 2d sonic physics
-replace modern sonic gameplay with adventure
>let erafagging shitflinging
No. Fuck off. You and the Heeseposter are two sides of the same coin.
Then make better posts yourself faggot
>sonic fanbase doesn't accept absolutely all comers
And that is dragged down further by horrible performance issues to make it all worse. Removing at least performance issues makes it playable and easier to stomach. The whole shittiness of 06 is greater than the sum of each shitty part. Some quests like the guards or the lost dog are horrible, so just streamline them, make them optional, or outright cut those out of the game, and you’re already on the right track to making it good. Not much you can do about the story other than just skip cutscenes, though.
i want to fuck omega.
Even if a game is not the best, I think it's good that it can exists in it's best possible form. Taking something flawed and polishing it until the flaws become less noticeable has its merits, after all not every game we play or like is the best there is, and there is still fun to be had in something that is not still amazing.
It was ambitious for all the reasons you just listed you absolute fucking idiot. You answered your own question retard
Hopefully it makes more people realize there actually isn't a good game buried under a mountain of technical problems
Ya sure I didn't even hate 06 that much but it's never gonna get finished so why bother speculating?
This is by far the closest fans have gotten to a game that plays like the Adventure games
Why not just make an original game? Or remake Adventure 1 or 2 - you know, actually decent games?
Can't you emulate it anyways?
Ehh gen 7 emulation ain't exactly great right now
a majority of sonic fans grew up with SA2B and most of them didn't develop the same uncreative/anti-fangame stigma as fucking nintentards do.
kek seething more incel
looks playable but has lots of warping around
I forgot how whiny Griffith's Sonic sounds.
Sega has a dedicated audio department separate from development proper.
Sonic 06 had gumption but was hamstrung by dogshit management. Forces was technically more competent but was insultingly bare-bones.
Threadly reminder after 06 the press X to boost sonic formula got refined all the way until Generations.
3D Sonic shouldn't have freedom of movement in fast scenarios that's why they do the "straight path and you just switch lanes" segments, Homing attack got improved to hell and back since 06, and even if you make an 06 remake in Generations you still have to deal with the fucktarded story, shitty sidequests and figure out how to pull off the boss battles from 06 in Generations. I haven't even gotten to Knuckles and Tails levels
>hacking 2D sonic is creative
I don't think so.
yet you retards lap up to any rehash they make and call it creative
go fuck yourself
Tbh you can count the number of truly creative Sonic fan games on one hand, maybe two
most of them are either glorified level packs from pre-existing games or "[insert literal who character here] in Sonic 1" hacks
Depends on the release really.
its any release
how comic Super Mario Flashback counts as a Sonic fangane to SFGHQ?
did the MFGGchads take over?
I think they've started to accept fangames for other franchises
Wasn't there a Crash fangame on there a few years back?
Sonic and the black knight didn't really seem creative, still had fun with it though.
Someone explained it to me but I don't really remember.
I think it used an engine commonly used for Sonic fangames or something so it was kind of a "hey look what I did with these tools" situation.
Wasn't it an Expo game too? Because those generally have more lax rules.
I will rather play the same 2D Sonic game again and again than play Sonic Forces or Sonic Boom.
Okay, but there's still no reason to buy anything then.
Either way this isnt a straight port its an improved version
New levels, new mechanics, new characters, sure I can play any of the old 2D Sonic games and I'll get a similar experience with Sonic Mania, but Sonic Mania was a good entry, it was made to cater to these people who grew up with the 2D games and just wanted that type of game again, if they make a sequel they should go for more original zones and maybe add something more meaningful but id rather take that than games that just destroys the Sonic franchise, althought if Sonic hasn't died after Sonic 06, Sonic Boom and Sonic Forces I think nothing can kill Sonic.
Sonic is too iconic and timeless to die .
>New levels
How new they can be in the same style? There's dozens of zones in the old sonic games.
>new mechanics
That's bare minimum for any game
>new characters
How the fuck does this look worse than the original?
In all seriousness I'd love if Sega ported this game to PC as it's one of my favourite bad games ever made - it's so much fun to try and break it in new ways. One of my favourite little details is that if you stand on the gondolas they move out from underneath you. This is technology we've had since, like, the Atari 2600 but it was too much for Sonic Team circa 2006.
Christ, the game looks (in various senses) like shit, and most of that is due to being faithful to the original game. Maybe if those pathetic animations got double the keyframes it'd be okay.
Each old zone has 1 act that's pretty similar to the original and 1 that's pretty much all new level design
Mighty and Ray are technically new characters as their movesets are original
This is a legit jam
>mighty and ray
Those aren't new. And mighty definitely has an established gimmick.
Because Sega definitely hasnt taken fanmade stuff and slapped their name on it because they can never make anything as good as it, right?
it still looks like it plays like complete dogshit so no I'll pass.
based nintentard
I don't know what you're talking about so I can't tell if any of that is true.