>you now remember the greatest fps ever made
You now remember the greatest fps ever made
its bland brown and gray the shooter
good? definitely GOAT? nah.
polly want a cracker?
Its weapon designs were fantastic. I remember the Hailstorm, the Auger, Bullseye, Splitter, Backlash Grenade –this game was a gem in its time.
That's not Resistance 2.
Wasn't this the one that killed the franchise? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Co-op campaign was fuckin CHOICE son
>We will never get a Remaster of the series for PS4 because its doesnt include a shitty forced story like Uncharted or the Last of Us
What a shitty opinion.
I thought it was pretty generic
Resistance 2 was great. The online was some of the best times with PS3 online aside from Warhawk. Resistance 3 felt like it wanted the call of duty audience, and while it wasn't too bad it wasn't very good and made things taste stale.
I really liked the first one.
Yesterday i finished the second one, and its atrocious, one of the worst games i ever played, frustrating from beggining until the end. Its really, really bad
Well, it didn't kill it, as there was a third game. But it blew dicks compared to the first because it changed things that were good about the first. Except for the co-op, which was amazing.
>this is the consolecuck's standard
I remember a part of the game where you're driving a jeep and I was doing a terrible job driving around the map and my teammate asked if I was drunk. Good times
I played the FUCK out of Resistance 1 multiplayer.
>Got so good that my friend and I hosted 2 vs All lobbies and still won
>Shotgun only matches
>Huge CTF matchers where some people actually stay back to set up defenses around the flag
>The Mall level
God that game was so good.
>Got so good that my friend and I hosted 2 vs All lobbies and still won
This screams of broken game
you guys are forgetting the definitive game of the series
No, most players in any given game are just bad.
this was a pretty damn good launch game tho not gonna lie. The online was so fun
Resistance 3 was like a better half life 2.
My first online experience
Thanks OP! Pic related.
Earth Is Totally Fucked: The Game
Pretty solid. The health system was a good compromise between full regen and health packs.
The wacky weapons were fun.
2 is just so fucking weird and ugly and inconsistent.
I beat this game in like 3 hours
>console FPS
>dood it was aliums
wasted potential just like kuckzone