You now remember the greatest fps ever made

>you now remember the greatest fps ever made

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its bland brown and gray the shooter

good? definitely GOAT? nah.
polly want a cracker?

Its weapon designs were fantastic. I remember the Hailstorm, the Auger, Bullseye, Splitter, Backlash Grenade –this game was a gem in its time.

That's not Resistance 2.

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Wasn't this the one that killed the franchise? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Co-op campaign was fuckin CHOICE son

>We will never get a Remaster of the series for PS4 because its doesnt include a shitty forced story like Uncharted or the Last of Us

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What a shitty opinion.

I thought it was pretty generic

Resistance 2 was great. The online was some of the best times with PS3 online aside from Warhawk. Resistance 3 felt like it wanted the call of duty audience, and while it wasn't too bad it wasn't very good and made things taste stale.

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I really liked the first one.
Yesterday i finished the second one, and its atrocious, one of the worst games i ever played, frustrating from beggining until the end. Its really, really bad

Well, it didn't kill it, as there was a third game. But it blew dicks compared to the first because it changed things that were good about the first. Except for the co-op, which was amazing.

>this is the consolecuck's standard


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I remember a part of the game where you're driving a jeep and I was doing a terrible job driving around the map and my teammate asked if I was drunk. Good times

I played the FUCK out of Resistance 1 multiplayer.

>Got so good that my friend and I hosted 2 vs All lobbies and still won
>Shotgun only matches
>Huge CTF matchers where some people actually stay back to set up defenses around the flag
>The Mall level

God that game was so good.

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>Got so good that my friend and I hosted 2 vs All lobbies and still won

This screams of broken game

you guys are forgetting the definitive game of the series

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No, most players in any given game are just bad.

this was a pretty damn good launch game tho not gonna lie. The online was so fun

Resistance 3 was like a better half life 2.

My first online experience

Thanks OP! Pic related.

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Earth Is Totally Fucked: The Game

Pretty solid. The health system was a good compromise between full regen and health packs.

The wacky weapons were fun.

2 is just so fucking weird and ugly and inconsistent.

I beat this game in like 3 hours

>console FPS

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>dood it was aliums
wasted potential just like kuckzone