20 minutes
Humble Bundle Monthly
Shiiiiit that's go- >spoiler
Fuck off activision
Looks like i'll save some money this month.
>implying last month was any better
I haven't played an AC game past the Old bearded Ezio one, but;
AC Origins was pretty fun.
It's not a great game, but it was mindless fun to play while watching Netflix.
This time for sure...
Well, i've sold the Origins key to a co-worker for 7€, so i'm getting the bundle for 5€. Having spent some hours on Wandersong already, i'm happy with last months purchase.
>it's fun if X
Then it's not fun, you have to make it fun.
Its shit
I really hope this isn't true
May 2019 Bundle
>Assassin's Creed Origins
>Holy Potatoes! What the Hell?!
>Life is Strange: Before the Storm
>Cat Burglar: A Tail of Purrsuit
>The Occupation
Early Unlock for June 2019 Bundle
>Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Battle Edition
Am i the only one who wants to play COD BLOPS4? Kinda happy to get the next month desu
this site can't get any worse than this
It's really good, definitely try to get into it for a bit.
Its only the BR mode, no zombies or singleplayer
I know, but i dont mind that actually. Zombies would be cool, but i like the mp in cod in general.
Eh, if you like the BR mode and want the rest you can upgrade for $19.
Nice, maybe people will resell it for cheap, I kinda want to check out what Piranhas did with it.
Shame it's CoD this month.
They already gave away wandersong
It has deathmatch too.
The game has no meaningful single-player, which means it's pretty much just missing Zombies.
More like no Single-player at all, they focused completely on multiplayer, they didn't made a SP mode
0 for shit
The BR mode is also dead.
Maybe bundling it will restore it for a short while, but it's still a subpar BR.
is the normal multiplayer dead too?
Your point being?
Protip: if they give out a multiplayer game on the monthly bundle it's because the game is on life support and they need players to squeeze as much money as they can
Last time I played it, I got a match pretty quick, but that was pre-dlc.
If by dead they mean 8000 players, yes.
You can find a lobby in any mode at reasonable times.
>"May 2019 Humble Monthly"
June will be announced in 20 seconds
8k is pretty good I think
There'll be no problems finding games.
Wow, even with your fake underwhelming list what we actually got is even more shit by a huge magnitude.
How do you know how many players play the game?
It's shit.
aaaaaaaaaand you were wrong (besides cod)
Dumpster fire.
Holy hell this might just be the worst month on record. I subbed to this month by mistake. Fuck me for hoping it';d turn out ok. Wandersong is neat at least.
and it's garbage
Cod tracker
Whoever said it would be FFXV last thread, go fuck yourself.
Fuck you man, I just wanted cheap Elex.
Is zombies solo doable? may just pirate it to get my itch of mindless shooting
> Black Ops trash
>mystery games are awful
>new bait game is CoD
Jesus christ, what the fuck IGN
>Black ops 4
>Zombies mode not included
well I subbed for the cheap origins because I like AC but the rest of these games are pretty much unplayable garbage.
Elex would have been better.
And damn you.
Holy shit what the fuck happened to humble bundle. This the gayest bundle to date.
>Shitty "Too the Moon" RPGmaker Spinoff
>Tumblr-tier Dating Sim
>Negro Point and Click
>Shitty Pixel Point and Click
>A Game that was literally given away for FREE
What an amazing bundle.
I want to cancel, but I know that because of how shit this month and the Early Unlock is, that next months bundle has to be great....
I would buy this if only for the Humble Trove but now the worth of my sudaca currency went to shit.
Fug u, I wanted elex
These are the kind of games Humble Bundle gives now for monthly. Chapter 3 to this fucking shit no one has ever played.
>next months bundle has to be great
>itt poorfags
just pay your $12 goys and get some games you might play one day.
God almighty this bundle SUCKS. why is it whenever there's something nice, there has to be a jew that comes and ruins it? Looking at you IGayN
Can you give me a game that you dont need senpai
>black ops literally without the only mode that's worth playing
oh lole
Cancel or pause immediately. IGN thinks CoD is still the biggest hot shit on earth that will sell millions of copies
18+ site.
Endless trash.
Imagine that program ubisoft is using to kill keys gets implemented in to humble bundle. All these shit games would go directly to your steam account and you couldn't resell the keys or trade them.
We also get Tumblr Dating Sim
But what if next month does actually have Elex?
anyone got leftover Styx?
Then still cancel? Elex is a shit game only enjoyed due to nostalgia for the janky 00s by autistic manchildren who are stuck in a state of arrested development.
I liked Humble Bundle more when they had a DRM-free guarantee.
What the fuck is this? So glad I didn't pay for this shit
I never thought there would be so many people interested in Elex. Kind of hilarious when Monthly is so bad that Elex would be better. I really want to check it out too, but don't want to spend too much money on nu-Piranha Bytes game.
Here is "I'm not a Monster".
In case anyone didn't get it while it was free on steam.
>two months ago
>have paypal account linked to humblebundle
>purposefully pause a month because early unlock is not-l4d and EDF, which I have
>they unpause and charge me before the month is over
Never abandoned a site faster, fucking scam is what it is
Fuck you I wanted Elex. Holy shit this is the worst monthly ever fucking kill yourselves ign
post yfw you didnt buy this piece of dogshit bundle
>this monthly
literally why, wandersong is the only decent game in it.
>cod doesn't even include zombies
>I'm not a monster
was literally free on steam and in several fanatical bundles
>Battle.net headliner
>Uplay headliner
>Battle.net headliner
>Uplay headliner
>Battle.net headliner
>Uplay headliner
>Humble store now sells Epic Games Store keys
It's almost like they are preparing us for the inevitable Origin headliner
Didn't realize I had an extra copy of Vermintide 2 from the March bundle: 0EF23-QD7NL-WRY9K
Getting real tired of this
>The Journey Down: Chapter Three
Well, that's not quite Vermintide 2, but I'll take it nonetheless; cheers
I have journey down vols 1 and 2 and it's nice to have 3, I will probably download 1 now and play it since I never did because I dont want to play unfinished games..
I enjoy point and click games though
So since this was shit I thought I would buy
Because it is $3.50 right now.
I would have taken the CoD if it came with zombies but it doesn't? What a fucking scam, this shit is going to get replaced in like 2 months too.
It's $3.50
Zombies doesn't need an active playerbase. People who want to play it will either buy it or not play it. They're not doing these bundles for your sake.
Just found out american stole my crefit card information and was using it to pay for humble bundle and amazon prime
>he didn't change his region to argentina, russia or turkey
my bad here's an actually good game I think: HXWAV-WC0LC-J2M7W
Someone send me a key for Finding Paradise or Wandersong from the newest monthly, or i'll suck your penis while you sleep without your knowledge
sent ;)
fuck no I paid money for this trash bundle, atleast let me have the decent games in it.
Humble is helping me save money with their shitty bundles. Now even the monthlies are shit.
user, you should always be cautious of which sites you use and what information you give them.
Game deal sites are filled with scammers.
For any of you that didn't get the latest humble bundle, now is your chance to get an indie game you want from it.
Post what game you want from the list and your email.
Do Not Feed the Monkeys
Finding Paradise
I'm not a Monster
The Journey Down: Chapter Three
Monster Prom
I'd like Do not feed the monkeys
Gimme Finding paradise
Is this the best you can do Humble? It's not even the full fucking game!
>Monster Prom
How is this multiplayer?
Also, does the DLC need to be installed from the start? or can I pick it up later and it not effect anything?
give me tumblr prom lol
[email protected]
The Journey Down chapter three for me
[email protected]
These bundles being trash have given me a lot of money to spend on games. It is like $16 in Canada and I haven't even spent that much on PC games the past 2 months.
I think I'm just going to buy a couple of indie games each time the bundle is shit.
Might as well ask for I'm Not a Monster, thanks user.
Thank you for Finding Paradise user! I appreciate it.
They know that if they put zombies in it people would actually like the bundle because then there would be an actual game to play.
They just want to inflate the online playerbase before they announce the next one during E3.
>Monster Prom
[email protected]
Thank you, ps I hate that steam does this shit when you redeem games
Jesus, what a shitty bundle. I feel absolutely robbed.
thanks dude, got it
holy fuck
"humble" is right
Does what ?
Thank you for Journey Down chapter 3, user. Also I just used the same temp mail service some other guy did, but you didn't give me 2 games
it's html for a space but steam is shit and that just happens
What do you mean robbed, you paid 12 bucks for 146 bucks worth of games :^)
What's with this shitty trend of each bundle being worth less than the last?
> (Zombies mode not included.)
lmao never change activision
Start out the year with great stuff so people subscribe for a year thinking it will always be like that and and just progressively wind it back.
>the only games my friends EVER buy are the ones in the humble monthly/humble bundle because they are cheapasses
>have skipped the past 2 bundles
>everyone just playing rocket league for weeks
Too bad only one of them looks even remotely playable and I can't even be bothered with that, since it requires Uplay.
You're welcome bros, I did a big giveaway at Christmas last year, it was a lot of fun.
i didn't receive anything user...
Were you the crazy guy that gave like hundreds of games including bayonetta and whatnot?
Wandersong is on steam tho
I got more games, post your email again and I'll give you something.
[email protected]
thanks man
>Gifting games to anons
What's the point? They never play them. Buy something for yourself instead.
I missed out on your other offerings, any chance I can get a consolation prize?
Anybody with a spare copy of BLOPS4 from the next monthly that he doesnt need? Im one of the two people who still like COD, but i cant be arsed to to get whole 12 dollar bundle. Mail below if someone feels like generous fucker.
can you send monster prom again i didnt get the email
[email protected]
>Cock of Dooky
It's fucking nothing
nice try fagget, that's not even the same email site
wizard of legend was a really good game. Gameplay was a lot of fun
holy molly stellaris
thank you user
I was the first one to ask for it and nothing
Monster Prom it's c- cute
This monthly is so shit that I think I might cancel.
Real mature, user. Also, it's for charity.
Huh, I still have a Dark Souls 2 SOTFS key from a past bundle.
I'll give it to the first user to pull a 56, 80, 94 or 12.
>get whole 12 dollar bundle
It's 12 dollars. If you can't afford that you have bigger problems. Stop begging.
let's see here
Who cares? I've been on Humble Monthly since it's inception and Actiblizz getting a huge charity tax write off to offset their failure of a CoD game while pushing it to as many people as possible ( in a gimped, halfway state) in order to maximize any chance at dollars for a failed, uninspired piece of shit is not some magnanimous act from a benevolent corporation.
>If you can't afford that you have bigger problem
Im aware of that, thats why i wanna play some video games user
i dont even want it
Oh well IF IT'S FOR CHARITY then please waiter, another plate of your finest literal shit!
Thanks for Shoppe Keep user, you're truly one of the good ones
please user i really want a dark soul game
[email protected]
I was honestly happy to get Wandersong for 12 bucks, played through it last week and it's now one of my favorite indies. But jesus fuck, are any of these others worth playing? Why would I want chapter three of some point and click game?
Almost certainly cancelling this shit, being able to play my first CoD campaign since MW2 might have swayed me but I'll pass on this garbage.
Only 5% goes to charity.
[email protected]
badda bing badda boom
well you have another reason to cancel because Black Ops 4 offers no campaign whatsoever
Easily the worst game in this thread. Take your key and shove it up your ass
That's also why they very often don't bundle the DLC with the games (EDF being an exception)
I dont need it so if I win just give it to one of the people who replied before me
give this poorfag a chance please: [email protected]
Why are all the early unlocks triple A activision ubishit now?
Because they know that getting people into their games as a service games is more lucrative than an up front sale so they moneyhat Humble to be mailed directly into our computers for cheap so we feel like we got some amazingly great deal when really we just got Trojan horsed by greedy shitbirds.
That's what I mean, if it did, I'd just shrug and stay subbed.
I've been turning it off for the majority of the months anyway, and only signed up in the first place to get AHiT. Theres been a few gems in there like Yakuza 0 and Wizard of Legend, and it was nice to get another copy of Overwatch, but yeah, it's extremely inconsistent.
Will humble bundle ever be good again? also give me cultist simulator
>Will humble bundle ever be good again?
>also give me cultist simulator
if you live in burgerland you can just go outside
not cool man, stop playing with my heart like that
Get a job, faggot.
Wandersong is fucking good, try it out user!
give it to moot
>Assassin's Creed Origins
>Holy Potatoes! What the Hell?!
>The Occupation
this are all good shit, why are you complaining?
it's multiplayer since the game lets you set timers to stream the game to your friends on twitch or whatever
let's see
Accepting any donations. [email protected]
first guy that posts porn gets steam key for DARK SOULS IIII
>Using a throwaway gmail instead of something like sharklazers
What kind of shitter are you?
>Call of Duty DRM free
lol what
I use temporal mails for shit like mega accounts. I already had this throwaway mail to register on questionable sites etc, so might as well use it.
* = OH *ABY
just buy it if there's a headline game you want..
Wow thanks for Sekiro!
* = 3 minus 1
>I can afford to buy a dildo to shove up my ass, but I don't want to shove a dildo up my ass
That game is garbo after the initial 3/4 hours
Thank you for Do Not Feed the Monkeys
* = (*ou)
hey thanks for finding paradise, user
* = first letter of filename
Grabbed The Journey Down. Cheers!
Press * to pay respects
Last one, see you faggots next month.
January, Feb and March were all great, what the fuck happened?
May's is the worst so far. What a waste of money.
Damn, i need to set my thread updater to something lower than every second if i want to catch these codes.
Time is more valuable than money and I just don't have the time to spend on shit games anymore. Aside from Asscreed and Wandersong this bundle is a robbery.
Just talk to the support or literally refund through PayPal
Don't worry... Codes are over. And this thread will die soon anyway.
these anons are too speedy
This one broke me. I just can't do it anymore. This shit is putrid. These are games you'd find in a 1$ 20 game bundle on some trashy literallywho site.
holy shit this is pure fucking garbage
They literally just fucking did this to me, I didnt want it this month and tried to cancel but it went through this morning anyways
I'm fucking ditching it now, suck my ass faggots you don't get to take my money for battle royale shit
Fuck you, it's for charity.
Humble monthly was never for charity. They get to keep almost all the money compared to regular bundles with the sliders.
There are better charities to support
why is my may bundle different wtf?
This. Fuck that.
Only the first 100 people who subscribed got that bundle, everyone else got the bundle you got
now this is jewery
Apperantly, the next monthly got leaked:
June 2019:
Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII Battle Edition
Holy Potatoes! What the Hell?!
Life is Strange: Before the Storm
Cat Burglar: A Tail of Purrsuit
The Occupation
Proof or never happened.
Just trust me.
this feels like a shill attempt by humble in order to get people to buy their even shittier bundle than last month
One of the biggest scams in the western world.
I can't... We are on Yea Forums.
Sasuga Yea Forums............
Souce of the pick?
Just because you don't know of a game doesn't mean it's shit.
Gonna buy moster prom
I don't see half of these games, what the fuck
does anyone wanna trade Vermintide 2 for any one of these other humble monthly things;
Rock of Ages 2
The Journey Down: Chapter Three
I am not a Monster
Monster Prom
>any one
any. more than one is definitely fine.
Cheer up, the following bundle will be shit, but some of the unlocks will be fine. And in august you'll get Valkyria Chronicles 4 as a early unlock, which is probably the type of shit you guys love anyway.
how about you shove that thing up your boss ass, you cocksucker
Jesus fuck this is the worst two months in a row, what a hunk of shit. Wandersong looks mediocre and everything else is straight shit
Congratulations everyone who remembered to pause this bundle
unironically nice
>only normal MP and BR