The absolute state of gaming in the USA

>the absolute state of gaming in the USA

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This is why i only play singleplayer games nowadays

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Please don’t associate California and New York with the other 48 states. The rest of us hate them as much as you hate them too.

if you think there's anything wrong with this you should be strung up by the heels and shot in the head but unironically

>play tf2 and cs
>can call anyone a faggot nigger and get away with it

And all is good in the world. You don't even need a good PC to play them so I'm only winning even on the financial side.

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woah, dude! stop bullying!!!

Doesn't calling things "potato" come from that picture of the retarded kid with the caption "I can count to potato"? Can't believe Microsoft would deem such a disgusting ableist slur as being somehow acceptable.

All of the ''acceptable'' insults become good if you just add a :) at the end of them since it'll drive others insane

Who even trash talks on console games anymore? Everyone is in their party chats or whatever and communication is almost non-existent

>Threatening destruction is okay
>Threatening lovemaking is not

The memes are real

Correct, potato mean retard. But there is no "acceptable" point where they'll stop criticizing you.

whats wrong with bullying? people like you could use a little

>the absolute state of gaming


Attached: get out of here nigger.png (1080x1919, 423K)

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Isn't potato a retard-related "slur"?

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this is why I love valve

in dota 2 I call people niggers every game and nothing happens

But rape is destruction of ones dignity.

>trash talk for the last 6 years in dota
>get muted twice for 24 hours
at least one company still has a spine for free speech over feelings

same but in csgo


Yeah, valve from 1998 to 2011. Because they totally stopped releasing games since then.

I don't like the epic store but I hope it'll break the steam Monopoly so valve can fucking stop fucking around collecting money while doing nothing

>potato aim
They don't understand potato actually means autist right?

What a bunch of dumbasses.

And "destroy" with no specific target generally means the destruction of one's entire being, which naturally includes their dignity too.

High IQ post

Trash talking in any manner is not acceptable. Only a child would do that.

Fuck off commie stop trying to limit free speech

Nah you have the right to do it I guess, but trash talking people over videogames is really not something an adult should be doing. Grow up.

You obsessed third world faggots are still on this shit, saging the shit out of this thread.

Going too far looks like

This isn't about maturity levels you fag this is about protecting the first amendment. I don't even have a mic with my Xbox

Fuck niggers fuck kikes fuck corporations fuck journalists fuck capitalists fuck communists fuck OP fuck and fuck YOU

>not going with the patrician ;^)

>not playing redpilled games like siege and mordhau
The player base is /pol/v/ incarnate

>The playerbase is filled with incels and unironic racists

>Come at me when you can drive cars without running off the road
Isn't this essentially a kys message?

So literally this entire website?
As I said it's /vpol/ incarnate
Edgy teens and autistic 20 somethings like me everywhere

Just add incel to the above and your good

>not going with the tried and true :^)

When you want to trash talk it's simple

Just hit them with a "?" when you kill them

>get fucked
this is seriously destroyed up.

>saying "get out of my country" now gets you banned

You can't make this shit up bros

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>western gaming

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>git gud is acceptable trash talk
oh nononono how could they do this to us!

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bros...we can't lose like this...

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Simplicity is always best when trash talking, if you get too verbose it just makes you look mad as fuck

>Simpletons can't verbally destroy someone without relying on tired racial slurs and worn out cussin

>"have sex" will finally get wordfiltered by jannies

Seriously what happened to entire gaming is niche thing, back then everyone used to have sex with my mom and telling each other niggers and sending deaths threats over teabagging in halo, this second half of the generation can't even take the word idiot or retard without breaking down in tears, it feels like all shit happened because of gamergate sjw and the rest of the trash that occurred

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Someone should send this back at Microsoft and tell them to check their privelege.


Yea Forums always reminices about the "good old" days of xbox live where any numale can't even survive today.

But does Yea Forums realize that its because of the reputation and optics that the old XBL got is the reason for shit like this today?

Those "good old" days aren't so good now are they? Fucking idiots.

fuck I hadnt thought of this

There's nothing wrong with this. Call it sjw and pc as much as you like but i'd rather play with people who don't speak like gutter trash.
For once the soiaknights and hambeasts have a point. Though i'd drop the "kid" part, that's just cringy.

>i'd rather play with
>i'd rather

this isnt about what YOU prefer, idiot.

Fuck you nigger faggot kys

Fuck off with that gay shit

This is the truth but Yea Forums will still hide from it.

wholeheartedly agree here, Mordhau is such a fucking fun time


This, people need to sage this garbage thread more.


Yea Forums can't handle the truth
That they are the makers of their own demise

Get a load of this

Fuck off, “optics” is just a lame excuse for censorship

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>potato aim
Potato is a derogatory term for the mentally handicapped. Whoever wrote this needs to be informed that they're being ableist.

As a natural born contrarian, I literally can't but call people niggers. The reactions are too sweet and sustain my existence. I have no choice, I have to say it.

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>play M rated game full of swearing, gore, and murder
>can't use when speaking to other players

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>Now here's a God of War wallpaper

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The very concept that video games have winners and losers is extremely toxic.

How the fuck is proposing an existential question of morality trash talking? What retard made this?

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On the right track but I think you can accentuate the sexual puritan nature of these onion gamers.

This. We should fix that.

OP is a .

I cant believe they still dont know Potato originated from retarded. It's gonna be great when some trans journo cooks up a kotaku article about it.

Totally expected from a

>Get . Can't believe you thought you were on my level.

So I can say get cancer? That's not a sexual threat but it's the word that would more often than not be there

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>the [safe space] was equipped with cookies, coloring books, bubbles, Play-Doh, calming music, pillows, blankets and a video of frolicking puppies...
Progressivists are toddlers. Watch out Nazis.

You just blow in from stupid town?

>lol imagine if marxist commies ran gaming
Nobody back then would have said that, not only were those terms not popularized yet, most people playing games back then were probably still inherently liberal. Though the left has gone so far left that moderate to liberal back then is now radical conservative.

Its simple, don't play or buy such games.

>playing online