Wake up

>wake up
>no digimon thread

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Daily fucking reminder that Digimon rumble arena 2 is the best Digimon game out there.

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Furries go and stay go But for those who actually want to talk Digimon: Just downloades Diginon Unlimited, and it's strangely nostalgic despite not growing up with a v-pet.

Arena 1 was better. Still I like other digimon games more. All ps1 games were good. If only they make another card game. I hate how digimon survive is cheap looking. It's just sad.

New Digimon Story game when?
I really liked Cyber Sleuth.

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Agumon in Smash? Good choice.

it's coming eventually.

Attached: digimonstorydev.png (1240x1328, 914K)

>I really liked Cyber Sleuth
To the trash you go. Did you play previous games? I couldn't even finish it since it was too boring. Also they changed lolis and shotas into old hags.

Im in this thread for the porn

Snoy 4 as base. Hopefully they will hack recent ps4 firmware soon. I don't want to pay them anymore.

There's no such thing as Digimon porn, user. Why would you think otherwise?

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Why? Pokemon has more and better quality.

Fuck off back to your bara furshit containment hole.

>All ps1 games were good.
Digimon World 3 isn't.
The card minigame in it is the only good thing.

Isnt theres a digimon fire emblem type game coming to ps4 and switch?

tfw you will never debate food with her.

>not the >what would you do to save digimon poster with that kari pic

>ywn infect her body and listen to her hopeless screams as you try to kill her friends

It's best turn based one and in top best 3 digimon games. You most likely didn't even play it or finish it.

Attached: not this shit again.jpg (316x341, 39K)

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Probably never.

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I'm playing cybersleuth right now the original one. Not hackers memory. I'm not into those emo character models

My Digimon pendulum lit up in the middle of the night. Also it changed its language to Japanese. It was English originally.

It's boring like smt games where you need to attack weak point all the time. Also the world is shit all places look the same in digital world. Digimon games should never to the filthy gaytlus audience. I'm not sure how this borefest is getting so much prize just because a digimon game didn't come to west in long time. If redigitize decode is the one translated to english would've been much better choice. It's also full of fetch quests it's like they made the game shit on purpose.

Not everyone is retarded. I like it because I think digimon are cool. All that anine shit can fuck off though. Also never played an SMT game and the only persona I've ever played was the first one and I didn't get very far. Got to a hospital with zombies, dropped it and never played it again so your argument doesn't apply to me

This looks like porn

>It's boring like smt games where you need to attack weak point all the time.
i'm sorry the combat system isn't "press x to awesome" with flashy action all over the screen like your zoom zoom games.
>Also the world is shit all places look the same in digital world.
it's almost like the combination of a tiny budget and the vita's hardware limitations forced them to reuse assets.
>Digimon games should never to the filthy gaytlus audience.
cyber sleuth panders to falcom fans just as much as atlus fans. the kuremi detective agency is pretty much the same thing as a bracer guild from kiseki. so is hudie.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Attached: vee003.png (477x428, 233K)

Please don't use my husband for your shenanigans.

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Please pick someone else instead.

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not him but dw3 is ass and i did finish it on the emulator,it was garbage all along:
long load times(thank god uncap framerate);
slow and too easy battles(thank god again for uncap fremerate) you'll have more trouble getting from level 1 to 2 than anything else in the game,and you have to battle every 5 steps;
shit fetch quest main story with no clue where to go and all maps are huge empty mazes which barely differ from each other,the main story's conclusion was all outta of nowhere,like there's this big ass digimon that appears in a cutscene and he simply dies not so much later in another cutscene;
all attacks are just colored energy balls for every digimon
npc's get trapped as pigs forever before the last boss nullifying any chance to get the other digimon i missed since you cant do any sidequest at this point(i only got to know about digimon world 2003 the other day in another thread,but still it sucks)
untested shit you can actually run away from a boss just before the last one and progress like nothing happened
there's barely anything else to do besides picking up useless lv1 digimon regarding sidequests in the game
oh yeah and fuck the cyber board thingy which is supposed to gap you to every place in the game but it is a fucking maze itself and you have to battle all the damn time
i only played this shit because i could speed up to 800fps and had nothing else to play in mind,i went sometime without internet at home so this was all i had downloaded,fuck this game

tl;dr dont play DW3

>entire line is built for sex

Then don't fucking wake up you dirty fucking furry

>my husband
Veemon is canonically married to Hawkmon


The patrician choice of partners is Veemon, Patamon, and Wormmon.

Attached: PlayStation - Digimon Digital Card Battle - Partners Digimon Card.png (548x215, 119K)

we all know what we're here for
>tfw no good machgaogamon art

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It's a great feeling playing through Cyber Sleuth with only your dragon friends. Fuck Omegamon.

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>homosexuals aren't pedophil-

Who are you quoting?

>tfw already spent hard-earned dollary-doos on dragon men

Attached: Garurus.jpg (720x960, 153K)

Close but no cigar.

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This guy is my boy.

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your boy is pretty small

>wake up
>no digimon thread

Sorry Rip Van Winkle, Digimon ceased being much of a thing in the West.


Attached: Bearmon2.jpg (320x320, 61K)

My boy doesn't have many big images.

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wassup nigga

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>Digimon World 3 isn't.
It's the best one

theres so many digimon that rarely show up in videogames if they do at all
I couldn't get through hackers memory the only fun in it for me was seeing my favorite digimon, actually playing it got boring real fast.

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maybe because it's an anime series that happened to get some mediocre videogames

I'd be totally fine with regional variants/breeds of Digimon if they went beyond just being black.
There's tons of animals around that have color pattern differences, you just have to give to give them some interesting patterns.

That said, ToyAgumon is high tier stuff.

>wake up
>no digi gf

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This monster would look right at home in an afternoon special telling kids not to do drugs. That may sound cheesy, but I think it's a legit compliment, that little dude is great: 10/10 would play basketball with him.

I feel similarly

>Survive was announced way back in July 2018
>Nearly a year since and there haven't been any updates
>Updates for this game only on summer
I hope Bamco won't act surprised when this game bombs because everyone eventually forgot it fucking exists.

there's x-antibodies, which make more sense for digimon than regional variants would anyway.

no, it's a series of simulation games that ended up getting a few excellent anime seasons.

would have adventures with him, he looks like the perfect partner to hang with

>digimon threads have become the new klonoa
>you can't talk about digimon without some faggot ruining with cropped porn

Which one is getting a smash invite?

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oh look, is another designated thread by discordfags, what a coincidence that the first time OP pic was posted they knew it was a thinly-veiled furry thread compared to other pics of digimon which the furfaggotry was never brought up, hmmm really gets the nogging jogging.

no one. it's a dead series

Can you guys please stop bringing up irrelevant shit while bumping the thread without any contribution? You're doing nothing except ruining this thread by impersonating as a mod hilariously over something petty and minuscule that you can just ignore.

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>as they continue derailing the thread
>"oh, just ignore them, they'll stop"

>long load times
In my experience the load times of DW3 were in the bearable realm of 1-3 seconds unless you had a fucked disc or laser. The game is pretty grindy af tho.

>>as they continue derailing the thread
Stop with this paranoid, please. NO ONE is derailing except YOU with your "moderating" attempts.

>"oh, just ignore them, they'll stop"

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