Upgrading gear has a chance to fail

>upgrading gear has a chance to fail
Who the fuck started this shit?

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>can pay in-game currency to open chests and have a chance of getting an item
>chance of it not appearing at all
>you can spend almost all of your money on chests and get nothing because of rng and be too far behind progression-wise to advance

>Who started it
Valve and EA with TF2 and FIFA, respectively
>Who honed it
Koreans while pioneering the f2p game model
>Who perfected it
EA again

>wait, no. ok. the piece of gear also loses levels when you fail an upgrade

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>upgrade system is random
>There's a chance your gear could get worse

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Name 248 games that have this

>the upgrade system is locked behind DLC

>DLC segments the playerbase

>getting your gear to +7 or above in Ragnarok

Those were truly the dark ages

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Dofus does this. It's actually pretty nice for the economy.

>Who the fuck started this shit?
Tabletop games.

The earliest example I can think of in vidya is Star Ocean 3.


More like
>After a certain rank, failure not only can reduce the +, but can flat out destroy the gear
>You can prevent gear destruction if you have this specific consumable though but it costs 30 bucks for a pack of 20 :^)

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>item has a limited number of times it can be upgraded
>fail to upgrade
>stats gets worse
>permanently lose one of the upgrade chances
>game's economy is completely fucked because of it
FUCK whatever rice nigger came up with this fucking garbage holy fucking shit this is such a fucking pile of steaming bullshit

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This is how it should be. Also make sure its announced to the whole server so people can message you to laugh in your face and tell you to kill yourself.

Black desert thread?

God I want to bury my face in Grace's brap box


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>valve and EA
free2play MMOs (and buy2play) were doing this long before valve and EA ever did
blame the koreans

>Upgrading items costs a fuck tonn fo farming both money and very expensive or fucking hard to get items.
>Each tier is 10% harder to updrage.
>Last tier is only a 10% change of upgrading
>If ANY tier fails, weapon is destroyed forever
FUCK I miss playing Metin2

>you can upgrade your gear to a higher level gear set
>but to do so you need it at least +10 or it can break
>after the upgrade it goes down to +0 again

>Games aren't using critical failure anymore
Fuck modern video games.

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I remember it in PSU. You could grind weapons up a maximum number of times, but there was a chance for the grinding to fall, and you'd permanently lose access to an upgrade node. And every time you successfully upgraded, it would only get harder to perform subsequent grinds, so you needed better and better supplemental materials, and even then it wasn't guaranteed to succeed.