Ace Attorney


FUCK Capcom release schedule and FUCK the Japs

Attached: van zieks.gif (256x192, 2.22M)

Going to play DGS

Is the leg slamming wine drinking Jap hating death prosecuting man as good as he appears

He's literally an Edgeworth reskin

Isn't that kind of the point?

I dont like rehashes, he even has same tragic backstory, gets framed in DGS2 and you defend him in court against reskin of Gant with Von Karma's personality who is the main villain wnd final boss of DGS duology.

He's pretty fun, but he only appears in court

>user says he's going to play DGS
>go full on spoiler on his ass
fuck you, pal

Shit, that makes Blackquill and Sahdmahdi look like the best in the series at that rate

Goddammit spoilers man. Fucking hell.

>anyone better than Sad Monk
Literally impossible

Attached: 👌.gif (256x192, 494K)

If it makes you feel better, his post isn't entirely true.

>don't want spoilers
>go on Yea Forums, place notorious for shitposting, being worst board next to Yea Forums and generally known as cancer incarnate and enter a thread about a game you haven't played yet
>expect not to get spoiled
First day on Yea Forums eh?

>Never learns from his mistakes
>Copy pasted the dynamic between Phoenix and Edgeworth for Apollo
>Animations take years to finish
>Claims "A dragon never yeilds" but was the lapdog of a theocratic tyrant for years
>Somehow is proclaimed Lord Regent despite the fact that he's clearly pressed false charges and got innocent people killed under the DC Act

Fuck him

This is the user that you responded to, I honestly don't care and often ignore shit anyways

>guy wants to play the first game in the series that just got fantranslated
>spoil the second game that hasn't been translated
>"heh you should have expected spoilers newfag"

Attached: 1554689751762.jpg (473x355, 156K)

>call out retard for shitty behavior
>get some newfag all defensive and posting about reddit's definition of Yea Forums
nigger, is this YOUR first day

I'm not the one that posted the spoiler, I'm just mocking your stupidity for walking into a thread about a game you haven't played.
The amount of TrannyEra newfaggotry in you is astounding.

oh jesus it's genuine nu-Yea Forums, I thought AA threads didn't have these

>genuine nu-Yea Forums
The irony.

nigger you are the newfag if you think things always were like this
I miss the black bar threads, but they will never come back thanks to retards like you who encourage this kind of shit
>anyone who I don't like is a tranny and posts in resetera
You are seriously obessed

Attached: what the fuck am I reading.png (400x240, 92K)

>starts identity politics without any prompting whatsoever
>goes by Yea Forums "definitions" he heard off facebook
Nah bro

>using the word obsessed
>claims not to be nu/v/ermin personified
só ›¡mó ›¡h tó ›¡bó ›¡h fó ›¡aó ›¡m, i bet you can't even triforce

ó ›¡ ó ›¡ â–²
â–² â–²

Now go drink more só ›¡oó ›¡y like a good Có ›¡Uó ›¡Có ›¡K

>Thought for sure pic would be the edgeworth of the series
>We get prototype edgeworth instead
Not really that mad. Asougi turned out to be a literal cuck, and I enjoy watching bottles of expensive wine get chucked at braziers.

Attached: CMQguOZUkAA4zcN.jpg (1200x1067, 145K)

He's not dead and comes back as main villain's apprentice in DGS2


>to advance this section you have to cross your eyes until you ruin your vision

or just use the tool

or just kind of look closely, honestly