What went wrong?

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It got popular and lost the "underground" vibe
Also more normy shit being put into fighting games
Remember unlocking character outfits/colors for doing character trials or beating arcade mode with said character?
Cough up the cash for all that shit now, nigga.

Too much money, turned the scene into salarymen and whores playing shit games for paychecks.


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It's still the most enjoyable esport there is. It's fun watching all the drama and personalities. Any other esport would do everything to ban or censor those players who dare to have some personality.

>What went wrong?

>What went wrong
blacks, gays and furries

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Money ruined it. Esports ruined it. It is just a big project to milk retards.

Fighting games without the community are still good though.

What are you fuckers even on about. There are private tournaments at every street corner. Every single cpt tournament is run and organized by fans for fans and brackets are open for everyone. But the second ONE shitty japanese invitational with weird fantasy rules comes along (which nobody even cares about) people scream "FGC IS DEAD FUCK ESPORTS". Bullshit. FGC is as honest as it always has been. Yeeeah capcom cup finals and evo have cheesy commentary. Big whoop. They broadcast that shit on television, I mean would you rather have it like with TWT finals where you can win an incredible 7500 dollars? Cause nobody cares but the five people who compete? You have to strike a balance between hype and normie-zation and I feel like we're in a real good fucking spot considering.

Stop writing like some ghetto monkey.

the most recognizable player is a gay furry who wears his fetish shit to tournaments

That's only true if you knowledge of the FGC comes from Yea Forums where only memes matter.


Also Melee.

more like what went right

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Look at the TIIIIME



Not a fighting game.

But one of the problems is casuals who try to mix arena brawlers with classic fighting games and pretend Smash is a fighting game which is retarded.


Got popular and got linked with money. Also completely ignoring anything that isn't Tekken/SF/MK

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No sane person would stablish any links with the FGC.
They are a bunch of elitist bandwaggoners that will jump on the dick of the popular trash tier streamers like Arys or Max.

Honestly, fighting games are fucking dead and their playerbases are fucking pathetic besides Tekken which is actually the better option to play as any recent game has been a massive unbalanced dissappointing cashgrab.
>Soul Calibur 6
>MvC Infinite

What a load of trash. I've played all of them, most people suck and they run the same fucking characters over and over a game because people prefer to use a crutch than to actually learn to play and use what fit their playstyle.

>Go into SC6
Literally only Nightmare until 2B was released and dominated the entirety of what was left of the online mode
>Play Fighterz
Goku Black,Goku Dad, Green 24% cells Goku again and again

It gets old so fucking soon.
The FCG is the perfect place for people that want to win at a fighting game, not learn to play a fighting game.

Also Melee is for faggots and most FGC personalities should hang themselves.

Have a good day.

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Nothing went wrong with the FGC itself, at least from a spectator point of view. It still has the ghetto mannerism, relatively cheap production-value and a certain degree of pragmatism. It's true that there is more cash around but it's still niche compared to actual big esport cancer

Now if you ask what went wrong with the games themselves, there are lots of reasons

They hated him because he told them the truth.

Sounds like you're describing streammmonsters and online scrubs that are more often than not just people to swallow trends and fads instead of actually dedicating themselves to a game.
Which is in, in all honesty, a good chunk of the community. Thankfully their worthless opinions can be filtered.

The sad thing is that those make a really big chunk of the community, and they spread through all franchises.
>I love to play Bardock because Max told me he is broken I win a lot doing the same combo Max told me to do on stream again and again
>WAAAAH somebody won a match against me I guess this character sucks now

I swear to god people that try to get into fg by playing what other people tell them to play get under my skin.

>same fucking characters over and over a game because people prefer to use a crutch than to actually learn to play
>for people that want to win at a fighting game, not learn to play a fighting game

This is painfully scrubby. Learning to play a fighting game and wanting to win are not mutually exclusive, and there are no "crutches" to it. If you put in the hours and make smart decisions you win and are good, if you don't you lose and don't get to bitch, there is no such thing as secretly being good but losing because deep down you made the right calls in your heart despite the win screen saying otherwise.

Not him but you are representing an extremely naive perspective of the winner-loser aspect. As a teacher, I would not give you very good grade.


and Smash

It's awful, and I know the feeling. I particularly dislike the majority of the community of my given fighting game which is why I avoid twitter and discord like the plague since they're so full of unfunny shitters who only want to meme and fit in while they suck at the game.
That's why I just stick to a small group of friends and people I've met online through fighting.

If you seriously think that tiers mean nothing, that people usually play what they like instead of what they find online to be good and that most people want a progressive skill curve instead of a instant endorphine rush you are deluding yourself.

I've played a lot of fg, and I mean a lot and with several of them I reached the same conclusion.
FGs could only work in the Arcade times because there were no google searches about combos or streams about frame data.
Those games made YOU play and play until you got gud without filtering anything.
Only the people who wanted to actually get good played to do so, and casuals just took what they perceived to be good yet got destroyed because their word was not law and was based in pure perception from their shitter point of view.

FGs are mostly dead as a genre and skill based FGs are really rare nowadays.

Anime trash opinion quota filled.

Exactly this.
The only hope for people that want to learn and enjoy a FG is to make a custom Arcade crew in Discord no more than maybe 20-25 people of a similar skill levelm. Or people that want to learn and play at said skill level.

Otherwise, you are just going to die inside by playing online in most FGs.

Nothing people aren’t getting good enough and games aren’t getting dumber

How so, there are no grades for good form or good intentions in a fighting game. It's a big mix of having the necessary knowledge, execution, mind games and nerves when it counts, and one guy advances in the brackets while the other guy goes home at the end of the day. It's an important step to accept that the loss is your responsibility, and no amount of "but"s will change the results. Maybe it's just not your day - should have had a good breakfast, gotten more sleep. Maybe you lost at the character select screen already - learn a different character already as everyone has been telling you to. But don't think for a second your opponent is "at fault" for the fact that you lost.

I didn't say tiers don't mean anything and I don't get what made you think I implied that. Crying over the fact that people pick the strong characters is inane. Ask for better balancing, not for people to intentionally gimp themselves.

That having been said I feel most modern games do a marvelous job of balancing their cast.

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When people care more about winning than having fun, it stops being a game.

Winning is fun

>Yea Forums:"It's okay to abuse what's broken"
>Also Yea Forums: "Why do games die?"

If you think that developers are the sole thing to blame about balance you are delusional.
That's like saying that the patriarchy is real because stores sell a lot of hotpants and it's not the women's fault for buying it.
If you accept certain practices and more over, endorse them, you are as bad as the ones creating them.

Nice job outing yourself. Black people have always been part of the community. No comment on the gay/furries. You are probably just some ugly loser with a trash personality and blame everything that doesn't remind you of yourself.

>people aren’t getting good enough
You have literal whos from Saudi fucking Arabia wiping the floor with Korean gods in Tekken though.

>games aren’t getting dumber
Tekken 7 got casualized for mass appeal. SC6 injected Injustass tier shit into it. SFV is a joke. Xrd as a whole is much more retard friendly than older GGs. DBFZ got insanely popular despite being braindead and so on. Fightans are definitely dumber these days.

Just gay and furries newboy. Blacks, Mexicans, Asians and other creaturas/americans are the majority of what you know as FGC.

If you want majority pasty autismos you look at Smash.

I think it's funny how you make it sound like a terrible prospect when in reality I'd rather have my fighting game be "dead" than have players play it in a way that makes them feel they get a say in the balancing process by shaming whatever practice they don't like. Shitters always find something to complain about. Truth is even the most shit fighting game is super fun with a capable player who doesn't hold himself back about what is and what is not "abusive". You don't get to tell people to not move X or character Y becuause you feel they're too strong, you can fuck off and play something else.

>What went wrong?
>The Fall of the Arcades disrupted everything.
>Online warriors becoming popular
>Publishers/Developers cashing in on nostalgia
I mean there are a lot of things but yah i would say the start of it began with arcades in america becoming non exsistant.

Thanks for proving my point, then.
The thing is, people usually root for the underdog with the underplayed character, like LilMajin vs JDCR.
That game is the perfect example of how dedication can take you high but ultimately meet demise at the hands of a korean playing the best character in the game.
Did you hear any audience member cheering for JDCR? I think not.
People want character loyalists, they want meme characters beating the korean overlords who play what's best in the best way possible.
People want to play and watch a game, not a metagame simulator.
That's why people outside of Melee despised Melee.
Same characters, same playstyle year after year.
Melee being out of EVO is the best thing to happen, prove me wrong.

>Thanks for proving my point, then.

I guess we're not even disagreeing.

Yeah we cheer for the underdog with the character that's ass. But it's not like that means, the guy who happens to be stronger or happens to play the arguably stronger character, they're a meanie pants for doing so and should take it upon themselves to make the game more visually interesting by going for a different character. We cheer for the underdog character precisely BECAUSE the meta has established that they're not up there, they're only that interesting in relation to the guys you see all the time. You can't just have everyone play crappy characters for shits and giggles. Say people have no choice but to play random characters, you wouldn't cheer for the underdogs so much as you would think the game is shit because obviously some people are just screwed and the top tier characters still win the tournaments and some players just don't even get to compete. If you pick the low tier hero, that's your choice. You don't get to act high and mighty over it, like you're doing the world a favour and in reality you should be declared the winner based on your pick.

And again I feel the need to reinstate, SFV has the characters you see be so different it's honestly amazing. Never seen a game with roster balance this good, funny as it sounds.

Team fighters always suffered from same-ish character picks. I feel like they are way harder to balance when the whole team has to come together and some DHCs / assists / tag combos just work better in tandem than others.

I'm luke warm about Melee either way, but the sameyness also always increases as a game grows older and the meta solidifies. Look at ultra turbo, look at 3s, three thirds of the rosters don't exist and it's always the same couple of people in the tops. There's no way around it, apreciate the level of play in a game that's figured out for what it is, it can never be the same "spectacle" as with a recent game.

Well, I guess you are right, we are not even disagreeing.

But even then, it still sucks for it to be that way.

They misinterpreted maintaining a high standard of players with excluding beginners.