VtMB thread

VtMB thread
old thread:

Attached: Bats.webm (666x378, 646K)

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Are they gonna show the sneak peek after they have revealed all clans?

They put a 5 second clip at the end of each clan's video, but we're months away from a gameplay showcase unfortunately.

Attached: gameplay2.webm (644x358, 356K)

Camarilla, Sabbat or Anarchs, Yea Forums?

Malks under mass suicide watch

Attached: bloodlines2.png (2659x720, 2M)

camarilla of course. anarchs suck wish they had some other faction instead of them.

I think it's far more likely that they'll show us all the clans first, with all these sneak peaks at gameplay, before giving a full show at E3.

Camarilla if we're being realistic. Sabbat would be fun if they aren't written just as goons likr they were in vtmb. Anarchs never. If I'm going to rp as a retard I'd just prefer to play malk.

That's probably a good idea anyways.

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That was in Brujah's video right? Wtf was that? Didn't look like either potence and certainly not celerity.

True Sabbat? Yeah, definitely. I'd fucking love to see Paths of Enlightenment explored to the fullest.

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this is bullshit
t. gangrel

Potence ability

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Brujah and Gangrel are far too similar to show up alongside each other.

I know it's early but this looks ridiculous, there's no way anything could ever be powerful enough to send you into the air like that
not even earthquakes send you flying upwards

Nosferatu pick up lines.

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I'm not familiar with the Vampire universe. Is there a type of Vampire who just want to chill, go to work and live normally?

So I know Cain js a big deal in VtM but how does he stack up in other World pf Darkness series? Do werewolves or mages have any figures of comparable or greater power? Sny monsters in the setting greater than him?

How hyped are you?

Attached: Vampire-the-Masquerade-Bloodlines-2.jpg (1774x889, 773K)

Anarchs can be cool, there isn't a unified Anarch movement. You can get literal antifa-tier groups that despises Camarilla, or a commune of mega-rich kindred in Switzerland that live in a castle who still don't belong to Cams.
It can be either fully upgraded levitate, which is a Mentalism power of thinbloods. Or earthshock power of Potence discipline, though I don't see the player smashing the ground to send everyone flying.

>bullshots for 200

But he didn't punch the ground or interacted with anything. It honestly looked more like he discharged some energy or something.
It must be Mentalism.

Beckett (in the DLC)
Officer Chunk
Santa Monica Thinbloods

The only person who can match him is probably Lilith.

Thin bloods, as in being so low on the totem pole you aren't in a clan. The most human clan is Toreador, they're socializers and are closest to human society. Ventrue are somehwat close as well but they're more business/political focused. The rest are bonkers.

Pretty sure the only thing more powerful than Caine is God and then Rudi

>expansion titled Season of the Wolf
>thinking the Gangrel will be excluded
My guess is this will take place in the wilderness around Seattle, thus allowing them to go full out in the Gangrel experience.

Ventruebros where u at?

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Who here /giovanni/?

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My vampire dick says a big yes.

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The screen goes black. It does this to not give you a seizure with camera movements. This isn't fucking telekinesis. It's a literal shockwave. They're showing a clan ability within the video intro of that clan. You're a fucking retard.

>innawoods beastmode naturists
>in any way similar to antifa anarchist politic obsessed SOCJUS nutters
how can one man be so wrong

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>The masquerade isn't the only thing I'm going to violate tonight.

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Caine is a big deal only in the theoretical.
He only exists as either God's punching ball or an eternal manchild too butthurt to apologize

They're definitely coming as the free dlc. I was just referring to the starting 5.

that just reminds me. How the fuck does a Nosferatu NOT violate the masquerade despite looking like an actual monster?

Nane one clan pair that is more similar than brujah/gangrel.

>Officer Chunk
>Santa Monica Thinbloods
All unlikely since all of them can be killed by you/someone else.

They do, hence why they're not supposed to be seen.

Children of a dead god. Eaters of the dead, of the dead who ate corpses themselves. Feasters on corruption. They
have spent too much time dead, dead like stones.
Are corpses afraid? They should be. The people on the outside, the people that they let in only when they feel like it,
are pounding very hard on the glass. I hear them striking at the glass. 1 heard the glass crack. I think they're coming in.
The Giovanni should be afraid. The glass is cracking. And the people on the other side hate them.

Attached: Malkavian.png (1229x1587, 2.51M)

But they do? Only in game where you get to the face of NPCs to do so.

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>Last one is a bust

Things you can say to your TV that you cant say to a Stop Sign.

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Based Romero.

thats why u have to stay in the sewers and also why u wear a full body gimp suit

Toreador, Brujah
Malkavian, Settites
Ventrue, Lasombra
As much as both sides hate it in most cases

Shit my bad. I distinctly remember doing normal discussions on the game and no violations happened. It's been a while, but its probably the sewers hiding

i said Ash, Pisha and Thinbloods because it's implied they all move away from LA if they live
Officer Chunk i just threw in there because i like him kek

Sisterfuckers OUT

Yeah we'll see if that glass cracks once you correctly format your posts

Bros tell me this isn't going on the Epic store

Lucifer would wipe the floor with Caine and pretty much any given Celestine could do it too.

But I mean, that's literally the strongest of all demons and spirits embodying concepts such as the planets themselves. Caine is still absurdly high tier.

It never goes black when he closes in his fists to his body and then stretches his arms open making them fly away to the walls, what are you talking about? To create a shockwave, the rules (and logic) specifically say that he must hit a surface with either his fists or feet. Where does he do that in this sneak peek?

Bloodlines cheesed the game mechanics somewhat, allowing a Nossy player to get away with a lot more than they should have.

It's on all storefronts, even GoG so we're safe

Obly Beckett has high chance of coming back on that list.
It would make no sense for them to bring characters that were killable in the first game.

whores out
It's already on Epic Store but they said they're not going to sign any exclusivity deals.

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Aren't Celestines no longer canon?

This is somewhat out of date, but it should give you a general idea

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Children of a dead god. Eaters of the dead, of the dead who ate corpses themselves. Feasters on corruption. They have spent too much time dead, dead like stones.
Are corpses afraid? They should be. The people on the outside, the people that they let in only when they feel like it, are pounding very hard on the glass. I hear them striking at the glass. I heard the glass crack. I think they're coming in.
The Giovanni should be afraid. The glass is cracking. And the people on the other side hate them.
That's what happens when you copy from pdf


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Is it really him?

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Cope harder furfag

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IF and only if they were alive. That's the issue. When you're making a sequel to something, but you can't import save/state of the world from first game, then you need to make your own default world. When you do it, you go for NPC-s that 100% couldn't be killed instead of those that could.
Therefore, I would add them into "Might return" category over high chance one.

Troika says "yes", White Wolf said "no" because they wanted Caine to be somewhere else at the time. All in all, treat the two separately, and Caine is the dude driving the cab.

Devs intended it to be but white wolf then said it's a really low gen malk larping, iirc I think it was 5th


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Don't you mean
>Werewolf snacks

It does go black, look harder brainlet. The rules dont say "he must hit the ground." There are no fucking rules, it's a fucking abilitiy description. If the animation doesn't convey this specific point that doesn't make it not Earthshock. It's not fucking levitate. This is a goddamn shockwave. Stop baiting me into replying to your shitty posts.

If not Caine himself, then maybe a Malk Methusela being puppeted by Caine from across the world.


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it won't be good.

>Ventrue, meant to be high tier classy chick
>looks like a low slut in the game
>Toreador, meant to be beautiful as hell
>worst looking female in the game
I hope 2 gets these right.

Best way to bring back the sisters would be to have them reference "killing" eachother a couple times and how whenever they do it the "dead" one eventually comes back so they mostly put up with one another because it's pointless to resort to "murder" now.

Keeps all choices in the first game potentially canon and lets you have both back and still bickering a bit which is a bog part of what made them so memorable.

isn't caine cursed? why does he have superpowers?

This would be okay with me desu. Always thought that the way a gunshot killed one without even hitting was dumb and took shit too far.

>Furries aren't in

That's a relief.

Dumb semantic question, is Caine a vampire or is he an immortal human that has to drink blood, can't walk in sunlight, and can create vampires? Because Caine technically never died.

Where to?

it doesn't benefit him at all

>tfw no qt Nosferatu gf to share eternal nights with

Attached: nosferatu gf.png (1200x842, 810K)

It will have character sliders. Can't wait to max out ass & tits sliders.

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A new screenshot just leaked

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>Thinking SJW's will allow you to create sexy women
I like that optimism. On the other hand, the modding scene is going to be great.

No it doesn't grandpa. Fix your eyesight. At the exact moments that I described in my previous post, he closes his arms and hands in and then opens them up, releasing a reddish energy sending them flying over.
>If the animation doesn't convey this specific point that doesn't make it not Earthshock
>"Their strength an elemental force, the vampire can slam their fist or foot into the ground, creating a shockwave that throws their opponents prone. One of the more dramatic applications of Potence, this power needs to be carefully employed, lest the user literally bring the house down upon themselves."

So either you are a retard that needs to finally fix his eyesight, or the game's 1st person still sucks at conveying the proper animation for the abilities at this point.

Why are gangrel always wolves? The tabletop rules give them a huge array of shape shifting powers. They can become bugs, gillmen, mermaids(at least in appearance), clouds of mist, etc. but the writing and the vidya adaptations always just lock them into being second rate werewolves.

Modding is not confirmed yet.

Becoming a mermaid doesn't sound very useful in a street fight.

what emotion is he trying to convey?

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Can jews become vampires?

>Rudy the "Bear Gangrel"

>watch her get absolutely dogshitted on by Sabbat
i felt bad for laughing

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this. even the abilities look exactly the same

Jiggly bliss.

Better yet, they can be Tremere.

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Considering that gen 4 mostly was I imagine yes.

>that fucking brow piercing

Cuz they're canonically a bunch of wolfaboo furries.

Stop posting you low iq mongrel

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>"Lick it."

What do?

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It's not one of their fighting forms. It's for rapid travel through the water.

>Toreador is back
but they're braindead-boring

You fucking idiot. You basically totally disproved yourself with that pic. Literally nothing goes black. It's a red energy that's coming on and then discharged. Everything is under a red hue in the middle pic.

Just stop. You can't disprove what I have said and proved by discipline discriptions.

god I wish that were me

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Fuck vampires in their gay asses. I want to be a hunter, and smite undead shits all day long.

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It's a fade to black. Call it a fade to red. What the fuck difference does it make. It obscures vision and implies you slammed the ground. Your raised hands are suddenly lowers. This implies a slamming motion. Just because it doesn't give a mirror's edge style angle on every single head movemrnt doesn't mean it didn't happen. I would bet my fucking life that this is Earthshock. It's a goddamn shockwave. In no way is this fucking telekinesis. You're a goddamn moron.

Give her massive dick a nice kiss.

Toreador are the best. They probably lose Celerity this time though.

I want to hug and cuddle with damsel

>big bad vampire antediluvian comes back
>gets absolutely stomped by the kuei-jin and mages
lmao vampires eternally BTFO
how will you leeches ever recover?

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guess im not playing them lmao

>getting this flustered over a shitty 144p webm
LMAO'ing at your life

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Are you talking shit about my boy Ravnos insect?

>not wanting to be a Void Engineer or Iteration X Enlightened protecting the Masses from the filthy leeches

Attached: Iteration X 5.png (965x677, 697K)

But the benefit is we actually get abilities associated with our disciplines now. Playing vtmb1 without celerity would be shit, but our abilities in vtmb2 are going to be way better, even if we only get 2.

relax Bach/Yukie

>get btfo by lowely vampires
>powerful ancient kue-jin
>gets BTFO by lowly vampire (you)
t. absolute state of chinks

>tfw no Tzimisce gf to turn you into living furniture
Why live?

>All unlikely since all of them can be killed by you/someone else.
So what? It's not like they gonna export save or anything.

>mfw I'll never be pic related irl

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What? It looks terrible. Outside of the motion blur it looks like an early 360 game. I know it's pre-alpha so I'm not judging, by why in the fuck would you suggest it's a bullshot?

>Murder of Crows

What about Vampire kids?

>Malks under mass suicide watch
When are they not?

First off, you're oversimplifying things for the purpose of sucking dicks of Kuei Jin, which is something that genuinely leaves me befuddled, as I have never met anyone, IRL or online, who likes them.

Second, Ravnos had just barely gotten out of torpor that most likely had lasted several thousands of years and he hadn't even properly fed, so he was weak as shit.

Third, the Budhistavas that the Kuei Jin sent after Ravnos were barely doing any damage to him until the Technocratic Union got involved.

>Zapathasura rampaged across India to Bangladesh for two days, calling its childer to it, but on the third day was attacked by three of the eldest Kuei-jin Bodhisattvas. All this supernatural activity did not go unnoticed by the forces of the Technocracy, who used orbital mirrors to focus the power of the sun on the Antediluvian, but the Boddhisatvas and their allies had called a supernatural storm to shield them from sunlight while they battled the Antediluvian. The Technocracy then employed magical "neutron bombs", killing all of Zapathasura's combatants – including those who were controlling the storm. As the clouds parted, Zapathasura had been weakened enough by the bombs and battle that the focused sunlight destroyed it.

Now imagine if this was a fully sated Antediluvian, with no sunlight to reach him or her.

Attached: Ravnos_image.jpg (604x800, 609K)

>What the fuck difference does it make
>and implies
>just because
Oh fuck off. You are clearly in a corner here and can't prove shit. The other user saw it as well. Do you see any cracks on the ground? It's all speculation.

>2000 years old dragon in the body of a loli but vampires
They exist, there's a Nosferatu methuselah but it'd be a bit controversial even though it shouldn't.

What do Ravnos even do?

I immediately killed the bitch when she wanted me to get that TV host to come down so she could eat him. Then I killed the host.
That is the life of keeping up the masquerade.

>Technocratic Union

this game's powers are literally bioshock infinite

A lot of Toreadors are apparently content just appreciating art and indulging in beauty rather than going full Machiavellian murder politics.

And some of the Nosferatu you meet are just chill shut-ins who are happy being hideously reclusive immortals that get to hang out at home mastering hacking and shitposting online.

Attached: white_daughter_and_worm_by_cerviero_d3jvvvj-fullview.jpg (900x904, 124K)

They're the SS13-Clowns of WoD.

>tough puzzles

Steal your wallet

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>fools think a monster like Ravnos with Chimerstry 10 was actually killed in the fight

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In my experience most sequels to games with character deaths just assume one ending or another and make a sequel to that. Not sure what you are basing this on, I can only think of one game franchise that did what you're describing.

I want to see Vampire lolis now.

The pleasure of drinking blood from those milkers.

Would love some loli vampires, maybe modding will deliver.

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Anthony Kiedis aged like shit

This isn't one of your stupid animes, you fucking child.
You never had a upperhand, he literally destroyed you.

>not smoothtalking and dodging bullets
Bad post.

Interview with a Vampire had a vampire loli

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what other mythical beings could we see that weren't in VTMB1?

The cracks are right fucking there. They're bright red. What the fuck else is that supposed to be other than a shockwave. If this counts as speculation it's pretty fucking solid speculation. You still haven't given a single decent point for why it would be Levitate rather than Earthshock.


I killed the TV host myself in his home quickly and painlessly, got what valuable artifacts that I could get out of Pisha, and then killed her to stop her from eating anyone else.

Cold pragmatism. But not cruel.

Attached: vtm_b_ventrue_by_sia_chan_d5j75bi.jpg (659x850, 217K)


Voiders are based but Iteration X are machine cucks with no free will so fuck that

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Just talk your way out of it lmao

I want Mr. Ox to return with more weird-ass requests. But I don't want them to ever explain what he really is.

Probably none, I imagine they want to keel it focused.

At a stretch maybe a single mage.


A weaker earthbound demon would make a good side quest antagonist.

Pretty sure Gangrel are locked into one creature to shapechange into. And it just happens to be wolf most of the time

Thematically it was a liability. The point of Toreador isn't to be a combat monster. Just use Presence bro.

Can someone post that info picture about the first game? I want to do my 3rd playthrough but I don't remember what I needed to install.

I don't think any western dev wants to go anywhere near that minefield.

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Here's a vampire shota

Attached: Ur_Shulgi.jpg (185x185, 9K)

Hopefully scenarios won't force combat 90% of the time

But he didn't though. He can't, yet still goes on.

Are you calling the red energy that vanishes in the air "cracks"?
This can't be your bad eyesight. What are you smoking.?
>You still haven't given a single decent point for why it would be Levitate rather than Earthshock
Let's start from the fact that the vid doesn't show his hands making contact with the ground. This isn't 2004. If they can't animate something as simple as that in 1st person, then that means they are doing a lousy job, Alpha stage and all.

just hypothetically speaking, how does one give a neutron bomb magical properties?

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If they survive their first 10-30 years they probably have the same life expectancy as most others.
Though obviously hunting and keeping up the masquerade is significantly harder for them.
In that first time most are put to death either by the prince or their own mistakes though

my wife

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>tfw no vampire daughteru to take care

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only antifa can slow down time

Wrong World of Darkness

Yeah, but will they stay kids forever?

>Are you calling the red energy that vanishes in the air "cracks"?

Attached: dogo.jpg (400x400, 17K)

Of course they do.
The body doesn't change at all after the embrace discounting fuckery from shit like Vicissitude

Your vampire loli, sir.

Attached: vamp.png (1189x603, 772K)

I think the V5 rules give them a wider set of options for limited shifting. Like they can pick and choose whether they want claws, a fish tail, etc depending on the situation. They still might be restricted to a single animal form for their full transformation though.

>fear-inducing monster in the streets
>loving and demure in the sheets

Attached: nosferatu_Sei-ey.png (618x800, 236K)

Thanks for proving my point.

IIRC, one of the entries in the books following the Week of Nightmares had an excerpt from some Kuei Jin coming across Zapathasura and then being fed upon.

Of course. Ur-Shulgi, who's a 3000 year old Assamite methuselah, is like four feet tall

That's exactly what they are you idiot. It's dark fucking vampire energy shit. We'll likely see this in other vampire abilities, probably also the wall break one. It's good for visibility. If you can't fucking understand why not tilting the camera is not a technical limitation, but a conscious visibility decision, you're a fucking retard. It's important to convey the ability without giving the player motion sickness, or doing it within a brief enough time period. The ability needs to be charged and casted. There are plenty of reason why we wouldn't see it touch the ground other than "tech limitations" you fucking braindead butthole licking fartbox

There's nothing in Protean that allows shit like a fish tail or other stuff.
Level 1 is Eyes or feathe fall
Level 2 is claws
Level 3 is shapeshift into a specific creature or Earthmeld
Level 4 is improved shapeshifting
Level 5 is anti-stake or Mist Form

>killling cute loli vampires
Fuck cammies and fuck jannies

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Such is the power of being woke

>most vampires look beautiful on the outside but are ugly on the inside
>Nosferatu gf is the exact opposite

Attached: qt nosferatu.png (1280x846, 829K)

I want to serve mistress Yupiel for all eternity

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Isn't he just a manlet?

What is it that makes brujah mutts unable to clean up after themselves?

>arguing about alpha gameplay
please don't ruin a potentially comfy thread

It's mentioned few times in the books that despite their looks, they're the most human clan in WoD.

>alpha gameplay
>one year out
Please don't fall for marketing memes

no because the game will suck

8 year olds have a rather hard time upholding the masquerade unless they are taught by their sires for a long ass time

"Motion sickness" from just lowering the camera a bit and some degrees to the right to showcase the change in posture in 1st person? If that's the case, that's lazy work.
Or, you are just stoned and can't figure out shit at this point.
>It's dark fucking vampire energy shit
I know it is. I just said so many posts above you fucking stoner. I don't see cracks on the ground though.

very nice
thank you

i don't care
gimme fae

Not sure about the big, beefy, Dishonored/Bioshock Infinite hands.
And the cast time for some of the spells looks dumb.

>it's gameplay because they put words that say gameplay
sure, yeah, right.
this thing will probably reboot one more time before actually getting a chance of being developed seriously.

and what is the most inhuman clan?
besides the Tzimisce that is...

Attached: Tzimisce.jpg (500x548, 131K)

I'm worried BL2 will be too serious.

Attached: tenor.gif (576x324, 2.43M)

What about thin-bloods?

>If that's the case, that's lazy work.
If that's your interpretation, fine. You have no fucking idea what it would actually look like if they were forced to show every single moment of you putting your fist into the ground. If you know anything about first person action animations, you would understand that making the camera move in the same way the player's head would technically move is never a good decision. It always looks and feels bad for gameplay. If anything doing things accurately significantly limits what can be done in the animation, like I was saying with the charge up. If the animation need to be only .7 seconds for gameplay purposes, and we have to show everything about the character hitting the ground, there's no fucking way anybody would be able to fit the charge up in that time. Every first person game goes through softening/shortcuts like this on some level.
>I don't see cracks on the ground though.
Jesus you're a fucking idiot.

>there are people who had to wait over a decade for a sequel to this
whew, glad i didnt play this shit until recently

I didn't really waited, just thought it was dead and it would never come back

I wish I had played it originall so that I would've been able to enjoy it without understanding how shit ass the gameplay is.

If the ghouls in the trailer are something to go by there will be some goofy stuff.

I don't think including the Lasombra at the expense of other clans is going to go down very well, but it would be a break from BL 1 in a big way.

Attached: Lasombra nobility.jpg (704x887, 360K)

No matter when you play it we all have to deal with the death of Troika.

Man, my nostalgia remember the gameplay being great. Better not revisit the game for now.

I just hope Obtenebration, or Oblivion as they call it now, gets more use outside of combat.

That's the animation for the dancing too, BTW.

Should I play the first

Because Dracula turns into a wolf, a bat, and mist. It's not random that the protean discipline as default lets you turn into those exact creatures.

It would be very interesting considering the lore.

the gameplay is extremely bad but the story kept it playable for me

ventrue and tremere are obvious, nos and toreador are a bit vague

Agreed. People are no doubt going to be confused as to why they replaced Nosferatu,
but it makes the most sense. Becoming a Nosferatu would be a special case from other regular clans, and clans like nosf and malk are better for secondary runs, so they'll be delegated to dlc.

Based and magicpilled, neonate.

A game so good it got a sequel over ten years later despite flopping?

Sure, just don't be afraid to use noclip whenever you start feeling like your soul is being sucked dry when it turns to shit in the latter half.

Watch a Let's Play.

What clan would have a hearth other than toreador. I agree on nosf though, that's probably Lasombra considering it isn't underground.

I never said to completely follow the head motion and look to the ground you brainlet. Obviously. You are an actual brainlet for even thinking it. I said move the camera a bit down and to the right, while still looking at them, to simulate motion in 1st person. Read again what I posted. Damn you are stupid.
>Jesus you're a fucking idiot.
And you can't answer and disprove what I said. Guess what that actually makes you.


only shit level is sewers

Personally, I never cared much for Ventrue. They always felt so bland to play with.

Attached: LeifJones-ClanbookLasombra-03.jpg (919x1238, 494K)

I think he meant the red shit is the cracks.

There's a lot of shit levels after hollywood you drone

Attached: vtmb.png (1400x1771, 2.86M)

Please do NOT bully the Malkavian

Attached: 1554476056305.png (818x1000, 399K)

No Lost, only Dreaming now

Sewers aren't even that bad compared to the Kuei-Jin temple, fucking long ass corridors with nothing but traps and crossbows. Also, final fight against the Sheriff is hot dogshit on a plate if you didn't spec guns.

Not an actual clan per se.

Doesn't change anything that I said. The shit is clearly Earthshock. You delude yourself if you think that dark energy shockwave isn't supposed to represent the ground cracking. Like I said before, we will probably see that same visual effect on other physical abilities, like when the player breaks through walls. You would barely even be able to see it if it wasn't red, and it also wouldn't feel like a cool vampire power. If he's charging up something red, like you said, it makes sense also that whatever the follow up is might also be red. What is this supposed to be if not Earthshock, "Bloodshock, a Tremere ability that builds up a red energy that is expended in a slamming motion releasing a shockwave that knocks down enemies, functionally the same as Earthshock but with red stuff instead and also your camera doesn't look at the ground lol." Is that what you're suggesting? Because if it is we can finally end this conversation and you can go off yourself.

Unofficial patch lets you skip them if your Computers is up to snuff.

>monstrous in physical combat
>but has never won a single tickle fight

Attached: a6a634eae3a15fd704e0257f923a6d79.jpg (900x610, 51K)


Might depend on your definition of human?

A lot of Sabbat are violent raging bastards, but they're basically the kindred equivalent of druggy gangbangers.

cute post

Attached: Imalia.jpg (591x835, 229K)

>they're basically the kindred equivalent of druggy gangbangers
They are in the game, but this wasn't the impression I got from reading the lorebooks. They have actual religious sect structure and power. They have a significant amount of power and actually control a large amount of areas, like Detroit and Mexico City. Obviously they're fanatics but they're more than barrel scrubbing retards than they were in the game.

Yeah, they're just the average boring corporate cucks with no originality or gimmick. Might as well just play Toreador desu.

there had best be more than 5 playable clans

5 at launch. All the clan dlc afterwards is free.

Does anyone have the "first time playing VTM" image?

I would be eternally grateful if someone posted it.

Yeah dude, they're totally going to leave out the clan that was a staple of the franchise amongst fans.

Attached: oops.jpg (237x234, 17K)

>started a Malkavian playthrough after 10 years for the second game
Here we go

Attached: 1556894990461.jpg (310x400, 20K)

Which one of those is malk then, genius?

what clan would he be?

Attached: alucard.jpg (597x750, 234K)

kuei jin temple was fun

Dracula is Tzimisce, so

I suppose this is acceptable

nice fucking animation

there should be a Gangrel choose your own adventure text based game in the actual game. like in the talos principle. maybe in episodes where you encounter stuff as you go. maybe DLC.

He wouldn't exist. Only really high generation thin-bloods can reproduce and make dhampir and Dracula is an old clan Tzimice elder.

If you just want to take his character without the background he'd probably be a Toreador

Source on that?

>Anarchs, Yea Forums?
youth is when you reply camarilla,
manhood is when you reply Sabbat

>That said, Paradox is known for releasing some features free, others paid, and thatwillcontinue forVampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2. Right off the bat, I’m told additional clans will come post-release, and that those will be free for all players while story-driven content (for instance) could be paid DLC.

the corridors in sewers were even longer, user. i suggest replaying that section. its mindbogglingly dreadful

I'd really like to see Sabbat done well this time. They absolutely sucked in the first game.

Anyone here play the card game?

1. gangrel loner
2. anarch in an anarch city
3. ventrue cammy
4. benevolent insanity malk

the conditions are unconditional, everything apart from these 3 is an unlife not worth unliving.

>clan as a name is free
>clan related story stuff is dlc

Attached: 142521388734.jpg (720x480, 158K)

I for one think the quest where you get to party with, get to know, get to fugg a kuei jin was pretty good.

>card game
history will look upon this fad much like we do lobotomies, cocaine in coca cola, morphine in cough medicine and medicinal cigarettes.

troika said yes,
but white wolf
knows Chuck is Caine

c-can i be gay in VTMB2 guys

I mean the card game is pretty fucking old so it's not really a fad

My assumption is that the story dlc won't be specifically clan related, but yea we don't know exactly how that will work. Picking a clan has way more weight in this game, like they will actually have areas and shit. It will be more consequential in general outside of just your powers and disposition. My guess is it will be more than just "you get the powers" because of how closely tied it is to the story. You have to actually have a reason to join a clan rather than just picking it at the start.


Malks are Caine's chosen people.


Ming doesnt look like a chink at all

how long do i have to dance before getting humanity in the club

5 minutes

440 minutes

Izzat just bad counting or Malkavian counting?

There are people out there who liked this whiny ass faggot? Really!? I'd be more happy to see shithead like Vandal again (at least he was somewhat entertaining), over that whiny ass Edward Cullen bitch ass faggot. Fuck him!

Attached: 1429487218733.jpg (911x1076, 189K)

Beckett honestly is the only one in that list I see as being a possibility.

>come across ash in the templar cave
>leave him locked inside
i hope he died in agony

Tumblerinas, for some reason, liked him.

>tfw you can dialerize him in the Clan Quest mod

reminder that the sabbat are right
we need to kill those old fuck vampires before they wake up and kill us all

So if it's true that each clan will get only two disciplines, and they want clans to have unique powers, what two disciplines are they going to get?

Brujah - potence, celerity?
Toreador - presence, auspex?
Ventrue - fortitude, dominate?
Nosferatu - animalism, obfuscate?
Tremere - thaumaturgy and another path of thaumaturgy?

Toreador losing celerity for auspex seems like a raw deal

I hope so, I love lesbian vampires.

If (you) were to be embraced, what claan would you end up in? Explain why

Didn't they give everybody Auspex though?

nosferatu. Because i'm a asocial neet

This. Fuck Ash.
>Isaac helped me with muh career.
>I later ignored him.
>I was dumb and did drugs and nearly died due to overdose.
>Isaac tries to save me.
>REEEEEE ISAAC RUINED MUH LIFE! NOW I CAN'T BE DA MOVIE STAR ANYMORE! I was the one that nearly died due to overdose, but I'll blame Isaac for wanting to save me reeeeeee.
>Let da hunters kill me. ...Actually... p-please save me.
I'd rather be stuck with Patty for eternity over ever see Ash again.

>more human than the Toreador
I don't buy it

Reminder that the Sheriff was 7th gen or lower. And the PC took him down along with a Tzimisce elder, a werewolf, a wereshark, a gargoyle, the entire Kuei-jin LA presence, a cabal of hunters, and a shitton of Sabbat, how will a thin-blood even compare?

the only interesting thing about Ash is that he showcases the worst among the anarchs. Isaac sired him on a whim, he hates it, he flaunts the masquerade constantly. going from the row row fight the power niggas in downtown, hollywood serves to illustrate what the non-war side of anarch unlife is like. just a bunch of shitheads fucking around, messing everything up

hope we get some cool characters in the next game
i have some ideas
he's a fireman but he's also a fire djinn
he's a homeless beggar who's really an archangel or some shit
a succubus working a boring-ass job at the post office
a female demon hunter from the Middle East. she wears a simple hijab but dont worry she's fucking cute
a blind demon hunter. kinda like Kenshi i guess. but dont make him Asian like Kenshi

>Living in eastern europe
>basically basement dweller
>le people are game to me
yeah, guess i'll be tzimisce

The thin blood is a protagonist too.

>Beckett comes back
>first thing he says
>"Ah, yes... Gehenna. Absolute none-sense. Caine does not exist, even though I literally traveled with him, but he does not exist."

Attached: tfw_he_thinks_that_Ghenna_is_real.jpg (310x269, 23K)

Why does he bear the Mark?

Attached: Caine.png (555x566, 148K)

Seems likely

>don't open it by the way ;)

>tfw so right you make your creator retcons the plot to vindicate you

Isn't path into becoming tzimisce a very, very, but VERY, unpleasant one for you?

He killed one guy so god decided to curse him for eternity

How did they do it? I've yet to see a more fitting theme to a game, it's just magical anons. I hope we get sneak peaks into game's soundtrack as well. People who have seen the insider reveal report it sounds similar to this one.

Attached: 1505766190872.jpg (400x400, 15K)

>basement dweller
>thinks he'll be anything but a Nossie

well technically caine did invent murder

>immortal and one of the most powerful creature in the whole setting

Talk about a curse.

doesnt it depends if you get embraced by a sabbat tzimisce, old clan tzimisce or antitribu tzimisce?

God didn't curse him for eternity for killing one guy, but for being an edgelord who refused God's salvation at every possible time.


*sun blocks his path*

>basically basement dweller
One, you would be Nossie.
Two, I question anyone who would pick Tzimisce, Lasombra or Gangrel. Their embrace is everything but nice.

>a werewolf,
>not running away like a bitch

Is this supposed to be impressive in any way?

So will there still be unique dialogue for the DLC clans. Or will it be half-assed

im not hackman or some supermodel so i doubt nosferatu would really care. i more put tzimisce as easter europe are more or less their territory

What happens if Caine decides to walk in the sun? He has like Fortitude 12 and can't die no matter what, would it just be painful and unpleasant?

Look dude, I'm really trying to get some of this toreador pussy but you're making things really akward for me, so?. . . .

I bought Mezzanine before the game was out, I welcome the "inspiration".
It would be extremely painful.

>implying old clan would ever embrace pleb like you
Pfft. Want to be tzimisce? Grit your teeth, find your "happy place" and pray until it's all over.

Vampire loli sire when?

>t..f...w... Tore...a....dor with Mal...k bf

Attached: 155690770447765914.png (402x428, 207K)

he's a big guy tho

did this game actually work on ps2
i find it hard to believe anyone would have enjoyed this without fixes and on that hardware

In his defense: Depends on Sire. Your Gangrel PC doesn't get torn apart and left for dead in order to become said Gangrel.

>People who have seen the insider reveal report it sounds similar to this one.
Based Rik.

Rank clans

1. Tremere
2. Malkavian
3. Nosferatu
4. Ventrue
5. Toreador
6. Brujah
7 Gangrel

Never Yea Forumsustist. Yiu already have Nipland for that.

I find it hard to believe there aren't any actual antitribu Tzimisce when there are noted temponary camarilla tzimisces


Anyone who picks Tzimisce, Gangrel or Lasombra are edgy babies that actually end up as Nosferatu.

What if the cab driver really was the ancient from the sacrophagus who actually escaped before the story begins?

>implying ps2 could handle it

Ash is a whiny bitch all game long. But he makes sense. Dude loves his life but is foolish and self destructive. He's saved but turned into bloodsucking undead and has to give up his old life. He's now self destructively depressed. He believes he'd at least be remembered if he died instead of fading into secret obscurity, but realizes he's afraid and still wants to live.

The only thing that's unexplained is his hatred of Isaac, a guy who gave him everything. Unless Isaac coerced him into sex and led him into drug addiction.

I didn't think about that, but good point. I believe the anarchs ultimately mostly admit they wouldn't really change the rules too much. But sure they may not be nearly as self disciplined in keeping order.

I hope I won't regret it, but again I paid only $22 for Blood Moon.

Attached: wew.png (514x123, 61K)

>preordering shit ever
look at this pleb

>Andrei uses a regular phone to shitpost in deb of night
>He doesnt have some human turned into a phone

What's wrong

Toreador. I don't see me attracting the attention of any other clan.

The sun is burned back 7-fold, and dies.

Your player isn't good indicator of anything. You can't compare player's character, that is pure Mary Sue, to how things would normally be done. Normally, Ventrue would never sire some poor-ass bum with rundown apartment that they met in some seedy club of all places, yet that didn't stopped your sire, now did it? Player's character is bullshit as such. Not proof of anything.
Want to be immortal furry? Get torn apart by one. If you survive you're one.
Want to be evil Ventrue? Get traumatized and tortured by one. If you survive you're one.
Want to be Dracula? You already got the idea.

It's one thing to turn human flesh into a chair or cabinet or bed, not sure if fleshcrafting is capable of copying electronics.

Shitpost isn’t a synonym of troll, nwfag.

>Be tzimisce
>Turn a ghoul into a phone device
>He screams in agony every time there's call inpending

Attached: tumblr_o4js7oWmRS1uaylcyo1_1280[1].png (1280x720, 156K)

I want to be the loli vampire myself, my sire needs to be a big tiddy onee-san

Meant for

wait what the fuck
i swear to god i thought this was on ps2

what the hell am i thinking of


it's scaaaaaaaaaaaaaaary

Deus Ex maybe?

Attached: jcd.jpg (170x170, 5K)

>leaving Cammies on ring
>no voice mail

Deus Ex had a PS2 port. Of course, it was garbage compared to the PC version, with pretty much every level being divided into tiny pieces so the CPU wouldn't melt trying to handle each hub.

Just eat your god damn vegetables, neonate

Let’s see
>Ventrue: No leadership qualities and zero business sense so probably not
>Toreador: Not artistic and not handsome so probably not
>Nosferatu: neither good looking nor would it be an improvement on my current life so probably not
>Brujah: Not rebellious at all and pretty level headed so probably not
>Gangrel: am a little loner-y but not exceptionally. Also not outdoorsy at all so probably not
>Malkavian: maybe a little kooky but not really any crazier than everyone else these days.
>Tremere: was a good student and I’m not that independent so probably

Tremere is maybe the most likely of the Camarilla but none of them would probably want me. I don’t know enough of the other clans to assess them properly

I’d probably just be ignored/exploited for blood when necessary.

How did Jeanetta have the neonate bone her?


Let us dream. There can always be exception or two. Not every Lasombra needs to be sadistic cunt. Same for tzimisce.

stop doing that for anything

>not going full dracula and taking the embrace on your terms like a chad

Attached: wormwood.png (1203x1617, 1.74M)

user, they're embraced into these clans because they ARE cunts. Hoping to bump into nice Tzimisce that isn't into torture and pain is like hoping for fire not to burn you.

>ressurect abel so the whole thing can be finally over
>cain kills him again just to spite at god
what a fucking autist

Which clan has the highest humanity technically? Like what's the nicest clan?

Salubri but they got fucked over it
Toreadors are close second.

waste of blood

Tzimisce, because I can turn into whatever the fuck I wish.
>And before someone starts telling me how their embrace is traumatizing...
I have CIP. So, I'll be fine on that front.

Attached: 15440284721874.jpg (1280x750, 108K)

1. Toreador
2. Ventrue
3. Tremere
4. Malkavian
5. Brujah
6. Gangrel
7. Nosferatu

Salubri & Nosferatu

Attached: 1549585414940.png (169x169, 112K)

>YFW Lasombra makes it in but not ventrue

What's that?

Malks = Trems = Vents > Nozzies > Brujah = Toreador = Gangrel

4th gen, 2000+ year old vampire with Humanity 9

That's kinda crazy

Inability to feel any sort of pain. You can literally cut me open without anesthesia and I wouldn't feel a damn thing.

isnt this a bitch due to the fact that you can litereally get stabbed in back and you wont notice as you bleed out?

Am I right in saying that Nos are the only clan without mental changes (besides standard vampire meanness) upon embracing? Funny that they look the least human but are the most human really.

>there's lighting, textures, and animations

That sounds nice.

why do gamers believe the concpet of "pre alpha"? alpha itself is a stretch . a project goes : specs/game design->prototype->beta->release. beta is already "incomplete code to show progress" territory. alpha would be "place holder graphics and sand box test level" at best.

For real? That's super interesting. You should let medical students practice taking blood on you for money (first thing that came to mind as a doctor)
I guess it could be a curse too huh

It is. I can't even tell when I'm sick and/or in need of medical assistance because pain never kicks in.

Nope. It's not.

>Be Tzimisce
>Toreador Antitribu showcases his surrealistic artsy chandelier made from human body parts that has been his project for weeks.
>He asks for your opinion of his artwork.
>Piss him off by sculpting an exact same copy of the chandelier in 5 minutes by using Vicissitude and couple of unlucky ghouls.

voidbois are the best

Aside from Tepes, was there ever any Tzimisce that wasn't an asshole?

what kinda vampire HAVENT we gotten anons

1. Toreador
2. - 6. I don't care
7. Nosferatu

Imagine becoming an undead superbeing to do the same shit you did as a human except you barely get anything from it

I don't think I would be that good practice for them. You need to learn how to take blood from a normal human that can feel a pain. Practicing on someone that can't and that can't tell you when you fucked up because I don't feel a thing, isn't that good study.
It would be no different than practicing it on a doll. Difference is that doll can't be harmed. I can. I just can't tell it.

Daily reminder that all of tremere could have become literal shit if [Tzimisce] decided to fart at them

I don't envy your condition at all, user.

Sounds good

This except nosf is above brujah

>tfw youll never be a tzimisce and fleshbend yourself into a cute loli

Attached: 1545281281149.jpg (1200x1200, 246K)

There isn't a single hospital that would ever allow such a thing for someone with their condition.
He can't feel pain, but he's not indestructible. Letting inexperienced students practice on someone who can't tell when something is wrong with them is a terrible idea, to be honest.
This comes from someone who finished Medical school.

>have mild tourette syndrome
>with my luck I'll end up being a malk with hyper ticks so I can't function

Also anarch Tzimisces

>It does this to not give you a seizure with camera movements
What in the name of fuck are you talking about?

I think it's because shitty early access games started being called that. It lets you sell an incomplete game and then deflect any criticism.

Yeah I read about it one time and it sucks. It's losing one of your most crucial survival instincts aka pain. Pain is discomfort, but a necessity and I'm sure you of all people know it the best. I feel for you user

Attached: 1546066368880.jpg (1692x1252, 205K)

>Tzimisce plastic surgeon

Stand up, slam your fist into the ground in under a second, and tell me if your pov would make a decent fps animation

someone has to keep the earth safe from the supernatural horrors beyond
a thankless job but still by far the most based faction in the world of darkness

Attached: the void engineers.png (500x400, 21K)

>Tzimisce gender re-assignment surgeon

Pretty sure we are getting at least two DLC clans, all of the originals will make it, they aren't idiots.

Because you're Blood poor while we're Blood rich. Pissing away blood is a favorite pastime.

They ARE idiots.

Delete this and apologize malks, toreabros and ventrue will make it.

I sure hope so, user
I sure hope so

They've been deconfirmed already, sorry. Cope harder.

Show me where


His papa is Tzimisce.
There you go.

No I saw that but I’m talking about being deconfirmed from the DLC clans they’re adding in later

Holy fucking based.

Attached: ISOLATED3.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

The Sabbat killing Heather really came out of left field, it was kind of dumb. Would've been cool if it was some kind of flesh-sculpting fuckery to trick you, but alas, it wasn't.

Do you feel pleasure?

can vamps have kids?

switch toreador with lasombra

Oh man, I really hope they pick some good songs for the game, they can't not have something like this.

Unless pic-related is meant to be your Malk (which is highly unlikely), you can start coping.

Attached: very_normal_guy.jpg (1920x1220, 464K)

Dead people are infertile.

Is there any info about that cunt? Devs use them as their main poster boy.

comfy puffy jacket

>OCD, generalized anxiety, and panic disorder
I'd be the lamest Malk in existence

of the VtM:B clans, from nicest to biggest cunts, toreador > nosferatu > brujah > gangrel > ventrue > tremere. ignoring malks because lolmad.

>Malk that is trying to be fancy but looks like psycho instead of a hobo malk
I could dig that, but it's obvious he's gonna be NPC.

user, vampires are dead. D-E-A-D!
Only ways you could have a "kid" are:
>Sire someone and pretend they are your kid
>be Tzimisce become "pregnant" with your "child" aka fake it all as if you were truly pregnant and as if you truly gave a birth to a baby

Am I missing something here?? Did they say they are only going to include 5 clans in this game??

If it's just one bitch with split personality why does she have a childhood portrait of her with a sibling?


Under the "clans" section. There's 4 more spots, with Brujah already confirmed.

sixth, malk is obfuscated

Attached: Normalfags.webm (1280x720, 1.35M)

Only 5 playable at launch
2 more coming as (supposedly free) DLC later

Oh yea as far as I would guess malk are basically 100% confirmed for dlc. They probably will be first, even. They're basically perfect as the "hey guys look at all this stuff that can come with free dlc" because malks change the game the most.

>used on all promos, main header, cover magazine
>just like Jeanette was
Who wants to bet that, just like Jeanette, he will get just one section in the game and then fuck off, never to be heard from again?

Sure, why not. Plenty of games do this sort of thing with drops/drop attacks. Crysis 2, for example

>cocaine in coca cola, morphine in cough medicine and medicinal cigarettes
Cool as hell?

Anyone saying anything other than Malk or Nos is fooling themselves

Most of this board would be Brujah or Gangrel. Most of you are either anti-socials or furverts.

>zoom in
>guy he killed is black
/pol/ is gonna love this guy.

Attached: this is you.gif (450x253, 3.59M)

Most of this board can only talk big on internet, but pussies out in real life.
>RIP Brujah as such
Gangrel in particular hate spineless pussies.
>RIP Gangrel even more as such

Attached: 1501508764523.jpg (287x411, 113K)

can someone redpill me on the David Hatter quest aka the fat film writer dude VV wants you to handle

I didn't spec into persuasion this time around so I have no idea how to get his source out of him. The dialogue options seem to imply that you can bribe him but I have $850 and every time I try my character just offers $50 and he says it's not enough. I swear I've done this quest before without persuasion.

Eh, I’m not NEET enough for the Nosferatus. And I might have the
>thinks he’s funny but really is just cringy
humor down, I’m not crazy compared to some of the shit people bring up on here

shoulve specced into persuasion cuck

why are Antediluvians such dickheads?

This, but you're a 8000 thousand year old monster.

I don't have an incredibly deep understanding of the lore like some here, but I think it has something to do with being in torpor for thousands of years and waking up blood-starved. Not sure if they can even get sustenance from humans anymore and need vampire blood instead.
Also I think the older a vampire is the further away from their humanity they are, they don't feel emotion or remorse or other things like that.
Again, I'm no expert, though.

i just realized that the only blacks in vtmb are skelter and fat larry. we dont have nameless black npcs either

Do the Mo-cap!


Attached: 1424477182937.jpg (1784x896, 218K)

Attached: chunk dance.webm (1280x720, 1.87M)

He's cute. I hope he's not a dick

is that me or SPAS is pretty fucking overpowered on bosses in auto mode?

I’m gonna guess he’s the one behind the mass embrace


Attached: 20190503235744_1.jpg (1920x1080, 349K)

A badly formatted post goes well with the malk image desu

>He doesn't know.

Late ass reply but how'd you get the dialogue camera so zoomed out?

Sabbat is gone to Middle East to fight at Gehenna Wars. There's this thing called The Beckoning, where the Elders are strangely drawn towards the M. East, we don't know what's happening there at this point. They're just not there anymore.

>sabbat is isis

Attached: 1556142990041.jpg (460x322, 19K)

I don't know really, must have bugged out.

Attached: 20190421133900_1.jpg (1920x1080, 303K)

The older you get the less humane you are. Starving for blood of your Childer and being in a era that isn't your own can damage one's mind.

Damn, I really like some of the unique animations certain NPCs will have based on their dialogue but the camera is so close I see maybe the the top half of their hand

inb5 Lilith is in the Black Cube

Not really. Both Camarilla and Sabbat have insiders in the warring factions, they're just playing out each other. There are Camarilla ISIS and Sabbat in Assad's regime, and vice-versa. Again it's described very vaguely in V5 so far so we don't still really know what's happening out there, I hope we'll get an expansion on the Sabbat or on the Beckoning in general.


If a werewolf embraced you, you’d probably end up dead

The cobweb is real.

Attached: Kizuna_shoot.jpg (500x324, 27K)

> werewolf's soft embrace

god I wish that were me...

t. Gangrel

Me on the right

I’m not convinced it would be soft

If Nossies didn't smell and had gross boils and the likes, I would fuck.

It's on PC, even they don't provide tools some will mod in Thomas the Tank Engine or Shrek

I want to cuddle with damsel

Attached: masquerade violation.png (543x481, 302K)

So we're all in agreement that the Masquerade, and the Camarilla are necessary to the survival of Kindred, right?

>The cooler Chunk

Speaking of which, wasn’t there a WtA game in the works or was that canned/put on ice?

Well, the Anarchs and Sabbat aren't protecting Kindred in any real way so yes.

i hate anarchs so much i am willing to go with anyone who opposes them.

What's the over/under on that being Vandal?

vandal looked pudgy and ugly. that guy kinda looks cool

Well I'd want to be embraced by Tremere or Gangrel, one of the "leave me alone please" clans, but honestly I doubt I'd be embraced at all

There's also the drug dealer in Mercurio's quest, the Sherrif, and the male Brujah looks pretty black

Salubri were basically shaolin monks who can heal people but these days they're shaolin monks who kill people with vampire kung fu
I think the warrior caste is still generally nice if you're not Camarilla though

Pretty sure one of the clubbers is argentinian black tier. The one with the sunglasses indoors, dick. It's either that or a gimp not wearing anything on his chest.

Any mods that make the game look "prettier"? I'm mostly interested in texture packs for environments

>TFW the constipation sets in


Attached: Harbingers of Skulls V20.jpg (487x780, 38K)

Did my first playthrough as a Brujah. What clan should I go for next? Preferably one that's pretty different from Brujah gameplay-wise.

0/10 ever since I found out it was based on V5

When does this scene happen? It looks like it either occurs after the endgame or after the Sabbat attack.

This. What the fuck were they thinking?

This is revisionism

Attached: 1554377863446.png (2588x1336, 1.39M)

>not going indie
Literally the most fitting ending.

Can't really be full V5 as far as lore is concerned. The game is after all a direct sequel to 1

Real answer is Amici Noctis

What mods should I use for my second playthrough?

Playing the game for the first time and i'm socked i haven't played this sooner.
Got to the part where i punch a russian mafia boss from a corner of the room to the other. How much playtime do i have left and when ia the sequel releasing?

>no-one bumps uglies like we do

Tremere plays the polar opposite of Brujah combat wise

But v5 is great.

More than half the game to go!

you played 20% of the game