How good americlaps are at vidya, by state
greener = better
redder = worse
How good americlaps are at vidya, by state
Northeast should be much higher (save for Vermont and NH)
bullshit, Ohio is the best
>The midwest is good at video games
No one is THAT gullible, OP
Game journos probably drag California down a lot
The amount of people who care about the OP's pic, by country
grey = none
orange = 10
green = 20+
I care put that green dot in faggot
How would you even measure something like this?
Not really, I think everyone here is just high on weed all the time.
t. califag
Positions on various leaderboards could be one metric, but that's about all I can come up with
>So fat he counts as 20+ people
>how to tell when someone lives in a flyover state
ree i hate any states with beaches >:(
What are you basing this? Is it just "states I like good, states I don't like bad"?
which one you like more because no one in the midwest is good at vidya if the ruralfucks could even get a connection.
>implying Montanans are good at video games
>implying Montanans possess computers or TVs
>implying Montanans know what technology is
>rednecks good at anything other than fucking their immediate family
I know OP pic is a joke but the ratio of hardcore gaymurrs vs casual fucksticks is probably higher in rural bumblefuck states because there won't be many casuals but there will still be hardcore l33t tryhards.
Ohio always the best. We've got more anons than anywhere else.And they all live in the 330
>We've got more anons than anywhere else
Jersey seems to have a LOT, at least on /int/
Someone on Yea Forums did a think and we found out that the 330 is basically user central. Makes sense because there's fuck all to do out here. Double fuck all in the winter.
419 here
I know more pro-gamers from California than Wyoming.
>Good at vidya
>north carolinians are bad, maryland is mediocre
>all that midwest bullshit
>west virginia
this is trash.
t. grew up in kansas
Toledo sucks, send help
You're probably gonna have to move for something cool to happen, but there's plenty of famous people from Ohio. Richard Pryor worked with mobsters in Ohio before he broke out.
216. I'm in the middle of nig land
Texas nerds are powerful but hide their powerlevel. And I don't mean "I watched all the marvel movies xD" kind of nerd, I mean actual nerd.
don't live in cities especially cities in ohio
Alabama here, I believe it. I'm not that good at vidya myself, but on the plus side, it does make things like beating DMC3 feel pretty satisfying.
The absolute STATE of the coasts
What's a safe, cheap, Northern state to live in? I live in Western NY at the moment, everyone's moving south but I'd die without snowy winters. Thinking Northern Michigan for now, maybe Vermont?
Eurochad here, is this thread just an excuse to shit on states you hate for reasons completely unrelated to videogames?
directly correlated with how white a state is
this is just population density OP
Doesn't CA house most of the US FGC?
Anybody not on the coasts is irrelevant flyover that makes America look bad.
>game skill by state
sounds entirely arbitrary
this thread is just "what states do you like and not like" in disguise
>NH red
>good at games
They just shout obnoxiously with embarrassing forced lively positivity and an undertone of hostile macho bullying while saying y'all a lot. They're some of the least skilled NAs there are.
t. california
north dakota chads
>commiefornia is bad at vidya
doesn't surprise me fam
i wish upper michigan would vote to separate itself from lower michigan. tired of the lower half bringing down every statistic for me