>Im going to gut you like a cornish gay hen
What did he mean be this
>Im going to gut you like a cornish gay hen
What did he mean be this
Other urls found in this thread:
it means he is going to gut you like a cornish gay hen
it's "cornish game hen"
you've fallen for the master ruseman!
This is my country, you are not welcome in my country!
Scotland is not a real country! You are an Englishman in a dress!
Don't be stupid, it's "I'm going to cut you like a gormless Gaben".
Spy's well-known for hating the gays.
actually its
>I'm going to fuck you like a horny gay man"
Just unboxed this.
dubs must be followed always or else
>"You sissified faggot scum have just signed your death warrants!"
How did Valve get away with this?
What was her problem? Penis envy?
Daily reminder that Engineerfags are the faggots in tf2 and should uninstall the game and have sex
t. scout main sobbing because he doesn't get absolute free reign over the entire map to flank and back cap
If you play an actual class then it's easy as fuck to flatten engineers unless they're wrangling
>Suck off if you're ready
What is with all this gay shit Valve?
>implying it's not the sniper, the absolute not fun to play against if the guy has 10k hours logged in.
What did he mean by this
>I'm a homo!
what did xhe meme by this?
>"The black, Scottish nigger...now extinct!"
What did he mean by this?
>demoman, youre a filithy nigger!
Why the fuck are you not playing the newest map to grace TF2
This looks like a clusterfuck.
Is the Yea Forums server up? Do you get kicked for having over 150 ping?
how do i civilian pose
Does throwing mad milk and picking up a different mad milk off of the ground still work?
I never said i mained scout, fuck you engineerfuckers. go have sex or take your medecine.
The engineer is the go getter for autism. atleast snipers can have a stable relationship
Where can I get it?
>I'm going to gut you like a MEDIC!
What the FUCK did he mean by this?
This has enough soul to become the spiritual successor to mario kart
Maybe you and your sissy medic bf should switch classes, soldierboy.
>try running it in dx8.1 yesterday
>computer starts to BSOD crash now and can't go over 10% cpu/ram usage or it crashes
Coincidence it started to fail or should I just not run anything below dx9?
Now that's a fucking screenshot
Everything in this screen is perfect
>cocky demo called Ragequit
>spy congaline
>sniper crouching in the background
>blue soldier roaming
tfw my penis is still smaller
pyro thicc
i swear this game run better in 2009 on 2009 machine
i blame hats
>Im going to fuck you like a jewish GabeN
What did he mean ?
>This is gonna be a real piece of piss, you bloody fruity shop owners
Did Valve hire an australian shitposter to write this?
Post the braap webm.
spies chasing spies chasing spies is always one of those very funny pub happenings
>I've slept with the corpse of a water buffalo tougher than you
"I’m not going to lie to you, Bowser, although the answer may be difficult for you to hear. This is the truth. Mario devoted his life to protecting the lives of other. Because of his selflessness, when he died, he was allowed to keep his body and travel to World 9. You, on the other hand, have spent your life in pursuit of your own selfish desires. You’ve caused too much pain. When you die, you will not receive the same reward."
>Click the ground
Wow such a skillful class
When was the last time you guys killed somebody with a taunt?
Just unboxed this
Memes aside, rocket launchers are the dumbest weapons in FPS games. Every single one would play better without these autismcannons.
I'm going to saw through your Medic!
Depends on the game, Quake and Duke3D's rocket launchers are pretty great.
They're cool Quake and TF2. Jumping around and blowing some faggots up is pretty fun.
The RL is retardedly OP in Quake 1.
What did she mean by this?
fucking hell my sides
>tfw the best thing I ever unboxed was a strange enforcer
I did get an Australium on my third tour so I guess it balances out
I've had TF2 since beta and have a little under 300 hours logged. Never touched competitive, never messed with any of the item shit. What am I missing out on?
Hope you didn't get an SMG
I'm on 36 tours and nothing but a few pro k.s. kits
Go full frontal undisguised spy with that Enforcer.
Overwatch and all the other safe politically correct trash can't even dream of having as much personality as TF2
psst git gud
Legendary screencap
It might be better then my favorite, pic related
Reinstall DX8.1?
If not, your HDD/SSD might be dying
what the fuck is even that?
something about this game makes me smile and laugh.
The SMG is pretty underrated. I wouldn't mind having an australium. Not nearly as good as a lot of other ones but you could do worse.
Nothing except the bizarre and inexplicable satisfaction of wearing an unusual.
I still think I tried to kill the main cast of a buddy cop film.
>hit someone with a melee weapon at point blank
>doesn't register
>enemy is spazzing around trying to hit you from across the map
>guaranteed 100% to hit
>it's also a crit
>"I joined this team just to kill FAGGOTS like you!"
I can't believe Valve got away with this.
>pocketing demo
>he storms the cap and we get launched off to the sidelines by a rocket
>someone's medic follows us and just charges the demo
>hits him once then dodges around him like a football player and kills me in one hit
>demo sticky sends him flying to a nearby balcony where he's safe
>screenshot is the medic with a grin doing a thumbs up from the thanks voice command
I wanted to smash my computer
>that spy that lag himself with console command to backstab the the entire server
>Phlog user
>foot cam
Why are we here? Just to suffer?
reminds me of this classic
Is this hell?
The rocket launcher is Quake 1 you dolt.
maybe he plays with foot you fucking faggot
Who has the lower skill ceiling Yea Forums
how's this even a question?
*taunts after every kill*
>soldiercuck cope
If you said skill floor you would have a debate but Soldier has plenty of exclusive abilities and skills that place him well above the pyro that can only either W+M1 or Puff&String.
>iron bomber mains
>do the exact same shit that pyros do
>but while jumping!
nice high skill gameplay
>pyrofag thinks this is impressive
Lets see you do it then faggot.
>he doesn't use the iron bomber
>*bodyshot only and taunt after every kill*
i wonder if this guy pulled it off with other classes
Why is the Iron Bomber so hated by Yea Forums? I find the lower splash damage to be quite annoying.
why the fuck are you not posting a download link
Is it finished yet
move over, mario_kart
there's a new king in town
Probably because it's overused.
I don't think it's any worse to play against it than stock pipes. Those sticky rollers are easy to escape from and they have less splash to boot. And the demos that use it still can't get direct pipes so it doesn't matter.
As for using it myself, it's very nice for grenade jumps when I use shields. Otherwise not very different from the stock since they're both useless unless you're hitting direct pipes.
>maining an item
>maining in general
>grenades stay where they land instead of rolling 50ft in a random direction and exploding harmlessly
>grenades detonate faster, meaning with the above you can actually hit people out in the open without having to rely on direct hits
>oh but the explosion radius is 2 inches smaller see it's balanced
>weapon deals minicrit on wet airborne targets during friday between 2 AM and 3 AM if it's a full moon, that's the enemy team have at least 5 medics, your first name starts with H, and Gaben's lunch today were dodo eggs
>weapon deal -20% damage
>weapon have +25% spread
>running speed while this weapon is active -75%
When did Valve started sucking at balancing weapons?
>no random critical hits
is he playing with a controller or something
jesus fuck
>taunt after every kill
>even if it means I die shortly after
>soon the half the server is taunting after a kill
>foot cam
>foot cam
Iron Bomber is the most recurring symptom of a tryhard newfag. Someone who played TF2 to "get into the competitive scene" but started playing in like 2015. Actual competitive players are so accustomed to the default pill launcher that the Iron Bomber feels anemic to them, and the best comp players will know just how valuable lingering rollies are. I can't tell you how many Scouts and Medics get popped because they can't keep track of pills randomly rolling around a room or corridor. They all expect the Iron Bomber's shitty go-nowhere bombs. Also it's not called "IRN BOMBER" which is a missed opportunity.
pyro master race
>foot cam
You really care that much about what other people use?
Preparing such a small bird isn't an easy process, so he probably means it'll be messy
top b8 m8
If god have wanted you to live he would not have created MEDIC
wait the phlog taunt heals?
this is what its all about
>foot cam
It used to. Not anymore.
Is there anyway to automatically save the killer cam everytime you get killed?
I really like the Loose Cannon how fucked am I lads
I love this game's absolutely braindead bots
When it stopped introducing items that had completely different mechanics, like the Sandvich, the Bonk, the Chargin Targe, etc.
After that golden era all the weapons we got were "stock weapon but there's two lines with different percentages"
>bots have a 20% chance to taunt after killing the player regardless of danger
And yet they are so close to real human players.
whats so hard about hitting f12?
user you absolute madman, i hope one day we can play this map with the party van
The line is "I'm going to gut you like a Cornish gay man." Spy hates fags.
When they started taking balancing recommendations from compshitters instead of actual players
>Caber-focused suicidal Demo loadout? Can't let you have that. NERFED
>Got gud enough to click at the right time at that tiny 1x1 pixel with the Ambassador? OP as shit. NERFED
>Enemy is retarded enough to let you perform a Sandman+Guillotine combo on him? Too annoying for new players. NERFED
Okay, now THIS is based
>all of these people don't know
apparently a hen you shoot.
>Actual competitive players are so accustomed to the default pill launcher that the Iron Bomber feels anemic to them
In the recent no restriction 6s almost every demoman on every team used the iron bomber. I think there was only one guy who used stock GL.
It has a bigger hitbox(hurtbox?) than stock.
Can't wait to see this in the party van.
It was only 22 hours ago.
Its like a tiny chicken. I've seen em at the store.
>Drop gold pan using dead ringer feign
>1 or 2 people scramble to equip it
>Stab them
Oh yeah? Guess what.
But comp players find that everything the Iron Bomber does over stock is valuable, including standstill rollers and grenade trajectory.
Fucking footfags
>implying you can even finish jump_4starters
I bee watching this guy videos youtube.com
You have to release crouch? Never knew that.
>Spies abusing interp settings in medieval mode
>Huntsman hackers too
>Bot comes in to spam cheat
Nothing is sacred in this game anymore
same as any explosive jump in the game.
using walls instead of the ground.
Honestly I only chose it because it's not a 4-round launcher with 6 cylinders for some reason.
>servers settings in valve servers killed skin mods and animations.
Really piss me off
>no more working bolt for sniper rifle
>no 4 barrels nade launcher
>or karate for sniper
>a 4-round launcher with 6 cylinders for some reason
Demo is drunk, that should be enough of an excuse.
Instead of firing at the ground like a standard blast jump, hold down RMB and fire the detonator behind you.
isnt axetenguisher degreaser supposed to be shit explain this atheists
Valve didnt realize when designing the GL that they would nerf it from 6 pills to 4.
As said, he's either doing that or if firing against the ground he's probably c-tapping
I honestly thought he was saying "cornish gain hen".
Just lay your weapons down and Place a dispenser here!
Oh shit this got somewhere nice job man
what's in the QR code?
I fucking hate sv_pure, and model/animation fixes were some of my favorite skins.
Hey Yea Forums,
Fuck Satania has nice breasts hnnnnng
Don't forget that he jams pills into the same chamber when reloading.
>cant remove weapon skins from the game unless you down your dxlevel
>faggots with australiums and festive lights on them
I really like that carelessness from the guy who use nothing but explosives.
I need the engie webm
>soften opposition with precise loch-n-load shots
>chargin' targe crit kill the fully charged enemy medic with me bottle of scrumpy, drink from scrumpy and kill more useless "offensive" classes
no better demoman loadout
Damnit, man, it was posted above, be more careful
I'm not mapanon, btw. I just want everyone to enjoy the beauty of this map
>grenades stay where they land instead of rolling 50ft in a random direction and exploding harmlessly
>grenades detonate faster, meaning with the above you can actually hit people out in the open without having to rely on direct hits
Sometimes grenades rolling is better though. In fact I'd say rollers are better for more situations because you already have sticky bombs to be planting stuff at people's feet. At least with a bit of roller spam you can zone people out of corners.
>This summer
>We meet the unlikely duo
>"You are BABY!"
>"You and me, hoss."
>Engineer and Heavy in
>To The Point
>*sentry noises*
It's the Spy talking about how Valve ruined TF2.
What is going through Sniper's mind at this EXACT moment?
You can actually spam out areas, like a soldier would, if you miss a roller, it might not damage a stationary player at all, while you have to move away to dodge the iron bomber
why not just hit people directly with the pipes?k
Thoughts on this thing?
Seems completely pointless and a straight downgrade.
>Ha, got a kill. How do I taunt?
Fucking great for bombing soldiers and D-fury pyros. Very shitty for everything else
>Snoipings a good job mate!
>D-fury pyros
Those don't exist anymore.
>iron bomber
>miss a direct pipe
>it still lands near the enemy and can damage them if they don't move away
>grenade launcher
>miss a direct pipe
>it fucks off entirely and explodes nowhere near an enemy
>can't even intentionally use rollers to your advantage because bounce and roll trajectory for the grenade launcher is random
The only weapon with a fixed firing pattern, so it's a nice sidegrade. Does more damage upclose too.
Explain to me how you would even begin fixing the heavy
Hello, where are proofs?
Not that user but I think some way in which you could make the Heavy more independent and rely less on having a Medic penetrated up his ass in order to not die in 2 seconds would work well.
Every so often I see a pyro running around with the Dfury and getting absolutely nothing done.
I miss loading it up like the beggars
It's fun on every class that isn't Engineer
user the fact that he basically requires a medic in order to be productive is the one thing keeping him from being super broken
All will fear my giant new DOCTOR!
>unironic pub frag vids
pyro players really are retards
one heck of a shotgun
your existence is proof that god gave up on us
Remove the drum.
based nationalist
More speed and 50 less base hp.
Then you could lower his offensive power a bit. I dunno, it'd have to be the kind of thing that would work great for TF2's Testing game, if it still existed and Valve made use of it and worked on the game at all in the first place.
if heavy loses any of his current hp he goes to worthless status.
your link doesn't work bro.
>sniper mains will fight you back
>engineer mains will watch their gf get fucked by a black man
>it's okay I can always get another one
Why are engies such wimps?
Scout is the only legitimate class in TF2
*Equips Natasha*
*corners u*
*fights at mid range*
only shit scouts have an issue with natascha or engineer
I dare you to speak with anyone who mains this sissy class. They are unbearable and gross. No spine at all
And manlets too. Even shorter than Scouts.
>when you can just build a gf
engi chads win again
Final TF2 comic when?
Nice delusion, I have literally never been killed by a scout while my trusty Natasha is equipped.
after spraining my arm and playing the game one handed for a week i can easily say solider is easier than any other class by far.
Fucking engineerfags makes me want to strangle a child. I hate them so much I know they experienced homosexuality because they were unsure if they truly liked pussy or if they got blackpilled by some granny tranny forum for people who masturbate to fempyro. These are the guys who masturbate to fucking fempyro
Reminder to kill every friendly fag without second thought.
>playing the game one handed
Isnt that something sniper was created for?
dont remind me
So is there a publically available projectile aimbot now? I know that one guy who is autistically good at airshots made one but he said he kept it to himself.
you have literally never fought a good Scout
here's the download, for whoever wants it
mediafire dot com
>You're like a bunny. Scurrying around, eating and shittin babies
what did he mean by this?
>he doesnt know
Is there any reason to NOT use interp commands at this point? Every single Sniper I've played against in the past few months have killed me two seconds after I've already taken cover.
Kill anyone who disagree with you and provoke anyone who look mentally unstable. Target all demoman and engineers. Black and minorities
>gibbed players deal splash damage
Spaceboat is the best map to grace Yea Forums since Mario Kart Someone for the love of god fix the fucking payloads and the lighting
It's friday night motherfuckers, party van when?
>is he playing with a controller or somethi-
oh lawdy
8:00 EST as normal
It's like a personal pizza, but it's a bird. Good for thanksgiving so you don't have to share with assholes.
It means you should be reading and not playing video games you retarded zoomer.
Not any time soon, unfortunately.
>"Uh... no he cant"
>Yes he can though I've done it
>"No he can't!"
Imagine immediately dismissing something because you can't handle being wrong.
watch the comic release tomorrow alongside the Heavy update
Party van when?
The ability to admit being wrong requires maturity. We've all been there. some still are
>Tyler McVicker
You can't be so dumb as to believe him.
I'd laugh at you but truth is
Nothing would make me happier.
The artist from the comics already said that everyone is working on different things and they have to find the time to actually get the comic out.
Atleast he does make them update the game
Is this loss?
can anyone post more pictures of this? The lighting doesn't work properly for me, not sure why
Assuming they actually are working on the Heavy Update, those kind of videos just take away time because delfy or dead ringer pyro broke the game again.
this is the first time ive heard of this character and god damn i already went down that rabbit hole of porn.
When did this shit start there's so much
I genuinely thought for years that Scout said
>How long does it take to beat a moron to theft?
Like to emphasize he's faster than any other class to steal the intelligence.
Well, he definitely stole yours.
>see sniper
>quickly run round corner
>for a split second feel relief that i'm safe
>get headshotted round a corner
'been a while i didn't played TF2, but i still love the universe.
was there any leak of issue 7? even a small one? it's supposed to END THE FUCKING STORY so it's kinda important, i doubt they will do another SFM.
google c-tapping
Airblast juggling people is the most fun thing to do in pre-game.
dumb fairy poster
party van when?
Weeabootique 2.0 - ANIME HELL
TF2 Server -
Only two rules:
Friday - Fun Maps (custom/gimmick/experimental)
Every other day - Modified standard rotation
get the fuck off this website you stupid euro
Whats the best class to main, and why is it demo man?
Never gets old when something blows up.
>he does it for free
>euro fags
>epic ironic anime climax face meme
Be gone third worlder!
It's not a euro server? It's in Canada.
>tfw no australian equivalent of modern party van
>tfw can't run a server either
>tfw sizable australian community servers are nothing but trade and 24/7 2fort/hightower
Hightower is better than nothing at least.
>mfw hightower contract
Well, at least they still want to make it.
Any link on what those guys are working? can't be bad if they did the TF2 comic.
Not sure. I think she's drawing for Dota 2. I guess it also has a comic, I'm not sure. The writers likely the same.
>a fucking leaf
Fuck off
>comic not being worked on
>absolutely nothing on the next big update
I genuinely can't fucking stand valve. They have a game that is still fucking alive after 11 years and that ~50,000 people still have an interest in and they do absolutely nothing. All they want to work on that shitty gimmick VR garbage and DOTA.
I honestly wish they would just pass TF2's development to someone else.
>More speed and 50 less base hp.
I can already dominate the scoreboard and then some as a Heavy especially with a medic at my disposal, a speed boost that was relatively potent enough would just make him insanely overpowered. 50 less HP yet more speed isn't a good trade off. Like how fast are talking?
increase his revved speed by 50%
give him soldier's banners as secondaries
remove all revup nerfs
let dalokohs + overheal go up to 525 health
soldier speed
I'd like to disagree but yeah. Valve clearly prefers to spend its time on hardware and it's understandable why, but when they have such amazing IP's, when their games all stand the test of time, Valve who at least at one point were considered to have some of the best writers in the industry, I find it hard to be anything more than just disappointed.
It's hard to understand them from the outside looking in. What exactly is the daily life of Valve. Are they just wandering around, are they just slowly working on stuff, do they start projects but then don't bother to finish them?
Terrible. What Heavy needs is just a rework of his arsenal. Most of it is useless and it doesn't have any synergy. The sandwich/banana are pretty much mandatory for secondaries, his melees are useless with too many downsides, and for primary the stock minigun is just the better one. There's barely any situation when any of the other ones is more useful.
>are they just slowly working on stuff, do they start projects but then don't bother to finish them?
Mostly that, but also their dumb structure of "work on what you want" mixed with teams never fully agreeing on shit never getting stuff done.
just don't miss then lmao
son who said that?
Tomi is pretty versatile.
I still find more use in stock but I'll give you that, it's a decent sidegrade.
>dominate a demo as Heavy
>"That respawn room is now your cage, monkey man!"
Raimi's influence really stretches far and wide
>dominate a heavy as demo
jesus christ
It's times like that when I think that Valve would honestly be better off under a more traditional management system. Yeah, employees wouldn't have as much freedom as they do now, but other companies actually manage to, yknow, put products out at a decent pace under more orthodox management systems.
Yet, we have to remember that TF2 is actually a perfect example that letting devs work without forcing deadlines can lead to amazing results. We could've gotten Brotherhood of Arms instead of the TF2 we know and love.
the fundamental problem with heavy is he's boring as fuck to play. Until they fix that he shouldn't be buffed. Even without buffs he serves his role just fine
That's not a great trade off then. You're losing 50hp or 75hp from overheal for a barely noticeable speed boost going from 77% to 80%. That Soldier also has rocket jumping to compensate for his slow movement.
what about buffing revved speed from 33% to 50%?