Literal Nazis vs people who just want to unify the lands

>Literal Nazis vs people who just want to unify the lands
I hope NOBODY here chose Stormcloaks

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yeah how dare the nords want to have their own ethnostate like everyone else in tamriel

Both groups were wrong.

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Nords = Trump
Imperials = Hillary

>people call the Stormcloaks nazis based on the actions of two drunk hobos
>Empire has a long history of imperialism, embezzlement, drug smuggling, and a history of abandoning provinces in order to save Cyrodill
>but the Stormcloaks are the bad guys

Nationalism vs globalism

>Empire has a long history of imperialism

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I support the Imperials because they are the Nazis


Empire for life.

I pick neither because neither will matter and both sides will get cucked.
Remember this when [x] TES drops. Both Ulfric and Elisif The Goblina will suck a dick! Neither will rule over Skyrim. Something-something will happen and someone outside will win instead.

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>Empire tried to kill you with no evidence
>Still side with them anyway

this is your brain on elf semen

Honestly as long as one side wins then the Thalmor loses. Imperials win they have a number advantage against the Elves. Stormcloaks win they have more favor from the gods since more people will be worshiping them.

>side with the side that is led by power-hungry maniac that will admit that he was retarded if you killed him
>Stormcucks winning is all part of Thalmor's keikaku by the way
>still support Stormcucks, while Thalmor laughs

>evidence is you were found and captured at the same time the Stormcloak leader was
>somehow this isn't good enough evidence in a pseudo-medieval world

FUCK the Empire. It's not even the Empire anymore. Fuck the pretend emperor and fuck the Thalmor. Get the fuck.

>its okay when the empire does it

Yeah that's not evidence you boot licking cuck. And you ARE a bootlicking cuck from the role play perspective if you try to join the empire after that.

imagine caring dick all about some shitty elves, some shitty nordicucks or some shitty homofags that want to restore their shitty empire.

imagine not living in the only place on cyrodiil that the daedra refused to invade because they were fucked so hard

imagine playing a bad game

oh wait you dont have to

They are white and they need their privilege checked.

Scalies burn in hell

>not choosing the third, best option: uninstall

Say what you want about the Empire but you have to admire their death penalty for illegal border crossing policy.
Tullius for ICE director.

can't the daedra too scared to try to bring us to hell

>Independent Skyrim? Give me a free Orsinium first.

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Get Ralof out of Helgen, fuck his sister, join the Empire but kill all Banana Elves you encounter.

>beloved Ulfric is a literal power hungry sellout that betrayed his own people as much as the empire did
>"bbbbut he's not a thalmor bitch anymorrre!! Empire btfo xd"

>am a bootlicker for not being a retard
Big think on your behalf.

>imagine not living in the only place on cyrodiil that the daedra refused to invade because they were fucked so hard
>the only place on cyrodiil

>caring about the name of anything other than argonia


Imagine not being powerful enough to defeat a Redoran militia and then being so delusional that you brag about it like it's a victory

I wanted to choose neither and just kill dragons.

You need to be a retard to go like a bitch and join a bunch of incompetent cucks who tried to cut your head off, yeah.

Scalyfags are literally the most reddit people in the elder scrolls fanbase

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But you can

*gets invaded by daedra*

oh wait i dont know what thats like huh....

he cute

Well Morrowind doesn't exist anymore and all their gods are dead, who really won in the end?

>power hungry sellout

haha yeah lets just forget that promise the empire made to him to take back markarth from the forsworn

but what do you expect of a man who willingly helped a nation that tried to murder him

>Morrowind doesn't exist anymore
How high are you?

it's good evidence even by modern standards. Americans killed everyone in Bin Laden's compound

>thinking morrowind still exists
and you're calling other people high?

>empire doesn't deliver on absurd promise
>"best help the thalmor who started all this in the first place"

Skyrim belongs to the nords motherfuckers


Explain your reasoning. If you mean the Red Year, it was Vvardenfell that was (partially) destroyed, not Morrowind as a whole

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I never understood the "Skyrim needs the Empire to protect itself from the Thalmor" argument... didn't the Empire just lost a war agaisnt the Aldmeri Dominion wich ended with the White Gold Concordat fucking Skyrim really hard? The Empire proved to be incapable of defeating the Dominion, the best chance Skyrim has is letting Ulfric rule, maybe he has a better chance.

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all the noble families fled to the border with skyrim and live like refugees, vvanderfell exploded, telvannis and dres were destroyed by the earthquake, then the argonians razed everything south of Tear, Morrowind is just a ruin there is nothing left

>doesn't deliver

oh my sweet empricuck

>In Markarth, Jarl Hrolfdir kept his promise to Ulfric for a time and allowed free worship of Talos. When the Imperial Legion arrived to restore the rule of law, Ulfric allegedly refused them entry into the city until they also agreed that free worship of Talos would be allowed. With supposed chaos running through the streets of Markarth and the reports of deaths rising every day, the Empire had no choice but to grant Ulfric and his men their worship, thus jeopardizing the peace agreement with the Aldmeri Dominion.[2] Igmund and Cedran however, implies that the Empire promised Ulfric free Talos worship from the very beginning and simply hoped that the Dominion wouldn't find out about the free Talos worship. When they eventually did, they scapegoated Ulfric and his militia in order to avoid incrimination and to prevent a war.[1][8]

This is the empire you're proud of. The mpire that tried to kill you. A drowning man who'll drag anyone else down with him.

The reason Stormcloacks are bad is they suck elf cock and give them the human headbutting they want so they can take over.

they had to move the capital to blacklight because there was nowhere else to put it

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Still doesn't explain why he informed for the Thalmor.
>answer is he enjoys being cucked by elves

Literally Imperial propaganda

unless you're going to trust a liar again but hey you trusted them after they tried to kill you so yeah

>he thinks the Thalmor are in a position to do anything against anyone

If anything the Empire is only allowing them to further their own goals by allowing them into Skyrim. Say what you want about Ulfric and his cause but the Empire is the one bending the knee to the Thalmor and allowing them to do what they wish. Elenwin's party in the MQ paints the Empire in a bad, bad way that even Tulius has words for.

>Thalmor couldn't take the Empire in a straight land battle and their main army was wiped out in the Battle of the Red Ring
>Thalmor would not take southern Hammerfell
>People legitimately believe the Thalmor are just going to magically invade Skyrim and kill everyone if the Stormcloaks win

People seem to completely ignore that Ulfric declares war on the Dominion during his victory speech, if the Stormcloaks win and Cyrodiil is invaded by the Dominion you would be fucking stupid to think Skyrim wouldn't come to the aid of Cyrodiil. Galmar literally tells you they know the Dominion are behind everything and they want to destroy them, but they need to oust the Empire that's bleeding their country dry first.

What fanfic is that from?
One of MKs I am guessing.

Not to mention Skyrim has tons of natural barriers that would make it a logistic nightmare to try and invade. The Thalmor don't really have anything like the Numidium.

C0DAfags are literally the most re**it.
That is where they come from.

The note of him being a Thalmor informant was found hidden in a Thalmor embassy
The empire didn’t weite that note, the Thalmor did.

>Stormcucks winning is all part of Thalmor's keikaku by the way

Why do retards keep parroting this when it's contradicted by the exact same dossier that supposedly proves it?

It's every single fucking thread. There's always a retard going "hurr thalmor want stormcloaks to win". No they fucking don't. They don't want either side to win. That's the whole point.

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Are you fucking demented you cunt? It's not even written by MK. It's canon TES lore that Argonians got their shit pushed in by the reformed Redoran soldiers. This is why Redoran became the governing power come the time of Skyrim.

right, so that's why they're both equally bad.

Fellow humans, I come to you in the wake of recent events to issue a call to reason. Let no human deny the perils of our time. While we battle one another, divided by the petty strife of our common history, the tide of a greater conflict is turning againts us, threatening to destroy all that we have accomplished. It is time for us as nations, and as individuals to set aside our longstanding feuds and unite. The tides of an unwinnable war are upon us, and we must seek refuge upon higher ground, lest we be swept away by the flood. The Empire is no more. Whatever semblance of unity and protection it once provided is a phantom A memory. With our enemies left unchecked, who will you turn to for protection? The devastation wrought by the alien invaders is self-evident. We have seen our nations and communities destroyed by the calculated raids of the elves. We have seen firsthand our friends and loved ones consumed by the nightmarish daedras. Uprecedented, and unimaginable though they may be, these are the signs of our times. The time has come my fellow humans, to rally to a new banner. In unity lies strength. Already many of the dissident factions have joined us. Out of the many we shall forge an indivisible whole, capitulating ONLY to a single throne.
And from that throne... I shall watch over you. From this day forward, let no human make war upon any other human. Let no Thalmor agency conspire against this new beginning. And let no man consort with alien powers. And to all the enemies of humanity, seek not to bar our way. For we shall win through, NO MATTER THE COST!

Damn so fucking deep bro
So who is Israel in these games?
Whoever the nords worship I guess

>his signed contract with the knife ears is made up

There's some question as to wither the Empire could beat the Dominion, but generally those in the empire think they could - with the proper resources and timing. After the Oblivion Crisis the Thalmor jewed the shit races into joining them until there was essentially a big sneak attack.
A single state going to war against what a united nation couldn't beat though, is a pretty dumb notion.

It was more of a draw. Dominion's army was completely destroyed during fight in Imperial City, yet Emperor had no more soldiers to send back on Elves. He called for the draw, did the Concordat, which wasn't even enforced before Ulfric had RISE UP moment and waited for human armies to fill up again due to superior human breeding capabilities. It was 4D chess play that was stopped by a retard smashing his head into the board.

Because there is literally no legitimate reason to support the empire and it makes those cucks seethe.

Yeah, I forgot about them, they're even worse. However, argonian fans come out en masse and shit up every TES thread they touch with their misinformation and autism

From where?
The novels? Skyrim?
I have heard people say this but never provide a source.


based child of malacath

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>there is literally no legitimate reason to support the empire
It's the one unifying faction that men can stand together with against the elf scum. Let me guess, you believe in "divided we stand". Well look how that turned out.

The Thalmor labeling someone as an asset does not make them an informant. The Empire can be seen as a Thalmor asset because they are allowing them to abduct and kill people in Skyrim as well as buy favor from all the Empire's wealthiest families.

>muh unifying faction

so that's why they sold out ulfric right which is why he started the war in the first place right

Hammerfell was united and pushed the Dominion back. How have you not realized the Dominion's biggest asset is the element of surprise and they no longer have that. They cannot take any united army in ground combat and they already lost their main army during the Great War.

The only thing that is unifying about the Empire is everyone hates them.
> Divided we stand.
Hammerfell under the Empires banner gets its shit pushed in.
The Empire runs away and Hammerfell without the Empire in the way turns things around.

At this point the Empire is part of the problem.

If the Empire cared at all about being a unified faction they would have sent diplomats to Skyrim to calm the civil unrest and maybe inform the leaders of Skyrim what the gist of their plans were. But nope, they just let it fester until it exploded into the Civil War.

Remember when Imperials were supposed to be good at diplomacy?

Israel is Thalmor ethnostate

Yeah, because civil war weakens an enemy power more you moron, but that doesn't mean you still can't prefer a faction over another for resulting in a weaker foe.

The Thalmor

The Empire fags have long abandoned reason and factual arguments.
It's all bellyfeels at this point for them.


Even Camilia tells you how fucked Cyrodiil is.

post more bara argonians

Hammerfell is losing though, they're too worn out

>Hammerfell is losing
>Got a better treaty than Empire

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Who are the Argonians based on?

Kill yourself

>have long abandoned reason and factual arguments
You mean how stormcloakfags ignore the humongous elf cock in their mouths? Even being in a waning empire is better than such a pathetic state.

More like neonazi skinhead hooligans vs actual Reich.


>You mean how stormcloakfags ignore the humongous elf cock in their mouths

The Empire has:
>bent knee to the Thalmor by publicly denying Talos for all of Tamriel to see
>allows the Thalmor to buy support and favor from Cyrodiil's political elite
>sets Ulfric up for a fall, and then publicly bends knee to the Thalmor again in the Markarth Incident to avoid war


>they got raped too but it wasn't as bad
>What do you mean they could've followed the Imperial plan to take time to recover and crush Altmer skulls with the Empire as one force? Nah, a pyrhicc draw (read: loss) is a much better outcome.

> But Stormcloaks poo poo pee pee heads.
Actually one of the more reasonable Empirefag responses at this point.

All for the sake of conserving strength. It's not a loss when none of that shit is actually enforced.

>Elder Scrolls
>what is x race based on
desu, this isn't a good question to ask because most of them are pretty original (at least for the mer and beast races, the humans all have pretty obvious parallels)

On the surface though, as is often the case for fantasy lizardmen, they're Mesoamerican inspired.

The Nazis were the good guys, history proved them right.

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>But empire poo poo pee pee hands GOOD

The solution is to dismantle all ethnostates you fucking moron. The Thalmor are wrong. The Redguards are wrong. The Stormcloaks are wrong. All ethnostates are fundamentally wrong and should be abolished.

"i like losers"

>dismantle all ethnostates
Nice, then we can either balkanize, or try to keep the nation together with brute dictatorial force. The world seems so simple when you lack any understanding of basic human nature.

Imperialtards be like hurrrr muh fuckin elves!@
but then forget the empire is basically a client state of the elves. I really don't see their point at all.

History proved them as pussies that could not win the single war they started, absolute mongolodoids that were hunted just like the rats they were.

Now tell me about the kajhit

What the Stormcloaks like to forget, is that the ban on Talos worship was in effect but not enforced in Skyrim (Like Alvor says), but Ulfric's sperging resulted in the thalmor moving to skyrim, making it worse.
Seems weird that in our own world, countless tyrants have chased power on the premise of some great ideal (but are full of shit), yet somehow Ulfric is some beacon of trust.


>Client State
>When pretty much all the imperial military high command you interact with consider the civil war a distraction from the Thalmor and hate their guts
>Vs Thalmor asset

>most of them are pretty original
Not really since Ken Rolston basically said "Base them on real life historical civilizations or fuck off out of my studio". MK for example used Jewish exodus/roman occupation and Mahabharata for the Dunmer.

Yeah, fair point. There are also parallels between Orcs and Mongols, Khajiit and Persians, etc.

I guess what I really meant is that the humans are the only ones with crystal clear parallels (e.g. Bretons = Arthurian fantasy type Europe, Nords = Vikangz, etc). The others are more of a mix of various cultures/histories.


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I don't get it.

>is that the ban on Talos worship was in effect but not enforced in Skyrim (Like Alvor says)
I'd take that with a grain of salt because it is a possibility that for Alvor the ban wasn't being enforced, but in other locations it was being enforced.

So the jews are wrong as well goym

he cute

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>2010+9 not being a nazi
Do you even politics?

The Empire had been a corrupt shell of itself since the last Septim died, what kind of idiot would try to keep it going?

It was a corrupted shell of it former self ever since TES Arena when Jagar Tharn got into power and irreversibly fucked everything up.

They absolutely are. No ethnostates, period. Israel is a prime example of why ethnostates are a fundamentally retarded idea and should all be abolished.

The ideal government is a multinational, multiethnic empire with a strong central government, but relatively lax control over surrounding provinces. The central government regulates taxes, transportation, and intrastructure throughout the empire, while the provinces get limited self-government within imperial guidelines. It is the most stable and efficient way to govern such a large and diverse landmass.

implying i should give a fuck about any nation or deity but Sithis,cringe

Israel isn't a continent spanning empire, so this post was pointless.

Human nature is a force of nature like any other. It can never be truly tamed, but it can be managed and repurposed through technology.

israel isnt an ethnostate, retard

>all Imperial soldiers and guards are male except for like Rikke
Um, I think I know who the REAL nazis are, sweetie...

Finally someone who isn’t retarded

Tell that to this /pol/nigger

The point is that ethnostates are disruptive, stupid, and inefficient. Anyone who claims "this land belongs to me because my great-great-great-great granddad had a farm here once" is retarded. Land is land. It's a resource to be used and ethnostates and nationalism in general disrupt the efficient utilization of the land.

What does Thalmor semen taste like impercucks?

Ask Ulfric

>he thinks human beings are rational actors and not tribal animals

>Not wanting freedom from an Empire. Why are Imperials such cucks.

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>literally advocating globalism

The fact that Israel is an ethnostate isn't a problem retard, the problem is Israel is a highly corrupt government that commits atrocities and does whatever the fuck it wants under the protection of "antisemitism".

Excuses. "Aw I want to sail my trade ship through this river but the water is going the wrong direction. Guess it's impossible." Fuck you. Build a dam, build canals, use tools to solve the fucking problem. Human nature is a cop-out excuse for people who refuse to even try. Fuck human nature. Human nature can suck on my accelerationist cock.

Technology did not change our base psychology. You aren't going to change generations of evolutionary psychology with a few decade old metaphysical concepts you fucking faggot.

>Imperials were military worshiping authoritarians that were fighting for the thalmor's interest and forcing the rest of tamriel into their pissing contest
>antifa cucks will defend them because they hate the nord's and their homogeneous culture
Was todd trying to redpill us into think nationalism was good or that those against it would embrace fascism if it meant destroying racism?

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Don't need to change it, just need to control it. Evolutionary Psychology is again, just another fucking excuse. Fuck your psychology. Fuck your primitive little monkey brain. The monkey brain drives people to steal, rape and murder, but we created laws and police to control those base instincts. As our technology grows, so to does our ability to control the stupid animal brains we were born with. The erradication of tribalism will be the next step in social development, and it will be driven by technology.

thats not even what happened you absolute retard, you were caught crossing the border and they ICEd your ass. you just so happaned to get sent to the chopping block at the same time as the stormcloaks.

basically you're a beaner in skyrim

>they hate the nord's and their homogeneous culture
>no Shor, Kyne, Tsun, Stuhn worship anymore
>all gods replaced by the Imperial pantheon
>got completely cucked out of magic despite Shalidor being one of the most powerful mages ever recorded and nobody even knows who Jhunal is anymore
>flooded with Dunmer refugees in their most ancient city
>those Dunmer got followed by Argonians
>Dunmer even erected a gigantic fucking statue of Azura, a Daedra who helped elves shit all over Nordic warriors
>so cucked they gifted Solstheim to Dunmer after the crisis
I agree that the empire is shit but Nords are spineless morons as well.

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>when you have to project your jew puppet daddy lingo trying to defend impericucks


Back when i didn't learn politics yet i chose stormcloaks just because they had better looking armor and the empire had generic iron armor shit and leather

>generic iron armor shit
But they didn't. They had Roman inspired armor.

i'm a nazi ama

Kill yourself.


I wonder who could be behind this post.

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Thalmor, duh.

>mfw the Dunmer are just jews

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>altmer are jews in israel
>dunmer are jews that went on exodus long time ago

Ocs>>>>>>>>>>>Nords>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shit>>>>>>>>every other race

And Bosmer are the cannibal furry jews

>Look at me, I'm more intelligent for sitting on the sidelines and calling them both equally bad.

this, but unironically

are you german

What a coincidence, I am also a Nazi. Nice to see you here friend.

I used to join the imperials before the Dragonborn DLC but now I just fuck off to Solstheim pretty much immediately and spend most of my time there. The more I get into playing a character the less sensible it seems to get involved with the war.

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If you're a Dunmer, Khajiit, Altmer, Bosmer or Argonian this civil war really has little to nothing to do with you.

Yes let us kill off all destinct races so the world becomes a bland mix of shit. We should do the same with animals, how dare they be their own thing?

>t. Roman right before the collapse

Give one single example of multicultural-multiethnic countries do better than homogeneus countries.

civil war was the most boring thing about skyrim and it impresses me people still give a fuck about it.

I dunno why but it's a shitposting magnet. I don't care about it either when I'm playing the actual game but I like flinging shit about it online.

Get your history lessons from somewhere other than Stormfront, faggot. The city of Rome collapsed due to decades of mismanagement and a crumbling economy, but the seat of the empire had been almost entirely relocated to Byzantium at the point, to the extent that virtually everyone there considered themselves citizens of the Roman Empire for hundreds of years longer.

The Byzantines world reign for another thousand years before plague and mismanagement would cause them to fall to the Ottomans, who themselves established a multi-cultural empire which reigned for over 600 more years.

Cosmopolitan empires are some of the most stable forms of government ever developed by mankind, and your bullshit ethnic nation-states can't hold a candle to their centuries of dominance across the world. China, India, Rome, the Persians, the Ottomans, the Mongols, the Russians, the British Empire, the United States and the European Union are all some of the most powerful and influential civilizations in human history and they were ALL multicultural, multi-ethnic, cosmopolitan societies.