Gamers love japan

>gamers love japan
>hate china


Attached: download.png (182x278, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread: Spyware.jpg/

chinks are subhuman that why

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Japan gave us Mario, anime, resident evil , and tons if other great games and media

Because china is a giant ant colony

>gamers love country x
>hate country y
What is your point?

Japan gives us games. China gives us news stories about Taiwanese developers receiving death threats and being forced to remove years of their hard work from the market for making a throwaway political joke.

>japan has artistic freedom far greater than the west
>chinks are literal insects

Gentlemen, I have come to say the T word

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>this sudden increase of Epic Tencent Store threads just when weekend is right around the corner
>it's been like that ever since this botnet launched

Enjoy having your favorite game being turned into Gacha

It's one hell of a dichotomy.

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You mean the most popular shit in china?

The Japanese are stubborn, arrogant, xenophobic, and homogeneous. I can respect that.

The Chinese are soulless thieving bugmen who do the bidding of others without any independent thought or sense of morality.

It isn't a difficult choice, user.

The botnet launched 2 years ago. Nobody started talking about it until epic started buying game exclusivity.

Japan didn't get a Great Leap Forward

>people love japan from what comes out of it
>companies love china because ultra cheap labor and little to no regulations

Japs are just as bad. Both are shit

the japanese are strange in a charming way
the chinese are psychopaths that cheat you at every possible occasion

One became an industrial and technological powerhouse because of the many many reforms they initiated over the years.

The other had a famine that killed millions because they killed all their sparrows and didnt know how ecosystems work.

Gentlemen, I've come to say the P word.

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>unzips Social Credit System

China is based. Everyone is just jealous.

this is fine

Japan has a soul.

>1 point has been added to your social credit score


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japan isn't current buying up my country's real estate market, causing a bubble where I cannot afford a home, that is going to pop in a couple of years and cripple my country's economy
that good enough for you, chang?

loot boxes are gacha so it's already like this

This shit was debunked, Epic isn't doing anything shadier than Steam, the guy who "exposed the processes" was just brainlet and a shitty coder to boot.
10Cent their fingers in so many pies that the retards that complain about them probably don't even realize that they've been giving them money the entire time.

Attached: 1538398078655.gif (382x554, 2.57M)

>buy exclusives
>provide nothing good other than the bare minimum of whats required
>demands a better platform with more features stop taking a large cut which would require getting rid of those features so that they're on even ground with epic while epic continues to do shady shit to get ahead instead of providing something good
Its like sony but worse by a factor of 5.

Also china is our enemy, thats why people instinctively hate anything chinese.

why is this always deleted? I can never fucking read the whole thing because it keeps getting deleted

>0.50 cents has been added to your account

This is you brain on social points. And you call US drones.

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In games like League of Legends and Overwatch you can do fine without ever touching a lootbox. The same can't be said for Fate/Grand Order and other Japanese games

Because Japan is racist and based. China is racist and not based.

China will grow larger.

>everyone is shit so I can be shit!
No. Fuck off, Winnie.

so how much jailtime did those lardfucks get in the end?

>0.02 mutt dollars has been added to your account

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is this real?

How many cool vidyas did China make? I can't remember any. They just buy the successful stuff like PoE.
Meanwhile it is true that japan have been coughing up moeshit non-stop, there are plenty of fun games made by them as well.

Why did they call it that? What were they leaping towards

China threads are some fucked up shit
Tons of vids of people being ran over or brutalised while bystanders just watch it happen

>"n-no u"
You're definitely not gonna get your bonus with this weak coping.

Bunch of mobileshit and other crap like that to cash in on the gacha craze. Also a shitload of bootleg and scam games, but those don't count since they're shit by default.

loot boxes are kid friendly gacha traps

Japan hates china too, you know.


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Everyone hates China, even the chinese

Yes we love free capitalist countries and despise tyrannical commie governments, what a crazy thing to do uh?

>0.05 arab pounds has been added to your account

>riding bike from point x to point y
>realize with horror that an out-of-control tractor trailer is bearing down on me from behind tearing a path of destruction as it goes
>peddle harder than i've ever wanted to
>just as it looks like the truck will miss me, get mashed by traffic light as it's knocked to the ground

such is life in the zone

As I thought then.
Yeah we don't like china because they just profit off video games, they don't make them.

Now you're switching nationalities.
That's a 5 point reduction from your social credit score

That's what happens when you live in an authorian communist state. If China just dropped communism and started being democratic again people would stop hating them so much.

Taiwan exists you know

>epic lacks a ton of gay shit like paid lootboxes and cards that attract ERPfaggots and the like
How can chinks be so based?

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Japan occasionally pumps out a good game, China is all P2W MMOs

>whine incessantly about 12% on a video game
>give 49% of your entire company to different country

This dude is goofball supreme.

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how did he eneded up being a slave to the chinks?

Same reason Japanese hate China.

Fuck China bug people

the average retard posting in Yea Forums doesn't know the difference

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White people love money. They'd sell their own kind for money

I mean, look at his autistic face.
Do you really think someone like him can do something smart?

Save the excuses for your supervisor

It´s like he was born to say someone else´s words

Love edits of this guy's stupid mug.

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You say that like China does any better in terms of video game production

>hey'd sell their own kind for money
You better not be a Nigger or Asian, as they sell their own kind for money all the time.

>wh*toids SEETHING because fat fuck is his market dominance taken away from him
hold this while i just have both launchers installed and get to play all the games

Attached: hold dis.jpg (400x400, 16K)

>pic related
Same could be said about mudslime degeneracy vs faggot degeneracy

They probably approached him and several women with them. He most likely beta male'd and gave them whatever they asked for to please his new queens in hopes that he will get laid.

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>Want to collect GBA/SNES games
>Want to buy a PS3 controller
>I cant because these subhumans flooded the market with bootleg shit
Thats my reason i bet people here have more better reasons

They're two completely different cultures.

Nu-jannies are little bitches is why it gets deleted, not to mention all the butthurt chinks that report it.

Because China is objectively one of the worst countries in the world


I got fucking banned for posting it

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Then I just won't play the gacha. Was that so hard?

>epic lacks a ton of gay shit like paid lootboxes and cards that attract
Do you know that Fortnite STW has more lootboxes than any game? Gear is lootbox based and you need to buy lootboxes to get better gear
Yes, fucking ingame weapons and shit

japan has shown to be a great boon to the video game industry. Hell, we would still be stuck with sports sims as our main videogame genre if it wasn't for Japan. What has China ever done for video games? They went in and bought a ton of western and japanese IPs and companies. They have very little interest in creating new stuff, they much rather prefer stealing what others have created wholesale.

True. China loves blacks.

Japan loves whites.

>claim that if Steam drops down to 12% Epic will stop doing exclusives
>shills conveniently forget how Swine himself has said that 12% is unsustainable

>say competition needs to ask for less money
>people ask for competition to ask for less money
>competition goes bankrupt because people want to ask for less money

I love China, they don't push sjw shit like North America and Europe

>weebs love japan
>everyone hates china

>True. China loves blacks.

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>my random boxes aren't ACTUALLY l-lootboxes!!
lmfaooooooo you have to PAY to O P E N steam lootboxes that's leagues worse than whatever shartnite is doing. at least their shit won't "wear" over time.
and steamboxes are integrated DIRECTLY into the client.

that was impressive desu

>China loves blacks
patently false

hold on while I pirate all games and pay nothing

it's like that on every intersection

Yeah and we typically like them.

People don't hate China entirely when Girls Frontline is the only tolerable gacha as sad as that is

Why can't we just have some non-emasculated white western things though?

Anxiety about the concept of the thucydides trap. Which probably won't come to pass due to China being far more concerned about internal affairs than external due to east Asian history mostly being characterised by rebellions toppling governments, not the rise of a new power.

gamers are nazis, axis loved japan and hated china too.

chinese are goddamn communists heathens

>in b4 shills saying but muh game gives six gorillion free rolls

Cause chinks are oppressive cunts

Oh, also fears about the way that the particular brand of Leninism that China follows will interact with Western capitalism. People are probably right to assume that over time their interests will be catered to less and less as China's population's spending power increases and demands for access to more foreign media becomes common. Coupled with the desire to spend as little money as possible to get past the censors.

Fuck every companies that bend over to communist scum

How many good Chinese Video games have you played? How many IP's have been absorbed into making some Chinese Cash Cow? *Coughs Diablo

Is that Tim Swiney??


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the Chinese know that American/European players are whiny bitches, massive cheaters, and always looking for someone else to blame for their own problems. That is why they almost never release their games in the West.

On other hand, the money-loving whitey is craving the Chinese money and will make sure as many of them as possible floods your servers.

>whiny bitches, massive cheaters, and always looking for someone else to blame for their own problems
ah you mean the Chinese lol

First of all, Epic Games is American company.

Attached: American Spyware.jpg (341x1036, 119K)

>Owners: Tencent (%40)

China feels like real life 'Final Destination' all the shit that happens there is fucking cartoon tier

The west operates differently than Japan. Over there, their telecommunications networks allow them to have fast speeds. In America, we can't even sustain speeds in order to use PlayStation Now properly. As a result, PlayStation Vue and PlayStation Now struggle.

sweeney owns >50%. he literally has majority rule, sweeite.

>Competition needs to ask for less money
>Except epic, pay 10 bucks extra so that we can afford to bribe more publishers and pay devs less for slaving away in our sweatshops!
Get fucked

If chinks could buy hacks just to wreck you in a game they will do it.

Attached: china.png (573x410, 142K)

whatever helps you sleep at night fó ›¡aó ›¡m

We all know China doesn't play fairly, you actually think they would allow literally one person to hold power over them?

Give me a single good reason why I should ever use Epic Store when I already have steam.
I don't care about publishers.

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stay BTFO , sweetie

Secondly, unlike Japan who is basically Westerners' bitch and pawn since 1946, China is the only non Western power can overtake, even overthrow the gender-fluid imaginary Western supremacy right now and they've already done it in certain fileds, which naturally cause tremendous butthurt and paranoia toward ultra-right honky supremacists, and Yea Forums is always filled with deranged honky supremacists, so it's very easy to trigger them and see them seething like rabid dogs whenever someone mention China here.

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did he die

user, EVERYONE would do that in competitive games. Look at The Last of Us multiplayer, the DLC weapons were far superior to the unlocked items (minus military sniper rifle).


Attached: American tradewar mine with 1776+ fake genders_.jpg (2572x1036, 566K)

China is censorship
Japan is ass and boobs

where a company is headquartered can be irrelevant, that is why tax havens are a thing

>só ›¡oó ›¡yboys defending chinks
what the fuck happened to this place

>China doesn't play fairly
America don't play fairly as well. I mean look at all the monopoly American company such as Epic Games have done :^)

China only knows how to copy stuff from others

Japan is original

leftist lgbtq faggot muttmericans love China, and hate Japan


because china pays for their dilation classes

>Japan is original

Attached: how to spot anti-chinese weeb.jpg (600x4300, 450K)

this nigga's social credit score is going up like crazy

Anyone who identify themselves as gamers are right wing leaning alt right incels.

Of course they hate China.

>leftist lgbtq faggot muttmericans love China
Because you still live in your gender-fluid basement.

Attached: ONONONO-2.jpg (1934x1264, 558K)

Wow, all Asians arr rook same and their culture rooks same, too!
Who the fuck would have ever thought!

U$0.5 is deposited into your account.

cope, weeb

Horrendous post.

See pic.
I doubt anyone would want this but maybe there's a BR desperate enough to eat shit.
Thanks for your free literal shit greenmangaming, now i have to shill it because i don't like when something's goes to waste.
Posting in a shit thread anyway.

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Do you honestly think they're generally aware of that?

Because the Chinese government uses 1984 as a guide for governance.

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>women can't be depicted using skimpy clothing
>but women can decide what they want to wear
>women normally decide to use little clothing
>so naturally, art copying reality, they should wear little clothing
>women get mad that female characters dress like they do

I never understood this, seriously.

>trying to understand women

>ugly women being mad over THE IDEA of atheltic goddess
always a joy to see ugly shallow selfabsorbed cunts out themselves

dh hhhhhi7 d a3 57 98


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Because you are even more annoying than jews.

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Japan gave us vidya
China has not given us shit

Japan is basically the US bitch and are an eternally cucked nation for the white man. Meanwhile, China is the only Asian nation that has a chance against any western country. It's not hard to understand why the majority fucking hate Chinks.

Nothing wrong with jews

Japan = If you have the means/money to do it, and you are not a danger/nuisance to others, do whatever you like.
China = If you have the means/money to do it, hand it over.

USA = If you have the means/money to do it, you'll have to abide by the standards decided upon in the in-group, which regular people have no access to. Also, if you don't abide by them, you are evil and you deserve anything that happens to you as a consequence.

Let me rephrase my explanation, in case some honkytards can't understand.
Yea Forums is always filled with anit-chinese shills and ultra right white supremacists, they always dislike China no matter what China do, nothing new. Most of all, China nowadays is a rising power who can topple down Western sexual-fluid hegemony, this deeply scares and hurts the fragile ego of White /lgbtpol/ Supremacists, so they become even more deranged and rabid to slander China and Chinese than usual, in order to compensate their paranoia and frustration.

based anti-imperialism gang.

If Epic want love they should do away with the bullshit Steam does until then fuck Epic

You do realise that the Japanese government has arrested people because of business transactions it didn't like before right?

I hate countries that destroy their own culture and way of life.

At the same time you can just not like China in general because of their human rights violations, which mirror ones that have been committed in your country during communism and the further you are from them, the better you feel.

>Yea Forums is always filled with anit-chinese shills and ultra right white supremacists, they always dislike China no matter what China do, nothing new.
>he says after a nutjob actually decided to say that China is the country closest to his values

why does Mandarin sound so fucking AWFUL?

Well, in case of Japan Cmdr. Perry already achieved that on his own.

As much as I dislike America and it's ways, the chinese are turbokikes orders of magnitude worse than the americans

It's cute on the girls, the guys sound like a 9/11 tier accident.

>worse than Americans
I don't see Chinese invading countries

Mandarin sounds fine, it's the Cantonese that sounds bad

Also I forgot to say, SJWs who hates Japan also hates China, why? 1. China openly refuse faggot marriage, which is big NONO for SJWs. 2. China openly oppose narcotic legalization, which is another big NONO for SJWs. 3. Muh reeducation camp, muh tibet, muh XXX rights... etc, the usual political things; 4. see . Chinese games actually are more "open" than SJW think.

I have no trouble with it, but I honestly cannot tell Chinese and Korean apart.

>Located in the South

Even worse than China.

China never got its baptism by fire to bring it out of Bugdom. Now they add nothing to international society but cheap sweatshop production and bot farms.
Japan adds 2D girls to jack off to, all the good video games, quality transistors for my computer and comfy photographs.

Attached: 07_dotonburifoodstall.jpg (2160x1440, 571K)

Gee I wonder why this pic feels so familiar...
Ah yes. The very same pic that's been spammed by chink vpn lord.
Not even gonna bother to do the same for the rest of your shit. Glad you're back. Means more vpns for jannies to ban so you'll have less chance to evade bans. Spyware.jpg/

Then you haven't listened to them enough, Chinese has a lot of sh sounds whole Korean has a lot of eo, yo sounds.

Sure but China has no democrasy and it's people are soulless inhumane drones with no self agency.

Attached: rook_at_me_im_the_captain_naow.webm (388x368, 824K)

This, but also +10 Social Credits Have Been Added To Your Account


>Chinese has a lot of sh sounds whole Korean has a lot of eo, yo sounds.
Thanks, will try to apply that next time. The "sh" was the one thing that stuck out to me as well, but I wasn't quite sure.
When I talked about that problem with a Japanese friend the other day, he didn't seem to agree on the "sh" bit with Chinese, though.

Well, at least they seem similarly troubled by European languages, so I guess it's fair.

I too hate the United States.

Chinese People eat dogs

turn off shitposting mode, user. that's literally not what he said.

China is still a developing country who just have growing middle class in last 5 years who are rich enough to by games.

There are already more and more Chinese games show up in Steam nowadays. You obviously don't how popular some Chinese mobile games are(with 2D/3D girls to jack off )in global market, such as Girls' Frontline, Honkai Impact 3rd...etc, there are daily threads in /vg/ about these games nowadays.


Yeah, I'm no native english speaker. Who woulda thunk it?

World of Goo is free on Epic Games right now

>my drm is better than yours
The absolute state of Yea Forums...

>Nothing wrong with jews
except institutionalized greediness, nepotism, racism, and child genital mutilation.

When something is free you are likely the product.

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That exactly Epic Games argument desu

Exactly what a pcbro would say to keep the statu quo.

Aside from Chinese behavior and general lazy attitude towards anything to the point of making shit steel, collapsing elevators/escalators, polution on a crazy scale that almost every major river has become a trash sea.

They are one of the most censor happy cultures in the world, just recently passing into law a mandate that prevents certain types of things from appearing in media. Such as any form of gambling, but including Poker and Mahjong (a game they created), skeletons, any bodily secretions, not just blood. So you can't even put sweat flying off people now.

Why the fuck would I like these backwards ass people that have to lie, cheat and use the threat of their government to get what they want?

Oh, so now v*lvedrone is a banned word.

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If you are atalking about popularity then Jap gachashit like FGO and MS BTFO those chink weeabshoo gachashit even in their home country. And do you know those chink weeabooshit are all completely voiced by japanese, using jap anime shit references and memes, and only collaboration with jap anime, video game because their own games are fucking suck lmao


I can tell you why.

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 695K)

>make anime
>make video games
>live on small island and keep to themselves
>eat dolphins
>make all the world's cheap shit
>make all the world's pollution
>live in gigantic shithole and aggressively expand everywhere
>eat dogs

> You obviously don't how popular some Chinese mobile games are(with 2D/3D girls to jack off )in global market
Just because some weebs obsessed with them doesn't mean its popular in global market, they're not even popular in China, and only wapanese chink otaku play them

>Jannies are trying to stop literal spam which is still going ever since ebin started doing shit

Japan is based and makes anime and video games.
China is a commie shithole.

you have to leave

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i'm getting sent to a camp now, fuck you!

Now use current Chinese culture and society and current Japanese culture and society.

>Dumb crackers dont know China is helping Africa right now
>they think Japan likes whites

>Dumb crackers dont know China is helping Africa right now
Chinese workers are soulless parasites.

>>China is helping Africa right now
on the same way the USA helped Latin America some decades ago

OP is a racist that thinks the Japanese and Chinese are basically the same.

>PAY to O P E N steam lootboxes
you can also buy those skins on the free market with the vast majority being not only less than the $5 a lootbox key costs, but also costing 4-50 cents. skins also don't wear over time, they just have skin quality when they drop. the quality doesn't even affect market price that much. I've only ever bough minimal wear skins and I've spent maybe $5 on 10+ skins playing csgo for 1500+ hours.

>justifying botnets
Thats a yikes from me

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You can hear the social credit score rising from some of these posts

And guess what? Jannies are doing nothing.
Looks like gook Hiro got some of that vbucks money and told jannies to let chinkies spam this fucking board with ebin shit.

learn some history then you ingrate. china has invaded more sovereign nations and people than the US by far.

>posting the multiculturalism faggot

That was prove false and fixed after it was found dumb.

Insects are not even trying anymore.

I thought Japs hated chinks too?

>the thing that didn't exist was fixed

nice try, chang.

they look the same to me

Hiro is a jew

Depends on how much they offered. Jannies were doing a fine job cleaning at least half of threads by removing chinkoids.
Otherwise those off topic and /pol/ posts would be btfo'd already.

The enemy of my enemy is not my friend, Moshe.

I stand corrected

Because the Chinese make awful video games.

Japan is a puppet state

I haven't put a foot in Yea Forums for years, to be frank. Still a shill-ridden shithole.

No that's Tencent Tim.


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>Chinese invading countries
They're colonizing Africa as we speak. Maybe if you paid attention you could shill for China better.

Why does China hate the yellow bear?

Taiwan numbah one.

Same reason Yea Forums hates My Little Pony

>wanting a country of slaves to be your master

Autistic fanbase?

We hate China because we love Japan
It's a real simple relationship

Japan doesn't spy us in every way possible.
Entertaining and addicting games.
From a country respected by everyone.