SJW's turn against Mortal Kombat 11


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Stop plugging your shitty outrage porn, nigger.

>its not an "alt-right"/quartering bashing thread
Quick mods, you better autosage. We don't want this thread taking up valuable space for the resetera trannies threads instead.

But I thought gamers were transphobic too?

Well she is and she is also a sandy hook truther

>a few people on twitter say something
>clickbait treats that as the hivemind
Fuck off.

What Rondetty said:
>"She can try hormones, chop her pecker off, but it's still the same bone structure a man has," Rousey told The Post. "It's an advantage. I don't think it's fair."

a few years later, said tranny was doing this:

seething that your /pol/ thread got deleted

The mods are at least trying to hide it, unlike you 40%er.

>some rabid noone is posting some stupid shit
>oh noes sjw's are striking again!
have sex

You know, Dana White is a huge motherfucker. He will hire anybody who bows to him. It's no coincidence that the people he boosts end up being terrible people. Very trump-esqe

it's always fun to watch them eat each other over stupid shit

i dont even need to open it to know its written by Billy D


You fucking jew over here trying to clickbait angry faggots on Yea Forums so you can make EZ money, fuck you, I'll keep mocking your money grubbing advertising until your cow is finally milked dry and you have to get a real job.

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rent >4free

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.

>Im going to do the very thing that keeps you going because I dont like you
That's all I ask. Keep seething.


>Do everything you can possibly do to please those people, to the detriment of everyone else
>They still turn on you over any random shit

This ALWAYS happens and they never learn. What gives?

How many fucking articles are you going to write about Mortal Kombat?
And do you have to every single article on Yea Forums?

Nah, it's just coordinated discord groups.

They didn't try to hide it. It's funny that you calling people trannies is literal cope because you can't handle not being welcome. Sorry this isn't your safe space echo chamber hugbox.

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they always eat on their own
and that makes them act crazier and crazier as they try to avoid their own people turning on them

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Trannies are like PC gamers. They don't actually enjoy games so they'll look for any excuse to not buy one.