why does Yea Forums hate Persona 5 all the sudden?
Why does Yea Forums hate Persona 5 all the sudden?
Yea Forums hates everything, do not have into account their opinions
I'm not a Persona fan, but the only hate I see from it are from smashfags,(don't you dare compare them to any Nintendo fans, they don't even play any other games) who are mad that Persona 5 is not coming to the Switch and Persona 1 and 2 fags because they are not getting a lot of love. If anything, I do see hate for the game story.
I always disliked the Persona series.
Didn’t Yea Forums once claim Persona 5 was a 3DS exclusive?
>all of a suddenly
Way to out yourself as ResetEra or a redditor. P5 has gotten shit on since the day it released worldwide/people got the chance to play it. Hatred toward is it nothing new, you underage retard
Because P5S wasn't a port of Persona 5. So now fans by osmosis claim they were never fans to begin with.
Nintendo fanboys calimed it wuold be a 3ds exclusive
then it got announced to ps3
then they claimed it was getting delayed to actually be on the wii-u
then it got released on ps4
then they begged to have it on switch
then smash happened
then they they triple doubled on the begging
then they only got a shitty musou
now they claim we're ging to see at E3
Not coming to the Shitch
Because it’s not on switch
I like Persona and all, but man, they just need to release those on PC already. My PS2 is busted and PS4 wouldn't allow you to play Persona 3 and 4 unless they re-sell it for you for widescreens and call it HD remaster.
You could just, you know. Emulate them.
>Story drags way too much, characters repeat themselves constantly in cutscenes and the daily texting chains
>Repetitive gameplay, dungeons are challenging for 5 minutes until you learn everything's weaknesses and trounce them all in one turn, bosses with no weaknesses don't do enough to kill you and the fights devolve to chipping away at their health until you win
>Attracts dumb normis
>Joker Smash DLC means threads now get shit up by smashfags, who are the bottom 10% of each fan base mashed together.
>Smash inclusion escalated Switch port begging, Nintendo vs Sony cucksole war threads, and clogs the board with shitposts
P5 is basically a malignant tumour at this point.
What do you like then?
The emulation isn't always reliable though, last time I played Persona 3 I had slightly annoying graphical glitch with shadows and animated portraits would have their animated parts like clearly cut out. While that's just mildly annoying, the slight stutter in audio during battles was irritating.
It's not unplayable, I just can't suffer it after experiencing smooth ride on PS2. The only real upside is patching it to have Japanese voices.
It still went mainstream.
How long ago was this? Because I'm literally emulating FES as we speak and its 1:1
At least half a year ago, somewhere late 2018.
>Persona 1 and 2 fags because they are not getting a lot of love.
i'm a p2fag and 5 is my second-favorite. most of the hate from other persona fans is coming from p3fags and p4babbies, who are insecure about their games being overshadowed.
I like megaten in general, but Persona waters it down too much.
Only switch owners, because they can't play this, kek.
you can literally emulate the whole series on pc, even p5. the only exceptions are p4g and p5r (when it comes out).
Strange. Well, it can't hurt to give it another go, especially if your hardware has changed. Plus there's "optimal settings" guides for MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE so I'd say its worth a go if you really want to play them again.
I wasn't on Yea Forums around the time it was announce but I will say this as a Nintendo fan, who the fuck thought that would fucking happen? Just because Persona Q was on the 3ds, doesn't mean Persona 5 would be. How the fuck do you compare a spin-off (a spin-off of a spin-off) to the real deal. That's just insanity.
Nah, my PC ain't strong enough to emulate P5. I bought a goddamn console, I want to play Persona on my fucking PS4.
People have been saying it since day one, user. Playing P4 before 5 really shows how far things fell.
It's just falseflagging.
>all the sudden
>Yea Forums is one person
Name an anime that has a worse plot/pacing than P5
Is... this supposed to be difficult?
I read that the only LGBTQ+ representation in this game was a differently weighted transwoman, which is both fatshaming and transphobic. Unlike Yea Forums I don't condone bodyshaming and transphobia, because unlike the virgin posting there, I am a well adjusted member of society. Have sex.
digimon frontier
Dream Hunter Rem
>complaining about based Lala Escargot
People are just shitposting because it’s relevant again and didn’t get a Switch port. A bunch of false flaggers. I remember being called retarded for criticizing P5 when it was released, now it turns out everyone actually hated it all along.
I want to watch it if it exists. Keep in mind bottom of the barrel shit probably still has better pacing.
you arent going to ruse anyone with only one layer of irony
SAO. Dragon Ball Z. Naruto (Anime). Just off the top of my head. Pick your poison.
If anything it's the opposite. Yea Forums pretends to like P5 all of sudden (Since the mosoushit was announced)
you can tell most of them haven't played the game, too. there was a thread yesterday where the shitposters got exposed for not knowing basic elements of the story.
Shit, you're right. Maybe I need to watch all of Naruto to appreciate P5.
Which one was that? Sounds funny.
It's probably my favorite. Writing and the main story can be meh at times but the gameplay, presentation, content, and characters all make up for it.
tons of retards in there who unironically believed the meme that the whole game is just "ADULTS BAD, TEENAGERS GOOD."
Guys do I need to play Innocent Sin as well or is Eternal Punishment a complete story? They're not selling IS on the PSN as PS3 compatible.
you need to play innocent sin first. eternal punishment is a direct sequel that doesn't really make sense without it.
I see. Guess it's hopeless for me then.
you can always just emulate innocent sin.
Hopeless, utterly, utterly hopeless...
Emulate the PSP version of IS
Innocent Sin CAN be played standalone. Its ending is very unsatisfying if you do so, but you can.
Eternal Punishment is a direct sequel. In theory, you COULD play it without playing IS, but you'll be left hanging for a while until a huge exposition dump around halfway around the story. It's kind of a "skipping Chain of Memories" situation if you do so, but hey, more power for you.
They're mostly just complaining in hindsight, like they did with BotW.
lol retard, works on my machine
Innocent Sin was ported to PSP, and PPSSPP is a fucking good emulator.
Speaking of that other Persona game everyone hate because it's on Nintendo... Are you guys getting Q2?
I'm forced to emulate it because my 3DS broke. On the birght side, at least the sound will be better on TV lol.
Didn't like PQ since it was just a mediocre drpg but I want that Q2 special edition.
I want to get it but I haven't gotten past the hospital in PQ1 I really got to finish it
>tfw you wanted aigis in the love quiz but got naoto instead
Why are there no Vita emulators?
Kinda wanted to but sadly my 3DS's shoulder buttons are broken and I'm not willing so shell up some cash to replace a discontinued console.
I got Margaret. Is this what the kids call "winning at life"?
why do you think?
Nobody really wants to work on it, and from I understand it's harder to make work than most emulators.
I dunno though I'm probably wrong
5 was announced the year before Q. The argument was consoles are dead and it would follow SMT footsteps.
>who the fuck thought that would fucking happen?
The guy who was mad about SMT X FE. Granted this was before we knew what it would turn into.
port beggars
The P5 teaser was during the same stream PQ, P4D, and Ultimax were announced.
I've both wondered why people love it so much and why people hate it so much. I like the older games, but didn't see the appeal of 3-5, though I did play them since I had a lot of time to kill in 2016. But at the same time, Persona 5 seemed like the best of the modern Personas to me, so I don't see why Persona fans hate it, I figure it's mostly nostalgia and getting hyped for years.
I really liked Q so I'm getting Q2
I was wondering how well google translate could work when I emulated Q2
It's doing its job.
Although translations are a mess half the time I wonder how the fuck Morgana pulls the term F.O.E out of his ass.
I've hated it since I played it half a year after its release. I only hate two turn based games for their gameplay. This is one.
Lala Escargot is never made fun of though.
>P5R flops because most Snoyggers and normies don't want to pay full price to play P5 again
>PS5 hype completely overshadows P5R, and Snoyggers forget about P5R
>P5R will never outsell DQXIS in Japan
>P5R will get outsold by a fucking Pokemon game in 2020
>Atlus refuses to shill P5R girl as hard as the rest of the cast because they associate her with failure
Do P3 and P4 drop the ball in the endzone as hard as P5? I was planning on starting one of them one after I finished it, but I didn't even end up doing that because of how painfully bad it gets in the last 20 hours.
All the 3d ones drop the ball at the end.
people say the best parts of 3 and 4 are the endzone
The ending is the only good thing about P3 lol
well maybe not 4's
What's the other?
>more delusions and cope from the pokefucker
Do you low-key zoophiles stink as bad as the smashfags?
Final Fantasy X.
P3 is okay starting out, then shit starts to pick up and the end game is god tier and puts the others to shame.
My nigga, that is a smash picture, that is a smash faggot. Why the fuck would a pokefag care about Persona when they literally have the highest grossing franchise in the world?
p3's last month or so is the only interesting part of the entire game.
p4's weak excuse for a story never even gets to the endzone.
p5's ending isn't bad at all, as long as you're not a brainlet.
How big would a Yea Forumsmentos palace be?
Look at these Personafags squirm. The only reason why anybody on Yea Forums cares about you game is because of waifubait and consolewars. Nobody gives a shit about Persona 5 as a game.
>b-b-but Pokefag
>b-b-but Smashfag
If my statements were mere "delusions," then you should have no problems proving me wrong. Instead, you went straight to ad hominems because you know that no sane person would pay $60 for a skank, so you're the one who's coping with these hard truths.
Smashfag? The only thing that's being Smashed is your mom's loose pussy, faggot.
So contrarian that there's nothing there.
That or some form of mom's basement with chicken tendie enemies.
>Nobody gives a shit about Persona 5 as a game.
is that why you kept begging for it for years?
it's an explosively popular game in a series that had a more niche audience for a long time. Of course this board is going to relentlessly complain about this game especially since Atlus continues to make it relevant with Royal.
Dare you enter my magical realm?
Good point bro, shouldn't have jumped to conclusions and lumped the two groups together, I apologize.
Bug types and ghost types are pretty cool
>He say that while posting smash pictures
I don't hate Persona, but it'd be better if they focused more on mainline SMT or even other SMT spinoffs. Stuff like SMT 2-4, Strange Journey, that's where the fun is at.
You don't know what pacing is
persona has nothing to do with whether or not other megaten games get made. it's not p-studio's fault that smtv is vaporware and the other spinoffs have become neglected.
SMT games are still being made. P studio is not the same team that makes SMT. It's just that SMT games for some reason don't get made very often.
>P5R flops because most Snoyggers and normies don't want to pay full price to play P5 again
Are you fucking kidding me?
Every personafag is drooling to give their jewbucks to Atlus
Every faggot has heard of Persona 5 in one way or another by now and will wait for P5R to come out.
This shit will sell like hotcakes by the time it comes out in 2022
>P5R will get outsold by a fucking Pokemon game in 2020
Why do you say this like it's surprising?
Anybody who asks for Persona 5 is a sheep who has fallen for memes by the obnoxious Personafags. Personafags are the bronies of 2019. They're on every corner of the Internet with profile pictures of Futaba, Joker, or Morgana. Cancer. As for port begging...
You should be grateful to be blessed by a superior series. Then again, anything is better than Persona 5.
It is an issue when the biggest budget goes to Persona 5 and subsequent re-release and spinoff instead of the awaited SMTV. Different teams and all, it's still an Atlus investment.
Yea Forums = Nintendogaf
Well here is the delusional retard that thought p5 was coming to switch in the first place
>PS5 hype completely overshadows P5R, and Snoyggers forget about P5R
Except it isn't even coming out in the west until next year, and I'm sure your retarded asss would have made the same argument about P4 and SURPRISE you would have been wrong.
>P5R will get outsold by a fucking Pokemon game in 2020
Wow so you're telling me the appeal of a kiddy game from a widely known franchise that sells well to both children and man-children will outsell a game made fore teens and adults? No way!
Stay mad cuckboi
>Personafags are the bronies of 2019.
who are you fooling? smashfags are the bronies of the 2000s, 2010s, and likely the 2020s at this rate. the only difference is that bronies got a containment board while smash is allowed to shit up Yea Forums with their spam, 24/7/365.
YOU'RE THE REASON WE NINTENDO FANS HAVE SUCH BAD FUCKIGN NAME YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!!! I fucking hate you smash faggots, you do nothing but start trouble.
persona 5 needed a higher budget because they had to actually make new assets for the hd era instead of reusing the same ps2 models for the millionth time.
back when p4 was getting shilled and milked way harder than p5 ever has, it didn't stop us from also getting strange journey, desu, desu 2, smtiv, soul hackers, and smtiva.
SMT >>>>>> Persona
personafags are absolute brainlet pedophiles you can't into dungeon crawling
>bing bing
The best SMT games are on the PS2, you retard.
Back in the day, games were much cheaper to make. Same reason we had one game of practically any given franchise every one or two years.
pokemon autists hopped on the biggest normalfag bandwagon in the history of media and act like it makes them superior. what else is new?
Joker plays like shit
>smashcucks vs pokebros
what a surprise
>it didn't stop us from also getting strange journey, desu, desu 2, smtiv, soul hackers, and smtiva
which are all portable games, not in the same league budget-wise as Nocturne or Devil Summoner. Soul Hackers is literally a port.
>a game made for teens and adults
It's the easiest Fatlus game, you mouth breathing retard. How fucking stupid do you need to be to think that Persona 5 is a game for adults? The fact that you held the s-key long enough for you to type "ass" and the random all-caps is more then enough for me to know that you're seething at the sight of my divine facts.
Like Personafags are any better? All you do is stay at home in the darkness and jack off to Futaba and Makoto hentai. Smashfags smell like shit, but Personafags reek of dried smegma.
Don't yell at me or else you won't get tendies, smoothies, and pizza tonight.
Which home console AAA budget megaten game came out during P5's development period? None.
megaten games have especially been cheap to make because atlus could just keep reusing ps2 models or ancient snes/ps1 sprites. that's not going to cut it anymore now that hd game development is the standard.
in an ideal world where atlus wasn't being lazy with the rest of the franchise, the extra money and work that went into creating hd assets for p5 would benefit all of megaten by allowing them to make other games more quickly and cheaply, just like they did in the ps2 era with nocturne's assets.
/ss/ - Seething Switchlets
>mass replies
>imagine with every post
This why P5 will never come to switch
I liked them at first but after replaying them they're probably some of the shittiest jrpgs ever made
He's not even a true Nintendo fan. His is one of those Smash morons who claim to be one when reality he play no other games beside Melee or the new smash game.
>don't you dare compare them to any Nintendo fans, they don't even play any other games
i thought this was a given since the Simon/Richter trailer 95% of smash babbies dont play the games the characters are from and just read a wiki article about them and go "oh yeah i played it lol"
>Like Personafags are any better?
literally every other fanbase on Yea Forums is better than smashfags. every single one.
you are a textbook example of this. you're on here shitting up a persona thread because you didn't like the fact that joker got into your party game, even though geno and isaac were never going to get chosen regardless.
you smashfags don't even play games other than your party games. all you do is spam every "leak" and "rumor" you see online and derail actual video game threads to whine about the fucking roster.
Plus they smell bad
Go to sleep
>PersonaPedo telling other people to kill themselves as he prepares himself to buy the same game twice for full price
And they say SMTfags are the edgy ones!
I don't give a shit. Shit games don't deserve Switchports.
Well you know how it is. Whatever makes more money deserves to get a bigger budget.
>as he prepares himself to buy the same game twice for full price
says the guy who bought smash 4.5 for full price, along with the whole season pass full of pay-to-win dlc.
You guys are edgy. All you ever bitch about is how SMT isn't popular. And blame Persona for it all.
>Personafag claiming to be better than anyone
You don't even know how to use the shift key. Not only do you smell like dried smegma, but you're a middle school dropout. Personafags are both stinky and stupid.
Sure sure, I don't mind the Persona games existing and getting more attention. SMT IV used fucking sprites for its demons and I was fine with that because it resulted in there being a ton of demons, cutting the budget while also improving the game.
As long as real megaten games keep getting made, I don't give a fuck what normies and incels play.
As much as I like Persona 5's music.
The lyrics are a bit yikes. Even the new opening sounds pretty dope but the lyrics sound like a 14 year old wrote it.
And guess what, you signed up for
Team A-W-E-S-O-M-E
Just say it, you don't need lame, pretty tunes.
Three letters
On the wall
L-O-L, you have lost again
Don't take it too hard
We are more
Than some bored teenagers, yeah
Bad luck, underestimating us was your worse choice
Don't sweat it, grownups
sonic fans are better than you. soulsfags are better than you. even the tencent epic shills are better than you.
smashfags will always be known as the stinky game with the stinky fanbase no matter how hard you try to spin it otherwise.
I don't hate it. It just met all of my expectations to a T and ironically that left me a little disappointed since I wanted it to exceed them.
the lyrics are always going to be "a bit yikes" to native english speakers because of the language barrier. let's not pretend like previous games' music didn't have gems like "three dots connect to rectangles" and "do not waste your time in hating flirting guys."
>pay-to-win DLC
Persona 5 has DLC personas that make an easy game easier.
Telling people to kill themselves is as edgy as one can be.
Hi Carl
not him, but I'm not a native english speaker and they do are cringe
I am better than you.
I am better than the entire Persona fanbase.
I smell better than the Persona fanbase.
The only reason why this thread has any traction is because of me and my responses to these low-IQ Personafag posts. If it were a typical Persona thread with constant waifu faggotry and that one odd consolewar post, then it would have been forgotten.
I see...You're pretty cool user.
Yeah you're right.
>I am better than you.
>I am better than the entire Persona fanbase.
>I smell better than the Persona fanbase.
>The only reason why this thread has any traction is because of me and my responses to these low-IQ Personafag posts. If it were a typical Persona thread with constant waifu faggotry and that one odd consolewar post, then it would have been forgotten.
>So contrarian that there's nothing there.
that is an interesting idea, imagine parts of the massive palace being so opposed to the protags entering they crumble with a rain of green energy arrows raining into the place.
i said v not trash
Morgana is best boi
Fedora Man is a more beautiful specimen than the entire Persona fanbase.