Remember, no happy endings.
Other urls found in this thread:
Ys 2 had a pretty happy ending.
Except for Chadol
No happy ending if you're a blue haired bitch
I remember Toal's ending being a good outcome compared to the other 2.
>Tovah family got extinct
>Fact fucked the edgy half-naked slut instead of the getting married with his childhood friend
>edgy macclaws never got to impregnate his divine wife (or anyone else)
>same for Adol, that ended up becoming adventuresexual and turning women all over the world into perma-virgins
>Fact fucked the edgy half-naked slut instead of the getting married with his childhood friend
based Hugo
It's still bittersweet since the goddesses have to be sealed away IIRC.
>Fact fucked the edgy half-naked slut instead of the getting married with his childhood friend
As it should be. Brown tomboy > spineless childhood friend.
I went for Hugo first run and it was nice
Then I try Yunica and as I heard here she's just a shittier Napishtim Adol how is that possible what were they thinking
Toal is great tho new thing and 2fast2furious
Thread theme:
>Tovah family got extinct
>forgetting about based Goban
Pretty harsh, bro, even if he became the leader of a thieving gang.
That's pretty good, but let me stop you right there. For you see, we always gotta make the end of battle in threads like these.
Nightmare Toal is a fucking nightmare to run through though, you have to be a master of reflexes, timing your use of magic and other things, and watching movement patterns to do that shit
>blue hair Adol
If Dogi isn't playable, I'm dropping this shit.
Just finished Ys 2. Thoughts on this chart? currently trying to find a Dawn of Ys rom that's compatible with the English patch.
Probably the best of these charts out there.
This party is getting kuhrayzee
I also heard that it was badly balanced too
>same for Adol, that ended up becoming adventuresexual and turning women all over the world into perma-virgins
citation needed
Not really, it's pretty much the same as Yunica's. She loses her dearest friends while he loses his goddess waifu.
His hair is blue in the beginning of the game (and maybe when not transformed or something). Red when he has the monstrum powers.
Calm down bro, it's a disguise to hide from those fucking Romuns. It's black hair, by the way.
>obviously a disguise
Nightmare Yunica gave me way more shit, Toal's wind magic is too fucking good.
It is kind of wild that for all the crazy shit Adol has seen in his adventures, the one thing he hasn't seen is a second person with red hair
>Antonio in Redmont in Oath
>Countess McGuire
Unless you're talking about his flaming red hair, then you've got a point.
fuck me celceta music is so bad.
what went wrong?
>worst gameplay of all the party based games
>dogshit music
>even worse arranges of mask of the sun/dawn of ys themes
>worst designed adol
>forgettable garbage characters
>still no shield
It's what I'm using. I've played through Ys Chronicles, 6, Felghana and just beat Origin today. Some user posted a mega with a link to Ys IV with an emulator to run it in one of the past threads but I was too stupid to get it to work so I begrudgingly skipped IV.
Bro, he hasn't had a shield in over ten years, it's time to let go and embrace the agile DEX Adol
Yeah, they don't even have the chad Path of Legend:
at least it has Frieda
>Nickname: Adol the Adventurer
what the fuck, he has always been Adol the Red
why did they get rid of such a kino name
It's still Adol the Red, he's just under an alias in this game to hide from the Empire, as indicated by the prison city setting.
>worst gameplay of all the party based games
Not really? I mean, it's just Seven's but with Flash Dodge (which is bad and should not have been carried over to 8). The only thing I can rag on it for is the lack of bonus weapons for Adol that give him alternate weapon properties (I can't remember if it had them or not, but I doubt it). Also, even though the weapon upgrade system was kinda broken, it wasn't "bad". Though I think it did let you get too OP.
>worst adol design
I'd say both Celceta and 8 tie for being absolute shit.
>forgettable characters
That's a complaint of 4 in general. It's not like you remember most of 7's that weren't the main important characters. Even most of the party members are forgettable and kinda dumb.
>music complaints
I don't hate it but I do prefer different versions of songs across all of the ones I have played.
The one complaint you should have is NO FUCKING "A GREAT ORDEAL"
The original tracks for Celceta are awesome you're just old
>listen to Dawn's OST after playing Celceta
>all those great tracks that didn't make it
>all those tracks that sound worse in Celceta
At least the Celceta Original music is pretty decent, but somehow it ends up being one of the most forgettable Ys OSTs
>just bought Celceta
s-should I refund it?
Eh, might as well keep it just to say you played it. It's bad but it's still a Ys game which means it's better than most other games.
Well, did you like Seven? Celceta's essentially more of Seven, so there you have it.
Dawn of Ys isn't relevant for the overall story or anything but you should really play it someday. It's the best classic Ys game.
i've just started, I played the first two Ys and now I'm playing Oath in Felghana.
You can look forward to the major step-up that is VIII after playing it, at least.
Seems like most games with exploration are getting grapple hook abilities lately.
Based fellow adventurechad playing the bump games. You have any favorite OST tracks, so far?
>except breath of the wild
Easily my biggest complaint.
I found a good rom on a French website, planetemu dot net. Every other rom I found was the incorrect revision or had an unexpected filesize.
>not a single party member helping the player character in any of the trailers
>Party system might be optional this time around
>or Adol is always solo but the Dana of this game uses the party system
Ys might be saved
>A Great Ordeal
now that's some kino right there, the fact that this didn't get into celceta is just yet another negative against the game.
>I'd say both Celceta and 8 tie for being absolute shit.
you're actually not really wrong though i'd still say 8 wins over celceta adol, the reason i forgot about 8 though is because i had adol in his silver armor for the entire game.
>It's not like you remember most of 7's that weren't the main important characters.
ahh but see that's where you're wrong, i didn't actually think i'd remember much of 7 either honestly but thinking on it now i do remember the vast majority of characters, even some minor as fuck ones in 7.
celceta on the other hand i honestly (as in i'm not just saying this to shit on celceta for no reason) forgot about some of the fucking party members.
i remember very little about celceta despite playing dawn of ys and despite playing mask of the sun even though their stories are all somewhat similar.
>Not really?
pretty sure it gave you a ridiculous amount more healing items and res options than 7, as well as being stupidly easy.
the game had more filler and getting your skills leveled took a ridiculous amount of time to the point that i never even bothered doing most of them.
>Clawdol might be able to use based Godspeed to replace the flash shit
>the option to toggle off the party system could be available right from the beginning instead of needing to complete the game first like in VIII
Dare I say that true adventurekino is possibly back on the menu?
you know a track is good when you forget to play the game and just groove.
Fuck Dark Fact
The second half whoops ass too even if it's kind of a slog to get there
Again, just like Seven
>Fuck Dark Fact
Fuck him even more if you have a monitor with higher refresh rate than 60Hz.
>The game uses the series’ traditional party system. You will advance while utilizing each Monstrum’s different abilities.
>Since a Monstrum’s superhuman actions are shared across the party, you will not have to go through the trouble of switching between characters to use them.
>Since attributes are still important in battle, you will switch between party members while fighting.
>pretty sure it gave you a ridiculous amount more healing items and res options than 7, as well as being stupidly easy.
8 is worse with this though? I honestly don't play on the hardest modes.
>the game had more filler
Gonna agree there, it was kinda filler.
>and getting your skills leveled took a ridiculous amount of time to the point that i never even bothered doing most of them.
I honestly don't remember this. Mostly because I don't remember which skills I used, especially since I only use a handful every party-game. I just stick with what works in terms of DPS and coverage.
>the best theme in the game is only used in a single room
What the fuck were Falcom thinking?
>Since attributes are still important in battle, you will switch between party members while fighting.
For me, it's the Darm Tower:
You should give the PCE/Complete versions a listen too, they're pretty groovy:
Beat Ys 2 last night, currently trying to figure how to emulate PC Engine for Dawn. It's okay though, I have this
It was used on the "overworld", you dingus. The only problem is they put you underground far too soon.
I actually don't understand why there's so much hate for then character switching. I'm playing through Seven now and I actually like it.
Nor is it the best track in the game
Dark Fact's theme was so good that I really didn't mind him taking me over 20 tries and dying every 10-30 seconds. A fucking great boss.
Where's my boy Battle Ground at? A bit repetitive, but hype as hell.
8 can be forgiven for having more healing options because it actually refined the party based gameplay to its absolute limit.
>I honestly don't remember this.
well i for sure do, it was grindy as fuck just level skills in celceta, in 8 there was actually a good balance in how long it takes.
Oldfags olding. I've been playing since I and II Eternal and to me it feels no different than switching weapons in VI or Origin
Because you're a zoomer faggot.
Notice how it's always the people who are only just starting who think that shit is okay?
Compared to Oath which gave us tight gameplay and actual challenge the new games are a fucking sloppy mess.
Because it's not nearly as smooth as weapon switching or magic powers. Also, Adol lost his ability to jump for two whole games, which really limited what bosses could do.
Name a more kino boss than Felghana's Galbaran.
>it was grindy as fuck just level skills in celceta, in 8 there was actually a good balance in how long it takes.
I know that in 8 the SP heavy skills take less to level up. It's been too long since I played Celceta, but I will say that 7 was pretty bad about this. Leveling Pentagram took forever, even with the bonus SP rings.
>which really limited what bosses could do.
funny how 7 has better bosses than 8 even if you are 100% right
Eh, I don't hate it myself but I don't really care much for it. I'd chalk up the excessive hate to tryhard Arkboomers and bumpfags.
>inb4 casual newfag
I beat Nightmare Galbalan on PC, so there's my gamercard for you.
Io, the Origin version of Pictimos
i bet you play on normal mode too, faggot
then you're braindead because you didn't get an extra health bar when you switched weapons / magic in the older ys games, nor did you have 2 other party members hitting the enemies at all times or healing items to spam
I've also always felt that there was more to the Ys games than their difficulty, and that some of the newer games actually feel a lot more like going on an adventure in a new land instead of just trekking through a series of Themed Video Game Levels
Well I finished Origins (which was my introduction to the series) and am a few hours into Ark and I don't really find it that bad. But what do I know, I'm not a special oldfag expert like you guys, amirite?
keep seething boomer Oathfag, the modern games are good
I think it's because 7 couldn't be cheesed with flash dodge. Also, they cared about both atmosphere and engagement. In 8, I can't think of a single boss you don't fight in some enclosed arena. Granted, most Ys bosses are like this, but at least 7 tried to mix things up a smidgen.
Boss health is scaled to having 3 party members attacking them and I generally don't use healing items in bosses. Wonder what multi-post reply/smug anime girl combo we're gonna get next, bet it's gonna be a good one!
Real talk, what's Adol going to murder next? He's gone beyond gods and is just killing concepts instead now.
>Boss health is scaled to having 3 party members attacking them
This is always shit, and you know it.
Another boat, perhaps.
He's gonna kill FALCOM.
Not really. It comes the closest to feeling damage spongey in Seven and even then there are lots of viable options for piling on damage and building up the stun meter in short order. Adol/Aisha/Dogi is a great boss team because they get a really helpful stun multiplier for example
Why is Yunica so FUCKING shit
Feena > Reah
Oldfags gonna oldfag with their nostalgia-tinted glasses about how all newer games are shit, what can you do.
the only good one is 8, and that's because it offers more than the other party based trash
>Boss health is scaled to having 3 party members attacking them and I generally don't use healing items in bosses.
video related is my second time going against this boss on the hardest difficulty in ys 8 while being multiple levels below him and not even coming close to dying.
the new games are casual as fuck, ys 8 is saved by a kino setting, kino music (literally a return to form for ys music after the shitshow that was celceta), kino story and kino characters.
the difficulty of the newer games has took a significant drop and the gameplay is streamlined shit
Fuck you, harmonicas are the shit
Oath is the only hard Ys game to begin with what's your point
Move Dawn of Ys up to Great tier
Ys 7 is considered good? I thought it was shit.
Also swap Oath and Origin.
>even having healing items in the first place
I haven't played it in a long time, but didn't 1 and 2 literally only have like 1 or 2 healing items you could even use in the first place? You had to actually play clean to beat those bosses on nightmare.
Hold on, wasn't one version of that image made by a notorious shitposter
Ark had healing items as well.
I just started this series with origin yesterday due to the steam sales. how the fuck did they get away with ripping off the metroid item get tune?
Any tier list that lumps 1 and 2 together is just lazy
Nigga, they are two parts of the same fucking game.
It is a mystery.
that poster IS the notorious shitposter
Yeah, and one part is vastly superior to the other. Really makes you think about the credibility of that image and that poster, doesn't it.
origin is far harder than your average game too, so are the bump games.
>dark Fact
>people crying about the sand boss in Origin saying it regens too much
it was only during the shitty party based games that the difficulty got butchered because falcom decided to appeal to the kiseki crowd who makes up the lionshare of their fanbase.
honestly wouldn't even be opposed to this
>Ys 7 is considered good?
it's in average, good is above it, it's nowhere near as shit as celceta
>Also swap Oath and Origin.
literally kill yourself, my man
oath is the undisputed king when it comes to ys.
it was made by me, the only people who think i'm shit posting are casual shitters who are seething that i call them out.
Not really, both Ys 1 and 2 are essentially the same except you get fireballs in the second game. I'd put them in the same tier too.
wait a sec there's no party system bullshit ?
Oh fuck it's you. Why don't you go set another Touhou record so that you can taunt nip anons for being shit at their games elsewhere, you faggot?
Ys 2 doesn't contain bullshit bosses like Vagullion and Dark Fact, so it's automatically a tier above Ys 1 in that regard. Plus the music tracks are better and more banging
I've only played Ys games on normal and I found Origin by far the easiest. The only bosses I died more than 3-4 times to was the centipede and Darm.
>Meet a edgy tomboy warrior browngirl
>Calls her a retard to her face and continual insult her
>Beat the absolute shit out of her when she tries to fight
>Mock her some more
>Her pussy gets so wet she falls in love
Was Hugo based and redpilled?
I don't get how to flash guard multiple hits in Ys Seven. What are the inputs? I tried mashing the guard button after a successful guard but I still get hit.
Hugo was a fucking edgy son of a bitch who was overtaken by promises of power. He's not based in any regard, despite the many bants that he may give out.
because they still haven't beat my previous one despite them trying for years lmao
imagine being so good at video games that you can take a game japs are known for being good and beating their best player after practicing for a month while they stream themselves for years, practicing all day every day only for them to never be able to take that record back
i don't even need to imagine that tbqhwy, i did it lmao
i haven't played a single ys game on anything below the hardest difficulty so i dunno how the fuck they are, but on the hardest difficulty every ys game maybe with the exception of the party games, is leagues above anything your average player can handle. fucking LEAGUES ahead.
normies can't even play dark souls ffs, those games are piss easy.
Origin is pure fucking kino
>atmospheric music/aesthetics that hit that perfect balance between dark and comfy (rado’s annex best example)
>story is unintrusive but also engaging enough if you are a fan of the series’ broader lore
>great characters with unique gameplay styles
>that feel when you get higher up the tower, constantly at the edge of your seat for what will come next
>game is legitimately challenging on the higher difficulties, takes the pattern recognition of a bullet hell shooter and layers it on top of simple but satisfying fast paced combat
>Replayability, toal’s route completely changes gameplay/story
Literally perfect
>Lacrimosa god tier
Literally me
If he's proud of being good at a training wheels shmup like Touhou then no wonder he's acting like such a retard here
okay, tryhard-kun
>a literal feral simpleton made you soften up and grow more than your own childhood friend
If I were Miuscha I'd kill myself out of shame.
>Game series with like 12 fans on the entire planet
>"no MY favorite is better you fucking dipshit"
Why does it have to be like this
I blame Touhou world-record shitposter for spotting this thread
People got sick of it even though its at its best in Dana. 7 is honestly fun as fuck, I think MoC being mid tier as a game just made people want something else.
anyone who has played lacrimosa also knows that the video he made is actually of the boss with such fucked up hitboxes that even a shitters like me could chain-flash guard with 0 effort during the first attempt
Fuck that he can't have this thread. What's everyone's favorite regular boss theme from the series?
>has best girl in it
>has a soundtrack that is so fucking good that i'm surprised falcom still had it in them after the shitshow that was celceta
>did what they could with the party based system and made it as best as it can be (still nowhere near oath in terms of gameplay of course)
>training wheels shmup
are you a CAVE fag trying to cope lmao, CAVE fans and touhou fans had a tournament in which they both tried to play each others games and do well, live during a big fucking event and the CAVE players got shit on while the touhou players smashed games like Mushihimesama, dodonpatchi and ketsui
i've 2-all'd ketsui too, the games a fucking joke, it's all memo garbage, all cave games consist of stages that are just filled with aimed shit that you just move from left of the screen to the right and then back to avoid.
imagine being a tranny shitter and trying to downplay a world record in a genre so hard that you literally don't even have the skill to vanilla clear lmao
>>has best girl in it
That's not Sister Nell.
For me, it's the dark beasts of the night, both versions:
>imagine being a tranny shitter and trying to downplay a world record in a genre so hard that you literally don't even have the skill to vanilla clear lmao
Shmups are bullshit difficult, true, but you need actual autism to play them. I'll pass on that
Gotchu, senpai
I'm impressed how much I got into Origin's story considering how barebones the previous Ys games were. It's really amazing how much something as simple as giving the main character actual personalities and motivations can do for the plot.
Adol may be a total chad but at the end of the day he feels like nothing more than a problem-solver who has no attachments to the people he's saving.
keep seething Touhou-recordkun, no one cares about what you have to say about your autistic topics
>best girl
This is literally LITERALLY just an Yngwie Malmsteen song.
This too, although to a lesser extent.
It's odd. Every song in MoC that's a remix of a Dawn of Ys song is inferior to the original, but every new original song is awesome.
I wonder how much less insecure you would be if you started framing these thoughts as 'Wow, it's cool that I'm exceptionally good at something most people find really difficult!' instead of 'LMAO everyone who can't do this thing I can do is a dumbass'. If you stopped devaluing the things you can do well you would feel less like you had something to prove in every one of your interpersonal interactions.
Honestly I think it's pretty cool that you've set Touhou records! I know I couldn't do that
CAVE vs Touhou is even worse than FGC vs Melee autism
Based Touhou chad. Which Touhou would you fuck?
Adol is for Isha
Actually Adol the Red isn't an official nickname or title. It was used by the fan translation of Ys 6 when Geis called him "Adol the Red" instead of "The red haired swordsman" and its a name that has only really ever been used by the fan translation.
>Yngwie Malmsteen
You could've chosen A Great Ordeal to make your point better, you know.
Thanks boss
Honestly agree, Adol is nice and all but I would take an actual character as a MC over Adol
as far as we know, he has no descendants -- which is important because literally all of his adventures up to his disappearance at 63 are documented.
There are a few exceptions to the worse than Dawn rule. I think Ancient Legend and Iris are better in Celceta, personally
I'm absolutely mad at what they did to The Dawn of Ys though
In my experience most cavefags have an inferiority complex to most other shmups. I never realy got into the cave games personally.
"Die monster! You don't belong in this world!"
>Adol Christin explains that it wasn't by his will that he was given flesh.
This chart doesn't mention the SNES version of Ys 3. Does it suck?
I think people are drawn to Adol precisely because he's a simple character, he's the classic silent hero with a simple goal of adventure. For me, it's refreshing to see what with all these over-complicated JRPG character backstories and plots nowadays.
It's flatly the worst game in the series, and it's not bad in a fun way like Mega Man X6/7 or Deadly Premotion. It's just a piece of shit
If a future Ys game doesn't have Chadol beating up the trinity of gods until they are on their knees, forcing them to change the rules of the world so there no longer has to be an overseer of evolution and thus save Dana from her fate I will flip.
I am lost in this autistic argument. What the fuck is a "CAVE"? Are 2-hu games hard? Why does this matter to Ys?
Fucking based.
As someone who's been playing these games for well over a decade, I love that he's a relatively faceless character and also the main character in all of his adventures. Every few years I get to look forward to a new peek into what he's been up to which is fun, it's the ultimate gaming comfort food for me
Unless you’ve LNN scored EoSD or LoLK you have no right to be calling other shmups memo garbage
Blue hairs get nothing but despair
SHMUP autism, one of the more potent forms of autism since being good at SHMUPs gives you a lot of internet points. Cave are a SHMUP dev team, and Touhou are a popular set of Indie SHMUPs
Cave is a shmup developer, Touhou games are hard, there's an autist who I think has alerts set up to let him know when Yea Forums is discussing Ys because he has derailed almost every Ys thread I've ever participated in. People take the bait, and equal parts hilarity and frustration ensue.
Adol never asked for this
>Actually remixing an unused track from Dawn
>Danafags exist
It's like people started the series with 8 or something, jesus christ how horrifying.
>implying Dana isn't perfectly fine with taking Minos' gigantic bull cock for all eternity
I've played every game in the series, 8 is my favourite with my second being Origin. Dana is the best vidya heroine there is and didn't deserve the end she got.
>That's not Sister Nell.
weird choice lad, not gonna lie
you just gotta get good t b h
why have a hobby you're shit at
>no one cares
>half the threads replying to me
loving every laugh, cope harder
falcom is kino at making 10/10 waifu's
estelle and dana, both pure kino
i never said people who can't beat my world record or most of the other shit i've pulled off in general are bad, i'm calling out the people who think that the games shouldn't be hard anymore, ys has more difficulty options than most other games, the least people like me should be able to get is an actual challenge when we choose nightmare/inferno mode mode.
i've LNN'd every game in the series
i've perfect pacified 4 out of the 6 ufo bosses
video related, literal perfect pacifism (inb4 you're a newfag that hasn't seen this, i had to do this entire thing again except with me shooting the piss easy non spells just to fit it onto a video that can be uploaded and even now the size was barely enough and i had to lower the quality just to get it this way)
MaZe started before most people here and he's a hardcore Danafag so no, not really?
Cactu >>> Whoever the fuck you are
I started with Ys 1&2 chronicles and I am a Danafag. I used to be a Lilliafag but Dana won me over.
>We are not the tools of any higher power. Each of us is the very embodiment of free will. Even so, there comes a time in every man's life when he must answer a call to destiny beyond human understanding. How will you respond when that moment strikes you? Truly, nothing is more awe-inspiring than one who unceasingly pushes himself beyond the threshold of his courage and will. I had hoped to embody such an ideal myself. Even now, many decades later, my awe for her remains unwavering."
>— Adol Christin. Preface to "Travelogue of the Gaete Sea"
I like how Dana has moderate to small breasts. It's refreshing.
Where does this ys virgin start. There are so many
I understand that
It's just that after watching the Ys 1 OP(
Instead what I got is a quick and simple plot resolved in 1 game and the rest of the series was just Adol fullfilling a prophecies about saving the world from world-ending shit every day of the week
It just feels like a waste of good setup, even Rance did more that Ys with it and it was a porn parody
>Dana and her cruel fate
Umm, no sweetie, MaZe is the best player in the world.
the real horrifying thing is how feenafags actually exist even if she is not only the worst girl but also the worst character in all the games she appeared in
Dana at least was a somewhat decent character, Feena was an uguu defenseless anime girl all along
>dana's height is way off from other eternians
>think she's from the present and goes to the past due to time shenanigans and is thus a regular human
>turns out she's just SMOL
>unironic zoomer brings up cactu
pottery, i've known cactu for a long ass time, he's 10/10 at eosd but just decent at the other games.
>Spoils the best track of the game(final boss track) in the trailer
What was Falcom thinking?
Honestly, I think it's kind of a blessing, just look at Trails and how it's dragged out its major overarching storyline for how long. At least Ys can finish the plots it starts in one game. Besides, Ark sets up and connects the rest of the Ys series with an ongoing framework of lore of the Eldeen and the Romun Empire, so there's an overarching story, at least.
Why do people who shit up threads with off topic self fellatio bullshit always use attention seeking images with generic 3d girls in their posts? First the dmc tranny, now this one. Really makes me think.
>Dana chads have taken over
>Shitposters favourite character is Dana
At least Ys threads aren't full of faggotry unlike DMC.
At least you're not Laxia fans, hoo boy.
Take this, it's technically a regular boss theme:
>He thinks the falcom fanbase isn't one of the most autistic gatherings on the entire net
>seething casual shitter doesn't have anything to show for all his time playing games
not my fault you fags can't stop bringing up my accomplishments every single time i post lmao
It would actually be a nice fanbase if it didn't have a gigantic crossover with the kind of weebs who scream the acronym EOP and consider wordplay like rennes name the height of technical human writing achievment
You mean Trailsfags, who like to autistically cry about how good their writing and worldbuilding is. I mean, their claim now kinda blows up in their face when Cold Steel exists.
friendly reminder that sunshine coastline is SHIT
friendly reminder that this is one of the best tracks in ys 8
>wordplay with Renne's name
That is true, I haven't been in one of the threads in a few months now after the spike of rampant fag posting.
People shouldn't be able to identify other posters on an anonymous image board unless that person is blatantly identifying themselves. Being able to instantly identify someone based off of offtopic shitposts is no different than posting in /vg/ threads with a trip.
Sibylline Road really is an incredible track, no need to shit on Sunshine Coastline though bro.
All of the weird gatekeeping stems from the old days when it was impossibly difficult to even track down a copy of any of the games without directly writing to Falcom to special order a Japanese copy. The Ancient Land of Ys crew was super weird about piracy which was basically the only way to play the series outside of a select few games that had English releases, and even finding copies to torrent was a huge pain in the ass.
Tied between these 2.
Fuck you, Sunshine Coastline is kino. But, it's no Gens d'Armes:
>People shouldn't be able to identify other posters on an anonymous image board unless that person is blatantly identifying themselves.
i get identified in threads all over every board i post on, i'm not gonna change my writing style just because it triggers some niggers who recognize me lmao what the fuck
sunshine coastline is just overrated as all fuck imo
now this, THIS i can get behind
without its legendary ost, i wouldn't like ys 8 anywhere near as much as i do, but jesus fucking christ this game is filled with pure audio kino
Perfect music for climbing a mountain.
So is it confirmed then, Ys 8 has the best OST in the series?
she has a kanji in her name that can also be read as "reaper" or something like that
Honestly you can't go wrong with any of them except V. All of the rest have been my favorite OST at some point
Not much choice left, so take a not-final-boss theme:
Happy endings are overrated.
>Fact fucked the edgy half-naked slut instead of the getting married with his childhood friend
Epona weren't edgy in the slightest though, she is more easygoing, selfless and chill than Hugo himself so he should actually be happy he found someone who can actually suffer his endless trash talking and still fall for him regardless
>dat violin
And even then V has some good shit in it
>Chronicles has the most memorable OST
>Felghana has the best final boss theme
>Napishtim has the best non-final boss theme (Ernst)
>Origin has the best area themes
Judging from the ones I've played.
yes, ys 8 somehow did it, i actually like a fucking party based ys game so much and it's because the music drove the entire thing, i cannot stress the importance of quality audio in games, every game i like has kino music and ys 8 has some of the best music ever
listen to the power in this track, you can literally tell just from the music, the drums, that something major is coming up, this is a key part in the story, a huge reveal is about to happen. i fucking knew this place was going to be integral the moment i entered and the reveal at the end did not disappoint.
jesus christ i fucking love ys 8, it's all coming back to me now
Best opening song?
>no Thieves of Brotherhood
One of the most kino V tracks and jazziest SNES pieces you'll ever hear, and you leave it out? C'mon now
I want to FUCK Dana
I agree, the music and story in Ys 8 are exceptional. I don't mind the party games in general but Ys 8 is a solid mile better than the rest.
All this talk of Ys 8 is making me want to skip 7 and Celcetta and jump straight into 8. How much will I regret it?
Actually based
They'll seem like shit going back to them and it might make them a slog to playthrough. I'd tread very carefully if you were to do that honestly...
I'd say play 7 for a bit to get a feel for what it's like, and if you don't like it, drop it and move onto 8.
Alright enough of this shit, no more fucking around, let's do this.
>Best regular boss theme
>Best final boss theme
>Best outdoor area theme
>Best 'dungeon' theme
>Best final dungeon theme
Can't go wrong with one of the OGs
Man seeing first promo images for Ys 8 and really made me imagine a game with exploration siimilart to what i've gotten latter in MHW
I'm feeling similar, I just finished Seven the other day and started Celceta recently. I've played basically every game before Celceta and 8 so I should probably push through it to see if it's as bad as everyone says.
7 was quite good though
Celceta was kind of boring but still pretty okay
>best regular boss theme
Ys VI - MIghty Obstacle
>best final boss theme
Ys II Complete - Termination
>best outdoor area theme
Ys VIII - Sunshine Coastline
>best dungeon theme
Ys II - Palace of Solomon
>best final dungeon theme
Tie between Ys Celceta - Iris and Ys I Complete - Tension
The first half of Celceta is really lackluster but the pacing, level design and music improve a ton later on.
Best taste right here, you can't dispute this adventurous line-up:
>Best regular boss theme
>Best final boss theme
>Best outdoor area theme
>Best 'dungeon' theme
>Best final dungeon theme
My fucking god what fresh hell have you unleashed upon us by saying that
actually 7-memories celceta-8 is the same game, just with different characters. 7 has more interesting plot. all of them easy so you can start all of them on NIghtmare, unlike some Felghana. and all of them lack post-game and replayability
this boss theme from 7 is good
burning sword from celceta
Looking back, some of them are true works of art.
So should I buy Oath and Ark on Steam in the Golden Week sale, or stick to emulating the PSP versions?
I'd say buy them if you want the upscaled graficks and cheevos
I enjoyed 7 more than I did 8. I wish I'd skipped Celceta, though.
>Best regular boss theme
>Best final boss theme
>Best outdoor area theme
>Best 'dungeon' theme
>Best final dungeon theme
Considering how the entirety of Origins takes place in Darm tower, is every theme a dungeon theme?
i'm gonna be a pleb and cheat by choosing 2 for most because i'm too indecisive to pick fucking 1. call the cops i don't give a fuck
>Best regular boss theme
>Best final boss theme
>Best outdoor area theme
>Best 'dungeon' theme
>Best final dungeon theme
bonus opening theme so i don't seem as overly bias towards ys 8 and oath -
>Best regular boss theme
>Best final boss theme
>Best outdoor area theme
>Best 'dungeon' theme
>Best final dungeon theme
>Honorable Mention
>best regular boss theme
>best final boss theme
>best outdoor area theme
>best dungeon theme
>best final dungeon theme
>Best regular boss theme
Scars of the Divine Wing
>Best final boss theme
Strongest Foe
>Best outdoor area theme
>Best 'dungeon' theme
Valestein Castle
>Best final dungeon theme
Ruined City Kishgal
based and oath pilled
What's the connection between Kishgal the character and Kishgal the area?
Aw yeah, time to kill some zombified soldiers and maids who definitely didn't deserve this shit
I thought it was kind of funny that almost all of my choices were from oath even though it's not even my favorite game in the series. I just went through my music playlist and the oath tracks just stood out for me.
Same connection between Toal the character and the Sanctuary of Toal, I presume.
>see ys thread
>do some light shitposting
>spend the rest of the thread blasting music into my ears and listening to everybodies links to while discussing the games
name a better way to kill a few hours
you literally can't
Best first dungeon
I don't think I've ever entered a Ys thread and left without rocking out for a while.
A toast to adventure! And also music that you can jam out to! But also
I hope Monstrum Nox is good bros
I agree with you but here's a honorable mention.
We're on an upswing in Ys quality, I'm not that worried bro
They're not all perfect but every Ys game is at least good in its own way
Based fellow adventurebros, here's my contribution
It's goign to be the best in the series, I feel it in my bones
I'm not saying anything 'till I see the based Wall Crusher do his thing in the perfect setting of a prison city for him
>bump system
>sword/spell swapping
>party system
What will the next gimmick be?
so without trying to just act like an oldfag for the hell of it (i started with the all the bumper games first and worked my way up), when was it that you truly realized that ys was one of the best game series of all time?
for me it was at this fight at the start of oath. playing this on nightmare, the dodging was so fucking fun, i knew i was in for a fucking treat of a game with oath
that's not me shit talking the older games either, they're fucking stellar too, but it was at this point that i was beyond hooked
i think this might actually be one of the better first bosses of all time, i can think of a few from different game series that are good too but dularn is the most memorable
>those varied patterns
>that music
>the dodging and weaving in and out to attack
i even liked her final fight a lot too, fucking underrated boss imo
>water prison
always liked that track, very sombre and calming.
sometimes in all of my oath & ys 8 praise i forget how good some of the old tracks were
this just came on randomly due to autoplay
so fucking good, ys is the gift that just keeps on giving
The next gimmick is Adol adventuring into Smash with his moveset inspired by all three main gimmicks
I swear Adol had the biggest admiration boner for Dana out of all his blue haired bitches.
Every time he talks about her he can't stop sperging.
He clearly does, it's not even subtle. Dana wasn't just some throw away blue haired bitch this time. It was sad as fuck what happened to her and Adol was shuck too.
>when was it that you truly realized that ys was one of the best game series of all time?
when I got doublejump in origin(my first Ys game)
Why are Ys girls with blue hair destined to suffer?
For me, it was the Chester fight.
When are we going to get a boss that forces adol back into bump combat to beat it?
Based post, glad you're so passionate about it user.
>no sword seen anywhere
Is bumpkino back bros?? Will Chadol finally show everyone again that he can just ram his body into monsters to kill them?
>that Larva image
So, are you planning on beating some Koreans guys at Starcraft by playing with your feet, next?
>No Let's Plays of Oath on Nightmare mode
Why is this allowed?
For me, it was the backdrop of the day fading into the sunset and then nighttime as Adol climbed Darm Tower. Also the first Dogi wall crush.
Didn't mean to quote you, user.
The best part about the old games is that they're less than 10 hours long. You jump in, have a blast and finish before the hype dies down. It's a fantastic format and I don't know why more JRPG don't follow it.
If you're asking about a specific moment, it's probably the final boss of Felghana.
>that hype OST to start you off
>boss looks really hard but actually has simple patterns
>dying again and again and learning more about his patterns with each death
>getting closer and closer to winning as you git gud
>all the while the best theme in the game is booming at you
It's something I haven't felt since fighting Dark Fact. I knew I'd love the series the moment I started scaling Darm Tower in Ys 1 and I'm really these threads got me to try it.
After beating Galbalan, the fight is fucking amazing. It took me like 3 hours, but every I enjoyed every second of it.
those damn uncultured, unwashed tohou virgins shitting everywhere is a disgrace.
Just a reminder -
God tier: Toaplan / Cave (pre-PGM) / Raizing / Orange-Juice / Ruminant's Whimper
High Tier: Psikyo / Seibu / Technosoft / Siter-Skain / Daisessen
Medium Tier: Frozen Orb / Taito / Squaresoft / Takumi / Irem / NMK / Yotsubane / G-Rev / Platine Dispositif
Low Tier: Cave (post-PGM) / Konami / Edelweiss / Treasure / RebRank / Qute
Shit Tier: Euroshmups
Trash tier: Team Shanghai Alice
Feels good being an adventurechad, huh?
Toal > Adol
>those god tier picks
you might as well just say you're a casual who likes your shmups to be piss easy with absolutely no bullet density lmao
>>Fact fucked the edgy half-naked slut instead of the getting married with his childhood friend
Get PC versions. 60 fps and less casual.
>t. filthy Fagt
Sorry can't hear you over the sound of your harmonica-playing waifu dripping wet from some random adventurer 700 years later
I played I & II and then Origin followed by Felghana, and it was probably while fighting Kishgal in Origin, but no later than Chester 2 in Felghana.
I think Chester 2 was still one of the most exhilarating fights I had in an Ys game, though Kishgal was very close.
>less casual
Were the PSP versions of the games nerfed in difficulty or something?
>Sorry can't hear you over the sound of your harmonica-playing waifu dripping wet from some random adventurer 700 years later
S a v a g e
PSP versions have healing on their boost modes as well as a few other things that casualize the game but I can't remember what they are right now.
So do people play the Ark-style games with keyboard or controller? While some things are easier with controller, things like Adol's jump dash is super awkward with controller so I've switched to keyboard for Ark.
But Feena is the only one getting wet like the loose whore she is.
'Tis the fate of all blue-hairs, now.
I beat Nightmare Galbalan with a keyboard, that must rank as a great gaming feat somewhere.
Off the top of my head, the fastest movement tech in Oath is something you can only execute with the help of a mouse iirc
*blocks your adventure*
I play with a keyboard, but I suppose you should just play with whatever you're used to
Truly a casual filter for the ages
Fuck this nigger
>ADOL: Monstrums Die Twice
I'm keeping my expectations moderate.
>this is what dana dreams of while adol is out adventuring
>an Ys game without Adol
>is the best game in the series
Really makes you think.
Hey, it's not the man's fault that fake arms are so popular nowadays, what with Velvet, Nero, and Wolf having them.
>best game
That's not Felghana
>it's only saved because two different types of Adol are better than one
Series is old enough and has enough different enough game-play between games some people can be very critical of whatever isn't their preferred style of play. It's just hyperbole.
Dark Fact's also fucked if you didn't enable V-Sync and cap your framerates, truly he is a madman villain sorcerer worthy of being a final boss, even if he did cheat a bit to get there.
I only played as Yunica in Origin.
I refuse to play as a sissy Fact.
Also I want to fuck Yunica. That is all.
yunica is a slag who likes it in her ass
Anyone else finds funny how Ys started as an "anime as fuck" game series, but circa 00's it's animeisms became tame by comparison to some of the stuff that was being released on consoles?
To put things into perspective, Rance basically started as a parody of Ys.
Based and retard-strengthpilled
Yeah, Ys has always been "anime as fuck", my dude.
A shame there's no lewds
Look at this faggot who doesn't love Pocky and Rocky and/or "teleports behind u" shenanigans
Yunica seems like the type of girl who'd always have skidmarks on her panties.
Yunica is a good girl, please do not lewd and shame her for her inability to use magic
based, fuck Fagts
I've played as everyone other than Yunica. Is there any point for me to go do her aside from the interactions with her dad and Kishgal?
Was it /u/, Yea Forums?
If you want to run through Origin with a playstyle closest to Adol's not counting Time Attack then sure, go for it.
my headcanon is the goddesses sexually awakened yunica's lewd side by performing all sorts of weird sexual acts with her
>Yunica fucks Roy to continue the Tovah line
>Hugo fucks Epona to continue the Fact line
>Miuscha settles for Rico as a consolation prize to continue the Gemma line
Is this correct?
I mean, it would explain Luta hiding in an enclosed room inside the very same tower as his ancestors once did.
Given that all 3 girls on this picture are canonically straight, no, it wasn't.
Now go back to your board, abomination.
It was tragic, that's what
>dark tower was actually split into several different biomes in the past
Why did Dark Fact remodel it into something so monotonous and boring?
>I'm here to take Adols virginity by force
Realistically, what hope would Adol have to stop her?
Chastity belt crafted out of Cleria
>Aw yeah, time to cheese a desperate motherfucker using the Terra Bracelet again
Imagine breeding that.
Straight girls have sex with one another all the time, user.
>chester didn't impregnate her before he croaked
What a waste. Adol is adventuresexual and Dogi is too busy being the sidekick so she's definitely dying a virgin.
/u/ is rotting your brain
B-but chester is her brother!
>Galbalan knew that being sexually stimulated by a the life force of a descendant of Genos would power him up
>that's why he was the most powerful of the Ash Emelas constructs
>My favourite Ys girl
>She has the least amount of art out of all of them
It's not fucking fair bros
that's the best part
He's gonna die alone in the North Pole, how's that a happy ending?
Nah, he gets to become Adol Christmas to bring adventures to all the little boys and girls, ho ho ho...
Lacrimosa was ruined when it stopped being a comfy castaway sim and had to introduce something important enough to justify Adol having trouble for the end game.
>The one complaint you should have is NO FUCKING "A GREAT ORDEAL"
they might have skipped that one purpose because it's such a blatant rip-off of Far Beyond the Sun
Going through 8 right now. Should I just drop all the permanent stat upgrade items on Adol?
Wrong, it was the opposite. Cast away stuff was meh while the rest was great.
It's to be expected, after all, it's truly not an adventure for Adol unless it involves saving a large area of some kind from total destruction.
what if the adventures adol had were just the friends he made along the way?
>not enjoying seeing your shitty cave grow into a little shipwreck village as you explore a mysterious island
Danafags OUT
It makes the game easier if you use them all on him. Easy to beat most enemies just spamming his force edge and brave charge. You might want to use some hp and def increases on the girls though, and you can grind the stat items in late game anyways.
Dana is a miracle of the universe
>all the adventures Adol and Dogi were really just an excuse to make friends all over the world
Is Adol secretly the kindest and friendliest vidya protagonist out there?
Adventure is friends with everyone, but Adol is adventure's best friend.
What an insightful and adventurepilled post.
the character switching itself isn't necessarily the problem, it's just everything that surrounds it
>namely a lot of characters play nearly the same, they may have a different basic attack string, but in the end you just want someone who deals good DPS (at least ranged chars are good for recharging SP)
>every character gets unique skills but a lot of them boil down to the same thing because there's so many fucking skills to begin with, which is then crippled by the fact you can only equip four skills, only the support buff skills are something you want to look out for
>inconsistent enemy hit reactions means getting a juggle combo going (while switching between characters) is a fool's errand so you just spam the skill that deals the most DPS
>basically other characters are just another third of your health bar, you don't really switch for the sake of utility unless forced by the RPS-triangle damage type system in Seven/MoC
>at least this works when playing as Dana because she gets three styles which are actually worth switching between
but easily the worst part: Flash Guarding
>ok, so get this, we have a game about avoiding all kinds of crazy platforming and bullet hell attacks by running around
>so we add an ability which lets you parry LITERALLY EVERYTHING as long as you press it at the right time
>and to top it off, give the player bonus SP, bonus EXTRA, and a temporary damage bonus when they pull it off
>you can literally just stand in a boss' face without ever having to move and just parry everything while spamming skills
>flashguarding is the most optimal choice by far
>how do you design boss attacks around being able to parry everything with one button at the right time?
>you don't, that's why the post-Seven games barely have the fucking variety of the bosses in prior Ys games
>Is Adol secretly the kindest and friendliest vidya protagonist out there?
Kirby still exists so no.
Hugo and Keith are based as fuck.
Toal and Dark are bitches.
>playing ys on anything but nightmare
Honestly a terrible re-arrange, the PC-98 version had more soul.
>ended up becoming adventuresexual
Damn. I guess that's what happens when you lose a literal goddess, nothing else can make do.
>inb4 the first 3D Kirby game is a crossover with Ys, using a modified Ark engine
>they call it KirbYs
You know it'd be kino seeing Adol and Kirby team up.
>mfw i haven't played a new Ys game in years (last one was 7) yet i still visit these threads for the music
Bro, he was always adventuresexual, let's not change the narrative now.
Aw, it can't be tha-
Holy fuck.
Do you think Ys could use some combo-crafting aspects to the combat? Something like Tales of or Automata. I agree that a lot of the skills that you get feel superfluous in how they function/their attributes.
I find it amazing how the original version of Feena remains the best despite all the Ryo Yonemitsu and JDK band arranges of other Ys songs triumphing the original versions, no arrange managed to quite capture the catharsis at the end of all those instruments coming together in that beautiful crescendo
lmfao wtf
Blame nips for being stupid enough to keep bringing up his red hair being a unique trait and then never using it as an identifier.
Are the girls in this series good? Asking for a friend, haha...
Combined with the generally above-average reception that VIII received (it's better than the two previous games, for sure) and IX on the way, I suspect that there'll be a lot more of these threads of jam out to the music soon. Even VIII's soundtrack is legendary, like always.
Keith is toal descendant so he fucked some girl some time after YS Origin
This sounds like a bad stage theme from Mega Man X5, god damn.
Adol is looking sharp
This was the scene after Feena says goodbye, and the guy seems legitimately devastated. He was very into her, I think.
>when you're hiding from an empire that knows about your red hair but you need to look stylish like always
Too bad dawn of ys isn't canon
You mean like building your own combo from scratch or something?
I can't fucking believe how anyone could hear the sheer epic scale of the original or the PCE version and transcribe into something this fucking LAME
Here's the original PC-98 version to wash it out of your eyes, in fact I like some of the PC-98 versions more than I do the PCE arranges
Yes, they're called Felghana and Darm Tower. Altago and Celceta a shit
>Links my two favorite tracks in Origins
My nigga.
>No sax.
>No acoustic guitar.
>Main riff is midi trumpets.
>No moments of calm or proper crescendo.
They didn't put a great ordeal in because malmsteen could sue them
I don't know, something tells me that he would've left on his own anyways, even if Feena and her sister didn't have to seal themselves away as penance. It runs in the blood, after all.
Played Celceta and shit was so underwhelming, bros. If this had been my first Ys game, it'd probably also have been the last. Is Dana substantially better?
For me, it's the Temple of the Sun
Yes, everyone's saying that. But play it and see what you think yourself.
Yes. Shame NISA got to it, and will be getting Monstrum Nox. Pay your respects to Ys, it's fucked forever now.
I think the people who try to say Celceta "isn't that bad" never played PCE 4.
>Is Dana substantially better?
so very very much better. wash that shit taste of celceta out of your mouth and get your fix of dana lad.
I was just finishing Wanderers and was going to do Mask and Dawn next. Thanks pal.
He's on the run from the Romun empire you absolute retard, can't you even read the synopsis of the game? Holy shit, Americans are so tiresome to deal with.
>I think the people who try to say Celceta "isn't that bad" never played PCE 4
they are, it's either those or people who are just brain dead fake fans of the series who think you can't point out a flawed shitty game in the series because that'll mean they don't like ys as a whole
i like all the ys games to some degree, celceta is just shit, it's the bad egg out of the bunch. frankly ys has a great track record still
Good thing I own a PS4
>Ys 8 managed to have better story, characters and soundtrack in one game than Cold Steel couldn't do in four
the absolute state of the Kiseki series
I thought it was just failed not an end. Though the way Adol is it's probably just how he would want to go out, adventuring until he died.
Falcom's current CEO is a bad influence on the company and their output over the last decade is just sad. The fact that more modern Ys games are good than bad is astonishing, really.
Its a damn shame about flash guarding, parry systems in general are pure cancer but to see a series go from deriving almost all its depth from positioning and dodging to completely disregarding that aspect in combat is just fucking sad. Whats sadder is that this wont change any time soon and people just lap it up because WOW I TIMED A BASIC BUTTON PRESS I FEEL SO BADASS, same as press x to awesome mechanics
I'd also like some share old non-Ys Falcom tracks that are quite underrated
Trails/Kiseki has been derailed to fuck and back from Cold Steel and all around fucked. I'm just sort of glad that Ys hasn't been hit as hard from the Kondo hammer, even though it's evidently been hit.
>Pre-patched and soundfiles converted to wav already.
You're a champ, user.
>over the last decade
Zero/Ao were peak Kiseki, the problem isn't his input, but the amount of different writes working on Cold Steel. Ao also had bloated development and it's a miracle it turned out to be great in the end.
To be fair I didn't think Celceta was awful or anything, but it was terribly average. Gameplay didn't impress, Nightmare mode was downright broken, and that amazing soundtrack you expect out of Ys was mostly a no show too. I liked the characters and the feeling of adventure was still there at least. The very abrupt ending was a shame, would have enjoyed a proper farewell to said characters.
Don't forget this masterpiece, the one good Falcom game we'll fucking NEVER get.
I'm 3 bosses into Seven and forgot about Flash Guard. Don't even know how to do it since it's not in the in-game tutorial at all. Is it better that I learn it or ignore it? Playing on Normal difficulty btw.
It's not that hard to outdo CS. You just can it with the retarded pandering and focus on having a fun story and good characters.
>Ys thread with good music and Adolventuring with Dogi
Today is a good day
Have a good day you adventuring fellows
Well, it's not like you'll need it.
You know if you dig it that's fine, I just don't like the direction Falcom took after Zwei!! 2 bombed. The move to handhelds and eventually consoles made sense, but kiseki just isn't what I loved them for and I think the success of games like Zero/Ao are what led them to where we are now.
Samsara and paramnesia ys the best Origin track
Same to you, fellow adventurebro
>CAVE fans and touhou fans had a tournament in which they both tried to play each others games and do well, live during a big fucking event
Which tourny do you mean?
It's not outright necessary, especially not on Normal. I finished my first run on Normal without doing it because I never even knew about it and got through just fine.
But it will help make bosses feel a lot less tankier because it lets you deal bonus damage and spam skills/EXTRA skills faster
Like, there's NO reason not to always Flash Guard before doing an EXTRA skill attack because it will make your EXTRA do like 30% more damage, which is pretty huge. But actually Flash Guarding can be a bitch to learn because getting the timing right to parry feels like trial and error and the hitboxes on boss attacks are wonky. Also, DON'T try to parry tornado attacks because you'll get stuck in an infinite parry loop until the tornado ends if you don't want to take damage
Ys threads have always been the comfiest in the whole history of Yea Forums.
I'm proud of my fellow adventurebros.
Thanks a bunch.
My dudes.
I still have all those Kisekis waiting to played on Vita. I played that Nayuta no Kiseki game but it just made me think of Ys. But I heard it was like a side game anyways
The eternia segment was the saddest thing I've ever experienced in a video game. Period.
>First visit it when it's a bustling great city
>Everybody is happy, everybody is friend with each other, everybody is enjoying life
>Keep going back there
>More of the same is happening
>Premonition happens
>Dana frantically tells others about it
>They try to mount a defense
>Anxiously waiting
>Fucking huge ass meteor comes down
>They actually stop it with their shield they erected
>Moment of respite
>Suddenly the sky is ablaze with meteors that bombard the shield
>One smashes through, many die
>Sarai (Ura) who was helping with the defense knew what was up from the start which makes it all the worse since she knew how futile it was
>Dana basically gets told everybody else besides her is going to die
>She stays with her people anyway
>They're freezing and starving to death
I think if they used anything other than meteors it wouldn't have been that much of a big deal, like if they just used some monster to attack that would have been gay as fuck, but the meteors felt like a more grounded and realistic and made it all the more terrifying.
The last parts of Danas past were pretty fucking grim.
Listen to first 30 seconds of this:
That sound which starts at 0:10 is almost exactly the same as this one mgs song:
The actual narratives are so simple there's nothing to bitch about.
Every game has a lot of DEEP LORE/neat details but it's also pretty straight forward so people just talk about things they like.
There were barely even characters until 6, and a lot of the character writing is simple enough that nobody really pays it any mind.
Pretty much every single game either has great gameplay/game balance or a version with that, so there's no real black sheep games, just hated versions, and even then none of them are bad enough to really bitch about.
It's impervious to bitching, basically.
This one was great, I listened to The Strongest Foe so much and it brought a new spin into it.
I want to see the blue haired girls panties honestly.
Yeah, and even if we've had some bumps in the road here and there, I'm pretty confident and optimistic in the adventures that lie ahead for Adol and their quality. You're welcome, fellow adventurechad.
Because JRPG fans want their 100 hours of brainless grind and "comfy" experiences, which Ys arent on the hard modes while being too short and unsatisfying on the normal and below. Ironic how a series that begun as a casual take on the RPG genre has turned out to have some of the hardest RPGs around.
Out of all of the Galbalans that were made, why was the one in OiF such a beast of war? What made him be the alpha chad amongst his kind?
Will we ever return to the land of Ys in a future YS game? With eldeel trancending like alma feena and reah, will we ever encounter another eldeen? Will we ever play the north pole adventure and see what really happens there?
Personally I wish they'd branch out into making games other than Ys or Kiseki games which would follow a radically different gameplay formula like Xanadu Next and I guess Brandish: The Dark Revenant (unlike Tokyo Xanadu and Nayuta no Kiseki to some extent). In fact I'm still waiting for the future Brandish 3 remake so I can get my judo grappler waifu in full HD.
It helps that Ys threads have held a reputation for being chill and the fanbase likes to keep it that way. Ignoring shitposting and taking things as a joke can help a lot when it comes to moderating a conversation.
People who come to these threads also know why they come here and since there is little to no room for other types of discussion (since Ys isn't really a franchise for everyone), people keep the conversation going about the games without interruptions.
Crossbell may have set some pretty bad precedent, but I don't think Falcom had much of a choice BUT to sell out to the turboweebs. Their business was in complete shambles during the 2008-2011 period, with their stock value and software sales at record lows. They tried to maintain their old IPs on the PSP, but stuff like Brandish: TDR, Vantage Master Portable, and even Ys Seven sold nothing close to Ao's numbers. They had to sacrifice creative integrity for the sake of business stability. C'est la vie, I suppose.
Adventurefriend, for Adventurechad is Adol's title alone!
Ys IX takes place in Northern Esteria, so maybe'll we'll get a scenic shot of Darm Tower at the most.
Yeah, to an extent, I'm just saying they went full hog chasing the cash instead of keeping an even hand and doing what they needed to in order to make profit. Basically, Ys is more-or-less doing it right (I hate the costume design) while Kiseki went full retard.
>Ys thread
I had other plans but I guess adventure calls!
Genos blood made its dick hard and alpha
Should I get VIII on PC or switch? They are about the same price right now.
I kinda get tired of sitting at my computer and I heard the PC port was a little whack.
Elena made him harder than the rest.
Fair enough, fair enough, can't really argue with that now.
>PC port was a little whack.
every single version of the game was beyond fucked at release, just go with whatever you want the most as long as it isn't vita
You know user, I appreciate that you're at least cognizant that it was the start of the otakolypse despite your enjoyment of them. I wish more people on Yea Forums were able to be reasonable enough to say "Yeah X lead to bad things but I enjoyed it" or "Y wasn't very good, but I think it's fun in its own way" or even "I appreciate that Z is a good game, but I can't stand it."
Avoid PC and Vita versions, if you can
all of the ports are shit in all honesty.
Switch Ys has all of the DLC including the sony and pc exclusive shit but it's 30 fps
PC is 60 fps
That's basically it, make your choice on that. Switch has portability which is nice too though.
Does Falcom have a thing for redheads?
Dude, stop, you're being unfair as hell to the Crossbell arc. It didn't set any ''bad precedent'' and the amount of exposition, character development and overall plot advancement they managed to cram in just two games was out of this world. Ao is literally Kiseki: HAPPENINGS due how much hype stuff happens.
I, too, want to pin Elena down and get a taste of her genos genes, if you catch my drift.
We're all Adol.
The PC version is fine (It crashed three times with me though). No reason to avoid it despite that.
I hear CrossCode plays a lot like Ys, should I give it a try?
It's a shame this is going to be a PS4 only release. They could very well release this on PC the way things are and it could probably bolster the sales a bit considering the rereleases the series has been seeing on the platform.
There is only one way you can seek adventure while adventuring yourself and it's not with the Vita version!
Kind of makes me wish the other Falcom games were released for the Switch as well. I can't deny I was skeptical at first but adventuring in comfort is a joy I won't soon forget.
Perhaps so, their redheads are pretty chad and bro-like. You know, I kinda find it funny that Falcomfags are resorting to using/hijacking Ys threads as discussion hubs instead of using the many more plentiful Trails/Kiseki threads. What's up with that, I wonder?
>PS4 only release
Only at first, but we all know that the ports will come trickling in sooner or later to get our poor budget-tier company that is Falcom more shekels, as has been done with all previous games so far.
At last I see the truth.
I get no girls because I'm instinctly married to adventure.
I wish bump combat would get tried again
In fact one of my dream games is one where you are cursed into becoming a steel cactusman and end up running into everything trying to kill you in your quest for a hug
The Crossbell arc is like the Resident Evil 4 or Morrowind of Kiseki: games that did a lot of things right and are really good in their own regard, but introduced a number of problems to their respective franchises that compounded as they went on. Hopefully Kiseki takes the Resident Evil route in the long run, and not the Elder Scrolls route.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.
Why is the grandmaster here?
I don't doubt it but it should take a few years at least.
I have no words for this post yet I can't fault the logic of it.
Unfortunately it is highly unlikely unless they happen to release the first games again and they somehow gather a lot of attention. Maybe in a minigame of some sort in future releases.
Do the cactusman, give it a red hairdo at the top in honor of Adol.
>I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.
I am not, and being passive-aggressive with your posts surely won't make me agree with you either. I honestly believe this arc was a perfect 10/10, I can't find any flaws in it.
It's a really good game. I've never thought about comparing it to Ys but I suppose it would be similiar to the action platformer RPG era of the series.
Fun gameplay, really engaging story (albeit sort of unfinished as post game is still not out), good OST and enjoyable cast. Lea is arguably one of the most endearing protagonists I've played as.
Because Adol would win against a shadowy omnipotent entity like her, of course.
>implying she isn't already from the Ys world but got bumped so hard she fell into Zemuria
Are YS 1 and 2 any good?
They look like shit
I really can't get enough of these designs. The western poncho aesthetic always got me, even with games like Wild Arms and such. It was a popular thing back then and unfortunately it has faded from games in general.
Also, best Adol design right there. Still true to the classic but with a new touch, I always loved it.
Can't we just go back to these better times?
I thought Adol was enforcer no 22
You look like shit, fag
They are simple fast and fun, no bullshit you just bump and dodge bullets
At least they've given us the option to wear his classic armor in VIII, so I really can't complain myself.
The north pole has an entrance into inner Earth where he gets back all his waifus.
>implying Chadol would join any organisation
You and I both know if he washed up on the shores of Ruan, he'd then go on to solo all of Zemuria afterwards.
Adol will join the party in Sen the 5th.
dana forever
I'll be damned...
Adol would have no idea what the do since there’s so much faction bullshit in zemuria, he’d probably end up solo-ing both the dominions and the enforcers then fucking off in a boat before he realizes he is trapped
What's with the north pole thing? This isn't the first time I heard of this
I haven't played a few of the newer games, what did I miss?
Do it faggot I dare you
Go on that first chadventure
There's something depressing about realising that the Zava and Dalles from Ys 2 were just them being revived and brainwashed by Cain. They may be villanous dicks but not only were they manipulated by him and thrown away once useless, but afterwards even denied peace through death.
Your eyes are clouded. Go on an adventure and you'll see clearly again.
Bump your way to greatness!
All his adventures are gathered inside the Earth?
thanks anons
They are some great fun, but if you go for those specifically give them a good chance because the combat system is an immediate turnoff for many. It's weird as fuck but super fun. Stay still to recover HP in the field and grind your first couple levels before you can become the killer bumper car you were born to be.
The games have been framed as retellings of Adol's adventures according to his journals found by people thousands of years later, and it's theorised that he died or went missing at the North Pole at an age around 62-63. It was hinted at back at Oath with that opening narration of his, if you remember it.
Death was their peace. Imagine how it must have been to feel chained by Cain all those years when it could have all ended so long ago.
Where can I get Adol codex from VIII collectors edition? I FUCKING NEED IT
Then make a game like that yourself, you have no excuse not to in this day and age with all the tools available to you, with the right presentation it might even catch on.
>but it's hard!
Man up
>b-but I have a job!
Don't lie
Not if he brings a certain special adventurer's tool/item with him...
No I did not remember it, it has been too long.
Thank you for clearing things out for me though, I appreciate it.
>over one hundred travelogues
I guess we still have many adventures to see. Still 63 is kind of an early age to die and if all his adventures were recorded in his birthplace I'm guessing he went back to tell/write them which could have taken well over 5 years.
We just need to know if he died as he told them or if he wrote them and traveled again never to be seen.
Now the real question is... Where the fuck are all those books? Because this is an adventure I wouldn't mind reading
I'm not being passive aggressive. There's so much ironic shitposting talking in the Kiseki fandom these days that I can't tell when someone is praising any game in good faith anymore.
>I honestly believe this arc was a perfect 10/10, I can't find any flaws in it.
It was the first arc where Falcom really started to double down on the trashy otaku pandering. More specifically, it started in Ao, where you had some light harem elements and a full-blown beach fan service episode in the middle of the game. And this was after two games full of gritty, grimdark themes in their stories.
Never fucking ever. What's not known to many is that Adol keeps his adventures close, but his journals even closer. But I mean, there's the Celceta artbook journal, which is probably the only really good thing to come out of MoC
That special edition is sold out, you are fucked
The first Trails in the Sky game was probably one of the most perfectly average JRPGs I've ever played. It was alright but a couple years later I couldn't be bothered to care enough to go and play the sequel, and I gotta admit the success of this series in general just baffles me.
>Avoid PC
I fucking hate dumbasses like you.
Buddy, this is an Ys thread, in case you haven't noticed. The secret to its success was that the sequel was way better
I'm not keen on the later Kiseki games but saying you only played the first game without playing the second is just retarded. The first game is literally half a game.
Hey, I don't know the configurations for that user's PC, and I don't want him cursing the fuck out of the game just because it crashes many times thanks to the jank NISA port. I'm erring on the side of caution here, though perhaps I should've said to buy and test it before hand.
The first one was just so average that I never felt like buying the second.
shit, oh well
I beat ys 1 and 2 on normal then later in nightmare
But the story captivated me so I sinned and broke my own rules , I played origin and oath on easy to get them over with
But honestly part of me doesn't care I like the story
That being said should I buy celceta since it rarely goes under $20
It's cheap as fuck!
It's expensive as fuck!
>"But honestly part of me doesn't care I like the story"
>when the Ys series is so chad that it can even get people to play it for its stories over literally anything else it has to offer
Take that, Kiseki.
Dawn exists, you know, but it's your call.
Adol codex from VIII cant be bought without the whole ps4 package and it's fucking sold out T_T
Are those books only related to celceta and Dana avdentures? I always wanted a full journal of the series
The gameplay in Oath and Origin was so nice, though. Although I can understand playing Origin on easy your first two times around, didn't really dig the thing they had going rehashing the whole game 3 different times.
SC's a massive step-up, you should try it sometime.
I recently got a switch and was looking for games on it because it's been collecting dust. I only played 1 and 2 before, how many of the Ys games are on it digitally does anyone know offhand?
Man, what ever happened to the Gagharv artist? His character designs are on-point.
Wait, never mind. It's a she and she worked on Rune Factory. I completely forgot.
It's weird how artists who usually work for peaceful games like Rune Factory or Atelier are the ones who usually make the biggest impact when they come over to games with a slightly more serious tone.
Imagine if Hidari ever got to work on Ys the same way he got to work on Fire Emblem?
Well, White Witch was pretty laid back until maybe the last third of the game or so. Its come to call were comfy town arcs and slapstick humor.