*single handedly saves pc gaming*

*single handedly saves pc gaming*

Attached: wow-classic_fsxt.jpg (881x512, 97K)

Other urls found in this thread:


*single handedly destroys your MMORPG revival*

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>Saves pc gaming
I want classic to come out, but c'mon now, you are giving it too much fucking credit.

Why would it? Teamspeak was a thing back then, dummy.

were e-celeb streamers with 50+ people following them a thing back then too? would they reportbomb your account for killing them?

WoW was designed with the idea that people would socialize in the game, not outside of it

A statement from the DRUIDBASEDGANG

Hmmm lets see here...

>trash throughout most of the game
>only becomes relevant when spoonfed gear
>barely tank without a shield while leveling (wow what a bitch)
>no utility
>sucks up all gear from poor rogues, etc. (what a faggot)
>randomly will steal cloth for their 'spirit set'
>needs a baby sitter in pvp or they can't catch anything and look like a total faggot basically
>needs entire guild to help get his bis weap because he's a bitch and can't solo anything
>That takes fucking months btw
>sucks at leveling
>Attitude problems, think they are the main character (definitely has a small dick)
>Gets disarmed like a bitch
>LITERALLY cannot even do their signature quest for the WW axe without tons of help
>needs to take out loans for his mount like a true goy

>can tank the moment they can turn into a bear
>higher health and armor values
>amazing utility, a bro to all healers
>literally cannot be killed/kited in pvp
>god tier at wpvp
>doesn't even need gear to be good while leveling
>BIS weapon for entire game is a lvl 29 weapon (holy fuck that efficiency)
>tanks NAXX in fucking BWL like a true chad
>can heal and tank by just swapping gear (name one other class capable of that)
>one of the most comfy leveling experiences in the game
>Entire zone dedicated to the class, gets to chill with literal druid gods
>More entertaining in PvP, premium flag carrier and 1v1 god
>Can't be disarmed
>always a good attitude towards others
>uses gear no one else needs (like a true bro)
>will always pass on weapon epics (unlike a warfag who will take them and add them to his bank of forgotten weaps.)
>best at gathering profs
>doesn't even need 60% speed, travel form + gear /w enchs = more speed
>can aoe farm in open world and dungeons while being in heal spec.
>can do emp runs easily
>much more efficient trib runs with a rogue.

not looking good for warrgins, Druchads lookin fine tho

Fellow Druchad, let me add to your already awesome list

>Stealth around for easy questing
>"oh noes, rogues keep ganking me" -every class but druid
>dat brez
>hibernate hunter pets for lolz



You'll still always be wanna be Rogues

Learn your place Trash come to my raid as Feral and I'm kicking you.

based as fuck
people also seem to forget that 90% of the hate for druids came out of later patches and later expansions entirely, bear tanks were pretty commonplace back in the day

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If I’m irl buddy of a warrior tank and a holy priest and a warlock, what are my chances of getting into raids as shadow priest?

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>were e-celeb streamers with 50+ people following them a thing back then too?
Not as many, but Xfire was a thing, yes.

Yes many people rolled on servers just because a raiding guild or famous pvp guild or pvp player, or hobbs etc was on that server

>people still think this isn’t getting a late 2019/early 2020 launch

Based newfag schizo

Decent, since there are 16 debuff slots, then having 1 shadow priest per 4 warlocks is really strong. Find a guild that needs one and you'll be good. Warlocks will love you.

why do warlocks like shadow priests?

shadow weaving
spriests but a debuff on mobs that make them recieve more shadow damage and warlocks dps on bosses comes from shadowbolt exclusively

You will never be a teenager again
2005 is not coming back

because its the same class without having a minion. better off playing a warlock honestly.

They have a talent that gives their shadow spells a chance to make enemies weaker to shadow damage, so it increases warlock DPS.

>Played WoW vanilla when I was 16 years old
>No responsabilities , no job , 14 hours a day erryday
>Golden age of video games

>WoW classic comes out
>I now work nightshifts 22pm-6am
>Will never raid again ....

Why is the existence of man such suffering ?

i playing hundreds of games a teenager
but i only want to replay a few, and vanilla wow is one of them

why does this "nostalgia" only affect 1% of the games i played as a teen? how do i make it affect more games? please tell me i would like to know

Well that’s pretty fucking neato. Thanks guys

It's not about ''going back'', it's about having something fucking interesting to play in the current year.

you wouldnt say 22pm, you would say 22:00 or (22-12)pm

I want it to come out but I don't think I'll be able to stop myself from playing 16 hours a day.

>classic dies within a month, only players left are zoomers following around some random streamer
>meanwhile, retailchads will get 8.2 with nazjatar and all the azshara content
>classicucks will crawl back to retail

so in this case it would be 10pm, 13:00 is (13-12)pm so 1pm. and noon is 12pm, midnight is 12am

>saving literally anything

Sorry, you can't have your golden times back and no, most people who play games on PC don't give a rip about this bullshit AND FURTHERMORE if you pay a monthly sub to Blizzard for ANY GAME AT ALL then you are actively contributing to one of the most cancerous companiess on Earth continued survival. Good job "saving" PC gaming you giant, nostalgia addled fag.

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The "meta" will never again be like it was back then.
It will be an entirely new "meta" born out of over a decade's worth of theorycrafting, shitty memes, e-sports taint, and retail preconceptions.
You will never, ever go back to the days of being able to play a shitty spec without anyone calling you out on it, or tanking as arms without anyone calling you out on it, and you will absolutely fucking never get back the community as it was then.

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we dont really know what the exact meta will be, mostly because
1) classic itemization is different from private servers and vanilla. leading a unique gear set for everyone to be BIS each phase
2) classic will have blizz-like forumulas for proc rates and raid mechanics, whereas p servers was largely guesswork, so what was powerful on p servers is not guaranteed to be powerful on classic
3) everyone has much better performing internet connections and computers so it remains to be seen what the actual skill ceilings are for some classes

>all the bitter faggots itt who forgot how good nost was

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1 Spriest can debuff for the entire raid of 28 Warlocks if you wanted

I never played nost because around that time I was hardcore nolifeing runescape. I didnt even check Yea Forums for like 2 years...

>He didn't make fun of arms tanks in 2005
>He thinks Enh/Ret got dps spots in AQ
>He thinks there was ever more than a single undergeared unloved Oomkin per server

It was good times. Hoping Classic is the same. Looking good


Just find a guild that falls mostly into a timezone that lines up with your sleep/work schedule.

Hell, start your own Brunch Raiders.

arms tanks were extremely commonplace because of respec costs and because the prot tree sucked ass for most of vanilla so "why bother?" was a very common sentiment

Druids based
Warriors not based

I didn't say it didn't happen; I Said you, and everyone else, should've been making fun of them

>I am le pro because I use le keybindings
look at him, look at him and laugh

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nost fucking sucked

the server was super fucking laggy for non-euro players, literally 1+ second delay on every action when the population got up over 7k

also tons of broken scripting, escort quests that would commonly bug out and not work, etc.

>whereas p servers was largely guesswork

except no, lots of things like proc rates on items were taken from old forum posts from people who tested it in retail vanilla

Nano himself admits many of the fights and proc rates are guess work. Theyre based on data points and not totally pulled from their asses, but they are guess work. Youre nitpicking over sometihng that nano , our lord and savior, himself admits openly about

>2m view distance
>80% of playerbase was chinks
>lag spikes
>questing/tagging was near impossible with a population that big
yeah no fuck off. the pve server was comfy tho

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literally who

One of people who can be considered as chiefly responsible for getting us classic wow

>not the other 300k people that signed the petition


>he seriously thinks petitions do anything
reaching facebook mom levels of retardation here

clickers are literal braindead retards. playing without a mouse is the big brain

Nano flew out to Blizz HQ and gave a power point presentation that lasted for hours, about how and why nost/private servers were successful and how it could be made into money

Corporations dont care about petitions. Youre a an idiot inexperienced with how the world works, if you think they do. They look at stats and figures and crunch numbers. Nano gave them the numbers.

step aside plebeian, the real big brained players use a gearstick shoved up their ass

>trannies actually believe this

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fuck off newfag

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





>comes to Yea Forums hours later after the server goes live to post "its shit"

You fucked this post up. You're supposed to say "Home" with a repressed Wojack pic.

>tfw kicking suspected clickers and keyboard turners from my guild
I'll even befriend you to create a false sense of security that everything's cool here. Then when you casually slip that you're a shitter, you get the boot.

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What do you get out of copypasting the same post in every home thread? Just curious
Remember you only have 1 spriest per raid group so it's not super easy to get a raid spot
That said gl and hf, the class is more useful than weirdass hybrid builds like paladin/shaman/druids trying to dps

Put on some shoes, savage.

What was the difference between /tell and /whisper? i never understood

>mfw rejecting druid permavirgins from joining my guild as tanks and then ignoring them

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when you /tell you talk with a normal voice and when you /whisper you talk quietly

I'm just saying the copypasta is unneccesary
That said obviously I'm going alliance, I'm not a mudhut kfc eater
What is /tell?

So... Is it just a roleplay thing?

>What is /tell?
Does modern wow not have them anymore? kek

I only played vanilla wow and a little bit of tbc/wotlk
I never heard of /tell in my life

Why lie user?

Yes when you are ARPVC (Active Role-Playing Voice Communication) you have to specify your characters demeanor.

Where is that fucker who wanted to play pally/warrior with someone

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Just /tell me what it is

the game is not accessible to new people. with classic coming out, the playerbase will be split and it will FINALLY die.

>>doesn't even need 60% speed, travel form + gear /w enchs = more speed
wait really? how does that work?

You shouldnt lie about your experience with vanilla, no ones gonna make fun of you

anyway, /tell and /whisper both sent private messages to people. but /tell was a slightly different shade of purple. they did the same thing, so i always wondered why we had an option

So it's the same? No wonder it's not used
Now that I think about it i remember people writing "PST" as in "please send tell", I guess i understand why not PSW now

I thought you guys would get BTFO when it released, but i downloaded vanilla the other day and tried a private server. Its actually pretty good. All i am missing are autoloot and the ability to move my char portrait.

Redpill me into rolling a warlock



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druids can reach 65% movespeed travel forms with pvp gear (easy to get) / boot speed enchs


>ability to move my char portrait
You can do this with addons, "addons dot us dot to" has a shitton of vanilla ones, HF
warlock coolest class eu, don't roll it because I want the warlock loot for myself kthx


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Warlocks were the class that Blizzard designed last, and it shows. Theyre sort of a black sheep, their class has tries to do a lot of things. Theyre mediocre in terms of dps and pvp until they get AQ grimoires and naxx gear. So phases 1-4, dont expect to utterly dominate the DPS charts or wreck people in pvp. If you spec into soul link, you wont get PKd. Not because youre a threat. But because you are a fucking unkillable damage sponge. Your raid spec will never go that deep into demo, though.

what else, uh... You have literally the most spells/utility out of any other class in the game. You summon people so every raid will always need a warlock. You have to farm soul shards for health stones, soul stones, summoning.

Its a cool class though because getting 5 mans is easy, since everyones lazy and there are no summoning stones. Its a fun class. You can summon doomguards to harass friendly players if you get bored.

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No. they can't. Thats private server jank code if youre playing a p server that allows that.

The main reason warlocks and mages do bad dps in molten core/aq is because those instances punishes casters super hard with spell pushback mechanics and stuff though

>would they reportbomb your account for killing them?
If you think the report bombing is an issue to anyone other than the streamers themselves getting griefed off their account, then you're a retard who has swallowed the streamer lobby bait whole.

You think all those streamers are crying about reportbombing because they want your experience to be better? No, they are doing it because they're afraid someone is going to take their money away.

Warlocks have their dps fucked over for a number of reasons. First is they have no spell hit until later. Second they have no threat reduction CDs like mage and other classes have. Third they cant use DOTs because of the debuff limit. But healthstones, soul stones, and summons are so useful that it doesnt matter

>First is they have no spell hit until later
Not the reason, they have +damage and +crit from talents instead
>Second they have no threat reduction CDs like mage and other classes have
Warriors don't
Also warlocks are rarely threatcapped in mc/bwl
>Third they cant use DOTs because of the debuff limit.
Even without dots they are top tier in naxx, so it's not a class issue, it's about the instance

Reminder that Classic will have a WoW token and cash shop, it was confirmed yesterday by some guy looking at the beta files. It's over.

? Travel form isn't a mount and benefits from movespeed increases and continued to do so until it was added to the mount speed table.

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nah it's from when you keep a food buff on too long, that pssst is an onomatopoeia, like when you're failing to hold in a fart
they're not actually typing it out

Do wow tokens work like runescape bonds?

Show me the arithmetic that gets you 65% movement speed
Mount + spurs + carrot is more than that anyway isnt it?

Could be files left behind from porting over current WoW stuff. I believe they said that was the case with something else.

Proof or gtfo


I mean it's not 100% but it kind of seems like it
I have no problems with this personally though, I'd rather pay a few euros than farm gold all night


Does anyone actually know what this change did or is everyone doomposting?

... what the fuck blizzard ...

Good job preemptively ruining classic, idiot.

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I think they're gonna make it so that you can use Retail tokens to play classic

you can only buy them with retail gold, it wont affect classic at all

It's fucking over bros. The dream is dead. Back to chinkdale.

Shit... back to learning kanji for me.

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They simply cannot be that stupid to believe that adding LFG/LFR is bad but tokens are good. They simply cannot be that dumb.
>I think they're gonna make it so that you can use Retail tokens to play classic
Most believable explanation here.

Fucking jews man

you can't learn

The meme says "you can't learn japanese" but you it doesn't say anything about learning kanji for chinese.

I mean I don't think it's a good idea to have tokens in the game
But it's good for me personally, I farmed enough gold in my life, I'm done now

defiler boots + 3 of WL sanc set, it technically gives 163% but yeh

What do we do now bros?

>Another bait thread about how WoW Classic won't be ruined by blizzard
>While still being utter bait, people unironically believe this shit
Its not like anything can actually make things worse for the WoW name in general. Keep dreaming retards. I'll see you in a few months, when you're crying so hard your tears ruin your slimy key boards

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I want to believe this too but why would they make it for patch 1.13 if it isn't going to be in the game? (I know fuck all about coding so maybe I'm wrong but yeah)

>Reading through the tool tip
>Ain't the kinda pussy to drink it.
what the hell were they talking about

>Blizzard WoW Token UI
Probably only some window that pops up if you run out of gametime, allowing you to use your retail tokens to buy more. There is no fucking way Blizzard is dumb enough to add tokensto Classic.

You drones will play it anyway.

I thought shamans had the most utility out of every class.
Do you mean warlocks have the most convenience spells?

>linking directly to Reddit
ask me how I know you're a FFTranny.

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>adding LFG/LFR is bad but tokens are good

They're both bad

my ps guild used discord and it didn't cause any problems. it was better for scheduling than a guild website with out of game communication being much more direct. the tool's efficiency is determined by the user's ability to effectively use it, and as they increase in complexity correct usage becomes more difficult

I think the word I meant to use was "kit" instead of utility

>tokens are good
nice try

Well, still.
Lock sounds like fun once you accept you have to put up with extra shit to be functional.
I'm still rolling a Shaman, but I might make a Warlock at some point just to try it out, since i'm gonna be new to the game, I have not a single clue how shit works at all

Great reading comprehension you got.

Warlock is fun because its janky. It was the class designed last. a lot of the spells and curses you get give off this vibe of "well how about warlocks can make you breath underwater? and you can have a make a stone that does fire damage? and you can put a curse that doesnt do anything for an entire minute? and..."

So A lot of the abilities you get arent really useful or dont make a lot of sense. But that one time out of a 100 fights where its useful, makes it kinda fun. Like if youre looking to do some minmax autism warlock might not be for you but theyre just a fun calss with a lot of versatility and stuff to do when youre bored

>bis weapon is level 29 weapon.
Which one was it? Name? Not that gayass warden staff right?

What spec should I look into for leveling one up?

This isn't home at all...

>all this retarded speculation and grown men crying over a value change in vestigial background UI code
holy fuck whats with the room temperature IQ around here

Manual crowd pummeler. While active it gives the biggest dps spike to ferals, and the highest amount of TPS generation in the entire game. But its essentially just another consumable you bring to raids since it's pretty useless without the charges.

9 points in affliction for instant corruption, impr life tap and impr drain soul
11 points in destruction for 2,5s shadowbolts, 1,5s immolate and shadowburn
Rest is up to you my friend

>either a third worlder, chink or an amerimutt
yeah who cares

>a lot of the spells and curses you get give off this vibe that the devs were sitting around and just started spitballing ideas like "well how about...

that's how my post shouldve read

5/5 corruption
2/2 imp healthstone
3/5 stam
3/3 imp voidwalker
3)back to afflic
2/2 100% chance to regen mana

and after that basically just fill out the afflic tree, but respec at 45 for soul link + imp corruption

>"It's just code man"

It's the fucking client version number. Retail is 8.0, Classic is 1.13. they made this change to all blizzard UI files.

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Hey, thanks bud.
Thank you too

>tfw playing a Shaman requires you to literally use a Piano

Soul link for leveling? Mate what the fuck

It's just code goy, nothing to see here.

He's fucking with you.

leveling as a warlock is pretty easy, when UD rogues arent ganking you. let your VW facetank everything while you dot and wand everyting down

demonology nogs with soul link are cancer to kill. that's not even counting health potions, health stone and any number of trinkets that provide absorption. not to mention the furbolg medicine pouch and the fact they get like easily 70 resists across the board with some decent gear and a felhunter out.

>leveling a warlock on a pvp server in EPL without soul link

>Warlocks were the class that Blizzard designed last, and it shows
how do you know that?
It's weird because Warlock and Mage seem like classes most similar to Everquest classes. Warlock is a blend of Necromancer and Magician, while Mage is mostly Wizard with a bit of Enchanter and a few other classes.


>Game is built off of modern wow
>Wow it has traces of wow tokens!
Retards like you kill MMOs with your shitty laziness. Fuck off and go play a singleplayer game and whip out some console commands to cheat your way to success instead.

>how do you know that?
because of interviews with the dev team on classicast

kill yourself wowfags

>implying Classic having a token is a bad thing

I mean except the starting zone basically every zone is contested, but that doesn't mean that the fastest way to level is to go pvp spec lol

Mage is a really solidly built class. For warlock, it looks like they just went "a mage, but... demons?" and threw in a bunch of random-ass ideas to avoid stepping on mages' toes. The flavor is cool, but the class itself is just kind of a mess. Not bad, mind you, but a bit clunky and just fucking weird.

>Playing WSG as a Shaman
>Get Curse of Tongues
>Mage flat out refuses to decurse

>everything is either black or white and there's no nuance to anything

Kind of. There wasn't really any streaming, but there were well known guilds and players that produced machinima and other content.

My main server back in the day had a lot of people join it because the guild/players that made MC Raiders and Illegal Danish were on it.

>Hunter scatter shots you in the middle of 5 of your team mates
>Just casually walks up and frost traps you
>Your priest doesn't dispel magic because he's retarded

Where did i say anywhere that demo is the fastest leveling spec? it is ONE leveling spec. certainly the one i reccomend to someone who doesnt know anything about playing a warlock

If you know how to level an afflic warlock efficiently, you dont ask for leveling build advice

>Warlocks were the class that Blizzard designed last
You absolute fucking tard, you utter buffoon, you abject idiot you.

What are you referring to specifically? What are you talking about?

How come these threads are always the exact same?
It's always the very same OP image and format and every single post is the same as the other threads.

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I'll do it user

>playing horde
If you were alliance, someone would decurse you.

Nah the dev team confirmed it on classicast.

Does windfury trigger on ranged attacks too?
How do shamans support ranged classes such as mage or warlock out?

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>Where did i say anywhere that demo is the fastest leveling spec
He literally asked for leveling spec and you recommended soul link, which is what i criticized
>either you enjoy farming in an mmorpg or you should go play a singleplayer game, there is no inbetween

>And every single post is the same
Huh? Got proofs to back that up? If we follow your logic, your post and mine just completely invalidated your claim

>For warlock, it looks like they just went "a mage, but... demons?"
Well yeah, obviously. More accurately, a summoned pet. Orienting around a pet makes a huge difference in playstyle.

Soul link is a leveling spec , its not just a pvp spec

Yes? I'm saying the class is an obvious afterthought.

Soul link must be the slowest spec for leveling in the game, therefore it's not a leveling spec

That's what the /vg/ infestation look like.

Same exact people discussing the same exact shit. The playerbase will be cut in half with 2 months. You'll see constant threads about how people should come back. By the winter things will calm down, because most people will realize the game is not as good as they remember.

I hate women and niggers. Which class should I play?

Yeah that 6% on curse of agony really mows down mobs, doesnt it?

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>t. retail cuck that is afraid of losing all his raid members to classic

The threads are up too often. Back when there were around 1 maybe 2 threads a day it was fine, but now it's basically a general thread that's up 24/7. Creative posts have stagnated and now it's mostly baiting and copypasta.

>13k player online at most
>most of these are bots and Russians
>this is suppose to be impressive in a F2P game

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No, but the instant corruption, 0,5s faster sbolt and immolate, shadowburn, imp drain soul, imp life tap helps you
Or even siphon life or ruin or shadow mastery or dark pact or amplify curse or conflagrate
Soul link does fuck all except helps you in pvp, spending 31 talent points for what, 3% damage and extra voidwalker hp/dmg is worth it to you? Mate

>literally 10+ smash and console wars threads on Yea Forums every minute of every day for years

Want to know how I know you dropped out of highschool?
Hint: Reading comprehension

>What do you get out of copypasting the same post in every home thread? Just curious
lots of (You)s

so how about those druid bear tanks then lads

Imagine bragging about those few numbers in a f2p game hyped up by most e-celebs and streamers. And on top of that most "players" are bots and Russians.

IF YOU WOULD FUCKING READ what I'm posting, Im saying that 45-60 grind for an average level player is going to be made easier with soul link especially on a pvp server

Youre just going into an autistic fit because youve been jerking off in p servers for months and months, not everyone has a fucking 7day poop sock grind fest in mind with perfectly optimized leveling strats. The difference is like 1 or 2 days max, and you get immense survivability

>when the population got up over 7k
so literally 24/7 around the clock? You must have played it after Elysium picked it up and let it die. That wasn't Nost, that was Elysium.

>Janny deleted the last thread because we talked about streamers
Oh no no. Janny mad tonight

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See the pasta. All around efficient. The PVE spec allows for tanking and healing as long as you carry the gear. It also allows for aoe farming, druids even have exclusive spots for doing this because mages suck at killing water elementals. No respect required UNLESS you want to kitty dps. But yes even the PVE spec works great for PVP.

>45-60 grind for an average level player is going to be made easier with soul link
And this is what I disagree with
>Youre just going into an autistic fit
Calm down
>The difference is like 1 or 2 days max, and you get immense survivability
Why would you level slower on purpose? I don't understand it
If the survivability made your leveling faster I'd agree, but even you seem to agree that it doesn't

i was just memeing but nice wall of text

>mages suck against elementals
just dampen magic and facetank them, it totally neuters elementals' damage

13k doesn't seem like a lot when you have games bragging about how they have millions of players, but those are 13k people online at one time on one server. That's enough to fill hundreds of raids. On a weekday, not the weekend. And that's just one private server. There were at least 2 others that were popular and half a dozen more that weren't as popular. It doesn't sound as sensational compared to the press releases we see from companies today, but it's enough for an MMO to stay healthy for years.

>He's not playing a druid tank in classic

Explain yourselves right now.

Attached: Vanilla-WoW-Druid-Tanking-Guide.jpg (753x897, 660K)

>Leveling as an SL virgin cuck instead of as a CoEx chad

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>Why would you level slower on purpose? I don't understand it
Because your voidwalker can be killed and isnt invulnerable and micromanaging health and mana by constantly draining health and life tapping and burning spells and wanding makes you vulnerable in contested zones

Enjoy the corpse runs with that destro/afflic build

I dont like corpse running, but hey have fun in that pve server.

Literally no one who plays this retarded game in its current state feels even remotely threatened by classic or gives classic any attention. NO ONE.

The only people who seem desperate here are classic retards constantly shilling this garbage game that nobody gives a flying fuck about.

If you play this shitty game in any form in the current year, you are already far gone beyond redemption, and the fact you non-ironically believe one version of this shitfest is, somehow, less trash than the other, serves to show how out of touch with reality the average wow retard really are.

What level 29 weapon was it?

>BfA is garbage.
>Most people hate it.
>It's been confirmed all the important WoW players like Swifty, Kungen and Towelliee will be moving to Classic.
>Future is uncertain for retail.

Anyone else worried about this? I'm feeling a massive population drop in BfA in favor of Classic.

I was the warlock class leader of my guild back in vanilla/tbc, at least for me warlocks are the most fun and quirky class in the game

That pic brings back a flood of memories

And half of those were bots and it was a global server in a f2p game.

>stockmango adventures with trannies, chinks and vodkaniggers
>especially when private server communities are known for being shady, and run by absolute scum
How does that chink cock taste in your mouth?

Holy fuck you people are obsessed. I don't even play retail, for starters. The current WoW is absolute irredeemable dogshit, while the 14 years old game while it has its flaws is definitely better. This doesn't mean its without a shitton of flaws, and if you look at it today its not a great game either.
I want a game made with the philosophy of classic wow, a completely new game, not the old ass exposed to death game itself.

apart from literally every streamer of course

wtf does WoW guild have retarded stuff like Class leaders and shit?

It was also something people had to know they wanted and seek it out. Meanwhile, everyone who's heard of WoW has heard of WoW Classic, and anyone subscribed to BfA when it comes out will essentially get it for free.

I can't decide which class I want to play

>I want a game made with the philosophy of classic wow, a completely new game
You mean a casual MMO that stripped of most of the RPG aspects compared to other MMO's and having a f2p KR MMO aesthetics?

All they had to do was keep WoW in some semblance of a video game like classic, tbc, wotlk, cata, or mop. Now it's like playing some facebook game with a thousand menus and no gameplay.

easiest and hardest class for both pve and pvp

Retail is already dead, only soccer moms who collect mounts and transmog play it.

Yes, one that didn't take literally over a year to reach max level like FFXI, but didn't go too far.

>It was also something people had to know they wanted and seek it out
Except just like with classic now it was shilled forth and back by streamers and e-celebs.

Water eles have insanely high frost res, they gonna be resisting a shit ton of damage. Mages won't bother killing them


I didn't play Vanilla. Am I in the ballpark for a tank Druid? I dont plan to seriously raid though.

classicfags are fucking embarrassing

I wouldn't know, I don't pay attention to streamers or e-celebs. Normally I get some second-hand contact, though, because at least one of my friends will start parroting them with "we should play [insert streamer game]", but none of my friends ever started going off about private servers. They're going off about Classic, though.

Inb4 population surge in BfA from all the people grinding gold for tokens so they can play classic.

Attached: pepe least rare.png (529x419, 170K)

do you have problems reading?

There are no hard classes in PvE. The only hard part is grinding consumables, which everyone has to do if they want to perform well. Unless you're talking about levelling, then warriors have it hardest and hunters have it easiest.

Enrage for druids is unfortunately a dead spell in most endgame content. It reduces armor by a percentage while warriors just lose some health. You'll have no rage problems as tank especially with MCP, I'd put the points somewhere else.

Is getting $15 a month really that hard for some people?

nice English, pablo

Do you? You're gonna be spending more time killing water eles than any other mage mob farm, pointless.

Not him but it depends entirely on the guild. You need some authority positions but what they actually do is going to vary wildly.
At a minimum you obviously need a GM, the person who starts the guild and is generally "the boss".
That person can also double as the raidleader, which as the name implies is the dude leading the raid, but it often isn't.
Some guilds will have a healing officer, melee officer, and ranged/caster officer, and some guilds will have individual class officers. The reason for these is to facilitate various issues that are less critical and very class specific so the GM can focus on other shit (usually dkp tracking, if that's being used, recruiting, being the face/voice of the guild when interacting with other guilds, etc). Class officer duties would include small things like making sure new recruits know wtf they're doing, check gear needs for each player and making prio lists if that's something the guild does, ensuring each player is bringing the correct ankhs, making sure everyone is on the same page as far as necessary addons, macros, custom chat channels, on and on. A GM shouldn't be wasting time making sure all the shamans brought ankhs, as a small example. And often it's far too much for one dude to know who is underperforming (or more accurately, not trying or being lazy), who is doing awesome, who is helping other players out, who is being a cunt.

The gist is 40man is a lot, and in a guild that's performing well they're going to have extras and it's almost impossible for one guy to manage all of that without devoting his entire life to a video game.
Again, it depends entirely on the guild. Some get by with far fewer officers (which i think is better), some with far more (which i think gets top heavy and promotes a core clique more than normal) but it simply depends. LC guilds tend to have more officers on average depending on their particular LC system.

Sorry for the long post.
TLDR is "lol it depends lol"

e-celebs are sub-humans.

>using SPQR with simcraft-based scrips

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Want to have some fun?
Make a steam code giveaway thread, and look at how fast the thread reaches 200 replies with at least 100 unique IPs of people begging for free games because they can't pay for them at all.

>You're gonna be spending more time killing water eles than any other mage mob farm
what fucking language is this gibberish supposed to be?
get out, nigger

Lol mad

Ok you're definitely retarded, if you can't understand that water elementals have high frost resist and why that is a problem for FROST MAGES there is literally no help for you.

Explain? Spell gives barely any rage and reduces your armor, bear don't have rage problems.

soooo why use it?

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So you get that bfa is terrible but you still want people to play it? Are you okay, did you hit your head?

man it sucks that in vanilla when you spec into frost it completely erases every non-frost spell from your spellbook
harry potter was a mistake

Honestly the Druchad life seems pretty good during Phase 1, you get to farm your pre-raid BIS as a tank while most Warriors will still be exhausting themselves levelling. I'm switching to Resto to raid but for farming my pre-raid BIS as a bear's going to be great with all the groups looking for tanks

The only good thing about druids in classic are that they're flag carriers and bearform doesn't look like a retarded raccoon.

If you're going to use it, it's because you want rage now. Which is what that talent adds, making it useful. It's pretty fucking simple.

finally a smart druid.
This is the way to do it, 100%.
Druids that are convinced they're going to be a main tank are going to be disappointed. And it has nothing to do with gnomer runs before you bring it up.
Off tanking? definitely and it's a great option. Even healing druids that bear form in critical moments are valuable as fuck. The entire point of druid is to be adaptable.

>he thinks he can farm effectively without frost spells.
Lol ight we done here.

also have AE.

Redpill me on Druids

Hazzikostas is going to veer hard right and go back in terms of gameplay. Heading towards korean autoplay standards won't cut it in the west.
That or there's a world of warcraft mobile game in the works and he's trying to sunset the pc version to make way for that.

The worst part about Nostalrius was all the fucking Chinese running around everywhere. Fucking embarrassing

whens this shit coming out?

So you get 10 instant rage (nothing btw)
Armor reduction instantly
aaaand some rage over the course of 10 secs

Literally the only rage problem drutank ever has is at the start of fights and that's solved by Furor. Enrage is only """"useful""""" during leveling.

Knowing Blizzard's jewish ways, how many realms do you think they're going to release?

2020 Q4

>That guy who argues most of the day that druids can't be tanks.

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The Barrens... home.

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You're missing his point. Yes, you can kill water elementals, nobody is debating that. But if you farm them you are a fucking retard. Mages have their optimal farming spots, and none of them involve water elementals because they're less efficient at killing them en masse than literally every other type of enemy in the game. No mage is ever going to go farm the water elementals in Feltwood for gold because there are a dozen better places they can farm where the mobs aren't 100% immune to frost nova, blizzard, and cone of cold.

Still before scam citizen, neat.

>not just killing ud farm mobs, beasts, literally anything else.

Hopefully 10 with a max pop of 7.5k-10k

The Druid's i've met who are pretending they're going to MT have already switched to Warriors before the game's even started. I love tanking dungeons but FUCK putting in so much effort for pummelers, BoE's at launch price, and several respecc's just to perform slightly worse than a warrior in raid when I can just heal it instead. Druid's the best class to experience all aspects of the game and i don't give a fuck about healing meters either in raids as long as it dies. I'll help my bros gear up in dungeons and then we're hitting raids asap before we get enough gear to stomp BG's, I can't be bothered to wait for Warriors to get my pre-raid BIS

they use the agility totem or the -threat totem

>So you get 10 instant rage
Yes. You get enough rage for either of the abilities you'd want to use, charge and bash.

blizzard servers can only handle max 2000 players

>people crying saying horde doesn't have a variation in leveling zones for 10+ levels
>except the barrens is max comfy


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and that's solved by just using Furor and keeping your armor normal. Every single mega druid autist has agreed furor is bis talent if you are a bear or cat

This shit you retards are doing here feels more like advertising to some sort of incel cult than celebration of anything anyone likes.

Nobody takes criticism, and the posters are the most obnoxious types of degenerates I've ever seen. It feels like you all came from Yea Forums and are loudly screaming in unison here because no one gives you attention anywhere else. Fucking christ.

When you have this many people saying your game is garbage, then maybe it's wise to take a step back and at least try to understand why is that the case, instead of shitting and vomiting even more as you keep banging your head against the keyboard even more obnoxiously.

Get some fucking help, holy shit.

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>implying a rogue would ever be a raid leader

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>blizz servers can barely handle 1k
>can't have more than 5 characters on screen at any given time without the servers shitting the bed
>sharding barely holding it all together
>has 10k players at any given time
>no sharding
>half the population is chinks during the end
>barely any lag except peak chink hours

How is it that everything blizz does gets worse over time?

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You get 10 range just from shapeshifting into bear form from Furor to use on those and you don't have to sacrifice any armor to do it.

Yep, pretty much.
Its not even that farming mcps is obnoxious, it's that druids fib about how hardcore they're going to do it then they last a week anyhow, and beyond that it's insanely difficult to get a guild on board with a druid main tank unless you're the GM's RL friend. And in that case he'd make you go warrior anyhow.
Being "main tank" out of the blue is hard for anyone, not just druids. I've seen so many posts by solo warriors who are convinced they're going to join a guild and become promoted to main tank by virtue of being awesome, when the entire point is to get someone reliable who wont end up poached later - which means a RL friend and it's decided before the guild even has 10 signatures.

Shadow priest or warlock?

What if they add Level 60 TBC content?

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> Every single mega druid autist has agreed furor is bis talent
What the fuck are you smoking? Where did I say not to get furor?

Look at the talent guide I was responding to. He had 0 points in furor

They won't. Thatd be more work than what they had to do for Classic. If anything they'll add more content to Classic, the same way OSRS did.

>tfw you still find new quests in The Barrens despite leveling there over a dozen times

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Then take it up with him, jackass.

tldr lol
imagine writing paragraphs about a game you don't like on Yea Forums

That's literally what he was saying.

Well what I want is simply impossible. I already realized this and let it go. There is simply no point with current gaming. It would automatically flop, not only because of players, but devs too. Not a single developer is taking any risk now. Every single game in this genre looks piss fucking poor, boring as shit and every time I see a gameplay of any I just roll my eyes, because its the same exact formula, the same exact story, the same exact adventure.
The thing is WoW was great. The most important word is WAS. That time is done. It ended.

>has 10k players

Maybe after the cease and desist, but before that the server barely reached 2k players.

Attached: x.png (419x238, 84K)

>not being the scorpion master race
>being a catfag
>being a batfag
>being a awoofag

Crocolisk is also acceptable so you can piss everyone off with it hissing every 5-8 seconds.

Attached: fs_scorpionskinblack.jpg (600x387, 23K)

You started sperging when I said enrage (especially talented) sucks for endgame content. Which it does, because no one ever uses it, period.

>You started sperging
I disagreed with you, you touchy faggot.

no just melee

You're thinking about concurrent players. Its was around 2-3k concurrent, 10k active (meaning they logged in weekly).

Yeah but if Classic proves to be popular (which it will be) and people demand more (which they will) it would be a good route to go for. But I would only be for it if we got to vote on which changes from TBC to keep in.

nice disagreement lol, stop being mad

>play for years
>only realize lately you can chain wand & autoattacks for ridiculous dps

Rolling priest come classic

if its tbc its doable, if its a vanilla server you're going to need a good party. The quest is harder than it looks.
You can cheese it by having a pet pull the room while you loot the box, or you can also stealth in there and jump on the fireplace and loot from there.
if you have to do it the hard way, having a mage or two to sheep will help a lot.
it's an odd quest since its a higher level than everything else there.

it doesnt take a genius to realize that working an hour and a half at taco bell is more efficient than leveling 9 alts to grind mission tables and auction house jewry but people have a hard time recognizing the opportunity cost of grinding gold so they assume that because they spent no currency that it's free

bears and gorillas master race

>breaking your own cc

Attached: lmoa.gif (245x207, 2M)

no, nost had daily peaks of 12k (yes, that's concurrent) and was fucking unplayable because of it

would be sick

I strongly disagree. An entire expansion is too big of an update away from Vanilla. It would be much more wise to go the OSRS route and just add content piece by piece (ie: a new BiD piece of gear for each spec dropped by a WB or something)

They had 40k concurrent players once Elysium picked them back up after the cease and desist

This isn't true at all and you sound very cynical. There is probably good reason for that but i'd still suggest that you could use a break from gaming for awhile, at least online gaming.
We're entering a small "new age" in mmorpgs and there are LOADS of niche games being worked on. The era of needing 12m subs to be considered a success is over for the most part.
If all you want is a themepark to replicate vanilla WoW then yeah, you're right in the way you feel. And i can see how you'd get this feeling reinforced when you see the current crop of themeparks and moba/battleroyale shits.
However I'm telling you, there are so many small sandbox games that have more in common with tabletop D&D than EQ/WoW that you probably haven't looked into.
Just take a break, breathe, work on your life. Relax with railroad tycoon or something. And when you come back you'll find something fun, user.

I dont remember having much of an issue aside from sometimes on weekends. Definitely nowhere near "fucking unplayable".
If it was "fucking unplayable" than nobody would be playing.

they should go full runescape mode and flesh out the professions a little more and make them useful

they could also make endgame quests that take forever and feel rewarding like runescapes

In Wrath I tamed one of those wasps that stayed big after you tamed it and named it Annoying. It would buzz and hiss all the time and it always pissed off my tank and melee friends.

Problem is everyone who worked on that unfinished vanilla content they originally wanted to ship with is long gone and we're left with what amounts to the D team to develop shit now. Just look at retail and think hard if you want them to try and tackle this

Dumb newfuck

>played pre Cata WoW in high school and college
>too much time for studies
>now work a stable job and have my life on point
>way more free time for WoW
It's time

I strongly agree with the profession part. This is honestly the route I expected them to take way back in the day.
Instead the began simplifying them.

>there are so many small sandbox games that have more in common with tabletop D&D than EQ/WoW that you probably haven't looked into.

you know any good ones? preferably something like OSRS that doesnt hurt to look at

>if we got to vote
You realize what kind of horseshit you'll end up with by letting people vote, right? OSRS works because they ignore the shitty votes.
People, even the "vanilla veterans", will almost always vote for the path of least resistance. I hate to say it but this is truly a case of you think you do but you don't.
You want new stuff to be more casual? This is how you end up with it, even if it sounds like an amazing idea now.

It's obviously not, though, because WoW is obviously based on EQ and pet classes were a major feature of EQ. The casting classes in EQ had a few major problems.

1. Diminishing returns for additional Necromancers in any group or raid. Necros also had boring pets compared to mages.
2. Magicians were boring to play in group combat with nothing to do but nuke and order pet to attack. Magicians summoned trinkets and consumables outside of combat.
3. Enchanters had godlike crowd control abilities.
4. Wizards, like Magicians, lacked versatility and were basically just nuking machines and some useless-tier crowd control abilities.

It seems to me that Blizzard just went out to solve those problems and mostly succeeded.

- Eliminate the Magician and give those abilities to the Necro. Go with demons instead of skeletons or elementals because you can have far more variety in pets. Call that class the Warlock. This combines the versatility of the Necro with the pet-focus and nuking power of the Magician for a solid, playable class.
- While you're at it, tweak the conjured consumables and trinkets to be more interesting than the EQ conjured items, which were mostly boring and useless.
- Eliminate the Enchanter and give a heavily nerfed version of their signature ability to Mages (sheep). Then give some at least half-decent crowd control abilities to various other classes. This makes Mages more versatile and interesting.

What if they made LW not suck dicks. Like let you make enchanted leather bags, gear enchantments, saddlebags for your mount i dunno stuff like that.

Owl bro
your tank will want to kill himself when every 10 seconds his eardrums get blasted with REEEAWWWW and he has a big flapping bird in his way

>It would be much more wise to go the OSRS route and just add content piece by piece

What are the odds of them coming up with all new lore and content though? Why do all that work when it's clear players are perfectly happy with old content as demonstrated by Classic itself?

TBC and WotLK aren't universally loved, but if there was some way to incorporate their content without simply adding the entire expansion, it would be the best possible scenario. It's just really hard to do that because you're dealing with lots of controversial opinions here.

I was just thinking of that, and that's not including all the retailfags that will vote for the worst features and content just to ruin vanilla and make it THEIR game.

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Is there a class in WoW that works for an idiot such as myself that doesn't want to constalty stop for resources, constantly stop casting to maintain MP, etc? I hear Holy Paladins back then had near infinite, and I like buffing people.

>blizzard taking things from past games and improving them


That sounds a lot more realistic than what the degenerate faggots are trying to push in these threads.

Some delusional incel unironically said in one of these threads that nostalrius had 200k players. I don't believe retail has that many players in its current iteration.

It's actually refreshing to see someone sane posting in these threads for a change.

The retailchads are laughing at us again bros ...

>snipes you in 40-49 AB as a rogue

We needed more items like this

Attached: Untitled.png (495x284, 21K)

They don't need to come up with any "new" lore, theres literally SO MUCH that was cut from original now. All they'd have to do is pick it back up and finish it.

_AFTER_ the cease and desist, when all the drones flooded into the game just because they heard e-celebs talking about it.

Alright, you got your WoW Classic. But I don't see any of my store mounts in your collection yet...

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That's risky. Just look at what they're doing to WC3 with the remaster. Can you really trust Blizzard to make genuine vanilla-like content?


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>entire population was chinks



we had tons of US players, there was never a constant 1000ms ping you're pulling this out of your ass

they are too busy complaining about more allied races/mounts/useless shit

Chinese wouldn't call them Kanji though.

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It would be neat to see hardcore stuff added (challenging class quests, new instances) instead of shit like more flight paths and graveyards or revamped talents

fwiw i have no faith that they will do this but a nigga can daydream

Give me the pros and cons between shadow priest and warlock

for leveling? warlock, hunter and druid probably come the closest but shit happens and you will have downtime no matter what

That's totally different. They're "ruining" wc with crappy models and different voice actors on the original content.

This wouldnt be original content, they would be the same models as the rest of Classic, and theres barely any voice acting in Classic. The worst way they could fuck it up is balancing.

Sure but honestly ive been busy with RL lately and haven't kept up on a lot so this list is just from memory - going to be lacking, maybe some obvious ones even because im retarded.
And disclaimer: not all of them will be good, or even ever come out.
>H&H (obvious)
>UO outlands (private shard, very good)
>Legends of Aria
>Legends of Ultima (custom mod of the above)
>A tale of Toast
>Chronicles of Elyria (possible scam)
>2 darkfall reboots: new dawn & rise of agon
>Ashes of creation (possible scam)
>New World (survival mmo by Amazon, still in beta, could just be rust set in alternate 1600s, could be a lot more)
>Crowfall (not strictly sandbox but close)
>Edengrad (probably very shit)
>Life is Feudal
>Gloria Victis
>Dual Universe
>Trials of Ascension (dont think this is a mmorpg but i'd have to look)
>Identity (weird one, its "real life" simulation)

Anyhow, there are lots more. Many wont get past alpha anyhow, and there are smaller ones still like some neat retro themed ones that already have pretty decent alphas going but i forget the names as they are all pretty forgettable (and they tend to sound same'ish).
I know a few of those directly link OSRS as inspiration so it sucks that i cant remember them. Also since small teams it means its a dice roll as to how much you want to be invested in expecting them to release without imploding or cashing out somehow.
Repeating disclaimer: i am not saying all of these are worth your time but some hopefully will be fantastic.

Warlocks are alpha, priests are beta

Is there any particular equipment piece/set/weapon I'm gonna be looking for as Shaman? I guess I'm asking for Resto / Ele shaman in particular

Mobs popping in from 5 yards away in the goddamn wetlands is unplayable. Might be acceptable to you, but the main point is that retard's numbers are way off.

You get a cute succubus gf
You got a horse thats on fire
Nemesis raiment is pretty much the coolest set
People only like you for your candy and portals

You can mind control someone off a cliff or make people drown themselves
Shadowform looks cool
You pretty much just in the raid to buff the warlocks
All priest gear looks gay as hell

definitely keep a lookout for eddie's girlfriend

yeah that was kind of their thing for awhile. They didn't necessarily innovate new genres but took existing games and refined and polished the shit out of them.

I was more referring to the bit about how they're changing some dialogue/plot bits to give Sylvanas and Jaina a greater focus because they're major characters in modern WoW. Kinda fucked.

But yeah, if and only if it was done well I'd like to see Hyjal and Gilneas added, and other stuff like that. But they had trouble even finding the old Vanilla database for 1.12, so there's a decent chance they don't even have the cut content from Vanilla to start with.

Moreover, we don't even know how big the Classic team is. We've only heard from 2 dudes who are basically just programmers restoring and retrofitting old code, no idea if the team even has any artists or writers or anything. And I wouldn't want anyone from the retail team joining them to help make content.

Where the fuck is Mankrik's wife

i c wat u did ther



Warlock is just smoother, at pretty much everything. Good in pvp, good in pve, can do both well without talent respecs, actually desirable in raids, and doesn't go oom in 30 seconds. Shadow priest is good in pvp, but you need to get the gear for it and raid gear eventually eclipses pvp gear. Good luck being the maximum of 1 shadow priest in the raid, or healing for it and thinking you'll off-spec roll against the wall of warlocks and mages.

Haha wtf ive never seen this one
This looks fucking broken
350dmg at lvl 45? not bad

At what level?
I'd do everything i could for claw of chromaggus. Lok'amir is great too but good luck on the RNG, and i prefer a fast weapon - as fast as possible- for ele/resto pvp.
Pushback is invaluable, r1 lightning bolts are so fucking fast, combined with searing totem, and totem and you stabbing them alone are great.
obviously i mean vs casters, please do not try to melee warriors/rogues.
when zg is out you can pretty easily get zhc, that is a huge one for you.
no one else is going to want natural alignment crystal also.

if you're talking about leveling, get corpsemaker at 30. if you're with the leveling pack you should be able to form a 5 man shaman group that agrees to all run the first boss over and over until you all get corpsemaker. It fits nicely since it's right when you get WF, and you can use it for a long time - possible even until you switch to ele if that's something you want to do.
for pre raid stuff, get the shield from the goblin in mara and since you'll likely be running brd a lot hopefully you can get the hammer in there. If you need a 2h for farming or pvp, you might be able to snag dreadforge retaliator depending on your group but if you're wanting ele/resto then you'd have other options.
blue dress from baron
when dm is out the mp5 robes for when you have long fights (wont be many early) and mindtap talismans
linken chain offhand should be the 1.12 version but still a decent offhand and fun chain

tons of other things im forgetting. i have a list somewhere of good shit to not forget while leveling but im at work

I want to make a comfy guild for non-autistic min maxing spergs. Maybe we raid once a week or something. I got shit to do IRL and so will 98% of players so serious tryhard guilds are out of the question for me. Would you join hypothetical guild Yea Forums? No female officers allowed.

Not with Yea Forums tho. And you shouldn't even want to.

>It would automatically flop, not only because of players, but devs too. Not a single developer is taking any risk now.
There's practically no risk. You take some shit you had laying around and stuff it into the software you're using these days and then sell it for $15 a month. Yeah, stuffing it into your new software takes some effort, but compared to literally everything else they do except Hearthstone it's basically no effort at all. It's not a risky bet.

The problem with MMOs in "current gaming" isn't with players expectations, but with publishers. They expect to see wow's success. They EXPECT to see millions of people buy their game, but forget that, before wow, the top MMOs like EQ, Lineage, and FFXI had concurrent subscriber records of a couple hundred thousand. It wasn't until WoW came along that we saw an MMO hit 7 figures before the quarter was even up. To me, this is a return to form. They aren't expecting millions and millions of people to pour in, someone came to them with a powerpoint presentation akin to this and they decided those numbers were good enough. I know it sounds like an oxymoron, but mass appeal ruined the massively multiplayer online genre

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>mfw they decide to release store mounts for classic too
>mfw they start to add some "quality of life" updates to classic
>mfw they "fix" some of the broken specs just to balance classic
>mfw they allow you to use new models on classic
>mfw first "major" classic update brings updated maps to classic and they re-work how spirit function, so now all healers use intellect instead
>mfw they add a group finder tool to classic just to aid players finding groups
>mfw they implement mount collection tab to classic, in order to free off space, now you can use your mounts from bfa in classic too
>mfw they implement a pet and toy tabs because of how well received was the mounts tab.
>mfw they update the maps to show quest objectives and "improve" the objective tracker
>mfw classic is now a "pristine" server
>mfw everyone loves it
>mfw they announce TBC expansion for classic
>mfw i have no face

>for non-autistic min maxing spergs
This is always code for "i want to raid as enhance/ret/boomkin and make 39 fags carry me".
If I'm wrong, please tell me more about your idea.
The reason for the meta is that meme specs are garbage, it isn't because people are fags. They just don't want to spend 4 hours when they could spend 1. And all the "fun" in the world wont matter when everyone gets sick of carrying dead weight and joins a different guild. 2 months of the same tier gets really exhausting, refusing to run it efficiently because someone wont wear a blue dress is something that doesn't seem like a big deal at first but feels like pure torture after weeks and weeks of it.

Yea Forums isn't invited to my comfy guild. This is simply hypothetically gauging interest in that specific style of guild

Again I want to stress that Yea Forums is not invited to my comfy guild

a group's worth of people going a meme spec isn't going to quadruple your raid times

and I was going to say he was just being paranoid

>mfw all they have to do to not fuck this up is keep their filthy fingers off of it, but they just won't be able to help themselves

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ill look into them
and i already know from years of disappointment not to get excited over any mmo

Ok so it's a clique of officers who get to memespec and be carried instead. That's way better and im sure everyone will dig it.
If you're going to allow memespecs you need to be firm on both why and how its going to work or else everyone shaman and their dad is going to think they're getting hand of rag.

Again, it's not about limiting your fun. It's about not impeding everyone else. Thats even before loot issues become a thing, and if you think hybrid healers wont want dps gear to farm/pvp in and wont get assmad that some cunty auto-attacking shaman is soaking it up and contributing jack shit, you're high.
You can clear MC with people in literally any spec but it doesn't make it a good idea.

Guild name TBD but I'm going Male Dwarf Priest as I think it would make a nice, respectable guild lead character. We might not even use voice coms. If I formed a raid group it would be pretty standard. No meme specs. Heavy focus on pre-made WPvP and BGs at 60. No female officers. Officer positions only allotted to players that use their professions to help guild members.

Also, absolutely no alt-characters allowed.

>Blizzard doesn't fuck with Classic and it's a huge success
>we finally get official blizzlike vanilla servers

>Blizzard fucks with it, ruins Classic
>everyone quits and flocks to a private server using data mined from Classic servers

It's a win-win when you think about it.

Why are druids and paladins overhyping there classes? We know what they were like theres no hiding it or exagerating

If you can use retail tokens, couldnt someone buy gold in classic and pay someone with a token?

>Life is Feudal
That game's somehow even more overrun with Chinese players than WoW private servers are, and 99% of them are actively hostile to non-Chinese. It's also carebear as fuck, since it's literally impossible to do any damage to towns. There's technically a way, but someone did the math and it would take an entire town months and months non-stop grinding around the clock just to have a 50/50 shot at shrinking a town's borders down enough that you can start to damage their walls. The servers are also so shit that you can't do any of this anyway. Two towns going at each other spikes up the MS for everyone in the chunk so hard that nobody can do anything.

>using data mined from Classic servers

you know, i hadnt thought about this. thats a good point

Not everyone in the world wants to be a meme spec user, it's only a few special snowflakes. Most people want to perform decently well without caring about speedrunning and will go cookie cutters.

>Ok so it's a clique of officers who get to memespec and be carried instead.
Don't act like that doesn't happen even in hardcore guilds. The top guild on my server in vanilla was led by an enhancement shaman with sulfuras.

It's not 2005 anymore where nobody knows any better. Dead weight is dead weight and carrying it is burdensome no matter how hard you try to rationalize it. If you don't want to be a healbot, don't raid as a druid. Make it your pvp alt if you want to hop around zapping people with 300 damage Moonfires and doing the funny dance.

>tfw literally E V E R Y O N E is in for a rude awakening when they find out classes are perfectly fine in Vanilla, it's just that everyone is pigeonholed into ultra-specific roles for raiding
>tfw if Raids didn't exist the class balance complaints would be reduced by 90%

Yes, druids and paladins are subpar tanks. Yes, hunters have weak DPS. But NONE OF THIS MATTERS until you're several hundred hours into the game and doing one specific activity, in the rest of the game they are all perfectly serviceable and most players won't even get to 60, much less into a raiding guild.

Reminder that leveling is the game, not raids. Only retailfags think raids are all that matters.

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Actual quote from Acti-Blizz like a day or two ago:

>We will follow this up in the second half of the year with our most important release, our new CoD title from Activision. In addition Blizzard will release World of Warcraft Classic

What did they mean by this

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What class/spec is best for

Imagine the absolute state of all the druids who took this post's bait when they're told they can heal the raid or fuck off.
IMAGINE the look on their faces when they're standing there in their dress - the RL'd last whisper of "no dude, the warriors are tanking" still on their screen - as it slowly sinks in that their only purpose is to cast innervate on a priest.
I M A G I N E the feeling of regret and shame that overcomes them as they learn that their higher armour and health values mean nothing if they can't get aggro off the same class they were lead to believe were worse.

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>Also, absolutely no alt-characters allowed.

I was in a big guild that had this policy and it was surprisingly refreshing. (assuming you're talking about accented letters and not rogue or hunter alts)

Release date sometime in July or aug

CoD IS presumably a whole hell of a lot more important to them from a financial perspective. It doesn't surprise me at all that Activision would take that stance.

It's not optimal, but it's not dead weight either. My guild in vanilla would clear MC, BWL, Ony, and 7/9 AQ40 with 1-5 empty spots. Same thing for most my guilds on private servers. You can't oversaturate the roster with tryhards who want into every raid and you can't guarantee everyone will show up all the time either. Having a meme specced feral druid who knew his place would've been better than having nobody.

Best class spec for raiding : balance Druid

Best class for pvp : prot paladin

>no memespec outside of premade pvp unless you do the work yourself to farm consumables and BiS and you're a chill comfy bro
>no female officers
>no alts allowed
>focus on WPvP, and BGs
>no trolling voice coms, instant gkick
>if others help you with X and you don't reciprocate, instate gkick
>laid back dwarf priest alchemist Guildmaster

Comfy guild name ideas? I think sounds nice.

morale can be more important than everyone running exactly what they "need" to have.
my old private server guild was really consistent, but half of the officers sperged out over loot distribution being "unfair" (as a mage who got jack shit and expected this, it was fair) and our guild broke up during BWL because of the nonsense. if we had more unifying factors like a meme spec guy doing well, the autists would have been soothed. didn't really matter anyways, the people who stuck with the GM got into another guild like a week afterwards.

But user, in all my modern games raiding is all that matters!


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Actual unirionic truth.
Raids aren't the main event, they're just a means to an end. The only point in doing them is to get gear to do the fun stuff like PvP.
Only retail refugees and zoomers are absolutely fucking obsessed with raiding when its the most dull content classic has to offer.

>no memespec outside of premade pvp unless you do the work yourself to farm consumables and BiS and you're a chill comfy bro
he said no meme specs. full stop.

Probably the worst part about this, is right before this they spent a bunch of time talking about how excited they were to work on different things in Candy Crush to get more money.

Is there a company more controlled by the goyim than Activision? When will Blizzard split off from them and become good again

Nigger I literally rolled on a server because of Legendary Frog guild

In other news we were all faggit younger lads at some point doing stupid shit.

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Are arms warriors hard to play? How much of a retard do I have to be to fuck it up? I'm very retarded

>Blizzard doesn't fuck with Classic and it's a huge success
Just mark my words: As soon as you start seeing people demanding blizzard to "adjust" spawn timers for mobs, nodes, or anything else, it will be a cascade effect.

People will start bitching about their class being shit (because most classes ARE shit) and demand blizzard to "balance" them. So blizzard start tweaking numbers and changing cooldowns, removing certain effects, changing the priority of certain abilities, "balancing" overpowered items... and so forth and so on.

The smart people will catch on immediately onto what is happening, but they will be powerless to do anything because the vast majority welcome those changes. So normies keep flooding classic.

Then they'll demand a "group finding tool" to help them group up more easily, claiming everyone already uses addons for it anyway. So they will implement the group finder tool.

Then they'll complain the game takes too long to level, and they want to use heirlooms... and so forth and so on...

The rabbit hole will never end.

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Those people don't sound like they should've been officers.

that's perfect

>using data mined from Classic
This is one of the best things with classic, that we will finally be able to test things like glancing blows, ironfoe proc rate etc etc etc

but why is it perfect

Forcing people to conform to delegated roles is the exact opposite of comfy

>prot paladin LFG DM:W

How would you inform her of her mistake, Yea Forums?

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scared warlets.

Who else here retarded character names


Good times man

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Literally nothing about that sounds comfy

Reminder if you are going to have the "true" vanilla experience you are not allowed to use any add-ons that was not available during vanilla.

that's just the right amount of retarded to think it's engaging without fucking it up

This is why I changed my mind on memespecs being allowed in our premades, maybe invited to raid if you put in the extra effort.

I need more comfy guild names though.

you dont know what goyim means you retarded parrot

People are deluded if they think it's going to be the same.

The playerbase is not the same. Like I see these videos on YouTube like this is how you have to interact with other players because this is how it was I'm vanilla.

I can't wait to see the REEEEEs of autistic rage when vanilllafags see that people aren't going to act the way they expect them to.

It's like people who insist that dark souls PvP had an etiquette. If you think wow players are going to follow an etiquette because nostalgia goggles then your mistaken.

blockresnar reporting in

oh ok thanks, i used to play a undead rogue and i wasn't sure if it was harder or not

>The only point in doing them is to get gear to do the fun stuff like PvP
Are you actually implying that there aren't people who prefer raiding to pvp in vanilla? Mate

>if others help you with X and you don't reciprocate, instate gkick
>laid back dwarf priest alchemist Guildmaster
Someone who creates an environment that kicks people out for accepting help without keeping an exact tally of whose dick they need to suck later is not a laid back guildmaster

The playerbase has always been shit and most consisted of kids and young teenagers. Only reason people remember it fondly was because THEY WERE one of the kids playing back then.

this, sounds like an anti-comfy guild run by a totalitarian GM

Have fun in your autistic screechfest guild, user. My guild is for the mild and well mannered, not the children. There's needs to be at least a few rules to keep things smooth and comfy.

wanting to play a suboptimal spec is the single most alarming red flag in a player

I played wow as a kid and literally everyone I befriended was a parent , retiree , or college student

But I went alliance not horse , where all my classmates played

But I'll finish leveling in a couple months and then spend the next year or two or three raiding. How can you say "leveling is the game" when it takes up such a small portion of it?

that's why i will bind /greet or /hug to cheap shot

red is dead but theres no reason to be rude about it

>Are you actually implying that there aren't people who prefer raiding to pvp in vanilla? Mate
robots aren't people

You're getting too real here user.

If you keep talking, eventually you'll let out the fact that every 13 year old who played this game back then was a gullible easy to please moron whose best experience with games so far was ocarina of time.

Do not point out any negative aspects about classic. The game is perfect and it totally isn't just nostalgia goggles tricking people into believing they will have a good time now doing the same thing they did over a decade and a half ago, since that never happens anywhere else, right?

it's the "i want attention and for people to think i'm special without any form of responsibility for my performance" pink hair of warcraft

>Like I see these videos on YouTube like this is how you have to interact with other players because this is how it was I'm vanilla.
>I can't wait to see the REEEEEs of autistic rage when vanilllafags see that people aren't going to act the way they expect them to.

nigger, there are quests that are literally impossible to solo. there are spawns you will either have to compete for, or you can group for them so that you aren't both individually waiting on them. you will need to manually interact with every single person you ever need to group with to do a dungeon. this has nothing to do with the "experience" and everything to do with how the actual mechanics of the game function.

there were shitheads, awful players, and retarded chat spammers in vanilla too. no one is denying this or pretending that these people won't play classic.

The sulfuras wielding enhance shaman was a very good guild leader. He was the leader (and a raid member) of the only guild on our server to clear more than the bug quarter and the first bosses of the other wings in naxx.

This already sounds like an autistic power trip

Clearly you don't actually browse this board at all and are some collosal fucking newfaggot trying to fit in because the hype surrounding WoW Classic is exactly the kind of shit thats present in literally any upcoming game's thread. It takes a real kind of ignorance to shit on a game that has had 12 million subscribers at one point. To try make out the game is shit when BFA is the one struggling to meet even a million subscribers. No coincidence is it that they stopped providing official sub counts after Mists of Pandaria. The game has steadily been turning to shit ever since WotLK and that's in correlation with the sub numbers tanking. But no, you're honestly so thick skulled that you actually think that we're all just paid blizzard shills that were instructed to shit on the current state of retail. Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Pay shills to shit on your main product.

Second paragraph, nice non-argument. You're just whining at this stage and slinging buzz words like incel and Yea Forums to pad out a hollow argument.

The game is supposedly trash according to you but compare Vanilla sub numbers to BFA. Take an objective look at how much of a joke the PVP and raiding is in BFA compared to earlier expansions.

And dare anyone counter argue any of your hollow arguments? They're apparently just 'banging their head against the keyboard'. You're an insecure moron who can't articulate jack shit. It's sad to witness.

>"you're not a human being because you don't have the same values as me"

>Still making the nostalgia argument

it's easy to be a good raid leader when your combat role is to plop down some totems and auto attack for 5 minutes

I was a 13 year old who played WoW during TBC and playing on a private server last year was much more fun than it was back then. Everyone uniformly has nostalgia goggles though, you're definitely correct

that's right

she is a race that isn't playable, go back to TBC+ #nochanges

Because raiding is boring as shit. Make an alt, shitbag.

>play mage
>go idle in Ironforge
>start charging people for ports
>watch the gold pour in

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>level from 1 to 60 over and over and over and over again
>that's the REAL way to play the game!

You are in the minority. You may not believe it, but it's true. Most people will never see the inside of a raid.

Aaaaah I can't decide

I played mage in vanilla and you do not make any kind of noticable income from doing this.

same but as a rogue with lock boxes

Most people will never make it past level 10

iirc movement speed buffs are multiplicative, not additive

So run speed enchant/defiler boots+travel form+pvp set bonus would be 1.4*1.15*1.08= 1,74 so 174%.

Yes. There are a lot more interesting things that happen while leveling different classes and races that progress to different zones across the whole game world, than in an instance with 39 other people doing the same content and bosses a million times and fighting over loot.


See what 'nilla shitfucks don't seem to understand is that their memory is from when people were total fucking AIDS at the game.

Private server autist scientists have studied every single fucking aspect of this game. And they have fucking concluded a druid is a valued tank on many fights while wearing DOGSHIT gear, speaks volumes how powerful the class is to be frank. If they had even good t2 or t3 they'd be fucking MONSTERS.

Also lets not forget the fucking CRIT CHICKENS in pvp, blowing people up from 40yrds without even thinking about it.

Yep I'm thinking druids gonna be just fine

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Pretty sure they aren't, not entirely sure but pretty pretty sure

PvP etiquette was my favorite thing because I'd break it every fight and the hate mail was delicious

The thought of going through the barrens one more goddamn time is making me want to blow my brains out, but I can spend months doing the same raids and battlegrounds and farming spots over and over again and look back on those times fondly.

>run speed enchant/defiler boots+travel form+pvp set bonus would be 1.4*1.15*1.08= 1,74 so 174%.

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I'm actually looking forward to spending more than 30min at each level while I level up. I played a couple years ago and it only took me one weekend to get to 90 or 100 or whatever it was. It was fucking soulless. Then I got to endgame and quit because everybody was there, too, and it sucked. The raids sucked. The pvp sucked. The gear sucked. Everything sucked.

We'll see what blizzard decides come classic but it's gonna be a pain getting r12 just to avoid paying for a mount.

A wowwiki article on speed and some random wowhead thread from wotlk era talk about it being multiplicative.

6.0.1 patch notes say it was multiplicative before and they were changed to additive in that patch.



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Try Alliance then? You're missing out on half the game. Assuming it's your first time, leveling 1 horde character to 60 and 1 alliance character to 60 is hundreds of hours of unique content. Even assuming you only do progression raiding on one of them, can you really say you haven't gotten your money's worth after that? If you're bored after 1,000 hours it's not the game's fault.

Which class if I wanna help people level by clearing lowbie dungeons, heal, and buff? Its sounding like Paladin but doesnt that require changing specs?

>Inb4 it repeats osrs's success and captures a playerbase 2x bigger than the main game
>Blizzard hate the fact at first, then lean into it and employ dedicated dev team
>Updates benefit from hindsight and game goes in much better direction
>Mainline wow stagnates

The blue pvp set has the same movement speed bonus, so you only need rank 8.

You'll be paying THEM for a chance to level up your lp my man.

I was permabanned from the entire wow forum back in 2011.

All can be done as a holy paladin.

You guys are right, no tabs on helping each other. But maybe I will make financial incentives to help instead. Thoughts on the rest of the guild though?

Honestly if people don't follow etiquette it just proves that the internet as a whole has gone through a degenerative period since 2008. If people literally can't help themselves but act like niggers it just shows how cancerous zoomers are.

Looks like druids win again then


Help me out then. Do I focus more on Prot or Holy? I didnt play Vanilla.

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Classic is shit
>no toys
>no pet battle
>no achivements
>no track from your deeds
>only a handfull of mounts, not viable to collect
>no flying mounts
>no flying at all
>no arena
>same bg over and over
>"muh AV experience!"
>don't be a literal no brain: the raids
>4 raids only for all eternity
>only 1 raid dificult
>3 pieces of gear per boss for 40 players
>no solo content
>80% of all specs are literal trash
>can't make any other build or will be dogshit
>respec cost
>no dual spec
>no draenei
>no belf
>no panda
>no DK
>no monk
>no DH
>EK and Kalimdor only
>thorium mafia
>devilsaur mafia
>gold farm mafia
>"muh STV pvp!"
>piss in a bush, 20 undead rogues came out
classic wow lmao

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I'd join her group and run DM:W since you could run DM:W with 5 priests for fucks sake

Not saying mine because it's too hot but let's just say it's very boomer in essence.

guys help me out, gonna roll hunter, how far into beast mastery do I need to go so my pet maintain aggro and I can start putting points in MM


Rest are literally whatever.

Alt characters do not make a healthy guild membership base. If a character is online in my guild, you will know that that character is the person's main character. This not only boost's overall active membership within the guild, but incentivizes cooperation and commitment to helping one another. When Alt character's get thrown into the mix, all this goes out the window because no one gives a fuck about your alt, fuck you.

>twitter memes
fuck off nigger


Yeah all those millions who enjoyed it back in the day weren’t new to the game

probably too long

I called him a bluepilled cuck

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Shaman didn't really get good caster benefit totems til later.

Guild names can be either 22 or 24, I forget which. I think its 24 tho

its not. it fits exactly.
FUCK magram clan.

It's your reich. Have fun and dictate as comfy as possible.

Blizzard mods forgot to censor the responses :D

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>he thinks the purist autists will ever allow classic to be updated ever

So I can at least run all dungeons in the game as healer or tank with this? I dont know if I will care enough to raid but I like the idea of healing dungeons, but also tanking them and mass pulling them to level people like Hobbs back in the day.

for leveling just go full beast mastery, that entire tree is fucking dope
I guess you could go just 20 or 21 points in it and get unleashed fury and ferocity but really IMO if you are going bm which i'd recommend then you should go the entire way
Aimed shot is cool but getting aggro is fucking annoying as a hunter

shamans give mana regen for priests

I remember the first time WSG came out and two undead rogues had that helm at the horde entrance. Good times.

No one wants a paladin tank, regardless of spec, for level 60 dungeons. The

What's the sub cost for classic, if I don't wanna play modern? Also when does it come out?

Tranquil Air and Mana Regeneration are perfectly fine.

It's the same sub. Sometime in summer.

Appoint at least 3 tax collectors. Make them officers and tell them their job is to collect taxes from all the guildies. Create a ledger in a googledoc where these taxes will be recorded and balance it every month. Lock it so that only you and your officers can view or change it and keep it secret from the rest of the guild.

Tell your tax collectors that they are to encourage contributions to the guild's efforts by mailing items and gold to them and you. Make sure they do not use the word "tax" and kick anyone who does use that word to describe what you are doing. Make sure everyone knows that contribution is expected from all members.

Every once in a while call someone out who has not been contributing. Do not be hostile. Instead ask them politely WHY they haven't given anything since (whenever their last contribution was). Do not punish them directly if they continue to not contribute.

Next establish a point system that is directly related to member's contributions, but do not tell them this. Say that the points represent your council's judgement of the player in some key areas: usefulness in raids, helpfulness of other guild members, leadership skills, need of gear, etc. Try to praise them for these things as well when they are noticed. Keep the point system in a googledoc, too, but keep it open so that everyone can see where they stand.
During raids always defer to the players point status when choosing who rolls on loot. Also consider points when deciding on pvp outings or class quests.

In this way you will have a happy and productive guild.

its the exact same sub as retail. You pay the sub and you get to play both. This way blizzard can pretend retail isn't failing at the next quarterly business meeting.

>hundreds of hours of unique content
Not him and not to be a cynical fuck but WoW content is still heavily padded content and "hundreds of hours" is filled with a lot of running and grinding timesinks.

>What's the sub cost for classic
Same as for the normal game, subbing gives you access to both games
So it's all or nothing

Will Classic be just Classic forever? They're not gonna reintroduce expansions, will they?
Is it PURE vanilla forever?

You probably won't be tanking anything. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone having much success or even extensively trying to tank as Prot Pally, but feel free to try it out yourself. Healers on the other hand are in great demand and you don't really need talents for your Blessings (other than BoK and Sanctuary but those are very rare).

You can run all the content in the game as any tank or healer. Dont let elitists here trick you.

Some of you are alright.

Don't be in Crossroads when get's a few geared 60s

you don't need to go bm for them to hold aggro if you let them attack for 1-2 seconds before dpsing and pace your shots out properly. unbind growl from auto-cast and use it when you do pull aggro and you will rarely if ever have to worry about it.

you can rush straight for aimed shot and you likely won't have aggro problems, but it's really inefficient while leveling so you won't use it often. BM is by far the best leveling spec as far as speed and efficiency go in the entire game. if you're dead set on aimed shot and want to put points into BM first i'd say at least get intimidation. it's great for aggro, general cc, and pvp.

for those people who think that World of Warcraft classic is going to save World of Warcraft, it's not you'll probably get banned for trash talking

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Ew, nothing it is, then.

I was thinking more +spell damage and crit later on.

Is it wrong to play on a PvE realm?

That's TBC though but sure. My point was that MP5 and threat reduction were already good caster totems.

old players' mentalities won't be brought back
old blizz certainly won't be brought back
face reality and realize classic will flop hard after a year

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No. You'll probably be bored out of your mind though.

>Tfw not going to join a guild

Pug life. No drama. No schedule. No pretending to be friends with autists. Gonna be great.

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Druids can barely tank (they have a taunt) and apparently that makes them superior the class that is objectively, in every single way, the best tank class (cooldowns, shouts, AoE taunt, gear, block, def cap, threat gen., even in AoE threat the warrior can do better than a druid with items).

This level of cope -- must be a druid

pally tanks are actually good as fuck in 5 mans for aoe pulls. are you retarded?

Is watching your wife getting fucked by another man wrong? Its the same thing. Youre cucking yourself

Did the bearfags commit suicide already? Can we come in now?

Introducing expansions without keeping classic would be just retarded, but if they do open the flood gates for a "TBC realm", then rest assure it won't take long until you see a BfA realm too, lauching at some point in the future.

Attached: 1493401690557.png (415x410, 231K)

it's not "wrong" but it kind of ruins the immersion when you can casually stroll past people you're supposed to be at war with in the open world. if you really, REALLY hate pvp, then go for a pve realm, but realize you're missing out on a lot of fun.

druchads still here bro, dabbing on warfags big time

Playing without a guild gets so boring though
WoW is fun because you play with friends

What class has the easiest time getting invites to PUGs? How does warlock fare?

People don't like paladin tanks regardless.

And no one likes a tank that is oom after every fight.

what is so fun about being unable to level up in a zone because someone 10 levels higher has been ganking everyone with 2 other people there?

seething warrgin

Its fun getting one shot then camped by some bored people and literally not being allowed to play the game im paying for?

Is there currently a 'good' PvE vanilla private server?

All of the ones which were 'popular' have reduced their set to PvP servers by now.

Don't need a big playerpase, just working quests so I can scratch the itch a bit until classic comes around.

Guy, please let me in on details regarding what private server fags have seen that retailfags don't know about

I don't think they would had gone through the effort of making this possible just to hold some time frozen vanilla server that most people won't play on long term, they'll try their hand at new content sooner or later. I just hope that when it happens they'll do it on alternate realms and keep some form of vanilla available.

So, what was it that kept Paladins from being viable as tanks back in Vanilla?

Warlocks has an easy time getting into pugs mate