Lore is so bad even Vaati needs a month for his video

>lore is so bad even Vaati needs a month for his video youtube.com/watch?v=9OmfWCvwM9g
>has to use various asspulls to make it sound interesting
>lore is so bland and boring compared to Soulsborne

Why did From Software take 100 steps backwards with Sekiro? What went wrong?

Attached: 1556460675854.jpg (1280x720, 251K)

Other urls found in this thread:

sekiroshadowsdietwice.wiki.fextralife.com/Black Mortal Blade


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shUt the fuck

Nobody has created lore which Vaati has considered to be worth taking and calling his own idea.

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seeing Vaati's channel scrap by ever since DS3 released has been pretty fascinating. it's really sad how little content he actually has, so much so that he's actually considering """remastering""" his older videos

this game as lore?

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>muh lore

shut the fuck up

>Why did From Software take 100 steps backwards with Sekiro?
because it works. They put 100x less effort and get the same if not more money. We are in a for another one or two mediocre fromsoft games before the trust buffer runs out and they will be forced to make another good game like DaS.

lore is a meme to keep a fanbase speculating

its funny how early in development bloodborne was going to have a story and have everything make sense

Sekiro's storytelling is much more straightforward than Dark Souls games so there is very little for him to make bullshit up about. There are some things left up to the players' imagination but not that much. And since a lot of the ''fluff'' lore is straight up buddhist religion inspired there's not that much debate about the thematics and concepts of Sekiro like there was for say Dark Souls 3 and ''The Deep''.

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kill yourself you ban evading freak. you're creepy as fuck and also obnoxious

bloodborne's final narrative is way more interesting


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Vaati cant get a lore video together because he has no one to fucking steal off of yet.

Nothing went bad my good OP.

but bloodborne does have a story, what the fuck are you talking about?
>have everything make sense
that would be retarded as fuck considering the plot is about eldritch gods beyond human comprehension


>he didn't get story
what a fucking brainlet

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please fuck off from my thread you autistic faggot.

>muh le lore
Literally who cares

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For once From did a straightforward story and people are still confused

>steps back / less effort than Soulsborne
I would absolutely disagree. You might have a different preference but I would definitely say that whatever you may say about Sekiro's lore or story, the storytelling is tight and doesn't have to invent pointlessly cryptic lore for every soiled diaper an indead soldier uses laden with DS2 style ''...but perhaps...'' bullshit to fool dimwits into thinking there actually was a grand story going on behind the scenes with the namedrops to mentioned-only kingdoms when it was just excuse lore to make this pair of leather boots sound kinda cool. A lot of the lore in Dark Souls was just throwaway garbage which was nice that it was there but it was almost never relevant.

>the story is your interpretation bro
Worst form of writing.

I personally enjoyed Sekiro a lot. I think it was just as good as dark souls one was for me the first time I played it.

Isn't Sekiro more like a Tenchu game than a Souls game?

>>plot is about eldritch gods beyond human comprehension
>smack them all with a makeshift axe until they die
Great game reddit. Lorefagging aside Sekiro is the best "soulsborne" game since Dark Souls 1. It's really an overall mediocre series.

For (you)



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>it's really sad how little content he can steal from /dsg/

Sekiro is not a Souls game.

It has some Tenchu elements maybe but it's much more reliant on the combat and definitely has a more pronounced ''Souls feel'' even if it has major differences to Souls.

>he doesn't understand

>mixing up lore and story
>calling anyone a brainlet
what on God's green earth are you on about?
you smack gods to death in dark souls too, are you retarded?
lol I see you haven't played the game

Sekiro is pretty mediocre compared to DaS1.

exactly right

>git gud redditor
>calling anyone reddit

>Vaati still has 1,222 people giving him money on patreon which is at least that much in money a month
That's crazy to me considering how rarely he uploads and the declining quality to what little there was in his videos already.


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>huurrr sekiro and dark souls same ip

>b.....but Souls had m...more lore!
have sex

Dudes argument was litterally "it's not supposed to make sense"

what are these quasi-rpg games doing next to a great action-adventure title?

>shitiro not in normie tier

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Souls games have always been action adventure games with RPG systems tacked on.

If the story can be told in amore straighforward fashion and not relying on cryptic lore pieces you have to learn more about in a wiki, then it's an imprevoment, not the other way around. If any Souls game was released today instead of this, you would be complaining about the exact opposite and call the game's story a complete mess.

More like lore is so in depth that this cuck can't even figure it out.

no it fucking wasn't, you're just expecting to be spoon-fed by the devs because you're a fucking retard

>suddendly the lore is not important

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>FromSoftware? Love that studio!

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The entire plot is you stopping a ritual from completely raping the Yharnam, and thus halting the beast plague. Retard.

>Lore so bad
Wrong. Lore is so bare. The game doesn't hide anything from you. The game isn't remotely cryptic about any of it's background story.
Vaati took a month because he had to dig deep to headcanon some shit that the game didn't already outright tell you through out the game.

Dark Souls 1 is one of my favorite games of all time and I don't know jack shit about the lore. Fight me

From is söy repellent.

rename the tiers to "good" games, good games and terrible games

It's not one of your favorite games, then.

>the game doesn't deliberately makes things obscure so Vaati can pull things out of his ass
>this somehow is a bad thing

True Tbh it's been on a steady decline since DeS, with really only Sekiro avoiding the trend.

People still care about Vaati? I thought this hack was done when the souls series ended but looks like people love to throw their money away


Sure thing.

lmao fucking faggot

>it is my theory that
closed the video. not interested in your headcanon vaati

back to r*ddit

Don't you know? There's a subsection of autists who only care about these games due to "lore".

I'm afraid it is, and I replay the shit out of it every year.
Ironically, the first one in saying the lore wasn't as important was Miyazaki, who also stated that the player should feel free to fill the gaps with their own interpretations.

I saw it because I made it you fucking retard, where did I say it's not supposed to make sense? the story is about yharnam getting involved in a war between eldritch gods with unfathomable motivations and you're supposed to put a stop to that. what don't you understand? that's the story, it's extremely straight forward
point out the part that doesn't make sense if you disagree


>I'm afraid it is
Incorrect. You cannot fully appreciate the ludo that is Dark Souls, without a solid grasp of the underlying concepts and how they're contextualized within the game world, as well as certain character backstories.

>n-no im the biggezt fan everr!1
> gmers rise up

Literally who the actual fuck cares

>lore doesn't matter
>world building doesn't matter
>the tone of the setting doesn't matter
>the atmosphere doesn't matter
If I wanted to play a game with objectively superior combat mechanics, I'd play Nioh. But I don't because the setting is utter garbage.

Attached: me & the boys on a friday night.jpg (2020x1600, 519K)

Wow, you lost me there, pal. My IQ doesn't stand a chance

Lore is literally the best aspect of the Souls games.

people into lore. bloodborne had some great lore that made replaying it a bit more interesting, why not take advantage of all a game has to offer?

Is vaati still stealing from that other guy and /dsg/?

There is no fucking "lore", it's just fucking autists on the internet making shit up

The most correct post in the thread.

>appreciate the ludo
>grasp of the underlying concepts

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He's right. You don't fully appreciate Dark Souls.

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>there is no lore because I say so

>there's no lore, because it's not spoonfed to me via lengthy exposition
It's all in the visual and flavor text. It's like a puzzle game. It makes replaying the game more interesting and immersive.

Attached: Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight.jpg (1240x1754, 606K)

You sure do after all those wikipedia lurking

Everything past DS1 has had shit lore with BB being the one exception.

this is what it all led too
time to fucking nuke this industry

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No, I used to discuss the lore with anons in threads on Yea Forums. Comfiest shit ever, shame you weren't around to witness it.

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>Dark Souls 3 had shit lor-

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>muh lore
The only souls game with lore even worth mentioning is demon's souls.
Scouring through every item's description is just autism.

*While also being a thrall of the moon presence being sent to kill babbey mergo

It's liteeally just massive autists looking too deep into retarded shit

Why am I a hunter.
What is the hunters dream exactly and why is there another one in a different location? How come tombstones teleport me places.
If I have to look up this shit on a wiki its shit.

Try next time

>even Vaati
Vaati always had to rely on stealing all of his content from others. From Yea Forums, others on youtube, and I am sure he is spending most of his time on reddit and shit nowadays.
He is nothing special.

>discuss e-celebs and articles in threads on Yea Forums
Fixed that for you

The lore has never mattered to me in a Souls game. You fags who have become completely obsessed with it have ruined the fanbase for me.

no, it isn't. it's told through environment, NPCs, item descriptions, notes and cutscenes
you're just retarded

>The lore has never mattered to me in a Souls game.
r*dditor spotted.

I grew up of fanfiction a long time ago

I agree

>It's not true because my favourite youtuber said so
Unironically get a life

>You fags who have become completely obsessed with it have ruined the fanbase for me.

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>muh lore
fuckin queer, lmao.
more like, the story is straight forward and leaves little room for interpretation. as a result, farti cannot make up his own fairy tales.


>Why am I a hunter.
because you came to yharnam seeking blood because of an un-diagnosed disease and end up getting involuntarily recruited by gherman (who is a proxy for the moon presence)
>What is the hunters dream exactly ?
the hunters dream is a place created for or by gherman
>why is there another one in a different location?
because it's his memory from the hunters workshop, he's literally the first hunter so that's super obvious
dunno, and I don't see how that's relevant to the story

We're all naked under our clothes.

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>Why am I a hunter.
You were drafted as a Hunter as part of your contract, which was to cure the illness you had with Yharnam's famed blood healing. This is literally explained to you.
>What is the hunters dream exactly and why is there another one in a different location?
Dreams and Nightmares are physical planes of existence that are accessed through the consciousness. This is evident because you clearly take items from these Dreams and Nightmares back down to the Walking World, i.e. Yharnam. It's also a concept explored in Lovecraft's fiction. Often times, they mirror the Waking World, and sometimes they are distorted realities of said areas. It's why we see the Hunter's Workshop both in the Waking World and in the Dream.

who the flying fuck are you quoting? I've found shit out by myself and people on Yea Forums and /vg/ pointing out things I missed in the game
stop projecting you retard

Fuck off newfag

the "my first game was BB" starter pack

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Hunter's Dream is created by Moon Presence, dum dum. Gehrman is merely a surrogate.

Thats because Sekiro is somewhat low fantasy since it takes place in a fantasy-version of a real historical event. Souls is medieval-themed fantasy but it doesn't take place on Earth.

its japanese folklore

>newfags don't remember how fun Soulsborne lore discussion here was

god is it summer already?

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user. Come on.

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Imagine caring about the lore in a game with no lore at all top kek

From drones are the fortnite kids from 2010

>lorefags can't understand Buddhism or Heian poetry so they think it's inferior to their stolen fanfiction

>And since a lot of the ''fluff'' lore is straight up buddhist religion inspired
Correction, Journey to the West-inspired. That epic is full of superpowered ugly heroes fighting demons disguised as holy men or dragons or snakes the size of mountains.

Not every game needs a shit ton of small lore details, it's refreshing how simple Sekiro is story wise. And because of this guy trying to squeeze lore out of a game where there is none people suddenly think the game is flawed because it's not literally dark souls.

Do I have to read up a wiki to learn this or ever find this flavour text or dialoge

I miss the demon's souls comics.

Thanks for proving my point by bringing up that pointless fuck. He does nothing besides find the "profaned flame" which he never actually uses and is another example of how terrible DS3's lore is. Other than that the only thing he has are magic bloodborne-beast rings that are never explained, like most things in DS3.
That's literally all that there is to the character because the lore that might have been good was cut from the game like all of the other good parts of DS3.

>Using reddit terms, like Soulsborne
>Calling others newfags

I wrote for OR by gherman. I know why it exists, but gherman is the one that has memory of the workshop. I too mentioned that he's just a proxy

Sekiro's lore is also stolen fanction, if we go by your logic.

Call me back when /dsg/s shitpost autism is 2000+ year old culture.

>too lazy to actually put story into the game
>hire a writer to write up some shit and put it into the game in the way that requires the absolute least amount of work
>retards eat it up, and even praise it and its le environmental storytelling
I'm sure Miyazaki himself was surprised by how many of you retards he's got defending his low effort shit

No, actually, it was you git gud redditors that ruined everything.

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Vaati is just trying to make a quick buck off of what's intended to be a less speculative more cohesive approach to storytelling on FromSoft's part. Sad really.

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There's literally only a single reference to Journey to the West, and that story is just China saying they're real Buddhism and how they're superior to everyone. Stop being a pleb who's only watched youtube myth videos. The majority of Sekiro is based around a combination of Ainu myth, regional Aziu folklore, Shinto-Buddhism, and Heian literature.

no one from that time period remain here. I dont wish to engage with redditors that this place is full of now.

>>too lazy to actually put story into the game
It's actually much harder to do than employ traditional narrative. There's a lot of narrative told through the visuals and not just flavor text. It's far more effective, and there are brilliant instances of "show, don't tell" in Souls.

>"show, don't tell"
Souls are also extremely guilty of telling and not showing (see: item descriptions).

>too lazy to actually put story into the game
but he did you fucking retard, lore and story isn't the same. how does it feel being retarded?

you ate it up alright

Go watch a movie, if you're not content with DaS' narrative and how it is delivered.

>implying dark souls has a story

You need to ring the two Bells of Awakening and then get the four Lord Souls and kill Gwyn.

>reading comprehension
holy shit dude. we're talking about bloodborne, just read the chain of replies

that bunny is fake as fuck

>Nobody has created lore
newfag spotted

lore isn't bad, it's just more streamlined than older games and no one needs an idiot making videos explaining what a game explains well enough on its own.

>implying it's not the same fucking shit

Git gud.

Attached: Bloodborne Story Flowchart.png (1896x4870, 979K)

that's exactly what I'm implying

seething snoy detected

Have sex: The Thread


that's pretty cool
it's shit like this that makes the lore fun to discuss
like I said, it's a puzzle minigame

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Have sex

don't care about the lore much but sadly the gameplay isn't very fun for me either. I don't feel accomplished at all when I beat Sekiro bosses. When I beat Soulsborne bosses, I am always super hyped. Don't know what it is, but Sekiro bosses just don't do it for me. And the stealth is a joke.

Why are we using trannoid nigger speak?

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Sekiro story > Bloodborne "story"

maybe it's because leveling is gone? sekiro has my fav gameplay, but I can't deny seeing all those souls and leveling numbers up afterwards was satisfying

I love how bb's story exposes zoomers with zero attention span

Have sex

True, but the overall lore and way it's presented is much better in Bloodborne.

I can't decide if Souls fags are worse than Smash fags

Have sex.

>The lore has never mattered to me in a Souls game
newfag spotted

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>People on the internet creating shitty stories for games that have no story
Why are Soulsoys so gay

at least the former is able to contain autism within a few threads instead of taking up half the catalog whenever something extremely minor happens

>probably watched epicnamebro


Attached: Anor Londo Archers.gif (500x278, 989K)

zoom zoom


Souls games are söy repellent.

better story
better characters
better combat
>muh lore
>muh builds
face it, sekiro is a vastly superior experience to the old, dated souls modelall they need to do is improve the exploration rewards (quick fix would be to hide prosthetic upgrade "blueprints" to be found instead of them all being available off the bat)

they made you more of a bitch obviously

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I’m glad they made a game that isn’t filled with 2deep4u vague lore shit specifically because it BTFOs faggots like Vaati. Imagining him starving, watching the bank account dwindle as he furiously scrolls through thread after thread on Yea Forums just to get shit like
>Kuro is a girl and wolf buttfucks his delicious boipucci kek
Sends my sides into fucking orbit.

Souls games are high IQ ludocore.

Attached: GOAT Souls.png (1676x676, 372K)

>no fashion
>zero builds
>one weapon
>short as fuck
>only 11 bosses
>rehashed minibosses
>poorly implemented stealth
>poor individual level design
>only two truly useful prosthetics
>no incentive to explore the world (no loot to be found except for sugars)
yikes my dude

Attached: Gwyndolin qt.jpg (600x600, 88K)

This is a videogame we're talking about. It's actually, LITERALLY the best you can do in this retarded medium

>The stealth is downright shi-

Attached: sekirohasgoodstealth.webm (1136x640, 2.91M)


that's not how that works, he literally posted first


>no fashion
>zero builds
>one weapon
"muh builds" add absolutely nothing to the game, changing tactics for certain opponents is handled through prosthetics and is a much tighter and better designed system than weapons with slightly different attack animations but all play the exact same

>short as fuck
>only 11 bosses
>poorly implemented stealth
legitimate concerns that can easily be improved upon in sequels

>rehashed minibosses
the whole point of most mini bosses is the "early game miniboss becomes late game normal enemy" gimmick and it works better in this game where most of your power gain comes from actually getting better at the game rather than stat increases

>poor individual level design
completely subjective

>only two truly useful prosthetics
literally just wrong

>no incentive to explore the world (no loot to be found except for sugars)
already addressed this and I agree


Imagine thinking this

He hasn't posted any lore because he's been busy with his fucking newborn spaz

>hurr durr what is Oedon

so what was the story about?

Attached: you promised.jpg (500x568, 151K)

Finish the game first, my lore my lore my ass. Tanginamo

>alternate history Sengoku + some fantasy elements and being more straightforward narative wise
Based FromSoft btfoing lorefags

I fucking despise Vaati and I fucking despise you.

Bloodbornes base-game is DaS2-tier. I'll never understand why people rate that game so highly.

>I'll never understand why people rate that game so highly.

Attached: The Old Hunters.jpg (1280x720, 252K)

woah now friend. don't overdo it.

>lorefags btfo
>pvpfags btfo
Thank you, Sekiro

Holy fuck, god no. Base BB was way better and fun than that shitfest, it was like an 8/10 when it released. But when we got the Old Hunters, it bumped it to a 10.

Attached: Ludwig.(Bloodborne).full.2542990.jpg (2114x900, 1.1M)

Hi Demon Souls faggot neck yourself

>Playing From games for the "story"

The story of every Soulds game is trash and no ammount of lore scattered like shit on a toilet will change that.
Also no ammount of AyY Lmaos will change that.

Soulsubhumans are cancer incarnate. Sekiro is set in real fucking world with light fantasy elements.


Attached: postDiscarded.jpg (1024x468, 64K)

Sekiro is a game that was completed, and not stabled together to meet some deadline.
The "lore" of Bloodborne and Souls is all over the place, is because they were rushed out, with most of the original story plans completely abandoned and replaced.

>Light fantasy elements
>All kinds of magical creatures

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Attached: 40.jpg (1024x768, 47K)

>Immortal centipedes

>Light fantasy

The rings are explained though. They were given to outrider knights such as Vordt, and in time it turns them into Sulyvahn beasts like the one guarding the entrance to Irithyl.

>Demon Souls
You are the chosen one you must defeat the ancient evil
>Dark Souls
You are the chosen one you must defeat the ancient evil
>DaS 2
You are the chosen one you must defeat the ancient evil
>DaS 3
You are the chosen one you must defeat the ancient evil
Ayy Lmaos + blood + ancient evil

Great story you guys have.
Stick to the gameplay something you can say its good but the story is pathetic, shitty and bland

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Now, explain the butterfly pilgrims.

Never played Bloodborne, but I like this list.

>>no fashion
Found a new game for you

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Your name sounds familiar.

You can literally sum up any game doing that, come on man.

Have sex.

did he create another new name? lol

Bloodborne isn't that great. Sekiro is better.

BB = Sekiro >>>>>> Soulshit
Souls mongoloids should just fuck off back to /dsg/ and let adults discuss actually good games.

Because they are retards. Can’t wait for Nioh 2. Currently playing through the DLCs.

Sekiro sucks major dick. I don’t want be a gay ass cuck ninja. I want to be a strong samurai like Anjin-San.

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I can't. There's too little info and it's all vague. Most likely cut content. Hollows pray and become trees which become butterflies and said butterflies later become angels?

>Bloodborne isn't that grea-

Attached: Ludwig.webm (1280x720, 3M)

>Sekiro is better.
I really don't know why people love sekiro so much. it's not bad, but I just don't see it.

>meme boss
Phase one was harder than phase two, but phase two has some nice visual effects. Maria was a more enjoyable fight.

Actually you cant. the entire Souls series story is a poorly constructed story with nothing exciting about it. It has literally no depth, no character development, no revealing truths no shocking twists its literally the oldest possible trope you can imagine.
There are some stories that have the same theme ( Lord of the Rings for example with a strict black and whoite characterization) but the Souls series doesnt even have 1 single character worth mentioning.
Telling a story with lore in itself is an interesting concept but so poorly implemented it is mind boggling how anybody can defend the one dimensionality of the story. Is isnt good story writing implementing vague description you can find on set pieces if the story, if you have the nerve to set it together, leading you to a simplistic ancient evil story.

Swap Sekiro and DaS1 and this chart is objectively correct.

>R1 Spam: The Boss
>More enjoyable than Ludwig
Waifufags were a mistake.


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>Phase one was harder than phase two
Try a BL4 run, or any low BL run, and you'll quickly realise that isn't the case.
It actually gives context and character Ludwig, it's why it's so memorable, git gud redditor.

It's really polished in all regards and it's amazing from how many angles you can approach a level. Stealth is overpowered in general, but considering it's the first game with these elements it's amazing how good of a job they did in the level design. It's almost 10/10 in game design. It really shows it's the their newest game and that they learned from the mistakes on the past. I don't see any major complaints like with older games. Like rolls being overpowered, vials being broken, chalices being shit etc, grass, soul memory etc.

>Most likely cut content
You mean like the majority of DS3's original story and gameplay? The game is a mess of stitched up material that the devs shambled together because they couldn't finish on deadline.
Like really, coloring the sand white, and calling it snow? I thought after the debacle that was DS2's development, From would be smarter than this.

user, the point is there is nothing explicit to understand, is purposefully left with blank parts to everyone create their own canon.
You literally are the brainlet.



You don't have to R1 spam if you don't want to.

Bloodborne is the only lore that really interests me. Dark Souls is just too much wank over flame and dark.

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It's a cheap shoehorned reference because From were unoriginal hacks. Literally same shit as the entirety of DaS3 except it's apparently okay because it's a Sony exclusive.

True, you can also stand still and parry spam her to death.

>it's apparently okay because it's a Sony exclusive.
This but unironically.

Attached: BloodbornePC.jpg (1600x900, 886K)

>It's really polished in all regards
I honestly thought it wasn't really polished at all. the stealth is horrendous, from has always suffered from having areas that look like you can jump onto something to just to have you fall through it completely and it's even worse now that they give you more movement options. everything but the bosses feels half finished and then the bosses are reused several times over. it just felt disappointing and like they couldn't actually break away from the souls formula even though they said they were going to.

If it adds meaningful context then it isn't a shoehorned. Unlike in DaS3, where entire chunks of the lore add absolutely nothing of value to DaS1's world. Plus, it's the only reference that harkens back to previous titles.

There isn't a single reused boss fight, though.

Gotcha nice non argument sekucko

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>not enjoying both
literally cucking yourself

TOH was fucking incredible but note that I said the base-game. BB was still lauded as being a masterpiece before the DLC.

Okay. Barely above DaS2-tier. Should clarify that I'm only speaking in terms of combat here as obviously BB blows DaS2 out of the water when you consider things like atmosphere, level design, and lore.

It has some of the same problems that DaS2 has. Over-reliance on throwing multiple enemies at you for any semblance of challenge, samey enemies (due to all of them being easily destroyed by R1 spam), and lackluster bosses.


>areas that look like you can jump onto something to just to have you fall through it completely and it's even worse now
What the fuck are you talking about? Never happened to me when I was playing it.

If you're seriously going to count one, thirty second phase of a FOUR (4) phase fight as a reused boss, then you have already lost the argument.

user, I'm not talking about BB's plot, but all of Miyazaki's games lore and narrative. They all are full of holes to let every player fill them with their own stories. You can't fully understand any of them, and by pretending being superior for doing so, you showed how stupidly ignorant you actually are.

genichiro, headless ape and corrupted monk
not him btw

>Plus, it's the only reference that harkens back to previous titles.
You forgot Patches? And that wheel guy who is literally just a Solaire clone.

>What the fuck are you talking about? Never happened to me when I was playing it.
there were around a dozen times I tried double jumping off a wall to reach a large branch or outcropping only to have my player just completely pass through it. it looked like I could reach a side area and maybe find a tucked away item or something, but no.

>headless ape
New arena and a new component to the fight.
>corrupted monk
Comes with two completely new phases.

You don't have any argument either, Niohtard. Enjoy your cheap Souls ripoff with garbage Destiny loot lol.

>Nioh is legitimately one of the worst games ever mad-

Attached: NiohCombat.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

you fight him 3 times. you also fight the bull multiple times even if later it's optional. the guardian ape. the caster miniboss. cmon dude, I don't know why people feel like they have to throw themselves on their sword for this game.


user, he literally gets reused. I didn't say it was bad or anything like that, but it's LITERALLY reusing him
>New arena and a new component to the fight.
it's still the headless ape, aka the same boss form earlier. same as before, I didn't have a problem with this
>Comes with two completely new phases.
both those phases share almost every move with the illusion version
>new thing in second version is illusion mode
>new thing in third phase is a single terror attack

>the bull
Not a boss.
>the caster
Not a boss.

>Over-reliance on throwing multiple enemies at you
That's okay, because the speed of your character compliments the ganks, unlike DaS2 atrocious controls.
>due to all of them being easily destroyed by R1 spam
Not true. You still need to position and time attacks.
I never understood the R1 meme. Even if you distilled the combat to a spam strat, each weapon will abuse different movesets.
>lackluster bosses.
That's taking it way too far. There's far more enjoyable and better quality bosses in base BB than any souls game prior to it.

>counting minibosses/elites
come the fuck on. those are like black knights, meant to be fought several times

She has a completely different moveset in her third phase, when the centipede comes out.

And he's still gonna make bank. Even with a newborn baby. Stay SEETHING cuck.

>Not a boss.
the first time you fight him it walls off the area right? it's basically a boss fight.
I also mentioned the caster was a miniboss.
I didn't even mention all the repeat fights either.

>but it's okay when Dark Souls rehashed Asylum, Taurus and Capra demons though!

>it's basically a boss fight.
Do you get a memory? No.
Do you get "Shinobi Execution" message? No.
Ergo, it's not a boss.

no, she doesn't. the centipede spewing attack is the only new thing. the spinning attack she gets is the same as the illusion version in mibu
>lol I'm pretending to be retarded, please give me attention!
here you go, my child

Sekiro's gameplay is so good, but it is held back by it's boring setting

Bloodborne atmosphere, Dark Souls 1 lore & Sekiro gameplay, would be the best shit ever

Doesn't matter to me. I fought them dozen of times anyway because the game was fun so I kept replaying it. Suckiro isn't fun. It's a boring grind that has zero intuitive gameplay. Just memorize enemy movesets and then do the perfect parry over and over...yawwwn

correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you forced to fight it? does the fog wall not box you in till you kill it? you're arguing semantics.

you literally aren't the chosen one in any of these, you're just some dude who happens to do the thing. how can you not even comprehend the most basic thing in these games

Sekiro has all of these things. But it doesn't hide it in cryptic text in item descriptions that you make head canon out of because you don't have all the information.
It instead just outright fucking tells you via cutscenes and scenery.


Ninja cuck I’m fucking your wife.

Attached: DE3F8E52-D068-4CAD-835D-21013662A9F7.gif (215x194, 349K)

> you're arguing semantics.
No, the game sets up a clear dichotomy between bosses and mini-bosses. The bull is clearly a mini-boss.

that's because it doesn't follow the exact souls formula anymore. they wanted more encounters so they added minibosses in this game, meant to be fought several times
they are not the same as actual bosses because the game is making a super clear distinction with prayer beads and memories

>Sekiro's gameplay is so good
This is every shade of wrong from the rainbow of ultimate wrongness. I hope From never reuses this abomination of pure memorization gameplay. They might just as well make their next game a memory game. That's what Sekiro is.

Attached: SLM-225_B[1].jpg (2048x1583, 619K)

You're thinking of Morrowind, user.

Because your a racist eurocentric trump supporter fucker who deserves a bullet in there skull?

First phase is reused from the first genichiro boss, second phase is reused from shura ending isshin, Emma resuses animations from U'rin in the water, double monkeys is just phase two of the guardian ape twice. Not to mention the rampant reuse going on with the minibosses.

Because past Souls game didn't reuse a fuck ton of assests too? Faggot.

Right? Fuck these wishy washy niggers

are you walled in and forced to fight them?
my point is you're forced to fight the same (not)boss enemies over and over. they're not like regular enemies where you can just bypass them if you want to get to real fights.

The lore is great faggot. Kill yourself you piece of subhuman,an waste

What IS wouldn't? Is it tasty?

>Bloodborne: Reuses 'falling beast' boss ten times
>Yea Forums: "OMG, masterpiece!"

>Sekiro: Reuses bosses, with different circumstances and movesets
>Yea Forums: "Ugh, rehash!"

also, bosses have their own OST while the bull is just given the generic miniboss theme >my point is you're forced to fight the same (not)boss enemies over and over
but only the first bull is obligatory, the other is optional
>if you want to get to real fights
what the fuck are "real fights"?

The beast bosses all have different movesets though.

I just read through the miniboss list, there isn't a SINGLE MINIBOSS that you have to fight more than once. you're a lying faggot

What? Soulsfags are literally brain dead.


>what the fuck are "real fights"?
bosses that aren't reused.
there are still regular bosses you have to fight multiple times, regardless of minibosses.


Attached: 1556089131563.jpg (418x480, 51K)

Are you 50 years old?


you must not have played the game, it's certainly different than souls but the combat alone is 1000x better. for those of us that arent underage little queers that unironically "play videogames for MUH EXPERIENCE", that's enough to make the game great. in short, you have shit taste.

>"real fights" are only something arbitrary I just made up
>there are still regular bosses you have to fight multiple times
now you're moving the goalpost. you're such a huge retard, we were discussing minibosses and if they're actual bosses or not
it seriously sounds like you haven't played the game

>every game needs to have insanely 2deep4u lore
there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a more simplistic story
just because you can autistically theorycraft and shit out videos for years does not mean it's better

Sekiro has half the bosses that Bloodborne has and almost all of them are a guy with either a sword or a spear.

trade ds2 for demon souls and you are right

>Muh Vaati

Lmao, go suck e-celeb somewhere else, drone.

Why does Sekiro makes Soulsfags seethe so much anyway? Because Souls is dead?
I remember same thing happened when BB came out too. There were plenty of threads saying how BB is shit and how DaS2 is better because it has more weapons and areas. And a lot of other retarded nitpicky shit.
What the fuck is wrong with this fanbase? Not even Smashfags are this vile and permanently butthurt.

who cares, they're both amazing games

>Sekiro/Dark Souls 1
>even close to as good as Bloodborne


>every game needs to have insanely 2deep4u lore
This but unironically.

the whole discussion started about the game having too many reused fights I just used bosses because for many of them you're forced into a fight with them, you just autisticly clung to the "they're not actually bosses they're minibosses"
>it seriously sounds like you haven't played the game
pic related

Attached: sekiro achiev.jpg (456x159, 11K)

>He hasn't platinumed the game
Post discarded.

now who's moving goalposts?

80% of BB bosses are the same screeching beast. The other 15% are gimmicky garbage like Micolash, Celestial Emissary and witches. 5% is Gehrman who is an actually good boss.

it doesn't matter what the whole discussion started with, I jumped into the argument when I read that you called the bull a real boss and that's what our discussion was about
I know very well that some bosses are reused, that wasn't what I argued about at all
is my first post

>That's okay, because the speed of your character compliments the ganks, unlike DaS2 atrocious controls.
Just because your characters speed increased doesn't make multiple enemy encounters more fun to deal with. The game still shines in 1v1's due to the lock-on system and just how Souls combat works in general.

>Not true. You still need to position and time attacks.
Its true for like 90% of fucking enemies. The only "positioning" you have to do is basic shit like going behind werewolves when you R1 spam them because they can't respond and just get obliterated that way.

>That's taking it way too far. There's far more enjoyable and better quality bosses in base BB than any souls game prior to it.
Maybe its true the overall quality improved but its nowhere near "far better." than what came before. The only enjoyable ones were the humanoid bosses and even then you have to purposely gimp yourself to enjoy them because the parry system is fucking broken and stupid.

No this isn't about spamming. It's about intuitive play. There are tons of games that are genuinely hard because they force you to quickly react to complex situations. Sekiro isn't hard because you literally cannot react to what you see, since there are no visual indications that are coherent. "herp derp enemies telegraph their attacks". Yeah but since attacks aren't coherent, you cannot know when the perfect parry works unless you memorize the attack. Telegraphing just announced a particular attack. You still have to remember it in order to react to it correctly. You cannot do so intuitively. That's why Sekiro is actually piss easy. Everybody, even people who don't play video games, can easily beat every boss in this game if they're willing to invest the time necessary to learn the move sets. But people don't want to invest that time and thus think their failure at the game means that it's too hard or that they aren't good enough. In reality, the game is just mindless. There are no complex situations you need to figure out. No quick reflexes are required either. Once you recognize what is coming, it is piss easy kindergarten garbage tier shit. This is of course true for many games. Many games become unbearably boring and easy once you learned what's coming by heart. That's why in most games you are NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT. Your enjoeyment arises from you intuitively beating them. Your own wits. Your own reflexes. Your own choices. In Sekiro, on the other hand, you are actually supposed to memorize the movements and perform this boring dance routine.

Remember that time Solaire was a blood crazed crusader that beat women into a bloody pulp? Good times.

Top kek desu

>Bad boss
Imagine being this much of a pleb.
Also, Celestial Emissary is just a taste for the real boss of the area: Ebrietas.

Attached: MicolashLaughter.png (542x520, 168K)

>tldr: my reflexes aren't what they used to be

Attached: me.jpg (643x820, 80K)

literally git gud faggot.

>it doesn't matter what the whole discussion started with
>I jumped into the argument
christ almighty, how do you not see the problem?

Explain me the final boss. I don't get it.

>you literally cannot react to what you see, since there are no visual indications that are coherent.
Soulsfags, ladies and gentlemen.

Attached: 1549240929352.gif (540x304, 1.78M)

>muh lore

>story/lore in souls games
lol i just watch movies/youtube on a second monitor, it doesn't affect the gameplay (which is good) at all

Ebrietas was also mediocre.
Explain to me how Micolash is good from a mechanic standpoint? Sure presentation is good but mechanically it's garbage.

>how do you not see the problem
how do YOU not see the problem? the discussion became something else and you had TWO posters replying to you, it was super clear exactly what I was talking about
I also caught you straight up making lies about the game and it's encounters, the "whole" discussion is irrelevant there

>game has an actual plot instead of contextless lore breadcrumbs
the horror

Because it's unique and a change of pace.

isshin in his prime is brought from the underworld with the power of the black blade as geni's last wish and he LOVES to fight
that's it

Just to drive the point home: Sekiro has one coherent indication, namely the sound cue and the red sign that pops up. Once you learned the timing, it works every time. Wouldn't it be cool if there were reliable indications like that throughout the entire game? Perhaps make it a little less on the nose than a fucking red sign, and perhaps make it more varied than just two fucking counters (either jump or press the dodge button without moving) but if there was a great variety of these coherent indications. Why would that be great? Because then you could jump into a fight and JUST PLAY! Just play, no more vocabulary test memorization bullshit.

Where I can find any lore regarding the second Mortal Blade in the game?

>Ebrietas was also mediocre.
Fuck off, contrarian retard.

>I also caught you straight up making lies about the game and it's encounters
literally only because I used "bosses" instead of "minibosses"
>the whole discussion started about the game having too many reused fights

>unique automatically means good
Bed of Chaos was also unique.

outside isshin's watchtower after the ministry begins to invade. it's honestly an ass-pull

sekiroshadowsdietwice.wiki.fextralife.com/Black Mortal Blade

There is nothing more pathetic than you faggots who jerk off over the “lore” sekiro is the only game in the series where I gave a shit about what was happening.

Black Mortal Blade brings back people from the underworld, but it requires an offering.
Genichiro gets his shit pushed in AGAIN because he's a failure, and sudokus. He knows his grandfather would be the best defense for Asahina, so he gets brought back in his prime.
Isshin doesn't like immortality or any of that shit, and recognises Asahina will fall, but decides to grant his grandson's last wish to defend Asahina reluctantly. He also just really wants to fight Sekiro.

But the timing is different for every attack in the game. The symbol is just for you to know you can't block it, aside from that it's as good of a cue as your regular attack wind-up animation.

you can literally boil your faggy posts down to "WAHHH WHY CANT I JUST PRESS ONE BUTTON FOR FREE IFRAMES"

>t. tranny that cant get any sex

Compared to bosses like Gehrman, Ludwig and Orphan? Yeah she was pretty mediocre. Also you can kill her in like 20 seconds with lighting.

I heard them mention it near the end and I think it was when easedroping on isshin and emma after or just before fighting the owl.

I love how I tell these Sekiro fanboys that their game is piss easy and they still rebut with "git gud".

If you claim that there is a coherent indication for the perfect parry, then tell me what it is. You can't, because there is none. The distance between you and the visible weapon of the enemy is no such indication. What you actually have to do is not watch that distance, but parry at a particular part of the animation. And you cannot know that part unless you memorize it because there is no indication for it.

The Mikiri counter is the opposite to this. You have an indication and it works 100% every time without the need to memorize shit.

>discussions cannot change over time
we're on an anonymous imageboard and you had several people replying to you, and I stayed completely on topic of discussing what's a boss and not

>lore is so bland and boring compared to Soulsborne

The only "soulsborne" games that have a concise lore are Bloodborne and Sekiro. Dark Souls "story" is non-existent. Every piece of "lore" are generic dark fantasy tropes that seems to be there just for the sake of it or to meet a quota. DS1 at least did things better in the lore departament, but ds2 and ds3 were a absolute mess.

Attached: 1528128170157.png (314x351, 118K)

This is some advanced trolling. Here's your (you)

Did you ever consider gitting gud?

Attached: Seven Ashina Spears.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

lol mad cuz bad

who gives a fuck about lore?
gameplay is all that matters

your whole discussion is arguing semantics on bosses and minibosses, which I already conceded. my complaint about the game was that they reused a bunch of fights, and it was boring to fight the same enemy rehashed.

>no more comfy Dark Souls 1 lore videos from ENB

Attached: 1514817458955.jpg (1024x768, 100K)

the window for a perfect parry is incredibly generous if you don't spam the guard button, there is actually a pretty high margin for error

you didnt say its "piss easy", you literally said you can't react to what is happening in the game because you're a fucking brainlet. i imagine you're probably unemployable and wear panties too, like the bitch you are. sad

the only obligatory fights that were reused are genichiro (part of another fight) and corrupted monk
a "bunch" is going a bit too far

>gameplay is all that matters

Attached: 76a.jpg (552x615, 30K)

bed of RNG shitbox doesn't really count as a boss even, desu
micolash's presentation is leagues ahead, and the gimmick, during a first playthrough is pretty cool to figure out

i noticed a lack of sekiro lore threads, vaati relies on Yea Forums for content, so this delay is understandable.

That is actually false. The Mikiri counter works 100% every time when you activate it at a certain point after you get the notice. It's very shortly after the sound cue. You could actually do this blind if you didn't have to pay attention for grabs and sweeps. It even often works when your character appears to be too far away, because he often actively dashes towards the opponent when the counter activates.
No I want more buttons. That's why the Mikiri counter gets boring very quickly. It is the only intuitive part of the game, but it is so one dimensional. It lacks complexity. If they put a whole lot of other consistent attacks in the game and kept increasting the complexity of the fights, then it would actually be fun and it would actually be hard. As it is now, it is neither fun nor hard. It's a boring memory game.

yeah, let's just start playing tech demos that look like pic related
I mean, gameplay is the only thing that matters!

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 24K)

The only one with good lore is Bloodborne, and it was the most straightforward before Sekiro. Souls lore is "MAYBE IT HAPPENED THIS WAY MAYBE IT DIDNT TIME IS CONVULTED LOL"

Have sex.

Dilate, loretranny. No one cares about your patreon.

No I can react to everything in this piss easy game. What I said is that you cannot play it intuitively, i.e. that you cannot just react to what you see/hear. You need to memorize attacks because seeing and hearing don't provide you with the necessary information to know when to parry. Once you know, however, it's piss easy kindergarten tier.
How does that make it better? It just makes the game even easier. There being a bigger window doesn't make the game more intuitive or skillful. It just means that those who rely on luck have higher chances of succeeding.

user we got it already, your reflexes are shit. No need to continue writing these walls of text.

and guardian ape, off the top of my head.

>being this bad at vidya

i'm ok with that if it has good gameplay

only if you do mibu village after sunken valley

>and guardian ape

Attached: Return of Guardian Ape.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

Look at this dumb faggot lmaooooooo

>No I can react to everything in this piss easy game. What I said is that you cannot play it intuitively, i.e. that you cannot just react to what you see/hear. You need to memorize attacks because seeing and hearing don't provide you with the necessary information to know when to parry.

>cant react to thing that happen
>game is easy

pick 1. stop embarrassing yourself you effeminate little cocklover.

so nothing else matters? you don't want it to be accompanied by good sound design and visuals (like artstyle)?

Yeah yeah Suckiro fans cannot defend the game based on it's merits, so they just dismiss every criticism by attacking the messenger as being not good enough. Sure I roflstomped many of the bosses without taking a single hit, but surely if I don't enjoy this boring memory game, then I am a bad player nevertheless because you cute cunts have no other arguments.

the entire second fight is just his last phase of the first one. I don't even think he has a single new move in the second fight.

>i just want my story and pretty pictures
read a book or watch a movie faggot
this is video GAMES
they need a fucking gameplay

>the game is 2hard
>-n-no I meant easy!! I swear!

I must've missed the part in the Sunken Valley fight where another ape joins the fight.

Attached: smilingWolf.png (631x710, 1003K)

it would be nice to have other things but whatever

If Micolash was in Dark Souls, people would treat him like Bed of Chaos

>game has an actual story that's engaging and well told
>waahhh where's the cryptic lore told through random item descriptions!

Unironically kill yourselves

I never said anywhere that it was too hard. I said from the very beginning that it's a simplistic boring memory game that you cannot play intuitively. But Suckiro fans can't respond to what people actually write so they make up their own narrative. Pathetic.

>adding another ape that's just a weak version of it's first phase is not a rehashed fight
what is it about this game that makes people delusional?

Based From killing Vaati.

>game has an actual story that's engaging and well told
you should be ashamed for having such bad taste

Sekiro's story is lame as fuck, though. All of the characters are one dimensional, and there aren't any interesting stakes.

>stop making fun of me and calling me out, please!
imagine being this bad at vidya

no, your point is so inherently wrong (and self-contradictory) that its not even worth taking seriously.

Attached: perfect.jpg (518x900, 73K)

Then explain why almost everyone feel absolutely no desire to play Nioh after DaS, even though it has objectively superior combat, difficulty, and boss difficulty? Souls games are a culmination of everything, working in tandem, that make it feel good to replay. Gameplay isn't everything, you'd be deluded to think otherwise.

Attached: cool-stick-i-found.png (500x614, 204K)

Imagine still being this butthurt that From's latest game is better than your overrated exclusive

Go back to kingdom hearts you slobbering retards

>boss difficulty

Attached: Nioh Maria.webm (1920x1080, 1.04M)

Kingdom Hearts is quite possible the worst vidya franchise in existence. I'll pass.

Never played it so I can't discuss it, sorry.

vatiahillya needs to get a real job

For me it's the other way around, can't go back to Souls games after Nioh.


nigger its sengoku fantasy there is nothing to speculate on anything the story is 100% the only thing maybe would be the dragon origin "west" but you can tell its probably just china

>It just makes the game even easier
Not really, you have to actually purposefully block rather than spamming guard like a lot of retards do. It makes sense that you'd be rewarded for thoughtful gameplay.

Sekiro having literally one weapon throughout the game just doesn't do it for me. It feels overly repetitive. There might be combat arts (which you can only use 1 at a time, can't cycle through in real time) and prosthetics, but they're merely brief firepower that synergize in moment to moment gameplay in small intervals. It doesn't FEEL like I have another weapon with its own moveset. I enjoy having multiple weapons and builds to experiment with in soulsborne way more.

Attached: 1556227925780.jpg (800x1236, 177K)

Stop posting this creature, please.

>there's not a million item descriptions referencing things not appearing in the game
>"this game's lore is shit, and by extension, the game is too!"

Attached: 1548822623349.jpg (762x677, 67K)

Sounds like you need to git gud, user.

Attached: Sekiro Duel.webm (1024x576, 2.87M)

The game is good; the lore is shit.

I really don't understand the worship of Bloodborne, is it the lore and atmosphere? It can't be gameplay, because it's such a massive downgrade compared to DS1 and 2.

this desu

compare the quality and detail of des. das. bb. vs das2. das3. sekiro. and you immediately notice the discrepancies

after meeting the fourth reskinned drunkard I was pretty bored

Something isn't bad just because it's not some weirdass puzzle with half the pieces missing for you to argue about on the internet.

I didn't say it was.

>People arguing and taking superior stances over liking similar games made by the same studio and published by the same company
>Calling each other shills for liking a different game with the same feel by the same studio

Besides that obligatory post, Sekiro has lore. Where's that webm of DSP talking about shit eggs?

His role as dark lord sounded much more interesting in the original script.

>he's using the english dub for the videos

the game has some major flaws, but I loved the trick weapons and how if you actually transformed it in between attacks you would perform a unique attack while changing it. it made for some fun variety in fights.

>The content stealer can´t find content to steal
>Now he just make shit up
Don´t give two fuck about the game, but you are sucking the cock of a hack.


Cthulu was defeated by a boat.


Just leaving this hear cause its pretty funny and based

Attached: ...............................AHAHAHHAHAH.jpg (960x640, 477K)

how do I play as isshin

do we get to use his 1911

>Perhaps make it a little less on the nose than a fucking red sign
this is honestly the dumbest part of the combat


fuck off Matt

Fucking nobody likes Ebrietas. You're the contrarian here.

>"muh builds" add absolutely nothing to the game
Replay value nigga. Once I beat a boss in Sekiro, I've beaten the boss forever. I can't come back and try a different weapon or build type.

Sekiro has more replay value than either Dark Souls sequel because it's actually fun to play.

You are actually just a fucking retard

>Bed of chaos is bad because I don't like it
>Micolash is good because I like it
Thats all I got from your post. Amazing arguments. Really convinced me.


Further spreading the myth that people hate the game cause it's too hard when in reality it is just too boring to get invested in.

Filtered by Chained Ogre.

Fucking this. Getting good at Sekiro made me feel like I was a ninja god. Deflecting everything and actually making use of tools/combat arts was so satisfying on a second playthrough. Getting good at DaS is just knowing when to roll on time and getting good at BB is just parry spam.

You sound like an absolute faggot

Nope. I dropped the game in the final area because I kept hoping that I would get used to it or that the game would hook me. I was such a sucker for From games that I wanted to like this game. I forced myself to keep playing. But I cannot pretend anymore. The game is almost over and I didn't enjoy it. Even if the game suddenly made a 180 and turned fun, it would be too late to excuse the many boring hours of boring gameplay. Should've dropped it earlier.

>Fucking this. Getting good at Sekiro made me feel like I was a ninja god.
This is how pathetic Sekiro fans are. Sorry to tell you this, but memorizing shit doesn't turn you into a badass. It's not skillful to memorize simple movesets.
>Getting good at DaS is just knowing when to roll on time
Lol being good at Sekiro is literally only knowing when to parry and that's it. DaS on the other hand is supposed to be played intuitively and you have many different combat styles to choose from.

awww is the Sekiro baby getting emotional?

If this was true, why are people saying that "it's too hard" instead of "it's too boring"?

>Why did From Software take 100 steps backwards with Sekiro?
They did so in every aspect except combat depth. But even the combat gets boring relatively fast, so there is that.

Because they think that there is some complex gameplay mechanism they're not grasping or that their reflexes aren't good enough. They don't know that you're actually just supposed to memorize movement sets. If people knew that this was actually the point of the entire combat, then they would correctly say "that's too boring". But since they're under the impression that you're supposed to play the game intuitively (like virtually all other video games), they think their failure means that it's too hard or that they're not good enough.

This thread is just BBfags SEETHING. Really pathetic honestly. Especially considering the only part of BB that matches Sekiro's quality is the DLC.

Yeah you're a faggot alright. Probably a liberal as well.

None of these games have interesting lore you fucking trog.

Can Sekiro cocksuckers confront a single critique without changing the subject to another game? Once maybe? This so weak lmaoo

>Sekiro's quality
lol the game lacks so much polish that it feels unfinished. My guess is that it was developed by an inferior division of the company, out of a scrapped prototype.

Trannies spotted.

Attached: sjwborne.png (1666x184, 34K)

>game in ancient Japan with monsters and shit
>no kappa

Attached: kappa-no-kaikata.jpg (640x480, 30K)

git gud redditors on suicide watch

Attached: filtering the chained ogre.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

So "git gud" is now officially the From shitters equivalent of "fun" for Nintenderps. It's interesting to see another fandom develop that is in as much denial as the Nintendo fandom.

Filtered by Chained Ogre.

>sacrificing weapon variety and builds, root and stem, in exchange for a purely action oriented, boss rush mode with a slight increase in combat quality
It really is a one and done deal.

Attached: 1556368874324.png (2160x714, 29K)

Literary the least interesting Miyasaki game.

no, it makes the combat have a rhythm, when you go back and forth with someone deflecting attacks and counter attacking it actually feels like a swordfight, also any time I found myself spamming the parry it was because I was being overwhelmed and dying, as in, being bad.

>This combat fucking sucks, there's no variety or anything.
>If only I could dodge straight into enemy attacks with invincibility and hit them with random strikes that they don't react to, that would be perfect

>boss rush mode
I wish. getting from boss to boss is one of the worst things in the game.

vaati always makes up shit and acts like it is true dumbass.

This but unironically.

Attached: Ludwig i-frames.webm (900x506, 2.85M)

you can do this with quite a few attacks, the quick step has i-frames.

the souls fanbase is so bad it actually has sub-sections of terribly annoying people. here we have the autistic "enlightened" lorefag, he is almost as insufferable as the PVPfag. for more information on terrible fan-bases, see "Smash Threads".

>I thought the story wasn't very interesting
git gud
>didn't like the characters
filtered by the ogre
>wish there were more weapons
>exploring isn't much fun cause there isn't much cool loot
>lol a quick time esque red sign flashes on screen? seriously?
>it kinda breaks the immersion that the enemy AI is so dumb
>grappling hook is limited a lot
>there are issues with the hitboxes
>reusing bosses in 2019?
>combat is pretty one dimensional once you figured it out. wish there was more variety
>I want cool outfits
>the "stealth" isn't really stealth

kys newfag

God Smash fans are so bad. The smelly fucks don't even shower.

>using Vaati as a metric of quality
Are you 8 years old and/or an avid reader of Stephanie Meyer's Twilight novels? Because that's the level of literary analysis he provides.

Attached: 1527181452610.jpg (621x621, 159K)

going to bed. warm milk or tea? can't decide.

The only reason snoys aren't obsessing over this game like they did over bloodborne is because sekiro is multiplat and bloodborne was literally their first game in 4 years

It's a duck

>it's 2019 and people are still unironically taking Soulsborne lore seriously

Attached: 12924712713.jpg (2000x1344, 678K)

But it has much less iframes than roll, and enemy attacks in general have way more tracking.

>man I loved this game for the internet circlejerking and wiki mining

why are soulsfags such youtube and reddit dicksuckers?

Souls lore is reddit repellent of the highest caliber.

well, the material he works with also isn't high quality literary wise. video games have pretty shallow and shitty stories so what can you do? but vaati does a pretty good job convincing you that the lore is deeper than it actually is. I know that most of the speculation is pure bullshit. it's joyboy tier headcannon idiocy. HOWEVER since I already spend a lot of time in that world by playing those games, I kinda want there be more to it. so I willingly let these people talk me into that stuff. I suspend my disbelief and then it's a kinda fun ride. if you got a better alternative for this kind of stuff, let me know

less is more. let the imagination of the player take over and it will be better for his experience than requiring him to read the scribblings of a third-class writer who writes item descriptions for video games cause nobody wanted to publish his shitty novel.

Still better than Final Fantasy.

it made a bunch of soulsbourne autists seethe so it has to be good

prodiving info to the player is not the same as the character in the game knowing it, dimwit.

That goes without saying. FF never had great stores, and everything after 9 is absolute garbage. Just think of 10 where, I might remind you, the story was about the dream of a dead person traveling to the future to fight his father who had turned into a giant sky-blob who punished people for their sins.

Most useless comparison image I've seen

>less is more. let the imagination of the player take over and it will be better for his experience than requiring him to read the scribblings of a third-class writer who writes item descriptions for video games cause nobody wanted to publish his shitty novel.
Glad we agree. The western method of requiring the player to identify an item before you know what it is is definitely superior to the soulsborne method where you get an exposition dump as soon as you pick up an item, despite your character having no way of knowing those things. It's like fromsoft have no trust in the player so they just spoonfeed them that information, completely destroying immersion in the process (how can your character know these things?).

Attached: 1553983590785.gif (242x242, 1.27M)

holy shit

Attached: oh wimatanyae.jpg (906x657, 59K)

>words words words words words


Attached: 1527600031154.jpg (323x252, 16K)

>That goes without saying.
Not sure what the point of that image is, then. Not even the most braindead of weebs would argue that Jap games have superior world building than western games. At least we can both agree that the Souls style is better than games that have a rigid dichotomy between gameplay and cutscenes to tell their story, right?




You're not supposed to respond. Saying cope means you win the argument.

Have sex.


I just finished YS VIII in infinity inferno mode and i want another arpg while I wait for YS IX, is sekiro harder than YS IX? I keep hearing that Ishin is the hardest guy ever and souls games are hard as fuck but never played them

>why is the story worse?
It isnt, the story is actually the 1st one since DaS1 that has a cohesive storyline, THE LORE is weaker because

>1 it happens in the real world and in ONE PLACE
Other places or events there CANT happen because its the real world, so all lore is concentrated on Ashina, making the world feel small and isolated instead of the expansive lore on other games that talked about other kingdoms

>2 we know everyone
Everyone mentioned on item descriptions is known as in actually met by a npc and talked about during the course of the game, there is very little mystery, "who is x? Oh y knows about him, cool guy", thats it.

>3 the cryptic parts are obviously buddhism
More than any other souls game, which are like broken puzzles where we piece it together the meaning behind some things and events, almost all that is weird or mystic about Sekiro can be explained by Buddhism, which sucks the fun out of it, because its just a reference. Its like how people are OBSESSED with the DEEP in DaS3 and want to know more about it but all it is if you look at it is a Buddhist mythos reference and when you look at it its just a lake, it means NOTHING ELSE.

Now, just because Sekiro has weaker lore doesnt mean im stroking souls or BB lore dick, in fact FROM is good at themes writing, you can take a lot from their worlds, but the world itself is actually a bunch of bullshit strung together, like we all know DaS2, DaS3 AND BB all were heavily modified during development, specially in the "lore" part, and DaS and DeS both were somewhat unfinished, who is to say the lore wouldnt be different there had they finished their games?

Its clear that at FROM, the lore changes according to the game, NOT the other way around.