Why is Danger Zone so vehemently disliked? It's FUN, it's the only BR I like...

Why is Danger Zone so vehemently disliked? It's FUN, it's the only BR I like, and it's one of the few things that Valve is actively supporting.

I hate that it takes 20 minutes to find a match. If more people played it, these queues wouldn't be so awful. I actually haven't been able to play the new Danger Zone map yet because nobody is playing it.

Danger Zone RULES!

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ughhh play it!

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this just ain't right

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ahh over 20 minutes

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all these players searching for games to play and you're telling me that there aren't at least 15 others looking to play Danger Zone?

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That’s what you get for putting a BR mode full of autistic chimpanzees that plays Dust 2 for 20 years straight every day.

>finally get normie friends who play overwatch and Apex all day to try csgo
>we wanna try danger zone after a casual game
>we wait 40 mins before giving up

It hurts

It amazes me that competitive isn't just Dust.

I'm about ready to give up myself

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Is it really that dead? Me and a friend tried it when it first came out and were having a decent time. Didn't it just get a big update?

It's never taken me this long to play Danger Zone.

Blacksite would take 15-20 minutes on average, but now it's completely dead. Nobody wants to touch it at all.

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From the looks of things, OP is a F2P player, and F2P's have a different queue than Prime status players. Maybe there are just fewer F2P players.

>no Prime account
>cries about long waiting times
shiggy diggy

does that actually make a difference? Is the game split up between freebies and paid? I thought I would only be locked out of competitive shit.

I bought CSGO a long time ago and then refunded it because it's an inferior game to CS Source. I only play CSGO for Danger Zone and Surf maps. I still play CS Source when I want to play actual Counterstrike.

>actual counter strike
>cs source
to answer your question, yes, prime and non prime accounts are split up

Okay, could somebody who owns CSGO, with a prime account, queue up for Danger Zone and tell me how long it takes you to get into a game? If you're able to get into a game promptly, I'll buy it.

17 seconds

oh lol, I can actually level up to prime status, but that's so fucking hard when I only like queuing up for Danger Zone.

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Longest I've had to wait for a game in Prime status is 15 minutes, but that's during off-peak. Otherwise, figure about 15-30 seconds.

>I still play CS Source when I want to play actual Counterstrike

Prime is something you really want if you're gonna play CS:GO. It makes the difference between official matchmaking (not casual) being tolerable and not tolerable.

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This is quite a dilemma. I can earn Prime, but I can't earn prime playing Danger Zone and regular CSGO is dogshit

well this is what it looks like when the queue timer goes over an hour

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