ITT: Real Life Boss Encounters

>No, I don't smoke

Attached: qx58q5mkv8a21.jpg (750x484, 86K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>left monkey heal the human
>right monkey buff the human

Attached: 1553280440470.jpg (960x639, 77K)

i fucking hate big statues, so fucking creepy

is this autism?

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invaded by dark spirit squadron Stone Roses

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>when you beat him the mind control he has over his monkeys breaks and they tear his face off

Attached: 217168.jpg (600x616, 54K)

This website sucks.

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it's a fucking statue

Threatening someone is a violation of the NAP
I shoot them

>GTA SA with cheats

Yeah so? You or me might not be afraid of it but that user is. Its a fucking phobia, a good majority of people have them, and some people have seemingly irrational ones. Plus, all he said was that it was creepy. Go outside.

thanks for the info on phobias lol. it's still autistic as fuck to hate big statues and think they're creepy

Something I've wondered about for a while.
I can't stand many kinds of insects, they freak me out (although strangely not spiders, more stuff like millipedes and snails).
Is that a phobia? Everybody hates bugs tho

Attached: environmental_storytelling.jpg (411x548, 42K)

that's a pretty normal fear that plenty of people share

too soon m8, that guy fucking died.

what the fuck am i looking at

>muh buzzwords
specific phobia =/= autism

Attached: supreme champion.jpg (765x1024, 139K)

obscure phobias are a very good sign that person is on the spectrum
big statues? that's a weird phobia

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seems like a corpse melted onto bed quilts

someone who died in their bed and wasn't found for months

So this... is the power... of a newfag who is younger than Yea Forums itself... wow......

no, they aren't. Social phobia/withdrawal, yes. Not random phobias.

A delicious BBQ chicken wing.

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Are dopplegangers an obscure phobia? I feel like it's not that uncommon.

normal people don't think big statues are creepy
most think they're cool. saying you fucking hate big statues is autistic

What a fatass

personally I think it's more autistic to obsess over some random guy's turn of phrase

what in the everloving fuck

Attached: DYhcE7AXUAEzFGG.jpg (1200x584, 72K)

but arguing over something like that is normal for you?

>Boss can summon illusions/clones

Attached: 39322105_985507018288136_7522308346162970624_n.jpg (1080x1080, 196K)

Every now and then I forget this fetish exists. Those times are becoming more and more few and far between.

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This image has been on my PC for ages but I've never seen the one you posted

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Tbqh, I have transformation fetish. I wish I could transform between multiple forms. Then I could make lots of people happy

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Haven't seen this in years.
The end result looking kinda like Peter Griffin will always make me laugh.

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>some people have seemingly irrational ones
isn't the very definition of a phobia is it being irrational?

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The other one is pretty cute.

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Mid-game rival battle.

Attached: DiafCr0WAAEhc6c.jpg (840x1200, 141K)

Is it irrational to have a phobia of getting burned alive? or is it that even a phobia to begin with?

do you just not know what autism is or what?

Attached: turtle escapes.jpg (600x600, 48K)

>obscure phobias are a very good sign that person is on the spectrum

No they aren't

You are fucking retarded man

>h-game boss that rapes the "phobias are autism" inbred party member when they die

Attached: CD.jpg (637x480, 35K)

if you can tell me what's creepy about big statues then I'll concede

Educate yourself before posting at any time, fucking cringe.

>boss gets buffed for each status on him

Do you freak out regardless of their size or other looks (stylized cartoon snail f.ex.)? Then it's a phobia.

What game is this?

Attached: hunderfossen-1.jpg (1024x576, 464K)

You inability in empathy shows more autism than a phobia of statues does.

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if you get sweaty and run away at the sight of matches, then yes, it's a phobia.

>tfw only bother to translate half the fucking menu

name of game so I can remember never to play it?

Attached: minionstakedamagefirst.jpg (800x442, 77K)

No. The word just means fear and I'd hardly call something like arachnophobia irrational.

>battle at Limberry Castle

who dis

a 152 filename is hardly ages newfag

Attached: 1556323899584.jpg (576x1024, 35K)

open a dictionary.

it's hard to empathize with something really irrational like thinking big statues are creepy

so a Isshin-Gehrman-Gwyn type final boss?


One time when I was little, I was at a market set up on a farm with my mother and grandmother. They had a free roaming flock of turkeys there.

As it would turn out, turkeys don't like me for some reason (I have confirmed this with further testing since; fuckers freak out whenever I'm near them). Anyway, the flock surrounded me and aggressively started closing in on me and I had to defend myself with a pyramid of tiny pumpkins I'd roll at them whenever they got near me while yelling for help. This went on for minutes as the place was fuckhuge and understaffed.

So that happened.

>Failing the pre-battle stealth section aggros mini-bosses

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It means fear in Greek mate. But explain to me how a fear of spiders is irrational.

>I'll be waiting on the moon...

Why was I thinking the exact same thing?

That shouldn't matter. It's a sign of autism if you need to walk yourself through their ratiocinations rather than instinctively emulating their emotional response. Not like "le Yea Forums autismo xD" but actual autism spectrum disorder.

Not so fast!

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Translating tsubame gaeshi is retarded, it's like translating karate or judo.

much easier than showing empathy to morons like you.
just because something doesn't creep you out doesn't mean it won't creep out anyone, maybe user hads a bad story in his youth with statues or giants, who knows.
even he probably isn't able to tell you why

Did Chad take this picture? None of them look mad.

More like the janitor go watch a real promotion.


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Before you guys carry on any further you'll need these

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the fear itself isn't irrational. cleaning the house obsessively and spraying bug spray all over to avoid spiders would make it a phobia. the irrationality comes from the odds in your mind vs reality.

Those are lemurs

looks like a powerful stand

Attached: Hazard Fraught Tools 2.jpg (609x800, 130K)

>e-drone seething
I see one of the 1.898 million is here

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I always think it's the same dude

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>super sekrit club

Since no one is actually talking about it though I may as well throw my hat in. Not the original user but me personally? Can't stand being too close to large statues, no matter what they are. They look as if they could come alive at any moment. This is an irrational fear, I know. Why? Why does this affect me? I have no idea but I can't step foot into a wax museum because of it. Ever been to the Museum of Natural History? There's a huge hanging fixture of a whale model there. You can see it easily from the second floor but you can just as easily be underneath it if you come in from the first to see it angling at you. To do so in my mind is pure terror.

Attached: (1200x630, 131K)

Attached: Hazard Fraught Tools 4.jpg (785x1024, 205K)


great minds think alike desu

Karate and judo are both simple loanwords commonly used in the English language. Tsubamegaeshi, ShunGokuSatsu, Misogi, Haohshokoken, Tenchi Haoh Ken, Shin Shoryuken, Shinkuu Katategoma, Handosandangeri, Hyakaretsuken, Saishu Kessen Ougi, Shippu Jinrai Kyaku, JaohEnsatsuKokryuuha and KuuhaDan are not common loanwords with meanings everyone understands.

It's called uncanny valley user, it is what happens when you look at something that resembles a human being, but you know for sure that's not a human, for example porcelain dolls, or in this case, a big statue.

>boss answers the call

He's not obsessing over it, he just had to repeat it three times for you autists cause you kept asking for explanations.

that's a boy

>boss theme is a choral rendition of Teufelslied

E-chads run this board. Learn who draws the house.

Cowm, the vacuous bovine

Cute boys are super rare.

Someone post the smiling edit

Or other animals as well.

Australia on its way to bringing back the megafauna from days of yore starting with the auroch of all things.

the fact that you spent half the thread attacking the guy because of an innocuous aside, demanding an explanation for an abstract emotional response, means you're probably on the spectrum little buddy

>draws the house
>record low ratings
>wrestlers don't get paid enough for their travel expenses
>freeze wrestlers contracts cuz vince is afraid they will leave

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I think this fear of statues or inanimate objects with faces is called automatonophobia

Wtf is this from

Don't you mean.. What in the evolving fuck?

Nah I'm just messin with ya I only watch E to keep up with the fantasy league I do with my friends. Raw is snore, Smackdown is going to be the new bad show and NXT shouldn't be its own promotion. I wouldn't touch it otherwise.

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>Lightning strikes
>Three giants appear
>Heavy metal starts playing

Attached: ae6e297aa51072e3e7327cca75138cd3-700[1].jpg (1120x700, 107K)

based and workedthesmarkpilled

It's like closet gay, hillbilly wrestling fans speak a different language.


>newfags shitting up the thread with images that have nothing to do with bossfights

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Why did you quote Sverd i Fjell? What kind of boss fight would (You) expect from a set of 10m tall greatswords?

>the boss has minions

Attached: boss.gif (250x250, 1.34M)

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That's the hero though

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Level 59 Palestinian approaches!
>>Pvt. Moshe
>Smoke Grenade, Burst, Magdump
>>Smoke Grenade
It wasn’t very effective...

Can I see your super secret club ID?

Attached: 1529734913891.jpg (960x960, 232K)

fucking idiot

Ya boilin'? Ya seethin'? Ya fumin'? Go to Yea Forums and get a ding-dong diddly clue.
Nah really though check out Yea Forums it's one of the best boards out there. It's stupid and lighthearted but unique in its delivery due to the nature of its wrestling. It also has the greatest word filter of all time.


Attached: Three phase boss.png (476x2312, 2.09M)

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What game

>Left monkey is the actual boss you have to kill instead of the man

>Mid bottom

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They aren't the bosses user, they're the protagonists

Attached: yare yare....jpg (660x697, 174K)

never post this again

Attached: hinjaku hinjaku!.jpg (660x495, 114K)

Fast recap?

every hero needs to face their shadow

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Reminds me of King Crimson

Attached: true horror.gif (362x249, 2M)

>previous game's party members are a boss in the sequel

Attached: chillintendo.jpg (551x420, 40K)

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>Objective: Survive

Attached: EB6305B9-5FB0-4420-A126-522FD21A472F.jpg (478x472, 36K)

>boss uses a mech in a second phase

Attached: 92457a1.jpg (600x600, 79K)

Attached: 22 (1).jpg (605x795, 126K)

>final boss wants a 1-on-1 fight after you've beaten his minions

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>These persons are under MY protection! No hurty!

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Europeans are supposed to have body fat you zoomer brainlet

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was this taken in saint basil's cathedral?

Aurochs actually only went extinct like 600 years ago. Although they were nearly wiped out long before that they hung on for a while.


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>boss avoids all means of banning

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should have been peach instead of peace

I'm embarrassed how many times I forgot this about CT's endboss

>...I know what you’re here for. You don’t have to tell me.

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not video games

>t-that stance...

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Damn Varg got THICC o____o

boss is an irradiated monster

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How do we fix the horror genre?

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chad as fuck

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Right here.

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RIP iwata ;-;

Is this autism?

Armpitpussy is real.

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He looks like Nicolas Cage from Con Air

Oh sick I love these threads

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Is this reddit?
Being afraid of statues is retarded as fuck.

>Boss is multiple small enemies

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Upper-right hand one is the only actually scary one.

No. It's the Cathedral of the Dormition of the, in Moscow.

>Boss tries to a start a new life after being defeated

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That picture never fails to make me mad

Dormition of the Theotokos*

Attached: 66390-Star_Fox_Adventures-7.jpg (624x298, 22K)

Professor Badass will always be king.

Attached: 1524161528109.jpg (600x800, 59K)

>le reddit boogeyman
no you're just retarded, user

>Main villain spies on you throughout game

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Detective Pikachu is looking good

>boss is a speedster

Attached: 1525345966467.webm (640x640, 2.02M)

>Enemies have friendly fire

Attached: 1546250971986.webm (720x404, 1.58M)

Not a game. It's an MMD by squishy orange.

>Final boss becomes an ally in the sequel

Attached: 1552397871916.webm (1912x1072, 1.8M)

>screams at 500 decibels

For all intents and purposes, it is. The fact that these little faggots need to argue with you is another sign of their autism

Nah, those are his boys cheering for him from the afterlife.

Hitler was still the bad guy in season 2.

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Your fate and everybody elses.

>I'd hardly call something like arachnophobia irrational
The vast, vast majority of spiders cannot harm you in any way even if they wanted to.

Gonna send these to my dad, thanks user

lmao, when you're "supposed" to have body fat it doesn't mean you should have man-tits you fucking slob

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I never watched this beyond some clip on youtube, how often does he appear?

Man, Mark Zuckerberg really let himself go.

Attached: 1555621574124.webm (710x400, 1.85M)

He's in every episode. Season 1 was a goofy faux 60s war/espionage tribute featuring 5 international agents trying to kill Hitler and stop WW2. Season 2 was a pretty edgy 80s action pastiche. They're both good, but S2 is really jarring after watching S1 due to how different in tone it is. My favourite episode is when Hitler tries to turn nazism into an STD and infect all the Allies.

Attached: Hitler ruins Australia Day.webm (716x402, 1.32M)

what the fuck

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>boss' friends come back as ghosts to cheer him up during the final phase

Naw, this is a boss where you fight 3 of them at the same time and they all have different abilities.

The fact you don't smoke isn't relevant. Just say 'Naw, sorry' autist.

>Boss uses the power of friendship against you

Who are these ugly fucks? Why do I see them posted everywhere?

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is this a reference to that one dos game about a mental hospital?

>Mundus bow to the Spardanoffs
>In contact with demons
>Possess cuhrayzee-like abilities
>Control Redgrave with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & demonic towers globally
>Direct descendants of the Legendary Dark Knight
>Will bankroll the first cities in Hell (Spardagrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of combo research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Spardanoff babies
>Both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Fortunan monasteries & Area SSS
>Ancient Order of the Sword scriptures tell of two demons who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of combo videos and unprecedented style with them
>They own Devil Arm R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Spardabots inside you right now
>The Spardanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of The Savior to the Order of the Sword. Who do you think set up the meeting between the Sanctus & the Satanist high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Satanist leader's first trip to Mallet Island in history literally a few days later to the Spardanoff bunker in Vortex World?
>They learned fluent jump cancelling in under a week
>Nation states entrust their pizza with the twins. There's no pizza in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Spardanoff
>The twins are about 4 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're absolutely crazy about it.

Attached: 1553088735970.jpg (720x584, 33K)

noise and fume generator got me

>cookie monster has five fingers
Holy shit

this picture gives me an uncomfortable feeling, I think I might have Acrophobia. Anyway is this photo real? how do they managed to put a reimu there?

Do you dare?

Attached: 75AEA27A-AB8F-465A-8824-3FB2EFDF89DC.jpg (400x333, 38K)

>D-Did we get him?

>routine traffic stop turns into a boss fight

Attached: encounter.png (918x969, 875K)

Punch left's good eye when she's cumming and then run like hell

have a threesome so i can get the fuck out while they kill eachother


>gta afghanistan

>boss fight turns into a routine traffic stop

>getting killed twice

Thought the cheeto hands were taking over his body.

Is this a jojo reference

>fighting ps3 games.webm


>all bosses are one big family

Attached: 20190503_234406.jpg (2896x2896, 980K)

Why? There's nothing subversive about those books.

>boss absorbs a specific amount of damage before getting hurt

Attached: eeeeeer.jpg (1362x800, 187K)

>altered beast

What the fuck is this

>russia has their own fursona

Attached: 1464485174865.jpg (568x479, 46K)

Some autist went through, frame by frame, and edited the other guy out of the fight.

who are these sluts? i wanna masturbate

what in the actual living fuck is that

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resident evil 7?

>boss tries to seduce you

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I think you have autism

Inside of a Leatherback seaturtles mouth. They have those hooks inside to stop jellyfish from coming back up.


>Image says tortoise
It's actually a turtle. You see these guys in Florida all the time. Yes they will fucking attack you.

Giant turtle gullet. The protrusions are fleshy and not sharp though, they all the way down to the stomach so jellyfish can slip down there but not back up.


Absolute unit

>that shitload of fuck is gonna pay

MGS3 rejects

Attached: 3A121AC2-9305-48BF-9D05-E0234C60FB54.jpg (299x168, 11K)

>not sharp
Incorrect, it's hard tissue.

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaa.gif (500x281, 2.24M)

These fuckers also only went extinct 600 years ago. I'm pissed.

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>I've seen some diarrhea fucking shit
>Fred Fucks echoes whith his thousand yard grimace

It's keratin and will fuck your shit up.

>Boss can taunt

Attached: 1537460862568.gif (382x554, 2.57M)

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Attached: start of darkness.jpg (622x459, 67K)

That's not a boss, that's a hidden merchant

Attached: KANEDAAA.jpg (1024x576, 225K)

>saddling one and riding it into glorious combat, placing a spiked helmet on its head to make a giant fucking lance

Attached: Maybemore_67855ef809c3584ef4ce5935eed1ee17.jpg (760x718, 72K)

>You weak, pathetic fool

Attached: 2536257e-3d6f-49c0-bbd7-5fe1d5900f07.jpg (720x540, 75K)

>Meow's about some new gear? Got some purrty nice swords!

Attached: optional boss fight.jpg (1080x1920, 362K)

But that boss is in Skyward Sword

>"Aaaaah, the heat of battle, I missed this feeling all too much. Now I'm fired up!"

Attached: 1549997355703.jpg (800x800, 292K)

>an ancient evil has awaken

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Your link is broken. You lopped one character off of your video url. It should be 11 characters after the ?v=

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do you feel in charge

Attached: pic.png (125x968, 117K)

>Blocks your path

Attached: 1538433417023.png (1026x767, 1.53M)

What show is it ?

Attached: 1481524723930.gif (600x600, 366K)

Blacks are crabs in a bucket, the race.

Attached: janitor goes out of his mom's house.jpg (600x573, 74K)

Attached: 432.jpg (4032x3024, 3.5M)

Look at the neck on this dude, I bet he just rammed the wall head first like a fucking rhino.


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Why did a spa have hot pockets?

>Baptizes et*ka in blinding, Heavenly light

Attached: C4D5D669-3438-454F-8DD6-D31BB5AF83BA.jpg (330x330, 35K)

>Hot tub
>Hot pocket

Come on man, use your brain.

>boss steals your heart

Attached: 1463137137388.jpg (845x1121, 232K)

>boss' weakness is it's kneecaps

dear loving lord do I want to put my penis inside there

Attached: 1555879882624.jpg (680x680, 47K)

Sure but their clusters of soulless hungry eyes still trigger a fear reaction.

Attached: BITE_KILL_FEED.jpg (275x183, 11K)


prowling bovine and congregation

They just want to kill annoying insects and perch in the corner of your house, man. There bros. The only spider I would say isn't a bro and actively wants to fuck you up is the Brazilian wandering spider. I'd highly recommend no arachnaphobe look it up.

I can only see it one time then it goes away

>final boss buff stacks

Attached: IMG_20180807_080417.jpg (640x853, 125K)

The original final boss

Attached: 1556203091723.png (1459x760, 786K)

Anyone have the gif?

yare yare...

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The boss unit for the new Metal Gear is ready, now they just need names.

Attached: Final Battle 2.png (1055x760, 891K)

Forgot the pic.

Attached: 1508895771001.jpg (1200x900, 397K)

>hides in your shoe

Attached: Australian_Funnel_We-What is it doing oh GOD SHOOT IT SHOOT I-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg (1200x675, 48K)

I know he was already posted but...
What a fool you are. I'm a god, how can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How could you be so naive? There is no escape. No recall or intervention can work in this place. Come, lay down your weapons, it is not too late for my mercy.

Attached: DEVhDIOU0AAgfwM.jpg (1200x1986, 271K)

Attached: JUST CUCK MY SHIT UP.png (1055x760, 954K)

>Final boss kills himself offscreen before the final battle
Anticlimactic as fuck

what's going on here

>live in country town
>everyone has too many dogs
>they think their little fences keep them locked up so they leave them out overnight because the weather is nice
>have a paper route for beer money while going to community college
>find out that there are fucking roving packs of dogs that basically own the streets between 12-6 am
>uncovered this knowledge when I was stopped in an alley trying to optimize my route when dozens of dogs walk by my car
>two little purse dogs at the front with tons of big mutts behind them
>turn my car off and sit in the dark for like 5 minutes
>look around before starting my car but its foggy as hell so I cant see much more than 15 feet
>try to continue my route from the other side of the block without alerting the horde
>have to go around some big ranch style house to deliver to a guest house
>turn the corner of their driveway and am greeted by the pack
>panic and scramble over a tall fence while the dogs snap at me
>sprint back to my car with half of the dogs chasing me
>kick one in the head before it can bite me while I try to open my car door
>hyperventilate for a few minutes before calling my boss and explaining what happened

Aparently it happens a lot and I should have just called earlier so the next shift could handle the last part of my route. That one experience fucked me up something fierce and now I carry a handgun on me almost 24/7.

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>Ah... it is so dark... oh my home... my once bright tower... what has become of you?

Attached: asssssa.jpg (1224x1632, 943K)

>blob bossfight

Attached: 1550082744635.png (1920x1080, 1.24M)

>”Tonight, Der Fuhrer joins the hunt...”

>Funkopops in the background
That's how I know he's an NPC

Attached: prince.jpg (964x822, 120K)

>boss has fakes

Attached: gurkhatimelinebkg1.jpg (945x496, 95K)


Radiohead video

>gank boss fight
>fusions in second phase

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Australia is full of the angriest breeds of animals and insects in the world, but that funnel spider is biting you because this big ass foot invaded its home, not because he hates you. But I can definitely see why that would scare the shit out of someone.
Those fangs are awesome.

Grandma with a rocket propelled grenade is the coolest

>Hitler didn't die, he is waiting in the moon for JRPG protagonist to have their final battle
>Protagonist wants to do all the side content before finishing the game
>He's still doing it to this day

Varg isn't though, he runs literally every morning and has a village worth of kids due to his high T

Once again, you're a bainlet zoomer.

I gotta admit this looks pretty cool. I wish all world leaders dressed like this all the time, might actually make people respect their countries.

Attached: DQSqUJpUIAEr7H-.jpg (1200x675, 101K)

>stare into the abyss
>it has no end

>boss gives your party a fear debuff

Attached: 1546780465366.jpg (959x1280, 112K)

What shithole country town do you live in where there's packs of aggressive dogs roaming freely?

Why was that cow so fucking big?

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>a village worth of kids
some of them arent even his

It's in indiana. That's all you really need to know.

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how many forms does this final boss even have

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Is that a spear and magic helmet?

They can just pierce right through your shoes while you're fucking wearing them too.

i feel like there is supposed to be spikes or something on those circles

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Not that this is the same situation, but when I was a field director for a candidate running for state rep, I saw this big ass fucking dog staring at me through a screen door. Soon as we locked eyes, he broke through the screen and started chasing me down the street. Luckily I was able to outrun him because I was still in shape at the time.

I do not miss those outdoor jobs. They were fucking awful.

>enter cathedral
>doors close behind you

Attached: 5880b2b1dd08950c4e8b467c-1136-568.jpg (1136x568, 144K)

Sheriff Chungus on the left there.

My condolences. I live in WA and between Seattle to Spokane is flat farmland with bumbfuck country towns similar to your description. But I've never seen roving packs of angry dogs, at most roving packs of Turkey and the occasional moose in a backyard.

Eh I can't be bothered to post all of them

Famous Japanese enka singer who shows up to the big new year countdown show every year with a new ridiculous outfit who's being doing this since 1990

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I'm a spider enthusiast. To think that evolution gave them the ability to tear through rubber soles and have potent venom is glorious.

>boss rips you apart after one one wrong move

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You can literally see his fat, flabby mantits jiggling when he attempts the side kick you stupid fucking poser.


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it says turtoise actually retard

what a fucking badass

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do not avert your eyes

getting burned to death is so horrifiyng. Especially when you can see flames inside the helmet

Attached: 1502890136548.png (269x300, 97K)

>boss spams wide AOE attacks

Attached: 1ws_meTstXJGGmNbTSkUyKw.png (1024x683, 1.27M)


>boss uses an oversized weapon

Attached: FB_IMG_1469413124973.jpg (480x480, 30K)

>modern shadow niggas

>boss changes elements

Attached: 1554139043670.webm (800x502, 2.8M)

>that body language
>the transsexual coming over to the mother first

>Boss gives you a title when you win

Attached: C9207F5B-C884-45E3-8C69-EA36BB99975E.jpg (768x1024, 316K)

>Enemies form a shield wall

Attached: 1538288752414.jpg (1182x877, 472K)

>boss seduces your party

Attached: FB_IMG_1477433961880.jpg (453x455, 19K)

Gargoyle king of the bells

Thought it was a piece of meat at first

In 10,000 years, they'll evolve into the Bed of Chaos

I don't get it. Who the fuck is that?


name them

Attached: florida reindeer.png (468x702, 314K)

>super bow
>uses a gun

>boss's summoned minions actually betray him

Attached: 1449805005021.jpg (720x482, 33K)

Attached: keklol.jpg (1201x1072, 789K)

Yes. It's why there's no "-phobia" for sharks or lions. Incidentally, I always thought acrophobia being a thing was bullshit. It's perfectly rational to be afraid of heights.

>boss has an unending rage that is unleashed in his final phase

Attached: 1555776564527.webm (400x490, 1.75M)

here u go user

Attached: MENACING.png (309x1500, 759K)

Best thread in years

Cute tbqh

>trash mobs

Attached: 1555098188726.png (482x482, 336K)


>literal larper
>french cuck
>hasn't made good music in 20+ years

why did people ever idolize varg? all his good material can fill one album, maybe.

whats going through his mind?

He burned down churches and stabbed a guy so he's 'alpha'

cant even stand to look at his son or his wife
I bet he never imagined things could get this bad


>it's weird being on camera but I love my child. Hope no one zooms in on my face and makes assumptions that align with their own bias

Should've been peel instead of peach

trying to avoid peripheral eye contact

>stabbed a guy
that was self-defense

How to make it look like suicide and how much a one way ticket to Venezuela costs.

>OoT interface


>I'm a spider enthusiast.
We've long since become aware of your activities, spider poster.

>go to his house and stab him 50 times
>h-he was coming right for me!

>imagine being in this much denial
Tranny detected.

Attached: 1553891947628.png (498x280, 260K)

I got to pick up Let it Die again.

>Doppelganger hiding among enemies

No I just live in the real world.

>Boss can spawn mobs in the middle of the fight
>The mobs drop healing items

Attached: boss spawns clones of itself.webm (230x400, 1.29M)

>"If I had to defend myself, outside of your apartment..."

>in a purely legal self defense situation I would just fucking.....murder lena Dunham. The EMTs would be vomiting all over the place

Mac and Knives

>boss can cast observe and read your party's movesets

Attached: Kanye_in_his_zone.webm (270x480, 2.23M)

such a good picture

Fucking real life BJ Blazkowicz.

>It says turtoise
Yeah, and it's a turtle. That's the problem.

Clippers and White

Snip and Snap

Doesnt he play on a film or something?

Klap and Trap

What's even going on here?

Attached: 1548915636969.jpg (600x300, 27K)

There are people in this thread right now who were actually excited she would be president

From what I remember guy in the glasses is a vegan having a roid rage and attacking smaller guy for eating meat. Then the bigger guy appears and he gets mogged so hard he stops talking.

>in this thread
very unlikely considering how few people in the country actually liked her


The best part is glasses guy's bitch. Smug as fuck in the top pic, deflated in the bottom.

>can think of images to post
>cant think of anything witty to post with it

>It's fucking moving

Attached: Speedwagon scream.gif (500x281, 1019K)

Beep boop pop culture



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fuck that nigger tb h

Claws n' Jaws

take the rifle away and that guy looks like a math teacher

>bosses are NPCs
wow no way user

Isn't that the dude from Little Shop of Horrors?

Any games that do this?

Whenever I went there as a kid w my family I was always so anxious that shit would fall on us.
That thing is fucking surreal in real life man

All these years later, this still gets me

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Imagine the bed is a slice of toast and the rotting flesh is butter.

Attached: Is this the Flame... the Flame of the Motorist...jpg (1024x681, 110K)

what the fuck user, you can't say that, parents can't love their children even if they have different life choices, all parents are spiteful and BASED LIKE MINE!

Don't you have guns in fatburgerland ? Holy shit dude

>implying the joke isn't that the slowpoke was too slow to line up the posts
Think before you type

Attached: 1553813192175.jpg (300x300, 34K)

Elijah Wood after one year in Russia.

>pick up that can

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You have actual autism

Adolf Hitler vs the soulless army

Boss summons minions to annoy you.
I hate it in games.

cope harder tendie

Yeah I carry a handgun now.

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I’m a terrible arachnophobe but it’s irrational as fuck if you don’t live in like, Brazil. There are only two spiders with medically significant venom in the US and neither like to bite or are remotely aggressive.

Doesn’t mean I ain’t scared absolutely shitless by the presence of some innocuous house spider or don’t have waking nightmares about Woodlouse Hunters.

I always suspected christians secretly worship devil.
Now I have a proof.

name 1
The Grateful Dead & Beach Boy arc in jojo was fucking kino cos of this

>Oh ho ho... What's this? This power... My strength is returning! Yes my lord, I see... I will destroy the infernal seal with your blessing!
>...Truly providence, that Dracula would honor me with his guidance!

That's just Jean in the 80's

Attached: Jeanne_Bayonetta_2_render.png (870x885, 678K)

A lot of _____ Bros. bosses in the Mario RPGs
The Koopa Bros from Paper Mario especially

>Early Game Miniboss that becomes a common enemy type later

catholics aren't christian

Repairman here, I am laughing my ass off at these

You see it once then never again

where did he go? the only way his makes sense is if he went down.

Why is everyone scared of roving packs of domesticated dogs? Here's how you avoid getting bit:

-step up to them
-make a very low growling noise
-if you're carrying food, very visibly eat it in front of them (instead of hiding it)
-don't ever retreat (retreat is a sign of weakness)
-if one starts getting aggressive, become more aggressive too (step towards them until they start backing away)

It works on women, children, betas, and animals

pic unrelated

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Probably just edited out, look at

I'm going to be honest, they are hot as fuck even when bloody and broken.

No, heathen cock sucking protestants aren't Christian.

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