Are these games any good, or are they just Danganronpa but more boring?
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Are these games any good, or are they just Danganronpa but more boring?
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The best part about 999 is that it moves away from those shitty Danganronpa styled mini-games after the prologue.
Danfanronpa is basically a shitty version of these games. 999 is 10/10, pure kino on the DS
Danganronpa is Zero Escape but more boring.
Danganronpa but edgier
And then completely shits itself just like DR at the ending.
that's impossible
Only 999 is worth playing and just get the DS version (or emulate it if you must) because the music is better and there are certain plot-related things that make use of the dual screens that is lost in non-DS versions
Only 999 is good
These are all Ace Attorney without the charm or the good music.
Its danganronpa except good.
The third one is danganronpa but slightly worse though
999 > every Danganronpa game > VLR > committing suicide > ZTD
>make red herrings more interesting than the real plot
don't do this
All 3 Danganronpa games are kino, you fags
999 is a good novel.
VLR and ZTD are terrible, but at least ZTD is funny.
>Make "Bad Ends" the synopses for far more interesting stories.
This is even worse.
I want Tenmyouji and K's games, VLR wasn't fun to read at all.
ZTD and 999 are pretty good. VLR doesn't make sense
Both very good. Don't listen to anyone suggesting the DS version of 999, it's fine but the improved sprites, voicework, and flowchart that keeps you from replaying the whole fucking game every time you get an ending is more important than an "oh, neat" twist.
It makes plenty of sense, it's just following the most boring, least important part of a larger story and makes the critical mistake of placing every single complication in the plot on one of three branches. Non-blue routes are a snorefest.
>Slightly cleaners sprites, optional voice acting for a fucking book, and the ability to cut out a few minutes (DS lets you fastforward text you've seen before, meaning you just wait for a moment and redo a puzzle or two) is better than actually effective delivery and the ending not being butchered.
You're an idiot. It's so fucking easy in the HD version to accidentally skip dialogue when the game randomly swaps to "adventure' mode.
>It's so fucking easy in the HD version to accidentally skip dialogue when the game randomly swaps to "adventure' mode.
Are you sure you aren't the idiot man?
How dare you? This is milles better than Danganronpa.
>people shitting on VLR
Danganronpa wishes to have half of this games' good writing
999 and VLR are masterpieces
ZTD is a literal joke game
>Game switches to Adventure mode because it feels like it.
>Swap back.
>Game actually jumped ahead immediately without asking and you need to intuit that you have to go back into the log to see the narration it skipped over.
Yes, that's definitely me being stupid and not the HD remake being designed like shit. I'm very dumb for being concerned new players might miss details because of that retarded ass system.
Remember the "escape room" puzzle you do as Komaeda in Danganronpa 2? That's what 999/VLR is like.
ZTD is even worse than DRV3.
Personally I think 999 is worse on PC/consoles and you're better off pirating or buying the DS copy if you can.
>optional VA
Voice acting it pretty standard for visual novels user
>the ability to cut out a few minutes (DS lets you fastforward text you've seen before, meaning you just wait for a moment and redo a puzzle or two)
Oh no, I am not letting you lie out your ass like this. I can still remember the red mark on my thumb from holding right on the dpad for so fucking long. There is a LOT of text, and unless you're following a guide you might end up redoing those puzzle rooms multiple times. Hell no man, never again.
>actually effective delivery and the ending not being butchered.
Please oh wise one, tell me how exchanging one ending puzzle for another and removing a twist that might as well not even exist is "butchering."
Or they could just play in adventure mode the entire time because the narration barely adds anything.
The voicework is bad and the sprites are butchered.
If you're not playing the DS version comfy in bed you're missing out.
But you do need to play 999 to get some plot points.
>Decide you want to read a book.
Sometimes I forget where I am.
I think most sane people would be okay missing out on playing on a shitty little handheld.
I mean, it's not as good as 999, but it's way better than ZTD.
999 > VLR = SDR2 >>>> DR1 > DRV3 > ZTD
First game UNLIKE Dangoanwhateverthefuck is good.
you realize that twist also reveals that the bottom screen text was Akane's inner monologue the entire time right?
Yes, that is the worthless twist that I am referring to. It adds nothing to the story, it's just a cute gimmick utilizing the DS's screens.
>Voice acting it pretty standard for visual novels user
And it's entirely unnecessary. At best you'll get "okay" deliveries when you probably had a better voice in your head. I'm sorry reading makes your head hurt, but it's a visual novel. Voice acting isn't some make or break deal.
>I can still remember the red mark on my thumb from holding right on the dpad for so fucking long.
You could try not pressing down with at full force like a retard. Hell, you can lightly depress the D-pad while you go do something else, it's not hard.
>Please oh wise one, tell me how exchanging one ending puzzle for another and removing a twist that might as well not even exist is "butchering."
The puzzle it's replaced with is absolute garbage, the original puzzle actually figures into the writing It's a puzzle that's simple for an adult but a child, even a fairly gifted one, would struggle with under a time limit, and the twist that "hardly matters" is part of the game's central themes and ideas. You may as well go read a plot synopsis at that point. It's not some kind of gift to literature as an art form, but it hurts the writing significantly. No nostalgia either, I played the HD version first and was shocked to find out that the shitty ending was handled much better originally.
999 should be played in a DS/3DS only.
The ending loses all the impact without it.
The people who dismiss this tend to be autistic. Most normal people understand and appreciate the physical, visual separation as a form of both foreshadowing and conveying the information outside of merely describing it, and recontextualizes the split between your two modes of gaining info. It's only "worthless" if you're the kind of person who only cares about hard facts instead of what art is trying to convey.
>Like 5 routes are the exact same story with a lame info dump at the end akin to the ones 999 naturally sprinkled into various routes at various points.
>A few routes only serve to tell you about a story that's better than the one you're reading.
>There's no real twists or turns outside of Blue routes.
>The narrative even within that is bitch basic.
>The mystery is wholly unsatisfying as there was never any real source of conflicting interests, just one person who thought they were but actually ended up accounted for from the start.
>I'm sorry reading makes your head hurt, but it's a visual novel.
What does this mean? I don't understand Japanese, clearly I still had to read. Or did you play with English VO? That would explain your dismissive attitude.
>You could try not pressing down with at full force like a retard. Hell, you can lightly depress the D-pad while you go do something else, it's not hard.
Or you could not do any of that shit and play the version with a flowchart like it should have had in the first place. You're making excuses for why it's "not that bad," you're doing a very poor job explaining why it's better, because it isn't and is in fact significantly worse.
>all that shit about the ending
No man, just no. You are greatly overstating it. You don't need the second screen to understand that child Akane and adult Junpei are using the morphogenic field to solve the puzzle together, that part of the story is still there, all the second screen does is reveal the text itself was Akane's throughout the game. Cool, but again, completely unnecessary.
>there was never any real source of conflicting interests, just one person who thought they were but actually ended up accounted for from the start.
That's every game in the series.
999/vlr got me to do escape rooms in real life. they're fun if you have some people to go with
>people are actually saying you should play 999 on anything other than the DS
You can fucking emulate the thing for free and it's what the thing was originally designed for. Why would you recommend people pay for a worse experience?
>no good music
Fuck your awful taste.
Only play the first one. Rest are shit.
>I don't understand Japanese, clearly I still had to read. Or did you play with English VO? That would explain your dismissive attitude.
Oh yeah, I'm sure that hearing people talk in a language you don't understand and that most of them canonically don't even speak really helped your immersion.
>Or your could play the flowchart version
Which would be fine if they didn't fuck with the display and final puzzle. But they did, and that makes it inferior. I'm arguing that this gripe is minor in comparison, not that being forced to play in fast forward is somehow better.
>You don't need it to UNDERSTAND
Yeah. You don't. It's not about understanding. It's about the effectiveness of the delivery. You don't need voice acting to understand the plot either, yet you seem adamant that it totally helps the game in comparison to bleeps and bloops. Yet somehow the core conceit of the entire game doesn't matter because it isn't necessary to understand the plot, it just helps carry the idea and make the "aha" moment far more pronounced. Somehow having a far shittier final puzzle is perfectly fine, but not having voice acting is a no go.
Minor QOL changes aren't worth fucking over the entire gimmick of the story and the climax.
Except 999 pretended there was at least one antagonistic force until the very, very end, and the fact that there never really was came as the twist. You can't just do that twice, that's garbage, especially if your antagonistic force is much weaker and less of an immediate threat.
I don't know what you're trying to prove with that song but here's an actual good one
>None of this are the M.Sorrow
So why did Zero give this guy the best number to have?
Because he's a dipshit.
Who said anything about VO helping immersion? It's just a good thing to have, something the DS version does not. Same with the improved sprites.
> I'm arguing that this gripe is minor in comparison
And I'm arguing that it is not, at all. The delivery is not impacted that much. Maybe it was for you, god knows why, but for me it did basically nothing other than thinking it was a neat use of the two screens. Comparatively, the "minor" QOL change of the flowchart is much more important, saving a lot of time from doing basically nothing and repeating the same shit over and over. Imagine if you had to do that in VLR.
I'm probably crazy for loving VLR for keeping things so "sterile" and all the gameplay is within the AB game itself, while the actually important background story that has lead up to that point is really obscure.
>most of them canonically don't even speak
Uh, the only characters that aren't explicitly Japanese are Clover and Snake, and they all have to be speaking the same language, so it's probably Japanese.
999 and VLR are great, far better than Danganronpa. ZTD is a mess.
Be sure to play 999 on a DS, the Nonary Games port is absolute dogshit.
Get 999 on DS and VLR on 3DS. The last one isn't worth it.
Not the user you're replying to, but the Voice Acting is just shit. It has that typical corny anime over-delivery shit and completely takes away from the atmosphere.
Also, how are the sprites improved exactly? They literally ran them through a filter.
>You can't just do that twice
You have to as soon as you include time travel in you story.
>one antagonistic force until the very, very end
Dealing with Dio's bullshit is basically endgame, the reveal that he was accounted for comes at the very end. The interesting thing that VLR does is introducing a villain who seemingly already won against all your time travel powers.
Don't kid yourself. VLR is shit too.
>only 999 is worth playing
But VLR is far superior to 999. But he should ignore ZTD, yeah
Impossible. One of the puzzle rooms had photos of Junpei and the gang from the present.
Honestly, fuck the remake for existing. Previously you could just tell people to play the game and that was it, but now you have to tell people to ignore the remake and play the older DS version, and then an argument inevitably breaks out other which is better, and it's just a pain in the ass.
It's truly shit. Most newcomers experience with the series is coming from the PC port now, seriously go on Twitch and if you see someone streaming 999 it's always the fucking Nonary Games port.
You fags have no argument besides DURR HURR DUAL SCREEN SUDOKU
wow that one trick is so vital to the story
They changed the music for the ports? That sucks.
Wrong. While the sudoku is a lot better than what it got replaced with, that is definitely not why people suggest the original. If you played it you'd know so I'm guessing you're just talking out of your ass.
999 is better but I seriously don't understand why people bash VLR so much. Maybe they need to play it again, I dunno. The fact that some people legitimately prefer ZTD is worrying.
fuck off normalfag
They didn’t, it’s just higher quality audio which probably messes with people’s heads.
>wow that one trick is so vital to the story
Yeah it's so vital that they tried to replicate it in the port, but the new presentation is just terrible with all the screen transitions and sound effects between the different modes.
The Nonary Games also removes all of the narration on the default setting. The average person is just going to play on ADV mode and miss out on half of the game's original text. Scenes like the 9th man's death will lose all of their original shock value and will have absolutely no impact. But hey, it's worth it to save some time skipping text, right?
999 is pretty good, VLR is amazing, ZTD is shit
judge for yourself
Don't mind me, just switching channels during the finale.
Having played through the original years ago and playing through both the Remake of it and VLR recently I can say that whilst I don't think it breaks the game in two to experience it via the remake, something is definitely lost in the translation from two screens for the storytelling to one. No amount of new shiny bells and whistles makes up for it, as far as I'm concerned.
Man I forget how atmospheric 999 was. Shame the Japs are pussies and don't want muh violence in their VNs, forcing Uchikoshi to tone that aspect down in VLR.
The tracks really aren't that different but I prefer the original desu. It sounds slightly grittier/bassier and the fade in to the piano/melody line is a little louder.
>people unironically defending this itt
Even the worst zero escape game is at least on par with the best danganronpa game
the two series aren't even on the same level in terms of writing, ZE is obviously leagues ahead
999 > VLR > ZTD = D2 > D1 > DV3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dog shit > D3 (past) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> horse shit > D3 (future)
This is 100% accurate and you can't prove me wrong.
>inb4 salty dangans
999 was my favorite game for a long-ass time and I still wouldn't delude myself into thinking ZTD had better writing than anything aside from maybe Sonichu
>999 was my favorite game for a long-ass time
You say this like it gives your opinion credibility when it's actually the opposite. When you become too attached to something, you become overly sensitive to differences or quality dips in similar things like sequels. I'd more likely dismiss the opinion on VLR from someone whose favorite game is 999 than someone who just liked it.
Zero Escape games are great just like Steins;Gate/Chaos; games but with classic survival horror puzzles.
if you can play 999 on the DS
ste steam version has horrble upscaled sprites and the translation is early fansub-level of saying fuck every 5 seconds
999 is a wonderfully claustrophobic game and I can't imagine playing it on anything bigger than a DS screen. I don't even so much care about the twist.
ZTD is the worst ZE game, but it's far better than the basic waifushit we get in danganronpa
i only ever played danganronpa because i love zero escape and it's the only thing that gets close to scratching the itch
ZTD is "far better" than nothing. Nothing at all.