How did Sony do it?

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by creating a loyal fanbase

By keeping the PS3 alive even though it cost them billions. It created a strong brand.

Remember that first E3 where Microsoft walked out on stage and proceeded to showcase the Xbox One, the worst console imaginable with mandatory Kinect, no used games, constant internet connection, for a $400 price point?

The opposite of that.

it's easy, you build them and let them sit in store's

Here comes the Ninceldo damage control

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It's really easy to win a generation when both your competitors kill themselves on the first day.

If it's so easy, why can't MS or Nintendo do it?

they were the only ones you really tried this generation making a classic video game console first.
nintendo stared of incredible arrogant and out of touch thinking that all the grandmas and grandpas who bought a wii would also buy a wii u simply because of the name and did not care at all about their long time fans or the average video game consumer.
microsoft meanwhile was even more arrogant towards old 360 costumer base and too busy making the new netflix/siri machine then actually producing games.
mc was also heavily infected with sjws who care more about identity politics and feminism then fun which further hindered the production of good video games. something that is also going to hurt sony in the communing generation

Sony has done it 3/4 times and even the PS3 came close to 100m

ape escape 4 is real all along

Microsoft fucked up horribly, alienating their own fanbase, Sony capitalized on that mistake with good marketing. The library isn't impressive but there's great games to play. Also, normies that eat up fifa and cinematic experiences just fine.

Most people held out to see how this generation would pan out. Microsoft dropped out early, and Nintendo did the usual pattern of releasing a couple games, then quitting the generation.

>sony goes full sjw
>ps4 sales increase even further
It's over bros

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Giving people what they want instead of trying to reshape the market to something it's not.


Have sex.

They made a long string of correct decisions and assumptions about the market and it paid off for them in the long run.

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absolutely this

Looks like someone is seething.

>Nintendo goes full anti-political
>switch sales increase even further
Dont worry, son. Nintendo will save the day, as always.

By not having a terrible conference, followed by equally terrible follow ups.


This, throw in some exclusives and you're good to go. And apprently Euros really love using the PS4 as Fifa machines, which is retarded, but well who cares?

Can they revert the sorry state of micro-transactions, loot-boxes and online paywalls? If they can I'll become a believer.

Easy to sell when the competition is going full retard

I want a Playstation but I don't want to pay $300 a year before the new console comes out, especially if the ps5 is going to be backward compatible.

By selling their cheap garbage in places where the currency has no value

>How did Sony do it?
By having GAMES. Nintendo and Microsoft should have follow this example.

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It's better to wait at this point.

>Microsoft walks out on stage and shoots themselves in the head
>Nintendo drops out of the race and spits on third party devs
It's pretty easy to do with no real competition.

It’s competitors were Wii U and xbone.