Did any of you grow up poor? How were you able to play vidya?

Did any of you grow up poor? How were you able to play vidya?

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look at all the common grammar errors and phoneposters here, it's obvious there are a lot of south americans

>they didn't went to x
>he gived them the x
>haved the x
>gaved the x
>went the x


When I was a kid rental places like blockbuster were still big so we'd rent games frequently. Buying them was only reserved for the best.

Rental stores were big in the 90's, and if you didn't mind playing games that were a few years old you could rent them cheaper for longer. Found some of my favorite games that way.

why that case is so fucking big?

We'd generally get consoles when they were a few years old and barely bought any games for them
My family had a SNES with like 4 games which was then sold to buy me an N64 for my birthday which we only ever had 3 games for (Mario 64, Pokemon Stadium and Forsaken) then my brother got a chipped PS1 for his birthday with a collection of 100 pirated games.
After that I bought my own games and consoles, bought a gamecube from my friend for £30 with birthday money, bought a DS a few years after that with birthday money and paper round money I'd saved up and after then I basically lived off whatever bargain bin DS and Gamecube games I could afford with paper round money and from trading games in, literally just the bottom of the barrel, used and obscure Japanese games nobody else wanted

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when the gamecube came out, our mom bought my cousins N64 with 3 games off of him.
that was our first console and gaming platform in general, we had Super Mario 64, Super Smash Brothers and Mario Cart.
On my sisters birthday several months later we got Pokemon Arena and on my birthday the following year I got Star Fox.
We were poor as shit and those games were already fucking old as shit at the time, but it was all we had.

Good hearted parents for the consoles + piracy.

My uncle and cousin were into pc's and was a nerd basically in the 80s and 90's.

They are making bank now and had all that shit back then and knew it was where the future was it.

I grew up poor but I always wanted them to visit because they brought that cool shit over.

you got it all wrong,only americans use phones and poor english,most common mistake is You're and Your being swapped and if you ever played online you'd know this

>only americans have poor english
coping south american monkey

Like others said we had rental games from time to time but we often couldn't afford that. My parents would save up money and get us the latest Nintendo console a year or two after it released and one or two games, and we wouldn't have more than that. After my older brother and sister moved out and got real jobs they'd often buy me games for birthday/christmas

To fit more RAM

Ameripoor here. Born in 85, mom bought used NES in 92 I think for 30-50 dollars. Was able to play SNES at friends house. (Black, so behind on bills but bought shit like rims, SNES, etc.) started doing part time jobs at 12 and worked full time starting from 16. Bought a Dreamcast with my own damn money. Current PC master race; will never be a poor fag again.

I was born in venezuela poor af my parents never bought consoles or anything like that for me so i goi had to work in a local cyber cafe to sustain my vidya , when i finished high school i moved to Germany worked as the janitor of my residence building did a degree and then moved to Spain where im currently living . I work from 8am to 1pm then from 3pm to 6pm get a good salary + bonus hours + production goals. is not your fault to be born poor but it is if you die poor .

We were poor but mum put money aside for vidya anyway
Love you mummy

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Why did you bring South America up when it had nothing to do with the topic, pol?

are you making the claim that south americans on average have better english skills than americans and europeans?

This post is appreciated

Bless you and your kin sir

I grew up poor but would receive games for birthday, Christmas, and for good grades. I also had a brother who would get games for the same things so between the two of us we'd make out okay. Also, my uncle modded my Playstation so I could okay burned games. I would rent a couple of games a week from blockbuster and burn them. Iveb Iveb n pirating ever since even though I now make pretty good money.

>Iveb Iveb n

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Grew up very poor so lots of video game renting. Like I even rented FFIII well over 50 times to beat it. (Yes I know at that cost I could have bought it but my parents didn’t buy me games)

You can see the duality of being poor and getting my own job where I had most disposable income when looking at my SNES collection vs my DS collection.

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>mfw when I get caught phoneposting from work

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well they are american so......yeah.....

>Spent entire PS2 generation with a PS1 and a windows 98 computer with 400mhz and 56k internet
>Finally got a HP with a dual core AMD 6000 and 3GB RAM in 2007
>Getting to play games like Half Life 2 on low settings was mindblowing after all only being able to play 90's games basically my whole life
>Got an HD3450 for it about a year later and being able to play Crysis and COD4 was mindblowing the same, potato graphics aside

I'm so fucking spoiled now in comparison.

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Ok, im russki and my inglesh is bad, but i understand errors in all of those but first one. Can anyone explain?

>they didn't went to x
should be
>they didn't going to x

You sure? Not
>they didn't go to
like that? "Going" feels wrong here, but idk.

got 2 or 3 games a year between birthday+christmas and that was it. Then by 2005 I had my own $500 laptop and pirated games, source games ran poorly but pirated most things. Discovered emulation later that year. Fast forward to 2012 and employment and now I buy games I want, have a large collection of PS4 games, not really any classic games I grew up playing. Used to be a big PC gamer but not any more, grew out of it.

It's actually
>they didn't wenting to x

not super poor but my parents never bought me vidya or consoles, we only had one PC
one of my friends had a gamer dad who bought him pirated games on a flea market and I borrowed from him

my bad