And so blizzard humiliated Horde players even more

And so blizzard humiliated Horde players even more

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blizzard humiliates all their players sooner or later, you should be used to it by now if you are a wowtard

Well, it isn't like Hordies had dignity anyway

>I don't trust the Alliance, but I don't see a another alternative right now
>a another

Blizzard writing

Isn't Alliance vs Horde a main selling point though?



The original plan for WoW was to have all races/players be able to party together
It's why language skills existed, you had to learn the languages of other races to communicate with them

Why even bother giving a choice? its as retarded as picking the leader of the demon hunters when there was no long term consequence

90% of time as Horde you forced to work to help alliance and kill your follow Horde members
Also they retconed Tauren vanilla quests with Cairne spirit saying how he personally expelled every Tauren who attacked dwarfs in mulgore and Barrens, because he personally invited them there

>all those active botnets

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Then why play horde if you just wind up being a bitch faction? Why have that faction at all really? Alliance slave labor?

So what happened with Sylvanas?

>It's time to end this war and work together


>to help with faction balance, instead of making alliance interesting they make horde beta bitches
bravo blizzard you done it again

>faction pride

>alliance bitches about horde favoritism for years
>noble savages become cucks


it's not faction pride, the alliance storyline is just boring trash and the horde one seems awful as well
they managed to please nobody

I'm so happy I'm no longer giving Blizzard my money.

>maghar orc
>all that trash running in the background like a good consumer pig
>a fuckin goy paying for services like spotfiy
>testing the fuckin ptr and wasted disk size
>ie explorer and wmp on the taskbar
>all that trash in the tray icons
>avg antivirus

There is no fuckin way you are older then 20, go back and watch this canadian faggot on youtube for more epic tech tips

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All this time I thought it was just poor quality control on private servers; in reality, they had only been faithfully recreating blizzard's masterpiece

horde was always more popular than alliance though. and more fun


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they already linked AHs because servers pops are so fucked, they should allow cross faction grouping/guilds and make up some kind of dynamic pvp con system, cities and stuff still faction limited as an RP thing

>90% of time as Horde you forced to work to help alliance and kill your follow Horde members
You mean the alliance players were forced to work as bodyguards to the horde every time they placed a power hungry fuckwit in power.

>You can choose between 3 options
>They are the same fucking thing

lmao pathetic writers

because the scenario is literally Thrall and Saurfang murdering horde guards. Jaina is there because Baine saved her dead brother from being turned evil by Sylvanas and she owes him.

The entire thing is fucking retarded

What locations besides Theramore and Teldrassil?

horde was trash in vanilla

Hordecucks are retarded anyway

Alliance is the only way to go since WC2 and WC3

Not in vanilla. Blood Elves permanently, irreversibly ruined the Horde

It's the elvish horde now, no matter what the story NPCs say

>Alliance play a bit part in the Horde story yet again
Simply epic

>because the scenario is literally Thrall and Saurfang murdering horde guards
So let me get this straight, the Horde AGAIN put a retarded powerhungry fuckwit in power, an alliance city AGAIN got bombed, and the Alliance AGAIN is gonna play as bodyguards on the following Horde civil war? Are you fucking serious?
Ashenvale, druid school village. That's not counting the separate troll, orc, and undead invasions you deal with on Darkshore.

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>Blood Elf most players in Horde, more than all other races combined
>Lazy fucks don't even fix Silvermoon

Explain this, Hordelets

just take all elves from both sides and put them in a quarantine faction

With Teldrassil and Undercity toast, you'd think the belves would just hop ship back to the alliance and everyone could just stay on their own fucking continent and there'd be no more issues.

>use super powerful artifacts to save the world from the legion
>sacrifice their power to stop the destruction
>everyone stores their priceless artifacts in vaults
>except shadow priests who literally throw an old god waifu that's taking a nap in the trash until adventurers need to come by and deal with her getting freed and Sylvanas ends up with the empty dagger

10/10 writing

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I want to fuck that knife.

Oh I also forgot, a dwarf keep as payback for when the Alliance bombed the Tauren camp after warning the civilians to leave the area.

dont worry, Chromie is pressing the button to end it all

Void elves make that impossible because they are the most evil race in the game. They want to corrupt the sunwell and turn all elves into void elves.


The worst massacre in the history of Azeroth. REMEMBER TAURAJO!

>after warning the civilians to leave
>muh civilians
>muh warcrimes
blizzard really needs to stop with this halfassed moral greyness

What is her endgame?


What will they do for the next Horde civil war? Orcs vs. Tauren?

Trying to write both sides as the good guys for the same event instead of having both sides do good and bad things is why their writing is so garbage.

Alliance see Taurajo as a totally righteous event where civilians were evacuated because the boss told the soldiers to let them escape but then those evil horde members came by and killed the boss.
Horde sees Taurajo as a massacre where the alliance soldiers didn't listen to the boss and any civilians that did manage to escape were killed by quillboars so killing the boss was revenge.

Is this their way of trying to balance factions? By being the most hacky writers and going full fanfic and making alliance glowing angels saving the entire world and Sylvanas the puppy kicker?

>tfw Taurajo keeps being brought up because that was the only time alliance was allowed to actually damage the horde

I don't get why this modern idea of war crimes and civilian massacres being bad is even a thing in warcraft lore now.

Would have been great if Genn started working behind Anduin's back for personal vendetta but no, Alliance will always have to be good boys.

it's PTR

This isn't even fanfic. The writing has been so goddamn retarded that the Alliance has been pretty much saving the world solo since WotLK while the Horde has done nothing but shitstir and make things worse.
They are that fucking stupid.
>tfw remembering Stonetalon Garrosh and what could have been

Or what about all the horrible concentration camps the orcs was put in? All they did was try to murder everything.

Evil Genn is the most obvious direction a good writer would go in since he's in the perfect position to manipulate Anduin. But instead they are doing a literal Garrosh 2.0 even down to sieging Orgrimmar.

What? If anything there is no greyness, the Alliance is always portrayed as good boys that never punch back and are way more focused on world ending threats, while the horde loses leaders left and right but at least they attack what's supposedly their enemy.
But the Horde got TWO events as a revenge, both the dwarf keep and killing the guy in charge of the bombing. Where is the Alliance revenge event when the dwarf hold was bombed? Where is the Alliance revenge event when Ashenvale was burnt? Where is the Alliance revenge event for the bombing of a druid training village? Where is it?

Disgusting. The Alliance must pay for this. Kalimdor is ancestral orc ground.

>missing the biggest point in Southern Barrens
Both sides are looking for excuses to keep the war as bloody as they can. General Hawthorne only dies the way he does because Ambassador Gaines deliberately hides evidence that he's slated for assassination and lets him run into the ambush. Hawthorne is the only man in the area who wants the war quickly with as little bloodshed as possible.

>those icons
>having every fucking client running in the tray at once
Jesus christ user, no wonder you play retail! You're retarded!

>they retconed Tauren vanilla quests with Cairne spirit saying how he personally expelled every Tauren who attacked dwarfs in mulgore and Barrens, because he personally invited them there

What in the actual retarded fuck?

>Garrosh 2.0
Nah man. They are clearly doing Starcraft 3 and going down the, she had a secret plan all along, kind of deal.

But that's the thing, when the Alliance DOES do something, what do they get? A city that was turned into a sewer by the undead AND THEN bombed.

Fucking Alliance forcing Sylvanas to nuke her own city and kill loyal s̶l̶a̶v̶e̶ soldiers.
Magatha Grimmtotem probably also had no choice but to poison Cairne thanks to them and let's not even speak of the poor Goblins' plight. Trolls constantly cannibalizing each other is also on them.
Fucking Alliance man.

>Where is the Alliance revenge event when the dwarf hold was bombed?
General Twinbraid blows up an entire mine full of innocent goblin miners solely because you find the body of a Bilgewater operative in the ruins of Bael Modan.

And don't even try to pretend declaring a lifetime grudge against an entire faction of people because one of them inadvertently killed his son is somehow reasonable.

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>I haven't forgotten your callous use of me in Silithus
I am fully erect. Unironically btw.

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One day the murderous Alliance will be gone. Then Azeroth will know eternal peace from the warmongers.

Cairne and his pussy son both deserve death. Cairne is one of the two reasons why Garrosh turned evil because he blamed the actions of all orcs on Garrosh when the twilight hammer attacked druids. The other is Vol'jin who walked up to Garrosh immediately after Thrall left and said he was going to assassinate him.

Meanwhile Baine betraying Sylvanas to rescue Jaina's undead brother is going to end up with thousands more horde dead because muh honor isn't going to end the war.

>horde was more popular
>looks up stats
>90% play Bloodelves

Let's ignore all the shady shit that happened in Vanilla with the Defias, Stormwind nobility letting EVERY FUCKING PROVINCE go to hell, retarded Dwarf squabbles and one third of them straight up going evil, Gnomes nuking themselves out of sheer hubris and all the shit Night Elves are pulling.
It can't possibly be that the Horde has been so comically idiotic since WotLK that it's practically impossible to paint the Alliance as a bad guy.

and then she disappears and the next time she shows up as a raid boss she won't even mention you.

>declaring a lifetime grudge against an entire faction
i'd expect nothing less from a dwarf

To begin with that's NOT a revenge for the druid village. Secondly where is the mine that you are talking about, because it better not be on Alliance territory.

>'our friend baine'
Since when the fuck were the faction leaders 'friends' with the random adventurers they send out to do shit? Like, you just give me work brother.

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Are you one of those retarded fucks who cry loud about multiple things and hardes content they do was some LFR?

because you look like one of them discord nigger

no one going to mention southshore?

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There are too many to recall all of them.

God I wish I could make use of her too.

OHHHH NOW I remember the event, and it WASN'T just a single dwarf that was killed, IT WAS AN ENTIRE FUCKING KEEP.
Why the fuck did you lie you fucking faggot?

I think they had it written somewhere that Xal'atath ends up disappearing on it's own.

Someone should update this with some more of the evil shit horde has been doing lately.

I still don't understand why there isn't a comprehensive list of things that the horde fucked up. No seriously. You get hour long videos on youtube dedicated to fucking mounts, but not a single person has done one showing Horde favoritism? Or even one of those infographics?

Its to simulate the stuttering cuck speak of the average retail sub human

Just watch any beta-bfa videos on bfa zones. Everyone was talking about how horde zones was all big connected storylines. While alliance had random shit randomly thrown around, with a 5 minute main quest.

When was it mentioned that they were Alliance.
Garrosh and Sylvanas
Now, people on the Alliance shout that Sylvanas should die, but they don't call out
>Dalaran belves
>Fucking Neutral Goblins escaping the Cataclysm
>Alliance firing upon the Horde during Stormheim

>pretty much all Undead
I really wish both sides would join forces just to stomp Sylvanas and her slave-cult back into dust like they deserve.

Oh so when it is the horde doing bad shit. It was just the leader doing it. When it is someone from the alliance doing something mildly bad, it is all of the alliance doing it.

To add onto this: I bet OP or whoevers screenshot that is complains about the performance of his games calls shit unoptimized while having 20 different programs running at the same time, likely applying updates randomly and other shit. MY AUTISM BURNS THROUGH THE CAVERNOUS DEEPS AT THIS SHIT.

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Seriously, it seems odd that a savage group like the horde would just be okay with having literal insults to their gods as allies.

Honestly, ever since Cata I was hoping for the retail to die, just because how much shit I was forced to put up with while doing the nelf questlines. One quest after the other all you have to do is fix shit the Horde has thrown at you, and when I tried out the forsaken to see if that kind of thing happened on both sides, NO the forsaken go out of their way to plaguebomb human villages. How the fuck does any Horde player still has the face to say that blizzard isn't biased?

Andorhal was a Scourge infested city up until Cataclysm this image get's more retarded everytime it's posted

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The last 10 years of war can be blamed entirely on the night elves not trading some of their infinite wood after orgrimmar was burned by elementals before cata because muh wrathgate then got mad when Garrosh cut down some more trees

>When it is someone from the alliance doing something mildly bad, it is all of the alliance doing it.
Yeah no, when the Forsaken invaded Darkshore, it wasn't just the leader. When the druid village was bombed, it wasn't just the leader. When the blood elves helped create a mana bomb, the goblins delivered it, and then orcs came up to ransack the place, it wasn't just the leader.

Its always been a bad thing.
Unless you play one of the evil factions like the horde or the scourge.

>there's only a crime of murder and torture if a victim is from alliance
>garrosh and sylvanas suddenly arent both horde warchief and one of horde leader and actual warchief
>suddenly garrosh alone fought at theramore, thos ehorde soldiers were just pretending to obey without single 'no". But half justified since alliance used theramore as new military base
>suddenly southshore was just sylvanas thing so other horde leader coudlnt do anything
>muh belves crying about punishment, forgeting that nobody would harm them unless they do something like breaking dalaran neutrality and stealing artifacts
>taurajo is ok, baien reaction that it was ok was shit
>muh stormheim where later sylvanas proved Genn right trying to subdue one of the cricital allies because muh undeads. Genn move was selfish and retarded. Sylvanas move was even more retarded ebcause she risked whole valarjar turning against horde and alliance

try more

Tell that to the faggot i replied to.

>Dalaran belves
You mean the ones that helped create the mana bomb?
The place that got a warning before the bombing? Did the Horde do that when they bombed Theramore? Also the place that got avenged, TWICE?

Literally the only thing I want about nu-lore is that the Undead get booted out of the Horde at some point and then I can stop caring forever.

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Yeah I got the context after I saw the post you linked to. It's just so ridiculous at this point. Now watch as Sylv gets taken down by the Horde itself and the Alliance AGAIN doesn't get it's revenge. Hell it's even worse in this case because the nelves are literally at the risk of extinction.

>forgeting that nobody would harm them unless they do something like breaking dalaran neutrality and stealing artifacts
Honestly after they helped create the fucking mana bomb that destroyed theramore, and WEREN'T punished by that in any way shape or form, WHY would Jaina accept them into that city? Even without the stealing part.

Get him on board, I'll call them in.

Theramore was warned. All the kids escape on a boat while adult civilians that survived were captured. The entire point of the plot was to warn them so everyone would come protect it since it turned into a military base that the alliance needed after Varian convinced Jaina to let him build a war highway and park his tanks there

And then in cataclysm when there was a successful clean up operation guess who fucked it all up?

When everyone became the chosen one around about MOP

around WOTLK Blizzard went full retard and turned you from random grunt to The Chosen Hero Who Saves Us All to placate all the wrathbabbies who flooded the game and demanded Skyrim with a chat window.

The biggest problem is literally no one actually cares about Baine. Since they removed his entire legion storyline because the alliance bitched. He's more of an alliance character than a horde one since everything he has done has been about helping Anduin

>Theramore was warned
Except it wasn't warned by the horde you lying faggot.
>adult civilians that survived were captured
And later tortured, killed and turned into undead before Sylvannas was even the warchief. So much for the "it was only Garrosh that was evil" narrative.
>The entire point of the plot was to warn them so everyone would come protect it since it turned into a military base that the alliance needed after Varian convinced Jaina to let him build a war highway and park his tanks there
And you're missing the point that this only happened because the Horde moved their machines of war closer to the Night elf capital. The whole point of it being used as a reinforcement path was due to the Horde isolating the Night Elf cities from the rest of the Alliance. Now we know WHY. Garrosh started, Sylvannas finished.

nah fuck off buddy, naxx was vanilla

Impending civil war once again. Fucking bullshit. Garrosh 2.0.

But in every single 'canon' book or story written about it, it's always the faction leaders or named characters taking out the big bads that WE the PC fucked up. The PC doesn't seem to be canon at all.

Unless the Alliance gets a proper revenge for the capital city, I ain't resubing.

>expository feelings in quest flavor text
the epitome of bad writing

We are only the hero when it's convenient for the story. Meanwhile they completely retconned Onyxia and removed the part where we help that one guy reveal her so instead Varian can solo her

>Three dialogue options
>All of them more or less say the same thing

What's even the point?

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Illusion of choice

>All the kids
this shit doesn't need to be in warcraft period. it's linebackers vs mongols vs wizards vs zombies etc and this civilian shit is sentimental boomers whose dicks stops working trying to be SERIOUS writers

The point is that even with half justified attack on theramore, its still ahrd to find something of that magnitude done by alliance, becaus emostly "evil" things alliance do is some hilarous cartoon evils feeling heavily forced just to balance muh grey morality

REEEEEEEEEEEEE, the PC's worked hard on killing that dragon whore. Why can't they just acknowledge that almost 90% of the time a group of nameless mooks are more competent than the big names of the world?

WOTLK pre-dated Skyrim by 3 years though

What they did to Vancleef is worse than anything the horde has done.

It wil end in a sibversion that will unify horde. They are not going to do the exact same storyline again.
Shaw had been kinda moving things to make Saurfang and co distrust Sylvanus more. This plan will get exposed.

Just RP dude.

>becaus emostly "evil" things alliance do is some hilarous cartoon evils
Such as what exactly? The ONE case I saw cited here, of a goblin mine that was destroyed, not only was located on Alliance territory, with it's produce being sold to the Horse, but it was ALSO a payback for an entire hold being destroyed.

its what gamers want

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Arthas murdering civilians was already a big plot point in WC3, though

Imagine playing a Zandalari through all of this shit show

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My only question is how is this favouritism? Do you think Horde players like this shitty writing? It makes the Horde look like incompetent evil retards.

I can't wait to go back to vanilla where none of this bullshit ever happened. This fucking KEK is also responsible for taking out the weapon artifacts instead of building upon the system, fuck him, fuck blizzard, fuck activision fuck kikes and fuck the Horde.

>'hey bro, I know we just brought you in, and you're pretty sore about these alliance guys barging into your capital city, destroying chunks of it, and killing your king, but we like, gotta help each other to help this big tauren cuckold yo!'
Would the average Zandalari even know or care about Thrall?

When vulpera inevitably get added it will be even worse for them. At least zandalari had a direct relationship with the horde. Meanwhile alliance have furry death squads wandering the desert because a member of the horde talked to a vulpera once

No not at all

Anyone who didn't uninstall and unsubscribe after Dragon Soul is an ultimate cuckold that likes to be humiliated and shat on.

>My only question is how is this favouritism?
Faction A get's attacked by faction B. Faction A doesn't strike back against faction B. Faction B gets attacked by faction A. Faction B kill a faction A general and bombs a city. Now you repeat the part where faction A gets attacked by faction B and does nothing for at least 5 times, how is that NOT favoritism towards faction B?

It doesn't matter if faction B players don't like the favoritism towards their faction, because to begin with when anyone points out that IT DOES happen, all they do is remember the case from 2 factions ago, and THEY themselves never call Blizzard out on their bullshit.

lmao, enjoy all the retcons alonside the War3 ones to make it more inline with the Hearthstone world.


Reminder that Anduin had the chance to crush the horde after killing the zandalari king and blew up the fleet. But instead he said he wouldn't attack the horde while they are weak because he would be the same as Sylvanas

They aren't even changing most of the bugs that plagued the classic version you fucking retard, of course they aren't gonna change the story.

>caring about wow lore in 2019
it's like you enjoy swimming in a pool of shit

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I knew someone would ask something like this, so I ask you. If the gameplay is beyond shit at this point because the streamnlined every class and removed the artifact weapons that made them special. If the RPG elements are ALL FUCKING GONE. What else is there to the game besides the shitty story?

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At this point Hearthstone is unironically the better setting.

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Goldshire ERP

>I've defeated dragons, giants, gods, nameless horrors, demons, and other-dimensional conquerers, but I still want to be treated as the level 1 public toilet nobody without even a name!

sadly this. Hearthstone's alternate settings are still grounded firmly in the lore.

They did the Frozen Throne and the Lich King right, which speaks volumes. I doubt the WoW dev team could do that

low tier

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draenei make the best roads tho, so that one is understandable.

But blizzard just issued a banwave for people who use a certain mod for the erp
What's that?

you didnt defeat shit. it was guild effort, a guild full of champions defeated those enemies. but the game needed to be retailored for raidfinder faggots who dont understand group effort.

Orcish honor road

>What's that?
Draenei got zugzug'd and turned into a road from HFC to the Dark Portal.





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horde decided to use the draenei's women and children as raw materials for their fancy road.

Oh. That kinda reminds me, what the fuck happened with the Draenei now that the city they used for support is now gone?

Look at the ICC finale: it was Tirion who beat Arthas, using a little help from a 25 man band of mercenaries. If blizz kept doing things this way, we wouldn't have the problem of epicness overdose right now

The innocent hordes first genocide victims.

>playing ptr of bfa
>maghar orc rogue
>lfr tier hotkeys
fucking kys

that was the old horde though

fuck off nigger

So Rexxars unreasonable hatred of Jaina makes even less sense now with Thrall siding with her

>What else is there to the game besides the shitty story?
Nothing. You just leave this shitshow of game. Maybe you can try to join the "home" posters and wait for classic.

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But the story is fun to follow.
So is how they keep fucking up the gameplay.
No need to play the game to enjoy it.


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Let's not forget that the Alliance employed criminals to attack Taurajo and they stayed behind to loot the place and desecrate the dead.

>that was the old administration!
>we are all hippies and pacifists now

bitch please

>Maybe you can try to join the "home" posters and wait for classic.
Yeah that's what I'm doing. Honestly I regret not getting into Legion while I still could, it was clearly the last expansion of the game and now it's just a walking corpse being used as a flesh puppet by blizzard.

heeyyy time to post /that/ again

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>our friend baine
Is he a big guy?

put ogres in the game you fucking coward

draenei turn to bones all the time, look at auchindoun

Fuck if I know. They still have that space ship that they havent used since Argus.

Fuck off you green nigger.

Nope, after cata blizzard decided to give player character more and more power
Like, now its a choosen avatar of Azeroth and one of the strongest guys in wow universe who downed a fucking titan of death

the old horde was cooler.

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>But the story is fun to follow.
Maybe it is if you like to see nu-Blizzard destroy the lore at each update. I think WoW has a lot of players that are probably like that, waiting to see how much they fuck up the game because they gave up believing anyone can save this game

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Maybe it's for the best joining them and waiting for classic. I have a feeling this server will be good in one or two months.

I've done that during cataclysm. I don't even follow the story, I just occasionally see what's going on in these threads.

>discord tranny faggots plays nu-wow

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Same, it's a trainwreck.

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i mean, yeah. thrall's entire motivation in WC3 was to reject the ways of the old horde and find a new place to live where his people could live in peace. even in early orc/troll quests in WoW thrall sends you to murder the fuck out of the burning blade for daring to use fel magic.

She does. She even straight up tells you multiple times don't expect to hold onto her forever, she has a way of slipping out of people's hands and just vanishing.

>if I slap "discord tranny" in front of everything else I hate it accomplishes... something that only makes sense to me

Somehow this is even WORSE than what's currently happening. The only thing that keeps the conflict between the horde and the alliance "balanced" is the fact that the alliance lost way less characters than the horde. If all those alliance characters get killed, what will the alliance have?

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Because it was written as the bad guys, WC3/WoW Horde has to be good guys

this could've been resolved differently if they never made yaaasss kween sylvanas a invincible unpunishable fucking cunt
>oh noes she lost more valkyr
fuck off with that shit fucking blizz blue hair cocksuckers

Because you get all the rewards of being an evil bastard with literally none of the drawbacks and penalties that come with it?

He's a frog poster, what did you expect?

thA oLd GoDz
The storyboarding for BfA is completely fucked and you should have realized that as soon as Teldrassil happened.

You're not going find a an another MMO like a other user.

I still don't believe they would be THIS fucking retarded against the Alliance.

Sounds almost retarded enough to be real. I wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard forgets that worgen are immune to undeath and lets Genn get raised.

Quel'danas was the peak of cutthroat pvp.

why the fuck do the valkyr even listen to her? what do they get out of working for sylvanas?

Because they are good boys

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Fuck horde and fuck Thrall.
It's time for them to be dismantled.

Sounds like Final Fantasy XIV bullshit


>Or, How to Raise a Cuckold

Not like they have anyone else to follow since Arthas is dead.

They made him so beautifully handsome, I love it. All the lewds made of him help too.

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>jaina kills rexxar
i'd delete every alliance I have, roll to the most populated server and make a sub rogue just to gank humans and kultirans in their starting area for the rest of retail's pathetic lifespan

Daily reminder that Blizzard killed Tirion Fordring by pouring a bucket of lava on his face.

There has always been a horde favoritism since vanilla.

>those scenes where you talk to xera in space
yep stolen straight from ff14, a wow clone. how sad is that

Is Rexxar even in the game? Last I checked he fucked off to Outland.

>we killed the zandalar king i feel bad for them, let's not attack
>oh noes, we got to help baine instead of attacking while they are divided
Fuck this game honestly, I want classic already and just be some random pleb

Fuck rexxar and fuck your favorite sunday morning cartoon written characters.

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>raise a sweet boy
>too meek to get any girls interested
>becomes exactly the kind of man the writer is trying to avoid

You're acting as if that were any more preposterous than any of the Alliance characters being killed in that fanfic.

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>alliance has green mobs in all Horde starting zones unprovicingly attacking horde
>Horde favoritism

>the literal state of wow players

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and you didn't have chosen heroes in vanilla naxx, they were just random hobos that even sold kt's phylactery for shekels

That was pretty funny to be honest. Fucking adventurers.

She went Assad mode and gassed little orc nigger children

>WoW Horde has to be good guys
Lol no and that's the problem

THIS. and lets not forget the multiple areas in the game with ELITE alliance allied mobs in horde quest areas.

people still play this garbage?

It feels like a big problem with the lore is that a lot of people don't have any kind of real motivation or logic behind their actions.
>illidan is trying to take over outland because uh he went crazy (until that gets retconned 10 years later)
>garrosh is now literally hitler because uh he went crazy
>the horde made sylvanas the warchief because vol'jin said so right before he died even though nobody trusts her and nobody questions this
>sylvanas is doing evil things because she's evil

Why did garrosh even hate the alliance so much? Presumably thrall told him about them, but wouldn't thrall have been biased towards making them not look evil? Why would thrall make garrosh think that they're awful and should be hated?

Driver booster is fucking legit. Always fixes trash driver issues.

the difference is that rexxar is a golden age warcraft III character that hasn't be ruined by WoW yet like thrall or jaina

fuck YOU

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>No (Yes)
literally worse than fallout 4

how to raise a son who won't bother me while i fuck chad

You realize that the Horde literally exists in territories that used to be Alliance only right? The patrolling areas and whatnot don't simply stop existing because of that, and we are talking about storywise favoritism. Stop conflating things.

You mean it fixes your brain damage somewhat

>Rexxar hasn't been ruined
So you haven't been playing BfA? Actually, I don't blame you.

Garrosh was born and raised on Draenor/Outland where the Orcs had to fight and scrap for their existence, he had the "Might makes right" and "Take everything to survive" mentality. He saw Thrall trying to coexist with the Alliance and the Orcs living in a desert wasteland as an affront to their heritage and honor. He wanted to prove his race's superiority and return them to what he saw and wanted them to be, the proud uncompromising warrior conquerers.

"Player choice"

The horde are scum and should be purged from Azeroth but this is some next-level cucking on their part.

So is Falstad. So is Malfurion, who barely did anything during the entire game.

>2 capitals raided
>racial leaders dying left and right
>constant internal conflict and characters turning their coats to not get the deathflag
>>no drawbacks and penalties that come with it
Even playing the fucking empire in tortantic has less penalties.

Attached: 1522904219708.png (238x278, 8K)

>he can't even click yes 5 times to update his gpu drivers on his own

>that taskbar
checks out
cuck by nature

Ironic someone who uses win7 has so much fucking bloat bullshit, my god what a fucking moron

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>Nope, after cata blizzard decided to give player character more and more power
while taking actual power away from them in the gameplay

It's so predictable that it's almost excusing how bad it is.
But anyway feels good to be MC.
Also, what is story? I knew we are helping Thrall because Sylvanas wants to execute baine, but what Alliance have to do with it?

He keeps making minor appearances in unimportant shit like missions from war campaign and Hunter order hall

>2 capitals raided
>racial leaders dying left and right
Yeah that sucks. But let's be honest here, is losing Garrosh and Vol'Jin comparable to losing a fuckload of territory? To going through several questlines of your faction being shat on by the opposing faction and NEVER doing anything after?

>Baine and glugfang
>Horde divided

>durotar and mulgore belonged to alliance
No, actually fighting back after being backstabbed by alliance and Jaina is fully in his wc3 character
He literally the only one from Cairne/Thrall/Rexxar trio who admits that listening Jaina's empty promises in tft and sparring her and her shitty city brought nothing but more war and suffering

>, is losing Garrosh and Vol'Jin comparable to losing a fuckload of territory?
And Kael, and Varimathas and Nazgrim
You just lost Theramore and a FUCKING tree

LorThemar orders you to kill sunreavers for wanting revenge and joins Thrall, Soifang and Baine, all nightborn with him


>LorThemar orders you to kill sunreavers
Lol really?
So he basically fell for Baine's curse

Because leftist writers support unironic terrorists irl

The absolute state of Blizzard writing. This is the power of burger fantasy. Sad.

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Because without Horde's help Alliance players cannot go outside of Goldshire Inn

>Zandalars don't have grudge against alliance for Zuldrazar and killing king, because it's Sylvanas who made our capital a target for alliance
It really got worse somehow

>They did the Frozen Throne and the Lich King right

How? Just curious.
I hate wotlk with a passion. They ruined wc3.

She's not entirely wrong, but she should be mad that her father is dead.

>Tirion Fordring

>And Kael
Kael was never a faction leader to the belves on WoW, I'm trying to be reasonable here, don't be disingenuous.
Was never a faction leader for the forsaken
Not a faction leader
>You just lost Theramore and a FUCKING tree
Ashenvale, Darkshore and a few close by territories. And said fucking tree is literally the race's capital.

You know, this is why I hate Horde players, every single time someone points out the horde favoritism you green niggers always downplay what the Horde did to the alliance. EVERY fucking time.

Are there still people who think Sylvie isn't going to end up a raid boss


Holy fuck you guys are worst than reddit.
How can one be urinically into faction meme?
How can one still give a fuck about WoW story after tbc?
How can one still give a fuck about WoW?

At least Nazgrim got to have a good sendoff as a boss and come back as a Death Knight. Admiral Taylor died like a bitch and is still a ghost at my garrison in Alternate Draenor.

Good, at least something good will come up from this character from once.
She has been garbage since she butchered the undead campaign.

Alliance should be:
>All elves
>Draenei(ignore males)
EVERYTHING else belongs on noshoes. FACTOID.

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ashbringer dude that they killed off randomly and promptly forgot about at the start of legion.

they know their customers

The Horde vs Alliance conflict has always suffered because of the gameplay. Why they made an entire expansion based on Horde vs. Alliance is beyond me, it's the stupidest thing they could have done because there's no keeping to it.

Oh yea, that trash character who killed the best character of the franchise.
Why would anyone be pissed off about his death?

You want more fantasy bullshit?
remember Archimonde? That one guy that required combined forces of nelves, humans and orc not to kill but buy a fucking time for a trumpcard that requires whole immortality of nelves race and world tree to just BANISH him to nether?
In wod, you kill him with 20 poeple with lolrandum infused legendary rings with draenor power, some literal who draenei paladin, AU Grom and Khadgar. Before that you killed ressurected Mannoroth
Thats not the end. In wod you were just a general with a single task of bringing garrosh to justice and fuck up iron horde, and later burning legion. in legion, you were a leader of your class order. Biggest characters in lore were just here at your command. You fought more and more demons from lore up to fighting Kil'jaeden on his fucking space ship. Fight was kino but music was stright up stolen from some circus.
Sytill no ff tier? Now imagine Illidan using waystone to fucking summon A GODDAMN BURNING LEGION CAPITAL PLANET on azeroth orbit. Woah, what would go wrong? Its just a planet with biggest and strongest Bl forces and so far we tried to stop BL from opening enough portals to summon them in.
But then Velen finally found his balls and started to fuck traitor up. You fight at Argus aboard a fucking space ship with light infused ion cannon and lightforged golems with small but elite forces of light draenei with 1000+ years exiperience + Turalyon and Alleria with same 1k years experinence because blizzard writting. Finally you storm a Burnign legion Throne, fucking more named lore demons until you fight not one but TWO fucking titans, one being strongest fighter aka aggramar and other one being youngest and second strongest titan named Argus and being extremly angry about everything because he was tortured as a fetus. On last phase he's further infused with Sargeras power, changing from blue to red color and dropping insane amount of nucler fuck on you.

well, powerlevel for one

The Lich King was a staple in decks that were designed to go past turn 8, when you could play him.

In game, his interactions with other cards indicate he's still a terrifying force but has that same twisted humor that Arthas had in TFT. The individual challenges against him where he'd use a devastating ability against you on turn one, depending on your class, like giving himself 100 extra health, zapping yours to 1, ressurecting minions that die on your side to his. When it was current, it was pretty difficult. Of course it was solved pretty quickly and such, but thats just how vidya is

>How can one be urinically into faction meme?
Because as a nelf during the first 40 levels you do nothing but get shat on by the horde without any repercussion for them.

> that same twisted humor that Arthas had in TFT.

This is what bugged me during wotlk : The Arthas of WoW had nothing to do with the Arthas of wc3 : No banter at all. He's just a scooby doo villain failing at everything.

Can you imagine something that's even less of a person than WoW players?

And in ff Yoshida complains about how hard to write story when empire is so powerful and they need to justify every victory against them

That's what you deserve for playing the biggest human lapdogs race in the first place.


Nope, he switched to being angry orc because muh writters and literal everyone saying FUCK YOU without reason the moment he became warchief against his will
Funfact, Thrall told him that he will get help from Baine farther name i forgot and Vol'jin. Vol'jin didnt even answered him with straight yes/no and baine father straight up said that its a retarded idea and thrall is a retard
Btw durnign fight you get mechanicaly nuffin personel kid' once but you get ressed by muh green titan lady
And yet, somehow you're not a no.1 target in war and somehow leaders ignore your task of healing azeroth and stopping something obvious like minnign world blood as fuel for war

look at your fucking taskbar your subhuman NPC normie

literally livestream your own suicide

it's doesn't make sense, she was the one who wanted to reach out the horde for help.

Major lore character killed off unceremoniously and replaced with no-name legion OCs

Not him, but there is something to be said for being a lapdog.

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the game has been in the hands of interns and H1Bs for a few years now


>Kael was never a faction leader to the belves on WoW
He was in WC3
>Was never a faction leader for the forsaken
He was along with Sylvanas.
>Not a faction leader
Did we talked about Faction Leaders only, or about characters at all?
Didn't changed
>a few close by territories.
Name them
>You know, this is why I hate Horde players, every single time someone points out the horde favoritism you green niggers always downplay what the Horde did to the alliance. EVERY fucking time.
Every time when Blizzard doesn't kiss each Alliance player's ass for being special unique snowflake it's Horde favoritism.
Writting-wise, you reap what you saw. Story written by Alliance fangirl.
not Horde problem he made you absolute Marry Sue with impenetrable plot armor and absolute teethless, so enjoy your protag status. But relax, Horde is going to save you from ebil-ebil Sylvanas and will make first Mythic kill (and when Bliizzard will need a start for another factions war expac we gonna repeat it on another Alliance city )

I guess you never played through Wrath. Garrosh was a hotheaded retard the moment he left Outland. He was more concerned with killing Alliance than doing something about the Lich King and in the Ulduar trailer he attacked Varian for no reason.

I'm pretty sure a requirement for being part of the WoW dev team is that you must hate Night Elves. They've been getting shat on since the moment vanilla released and it's kept pace up until the current day. Only other race that even comes close to being shat on as hard as the NE are the Tauren.

>and in the Ulduar trailer he attacked Varian for no reason.
He had a good reason

>say the horde get no punitions for what they do
>get proven wrong
>hurr horde niggers downplaying what the Horde did to the alliance durr

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Can't fucking wait to siege Ogrimmar again. This time there will be no stay of hand. The Lich Queen dies and so will Thrall, Rexxar and all the other beasts.

Gallywix is OK though.

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I played wrath and it was a retarded idea
>in TBC Garrosh is a crybaby because his father is a monster that doomed whole race and big moma is on the deadbed so nothing matters anymore until Thrall comes in and shows him what happened on azeroth
>suddenly in wotlk he's a thrall right hand doing RUSH tactic and nearly loosing but then being saved by Saurfang and player character clearing scourge forces around fortress
>in cata not only he's known as a hero from wotlk but also warchief with some retarded decision but also a good point like calling sylvanas a second rate Lk bitch for ressurecting warriors and making plague, and then stonetalon where he's angry at commander who attacked civilians. But then he leads a charge on a twilight highlands vs dragons like a fucking retard

And then MOP happened, you know the story

>He was in WC3
I see you completely ignored my warning about being disingenuous, honestly I'm not even going waste my time replying to your load of mental diarrhea, when you simply choose to conveniently decide up which point in time events should be considered, then why aren't you talking about the Draenei genocide? Because of course it doesn't suit your narrative, so you decide to include WC3, not the entire story of the franchise, and only PART of it. Go be an hypocrite faggot somewhere else.

is that a joke?

I believe a blizzard dev once said that was the whole point of the poop quests was to knock the players down a peg.

At least even after retcon Ning their savagery, ne still leaders still don't hate their own race, can't say the same about Baine

>get proven wrong
By WHAT? Literally.

You dont even need to point him on draenei genocide, because then he'll say that orc were corrupted by mannoroth blood.
But then suddenly in WoD they didnt had a problem with doing the same, replacing fel magic with machines


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stay mad alliance bitch nelf subhuman cuck

Jesus christ I hope it's not real.

>I see you completely ignored my warning about being disingenuous
>says allycuck who mad at Horde for Alliance writting

>Because of course it doesn't suit your narrative, so you decide to include WC3, not the entire story of the franchise,
Oh boy.
let's include WC1-2.
WoD, literally makes all horde characters raid-bosses, Gromm and Durotar dies off-screen.
how exactly it's Horde favoritism, when Alliance gets 3 WC2 characters back?

>Gallywix is OK though

The only person not getting the rope immediately should be Lor'themar since he already planned on defecting to the Alliance in MoP. If he decides to not be retarded and joins up, he can be spared.


Say that to my kor'kron wolf, Conqueror of Orgrimmar and Hellscream's Downfall titles, sunshine.
Whooped an orc, can't wait to whoop more.

Welcome to the HORDE. Our motto: Refugees welcome!
The most misunderstood faction around, we're really edgy and tough, but the evil alliance keep holding us accountable for things that happened long ago, don't they get that we changed? Instead of blaming us for something we can't change, they should give us lands and riches as repayment for the savagery we met at their hands when we first came to Azeroth.
Also, no shoes no shirt is a alt right slogan, please don't use it as a joke, it's very serious.

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Proving my point
>WoD, literally makes all horde characters raid-bosses
Draenei genocide. Go on talk about that. Remember you were the one who decided to include events that didn't happen during WoW.

>wasting time on BfA when classic is on the horizon
miss me with that gay shit

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>Alliance """raid""" Horde city
>no damage at all to it, minimal civillian causalities, worst thing is an important NPC goes out in a raid boss
>Horde attacks an Alliance city
>gets nuked out of the game forever and ever and everyone inside experienced the pain of 1000 deaths, which Blizzard points out in graphic detail
>also Blizzard points out how powerless the Alliance was to stop it and how mighty and strong the Horde is
>also then Blizzard focuses solely on how the Horde feels about what happened to that town they nuked instead of the actual fucking Alliance

>Baine and Saurfang boast about honor
>But neither of them challenged Sylvanas to Mok'gora
>People say Sylvanas is evil
>But it was horde soldiers firing the catapults that genocided a bunch of elven civilians

Horde has been getting ceaselessly shit on since WOTLK ended. Its just not the faction I knew anymore and hasn't been for a while.

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At least XIV has that bullshit right from lvl 1, so you expect it to be the norm
WoW changed it for no reason when it was perfectly fine before with the PC being just a mercenary that spectates the actual main characters interacting


Do alliance players actualy think like this? How do people have 0 grasp of the fucking game, its no small wonder why ally players are shit tier pvp and pve

Gallywix is the person in the horde who cares the LEAST about the horde. Everything he does is for money, purely for money. You can trust a man like that to always do what's best for himself and his purse, and that is how you know he'll never betray you out of misplaced loyalties or bizzare beliefs in concepts of honor.

Attached: Gallywix.jpg (400x600, 109K)

>alt right slogan,
What a great LFR hero we are having her
>Draenei genocide.

>no small wonder why ally players are shit tier pvp and pve
but thats so obvious, it's been because of racials since TBC

She's not an orc. Why the fuck should/would she ever accept a challenge to Mok'gora?
She'd just have you killed if you did.

>Horde has been getting ceaselessly shit on since WOTLK ended.
You mean since WC3 where Thrall turned the horde into a bunch of vegan new age shamans for tolerance and gibs?

pic very related

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So far the Horde genocided TWO Alliance races and you cry about 4~6 horde characters being killed? Are you fucking serious?

Agree, Blizzard should made war an actual PvP event and let players decide who win

>What a great LFR hero we are having her
>the moron thinks you can get the mount from LFR

Confirmed for never having played the game. Ignore his posts an opinions, as he is a complete retard.

Did you miss that 6 year span when every arena team was human for the broken ass racials?

>No, actually fighting back after being backstabbed by alliance and Jaina is fully in his wc3 character
How the fuck was he backstabbed by Alliance?
How the fuck sidding with Sylv's Horde is fully his wc3 character?

Jesus christ i understand now why this game is so bad when you see the people who play it;

>So far the Horde genocided TWO Alliance races and you cry about 4~6 horde characters being killed?
Yep, because the said races are still playable and numbers means nothing.

did you miss the part where the only thing holding Horde from dominating PvP was that human racial which got nerfed so hard everyone went back to Horde for AT/Beserking/Voodooshuffle instantly?

>that is how you know he'll never betray you out of misplaced loyalties or bizzare beliefs in concepts of honor

Right, he'll sell you out as soon as Genn realizes Gallywix is happy to round up and 'extradite' any Horde citizens that need to pay for their crimes, as long as the transportation fees are paid.

>Horde wins because none of the Alliance participate
There's a reason why Alliance has instant battleground queues, and why you never see anyone as an Ally if you have warmode on.

If for you the game story means nothing, why do you care about which characters were killed? Gameplaywise cities being destroyed is more relevant because you have to use the bronze dragons to go back in time to access said cities again.

>willingly selling out to the (((goblins))) under any circumstances
enjoy getting GREATEST ALLY'd.

>There's a reason why Alliance has instant battleground queues, and why you never see anyone as an Ally if you have warmode on.
because after being shat on for 3 consecutive expansions alliance players left the game

Sylvanas is on a power tier above Saurfang and Baine user

Because thats the honorable way to do things. I fully expect Sylvanas to cheat in Mok'gora or flat our not accept. If they had challenged her and been denied in such a way then this whole rebellion plot like would actually have merit. But as it stands now you have two traitors who never even attempted the honorable approach being written as the true and honorable faces of the horde.

>If for you the game story means nothing, why do you care about which characters were killed?
Because you've started crying about "muh Horde favoritism", while Alliance favoritism is much more obvious.
>Gameplaywise cities being destroyed is more relevant because you have to use the bronze dragons to go back in time to access said cities again.
And no Horde favoritism. since Undercity was also destroyed

>hmmmm ok
What was the point in the choices? did Todd make this?

The Alliance wouldn't have much chance because their players aren't as big zealots when it comes to "faction pride". But if they won, the horde would never stop screaming and crying about it until the heat death of the universe.


In wc3 and tft Horde didn't had problems with attacking alliance when needed, especially in tft when Thrall and Cairne planned to level theramore and killing everyone inside
Since wotlk they got shat on

I have shitty saitek flight controls and steering wheels that always fuck up after a new install it update. I don't run it in the taskbar like this retard, I use it occasionally and it performs well.

Because Blizz promised that Sylvanas wiouldn't be Garrosh 2.0, so they are trying to involve player deeply into a story expecting player wouldn't notice simmilarities

>literally couldn't beat a naked grey mane with no gear

Yeah no, half of the orgrimmar NPCs could take her.

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>Gallywix is OK though.
Are you american? The goblins are our greatest ally?

>undead warchief who killed scores of your own soldiers for fun to raise as undead and then cost you a capital because of her blighted land policy and "fuck you got mine" attitude
Why would you even attempt to be honorable, knowing it would get you killed immediately?

>Because you've started crying about "muh Horde favoritism", while Alliance favoritism is much more obvious.
So why is there no Alliance equivalent to the Horde's faction storyline, that dinosaur mount you quest for, or all the pets and toys you get while questing in Horde's BfA story then jerkass

>The Alliance wouldn't have much chance because their players aren't as big zealots when it comes to "faction pride".
Whoa whoa whoa.
but what about Garrithos posters and Paladins desu vulting in Goldshire?
>But if they won, the horde would never stop screaming and crying about it until the heat death of the universe.
Projecting much?

Worgen are specifically immune to her flavor of magic

Because honor isn't situation and dying honorably would give a genuine casus beli to rebel against Sylvanas. Saurfang was a weeping depressed faggot seeking his honorable death, he could have had it. Instead we get lazy writing where neither side is likable. and characters across the board are acting out of character.

>Because you've started crying about "muh Horde favoritism"
Storywise, again if you don't care about the story, why would you care about what anyone claims about the game storywise? If you do care, then why are you ignoring the nelf and draenei genocide?
>since Undercity was also destroyed
Yeah, by Sylvannas herself. I wouldn't be complaining if Malfurion or Anduin nuked Darnassus after the Horde had won the battle. The Horde is so addicted to destroying cities that they started destroying THEIR OWN cities.

Because the entire point of the Horde is "muh honor", therefore it's the easiest way to get rid of her.
That, or simply ignoring her orders.

That's like saying that the fire didn't immediately consume your house. If Thrall hadn't taken the horde cold turkey instead of just microdosing demon juice and just accepted their role as the green space mongorians instead of "we wuz" refugee sadface homos, the maybe i wouldn't have to hate him.
Look at the horde in WC2, then look at them post-Thrall. Pussies. Morally grey boring belf faggots.

>Jaina promised peace if Thrall spares her city in exchange for boats
>Gave it as a warbase for alliance who attacked Horde the second she had chance
>Broke a peace pact her city(not alliance, only her city) had with Horde and took part in Barrens invasion
Yes, feeling responsability and trying to fix your mistakes is in character with tft Rexxar

>Window mode
>Windows 7
Lmao, what a massive faggot

>Projecting much?
Historically Alliance players have always stayed quiet when they've been shit on by Blizzard. Most Ally players are chill, well adjusted adults who don't sperg the fuck out the attosecond the story stops favoring their faction like the typical Horde autist does.

'member when elementals suddenly cared about orc mok'gora rituals? yeah it was fucking stupid

How are they pussies? They fucked the night elves, casually nuke an entire city, etc. w/o any consequence because the alliance can't do shit since they are alpha AF.

>Raided and not destroyed
How many raided location has been destroyed? Almost none.
>>fuckload of territory
>l2 cities and one area turned into a stalemate front 10 years
> NEVER doing anything after?
That would cost you your moral high ground and we both know that there's nothing more precious than that.

>So why is there no Alliance equivalent to the Horde's faction storyline, that dinosaur mount you quest for, or all the pets and toys you get while questing in Horde's BfA story then jerkass
Because that's how Alliance writters sees "protagonist of the story", invincible due to favoritism but spineless due to political views.
Also, what exactly dinosaur mount? From Dazr or big one?

Horde players don't need help to be humiliated, they play as the bad guys anyway

>dying honorably would give a genuine casus beli
Oh... yeah that's... that's great.

Attached: Baine worried.gif (298x180, 1.12M)

>How many raided location has been destroyed? Almost none.
Theramore, Darnassus, Ashenvale, north of Darkshore...
>That would cost you your moral high ground and we both know that there's nothing more precious than that.
Bullshit, it's because when most of those events happened the main writer self inserted as a green nigger, going as far as voice him.

>Historically Alliance players have always stayed quiet
>All those screams about Arcane Torrent, eve after it was nerfed
>Screeching about Baine being involved into Highbountain quest-line
>Crying about Genn's quote to Rastakhan
.Crying about invasion quests in Vol'Dun
Yep, that's projecting

God damn. Nu-WoW writing is so bad how the fuck do they hire these people?
You could round up a bunch of fucking 16 year old girl fanfiction writers and it would be better than this.

>reading comprehension
You were talking about the alliance, not what Jaina did with theramore long time ago + Rexxar didn't even give a fuck about that, do you have a source that he was pissed because Jaina used Theramore to help the Alliance?
That's not even why he is pissed at her.

And Rexxar is the biggest Honor faggot of the Horde. If it wasn't for Thrall (and Thrall can't even convice him of staying), he would never help the Horde again.

Sylvanas almost killed him until he smashed her Mcguffin and she got big sad and let him limp away.
>Mfw if you're playing Horde you follow Sylvanas into that cutscene, which means you just stand there while Genn hobbles past you and leaves

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"i don't see a another alternative"

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>Uses Windows 7 because he is a genius that doesn't want his OS stealing resources
>Has a billion and one loaders running while playing WoW
>A billion loaders known for stealing information and spying on other running processes
Is your framerate in the game literally 4?

>Theramore, Darnassus, Ashenvale, north of Darkshore...
>main writer self inserted as a green nigger
He was an Alliance player all along.
Darnassus and Darkshore hapenned after he left
Theramore was written by Golden

Give examples of good writing in any medium.
That's right, you can't. Because everything is shit.
Expecting anything else is what makes you a fool.

>literally making shit up
Typical mentally ill Hordetranny.
Take your meds.

I feel like you're actually retarded, so you're saying that because lore wise thee player character didn't beat them 1v1 they didn't defeat them? Even if they were just one of the people in the effort that puts them leagues above most characters power/skill wise. Then they do it over and over again, after a while they've gotta acknowledge that means each other those 25/40 are absolute bigdick heroes. It's not the players fault that Blizz powercreeped so much and have us fight literal titans now

Weapon waifus are the best.

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What a nice denial
>calls someone a tranny while his faction known for ERP transgoats in Goldshire

>Darnassus and Darkshore
Nope, Darkshore invasion happened in Cata, along with Ashenvale.

Warcraft 3.
My diary desu
Also holy shit read some fucking books.

Yeah I'd be fine with her getting goon'd as an Orc Mage. Forsaken don't belong in the horde. The elves can go to

Orcs don't belong as well

>identifies as some disgusting green noshoes beast instead of a human being like a normal person would
>not a tranny
l m a o ing a t your life right now, pathetic Hordetranny.

Wait, you're character just waltz's right in with Sylvanas as she tries to enslave the Val'kyr queen to force her to breed more Val'kyr's? Wouldn't most of the races, besides maybe the undead be kind of... not okay with that? Especially if you're a Paladin or Priest.

>Historically Alliance players have always stayed quiet when they've been shit on by Blizzard
From legion alone
>Started shit when voljin just went missing in action instead of being killed like varrian
>started shit when they were forced to work with Baine in the high mountain zone

>players can beat titans

Literally how? Blizzard writers are such hacks. After beating these guys how can you even think of the old gods as a threat?
>I have seen worlds bathed in the Makers' flames, their denizens fading without so much as a whimper. Entire planetary systems born and razed in the time that it takes your mortal hearts to beat once.

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I bet fucking Thrall will get to pass judgment again and nobody in the horde will answer for their crimes AGAIN!!
Why do these green nibbas always get to dab on justice and honor?

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And yet you forget that she once got OHKo by crowley scoring a HS on her
SHe's JUST a banshee inside undead body with experience of a silvermoon ranger general. yes, she's not some literal who, she's strong. But there's multiple character stronger and beyond her, but for lore reasons and blizzard writting its not happening/the're chilling somewhere, because 99% of quests and wowproblem would be solved if some of these big guns arrived

make a new faction then, orcs are the horde

Dude her motto is "Death to the Living".
"Death to the Living".

Just reflect on that for a second.

The question is, when the old gods threat comes into play, how can ANY alliance character accept to work with the horde when they are just gonna nuke them again in the next expansion? They'd have an easier time allying with the demons.

where is the sylvanas option

dilate Hordetranny
put some shoes on too

>can beat Titans
You mean a titan who had been long dead and resurrected at a much weaker level? Or the one that had literally just been born? Didn't we have the help of a bunch of titan artifacts and all the legendary weapons, along with ACTUAL titan help ourselves?

ACTUALLY, no one knows what Sylvanas is up to until we get there, so whether you're Horde or Alliance, there's no reason anyone should have gone to check up on her actions. Genn was committing a war crime and going against orders and putting all of Azeroth in danger by stopping her.

Yep, that's projecting
Personally, I idetify myself as an attack helicopter

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Wanna trade your invincible god-chosen super leaders against our indestructible cities and disposable mortal leaders?

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>orcs are the horde
Not according to OP-pic, anymore

get this shit off the board it's taking up valuable smash space.

The retard option is to tell Nathan that the escape is happening, and then he says "Just as keikaku" and tells you to eat him cum out of Sylvanas while the Alliance thinks they escaped undetected.

>reluctant yes

faction shit flinging aside, why even offer 3 choices?

>Genn was committing a war crime
How exactly? You hordefucks sure do like to throw in the "war crime" card despite their faction being based around them.
>and going against orders
He's a king, he can do what he wants with his own troops.

>Godfrey successfully killed her with a gun
>Valkyr bullshit brought her back
Fuck Sylvanas. Godfrey for Warchief.

Rent free

The whole point of the new expansion is literally the green horde having a breakdown with the new leadership of the horde and the alliance are just sidekicks going along with the green horde.


Wait, what the fuck, Genn dies? He's one of the only good Alliance leaders left. Fucks sake.

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>How exactly?
he breaks ceasefire agreement
>He's a king, he can do what he wants with his own troops.
Since when he became Stormwind's king?

>How exactly?
I think he was being sarcastic there m8

Yes, with those legendary weapons you were able to FACE a fucking titan without being eradicated
There's no saying if aggramar is in weaker state, just corrupted to sargeras will. And you get him down without help
An Argus is 2nd strongest titan with sorrow that forms a drops with heavy dot damage. 6 titans present and weakened were uable to supress him, and he scored a instakill on players, only for them to get ressurected by Eonar. And then you fight 2nd strongest titan empowered by Sargeras. At this moment the only stronger being in universe were Sargeras himself and maybe void lords.
And sargeras sword was the mechanic to nerf player character back to some reasonable levels

why even offer three fucking choices to answer if all of them are yes?

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>green horde.
More like blue Horde

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you could have just said alliance players are bad at the game and that’s why 90% of them play with war mode off

It's fanfic, there's no way the writers would make the alliance lose BOTH two cities AND their leaders, right?

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





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He's king of Gilneas, he can do whatever the fuck he wants with worgen troops and that's all he has.
The Alliance has a High King, but every racial leader has full autonomy and the reason why that usually works is because it's a democracy working around a common goal, whereas the horde is a dictatorship and nobody gets a say except the warchief.

Well there was that small detail about the world-wide invasion by the Burning Legion, and Gray Mane decides he's just going to attack Sylvanas and her forces during the defense efforts solely because he's buttmad.

It just hit me, the absolute state of this game, jesus christ

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>All the male Dwarves get killed off
>somehow Moira "Mudhsark" Bronzebeard is still alive

What a fucking joke. This better not be real.

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>Godfrey was killed on Genn orders for not wanting to forcibly being turned into worgen, one of monsters who destroyed his beloved kingdom
Alliance is true cancer


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>He's king of Gilneas, he can do whatever the fuck he wants with worgen troops and that's all he has.
He had air-carrier full of Stormwind's lions

I hope it is.
The Bronzie and Wildie salt will be magnificent.

He's super buttmad, but if you do Azsuna you get the journal off an undead ship saying that she's going to Stormheim to get some super weapon. He just jumped the gun like an idiot and got his ship blown out of the sky.

How are old gods less powerful than titans? Titans themselves struggled fighting old gods and we've beaten at least two now. Maybe the Titans aren't as powerful as lore makes them sound.

Could you people come up with some new material.

The legendary weapons aren't shit compared to the power of a titan and where was it ever stated that the Titans were significantly weaker? You don't even get any help in the aggramar fight and it doesn't even make sense for the titans to be way weaker or they wouldn't be able to do shit to Sargeras.

Both of you, retards, from the start
>Alliance are formed from leaders of nations/races, everyone have their independence but agree to folllow a single leader
>Genn kinda of broke it going vs sylvanas without telling anyone, because he thinks that sylvanas is responsible for varian death at broken shore
>sure, she broke the orders, and he risked a already damaged ceasefire to fight legion
>there's no war crime because it a fight between 2 armies, not vs civilians
>and then later sylvanas commits similiar dumb move, by angering potential ally by enslaving a valkyr queen, risking valarjar aka one of critical allies to go agaisnt alliance and horde

both of their decisions were selfish and retarded, just it happened that sylvanas decision have biger magnitude

>dat pic
Meanwhile in reality

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They aren't god-chosen if they get rekt by an undea with a bow.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH we've been had all along non undead bros.

>but if you do Azsuna you get the journal off an undead ship saying that she's going to Stormheim to get some super weapon.
Non-canon, since horde finding this journal too.


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You fought against avatars of the titans that sargeras made because he wanted to do something with them. Don't remember what ewxactly anymore. Sargeras himself is the only real titan left alive and you don't fight him, he gets imprisoned in a cutscene after the raid.

>get rekt
>no injuries whatsoever

>angrying potential ally
Odin literally tells that valkyre to remove sand from her vagina when she got upset about it in dungeon

Titans are strong enough to beat old gods, but not strong enough to kill them permanently
Also gimmick like Yggsharaj being rooted so deep inside azeroth that forcefully unrooting him could resultin planet death

A feature I wanted to play with the very first time I launched Vanilla WoW to find that the disappointment begins and never ends.


Don forget that even in a group of 40 adventurers the feats accomplished in raiding would easily put the player into "Hero or Champion" status.

>GoT gets season 8
Feels good to be LoTRfan

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Didn't they rip one of the Old Gods right out of Azeroth when they first returned to deal with them and it left the Well of Eternity as a wound in the planet?

>can't win against an undead with a bow
>get rekt by an orc with an axe
>suck the cock of human leader who had to teach them how to fight and behave
>suck the cock of orc warrior who is given the most powerful weapon since they are to weak to handle it

That's in the new lore books yeah.

Odyn is a reard who in single second change from some noble funny grandpa to angered motherfucker instakilling you because you struck a nerve asking single question, so there's no telling what wuld happen if sylvanas actualy manage to enslave valkyr queen. And since she didnt manage, Odin is not rustled enough

Reminder that Tyrande is wet at the tought of a the cock of an Orc (this is canon) and this is why she didn't defend her people and immedialty fucked off after the night warrior ritual.

Because one Titan just plucked out the strongest old god like a weed and only noticed then that it's gonna break Azeroth apart if they are removed like that so they had their armies fight instead to put them under quarantine.

Netflix series soon

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Even in a group of 40 adventurers the feats accomplished in raiding would easily put everyone involved into "Hero" or "Champion" status, You are still contributing towards a winning fight against unfathomable monstrosities that could easily kill tens of thousands of people effortlessly.

>horde thinks it has any concept of honor whatsoever
>implying the alliance isn't the embodiment of honor
Laugh with me, bros.

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Just as bad.

She fucked off because she and Malfurion were rekt by the Voice of the Horde

Irrelavant because they're still implied to be atleast as powerful as before seeing as they could imprison Sargeras of all people.

>if you kill your enemy they win

Exactly, she and her cuck Husband can't stand against the mighty orcs.
This is why they asked the help of the humans at the start of vanilla.
They knew the Orcs would immedialty outbreed them.

what he says
>driver booster is legit
what he means
>saitek is shit

*massacres blood elf civilians in Dalaran*
*massacres Tauren civilians in Taurajo*
*puts innocent Orcs in concentration camps*

literally how do people even know the details of the plot after wotlk lolllll

Everyone know it will be shit

>proven wrong
>shitflinging begins
lmaoing at your life, alliance pleb

trolls are ugly?

And taller than what supposed to be vrykuls

Gilneas deserves to burn.

>innocent Orcs
>innocent Orcs
>innocent Orcs
Congratulations, you just triggered me

>because one of them inadvertently killed his son is somehow reasonable.

look at this fucking cuck. Doesn't even know that's the only thing a dwarf should do.

*Alliance attacks viable military target, kills many civilians in the process*
>Alliance: Haha! FINNA BASED! Hordekeks BTFO!
*Horde retaliates and attacks a viable military target, killing many civilians in the process*

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>implying the alliance are sad.
Having night elves refugees in stormwind was all part of the plan.

>Where is the Alliance revenge event when the dwarf hold was bombed?
because dwarf started first by shooting an etire tribe of cows in Vanilla


DIdn't the devs say that Sylvanas would NOT be another Garrosh?
Right now everything points to her being exactly that.

>this is the mental gymnastics of the horde

When they said she won't be another Garrosh, they meant that she won't survive and cause the events of another expansion to happen.

>blood elf civilians
You mean the ones that made the Theramore nuke? And you mean EXPELLED, not massacred.
YOU NIGGERS KEEP CALLING BACK TO THATAS IF THE HORDE HADN'T KILLED BOTH THE GUY IN CHARGE OF IT OR DESTROYED A DWARVEN KEEP AS PAYBACK. Tell me when the alliance got revenge for Darkshore or Ashenvale, or the druid school, or theramore, or Darnassus.
>Orcs in concentration camps

Devs also said that burning of tree event will be big twist and surprise

And here in the night
As I feel the inferno
I stare in the dark
Thinking what is eternal

The orc or the moment
The act or the reason
These thoughts fill my head
As I contemplate treason

Of dreams I have had
And dreams I have pondered
When late in the night
My mind it would wander

To things I have done
And then quickly regretted
While denying vices
My life had selected

And I think what I've done
Or have yet to begin
And the orc I've become
And the orc that I've been

Now caught in a waltz
With the eternal dancer
I'm courted by death
But death isn't the answer

Attached: saurfang.jpg (675x380, 140K)

Popularity has nothing to do with dignity.

>because dwarf started first by shooting an etire tribe of cows in Vanilla

not an argument


Don't you see a plot behind it?

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Of course, now I finally see, the gnomes and the goblins are manipulating BOTH the alliance and the horde whenever there isn't a big threat just so they can keep a conflict happening so there are markets for their technologies and weapons. How couldn't I see that before?

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This reads horribly without full stops

>You mean the ones that made the Theramore nuke?
>And you mean EXPELLED, not massacred.
When you arrive at Dalaran they are massacred by Silver coventat, Stormwind troops and Kirin'Tor
Why should Horde kills someone who destroyed invaders into horde lands?

>An entire raid was released that involved invading the Horde capital city and taking its current leader out of his position of power
>Alliance pretend this didn't count as revenge just because some neutral Panda guy made their cuck-king give Garrosh a fair trial
Still waiting for that raid on Stormwind where we fight Andiun that'll literally never happen, because the story is soooooooooo Horde biased right?

it's located in the barrens, retard

You havent been 'some random adventurer' since the end of Wrath. After that just became more and more of a godslaying hero of legend that everyone knew. Well, not questgivers apparently.

>invaders into horde lands
There is no such thing as "horde lands". Orcs are foreign invaders occupying night elf and neutral soil, and their ranks are filled with opportunists like tauren who have chosen to be part of the occupation force.

All of them must die.

Those were LITERALLY the ones that were EXPELLED, not massacred, from Dalaran.
>When you arrive at Dalaran they are massacred
Except she didn't massacre anyone. Unless you are talking about the ones that were stealing artifacts, because in that case it's NOT massacre to kill thieves.
>Why should Horde kills someone who destroyed invaders into horde lands?
English motherfucker, do you write it?

Night Elf have no claim outside of their tree.
original elven empire was built by mages, not tree niggers

pff nerds its a mmorpg story doesnt matter

>Except she didn't massacre anyone.
Except she ordered it.
And you see Alliance hunting all sunreavers across dalaran
>English motherfucker, do you write it?
Niet, ya russki


>An entire raid was released that involved invading the Horde capital city and taking its current leader out of his position of power
You mean that case where the Alliance acted as body guards to one side of the Horde faction, after getting a city nuked? Because if the Alliance were after anything for themselves they would have finished the Horde, but they didn't, so in fact they were simply helping the same faction that had just nuked them. Acting as body guards. And no, helping the Horde ISN'T revenge for the Horde nuking a city.

Whatever Ion says, always assume he just made it up on the spot.

Its late in the thread, but mechanically speaking do you think by the end of this expansion or the start of the next they will abolish the barrier of playing with the opposite faction in terms of groups, guilds, etc? With them making every server PvE and making PvP into their own instanced standalone server, it seems like its inevitable.

If the Alliance were after anything for themselves they would lost a war, because only writters keeps this faction relevant

I mean, I know that most of the faction leaders would probably 'know' the PC by name, but it's fucking a bit farfetched to think that every one of the PC's would be friends with them. I've been to fucking TB less than I have Silvermoon, so where the hell did I find the time to become friends with Baine? I could see the PC becoming friends with their factions own leader, and MAYBE the Warchief and some of the other 'important' people, but some cowman I've talked to like three times?

Hordeshitters ALWAYS find a way to play the victim.
Always, every single time.
>Abloo bloo bu hu we were forced to nuke Theramore, it hurt us more than it hurt them

Attached: bu hu.jpg (567x356, 20K)

it really wouldn't change anything from modern state of the game

Yeah, that's about what I expected.
Its impossible to please Alliance players by doing anything short of just deleting the entire Horde faction from the game and giving every Alliance player a participation trophy.

So you link me a quest where the cows shoot several dwarf workers.... to prove that the cows were killed by the dwarves? Do you even understand what you're saying?

>Wrathbabies demanded skyrim
The ultimate shitpost

>Hordeshitters ALWAYS find a way to play the victim.
Projecting again?

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>Except she ordered it
The expelling of the same elves that created the mana bomb, anything else is story revisionism. Any other belf being hunted at the time was literally stealing artifacts, are you going to defend thieves now?


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>So you link me a quest where the cows shoot several dwarf workers.... to prove that the cows were killed by the dwarves?
Nice mental gymnastic
>Bael Modan was once next to a tauren village, but in conflicts between the dwarves and tauren (caused by the dwarves excavating for Titan artifacts in land the local tauren considers holy) most of the tauren were killed or driven off of their ancestral lands. Their old village is now torn apart by dwarven digging machines. Gann Stonespire, a tauren who frequently wanders the roads nearby, tried to reach a diplomatic resolution, but failed; he now seeks revenge by sending Horde adventurers to fight the dwarves.

>The dwarves of Bael Modan show no respect for my land. Horrendous blasts drive holes deep into the ground as noisy machines rip apart the hills. Lands which once served as home and provider to my tribe are now riddled with destructive dwarves.

>Attempts at reaching a diplomatic resolution have failed. Now is the time for decisive action.
But of course manlet cuckolds dindunuffin wrong (while their wives took dark iron semen)

no orc is innocent.

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Think of the Alliance as the far left and the Horde as being the average white, straight male.
No matter what the latter does to bow down and please the former, paying reparations, begging for forgiveness, they will always try to paint the situation in a way that makes them look oppressed and victimized.

>Any other belf being hunted at the time was literally stealing artifacts
>in sewers
>in Sunreavers district
Nice denial

>"well that's bullshit"
Not an argument green nigger.
>Its impossible to please Alliance players
Are you retarded? There were two cases when the alliance launched an all out assault against a horde city, in one case they were helping the Horde in a civil war, the other case they got a city that's LITERALLY a sewer, both bombed and plagued. How is that comparable to what the horde did?

You got horde and alliance mixed up there, don't worry we still get what you meant to say.


>straight white
eunuchs cannot be straight by default

And you massacre the dwarf workers. How is that not revenge for the village destroyed? Nobody is complaining that theramore, darnassus, ashenvale or darkshore were invaded or burned, the problem is that when the alliance does something they either get a destroyed city which has no value or they are just helping an internal faction of the horde, in neither case it's a proper revenge or a conquest.

>And you massacre the dwarf workers. How is that not revenge for the village destroyed?
So why horde should kill a guy responsible for destruction of bael modan?

Those were the only ones being hunted or expelled

>The place that got a warning before the bombing?
Yeah those echos of victims certainly showed that

>get a destroyed city which has no value
So just like Darnassus?

I don't even understand what you're saying, the problem isn't the horde not hunting the one "responsible for destruction of bael modan", the problem is the alliance doing nothing every time they are attacked.

The Horde literally committed canon genocide this expansion, lmao. They're not exactly doling out reparations or begging for forgiveness, they're just being evil.

WoW will finally die together with Sylvanas.

So you're saying that it's the Alliance's fault that the civilians didn't left after the warning?

>has no arguments and stoops to hurling petty insults
Yeah, looks like I win.
Go ahead and post the no shoes copypasta too so we can all see how seething you are right now.

>Those were the only ones being hunted or expelled
>source: my ass

Well you blame Horde for Theramore, despite Garrosh gave Alliance a few weeks to evacuate a city

Sure thing waifufag

You mean the place that's the ancestral home of the night elves and serves to create a control zone on the area that contains countless nelf artifacts, plus the rejuvenation wheels that are used after they lost their immortality?

Not only they didn't know but woment and children were murdered while begging for mercy
Meanwhile Garrosh didn't want to kill theramore civillians while dealing massive blow to their army so he rused alliance into thinking they're going to raid the city before just nuking it

>ancestral home of the night elves
Get a load of this lorelet

Are you fucking serious?

>warcraft 1, 2 horde
>bloodthirsty genocide machines

>warcraft 3, vanilla, bc, wotlk horde
>misunderstand outcasts standing together to survive (even undead) and ultimately working for the greater good

>horde after wotlk
>saturday morning cartoon villains except tauren who just go along with everything anyway for no reason

what the fuck happened


The source is literally the official storyline. There were two cases where belves got expelled from Dalaran, one when Jaina discovered that the same ones that built the mana bomb were on the city and the other when they got caught stealing artifacts.