Borderlands 3

So we can all agree it's going to be GOTY, right?
>Sekiro is the worst Souls game
>DMC5 is trash in comparison to DMC3
>REmake 2 is worse than the original because no tank controls and variety in the A/B routes
>Days Gone is a flop
>Division 2 looks like garbage
>KH3 was a massive disappointment

What else can they show that can compete with it?

Attached: 6Hs3vUd.jpg (1458x765, 118K)

Other urls found in this thread:

i like video game

nothing can compete

I would rather shit glass tham play another Borserlands game. Doublely so if it required me to install the Epic Games Store to play it.

Eat a dick Randy.

Also, RoR2 is the best gamr to come out this year.

and you don't like sex


Attached: go away no back.jpg (392x495, 113K)

l'm actually pretty hyped for it. Only a seething V*lvedrone incel would not buy it.

>micro-transaction filled westshit

I will buy it at 100% discount, enjoy paying for the microtransactions.

>cosmetics only and campaign DLC like BL2
Oh no no no

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its obviously goty because le epic plebbit humor

Dont forget extra levels and xp boosts

I'll get it on CPY store

Whatever they're paying you to write this bullcrap, it's not enough.

it's gonna be so BADASS bros

Attached: tyler.png (330x256, 148K)

>extra levels and xp boosts
t.never played Borderlands 2.

That's a relic that became obsolete a couple of hours into the game


Epic games bad!

>randy throwing fit after fit on twitter, shitting on the fans
>people still give a fuck about the world's most boring looter shooter

>enjoy your level cap expansion dlc that is not going to be included in the season pass
>and xp boosts, they are totally optional i swear
sorry randy not falling for it

>Giving a fuck about anything outside of the main qualities of the game itself
Nice to see a retardERA user here.

>ITT: Literal underage ebin hardcore gamers that don't like to have fun in a videogame

Borderlands 2 is the best co-op experience you can have in PC and Borderlands 3 is going to be even better.
Even if we have to wait until 2020 it will be worth it.
Suck a dick and keep playing shitty gacha games and movie simulators, faggots.

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>So we can all agree it's going to be GOTY, right?

>mfw people hating on the game just because the publisher is retarded
>mfw people in this board cry about not being able to play games like before but they SEETHE at one of the most nostalgic games released

I seriously don't understand if people here are retarded, trolling or just want to be antagonistic to everything people like.

Like, out of every game released this year, besides DMC5, what's there to play?

Yea Forums doesn't like videogames, this is a website that you go to shit on things and get the latest vidya news.


Sekiro is by far FromSofts best game of all time, and heaps better than this trash could hope to ever be

>Another thread ruined by fromfags
le sigh

cosmetic microtransactions are not ok

>0 replayability
>0 build variety
>repetitive gameplay, lacking in weaponry in comparison to older soul games
>underwhelming boss fights aside from Isshin and Genichiro

bl2 didnt even have xp relic jesus christ it was a relic that gave you "+5% rare loot" but it actually decreased your chance of earning purples and legendaries. But still I have big fears of BL3 having some alwaysonline bullshit where you cannot do what you want and when.

he's not wrong, the BL series is mediocre at best and BL3 looks like a straight carbon copy of 2 with different characters but same everything else

t.somebody that actually spend hundreds of hours on BL1/2 and did all the content for both

BL2 has XP relic. It's just not a preorder bonus.
You get it from a sidequest in the Dust.

They literally confirmed in the May 1 stream that it had offline mode like previous games


Then why aren't you playing Battleborn?
>main qualities
which there are none? Only redeeming quality of Borderlands is the artstyle, other than that, it's a good cure for insomnia


>The best looter shooter of vidya history is mediocre at best
>Having a copy of something already with but with updated graphics and mechanics is somehow bad
>Yet people in this board always want LITERALLY the same game with updated graphics and mechanics

Post a more replayable game for 2-4 players and I'll eat my words.

>Talking about Borderlands
Living rent free
inside your heaaaaaaad~

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>paying for cosmetics in a Borderlands game

*Something already good

There is literally nothing forcing anyone to buy them other than poor impulse control, and they're not even the main focus of the game which has always been fancy guns. Do you also rage at Dota 2 and TF2 as well?

Yes, looter shooters are mediocre at best because they deliberately forego story and worldbuilding because if not you wouldn't get addicted to the "WOOOW THIS WEAPON DOES +2 DAMAGE THAN WHAT I HAVE ALREADY"

second, and the game isnt even fully out yet

>sekiro worse than DaS2
>re2 is worse because no tank controls
>dmc5 is trash
is this a troll thread

>Justifying a cash shop in a $60 game with a $40 season pass and no dedicated servers

They won

Have sex

>The best looter shooter of vidya history is mediocre at best

this means jack shit, looter shooters are not even a great genre to begin with

>Having a copy of something already with but with updated graphics and mechanics is somehow bad

it is bad when they don't even bother to refine it, if they are just gonna copy paste the same game then why bother making another one?

>>Yet people in this board always want LITERALLY the same game with updated graphics and mechanics

nah people just want good games, and im afraid that the BL franchise doesn't feel that category

>Post a more replayable game for 2-4 players and I'll eat my words

literally every other game that has co-op, you are talking about BL as if it was a grand, loved and great franchise but it isn't, its mediocre and filled to the brim with cringer tier dialog and story, you are probably from reddit so you like it and i don't blame you, the game is literally made for you and your kind

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You were just crying about "anything outside of the game itself", thus you should be the biggest fan of Battleborn, because the game died exactly because of randy's bitchfits and other bad PR surrounding the game
you're quite the hypocrite

>t. pussy who didn't ring the bell, throw away the charm, and actually try using prosthetics and arts creatively

I bet you've never even tried using the Shield as a ranged weapon.

Wrong. They are by far the only acceptable microtransaction.


Your entire argument is literally 'I don't like Borderlands'. Good for you, now find some other thread to post in instead of raging at other people's fun.

engage in sexual acts with your partner of choice

You're projecting wayyyyyyy too much buddy. Again, we're talking about Borderlands, so stop your autistic mental gimnastics.

>Playing a ARPG for the story
What the fuck am I reading.

and yours is "borderlands is good because i say so and therefore you should like it too! upvoat this please!"

you gotta go back

>still only 1/5 of what you can do in a Souls game with 1/10 of the replayability

>Entire argument based on "I DONT LIKE GAEM"
>Reddit card
>Actually mad people have fun with a good game
Really joggins my noggin

This. They allow games to be sold for virtually free because every whale with a credit card pays the share of a hundred freeloaders, with no detriment to either since core mechanics aren't affected by chintz.

so worst BL character is in charge, dropped

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It has microtransactions so ill just wait until all dlc is released and buy it for 2 dollars or pirate it


Attached: borderlands sjw shit.jpg (1095x615, 90K)

>Actually mad people have fun with a good game

but it isn't

Remember when Yea Forums hated Borderlands and used to shit on Gearbox for blatantly shilling Borderlands 2 here?

What the fuck happened.

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We have given plenty of examples about why the game is good you colossal mongoloid.
Holy fuck if you want to be antagonistic just for the sake of doing so go fuck off to a place where people actually care.

This shit looks like Borderlands 2.5, the jokes are reddit tier garbage, and the gameplay feels like shooting a bunch of moving pinatas with guns attached onto them.

You're talking to a strawman, I'm over here. No one here is forcing you to like Borderlands, unless you're autistic enough to believe stating an opinion is tantamount to compulsion. It's a fun time-waster with a cool loot gimmick.

Yea Forums always liked Borderlands when it released on 2012 though, there were threads all the way till 2014 on here.

>Why are people enjoying a good game
>Why is my sekrit club not agreeing with me
>Yea Forums is 1 person


gearbox is blatantly shilling Borderlands 3 here

why is this hard for you to understand

Yeah, no. Borderlands has always been shitposting central.

TLOU2 gonna launch this year and will be GOTY

But she has big tits

redditors took over

see and

>Targeting 60fps for Xbox One X
What the fuck?

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>"Build variety"
Even just three weapons in MH are more different in actual execution and skill ceiling than anything actually useful in Soulsborne.

Remember when Yea Forums was one opinionated person with hard-set preferences? Yeah, me neither.

I know you're pretending to be retarded, for what purpose? We're talking about borderlands, I already pointed out what snorefest it is and how the only good thing about it, is its aesthetic

kill yourself pedo randy

The gunplay actually looks good. No weird sway and the guns sound impactful. Looks good but I was likely gonna buy it anyway.

Lol not the guy you’re moanin at but Borderlands is a fuuuckin GAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY franchise.
Borderlands fans are also Kingdom Hearts fans, they have no standards and love trash.

>fun time waster
>at full AAA price with microtransactions peeking in where they can

solitaire on my phone is a fun timewaster
spinning my dick around like nipple tassels is a fun timewaster
a lackluster game developed by people who have proven in the past they can exceed lackluster is not a fun timewaster. shitting on that game is a fun timewaster
i'm probably gonna buy it anyway

Even when Yea Forums was spamming "viralands" I was enjoying the game

Go back to /vg/ MHcuck, how dare you compare that garbage to the masterpieces Miyazaki creates.

It's just another shooter that implemented "new" systems that fucking world of warcraft have had for years. Amazing bro, such technology.

do you like loli

Fuck off newfag. Borderlands 2 shilling caused a huge shitstorm, and coupled with horrid shit like them dropping an "arrow to the knee reference" the game was pretty much universally mocked.

Well extra levels were paid were they not with the badass packs? they were like 5 quid if I recall correctly


>Sekiro is the worst souls game
That's not Dark Souls 2
>DMC5 is trash in comparison to 3
What about compared to the other ones?
>REmake 2 is worse than original
Oh boy
>Days Gone is a flop
Not even close
>Division 2 looks like garbage
Oh, like the first one?
>KH3 was a massive dissapointment
That's because you're growing up.

>I was merely pretending to be retarded!
Okay, if that's what you're going with, that's fine.

>le sigh

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>Randy Bobandy's BADASSlands: The Movie The Game The Barely Legal Magic Trick

Why the fuck does it matter so fucking much that the gameplay is the fucking same? It is literally something fans of the series love, why the fuck would they change it

This post just reeks of a Gearbox employee. You forgot to add a "badass" at the end there, buddy. Gonna pirate that trash and wait for a discount on Steam before I waste any money on what looks like the exact copy of BL2.

You do know that it won Co-op and Action game of the year in 2012, right?

Honestly only good reply in this thread all the games OP listed were great in their own ways. Feels great being a GAMER


how did he got away with this?

Your obsessive hatred of Reddit isn't much different from obsessive hatred of sucking dick. Both tend to get a little suspect.

>jew awards

Why does the opinion of game journalists matter?

If you don't hate Reddit, or at the very least can't understand WHY people hate Reddit, you're part of the problem.

you shouldn't even be in this site newfriend, your kind sticks like a sore thumb just by the way you fucking type, fucking kys

What else came out in 2012? Oh yeah, nothing good.
What else came out in 2019? Oh yeah, definitely alot of good vidya.

>this user unironically believes the opinion of game journalist has any weight behind it

holy shit how naive are you newfriend?

>removing tank controls and adding variety in routes makes a game worse.

>Sekiro is the worst Souls game
Don't play Soulsborne games, so I don't know.

>DMC5 is trash in comparison to DMC3
"Oh yeah, that happened": The Game

>REmake 2 is worse than the original because no tank controls and variety in the A/B routes
Agree on the A/B thing, but it was still great.

>Days Gone is a flop
Waiting for Black Friday

>Division 2 looks like garbage
Don't care.

>KH3 was a massive disappointment
It was fine, but really forgettable.

On topic, I'm genuinely looking forward to Borderlands 3. I actually just kicked off a series marathon in the meantime. I had never played any of them aside from 2, so this is mostly a new experience.

Yet nowhere in that statement nor what I recollect of those discussions was the game criticised for being fundamentally bad to play. You can take as many flaming dumps on Gearbox writing for all I care, but the base mechanics have always been sound; if you don't like those either, then let's just agree to disagree.

>xp boosts
its just a 2% exp for the first hours, you can get more exp relics iname

Every level cap increase for the games was in the season pass though why would they change that?

Why do we still cite reviews here then?

He handed lots of cash for his freedom hence why he took some of that vbucks money from Timmy Tencent just to get some money back into the development budget.

Better than unironically believing awards aren't recognised and supported by the rest of the industry too. If we applied your logic elsewhere, Oscars and Nobel Prizes wouldn't be worth anything either (though to be fair, the Peace Prize really is pretty meaningless).

Why did they took the 120m$ from EGS?

This Kys upset cuck

If thing you can say about a game is that it's mechanics are sound, it's probably not worth playing.

Here's the reality: Borderlands has always been all flash and no substance. The gameplay bland and mediocre, doing nothing particularly egregious but also not really doing anything better than other shooters either. It's "fun" factor elevated only by the addition of co-op. Here's the kicker though, co-op makes literally any game fun. Every game is fun with friends.

The terrible writing and blatant, literal viral marketing are just the icing on the shit cake.


i hate you redditors so fucking much

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I'm not interested in big tits anymore. Now I love flatchested 12 years old

Please tell me what else I should think, random faggot

it's going to be at best mediocre like every Borderlands game so far.

Then your opinion unironically doesn't matter. Mentally sick degenerate.

You do know it lost it to a shitty game

>ib4 some redditor comes out saying the artstyle and the humor makes it unique and worth playing

i love how they keep proving how mediocre the game is when trying to defend it



You're gonna buy our choco god-queen's game when it comes in September, right guys?

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>Thinking Sekiro is a Souls game
>Didn't like DMC5 or RE2make
>Was hyped for KH3
And to top it all off
>Is not only hyped for Gearbox's latest helping of dog shit, but thinks it'll be GOTY

How is it possible to be such an absolute fucking mongoloid? Go gargle Randy's fetid jizz.

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> Mentally sick degenerate.
Tell this to my 14 yrs old gf normalfag

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Not gonna buy it. But I'm gonna keep seeding it for her.

brother with good taste

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This game is so obviously shilled it's not even funny

Hey Randy, wanna go to Medieval Times again?

Lol Sekiro is souls game no matter how much you deny it, it's also a great game

Will Moxies big boobies be back?

Attached: Moxxi_DLC_Intro.jpg (1600x900, 272K)

>Sekiro is the worst Souls game
>DMC5 is trash in comparison to DMC3
Yeah, Borderlands is totally way more Badass™ than either of those problematic games for weebs, incels, and manchildren. Remember what papa Randy told us, nobody likes a bigot, unless he's crying.

Attached: gengo.jpg (816x568, 20K)

Either underage or asking to get van'd

Or the most likely option, lying on the internet

She's in the gameplay reveal event

>Randy "I like my Tinas Tiny" Pitchford.

Good one.

>get van'd

Attached: 1528139040532.gif (1000x1000, 1.47M)

Why don't you grow up and admit that awards can actually be meaningful instead of arrogantly flaunting your petty nihilism? Plenty of people on Yea Forums respect the official GOTY choices here, or at least are intellectually honest enough to admit their dislike is founded on personal opinion.

cyberpunk is going to release this year

>Borderlands 2 is the best co-op experience you can have in PC
No, not even REMOTELY close, it is absolute trash. You could build a mountain with the amount of games that have better co-op, and better just about everything else.
Why do retarded plebs always jump straight to the
So is getting kicked in the balls. Stop playing shitty video games, faggot.

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So what are the chances Randy will be outed to committing sexual assault?

Juicy lilith

I think that's ultimately a matter of opinion, the same way Bioshock is arguably a far different beast from System Shock.

I don't know why most likely because they want money but that doesn't change the fact that every level cap increase has been in every season pass.

>awards given by literal retards that can't even properly play the games they are reviewing having any weight

kill yourself normie

>ITT: Literal underage ebin hardcore gamers
Yes that very accurately describes the Borderlands core audience.

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>western Randy trash
why are mutts so stupid?

Can you list some games with better co-op then? I'm genuinely curious.

getting kicked in the balls is not fun, even with friends. Unless your whole crew is into some C&B torture

Attached: moxxi.jpg (1920x1080, 444K)

Sekiro is not a Souls game. It is a masterpiece and a good contender for GOTY, but it is not a souls game, and if you try to play it like one then it shits on you. They have gone on record stating that they deliberately designed it this way.

You’re crazy if you think I’ll ever put a dollar in Randy’s wallet again. I’m incredibly thankful he’s such a douchebag because it snapped me out of the nostalgia I had for the first two games

>playing let along buying cringecomp humor naked skinnerbox
I sincerely hope this is marketing my fellow "4channer"

It always buged me that Lilith became the leader of the Crimson Lance. Seems like Roland would have a second in command that was more reasonable and wouldn't order their troops to shoot the innocent.

DMC3 was shit, and sold the least in the series, DMC5 sold better, and achieved more acclaim. It is OBJECTIVELY better, sorry faggot.

The game comes out next year, the fuck are you on about?

>I have never been to a party or gotten drunk in my life

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You have to go back.

Dying Light 2 over Borderlands 3

you should be able to tell the redditors and shills in this thread just by talking a quick look at their post, they stick out like a fucking sore thumb, like for example

so she is a siren too?

Is that Scooter after his transition?

yea and randy also said that there will be no microtranscations and then 2 minutes after the conference theres a tweet saying that he lied

Off the top of my head;
Any Souls game
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Risk of Rain
Warframe (which is basically just a better, free Borderlands)
The Division 1/2 (which is basically just a better, cringeless Borderlands)

scooter is dead

Today I remind dmc3fags

Today I also reminds Soulsfags

Attached: cry cry faggots.png (916x282, 106K)

>Reviews in 2019 work exactly the same as how they worked in 2005

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>DMC 5
DMC 3 was better in some ways but its just a disappointment due to the enormous hype train you little fuck

If this shit is still on Pandora, it's a flop. There's nothing left and Pandora is a shit location now. There should be new scenery and locations.

Not the guy you're talking to but, Souls are trash co-op games. Before the password system finding your friends was a pain, DS2 Soul Memory made getting their sign to spawn a fucking chore, and to top it all off depending on how many people you are with you'd have to go through an area 2-4 times and you end up over leveled as a result. Souls is very ill suited for co-op with anyone but twink randos.


Scooter already transitioned into a corpse.

its not restricted to pandora, you can visit different planets and each one is different apparently, or that was what randy cuckford said

>M E M E
You sure told me.


full list of returning legendary guns?

Dude we just saw there is gonna be different planets. Gameplay demo takes place in Promethea.

God soulsfags are delusional. Co-op is a terrible tacked on addition to the series. It literally breaks enemy ai every time because From isn't intelligent enough to program for two or more people in a world.

Borderlands is fun. You can disagree as not every game/franchise is for everyone and it certainly has its faults, which is fine, but if your only arguement against the series is "muh BADASS SJW cringe" then I'm afraid you've unironically been caught by the incel filter.

>implying I have even seen anything about Boredomlands 3
>shilling a game on Yea Forums

Oof, acidic and yikespilled


No, it's actually just pretty fucking bad regardless of your sex life and if you have no moral qualms supporting Randy Bitchford despite knowing what he is then I view you as a thoughtless consumer of corporate goo

>enters a thread about borderlands 3
>"haha i don't care about borderlands 3 idiot xD"

Attached: feelinit.png (889x889, 1.17M)

>tfw dmc3 sold like shit
>fans blame dmc2
>a maligned reboot releases
>fans try to sabotage it and review bomb it
>btfos dmc3's sales despite controversy
>despite being meme'd to hell and back and putting the future of the series in question
>dmc5 was even more successful
KEK, dmc3fags eternally btfo'd

Attached: 1553455121354.jpg (891x768, 221K)

>using the term "incel"
>actually arguing that the games humor is not a completely cringer tier filled garbage with jokes that only 12 years olds and redditors aka you would find funny

you need to lurk for years before even trying to post here again you fucking shill, your new can be seen from miles away

I don’t get it
Were they supposed to be funny?

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>something being shit forever makes it ok now
fuck you Randy, your games suck ass.

I like DMC5 though. I just find your attempts to discredit 15 year old video games using a highly flawed logic as pathetic and pitiful.


>the best selling dmc 4 never existed
kek retard

It's a game series were you shoot people with different guns. The gun play is good, the variety is good, the class system is good, and the co-op is good.
Is your hang up about the game specifically or just randy?

but only if you arent a real human

Not only this, but DMC5 needed DMC3 to even exist so any success of DMC5 can be partially credited to DMC3.

>people hate them
>gb letting us kill streamers

the OP is arguing that this game is goty material, when its clearly not and the franchise is mediocre at best, and you are wondering why people are shitting on it? fuck off retard, also nice frogpost you fucking faggot hit me up with a wojack pic next would you?

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i hat to admit it, but you aint wrong.

>The gun play is good, the variety is good, the class system is good, and the co-op is good.
imagine being this much of a waste of human resources.

They've made them streamers so you'll want them dead on that basis alone. Her being a space vampire is just two birds with one stone at that point.

>running backwards to kite a braindead bullet sponge for 15 minutes is " good gunplay "

lol it's the game and Randy both.

we rape her corpse live on stream

You sound like you need to have sex

>I've never played a souls game
Summoning help also increases your chances of being invaded, there is a trade off for everything, brainlet.

No one is wondering why people are shitting on it you mollusc.
Wondering why you proposed a situation in which the game would flop, people responded by saying that situation wouldn't be the case, and your response was "well i don't actually care, doo doo heads"
Ironic the person complaining about frogposting is the biggest assblasted brainlet in the thread.

you're offering I assume i got good tongue play

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Its looks soooo good I was like rage who??? Todd just can't catch a break these days

Don't know why Randy is trying so hard, he should know BL3 will sell itself without the need of him being overly defensive about it.
His damage control is doing more damage than it needs to. SHUT UP RANDY I'M ALREADY BUYING YOUR GAME.
Diamond Loot Chest Edition pre-Ordered already for PS4

Well Donte was unironically a better character than Dante that's why DmC sold better, also because Donte in part took his personality from Nero and was more western designed and serious, so more people were attracted to an un-animu version of Dante. Until 5 Vorgil was also more developed than Vergil. 4 & 5 are specifically more successful because it appeals to everyone. You have cartoon character Dante who the hardcore weebs love. And you have Nero, who the Donte fans love. The combined forces made the 2 games the most successful

rage isnt even the same type of game
they are both fps and thats where the similarities stop

Hello Randy

>lilith is mommy tier now

Holy shit my dick

Your joking right...

shit game

Bye Todd

>over an hour later
>still no reply

Dare I say, BTFO?

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This, OP is probably just one of those faggots that die cuz they dont know how to press L1, im leaving this shitty thread

Attached: Im leaving.gif (500x333, 1.17M)

rage is not a semi rpg with a bunch of loot
its an open world shooter like far cry

>Dare I say, BTFO?
Yeah, good job user.

>blunderlands 3

GOTY is for DMC5, RE2 or Sekiro 100%