>Naruto Fighters Xrd ChronoDelta Ex Version: Princess Princess Kawaii Ninja is better than Mortal Ko-
Naruto Fighters Xrd ChronoDelta Ex Version: Princess Princess Kawaii Ninja is better than Mortal Ko-
great now show this combo working in actual match
posting in ebin thread
put me in the screencap
how the fuck did he fall for that
>training mode combos
you can do this in MK also if your opponent is as retarded as that guy
why are both players upset
>oh wow look what i can do with infinite meter this is something that's very possible in real games
Based retard.
This is probably one of the most humiliating way to win or lose other than getting Perfected.
I believe the fact that the number of hits being a blue number indicates that it's not a real combo but can be escaped?
its not infinite u retard
They could have grab broken all of those. To not do that means you are either a novice or geriatric
Purple throws in blazblue are not real shit. The window to tech them is enormous. The webm in question even displays that this isn't a real combo. Nobody would get hit by this shit. BTW I think Blazblue sucks but it's still better than any NRS game
Anyone got a link to that video of Gordeau in Undernight doing assimilation with Gundam music?
>NRSfag can make a thread without shitp-
Oooo you can beat a training dummy! Buyo to you, Bucky Ball!
No fuck off!
*techs the purple throw on reaction*
What's the next step of your master plan?
Time for me to active Level 3 X-Factor
The blue numbers with the crossed out circles mean its not a combo and can be broken out of. Those purple exclamation points say when to counter with a grab input
Block High
Jab Low
If that doesn't start a combo, go for some kind of mix up.
He knows this. This is the 50th time this shit has been posted.
ok but this is different game
BlazBlue is kinda dumb for making mid-combo grabs reset scaling but that's also why they give you a huge window to break them.
If you're arguing that MK somehow doesn't have stupid design decisions like this, you would be mistaken. MK does some incredibly stupid things going on with its systems- main one being that character animations have practically nothing to do with move frame data. You think you can press another button just because your character stopped moving? Sorry no, you must wait an additional 10 frames because we're too lazy to go back and change the animations.
One guy is mad cuz he got styled on, the other guy is mad because he's at a big tourney to actually play against good players and instead he's fighting this guy.
worth it?
Get UNIst instead
already have it
He's mad his shitty playstyle wasn't punished
Save your money and just download the community edition.