Ohnonononono Yea Forums told me the rating would drop as more reviews would be counted, this can't be happening Yea Forumsros at this rate it's gonna be certified fresh soon..!! Oh god, oh fuck...
Ohnonononono Yea Forums told me the rating would drop as more reviews would be counted...
It's a kids movie grow up
You're not on Yea Forums faggot
Here on Yea Forums, we use Metacritic
you didn't feel so cocky about fucking avengers.
Who the fuck careeeeeeeeeeeeeees
>it releases next week
>those black pixels
consider me triggered
>Nintendo review
>Decreasing once fanboys get access to it
Expect to see it hit 110% User Rating.
Do critic scores mean anything anymore?
remember the high scores of the last jedi?
Critics can be retarded, paid off, scared of giving a low score or any combination.
Critic reviews mean nothing.
It's as equal to how useless game journalists judge games.
>not enough representation and diversity makes this movie bad
Make everyone black and gay then it gets good reviews.
Fuck off.
Cringe. RT is the future
if you take them one by one and understand who make the review, it's ok.
making an average of each score on a new scale, and allowing the same big entity to have several entries because it's "another country site".. not so much.
70 isn't very good, and it will probably drop a bit
It already began lower and has been rising.
>Rotton Tomatoes
Does this look like Yea Forums to you, retard?
RT is literally made to be for normies
That's what Yea Forums said yesterday when it was in the 60s.
what are the individual reviews?
nintendo bonus is in movies too
If it's not a 95 AT LEAST, please do not even make the movie :)
who gave it 60? on what basis? Seems harsh for a kid movie.
Who's this "Yea Forums" person and why are you so obsessed with what he thinks?
every industry is already mainstreamed enough to cater to normies, gaming is no exception
whats your point?
manchildren are gonna watch it anyway regardless of the rating
It's several factors
>American boomers being triggered at jap properties and think this is based on pokemon go
>Disney literally trying to shit on the property that could eat into endgame's legs
That's it, Detective Pikachu is a mistery movie for kids set in the pokemon universe and some 60 years old jews get mad that they don't get a movie origin about every single pokemon so they are confused on why they have powers. I don't give a fuck, the artistic direction in this movie seems fantastic and it's an honest children movie, it looks like goonies or ET, i'm just glad it's not capeshit or minions the same critics are the ones that vote for the emoji movie to get a fucking oscar
>gaming is no exception
But it literally is. The popular shit caters to normies, then there's like the other 70% of games that caters to people with specific tastes.
Shouldn't a movie being better than expected be a good thing?
>Muh dumb conspiracy because I'm a millennial and I hate old people
>Muh other dumb conspiracy because I love nintendo's cock and there's no way they made something bad
Nintendofags truly are a wonder to behold
works wonder for capeshit and starwars afterall
70 of those points are because the protag is black
>wishing for a successful pokemon movie
>black male lead actor
were we monkey paw'd?
Just read the reviews you idiot.
Wasn't it at 90% originally though?
Also this
And those games that cater to normies are what prop up the industry. Seethe more, incel.
Its fucking Pokemon. Its still gonna rake in millions.
It's Disney's biggest threat too
WB vs Disney
Our boy Red made it in.
Outrage can't sustain itself on good news. People need things to fail and crash to fuel their anger and cynicism.
It's LEGENDARY, WB didn't won the bidding war, legendary is a chinese comàny now, WB involvement is minor.
Name of the actor? this is important, if it's a cameo or actual red, since there's already confirmation of a mewtwo centered movie, but no one knows if this means Red/Blue or just a Mewtwo/Green movie.
>he doesn't recognize Kamen Rider Drive
No fucking way
That's Ryoma my man. He's the dub actor for Japan as well.
Mother fucker is massive in Japan right now. Zi-O made that joke about him being the national dreamboat, but it's actually true.
There's no way he isn't Red. Based.
It's just an in universe commercial that he's the cameo for. He's probably supposed to be a representation of Red just as a reference.
Also there for the Japanese audience to see his face in the film cause his voice is also the main pull in Japan.
Does anyone actually think that any modern critics will rate a movie well unless it's overtly political? Let alone a movie based on a huge, beloved game franchise? Detective Pikachu could be a modern masterpiece with writing rivalling that of The Godfather and "critics" would still probably rate it lower than it should solely because it doesn't contain a black guy fucking a white girl in the ass.
THat's not to say that I think the movie w ill be good but it's better to wait and see what the average viewer will think at least instead of basing it on "critics" who are just political activists just like most journalists are nowadays.
Average viewer likes marvel films. Who gives a shit what they think either? Critics only care about who pays them, and most American news and journalist outlets are owned by right wing conservatives that pay money to make sure crazy left wing shit makes headlines in order to make politics into a horse race.
Probably. How many weeks did Infinity War stay at #1?
I have no doubts Red will be Asian (and that Green will be white). But i doubt they will go for a japanese actor since Legendary is a chinese company
T. doesn't understand how the RT's rating system works
With diversity being a big deal these days, how is the PoW (Pails of Water) representation?
>one chance at pokemon live action
>black mc
But it literally does. The protagonist was changed from white in the game to black in the movie
when will this trend end?
the protagonist is yellow tho
>red makes an appearance
>gets beaten by black ash
Where have all the good men gone
And where are all the gods?
Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?
Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
Late at night I toss and I turn
And I dream of what I need.
It's confirmed, there are no high rated video game movies because critics are actively hating them for being based on video games
His name is Tim. There IS no Ash.
Since when movies are rated in same way as vidya?
A lot of excellent movies are on 80% ish rating or close.
My least favorite animated pokemon movies are Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea, Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel, I Choose You!, and The Power of Us.
read the reviews, some boomers cry over it being a mistery like who frammed roger rabbit. Others that he doesn't understand why the pokemons have powers and that the movie didnt explain shit, unironically asking for fucking pikachu origin's story
Tim isn't a trainer
>red appears on the movie
>is seen as the strongest trainer of the world
>notmisty wets herself
>"oh yeah, look what I can do"
>tim jumps in with pikapool and challenge red
>tim single-handedly beats all of red's pokemon with pikapool
>notmisty runs to tim and gives him a kiss
>credits roll
Her name is Lucy. If you wanna meme at least get the fucking names right.
How the fuck people don't know what pokemon is?
Seriously? its been over 20 years.
>has a psyduck
>is redhair
>totally not misty
i mean...
She's blonde, dude. Just shut the fuck up already.
they'd be lying by denying they trynna make a misty
What? Avengers was great. This won't be the second coming but it will still be FUN. Stupid comedy movie can still be a blast to watch. just turn your brain off and enjoy, bro
it has been SJW'd
Movie critics are idiots, especially when it comes to animation (which they snobbishly look down on).
It doesn't matter if they don't know, the issue is that they failed to understand the movie and they blame the movie instead of themselves. it's fucking amazing how a movie for fucking kids doesn't have enough handholding for the average critic. Capeshit really ruined the brain of american reviewers, apparently Detective Pikachu being compared to blade runner wasn't just a meme, the movie just jumps into telling you the story without the need to explain your everything about the setting expecting you are smart enough to get it instead of giving you endless exposition, a fucking pokemon movie is being victim of the same bullshit blade runner had to back in the 80's, critics being retards.
Stop pretending to suddenly care about Tim Goodman. You don't. You just want to let the internet know you're triggered by skin color.
So just like movies and literally every other entertainment form you absolute moron?
ok so they wanted to pick a poc, why can't they pick one that doesn't look like an ape?
The main criticism is that it's a kid's movie that doesn't allow you to turn your brain off and look at your phone.
Ryan Reynolds does show up in the film at the end as his father which felt kind of weird. I guess he could be half-black or something?
Even capeshit need a bare minimum attention to understand the plot.
i won't be surprised if people take that for granted, i mean in the movie Hereditary, the family they put don't even look closely related to each other but they expect you to simply accept it
Well, most blacks look like him.
lmao you are overly triggered by that post
According to that joke, he is 1/328th African-American.
You're a racist.
You literally just said the movie's been SJW'd. How the fuck am I the one triggered here and not you.
How many people actually knows about the source material?
Even /vp/ didn't exactly gave a shit besides some denny devito jokes.
>t. seething libtard
I just point it out, and you are very upset over that. lmao clearly, you are only one who is overly triggered.
There is no point in movie or video game critics. your better off asking your friends.
some do, but some others could hear about it from other sources, which you are familiar with.
It is political, there’s a nigger in it.
What's fruit god doing in pokemonverse?
>Lmao I'm not triggered. You're the triggered one here.
You were genuinely so bothered by it to the point that you made a post about it. You're making yourself look like a dumbass now.
When Mario movie is coming?
Next year? It either going be a complete shitshow from critics or blow everyone expectations. I'm really curious to see that.
I don't think the Mario movie can afford to be bad. Miyamoto is directly involved and you know how autistic he is about people changing things or telling a story.
>When Mario movie is coming?
You better expect that he is a POC. :^)
He's Italian.
Ilumination is doing the movie, and Miyamoto is autistic with Mario.
They really can't change shit without their approval. /pol/ is rotting your brain.
so what about it? He would be a darker Italian.
The hollywood doesn't give a fuck about it. :^)
>It seems this particular game of Pokemon needed more time at the gym
>Yes , that´s a "pokemon GO reference, and if you cant follow it, dont bother
But Gyms are not from GO, but from main games. Gyms dont work like that on GO or main games, but...
>Indiewire - Kate Erbland
Uh, I see...
Miyamoto is gonna be right fucking there while they work. He will start slapping their shit if they even think about pulling that shit.
there's being a zoomer, and there's being a fucking shit eating retard
>Here is some subject to discuss.
>uh.. somethigng, Niggers.
You retards need seek help.
Mario doesn't try the "real peopple with mascott" approach, so it's more or less guaranteed a 80% score.
Now at 73% baybeeeee
you are the one posting in capslock there
He’s mulatto
I doubt, due critics in general being retard, but at same time, it's Mario, hard to fuckup.
But honestly a anime for any other IP would be better than a movie.
what will the plot even be if miyamoto is involved
how do they expect to stretch "peach got kidnapped go save her bing bing wahoo" over a whole hour or more
>too childish for adults
>too convoluted for kids
>omg special effects
wait, is this pokemon or Avengers?
You know the phrase "show and don't tell"? That's how.
>why are you so obsessed with what he thinks?
Do you not know where the fuck you are? Yea Forums is literally OBSESSED incarnate.
it's like people criticizing Endgame for being weird when they haven't seen the relevant movies
Endgame has some glaring flaws and this movie certainly does too, but you can't criticize it for not knowing the source material
the characters probably freak out about the spilled Magikarp and the reviewer went "huh? what's up with the fish. WHY IS IT A DRAGON." and docked points
Why does Yea Forums get so assmad about superhero movies? Capeshit this, capeshit that, fucking grow up from your playground insults, they're just fun action movies.
i mean, it's Illumination working on it. Miyamoto could be standing over them with a whip and they still wouldnt be able to make anything subtle like that.
I dunno, they seems a bit more loose recently. Ubi handled a game just fine.
Westerners hate simple fun, that's why all western AAA games are such gritty, retarded and pretentious shit.
>Disney slave read posts again sthis capeshit endoctrinion
like a clockwork. One day you will kill kids in the streets for waiting in the "wrong" line. And I'm not making a joke.
I'm on 90s again?
Holy shit, it's that bad?
What is the score when you take out the diversity and Nintendo bonus?
>Uh oh, the person isn't of my pigment, they must have an agenda to make me suck black dicks! Well even though i do want to suck black cocks, im not gonna do it! Suck it SJW's
This is your life now user.
COPE, most of the stuff at the top of RT is genuinely amazing
1. The Tale of Princess Kaguya
> 2. Lady Bird
> 3. The Wizard of Oz
> 4. Only Yesterday
> 5. Citizen Kane
> 6. The Godfather
> 7. The Third Man
> 8. Toy Story
> 9. The 400 Blows
> 10. Toy Story 2
> 11. Three Colors: Red
> 12. Metropolis
> 13. Modern Times
> 14. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
> 15. Laura (1944)
> 16. Singin' in the Rain
> 17. Eighth Grade
> 18. Inside Out
> 19. Repulsion (1965)
> 20. North by Northwest
> 21. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
> 22. It Happened One Night
> 22. Sunset Boulevard
> 23. The Battle of Algiers
> 24. Rear Window
> 25. Casablanca
> 26. Psycho (1960)
> 27. Nosferatu
> 28. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
> 29. Rosemary’s Baby
> 30. Toy Story 3
Wait people still taken rotten tomatoes reviews seriously? They're paid shills. This is common knowledge.
Everybody is a racist.
These aren't Metacritic scores dipshit
Yeah, the son in that movie looked too ethnic to come from that family. Maybe the mother was a whore or something.
>angry strawman with smug reaction image
>not triggered
>barely passing is good
>rating will drop
but it was at 68 yesterday so it's actually going up now
That's not really the same. The Marvel movies never needed you to know the source material to understand them, they just needed you to watch the other movies that exist within the same medium. The critics are still wrong here because Detective Pikachu doesn't really demand an explanation beyond what it provides. Any Pokémon whose abilities are a part of the plot has their abilities explained.
Because vidya movies have such high standards don't they?
Yikes, you're seething hard my dude.
the metacritic score is even worse roflmaooooo
>Trusting a review site that changed its method of reviewing right when the Captain Marvel shit happened
I still can't believe that Pikachu said "nigger"
That's a trend for most movies on metacritic. Avengers movies have had a average 70 range scores, including Endgame.
so it's a reliable source then
>current 75% on Rt
>technically means it can be Certified Fresh, the first videogame movie to do so
Do not underestimate the power of Pokemon.
You don't have to make stuff up to point out how retarded this film is
Pikachu is a literal cuckold trying to earn the love of the black son of his dead black wife
Movies aren't rated in same way as video games retard.
It has more to do with what company does what. Disney is insanely corrupt so they tend to score well for example