Hey, buddy! It's me, Roland! Let's kill Handsome Jack and then we'll all go out for milkshakes!
Hey, buddy! It's me, Roland! Let's kill Handsome Jack and then we'll all go out for milkshakes!
i got to admit when i played through this game this was the only thing that made me laugh
>tfw they will never bring back Roland and give him his BL1 VA and personality
playing Enhanced makes this hurt so much
he had so much more charisma
You have a better solider now - Axton.
>that scene where Handsome Jack calls Roland a nigger
Whoah, what the fuck! What did Anthony Burch mean by this?
This was a really stange character in Borderlands 2. He shares the same name as the soldier you play as in Borderlands 1, and also claims to have been a vault hunter during the vents of Borderland 1, too. However, anyone who's played the first Borderlands and heard anything that comes out of Rolands mouth knows that the Borderlands in 2 is a completely different Roland who also happens to be a vault hunting soldier named Roland.
Axton is about as dry as the Mojave and his turret isn't even usable in 2's endgame.
Say what you want about the Scorpio but that thing at the very least made for an amazing health and ammo dispenser.
>jobs to a bullet
yeah its pretty clear this is pretty much what happened when writing this
>okay so we need a leader for the Crimson Raiders and it should be someone from the previous games for fan service and all
>maybe one of the vault hunters?
>genius which one should it be though
>well Roland is an ex soldier so he would be pretty good at military stuff
>but he makes to many jokes and is very light hearted
>well just make him a serious generic guy who has autism
>but won't that be an unnatural shift in character?
>Axton is about as dry as the Mojave
>And Roland isn't
Didn't play Axton confirmed
BL2 was when the Burch really kicked in.
the conversation probably continued like this
>okay I don't agree but fine. now about the bad guy?
>oh yeah he can be a meme
>what do you mean a meme?
>he can have a pony made out of diamonds and he can keep talking to you throughout the game and call you pumpkin
>so he's going to make too many jokes and be light hearted, despite his atrocities? like the joker or something?
>then why can't roland just still be himself, and be kind of like the good version of ja-
>Get revived
>"Whoa, you work out?"
>Eh, that's normal, probably blowing smoke up the guy's ass for saving his life
Yeah the change from BL1 to BL2 for Roland was really jarring
Handsome Jack was one of the few genuinely funny parts of the game.
Jack was one of the best vidya villains by charisma alone and no villain in Borderlands will ever top that.
Prove me wrong.
>Gearbox: Wait, the bird is female? I'm pretty sure the first game said Bloodwing was a boy.
>Burch: Oh, her species swaps genders as they mature. No need to re-record lines or anything, just stick with it.
Well, given how his only prior competition was a useless albino who was all bark and no bite, that wasn't exactly a hard bar to clear.
you're absolutely right and you know it.
Jack being the secret antagonist of 3 having his brain transplanted into a loader or some shit would be golden.
He's barely any worse than any other character.
Sorry, would have said "antagonist" instead.
Besides torturing her daughter and being a overall uppity asshole, yeah, bitchlith and whorexxi are far worse as moral standards.
He's not coming back. Get over it.
Enjoy the streaming-obsessed whore and her totally-untrustworthy brother.
what the fuck
im glad that fucker is gone
Honestly, I like that the main antagonists are 2 zoomers obsessed with controlling the feeble minds of Pandora via social media.
It's actually kind of ironic.