What the fuck is this guy's problem?

What the fuck is this guy's problem?

Attached: 2979437889478.jpg (400x738, 180K)


He never got his 50 Mira haha

NISAshill already at work i see

But what's everyone's problem with the canon girl?

Attached: The-Legend-of-Heroes-Trails-of-Cold-Steel-III_2016_12-20-16_006.jpg (1280x720, 461K)

He a cute! would gladly pay him to suck his dick

Crow's going to pay it back one way or another, haha~

Attached: 1546059445174.jpg (640x327, 24K)

She's trash and a bitch who kicked Rean fown when he needed her the most in Sen 4
Her family drama is also terribly uninteresting and takes way too much screen. It is also linked to the worst character in the franchise aka Angelica.

user, I would agree with you but XSEED just recently announced the second game is coming out in June...when I had a pre-order for this month. Fucking XSEED, even if they are being run by spiders, they should do better for ancient ports.

It's because Laura is so much more of a better choice than the blonde tsundere whore, it's not even funny

Attached: laurarean.png (1280x720, 1.09M)

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Haha, Alisa isn't the canon girl. Rean's canon love interest is Crow.

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Rean what the fuck

Seething Laurakeks haha

Attached: __alisa_reinford_and_rean_schwartzer_eiyuu_densetsu_sen_no_kiseki_and_sen_no_kiseki_3_drawn_by_tsuku (804x1199, 241K)

Only Joshua can save us

Argue with , Alisanigger

>worst character in the entire franchise is a lesbian
Every time

estelle blushes at rean in sen 4
joshua's fucked mate

Attached: Joshua TRIGGERED.gif (221x221, 121K)

>kicks him down
>when she literally said she loves him but cannot continue the relationship because reasons
Kek Laurakeks are truly pathetic haha


Attached: 1555975088440.png (1138x579, 1.49M)

>he actually believes this when Joshua's run off with Ash
oh no no no no no

Attached: rean x estelle.jpg (327x588, 94K)

>Muh family issues that hurt you when your Dad is quite literally Zemurian Hitler
>we cannot continue our relationship even though your life is quite literally falling apart
I don't care about your trash waifu wars, I care about her being fucking detestable. At least fucking Crow tries to care a little about Rean. This is a fucking mess.

Based Reanchad, truly he is one of the best and chaddest JRPG protagonists in history.

Attached: 1541888981717.jpg (1920x1080, 217K)

>laurakeks have to default to crow because alisa is too canon
>crowkeks calling anyone else hitler

Best Kiseki character.

Attached: Alex_Dudley_%28Akatsuki%29.png (2000x1000, 594K)

The absolute state of Alisaniggers, at least Laura gives a shit about Rean through their sword bouts and camaraderie.

Attached: lauralaugh.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

*cucks rean out of another harem member*
psh, nothin presonnel

Attached: Millium Jusis 05.jpg (600x800, 330K)

The only thing Laura gives a shit about is her canon ship with Elliot

That's not Chadborne the industrializer

Attached: 1545269533140.png (759x795, 233K)

Millium's a literal cumdoll anyways, only those with no standards would want her.

I don't see you arguing anything. How about trying something other than ad hominems ?

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Proof that Falcom has no balls and only follows the fan favorite, which was a crack pairing favorite in the first place.


You have no case at all the in first place. Nobody kicked Rean down, let alone Alisa.

Our Rean will cuck Jusis in Sen 5.

Attached: 1554264050300.png (922x1023, 1.3M)

>Dumping someone when it clearly isn't the right time isn't kicking someone while he's down


Attached: __jusis_albarea_laura_s_arzeid_and_mishy_eiyuu_densetsu_and_sen_no_kiseki_drawn_by_irise_ryouji__9c8 (600x864, 321K)

Jusis didn't deserve to have his plotline with Rufus and Millium highjacked by the mechs

>when she won the reanbowl

Attached: Image 414.jpg (1250x630, 134K)

Attached: 29.png (1111x530, 528K)

nah, let's discuss this instead
Is Elise secretly the thirstiest Cold Steel character?

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You Alisaniggers are starting to deny reality and that's pretty impressive

Attached: Cedric_Reise_Arnor_-_Screenshot_2_(Sen_IV).jpg (1280x720, 129K)

based Roido-san trying to keep the peace and order intact from bitchy prostitutes

Alisa is not really good with machines. She heads the orbal thingy division. The robot is from a different division.

Attached: 007.jpg (1152x648, 456K)

For how much Laura's dad was pushing his proposition for Rean marrying his daughter, and how gay Jusis is, why would shippers even bother?


Attached: 1528400794140.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

Probably because it's more realistic, from the arranged marriage angle. Legram is under Kreuzen territory and they're both royals.

He's holding back from choosing just one partner, haha

keep coping

Attached: 1549024086815.jpg (1200x939, 200K)

This is your 20 year old Senior Manager for tonight. Say something nice to her for your performance evaluation!

Attached: The-Legend-of-Heroes-Trails-of-Cold-Steel-III_2017_07-13-17_002.jpg (705x900, 244K)

I really like how well she can suck dick of any kind

Please stop mocking my series. Thanks.

Shut up Rean, you deserve it after sexing up your students and thus betraying the trust that people had in you as a role model teacher

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Her family maid is very cute and sexy, the best woman that I've met yet.

It's a harmless ribbing, that's all, haha...

Do you guys even like rean

Haha, why wouldn't we like him? He's the best...

Attached: reanbest.png (799x1600, 1.49M)

Laura is a boring bitch with a stick up her ass and "muh way of the sword". All men of culture knows Fae is the one true love.

Worn out cunny tho

>can't even spell her name right
The absolute state of Fietards

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I love Claire!

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Calvard when?

Attached: calvard when.png (405x646, 21K)

That outfit is the poor man's Lightning

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after I lose my virginity so never haha

>tfw no matter which girl you choose, Gaius already stole their virginity

Attached: E73E606C-E6B6-4B96-A017-4A69A39340E0.jpg (800x990, 192K)

Post more slutty costume girls, for the love of god post more

who do you want to lose it to haha just a question

Truly, Emma is the biggest slut of them all

Attached: 1531089387654.jpg (530x802, 86K)

>daddy issues is better than mommy issues

Neither of them is good. In fact, nearly all the girls in Cold steel are a step down from Sen, Zero and Ao.

based windman

Jesus CHRIST that ass could single handedly end the war

Got nothing on the tits, though.

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Can you faggots fuck off back to fg? We dont need to be spammed with your waifufaggotry every day

Do the other girls have this costume?

Didn't touch Sen 4 in over 6 months. I got to the final chapter and I found myself so worn out from feeling the need to talk to everyone before progressing the story every time.

At least I got to choose and saw the final bonding event for Altina. That's already good enough, right?

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how big will the shitstorm be when this is censored when IV eventually, eventually, comes to the west?

No, I believe it's NG+ exclusive to only her. The other girls got some rocking outfits, though.

Attached: 1525790142397.png (429x589, 500K)


Do Laura and Fie get anything nearly as good?

Are III and IV any good? Just beat II and it was kinda meh. The next ones look pretty good though

They all do, to my knowledge. Musse a best, even though the outfit's China-exclusive.

Attached: 1529362295908.jpg (960x960, 119K)

The magical girl outfits are sure to cause a hoot when they come over here, at least.

They’re better. 4 suffers from the same issues as 2 though

III's supposedly the best Sen game, while IV's a retread of what made II bad, except even worse.

he's gay when all the girls are out to suck him off. everyone else too, for that matter

No it's a cutscene only outfit that's ungettable unless by bugging the game.

III is a lot like the first game except handled a lot better, for example focusing on less characters. I liked it the best from the Sen/CS games so far. I didn't finish IV and I don't really hold an opinion of it yet, it's not bad but it's not outstanding either. I fear it's going to conclude in a way similar to Ao, and I really didn't like how it concluded.

Huh. Well then I guess I'll play 3 when it comes out in the fall and then just watch an lp of 4 or something. Probably gonna be 1-2 years before 4 even gets localized anyway. Glad to hear 3 is good though

How much, 50 mira?

Heed my haha, Valimar the Ashen Knight!

Could you elaborate?

I swear, I cringed hard when rean and Crow were about to fight in trista and rean said "the bank of rean has a high interest rate"

Attached: 664A9CAF-D011-4A5C-9174-F20BD14D0BE4.jpg (621x619, 100K)

Haha Rean I can't zip up my vest haha

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Haha, that's our Rean for you...

Attached: 1556173002527.jpg (1920x1080, 255K)

Get a bigger shirt then haha! Anyway, gotta run, I'm meeting Laura for a date soon

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Let me handle that for you then, haha...

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Why was Crow so absolutely BASED?

Attached: B8133CE7-EA57-4364-BA27-69CC150E0B44.jpg (1002x746, 428K)

Hamellians gotta stick together, which leaves Liberl girls for the Erebonian cock, simple as that.

Is this really the same series as Trails in the Sky? I don't remember nearly as much trashy fan service crap in those games.

Attached: 065.jpg (1746x1221, 3.38M)

I dunno what you're talking about, Estelle and Joshua belong together just like Cold Steel and "Haha"

Attached: 9F30BFFC-7981-4401-BAF7-55700CD81E0D.jpg (706x917, 102K)

What exactly happens in 4 that leads to this?

Attached: Rean_Schwarzer_CS4.png (785x860, 527K)

There's a "certain" dynamic between Rean and Crow, what more can be said?

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Rean goes full ogre for a bit.


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I wonder if he goes full ogre in bed with his canon girlfriend (Laura if course), haha

>he is now reminded of Princess/Maid Joshua

>canon girlfriend (Emma of course)

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I wasn't aware that there were nude mods for these games

Attached: 4D28244C-9D98-4366-AEBC-0B988C87D01D.jpg (1307x991, 842K)

They're full of soul, haha...

Attached: 1552657730060.jpg (3840x2160, 1.21M)

I'm not seeing the equivalence, to be honest. One's a harmless gag about a guy who's androgynous in appearance. This seems to be a bunch of trashy fan service DLC and unlockables - one of which involves this Emma chicks being ass naked in-game. How did they even get away with that given Sony's recent policies?

Attached: 091.jpg (1745x1218, 721K)

haha no

Why is Alisa the only girl that Rean kisses in the second game? Holy fucking SHIT what a waste of time. If they wanted the ship Alisa with him then don't even bother giving me a choice

It’s japan only that’s how

How do you feel about Tita Russel?

Attached: image.png (800x894, 571K)

Atashi no Kurosuberu

Attached: __juna_crawford_eiyuu_densetsu_sen_no_kiseki_and_sen_no_kiseki_4_drawn_by_achan_blue_semi__c70790a22 (800x1207, 159K)

Because the games were developed before Snoy implemented those policies of theirs fully.

Post more nude mod shots of the girls and I'll give you 50 mira interest free

Falcom likes canon romances but also likes otakubux

She would make for a cute and funny daughteru to Rean, haha...

Attached: 1539451790505.png (1427x653, 1.37M)

She's also the only one who have this lewd scene

Attached: alisawin.webm (640x360, 1.08M)

She looks like she fucks Rean

Pisses me off too user. Rean literally tells other girls he loves them but they don't kiss? Just cause falcom has a boner for alisa

Choose wisely.

Attached: 1502183358019.jpg (1400x875, 316K)

>create cute loli cunny
>hand her over to a large high test /fit/ dude who isn’t even the MC
How did falcom get away with this without having their HQ burned down by otaku?

Because /ourmachine/ Rean managed to take her back, haha

>left of Alisa
Literally who?

Here, have something better

Attached: femRean.png (700x1011, 509K)

Don't diss Mishy like that, you fucking faggot.

its almost like shes the main girl or something

Considering how Rean is a people pleaser who just wants everyone to like him, does that mean that girl Rean would be a massive slut who fucks everyone for approval?

I think it might be Creha from Nayuta no Kiseki.

Attached: Kureha.jpg (400x831, 48K)


Attached: idealsofRean.jpg (400x400, 30K)

Do NOT fuck your students. It's morally wrong and reflects poorly on Thors.

Attached: 57d6bcf1b2a43f4ea2b66fa15cac8fc8.jpg (840x1000, 554K)

But you were supposed to be for Kurt... Now he's just a dumb cuck...

>girl Rean would be a massive slut who fucks everyone for approval?
...haha, that's a really hot idea, please keep elaborating on it haha...

Attached: 1527694449825.jpg (768x1024, 246K)

That would be pretty hot, I’d love making her do chores for me while giving her nothing in return except hugs and hahas

He is pissed that he is still a Slifer red.

Haha, there's no need to tell me what to do in front of my class

Attached: reansmug.jpg (203x196, 32K)

I have this hunch that fem-Rean would feign innocence but actually be into really degenerate things like hand-holding

Attached: __alisa_reinford_eiyuu_densetsu_and_sen_no_kiseki_drawn_by_achan_blue_semi__eaf32e2ab170e57e03dd4591 (1000x1278, 480K)

this NIGGER ruined trails

>Hi Reana, it's Towa. Here's your Student Council request list, thanks so much for helping out today!"

>Some of the first years are insecure about being virgins. Is there something you can do about that? (REQUIRED)
>The studen council could use some extra mira. Would you mind selling some of your panties to the first years? (REQUIRED)
>Blow Machias in the library, quietly please! He's trying to study.

Stop posting I want to live in Zemuria aaaaaah

Attached: __alisa_reinford_emma_millstein_machias_regnitz_and_rean_schwartzer_eiyuu_densetsu_and_sen_no_kiseki (708x1000, 465K)

I wish doujin makers had half the creativity of the average Yea Forumsirgin /fg/got

But someone's gotta get fucked. Can we settle for Emma?

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Attached: ITSOGREFORYOU.jpg (740x416, 66K)

Give it me to straight, bros. Did he fuck Rixia?

Bring back the good trails you dirty ogre nigger

>n word
Back to discord

Alisachads rise up, haha

Attached: reanalisa.jpg (1440x672, 910K)

Attached: EDD1DB0D-FEB7-42A2-8A0E-A55F61D3B2A1.jpg (510x496, 102K)

He will in Sen 5 haha

That's not cool, man

Haha, what was that you just said now?

Attached: reanultimatum.png (955x633, 417K)

fake, trails of edgy shadow is NOT true trails

My wife Alisa is so cute

Attached: __alisa_reinford_and_celine_eiyuu_densetsu_and_sen_no_kiseki_drawn_by_achan_blue_semi__059ecd2a8f267 (578x800, 46K)

Don't worry, it looks like she'll be in Rean's harem soon, haha...

Attached: 1532322103878.jpg (1278x1079, 349K)

>harem protagonist
>what's wrong

Attached: kevin1.png (1179x601, 1.05M)

>living in the backwater Liberl, the corrupted Cuckbell, the dictatorship Erebonia, or the lawless extremist Calvard
shiggy diggy

She's cute, but not cuter and/or sexier than my wife Laura

Attached: 1552856124304.jpg (600x729, 91K)

Haha, that's our salty priest for you.

Attached: haha3.jpg (712x640, 246K)

>backwater Liberl
it'd be comfy if nothing else

I've got more
>Class VII is going to nord for their 3rd field study, Sara makes them go without any clothes to "better connect with nature"
>Towa puts in a personal request for rean for some special "stress relief" under her desk
>Crow and Rean ask the girls to try on several versions of their concert clothes, each getting progressively skimpier
>Emma reveals to rean that they can recharge valimar's mana faster by fucking, so they have to sneak away on every mission to make sure valimar is strong enough. Bonus points if the fucking dialogue is just them talking about how "this is for valimar!"

So much potential, and barely any doujins. It's heartbreaking HAHA

I miss CS 2 Fie


Y'all wrong
Here's best girl (also best boy) of Cold Steel

Best regards,

Attached: best_grill.jpg (661x702, 200K)

Fie a shit! A SHIT!
Duvalie is the best!

Attached: duvalienobully.jpg (307x441, 108K)

based Excellionposter


Amen to that, brother

Dumb robofucker, that's not Alisa

Attached: 1535280756142.jpg (816x672, 432K)

Duvalie is for Rean too now

>Emma reveals to rean that they can recharge valimar's mana faster by fucking, so they have to sneak away on every mission to make sure valimar is strong enough. Bonus points if the fucking dialogue is just them talking about how "this is for valimar!"
Nasu please

I'll admit that Alisa is great as a subcontractor and as a CP battery for spamming Morning Moon but at the end of the day, she's flesh, blood and bones while Valimar is a divine shard encased in the finest Zemurian alloys
You just can't beat that

>Not joining based Ouroboros and fucking with everyone on the continent
Someone doesn't know how to have fun.

Duvalie is so fucking cute, I want to pound her ass!

There’s literally no downside, you’re above the law, you’re not required to do literally anything, you can fuck around with the most advanced tech on the continent, shitposting in the comfy HQ or teleporting around to dab on teenagers. Direct access to some of the most well connected people on the planet, can become strong enough to shit on anything that isn’t a dominion/a rank bracer/top tier military/or jaegar. Also lots of cute damaged girls to fuck.
Cedric got away with murder

>comfy HQ
Where even IS their HQ?

Attached: CF6B1626-309B-4852-8B86-0F0EF703EB02.jpg (750x497, 394K)

I dunno, ask Campy

It WAS in North Ambria, but Osborne actually destroyed it in the Northern Campaign.

Where the other 11/13 of the 13 factories are

Too bad Valimar can't beat you off, haha...

Reading through this thread, I'm guessing Cold Steel has some character issues.

I'm from Brazil, mate. Any of those would be an improvement.

You mean like how the entire cast was created for the sole purpose of sucking off the protagonist? nah mate

Haha, what exactly would make you think such a thing?

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Attached: valihaha.png (1920x1080, 2.29M)

Shit, is it that bad? I was thinking of picking Cold Steel 1 up after Sky.

Coldsteel 1 and 3 it isn’t as bad but coldsteel 2 and 4 it becomes a fucking joke.

>thinking a doujin makes something canon
You're retarded!

Attached: 1533728445713.gif (500x281, 544K)

Haha, that's our Alisanigger for you....

Steel 1 is on sale, any good?

Well, at least you'd fit right into Erebonia, hue hue...

Yes, it's the second best game after 3

So you're telling me Alisa DIDN'T canonically become a breeding station for the angry men of celdic?

Attached: 3D277AEE-EEFD-433F-A296-96F5FF9B52FF.jpg (464x596, 201K)

>for horses and wasps

Cold Steel was when the series' anime trashiness reached critical mass.

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god I wish I could watch Rean fuck these two brainless at the peak of their ovulation and impregnate them with teenage pregnancies that eventually lead to their death

>first half
>Second half
even hotter

it was always anime trash, they just caught up with the times

haha, yeah...

Attached: 1542898202810.jpg (1920x1080, 532K)

Altina is my daughterwife.

Attached: 74099066_p0.jpg (970x820, 231K)

>never played the games
>don't give a shit about the story or characters
>just like the pretty girls

Can I still call myself a fan of the series?



Altina is a fucking cumdoll

Altina is a product to be sold

I played CS1 and thought it was fine, does things really get that much worse afterwards?

You can’t marry a sex toy
She’s not even real in her own game

See for yourself
The series is blueballing as fuck, both CS1 and 3 had killer endings that foreshadowed a pretty insane conflict but it ended up just being trails of rean’s gay faggotry


Rean is pretty boring. The political conflict stuff seems cool.

>trails of rean’s gay faggotry
I was so hyped at the end of CS1. All they had to do was keep the focus on civil war and not introduce any annoying mechanics or retarded plot elements. HAHA.

>it was always anime trash, they just caught up with the times
It was always anime, but it certainly wasn't always trashy. None of the Legend of Heroes games prior to Ao no Kiseki had nearly the amount of trashiness that Cold Steel had. They were mainly comfy fantasy RPGs that could occasionally dive into dark subject matter to make their stories more interesting. But then Ao happened and set a precedent for shoehorning otaku culture and tons of fan service into the games.

Attached: Dragon Slayer - The Legend of Heroes [U][SCD][TGXCD1029][Falcom][1992][PCE][thx-1138-darkwater]-0127 (864x696, 296K)

It was the same for Ao, should have learned and expected from that.

>keep the focus on civil war
In which only ONE (1) (that's right, UNO), named person died.

Are the previous ones worth playing? Trails in the sky looked pretty dated graphically and mechanically. Does the story make up for it?

And then gets revived in sen 4 by the power of GNOMES

Haha, he'd probably get banned.

>Trails in the sky looked pretty dated graphically and mechanically. Does the story make up for it?
Yeah, the story and characters in Sky are a lot better, granted you have the patience to get through the whole trilogy. The Crossbell duology - despite all the bad precedent it set - are even better on some fronts.

Playing any Legend of Heroes games that are older than Sky FC is gonna be a matter of morbid curiosity than wanting to play a good JRPG. Legend of Heroes 1 is short, but fairly generic and a product of its time. The versions of the Gagharv trilogy that the west got are AWFULLY translated and have some the worst JRPG gameplay I've ever come across. That being said, the latter can be an interesting into how some of the mainstay aspects of the Trails series got its start, like the town arcs, Bracers requests, lore bits, etc.

I don’t even see a nude mod anywhere online, where do the images like and come from?

sure they're not just swim/bathsuit skins?

Otto never came back

Oh, well I’m retarded then
