Timeless games

Why is pic related so good? What went so right?

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dunno never played it


Took the basic elements of REs that came before and put them into a tightly crafted action game with a great atmosphere while bringing in a ton of new shit.

Reminder that the best way to play this game is playing the wii version on a wiiU and all HD versions, specially on PC are shit

Thin plot, easy to follow
Upgrades/progression actually feels earned

INB4 >becca_face_unimpressed2.jpg

Why would you post the bullshit ps2 version?

I loved this game but it’s not that difficult

Posting here before Beccafag. RE4 is fucking great, and that's coming from someone who actually played the classic games too.
Here's my timeless classic.

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Wii doesn't have the rad laser sight

Also the pornographic reload animations

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When I played it for the first time (on normal 10 years ago), I found the difficulty just right. Now everybody probably has the whole game etched in their brain, of course it seems too easy.

pacing is good
the contrast between cheesy writing and actually somewhat daunting atmosphere is pretty well-done
every weapon feels great and the upgrades and means to upgrade things are spread out very well

if you plug a gamecube controller into your wii and turn off the Wii remote you can play it with classic controls

Honorable mention to DMC1

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I played for the first time during fall 2018 though

game was honestly harder at a lower framerate and resolution, also being limited to gamecube controls instead of mouse aiming

I did play the PS4 version, so there’s that too.

I wouldn’t say it’s hard but I also wouldn’t say it’s easy. It was just right.

the quicktime events were somewhat based on the framerate too in the original game, I think that 60fps ports may have calculated it differently
if anything I'm worse at button mashing than I used to be but I had a much harder time on the gamecube with the rolling boulder sections

Then maybe I was just a retarded teenager. I mean, as soon as you understand that you have to headshot someone in a group of enemies, then CQC them and finish the survivors with a knife, it becomes pretty easy to break the game in half.

I bought it for ps4 assuming it would run above 30 fps, now its a coaster.

>not gamecube

>the contrast between cheesy writing
That was a feature not a flaw.

But it’s 60 fps on PS4

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