Is this worth playing? Looks interesting

Is this worth playing? Looks interesting

Attached: ICO.jpg (220x313, 27K)

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It’s the best team ico game. The combat is bad but naysayers dont get that it’s an environmental puzzle game more than anything

yes it's a masterpiece

Nah, Yea Forums just likes to meme this boring game.

I recommend it. Great atmosphere worth experiencing. Don’t expect anything mind blowing though.

ignore these people, think of any escort quest you've ever played in any game, now imagine someone made an entire game out of that quest, you get Ico, who the fuck thought this garbage was a good idea?

Yes you must play this game, it's the arbiter of a lot of the trends the game industry followed afterwards, even if it's never brought up. Ahead of its time, insanely atmospheric and full of great moments.

>all these zoomer responses

It's comfy as fuck, very emotional game.

Yes. Amazing atmosphere.