What's your favourite flash game, Yea Forums?

what's your favourite flash game, Yea Forums?

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this and pic related

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The one where the girl's stuck in a window

Bloons TD, Epic Battle Fantasy, Kingdom Rush, Swarm Queen.

>I can't afford a switch

why do they have visible dicks haha

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Super Crazy Guitar Maniac Deluxe 2

I remember being weirded out by these games as they were pretty much the only paid ones back when they were all entirely free


This game. It's good enough and has enough substance to hold up to even some paid indie games.

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This came out WAY before Ultimate retard

Where my Heli Attack bros at?

Few nights ago I had my first Exmortis dream in at least five years. Weird how stuff like that sticks in your subconscious.

Motherload and Dirk Valentine were fantastic
But Acid Factory will always be my favorite flash game. The gameplay, the difficulty, and the soundtrack were all top notch

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Even before the Switch this game had no real reason to be played over other Smash games unless you were a tourneyfag that wanted to play for glory as Naruto or Goku.

Motherload and pic related.

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It's faster and more advanced than Brawl

Frank's Adventure saga

Nitrome, was excited every time a new game popped up

Indestructotank 2
Bubble Tanks 2
Great War of Prefectures
Peasant's Quest
You Have to Burn the Rope
Can Your Pet?
Fly Guy

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>Can Your Pet?
My sister didn't enjoy that one

for me, it's proto-Mount & Blade

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Learn to Fly 3 is pretty kino. I got like 20 hours on it on the Steam version.

Objectively speaking, is Bloons TD 5 the best flash game of all time?

Motherload or one of the EBF games.

>not VR Defender Y3K


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I didn't even understand the implications back in the day.

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Monster Mind

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