You have beaten Kid Icarus, right?

Attached: Title_Screen_-_Kid_Icarus.png (256x240, 3K)

it's not hard

Absolutely. One of the best NES games.

FINALLY! A classic Kid Icarus thread

Fuck those waifufagging zoomers who only cared abou the series because of Uprising, they are fake fans and deserve death, they literally ruined the old series for us

Yeah on the NES Classic

Now revive/possibly ruin something else already Sakurai

Attached: CrTtKlcXYAEUncu.jpg (598x749, 39K)

Yes, but the 3D Classics on 3DS.

Pretty boring
Would rather play Mario 3 or Metroid instead of something failing to be both

jesus christ

Yeah I played and finished the 3d classic version, it's really fun but it's obvious than this game didn't got the attention that it deserved

I beat it the first time the other day. Good game but the difficulty curve is weird since it starts tough but gets much easier when you reach first fort

>old series
you mean the two games?

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>Enjoying something from the same franchise and the same creators is being a false fan

Imagine being this retarded

I’ve beaten myself off to Pit many a times.

Yeah, it's pretty good past the first level.

Only the 3D Classics version, which I think is easier than the original.

Sakurai didn't make the first two games retard

>fake fans of a franchise literally nobody cared about before Brawl and Uprising

Its crazy how Jappan only got Myths and Monsters the week before Uprising came out.

I remember a Japanese game.... somewhat similar to Icarus. It was very weird, very challenging and I think the world setting was in the Japanese's version of Hell.

You had a overworld, a side-scrolling section and a tower-section with a boss.

In the side-scrolling section you had like 4 long platforms you'd jump on while dodging a bunch of flying shit coming towards you. You had to find a specific door which would lead you to the tower-section.
In the tower section you had to climb up and right at the top was a boss with either 1 or 3 eyes, you had to poke all of his eyes in order to progress. And I think you had to beat like 2 or 3 types of bosses in order to advance to the next level.

Any possible ideas what I'm talking about?

Might be better off asking on /vr/. NES game?

Yes a NES game.

Yes, but with save state.

This. The first level is too fucking hard for a first level to the point that I was turned away from it the first few times I played