TY based right wing basedboy for protecting capeshit and funko pops for us. MAGA
why does it look like his beard is melting off of his face
why does he look like a switchboy if hes redpilled?
punchable face
absolutely based
"The Quartering" sounds like something you would use to describe America's genetic destiny.
This guy does blow right? I really wanna do some blow with this guy and stay up all night playing Mario Party while complaining about video games journalists. I bet this dude is a fucking blast after a few lines of coke.
People at political extremes tend to look fucked up, and that's why they're so angry. He looks like your average /pol/ poster.
>right wing basedboy
he's literally a leftist
Who is he?
he should learn to read first
>exposes convicted child molesters and rapists as mtg judges
>Yea Forums still hates him
I don’t understand.
He defends loli pedo shit in games, he deserves shit for it
Away with you, degenerate.
I want to suck him off it that helps. He's pretty cute
>He looks like your average /pol/ poster.
But he's white...
Sorry user but any physical imperfection means not white.
This guys content is so desperate to find controversy. Ten minutes of poorly deconstructing arguments, and acting smug to get that sweet revenue, every time. If he covers a stance I agree with him on he finds a way to make me feel embarrassed for technically being on his side
>us politics
why does Yea Forums obsess over this subject
that nerd merch
Hello fellow angry gamers
Fucking based
Seriously what's this dude's problem? I don't get why he cares so much about whether a main character of a game is a woman or LGBT? So fucking what? If the writing and the game is fun, who gives a shit?
If he really hates it don't buy those games. That's literally all you have to do.
>that destiny debate he almost pussied out of
>dude conceded every point and pretty much admitted he stands for absolutely nothing but the grift
Wow it's almost like he's posturing and exploiting a market for views and not being remotely genuine, whoda thunk it.
“grift” is becoming a favorite buzzword of bandwagoning pretend lefties isn’t it
Who is this fat faggot nerd
I don't want your t-shirts quartering
Except his "beliefs" are Alt-Right. Anyone with intelligence eventually becomes more center aligned, because they see it's two sides to the same rusty coin.
I want to kiss you AND Tomoko!!
guy who got beat up a man in a dress and dog whistle the alt-right to make a living
I dont blame you.
that's weird, when did he say he supports a white ethnostate
thanks user. I wish more people were like you.
Did he really?
Fucking based, gonna sub right now.
Any word with panache is co-opted and ruined by faggots with zero articulation.
Becoming a centrist is just the coin then.
The true red pill is that the American "left" are just another flavour of corporate imperialists and that there is a true left alternative.
I don't give a shit about this thread, just dropped in to say that I hate this faggot.
Liberals are for free speech and against authoritarian beliefs, but the shit that he goes on about is merely SJW boogeymen, which do not run the industry. Most of the female influence was removed after Anita's fame started dying down. That said, the problem with Sony of America is that it's now a branch that is run entirely by Americans.
Based and mysoginisticpilled
Well, he's clearly broke considering he can't even afford a proper facial hair care.
Isn’t it weird this guy became really big after the whole mundane Matt fiasco?
Apparently there's an audience for the unspecific ideology, fence sitting cucks that point out the blatantly obvious.
none of the beliefs you've told me he has qualify him as alt right you alarmist tool
Insanely based
He constantly rants about SJWs and women on his website. That's not even remotely normal journalism.
Save time and fuck an sjw nigger woman.
because hes a right wing sjw thought that looked like a much better argument in your head when you wrote it, huh?
you are the dumbest person in this thread
You know two of those groups are harassed and encouraged to kill themselves constantly right? Also overall populations like 7 billion people of this planet. Throws any median statistic off.
>I have no opinions of my own I just bash SJWs
Based centrists.
he keeps appearing on my recc list where he keeps going on and on about that Brie Larson girl
You are surrounded on all sides by corporate imperialists
That's not remotely "alt-right" either.
That's not how statistics work you fucking retard
Hating SJWs is an Alt Right thing now? I'll let you in on a little secret the left hates SJWs too.
How many times have this thread been made?
Video games.
the left is SJWs
I guess you'd have to be a centrist to think it doesn't. What kind of a person realises that both options are horrible and then just flips the coin? A compromise between two flavours of shit will always be just a blend of shit.
only retards do blow
I'm not seeing the problem?
Not him, but gender politics and race has nothing to do with a regulated market as opposed to a free market, or taxes.
> Also overall populations like 7 billion people of this planet. Throws any median statistic off.
??????? Bigger sample size means it's even more accurate you retard.
>If you go against our values we will financially destroy you
Yikes, and I thought Anonymous used to be bad. How is this even allowed
I’m pretty sure anyone with a brain on the left or right can agree that people who take The Quartering seriously should not have their opinions taken seriously. Dude’s one of the most spineless, reactionary, brainless drones that sits on the same level as No Bullshit.
>lefty pretends to be a centrist
this trope is getting stale
He cute
This is actually a good definition of a decent person.
Best view is a libertarian that supports a social democracy and therefore independent thought.
Not him, but I never met a centrist that was like this. They weren't splitting the baby down the middle like Solomon, but instead followed something more along the lines of Aristotle's ethics, where each decision is weighed independently and being mindful not to strike extremes of excess or inaction, but sometimes, and in some situations, what seems like an excess is precisely what's required and vice versa.
I believe in things between both sides.
>I believe in things between both sides.
Then you are still a blend of shit.
>Hating SJWs is an Alt Right thing now?
Aren't you listening to CNN and MSNBC? That's exactly what the definition of alt-right is. You don't need to know what they actually believe or advocate for. If they are not supportive of every position of third wave feminism and antifa, they are alt-right. That's what the television says.
>You know two of those groups are harassed and encouraged to kill themselves constantly right
and you are a sjw tranny if you say otherwise
t. Yea Forums man
>are harassed and encouraged to kill themselves constantly
just like straight white males
>my politics make me a decent person
>my political opinions GOOD
>developer political opinions BAD
>I hate trannys, why won't they stop killing themselfs
Why was keematar and mister mekeotor bullying him?
They thought they were shitting on him but they just came across as absolute faggots
>never said anything you could possibly consider left by any means
>"He's a lefty"
But based is a black term made by a black rapper.
the left really can't meme
why would i want them to stop?
Do you actually watch televised news and go outside and interact with real people in the real world in situations where you talk about politics?
Because no, that's not the mainstream definition of alt-right. That's what you THINK the mainstream definition of alt-right is because your only exposure to literally any of this is a collection of cherry picked webms of televised news and read deliberately inflammatory opinion pieces singled out and presented to your unquestioning visage.
Step off the fucking internet for once in your damn life and face the world for what it is, because you obviously have no fucking clue.
just like how "redpill" is from a movie made by 2 transwomen sisters and 2/3 of the main cast is a black man and women.
The cognitive dissonance within the alt-right will never cease to amaze me.
It's a meme you dip, I found it on slash b.
Triggered much?
>The cognitive dissonance within the alt-right will never cease to amaze me.
how ironic coming from you
Yea Forums is contrarian and Yea Forums is full of left wingers
fucking lmao ok where did he ver advocate for a fucking ethnostate you perpetually hyperbolic faggot
>Regulating the market using gender as a basis has nothing to do with regulating the market
Please user may I also kiss you and Tomoko for being perfectly right and cute?
Fuck off /pol
actually it was made by two men that only later succumbed to their mental illnesses
so flipping based (term invented by a black man) and redpilled (term invented by two trans women), bro! youre really sticking it to them culural marxist globalists!
>regulating the market using gender as a basis
What the fuck am I reading? Are you retarded?
>Regulating the market using gender as a basis
What in the world are you even talking about? Regulation, as in regulation of the money flow. Are you telling me gender affects the money flow? The taxes and rates of the market?
it's only dissonant if you hold the retarded belief that people criticizing identity politics are somehow racist and sexist lmao
>since they can't meme worth a shit now they're trying to ban memes altogether
the left is always one step ahead
Why won't pol stick to its own containment board not even v wants you fags go bleat about the end of the world elsewhere
Politics are actions unless you are a faggot who doesn’t vote.
>Transparently try to get MM's youtube account nuked
>Why was he bullying him
I actually used to be subscribed to this faggot, but that video proved what a fucking worm Hambly is.
>L-lets talk on your channel. H-Hahahaha it's so funny when you call me a semen slurping faggot.
fucking lol sjw's are cancer though everyone except sjw's agrees
This quartering guy is like discount Sargon of Akkad.
They even have the same core audience and pretend to be liberal while spending all of their time exclusively whining about social justice
He is an outrage youtuber - that is how he makes money.
"I believe in things between both sides" is a stance taken by:
>people who have the luxury not to be affected by policies
>those who believe that they're above politics and anyone that cares is a fool
>literal brainlets who give equal weight to "both sides" just because they exist.
Just because there are two sides, doesn't mean they're both equally valid, like the climate change argument.
>one side is that climate change is a problem
>climate change has been proven time and time again by climate scientists, and needs to be solved
>the other side is that climate change doesn't exist
>it'd hurt the coal industry to fix it so it'd be better for countries not to act on it so the coal money keeps coming in
While there are two sides, one is based in fact and one is just a rejection of change because it'd hurt money in the short term.
Most political ideas are like this, with one side grounded in more solid fact than the other. Yet news media and people like you give equal weight to absolute shit ideas that make them both seem valid to the uninformed
Always picking in the middle outs yourself as a literal retard.
why are trannies so obsessed with this guy? what did he do?
consistently reports on cancerous left wing politics in vidya
he literally got his fat ass by a transwoman for harassing her at a mtg event. cope have sex etc
>he literally got his fat ass by a transwoman
fucking lmao you keep lying every single thread it was mattfantastic a muscular white dude
what are politics but efficient applications of your moral principals buddy
>implying there are only two sides to climate change
>implying there are only two sides to any topic worth meaningful debate
Why are Americans so fucking degenerate when it comes to dicussion, what with all their false dichotomies and "muh left vs right"
>most political ideas are like this
No. Most modern political issues are like that because we're moving closer and closer to the day where we need to confront the degredation of our democracy and the increasing influence of unchecked malicious private interests.
Most political IDEAS are a matter of philosophical framework and personal opinion. Not at all about fact or fiction.
>the token canadian
the chad sjw mattastic vs the basement dwelling reactionary obsessed with outrage culture, the quartering
cope have sex etcc..
>tries to be the big internet toughguy
>completely clams up at the first sign of confrontation
Go cry about it quarter pounder.
You're making up a narrative and assertions in your head it seems:
Believing things in both sides doesn't mean you always mean you believe in the two options presented at every intersection.
The side that is most grounded changes with each toss of the coin and sometimes its neither. You might assuage yourself with thoughts that your side is "the right side", but it really isn't frankly, and this is evidenced by factioning within extremes.
Centrist are the most likely to reject current policy and forms of governance. This is why the American system is dogshit because you are delegated to your sweeping umbrella. The American system suffers from a lack of centrists.
Don't pick on Jeremy. He's on the spectrum.
Their discord cabal told them he's the current target and since most of them are unemployed neets they spend all day trying to "burn" him on their prefered websites
Little do they know they're actually giving him free publicity and exposing him to people who would not have heard of him otherwise
Same thing with Stonetoss
fucking kek
Right wing is the natural state of man. You aren't a man if you hold left leaning beliefs. Fuck spics, fuck niggers, and fuck jannies.
I can't think of a lefties who virtue signals as hard as this guy but he doesn't get called out for it. He put a Jordan Peterson book behind him in his collection of things for flex his geek cred and he's all about virtue signalling and also doesn't get called out for it. Why?
*sips onions*
Does he still do that? Seems like he's devolved into a white version of YongYea, but with WOKE instead of PREDATORY.
>Little do they know they're actually giving him free publicity and exposing him to people who would not have heard of him otherwise
>Same thing with Stonetoss
They never learn
Excuse me, you're talking to an european chad.
Shoo shoo.
Your political beliefs don't make you any more or less a man, but the way you tout them as evidence for it DOES make you less of a man.
Obsessing over manhood and futily attributing being a "real man" to random things that you can brag about online with your face hidden is for weak-willed cucks like yourself.
Fuck niggers.
There is only one side to the climate change debate
It exists, and needs to be dealt with
But there are people with a vested interest in making it seem like there are more so they can kick the can down the road and keep bringing in the coal money.
Most topics worth speaking about have multiple sides, but can essentially be boiled down into two since the rest are just varied intensities of one or the other.
American centrism consists of people who are Republicans but are okay with weed and gays.
With centrism, nothing gets done since everyone is too focused on making sure no one is unhappy to get actual shit done.
There is a massive difference between
"Believing in things IN both sides"
"Believing in things BETWEEN both sides"
user said the latter, and that's what I'm talking about as an issue. What you're arguing about is perfectly fine, everyone should understand that some ideas of the other party is better. But pretending that the answer is always somewhere in the middle is retarded.
Based but it should be “a european”
funny how you dont say this in giant bomb threads
Does panache mean lefties suck?
While I do agree that climate change is a problem, I also agree that niggers are far more of a problem in short terms, as it as been proven time and time again by scientists that they have a lesser IQ genetically, are more prone to violence (genetically). I think that climate change could be solved by the white man, but that niggers are paralysing civilization and preventing white men from solving the problem.
Where am I in your political compass?
Libtards fuckin' freak when they see me wearing this!
>muh jews
look the media bullshit and lobbying are fucking cancerous and like chrisainity and islam their religion is shit but it's not like nothing was achieved because "le some jew benefitted somehow" this whole mindset is nihilistic hore shit for cucks
>a literal walking stereotype of the average beta male
>fat, nerd, soyy beard and everything
>charisma void
>throws people under the bus as soon as shit hits the fan
>tries to deplatform people talking crap about him
>shittalked mundanematt despite him being just as pathetic
>got beaten up by a tranny
>sued "her"
>got butt-annihilated by a gnome and a boomer troll
I don't hate him but he's honestly pathetic
You sound like a weak faggot.
oh he blows, alright
I usually don't go into threads like these, but I didn't know who the guy in the OP was and curiosity got the best of me
Underaged redditor who wants to fit in badly so he brings up niggers when they're irrelevant in the conversation
Kill yourself
>>got beaten up by a tranny
>>sued "her"
you keep trying lol
Someone can believe in things between both sides and believe tertiary options that aren't presented too. You took one word and built your whole argument around it and it seems this is what you think centrists do.
A true centrist isn't neutral: there is a difference.
My penis hurts when I read this.
Did the nazi puncher get processed for his “heroism”?
I would fucking curb stomp you if I had the chance.
>at the very earliest it's 430pm in europe
>spending his friday night arguing politics with americans
what did the yuro """""chad""""" mean by this?
be glad you still have it
They never do, the reelection is in the bad thanks to them
And the funny thing is when they do try to back something or someone up they hurt it by association, they have single-handedly ruined Yang
That one word completely changes the meaning of the sentence. One word means a whole fucking lot here.
In makes the sentence mean "both sides can have good ideas" which makes a good centrist, I don't have a problem with these
Between makes the sentence mean "the solution is always somewhere in the middle" which I take issue with.
>haha you're a jew too now!
dont even get me started you dumb nigger the holomeme can get fucked obviously
The only difference between "a" and "an" depends on an autistic criteria of sounds and "an" sounds better in this scenario. The english language is inherently grammatically incorrect.
US politics literally is jews + neocons and other traitors loyal to other forces though
>being this buttblasted about me btfoing some mutts on my free time
>Most topics worth speaking about have multiple sides, but can essentially be boiled down into two since the rest are just varied intensities of one or the other.
PROTIP: Given your retarded ass can only think on a political line, centrism and what's considered left / right wing fluctuates constantly.
You've put a lot of emphasis on one word because you've conflated centrist with neutrality and it seems you've let it streer your perception.
I said right off the bat that is wasn't like Solomon and that sometimes neither option was correct.
see middle post
>mass reply
>n-n-n-n-n-no you don't get it, i'm a total chad, please don't stop replying I'm so lonely
Rekieta Law spent multiple podcasts exploring the situation on a legal standpoint
>gets beat up by a man in a dress
>this somehow isnt getting beat up by a man
jeremy is a fat loser no wonder he got beat up by a MAN
>US politics literally is jews + neocons and other traitors loyal to other forces though
yes but that doesn't mean that nothing can be done to make things better from within the system itself, too often do people talk about this shit and act like everything's fucked and there's nothing that could ever help even though that's not true and that mindset is apathetic horse shit for pussies looking to find a copout worldview to fit their insecurity and lazyness
I put a lot of emphasis on one word because it changes the entire meaning of the argument.
Word choice absolutely matters, user. You can't handwave it away.
"Both sides have some good ideas" isnt neutral.
"The answer is inbetween both sides" is neutral.
Sure the latter can be correct on occasion, but to make that your life decision to always think like that is pretty pathetic
He wants games without politics forced in them and calls out games that do this. Also what; said
user the disproportionate influence of Jewish people over US economy/politics isn't exactly a secret, China basically recognizes them as the current rulers of America
You wouldn't be allowed to vote if voting had meaning.
>social democracy
>Social democracy is a political, social, and economic ideology that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a liberal democratic polity and a capitalist economy.
>Social justice
Dribbling retard
I wonder what flag it'd show me if I looked up your images in the archive
you're a fucking cuck if you believe that
>everyone other than sjws hates sjws
>everyone other than /pol/ hates /pol/
>according to sjws everyone who isnt an sjw is /pol/
>according to /pol/ everyone who isnt /pol/ is an sjw
I really want both sides to be genocided
lol even Trump said that there are so many stabbings in England that hospital beds are full of stabbing victims, but if you break it down there's only one stabbing every other day there and around a hundred gun related deaths a day in America last year. The guy who looked at video games as the cause of mass shootings won't just fund more mental healthcare for so reason.
You can clearly spot SJWs or alt-left by their language use. It's pretty fucking hilarious
Are the buzzwords lately. Apparently, "grift" is the new one. These people are so holed up in their echochambers that they don't realise they all sound exactly the same.
Quartering is the only one helping us hold back the tranny discord invaders. They are threatened by this guy's clout and he's the only one to call out them, Feminazis, SJWs and the libs. Can't wait til you join the 40%, "ladies".
rent free
>it smells like normal female genitalia
Sure it does.
>another lonely yuro who'll spend his friday night locked up in his room joins in
:^) would be funny if someone was wearing this. The ultimate cringe signal. Good post.
this turned out to be fake
alt righters just call anyone pedophiles because its the ultimate 'you lose'
wait, was this a separate event? matt fantastic wasnt wearing a dress nor is he a tranny
but yeah, he got the shit kicked out of him by an sjw and then was constantly vlogging about he was gonna win in court because his lawyer was chinese and jewish
No, he's just an opportunistic baiter. He even called getting the name of a publically credited marketing manager "doxxing". Fuck him.
Why do all alt-righters claim to be leftists
Sargon of Applebees and his crew do the same shit.
>Every other day
>0.5 times per day
>365/2 = 182.5 stabbings yearly
>compared to 'hundreds' of shootings in a much larger country
I'm not even American, but you're not really supporting your own case here.
>democracy is not inherently flawed to aid the rich globalists
When was the last time you saw a candidate to be the US president who did not have massive private donations? When was the last time conservatives did anything meaningful in your country? You're the fucking cuck here, you cannot even see beyond your cope.
Churchill said that the best argument against democracy is by having a conversation with the average voter.
>”There’s no tranny Discord invasion, bro. You’re just seeing things, dood”
Then how do you explain the brigading against Quartering?
The trick is making a conspiracy theory about how jews are somehow subhuman yet still manage to infiltrate and overpower any other ethnicity. They want to somehow close the gap between the claim that whites are the superior race and the fact that jews tend to dominate the economy.
>punchable face meme
You gotta go back
>democracy is not inherently flawed to aid the rich globalists
but that's not what you claimed, you implied voting was COMPLETELY useless, which it isnt
Have you ever noticed jews are liberal and for open borders outside of Israel, but fiercely nationalist and protectionist when in Israel, what's up with that?
he cute
he smug
he based
Nobody was having an argument but the one you were having with the neutralist boogeyman in your head.
It was an innocuous word frankly, but now you know and won't make these assertions in the future or will it least load conditions outright.
Does the fat fuck pay for advertising here or do people do it for free?
Your vote is useless though. Unless you can convince millions of people to vote like you.
The only people who says discord trannies don't exist are discord trannies
>the thread about black republicans vs white BLMcucks got deleted
>this one is still up
It's almost like the mods are in on it and enabling them
dude the tranny discord was literally started in /r9k/, this should give you an idea how important this whole affair really was. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny. Can you people only think in canned responses anymore?
every single vote matters, if everyone would start judging voting power by just thier own votes nothing would ever get voted on, the logic there is retarded and it's nihilistic cuck shit for pussies desu
I don't think I ever heard a conspiracy theory about how jews are somehow subhuman
I only saw nazi sheeting because they couldn't accomplish the same
>replies and denies
It's like when you call out a nintendo fanboy for being a nintendo fanboy, he'll deny till he's blue in the face
America is around six times their population. That doesn't excuse the disparity.
yeah, 182 stabbings aren't as much compared to population than 3200 shootings yeach year
>the /his/fags rears his head in
This dude pays for a Yea Forums pass LOL
>fat is a physical imperfection
lmao fatlet cope, stop eating fatass. Nobody is born fat
>reads article to chat
>fake laughter and whooping every few sentences
>remains 40 years old
>collects patreon bucks
>read superchat
I fucking hate all "content creators"
Sure thing, faggot. So you would rather compromise will all those millions of people and agree that gay marriage is alright and abortions are cool with your vote!!! That's who you voted for when you got Trump in the white house.
True change is impossible in the modern democratic political landscape, you cuckservative "haha every thing is going to be alright" optimist piece of shit. Get some fucking realism in your life.
Last year there were about 40,000 gun related deaths. That's 109 a day.
We don't have guns in my country but the US situation you're thinking of is less tragic than it looks
Take away suicides and consider the high numbers of Americans, and you get a slightly-above-average numbers of annual gun related deaths
Remember not every mass shootings ends with a massacre, or people dying at all
Because you never saw an alt righter, imbecile
Why is almost every climate change activist also an open boarders activist when having more people in first world countries using resources will impact global warming much more than if those people stayed in the middle east or africa?
Why dont they care about the environment that will have to be destroyed in western countries in order to house these people?
Mass immigration is literally killing the planet
Metokur is worse. He's just a Yea Forums audiobook.
compromise doesnt require conceding on your values you dumb faggot you just vote the thing closest to your own views literally what other options is there abort democracy and instate a dictatorship
you're a fucking pussy, change takes place thanks to the votes of the people, that change is not total but it is change, i never once even fucking dnied the situation is fucked but your entire mindset leads you to nothing but inconcievable impossibility that can only result in complete and total apathy fuck off with your bullshit you pussy and start being brave enough to believe in something
If you hear alt-righters talk about jews they often portray them as some sort of vermin that weasels its way to the top. After all, if jews were collectively more competent than any other ethnicity there'd literally be nothing wrong with jews sitting at the top. Yet they complain.
I don't even remember last time I posted on /his/, I think it was 2 years ago or something
But seriously, how can anyone recognize jewness and proceed buying a Yea Forums pass?
You're free to believe to be superior, no one cares, now get out of my country, or you'll bleed just like me.
That alone would make him better than 90% of podcasts
Thanks, will give his content a chance
He used to be so vehemently against taking money from people a few years back. What a joke. All he does is wait for a general reaction from Yea Forums about a topic and parrots that viewpoint in a video. The Sonic movie video he did was the first video I've seen of his in a while and his script is practically ripped word-for-word from a Yea Forums post. He's just like that Brittany Venti bitch.
That assumes they won't burn tires and trash in their shitholes and when they come to America they enjoy that conflated standard of living that assumes they'll fly on planes and own washers and dryers individually instead of living in groups as well as owning individual cars.
Also the third world will be hit the hardest by the man made climate change the first world benefited from the most.
I want resetera niggers to leave
Last time I checked, most of the "leaders" of the alt right were Jewish or Israel supporters.
>Mass immigration is literally killing the planet
Not really, it's the poorfags who cut down rainforests for rich corporations. Developed nations have a high energy consumption, but we also generate power much more efficiently than millions of pajeets are literally burning shit to produce energy.
The major problem, as always, is just that people aren't working together and everyone that could do something about it is mostly concerned about short-term profits to satisfy their greed.
Not really, his perspective is just your standard Yea Forums newfag shoving politics into shit. If you post here, he isn't providing anything new.
metokurs idol is a jew too, figures