Still no gantz game

>still no gantz game

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Women are trash.

have sex cringecel

There are only two possibilities for a Gantz game. Either it follows the storyline, or it doesn't. Both are equally scary for different reason.

Too epic for a game.


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It'd be impossible. The premise of GANTZ was that everyone was literally too scared to shoot a gun which ends up as a chase. It being a video game completely ruins everything it stands for.


What if it was based around the Osaka team murdering and fucking everything whilst high as a kite?

Where would be the challenge then? The X-Gun/X-Blade is an auto win if it hits the target. The H-Gun and Y-Gun can also easily defeat an enemy. The whole point of GANTZ is that everyone is too much of a bitch to do anything otherwise it'd be easy.

get high yourself and go play doom, same thing


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This was also a thing.

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Grapes. Keep coping, incel.

make it a survival horror where you're given a very small amount of ammo and need to traverse these large maps hunting for a monster that is also hunting for you

Like I said, one shot of any gun is enough for them to win. It's simply not easy to make into a game.

i couldn't stand the non clone and his girlfriend. it was literally INUYASHA! KAGOME! the final arc. what was up with that? it makes hate her so much that i root for rei but don't understand why the aliens just couldn't keep her alive.

Can you tell me why Kurono HAD a duplicate of himself again.


Reika asked GANTZ to clone him after being rejected.

is the closest we'll ever get

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Because humans are thing and souls just some leftover data.

Because women are selfish and don't think their actions through.

because its just edgy garbo with tits

it's been awhile but wasn't it somethin to do with how the resurrection process worked and somebody made a wish so it made him but he wasn't really dead just lost on the alien spaceship, so then there were two

Definitely wasn't the greatest thing in the world, but it had proper character progression which was nice.

How do you pronounce it?

You need points to get some of the better guns and enemies are easily scalable with basically no top. Just don't give them sponge HP opting instead for different defence methods and you are golden.

>There is no 3D porn of these

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His data was still in Gantz since he had died previously, and she used her points to make a copy of him for herself unbeknown to the original.

like the movie Antz but with a hard g on it

lol do you even know what the "better guns" are? The H-Gun has no reload time as opposed to the X-Gun and can instantly flat an enemy. Anyone could fucking spam this.
>Just don't give them sponge HP opting instead for different defence methods and you are golden.
So you want a GANTZ video game that's nothing like GANTZ. Got it.

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what a shame

I remember this manga having tits every chapter without fault until from one chapter it dissapeared and stop showing them

is that how the author pronounce it too and not with a japanese pronounciation like Gah-nts?

You mean the near last arc ? Reika too desperate, use her points to make a clone of him. Shitty ass pull though, literally made Reika a bitchy girl

yeah i remember and it had some sex scenes like his GF blowing him and slowing his load. never saw the anime but if i had to guess that part has been left out.

there's also a Gantz pachinko

Gah-nts is correct I would assume. That's how the japanese dub pronounced it for the anime.

It didn't

I wish we had gotten more of the vampire chick.

Fuck there were more than a few plot developments left unfinished.

I dunno that's how I pronounce it

Fuck japs they can't even make L sounds properly how do you expect them to pronounce anything right

i remember there was this one slutty chick that the hero bangs and they set it up like she's gonna be some kind of love triangle fighting over the main character but then she just gets like melted in half in the story arch

>MC's brother becomes a vampire after he's killed by vampires
>Literally never seen again

Fuck anything would have been better than the nonsense with the alien ship, really

You're thinking of LaraCroft-chan


It was understandable to some degree. She idolised him, and in the end when the clone accepted he was a clone and saw the shit she was willing to go through for him he was willing to be with her.

indeed, it was perfect until the last arc and lets not even talk about that bs final chapter, that shit ruined the whole story

as long as it doesn't follow the actual story. the third arc was fucking retard

The alien invasion wasn't a bad plot, but it just felt too sudden and needed more lead up.

Based old man is the best character in Gantz. Don't @ me


What the fuck are you talking about? It was good up until the Italian Mission.

Lara Croft best girl.

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Sorry buddy I am going to have to @ you because you are correct.

That is not where nipples go. Call me autistic but I fucking hate artists that have never fucking seen a pair of tits before.
>It's a style!
>It's a way around the censors!
It's an excuse.

Gantz got boring. The characters kept making stupid, aggravating decisions. The anime was horrible.

It's absolutely edgy, but it definitely not garbo

School shooter-kun was one of the best characters.

Ok autist.

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can someone tell me whats up with the first girl that MC had a crush on? was she a prior gantz member who won and got a clone treatment?

>Kei had sex with this


Vampires are stupid though. It would've been better if the group used alien's DNA to gain powers.

>that mission kurono lead the team without the suit
Hory shit

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The list of things that don't have a themed pachinko machine is shorter than the list of things that do


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>the american team does a shitload of drugs and tries to fuck the aliens
You don't get better than that.

thats what the anime looks like? looks cheap as fuck. not what i had in mind when i read the manga

its been a while since I read it but I can only remember a few moments/characters that would be edgy.

She was just some random who tried to kill herself. They managed to revive her at the hospital but Gantz had already made a copy for the game. So when the copy finished playing and went home she found out she wasn't the original.

They did say Gantz screws up sometimes like that and it has happened before.

>sent into strange and confused new setting
>go off in a corner and cry to yourself
>tall handsome friend you hate is calm and properly assesses the situation
>you get to have sex with Lara Croft and he fucking dies

Gantz is a trip for sure

The ending is so much better than the manga's, you should definitely watch it!

Is it still a warcrime if it happens in space to a giant alien? Asking for a friend.

The funny is that this game pushes several what-if end scenarios where Kurono gets romantically involved with any girl participating in the missions till the Buddah statue that killed everyone originally, Kei included, the game allows you to save them all and enter an What-If versions of the first Vampires encounter and the Alien school massacre where Kato and Kei are still alive.

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God, fuck the manga's ending.

I'm not really sure how it works, but they're invading us so the way I see it they're asking for it.

as a wise man once said, aliens never signed the Geneva Convention

Law major here, no.

>Run fast and use katana.

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i don't know know if i wanna watch all of it. can i just skip to the last arc of the anime or is there significant difference between the manga story wise?

I wish they'd do the whole series as Gantz: O. The pacing was profoundly better(than either the manga or anime) and the animation was exemplary.

They used buddha mission as plot and stop there.

Movie pushed for the same level of violence as the manga yet it forsook all sexual pandering by reducing it to mere breast jiggling in some scenes, yet the damn literal breast moster form of Nurarihyon's made it in, a total waste.

is this movie good?

Worse thing about Gantz:O was half of the cast not being in it.

It's a decent thriller but a disappointing GANTZ adaptation. Half of the cast was cut and the story is drastically different.

>forsook all sexual pandering
I'm fine with this, I'm tired of Japan's pantsu idol bullshit shoehorned into fucking everything.

While still big by real life standards Reika's tits got nerfed hard, also she has an athletic ass in this instead of the actually big bubble ass one she has in the manga.


It's in the fucking source material, what you want doesn't matter.

That doesn't make any sense, porn is novel to normalfags and the underage.

Really good.

how is gantz g?

>no inuyashiki game

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>It's in the fucking source material

Doesn't matter as it got cancelled with the entire magazine it ran in, it wasn't even worthy of Shueisha's time to just put into another magazine to keep it going.

> pantsu and idols is porn
Like I said, reddit.

And you are retard for wanting anything else different.

What was the point of vampires hunting them again?

>white knighting cartoon women
I didn't know this was /mlp/

is it good? i remember someone posted a one page from it where the old guy is throwing a punch. looks hilarious.

these so fucking much

It seemed like they were being setup to be a threat for the team outside of the missions. But then they just kind of rushed the ending and dropped the whole thing.

I remember being scared of this guy when I was younger and first reading it. Final form left a profound mental image in me.

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>Guy wants tits to be shown like in the source material.
>White knighting women
Are you actually a "special kid" with brain problems?

the last arc of the anime is complete shit cause it wasn't based on the manga at all, I don't know what the fuck that retard is talking about

watch the anime until episode 17 or 18 or where ever the fuck it diverges and then never look at it again

also the manga ending was great, what the fuck do you faggots want out of a manga, for it to take the Berserk route where it literally turns into a fucking shonen?

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>let me have sex with you
If only irl is that simple to get a gf

>Does God exist?

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So yeah the game could be like that: first missions are survival horror, you have infinite ammo but because of stress there are only a few specific opportunities where you hit the monster, the monster is manhunting you

the last arc felt unironically "alien" compared to the rest of it, like it was just a different manga but with gantz characters

You actually like the abomination that is the manga's ending and most of the final arc? Hot damn, talk about bad taste. I used to think the anime had a shit ending too, the manga I was still running when I still thought that, then the manga ended and the anime suddenly looked a lot better in retrospect.

What's your favorite mission?

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>for it to take the Berserk route where it literally turns into a fucking shonen?
Are you fucking serious? The epitome of irony itself you retard, the manga went full shounen and had Kurono be the savior of mankind because out of nowhere the strongest alien warrior wanted to battle him and him only out of 7 billion people.

Nishi's classroom

Can someone explain gantz too me? I watched the anime and i didnt get it, why was ther a bald dude in the ball? Did they travel time or some shit or why did they end up back on the train tracks?

Anime kind of sucked, read the manga

I would like that explanation as well, read a bit the manga and saw some episodes but it was so long ago I dont remember shit

That's the actual German pronunciation too

Ok but stil, wtf is it all about

how would you have done it? there was enough lead up with the apocalypse timer and all that bullshit and the ending had enough answers and tied up enough loose ends for it to be satisfying

its better than that gameshow bullshit that they first fucking hinted at

that had no effect on the outcome of the fucking war at all you dumbass, it was explained that the Americans basically won the war for the rest of the Earth, at that point his fight with the alien was just extra fluff

The whole point of Kuronos arc was to save his girlfriend and stop that psycho middle school faggot Nishi

It was better that his arc was focused on personal shit rather than have him be some shonen hero leading the main army or some shit you hypocrite faggot

Literally the anime pulled a bullshit ending because lol no more seasons after this. You're better off pretending the non manga stuff in the anime didn't exist and continuing from where it deviates with the manga.



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I could have done without the gigantic adolf hitler kitten alien.

fpbp based and redpilled

no, aliens have advanced enough techology to have info of your soul and body at any given time and can reproduce them whatever times they want
the black spheres and bald dudes inside are copies and clones made by germans after they found the technology and made it a live show for rich people, or something really close, honestly these chapters bored me out this world so i skipped them


I dropped gantz so hard at the vampire bullshit, what a waste of fucking time reading this shit was

Like pants

OP meant a good one

Is that a dandonfuga piece?

>tries to rape reika as revenge for cloning him
>realizes she's enjoying it
>says fuck it and becomes awesome couple in last arc while real kurono is stuck in "TAE-CHAN" mode

user, look at the left hand side of the image and tell me what you see.


>repeat this 100000x

good god that arc was terrible

>spoonfeeding him shit he could just read himself for free on the internet

if he cares so much he can just go read the fucking manga, otherwise he should fuck off and go watch game of thrones or some crap



It wasn't literally out of nowhere, since Kei had killed his brother or some shit.
Not to defend the rest of the writing but that point does fall flat since he had an actual reason.

For me the worst part of the entire ending shit show was when the aliens starting showing propaganda to the surviving humans to convince them Kei was a terrorist or whatever.
Like for what purpose, you landed on this planet, are genociding and literally eating it's inhabitants, but you want to convince the remaining population your on their side by showing some human on an escalator shaking hands with a giant alien thing?

That happens to stick out to me more than other parts of the shit show, I don't know why.

The ending wasn't based on the manga because the manga was ongoing and didn't wrap up until almost a decade later.

Because the idol really really wanted Kurono's dick but he only had eyes for Tae.

oh sweet jesus. Sit down user. This fucking manga gets stupid

>Ancient alien race becomes literal gods
>There is another alien race that is going around invading planets and taking resources
>Said invaders are aiming at earth
>god aliens send special weapons and balls (Gantz) in order to stop aliens and at the same time cleanse the current aliens on earth
>Gantz only takes humans that have died (it makes mistakes tho) and basically sifts through the shit it summons to get the good adept soldiers
>Time is up. Aliens are arriving
>They send giant death robots to earth
>Humanity is overwhelmed and nearly destroyed
>Murica' saw this shit coming and had tech available to handle aliens
>fucking gundams
>The invading race are actually literal Giants and thier society on the ships are extremely similar to ours.
>Although they eat humans like we eat pigs and cows, and actively collect humans to consumption
>They see humans as weird pests
>Back to the big war
>Murica beats the ever living shit out of the aliens
>Aliens are defeated
>Gantz soldiers are living it up
>Fucking the giant women
>watching the giants fuck each other
>general end war shit
>Alien race reveals themselves
>reveals that there is no god, but reincarnation exists
>MC meets with his Simple face lover
>The End.
>Yes, the fucking End.

>muh spoonfeeding

Wtf is this? 2006? No i dont care that much, i just wanted a quick rundown instead off slogging trough several hundred pages of retarded manga. kys faggot

he was based,i like him

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if alien god can make human clones then why are they still on earth?

Alien gods are (ironically) extremely xenophobic. They are also omnipresent and exists everywhere? like dimensional demons?its fucking stupid
>The hate all aliens except humans
>Kill them all they say


>it forsook all sexual pandering
More importantly why did the film forsake my nigga Kaze and had him die offscreen before the events of the film!?

user, idk about a gf, but having sex sometimes IS that simple.


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>This fucking manga gets stupid

>telling someone to die when you cant even use google

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I preferred the earlier missions.
People say the Osaka mission was kino but I think it's where the manga lost all tension.

have sex

Literally get fucked

>the game allows you to save them all and enter an What-If versions of the first Vampires encounter and the Alien school massacre where Kato and Kei are still alive.
Thats actually kinda cool.

Just release Vanquish and slap in some Gantz shit here and there along with some multiplayer and you're done.