Playing racing game

>playing racing game
>want to choose car that could help me win
>stats are somewhat similar
>"ok i'll get the car that i think looks the coolest"
>cars range from regular daily drivers to suvs
>"where are the super and muscle ca-?"


Attached: FH3_Viper_08_HE_Front.jpg (1920x1080, 246K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ford GT is my carfu

The only people interested in supercars are underage or not into cars at all. You can build a 300,000 car for a fraction of the price. Lamborghinis, McLarens, bugattis, etc. are the most cringe thing a person can drive.

what the fuck are even saying?

this, they are pretty to look at but i can get that by just looking at a picture of them, people that actually buy them have too much money to spend and too little brains to think

t. poorfag

/o/ would eat you alive.

obviously you haven't been playing any forza game since 4 because those games are almost exclusively top-trim sports and super cars with some """performance""" luxury SUVs mixed in. I fucking wish there were more actual shitboxes in modern forza because I'd love to just do some races in cars that aren't > S class

You sure?

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Cheap win. Come at me when you can actually drive without running cars off the road.

/o/ worship twingos for some weord reason

/o/ is Yea Forums for cars

Because twingos and AZ1s are God tier cuckmobiles.

>If you think health care is expensive now - wait til it's free!

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Based AZ1 poster

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>muh contrarian 4chinz circlejerk buddies would totally rek you

>that health care sticker
Holy fuck I rage so much when people use the word "free" for health care. Medical equipment and doctors salaries cost money. These people are living in a fucking fantasy world.

you could land a plane on that rearview mirror

Twingo is pure and brings joy.

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he's right btw

Yeah, I think that's the point of that sticker.


The new ones remind me of Sandy from spongebob.

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>start the game's career mode

American meme. Paying taxes for public healthcare is apparently more expensive than not having insurance and never getting sick.

>try to start game
>have to do tutorial
>tutorial is a hundred times harder than anything in the rest of the game
for what purpose Driver

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>get run over by a car
>ambulance to hospital, they check me out and give me crutches (i'm fine)
>leave and never get charged
That was free.

Didn't get the context until looking at the other stickers, whoops.


>against govt healthcare
>reading comprehension too low to understand a bumper sticker
like pottery

>axed nough lready

No, it wasn't. Unless you're living off of welfare or a social program. Otherwise you are paying for it through astronomical taxes.

Drives me crazy on both ends. I find some racing games (I think GT6 I could be wrong though) require you to get licenses and all that shit which is boring but it also drives me crazy when the game just throws $80000 cars at you right away, like all the new Forza games.
The old school NFS games got this right, you started with a shitbox and have to save up to get nice cars.

I live in Nova Scotia, Canada where we are paying the highest taxes in North America and we have hospital closures all the time. Literal hospital closures, look it up not even joking.
Also not to mention an incredibly powerful doctors union that prevents punishment of malpractice, my a family member had a kid a few years back and got brain damage because the surgeon who was supposed to show up was busy playing golf. He still practises to this day. My gf also got a head injury and was told to "take a Tylenol"
So excuse me for getting emotional about it.

>"old school" NFS
>save up to get nice cars
Is Final Fantasy the only other series that started at 7?

I would consider games encroaching on 20 years old to be oldschool.

I just wanted a Stingray.

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Racing games that only focus on le epic lambos and other supercars are fucking boring

The best part of any racing game is making do with early shitboxes. That's way more fun.

I cringed when I had a Koenigsegg within an hour of starting Forza.
Gran Turismo is also dead ever since they ditched the proper career mode.

Because it's one big reference to the 1970s Walter Hill film The Driver.

this is an anime thread now

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>tfw will never know what it's like to be American and have access to cheap as fuck old eldorados or cool mustangs, corvettes and challengers as well as pontiacs of all kinds etc.

Fuck being in Yurop no cool old cars to buy other than shitty BMWs which I don't want.

>Gran Turismo is also dead ever since they ditched the proper career mode.
Man I loved Gran Turismo what would possess them to completely abondon career mode and cut out 80% of vehicles?
It's a damn shame. I wish somebody would make a racing game as realistic and as many car options as Gran Turismo, but with the customization of cars that Forza has (able to swap out engines and drive trains and shit)

I loved gran autismo 4, which one of the games after that one are worth it?

yikes, well in the uk we have the NHS and its pretty good!

I don't know what public health care is like in other countries but living in Canada has given me a negative attitude about it.
I'd rather not be taxed up my asshole and not get health care like the Americans.

Is it legal to import muscles over there?
My family had the idea that's we'd get together and move out to Europe or the UK and I had the idea to bring a Challenger or Foxbody just to stroke how absolutely American I am.

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Sure, just more expensive of course


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Oh, not him but as you posted a pic of a parked muscle car, you're gonna find it hard to park big american cars in european cities, especially on streets, and especially in really old cities like Bath


I bet you don't have a license and your favorite car is the AE86 or R34 Skyline GTR. it's always the initial d and f&f crowd that has some kind of inferiority complex against supercars, especially so in video games.

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We would still call you poorfag, poorfag.

>Noble M600
More like BreaksDown 600 Times

>Game actually makes you earn the money to buy the fast cars
Zoomers will never understand.

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I don't remember Kato having such huge tiddies.

My favorite car is a Diablo and I think slower cars are more fun for video games.

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I wish we could go back to that.
I want to do license tests. I want to bust my ass in some fucking shitbox, then buy a slightly less shitty shitbox, mod them a bit and so on.

>Gotta grind your ass off to get the cars you want, and then git gud to get a license to drive them.

>GRID, Forza and all the other new shit.
>Yo bro we heard you like fast cars, here's a three hundred thousand dollar 200mph car, drive it for 10 minutes and you can buy 2 more.

Jesus fuck how hard is it to implement a career mode or even just simple progression in a racing game?

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I fucking love supercars

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Where my mustangbros at. My next car for sure.

Forza Horizon 1 had a cool career mode, i wish they released that on PC

>Yamaha tuned Volvo engine
>Breaking down
This wasn't made by krautshits or spaghetti niggers so it should last a fair bit. Same goes for pic related and it's tuned Camry engine.

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>tfw keep visiting car manufacturer websites to configure cars I want to buy but can't buy quite yet

My current Mustang config would be ~51k Euro
v8 one of course. Not even that much more expensive to buy really, optioned ecoboost would be like 44k

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Unfortunately, nowadays, critics and players can't handle some progression because they'd consider it grindy. Instant-gratification and all that shit. Playing through GT1 right now and it's incredibly fulfilling.

Yeah. FH1 almost restored my faith in racing games. It gave you pretty fast cars relatively quickly, but there was a sense of progression.

Bruh bruh bruh did you know you could just spend 60k on a supra and tUnE iT tO hAvE 1000 hOrSePoWeR way better than some gay ass fuckin lambo bro

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The same cunts that think YO I CAN MOD MY HONDA FOR 10K AND KICK ANY PORSCHE FAG'S ASS are the same kind of people who think yo a car is a car I just need it to take me from point A to point B.

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No point in getting a v6 mustang desu. Go big or go buy a civic.

Muscle car in the beginning of a racing game is like bought 90 level in an online-rpg game. No interest to play.

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How many redesigns of Mustangs has Ford pushed out the past few years?, it seems every year they just stretch and pull on it's front and back in photoshop and start shitting out new cars.

The Bullit is gorgeous tho, if the thing had a dick I'd let it ravish me, fuck being poor.

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This is one of the worst mustang designs i ever saw

it's because of the dumb chrome that appeals to boomers. track pack for the upgraded wing + wheels are a must on the normal GT. I wouldn't get one in any color other than black either, black just does a better job at hiding the ugly lines.

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NFS Payback Mustang is the best model for me

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>caring about ameribuger cars


gross ricer shit
>europe can't make naturally aspirated V8s or manuals anymore because of muh environment
l m a o

Bruh ameriburgers are in the fucking game right now, their cars are cheap, fast, powerful, and believe it or not, they now can corner out of the box.

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>that omment section
Man, Benzfags are so retarded.

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out my way forza zoomers

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Just play Most Wanted 2012, literally the same thing

>just play shit game instead of good game


Most Wanted 2012 is literally a Burnout game.

nah that game is trash

>that game is trash
feel free to go on into some more substantive details. I didn't enjoy it because I don't like burnout games, but for most people who are fans of Burnout or Burnout and NFS, they like MW2012.

lol so you don't even know what you're talking about and you're telling me to play mw2012

>so you don't even know what you're talking about
what part of anything that I said do pick that retarded idea up from?

>Put down the cellphone and concentrate on being a shitty driver

Nigga, I can't concentrate, I keep trying to read all your shitty stickers.

>Rent DRIVER at 6 years old
>Get one rental a week, better make it a good one
>Play it all weekend
>Never get past the tutorial

I barely managed it in Driver: San Fransisco too. I figured "I'm fairly good at racing games now, should be easy!"

Way harder than it had any right to be.

It's weird, the first Horizon had you start off in a Volkswagen Corrado, and it made sense. 2, 3 & 4 one gives you access to supercars way too quick, messes up the whole sense of progression.

What he said. I considered getting a Mustang a couple of years back, but after taking it on a test drive on country roads, I realised that it'd just not plausible.

I lived in Chester at the time too, so going through the roads around the city would've been fucking awful. Way too narrow for a normal car, let alone a phat muscle car.

I don't mind super cars IRL, but I feel games always make them too...boring, and clandestine to drive. Like, they have no character, just "FAST, STICK TO ROAD, CORNER ON A DIME.", end up essentially being reskins.

The career mode is the literally the same retard.
The only reason you don't get reward cars is because of the other 3 billion ways you're rewarded with them but mainly because of the Daily Workout feature, but that doesn't mean there aren't a few exclusive cars that you can only get by playing (Nissan GT-R Pace Car).

They also had to ditch the car list because most of the models were from 2000, but XD gran turismo SPORT SUCKS because it's focused on being competitive and ESPORT SUCKS XDDDD

I feel like I spent 90% of that game in an RX7 Savannah, saving up until I could afford the racing Viper GTS.

Absolutely BTFO the AI after that, and loved every second of it.

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Any racing games on PC with a good career mode? GT Sport really disappointed me

I was going to, but insurance would fuck me in the ass over it. Would cost nearly more than the car itself to insure it for a year.

It sucks dog dicks, I can afford to buy a decent car, but I can't afford to insure it for a reasonable amount of time.

Go 5.0 or go home man. May as well bite the bullet, pay a little bit extra and get the power.

Man, I'd unironically love a Trackhawk. Roll up next to ricerfags at lights, then gap the fuck out of them in your SUV.

GT PSP did it pretty well too. You get a randomly assigned shitbox based on your system, and you have to grind pretty hard to move up from there.

That it did. I got pretty lucky IIRC, ended up with a Lexus IS200, which was pretty solid.

>muscle cars
It's really funny to see Americans think that muscle cars are good. They're terrible. There's a reason you seldom see them outside of America: they're shit.

Oh yeah totally, that's why Elon Musk and Rowan Atkinson bought McLaren F1s, that's why Lewis Hamilton has a custom Pagani Zonda, and that's why Gordon Ramsay has a LaFerrari. They're all not into cars, you see.

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>being surprised that a company that makes soulless auto only rehashes of its cars into so many variations has brain dead fans
pic related should be a red flag without the comment as well

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Burnout is absolute garbage.

>tfw rice the shit out of my cars in games whenever I can
fuck the police

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you sound like a faggot

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>The career mode is the literally the same retard.
Yeah except for the part where it isn't in any way, not even close.

Nah that would be you. Burnout is a fucking terrible game and the only people who play it are morons. You should feel bad for being such a fucking faggot.

>Elon musk
Opinion discarded

One of the most well known normie cars there is. Every normie fuck had one of those in their room in poster form.

Call me when Elon "Cuck" Musk bought an RX7 FD and serviced it himself.

Fellow burnout bro coming to confirm you are indeed a braindead anemone who has no idea how to have fun.

Based Rotary poster

you sound like even more of a faggot after that post user

A 3k civic can unironically smoke most stock 911s
A supra might as well be a supercar. It's as overpriced as one.

>Love customizing and tuning shit on racing games on a casual level
>Go online
>Everyone else is just doing cookie cutter meta builds

Fucking sucks. I'm able to enjoy competitive multiplayer nowadays only for the first few weeks anymore. I love the creative chaos of an undeveloped meta, but somehow it all tends to wither so quickly today because of wikis and such.

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I feel like this is with every game though

All competitive multiplayer, yeah.

Has any of you played this yet?

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>wasting time on public lobbies
>not doing time attack
>not playing with friends
>not looking for some community that might suit your tastes

Play the crew 2

Isn't that a mobile game or something

>tfw 3/4 of the time grinding it out with some Skyline R32
>finally save up enough money to get better cars
>spent in all on getting my old car modded up to a super class level.
Funny thing for me at least is that traction control and other fancy driver assists were parts you had to pay for. Nowdays they come as standard in all cars regardless of age.

>tfw european and born in '85 but hopelessly in love with american boomer cars

why, did it stop being crap

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>has a v12 engine


It's what I hate about FH3. Only time you seem to find people running something else is some seasonal event that forces them to be stingy with PI.

Yeah I work at a Toyota dealer. Most of the high level techs have tuned out Lexus/Supras other shit that will absolutely smoke even 500k Lamborghinis. Only little kids and trust fund babies like that shit facts.

>why, did it stop being crap
not really but it have all kind of cars

this is what poor people day


>keep looking for cool american cars on used car websites
>they're all hopelessly expensive

I just want to buy something like this and cruise around in it

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First car

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Modern cars are boring in general

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>tfw american
>tfw inherited my granddads old late 70s plymouth gran fury
You guys will never know the comfy of the malaise era land yachts and it makes me sad.

imagine being a console fag who only has the crew 2 and Nfs payback to choose from

Attached: nfsProStreet017.jpg (1920x1080, 317K)

>look up used lotus esprits
>start at like 30 THOUSAND euros

fucking hell I could buy a new car for that

best car coming through

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I disagree with you but you have excellent taste for choosing the blob eye

Appreciate the pity.
Only old used cars I can find for cheap here are BMWs or shitty Audis.

>Forza Horizon 2
>yo bro heres this sweet af ferrari for you to drive in enjoy
>sell it and do up a Skyline R30

nah I wouldn't because I'm poor as shit with the only inheritance that I will be getting is family debt

oh hey someone saved my prostreet screenshots

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Well, technically not yet, it's going to be released on phones in a few months, for now it's PC exclusive.

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Play NFS ProStreet

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>yfw you will never get your dream car of a '70 barracuda that's been slightly modernized as well as a hellcat engine swap

I just want my catfish damnit

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I love ProStreet!

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Any rotary lads?

Not every game is about whole range of cars. It's like playing street fighter and complaining for lack of characters with swords.

What's the best representation of the FD3S in a game?

There was a sileighty conversion in Pro street or was that a mod?

none, it's downhill after 4.

Mods, there's a good amount of new cars for the game now

They're all good, ignore this retard

I can't wait til they port this to GT Sport

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The FD is already in GT Sport.

Not the RE Amemiya one

>being jealous of people more successful than you


Enjoy being faggots who play an absolutely fucking terrible game. It's literally made for people with an IQ of zero. It's the worst "driving" game on the face of the planet.

this never happened

your fabricrated greentexts should at least be partially believable

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You should try Enthusia on PS2 OP. It focused on interesting cars rather than the popular sports cars.

It even had luxury minivans like the velfarre and the elgrande.

That said, with people who actually enjoy racing games either want openwheeled, or they want shitbox racing. Open wheeled is catered for F1, but not F3 or anything else outside of a formula ford and mazda in FM7.

The OTHER group of racing game players, like you and me, enjoy shitbox racing. We're not catered to at all. Only zoomers who enjoy racing McLaren Sennas on super straight tracks where you can grind on the walls around the corners while your avatar floss dances afterwards are made anymore.

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post >YFW a rotard uses a rotary near you

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>either want open wheeled or shitbox racing
I'm more of a GT/prototype guy
>Only zoomers who enjoy racing McLaren Sennas on super straight tracks where you can grind on the walls around the corners while your avatar floss dances afterwards are made anymore
GT Sport has GT4, GT3, Super GT, Prototypes and even Super Formula in its lineup, it also punishes those who want to play bumper cars

>call F1 normie car
>spout RX7 afterwards
you're not very bright, are you?

might as well jump off a bridge than ""play"" this ""game""

>that horrible grill texture
god damn people still hasn't fixed that yet?

Go on the street and ask 50 guys about the F1
Now ask 50 about the RX7 much less its engine

See what happens

As a fan of Forza Motorsport, it disappoints me to see Microsoft come out with garbage mobile games with the Forza brand. But whatever, as long as they keep making FM games then I don't care.

no one will know what you're talking about because NPCs know fuckall about cars

>I'm more of a GT/prototype guy
There's a fair bit for you then. TONS of simbin games. Too bad all the tracks are shit nordic tracks.

didn't notice it until you pointed it out fucking dickhead

>Implying its cringe to drive a countach
>implying its cringe to drive a F1
>implying its cringe to drive a EB110

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>tfw driving around the rainy city at 2am in my stock E36 listening to LOFI BEATS TO CHILL AND STUDY TOO

peak comfy,I pity the anons who'll never experience it

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Are you literally thirteen years old?

>stock E36

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>do like 3 races in a series
>win a car

>gt sport
>do like 3 races in a series
>don't win a car but get one from driving enough for the day

totally different

Yes because as we know the only thing the career mode was about was winning a car for doing 3 races.

>You can build a 300,000 car for a fraction of the price
If all you cared about was track performance you'd buy whatever the latest Caterham 7 is.
You fail to understand that there's more to cars than how quickly they can get around Donington Park or their quartermile time.

Everyone and their mother knows RX7 too because of Initial D and the billion THIS IS HOW ROTARY ENGINE WORKS videos in youtube.

not the user you replied to but you're fucking stupid

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>Everyone and their mother knows RX7 too
That's where you are wrong. Like I said, go ask people on the street

You won't because you just got BTFO'd by me.

>think the outside box

>donington park
based Derby chad
you are from Derby aren't you user

Why do comfy threads have to degenerate into namecalling

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The RX-7 is as normie as the Lotus Elise or Subaru Impreza. Not ultra mainstream but still definitely normie-tier.
And more people will probably know that the RX-7 has a rotary wankel engine than they'll know that the Impreza has a boxer.

it is.

I never said the RX7 is obscure. Just that even it is far less known than the F1.


just a starwars nerd, nothing to see here

have you tried having sex?

shucks man, my absolute unicorn of a carfu are the little square BMW coupes from the eighties
they're nearly unobtanium where I live
diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks I guess

>Muscle car

There's used muscle cars all over the place that go for decent prices. It's pretty much their own fault for working at McDonalds that they can't get one.

Shit if you don't have atleast one AESTHETICS mobile with a V8 or some shit in it in your garage and you're the kind of person who drools over other cars,then you fucked up somewhere along the line when you decided you needed a car for sure.

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No one cares what kind of car you drive.

I spend so little time in my car it'd be fucking stupid to buy anything expensive, I spend more time on my pc or bed, and I could use a better both of those, or 2nd and 3rds before I'll blow money on a car.

he's just a memeing incel trying to start yet another /pol/ crossover thread about muslim kombat or cucked western developers or some other thirsty fuck talking point
this fucking place

people who are into cars usually drive cars that make people cringe

Car games belong on /o/ newfag sage

>>Everyone else is just doing cookie cutter meta builds
that's how racing is irl
they build the fastest car possible that meets FIA regulations

Not everyone lives in the US user. Buying price isn't the problem, those things drink so much petrol that they're just not feasible as daily drivers outside the US with their ultralow petrol prices.

>"car games"

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>have a shitty pirated copy of Driver
>relentlessly hammer on the tutorial until I finally make it (fuck those fucking laps m8)
>the copy is glitched and the first mission crashes upon loading
10/10 would play again
at least it was just 5 bucks back then

>114247 km

muscle cars are a pain in the ass to drive and park around cities here
you'd only use it as a weekend car to go out of town or something

it just drives like shit

people who play racing games are usually chads in real life

so if a car is well known and popular it's shit?

I know, but pic related is the type of person to call them "car games"

>people who are into cars usually drive cars that make people cringe

Ya, faggot. Everyone knows girls hate cool cars.

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actually got a refund from EA because this god damn game refused to launch on my pc. a known problem but obviously nobody gives a shit about.

of course I'm talking about the other kind of guys who are into cars

man, the memories of grinding and tweaking my old ass supra in order to qualify it for shitbox races, just to be able to afford a beater RX-7 and doing it all again
then you start getting the souped up skylines and nismo shit and the game becomes a fucking walk in the park because GRORIOUS NIPPON ENGINE FORDED THOUSAND TIMES is broken as fuck in GT2

so who's hyped for the racing game with actual racing?

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>30fps on console
>aids camera shake after landing jumps
>open world
>no road rage
>no traffic attack
>no elimination
>real cars
>police chases
zoomie zoomie zoomie zoomieeee

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o fug :DD ids sneg :DDD

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Most of them are collector cars in Europe, so the prices are relatively high and they keep going up even for rust buckets. Parts cost several times more because they all need to be imported from the USA. Old BMWs, Volvos and Subarus are all the rage here.

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It's less hate and more that they don't give a shit really. As long as it gets them point A to point B and lets them hook up their phones its a good ride

super cares are fucking disgusting
gimme underground 2 tuned regular midrange sports cars

I just want a game with a decent selection of historic race cars.

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GTR2 is the answer, as always.

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Laguna Seca is most definitely the GOAT track.

*GTR2 witth mods

> you're gonna find it hard to park big american cars in european cities
Considering the average size of a parking spot is smaller in america than europe I doubt that.

>tfw nogripracing died
>racedepartment still doesn't have all the mods ngr had

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yeah but people usually park like assholes taking up more space than they should also parking spots are usually not many so you kind of have to fit the car wherever you can and hope you don't get a ticket

>he doesn't

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>people keep telling me need for speed carbon is shit
>play it anyway because I remember having fun with it
>turns out people were right and I just ruined my memories of it

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>tfw own both a 94 Z28 and 85 AW11
>have peak comfy V8 torx and snappy japbox
>afford both while working shit factory job
If there's any other way to live, I don't want to see it.

>ywn own snek

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Most wanted is even worse.
Do not replay that game, it will totally shatter your memories. It's just a buggy and repetitive mess with insanely slow AI.

>pulls up in pic related
>user it doesn't have a phone charger?!
>ew this date is ruined *cries*

I love autistic incels lack of understanding of women

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>I drive cars to pick up girls
who cares what thots think

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That's alright, I wasn't planning on playing that one again, I barely remember anything about it except having to go in the options and turn off the retarded brown filter.

The first one had you start up as a mercenary driven earning money to restore your first shitty mustang and then earn, on your own, for all the other cars, tho.

>american """""sports""""" cars
>"tuner" crap
>tasteless modification
>modern supercars

sure is shit taste in here

Every single one of those has a ~relatively small car list that's broken up into classes.
Racedriver: GRID has pretty easy car unlocking butit will take a while to unlock the higher-level events where you can use higher level cars.
Though that game features almost only racecars with like 2 classes focused on street cars.
Even a lower-class racecar is a rocketship compared to high-level street cars.
GRID 2 shouldn't be talked about, ever.
GRID: Autosport is even more focused on actual racing than car collection porn. You can't even buy cars in singleplayer, you race with what your team gives you and don't ask questions.

O god of taste, what cars are acceptable?

I'm not even going to give it a (You)

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Anything that's not Japanese, American, European, ex-Communist, Latino, faux-Communist(China), or Korean.

I drive everything I can and appreciate every car on its own merits instead of constantly comparing everything to everything else. Even in a car I personally dislike I at least try to set a good laptime with it to see what it's capable of, and even a car I personally think is shit can still be driven simply by not expecting it to be something other than what it is.

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I just like the 2005 Mustang GT

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It's good, but i dunno about GOAT. Long beach is most definantly the GOAT city circuit, Maybe tsukuba or Limerock? Watkins Glenn is really nice too.

Anything other than the retard ring. Zero passing zones, huge straights that favor 1000hp discoballs and it's just a surrogate for proper targa tracks.

You know, after some thought, i think i'll have to agree with you. Tossup between Laguna and Spa

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name 7 cars

Bathurst is king

>moving the goalpost

>muh utes
>muh commadore


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>mustangs can't tu-

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comparing laptimes is dumb as fuck, it's not like the guy is a robot doing the exact same thing everytime.

Nah. It's good, but not the best. It needs a better section near the start/finish line. Similar to sears point.

At least we all can agree that Monza is a rotting pile of shitdicks.

>oh-yeah-just-let-Hamilton-or-Vettel-and-occasionally-Raikonnen-stand-in-podium the sport

stopped watching F1 after Schumacher left Ferrari and tied watching again when Rio Haryanto join Manor
now I remember why I stopped watching, it's just so boring

that's such a small difference i imagine it would happen even if he drove the same car twice
unless i'm missing something

Why do I find NFSU more comfy, even though NFSU2 is the better game?
Why do I keep replaying old arcade racers like Flatout 2 and having fun, while there are no new fun mid-budget racers out there anymore? I wanna go back.

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Hill climb> Non-FIA rally>DTM>BTCC>V8 Supercars>IMSA touring cars>Super GT>NASCAR road courses>FIA WRC>Blancpain GT cars>D1GP>Formula D>LeMans prototype trash>Formula 1>Formula E>Redbull air races>Racing boats of any kind

fuck boats. Also Fuck Boats.

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>even though NFSU2 is the better game?
It isn't. NFSU2 sacrifices its track design for its open world. As a racing game, UG1 is undisputably better. People only talk about UG2 because its the one they had as a kid.

>This nfs is better than that NSF
all post-exotics NFSes are shit.

play a real arcade racer like initial D or wangan midnight max tune.

Oh hey it's you again

Yea Spa is very fun to drive with supercars and F1 cars, but it's maybe bit too fast track for lower powered road cars. Laguna Seca is quite versatile imo.

But they had almost the whole city done for Underground 1 anyway. And it's way less polished, there are way more invisible walls you can crash into and be flying while passing corners and the rubberbanding and AI cheating is way too obvious.
Though the city feels more varied, since you can't get tired of it while just cruising to get your checklist done. I replay NFSU2 way more than NFSU, but I feel way more when playing the later.

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>all post-exotics NFSes are shit.
Shut up fag. I can like 3 and Underground and you can't do anything to stop me.

Reminder that NFSMW was a direct downgrade from UG2

This, only brainlets hate carbon. Canyon duels and drifting was kino.

And yet it still managed to be better.

See a Volvo S60/S80 in the background so the parking spots aren't that much bigger in the picture.

>Diablo SV

This "car" ruined A800 in FH4

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play a better game.

that game was ruined before it came out

>better open world
>better tuning
>better rivals
Literally how can you say this?

>calls people brainlets
>uses 'kino' unironically


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What do you drive IRL?

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that car looks like its got a lot of soul. How do I get that

>the rubberbanding and AI cheating is way too obvious.
I remember UG1 would artificially spawn traffic in front of your car, so if you got behind an AI's car at the right distance you could guarantee them crashing.

No, but he is trying to get the fastest lap possible out of every car he drives in those reviews. The "what ifs" can be applied to either car at any lap but he does around 7 hot as fuck laps after already becoming comfortable with the cars before they finalize the times. The Mustang could have had as many "bad laps" as the NSX too. Who's to say the gap shouldn't be bigger?


they're usually the bestest of the best of a number of laps which basically stablish which would be the absolute peak of the car performance out of an already stablished retries/total time on the circuit

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Give me one

A Fiesta

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>Driving anything other than muscle cars

shiggy diggy

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a Punto with a whooping 60hp

Roadrunner is pure sex.


>the charger is super long and wide
>the profile is flat, and has curves like a sportscar
>the 'flying buttress' c-pillar design that's only seen on ferraris and the like

This is peak muscle car design.

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71-72 specifically.

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The tuning was completely gutted compared to UG2

Muh rally heritage and boxer 6

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Apparently the 'Cuda' name has been registered by FCA recently, so who knows what will come in the future.

Shame because I think mopar bros know by now how this shit usually goes... We'll be lucky to get a concept car to drool over.

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Forza 4 was like this too. I've never played any other game with a Pontiac Fiero or Shelby Omni.

Gran Turismo 6 is pretty fun.

GT Sport is ok if multiplayer is your thing, not really worth it otherwise.

more like fixed. UG2's was incredibly broken

I'm trying to sell this pos
someone, please buy it

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I'll trade you my bus pass

The real chad in there is the Audi TT RS


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Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 5 and Initial D 8
GT4 is the worst GT because of the handling.

UG2: Individual tuning of front and rear springs, shocks, sway bars ride height, and front/rear tire grip
MW: Slider that has a few tick marks between drift and grip ,not to mention a much more forgiving and less fun handling model
I'll take NFSU2 any day

>get run over by a car
>no ambulance to drive you to hospital, you drive there yourself
>get put in waiting line
>finally able to be assisted
>can't give you anything because no money for equipment
>realize you spent so much money on taxes for this "free" healthcare only to get nothing

A second gen eclipse was my first car ever, that thing was reliable as fuck and honestly pretty comfy.

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great game recommendations, I'll have to check them out next time I'm in Japan

A lame 2011 Fiesta
Only has 30k on it though and no issues whatsoever so that's nice.... just boring

Thanks for reminding me that midrange sports cars haven't been made since 2004
All that's left are the same boring silver and black Sedans and SUV's that go for $50,000 at the dealership and drop to $12,000 as soon as they're off the lot

What about the BRZ/GT86 or WRX/WRX STI or 370Z or a Miata or one of the cheaper Camaros?

>tfw so poor the best thing I could afford is a rundown Twingo

Which are the same cars as 2004, aside from the BRZ

I bought a certified used yaris from a rental car company for $7k, it had 20k miles. I can't imagine wanting anything else without a purpose to go along with it (truck for work, suv for kids, muscle for fun, etc). People just seem to end up with random crossovers and dual door trucks though, and actually pay for them new which is mind boggling to me

The second gen was the last good Eclipse. You could actually call it a sports car, unlike the 4th gen pos that hates accelerating and has the steering angle of a fucking boat.

If they're available, I'll always go for a Golf, Skyline or Lancer Evoltion.

The only one of those that really goes for is the WRX STI since it still uses the EJ25, and even it's been upgraded in virtually every way except the engine, which is being changed either in 2020 or 2021

Yes, it's a garage queen since '98


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Thread theme

>You could actually call it a sports car
I wouldn't go that far, even for the GSX since they're surprisingly heavy for what they are. I haven't driven any other eclipse so it's kind of a shame if they really did fuck up more than just the styling. It was a great get to work and back car and honestly one of the easiest to drive manual cars I've had.

All US round 1s have WMMT5 and ID8. You can also emulate them with teknoparrot

Waiting on a header+tune to fix the torque dip

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nah MW handling is a big improvement over UG2. UG2 was already a downgrade from UG1 and HP2

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>racing game
>purposely choose the cars with the shittiest handling profile
>tune the suspension like a madman, toe angle, caster, etc.

>Go online and shit on supercars with my Charger ACR

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What if Rockstar made a new Midnight Club? Do they even remember they have that franchise?

You know as well as I do that FH online is 20% car and tuning, and 80% not getting wrecked by a shitter ramming you into a corner/avoiding everyone else who does get wrecked.

Has op mentioned any games that even do this or this is a thing in? Racing games with stock or cars not normally for racing is my boner fuel and i havent even heard of one released recently

I mean, literally what game

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I wish I had any idea what the tuning options really do

If I had all the money I'd get this carbon replica charger, double so if I was Vin Diesel

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Most recent race game I played was NFS Payback. I didn't like the upgrade system in that game. Is Forza Horizon 4 better handled in that regard, or is that dumb cards too?

Literally none. But there are a lot of old racing games. I'm not talking basic bitch NFS shit everyone's heard of. I'm talking that gucci niche shit that only true riceboys will have played, let alone heard of.

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>gran autismo 5 was too lazy to put a proper interior in for all the cars
>gran autismo 6 did the same and also the computer ai is dogshit
>gt sport is fine but the car list is small

Imagine knowing this little about cars.

>GTS has the best physics of any gt
>It's e-sports shit

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Yup, I drive a volvo how could you tell?

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Every time Yea Forums comments on everything, it has to be the most contrarian opinion.

I don't think any game can be worse than Payback in that regard. It's literally f2p mobage tier.

What cars does Yea Forums drive?

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it's not our fault that normies are wrong

your mom lmao

No he isn't. American health care is more expensive than every other 1st world country even BEFORE you have to pay again to actually use it.

Yea Forums drives whatever his parents own

health care will never be free dum dum, you would pay enourmous taxes instead for other people use it for free

Yea Forums doesn't even have his driver's license.

Just get a lotus.

Looks like a super car but a fraction of the price

Better to pay for it once than pay for it twice.

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>A Donkey

you go to Japan and search for a used one(which will cost you near 30k$ due to being rare, midengined and with a powerful(for a Kei car) Mazda engine
AZ-1 were made in the early 90s, also bless Mazda for making them

bless mazda in general
top tier cars

it's a shame simulator autists killed the arcade racer

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Rebound stiffness and bump stiffness is your bread and butter. Everything else is secondary, because this controls how it responds to every terrain and slope.

A lot of my cars used to understeer at high speeds because they would get to the top of a crest and refuse to adjust to the incoming slope (bump stiffness was too soft and the front of the car titled away from the corner, rear rebound was too high). The front would lift up, and out of the corner.

Diagnose how the car transitions in and out of bankings at high speeds, and over bumps. Is it front weight biased or rear weight biased? Bump stiffness controls how easy the left and right springs 'bend' when the car is tilted, ideal for setting up weight transfer and oversteer. I like my rear springs stiff on bigger cars, because it helps them stay planted and prone to oversteer. Rebounding kinda controls how 'weighted' the front and rear axle of the car is, too high on either axle and your car will understeer when changing direction, or again, at high speeds. Too much rear rebounding stiffness on a front engine car is usually bad. Keep it lower than the front rebound stiffness.

Is racing one of the few genres where hardcores killed the genre for casuals, instead of the other way around?


Jesus fucking christ, how much of a boring piece of fuck do you have to be to unironically hate on supercars?

This is TrackMania right?
Those webms are super comfy

Of course it's Illinois. This state is dogshit.

i wish my country had old jdms cars

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I'm sorry.

but in a vidya you dont, so who cares?
like nobody can afford a ten billion dollar spacehip and alien superarmor yet i use those in vidya too
realism isnt mandatory

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They're mostly over rated now with their cheap '90s interiors and old disintegrating electronics systems.

atleast there's some quality jeeps around here, but i wish i had a datsun

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200,000 miles and still going strong.
Stable and quick on the freeway but has no problem going over curbs.

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Play some GT Sport nigger

how do i start learning about cars bros i barely even know the first damn thing about them and theyre so cool

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243000 miles, comfy on the highway and probably the most fun you can have on dirt/mud roads

Get a used car, fix stuff yourself, hang out on /o/ and research every term you don't understand until you get it. I suggest learning about how things break if you want to understand cars better if that makes any sense.

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modern supercars drive like shit compared to race cars and drive too well compared to street cars to be fun.
but even in europe driving a 135i or even a 2l turbo is not going to be cheap

Supercars are just toys, they're not practical, they eat a shitload of gas and they are UNCOMFORTABLE to drive.
It's not something you'd use daily.

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the cobalt ss made tracktime obsolete

If only the load times were shorter

GT Sport

I could kill for a barracuda concept, just like how they did with the challenger

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Scotty Kilmer and Team Oneil Racing is entry level. Then move on to channels like Engineering Explained. Then advanced stuff like full transmission break down videos.

Why does this game refuse to age?

Because graphics peaked in 2007.
That was the year Crysis came out.

GT Spork

>tfw seeing multiple 356 Speedster(and the occasional 250 GT Berlinetta) is a daily thing in my town
God bless Majorca

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You're the most retarded nigger in the world and I hope you die.

If you want cars get gran turismo 6 it has like 1,200 or something like that



i got an audi q3

>feel like playing some gta4 online
>enter race lobby
>'stars in your eyes' + supercars
>join another one
>'stars in your eyes' + supercars
>try again
>>'stars in your eyes' + supercars
>fucking shit whatever
>eventually become host
>try to change it
>get vote kicked

>extremely shitty game that’s also made by ea to make it even worse

just play wreckfest or flatout my dude
rrustfuck those zoomers

>Open wheeled is catered for F1, but not F3 or anything else outside of a formula ford and mazda in FM7
just git good and play iRacing

>nearly half the size and displacement of an actual muscle car
>ever having problems turning

Said no one ever

What cars would you recommend? I want to do this too
I tried to do this with a Ford Sierra but I just can't keep up in the curves

Anything with the wheel spacers option and wide tires available. The 2009 RS 6 is especially broken. It gets 900hp in Class S and SOLID handling, but the transmission is really shitty.

why doesn't EA release a pack on Origin with Underground 1-2, MW, Carbon, Pro Street
I'm sure a good amount of people would buy it

Plebian taste my man

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>Racing game
>Can't drive a Tesla Roadster
>Can't set it to autopilot and let the computer win for you

In this day and age only the poor need to even touch a steering wheel or gas pedal. Romanticaztion of poverty is pathetic and only harms those indulging in it.

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>GT is dead
hahahahaha point and laugh at this faggot.
call me when anyone not named PD keeps a 100% no paid DLC policy
also Sport is getting more players every goddamn month.
and remember, GT5 was shit due to having paid DLC
GT5 B-Spec
too bad servers are dead

Sort of, the most popular games are casual as fuck simcades but proper sims are going strong and will remain going strong in the future while arcade racing is delegated to very low budget indie releases because arcade racers are casuals who barely play these games or kart garbage.

>GT5 B-Spec

Neat. Didn't expect my bait post to be defeated so easily.

why are those plane windows behind a window? did Xzibit design that plane?

I've played too much racing vidya, m8
RR4 God Tier forever

How the fuck does anyone play GRID on extreme/ninja, the AI literally dont care about your presence or lines its fucking infuriating

350Z, but as roadster. Same colour. Shit is cash money

Is there a nonviolent flight sim with career mode and progression?