>Games that predicted the future
Games that predicted the future
Other urls found in this thread:
oh no
oh no
What? What warped reactionary world view are you going to project onto this game?
Didn't a nuke explode in this game's Venezuela?
The game centers around a coup in venezuela
Two nukes
sucker tried to play me, but you never paid me, NEVER!
Me thinks he's referring to a US Carrier group being deployed down near Venezuela to, potentially, help an elected (contested vote) politician named Guiado pull a coup, while China, cuba, and Russia try to keep Maduro in power.
Which is basically the plot of the game if you squint
bumper cars
Tfw no panzercycle and recreational mcnuke
>based games
Why the fuck is the origin port of this game so shitty? I can’t get more than like 10 FPS out of it
Gaydo is backed by mutts though.
payback is a commin you will be runnin 4eva!
as a venezuelan, unironically we would have been better off getting nuked twice than letting the socialist assholes go wild, hopefully you guys can learn from our mistakes
but socialism works :^)
That may not stop the mutts from chucking cruise missiles and obliterating the shit s200 air batteries Russia gave them as solidarity
also as a venezuelan, this guy is a fucking retard and i hope no one listens to him because he's blaming the big bad boogeyman
> venezuela
> socialist
t. larping poltard
>as a Californian undergrad
Fixed that for ya, buddy
It predicted the future was unfinished games? Yeah.
I thought this thread was a joke about mouthbreathers spamming OH NO NO NO
It is socalist you brainlet.
>also as a venezuelan
f this is true then you should be ashamed of yourself for defending the rats that destroyed our country asshole, thanks to your kind i have to leave the country that saw my birth if i wanna have a future and i'll never be able to come back, fuck you
Wasn't Mercenaries 2 somehow worse the the first game?
must suck being ignorant over your own country
fuck you you don't know shit
Actually, the Chavista system is closer to State Capitalism than Socialism.
>its another, "i know more than those that actually live in that hellhole" retard
i've have had enough of dealing with you scumbags already, i really can't stand your retardeness anymore, fucking kill yourself
unironically kys you fucking waste of air
>leftards have already started saying Venezuela isn't the result of trying to implement socialism
I thought you were going to keep your narrative going for at least one more year before doing the inevitable 180
Mercs 1 was pretty barebones but it had soul.
desu I think continued US economic warfare, sabotage and coup attempts dating back to 2002 are probably more to do with it.
When Elliot Abrams is appointed to a job you know uncle sam doesn't care how many people die.
sucks to be you buddy, but don't blame shit that had nothing to do with your situation.
Venezuela isn't going to last another year, they had to accelerate their defense mechanisms to accomadate the mass starvation
It isn't right now, but once the reactionaries are destoyed and the revolution is restored it will be again.
lol hope you hang gusano
They pushed the graphical limitations way too hard for what they were trying and the draw distance was severely constrained. some things were better, but heavy ordnance was worse. They also nerfed a lot of them, requiring you to get really close to use radio beacons and stuff instead of just lasing everything
Nothing we have done has prevented them from trading on an international market, we simply dont trade with them after they kicked out and nationalized oil infrastructure we had established in the 60s-70s.
god can the lights go off were you live already so you stop posting you chavista piece of shit, i swear that once things blow off and if i get the chance i'll kill at least a few of your kind like the bugs you are, rightfull retribution for what you demons have done to my country
>if i get the chance i'll kill at least a few of your kind like the bugs you are
back to your containment board fuckface
what are you doing outside /r/latestatecapitalism you fucking faggot?
>I have no more argument.
explain how it's all
same things you are doing outside of stormfront. Shitposting on Yea Forums
back to eating turds with you samefagging chavista pieces of shit
you're a privileged fuck, hope they round you fuckers up once this guaido bullshit is over
>it's the US's fault venezeula made themselves dependent on their shit oil before lowering their production to fund social programs and inflating the currency
What a convenient bogeyman!
>unironically being a commie
Of all the countries you could pretend to be from, you picked the only one that is ACTUALLY a capitalist state with a corporate government.
>posts a political thread in Yea Forums
>complains about different opinions
>barely make enough money to eat
please explain
> stormfaggot knows of super obscure leftist subreddit despite claiming to never use reddit
Top minds material right here, folks.
Grow up, pal.
The Venezuelan government only employs about a thitd of the country. That's hardly the Socialist model.
every single on of us that gets to shitpost on Yea Forums is at least somewhat privileged.
>A third
>anyone that shits on socialism and commiefaggots its a Nazi now
come on you can do better than that
prove it faggot, show your fridge, show your skeleton ass, bet you wont
>always a victim
>everything wrong is someone else's fault
>get to spend all day defending minorities and looking for fascists under rocks
honestly, what's not to like?
fuck, I never pressed enter, damn Yea Forums
explain how it's the USA's fault that Venezuela has been fucked for this long without being vague like you leftists always do
and even if you tried to bring coups into the discussion, they have nothing to do with the economy you idiot
pretty much, the left is absolutely demented
I thought that was the case last year, but here we are again
>being proud of being a communist
>born too late to rape and kill rosa with your freikorps brethren
>born too early to genocide xenos in the space corps
>born just in time to see millions of commies get shot down in the streets
They've been screaming that it isn't real socialism for a while, though.
I will never understand why western commies back the worst horses for their ideology (Like North Korea and Venezuela) when they have serviceable evidence of it working like in Burkina Faso and Yugoslavia. Retards will be retards, I guess.
>Nothing we have done has prevented them from trading on an international market
Not having access to major financial systems is kind of a big deal. As well as the billions seized since 2017, losing access to FOREX when you're seeing inflation spike kinda hurts.
You can't trade particularly well internationally if you have shitty access to FX. Venezuela could have implemented an ERBS system and a managed float to get things back under control, but without access to it, there was no chance in hell.
Do you not know how international finance works?
how can you defend the assholes that have bought us so much ruin and misery over these years? i can understand outsiders because they have no way of knowing what exactly is happening here but we are going trought this reality everyday, are you one of those faggots that is making big money out of this mess?
By who, exactly? Your reactionary populist parties are already dying once again in Canada and Europe. KYS
Because the western commies you're talking about are actually just tankies ready to go on with "CRITICAL SUPPORT FOR ASSAD!"
How about the reactionary politician literally in charge of the country right next to Venezuela? Try again, dirtbag.
If you think it's about parties then you're a shit socialist, friend.
nationalism caused the Yugoslavian civil war. Nationalist intellectuals in all sides have been sponsored and helped by western security agencies.
t. person that lived in Yugoslavia during the war
because every othervfailed state and their respective atrocities speak much louder than whatever went right in Yugoslavia so it's much more urgent for their egos to pretend they didn't happen instead
it was a minority, now it's grown to a sizeable amount
either explain what you mean by FX and ERBS, or I'll just think you're just throwing around random letters to try to look smart
I literally said what FX was above. Forex, foreign exchange. And the other one is exchange rate based stabilisation. The first one is beyond utterly basic financial terminology. Everyone should know what FX means in this context.
They'll say nobody else has ever experienced communism either as a defence.
FUCK commies and GOD BLESS liberty okay.
dont bother, he has no argument and is economically illiterate
The USA only started blocking "FX" recently though, and Venezuela has been fucked for a long time already. Explain how this makes them able to go back in time and fuck Venezuela up years ago.
While it's definitely tankies who are the most ardent, a lot of commies give countries like Venezuela and North Korea a lot more nuance than they deserve. Hell, I've seen them defend China's atrocities even when they say "Well it's not TRUE communism". I dunno, I just find anarchists to be at the very least more consistent with their ideology than communists, although I agree with neither.
Honestly OPEC and Exxon have done more with production caps and the grim reaper of Shale extraction than the us gov directly has at this point.
>OPEC tells VZ they have a max quota
>VZ wants oil prices higher so cut production
>American shale oil restarts the second gas tips $2.75/gal
>VZ's government programs need gas at like $3.50 a gallon to be viable or something
Sounds like you shouldnt have nationalized our assets. We once were 90% of your export market. hope it was worth it. But hey im sure the Russians will give you all the support needed.
FOREX/FX is basically a currency trade booth to turn pesos into yuan, yen into dollars, etc. Oil trade is done largely in USD ($). We blocked VZ from trading their worthless money for USD, which kinda cucked them in terms of making it easy. it's the equivalent of a gas station in canada taking mexican pesos. So VZ has to take an assbackwards route to boost their currency to make it worthwhile to trade for oil
>show your skeleton ass
bu...but user im shy...
AnComs are retarded but consistently retarded. Tankies come across as duplicitous and intentionally retarded.
>Not banning all Venezuelans because they're the niggers of South America.
But no seriously their country is owned by an oil company.
Until I get my vengeance, I will never end this mayhem
fuck off nigger
To be slightly fair, saying "do you not know intentional finance" was a tad pretentious of me. As if it's simple.
It did so in 2017, the country wasn't in anything resembling dire straits until then. It was august 2017 where it was looking like something like a peg to the US dollar would be needed, and that's exactly when they lost access to dollar based markets (and others). That's when it turned from "this is pretty rocky" to catastrophe.
There's a lot more you could go into, but the main effect of this other than making stabilisation pretty much impossible, is that it's made importing things that the general population needs more difficult. It was a direct attack on civilians.
nice video game discussion you fucking faggots
fuck off tranny
Do they make these neolibs in a factory or something? why are all these reactionary Macron lookalikes so similar?
here's a meme to look at you faggot
>me thinks
OOGA BOOGA my caveman friend
ikr? an e-celeb or twitter screencap thread died for this
here's a mirror to look at you tranny
eat shit. your kind will never be accepted
>le tranny boogyman xD
I don't get it.
join the 40%
Name one """neoliberal""" philosopher or writer
>part of the socialist international
Also also
>price controls
>not socialism
Kill yourselves for the love of God
40 percent of what? I don't get your shit /pol/ meme. please explain your /pol/ meme to me, faggot.
go shit in a bucket
>get into power
>make it pratically a crime to do business
>inflation going through the roof thanks to shitty policies and printing money
>fix prices, creating black markets
>small businesses closing left and right
>only good shit they still have is the oil
>oil is in the hands of the government
>state owned business always goes to shit, oil production falls
>also oil production is subject to market prices and OPEC is an asshole
>government controls who gets food
>government cuts food for whoever votes against it
>half of the population doesn't even vote because of how things are
>citizens start revolting
>as always, try to supress them using the military
>this is all the fault of the USA btw
>, the country wasn't in anything resembling dire straits until then.
you are completely wrong
absolute retard and a newfag
is it possible for brown people to be reactionary?
no need, you'll find what it means by yourself soon enough you tranny fuck
I'm sorry, I'm not obsessed with trannies like you are retard.
imblying your political diarrhea of an ideology will ever get mainstream acceptance.
deus ex
>mfw 26 years old
>20 years living in a socialist regimen
Men I hate socialism all I remember is everything going wrong, every year
The worse thing is hearing socialist from other countries trying to tell me that "this is not socialism" or trying to convince me that what is happening is not maduros fault (is like they think the now more of my country than me)
This shit has been like this for years, is not for "sanctions" or nothing like that, this is way before, when chavez expropiated a lot of companies (food and medicine) that are now closed and armed the "colectivos" and made them a personal army
It's sucks to be Venezuelan, my generation didn't vote for this shit (we were too young) and here we are, suffering
Do you guys think they'll ever make another Mercenaries game? 1 is one of the best games of all time, but 2 clearly has problems.
>(is like they think the now more of my country than me)
this is leftard 101
>poor black man, shut up and let me reprimand these evil wh*tes
>poor woman, shut up and let me reprimand these evil m*les
>poor gay, shut up and let me reprimand these evil straight people
>poor trans, shut up and let me reprimand these evil CIS people
>poor socialist countryman, shut up and let me reprimand these evil capitalist pigs
Br here, i'm tired of first worlders thinking they know what socialism is or that their democratic socialism is anything special or diferent, i hope to see all of them involved in civil wars or dying of food scarcity
Incels from /pol/, the_donald, MGTOW etc have this really weird conspiracy where jews supposedly put onions products in everything to form an army of trannies who go out and sabotage men to prevent them from having sex to disrupt society to the point where they can sell them products to improve their sex lives. It's really fucking bizarre and doesn't make any sense.
So why do commies only buy iPhones and Starbucks coffee?
Epic larp my friend
It's more that trannies are just disgusting and obnoxious. They're the living embodiment of Resetera.
Oh look, the falseflagging russians are here
Meh, i'd still trade a 100 of you incels for the life of one trans person.
>MIGA hat
>"Trans person"
>Not "tranny"
Go give Contrapoints even more money or whatever it is you... "people" do.
>literally everyone is a boogeyman
>it's impossible that socialism fails at every turn because it's doomed to fail!
Why are you guys arguing tho?
It's all the same. For all we know, the faggots saying Venezuela isn't real socialism here are just baiting and memeing.
Don't reply. Just ignore them. They know they are wrong, they are just trying to get you guys.
I'm really tired already of arguing with Starbucks commies that defend a government that literally rams over civilians with armored vehicles because they are protesting.
I just don't do it anymore. The only opinion I care about is that of other Venezuelans and maybe Colombians and Brazilians
>I would trade the lives of 100 normal people for the life of one person who's just going to kill themselves anyway
what did they mean by this
At least trannies stay on their own websites where incels shit all over video games boards with their obnoxious bullshit.
Unfortunately I doubt it, especially because people in serious positions of government unironically defend it
venezuela is not reel socialism xD
you're more deranged than any tranny I've met
>incels are normal, but people with gender dyphoria aren't
I thought Russians still liked communism, what gives?
Meanwhile, modern day """capitalism""" has failed hundreds of thousands of incels and is currently ripping society apart to the point of looming global recession
>Sanctions not implemented till 2017
>I-it's the US fault!
The F-35 only kills pilots and budgets.
Well, on a statistical level, incels are more normal than trannies, yes. Trannies are 1% at most, incels are roughly 30% of males under 30 according to recent data.
I don't give a shit If you believe i'm br or not, vote left so i can see you all starving to death
Burro do caralho
>At least trannies stay on their own websites
What kind of delusion is this?
I would rather take the system which makes incels upset, over the one which creates a mad max apocalypse.
I'm sorry, but locking yourself in your mother's basement and falling for 19th century racial pseduscience mixed-in with anti-semtic conspiracy theories will never be normal, you fucking weirdo.
>Incels aren't normal which means they're the same level of not normal as people who mutilate their genitals
No way fag
retard. It's LITERALLY just "rp"
Pierre Sprey please go
>At least trannies stay on their own websites
Uhh... this isn't Yea Forums - Gender Transitioning
>Meanwhile, modern day """capitalism""" has failed hundreds of thousands of incels and
who cares about incels? l o l
maybe you're one?
> is currently ripping society apart to the point of looming global recession
thanks to government intervention, if we had min government, we wouldn't have these issues
What does being unable to have sex on a regular basis have to do with any of that?
>this thread
it wasn't real socialism :^)
My God, Martian Magazine has hideous art.
>tranny calling anything else hideous
loving every laugh
> right wing """"memes"
Yeah men "epic larp"
>pic related, all that shit is less than one dollar
>thanks to government intervention, if we had min government, we wouldn't have these issues
I do enjoy the comic but the art is really ugly and offputting. My favourites are the ones with the fox whose name I always forget and how he just fucks with people being a horrible cunt. Foxworth or something?
>he's trying so desperately to larp that he shops pictures
rip user
The same sort of delusion that causes someone to throw tantrums over unseen ‘discord trannies’?
they're based
The Discord trannies did exist. Hell, there are generals I post in on /vg/ that have resident shitposting unironic trannies. Basically every general has one these days, and after the whole /r9k/ and Reiko incidents it's foolish to pretend they don't exist.
>calls everyone he disagrees with a tranny
>see! they're among us!
holy shit lmao
Trannies should stay unseen, but instead they stick out like mutilated genitals.
imagine being this mentally ill lmao cant relate
>this thread
>the false flagging Russians
What the fuck are you talking? Russia supports Maduro you mongoloid
>Implying he lives in Venezuela and isn't just lying because retards like you believe him.
How does it make you feel that your life is just a game for the ameritrannies in this thread?
I would Satan.
> facebook cat /r/deepfriedmemes shit
The right truly can't fucking meme lmao.
>Actual trannies don't shit up general threads on /vg/ because ???
Okay. Go watch Contrapoints or something. I hear he needs more Patreon bux.
>government makes interest rate go above or below where it should be, people who shouldn't be getting loans do
>saves big companies doing stupid shit, so everyone knows they can do stupid shit because the government will save them
>puts money that was stolen from the population on industries that they're close friends with, disregarding the supply and demand (even if they could take it into account and do it properly, WHICH THEY CAN'T, they wouldnt)
>state owned shit is incompetent, have forced monopolies, if things go bad they just take money stolen from the population to cover the losses
what a great fucking argument, you fucking retard
Why is Thanos mad? Memezuela is proving him right
>Why is Thanos mad?
I don't care, I already lost my youth in this country, I just want Maduro and all the chavista government members death..
I just want a "normal" life, not this shit
as a venezuelan too, THIS guy is a fucking retard
>money stolen from the population
I'd give you one myself but I don't save that kind of trash on my computer
There is no way the poster is actually from Venezuela.
The Chavistas saved Venezuela. Without them, the Empire would have conquered us long ago.
what do you call it when someone takes something from you using violence or threat of violence if not stealing?
it's just the price we pay for a civilized civilization
>we live in a society
please nuke this fucking board
>public utilities are made out of thin air so I should have as much of them as I want for free
>Israel is a public utility
That's where all taxes go anyway.
>public utilities
yet another thing that's wrong, sell it to people and let them manage it
here in Brazil we have communities gathering together and building our own roads (and other things) because the government is so incompetent
fuck off, retard
min government/no governemnt isn't a utopia, big government working properly IS the utopia
if you're going to defend government even existing, it should be for national defense, border control and maybe taking care of the environment, leave everything else for the free market
Is this /pol?
>pro big government
I prefer that than the Cubans and Russians
>here in brazil we pick who steals from us
Cubans and Russians are friends of the country. They care for the workers.
yeah they cared so much they almost ran out of workers to care for, so they realize it's safer to care for other places' workers instead
>getting together with other people and voluntarely pooling money to build something is the same as having your money forcibly stolen
what the fuck are you going on about
Imagine being so traumatized by /pol/ that you support the current Venezuelan government. You stupid commies aren't welcome anywhere, find something high and jump off of it already.
As a Spaniard, I apologize in behalf of our ancestors for not genociding the natives.
Don't apologize user, your ancestors didn't know that a simple cold could kill entire civilizations.
there were barely any natives left to kill, these people all came from your idiot country you idiot
Not him, but I don't recall spaniards looking like this.
>everyone I disagree with is a tranny
>there were barely any natives left to kill
And look at the damage those caused.
We should have finished them off.
>Quintessentially Americans
cope. you should thank us for bleaching you subhumans
That's the beauty of it. You freaks got found out raiding several boards, and are rightfully being called out. It's funny how much you delusional idiots stands out, and the redditors are now being called trannys since they are almost as pathetic as you when posting. It works out perfectly.
bunch of retards here trying to paint venezuela as "not real socialism xd"
back to discord, trannies
Everytime you accuse someone of being a tranny and they're not, what do you think of yourself
It's not real socialism vs. Get me out of this god forsaken hellhole
If you are accused of being tranny scum and actually aren't it means your post was so full of faggotry you were mistaken for said mentally ill trannys. I do understand you may just be reddit, in which case do yourself a favor and go back.
Imagine being confused with a tranny.
>top are the trannys and the redditors defending socialist dictators
>the bottom are the actual people living trought the reality of their shithole country everyday
i want off this ride so bad
When the fuck was the gas explosion that killed 700 people?
holy fuck you fucking subhumans tranny redditors fucks keep giving me more reasons to hate your fucking guts, isn't being a literal monster not enough for you? out of everything you could have done to make people dislike you more you decide to fucking defend commies? really? you deserve all the fucking hate you get and 1000 times more
itt: butthurt ameriburgers seething at their failed coup
I can't wait for maduro to start slaughtering traitors and wh*Toids
could do with a few more desu
Damn half these niggas wearin' sweatshirts in that heat.
You could just kill yourself
They want everyone to be as miserable as they are deep down, even if they don't realize it. They literally spend their free time solely making online communities worse for everyone. They are honorary Jews frankly.
they'll need them in Germoney desu
Yea Forums - VIDEO GAMES
No shit, brainlet.
everyday im more convinced than this is the only way out of this mess, im just afraid i might fail and make things even worse for my family and myself desu
We just wanted to play video games in peace, then those people came along and this is where we are now. They have nobody to blame but themselves.
Capitalism > Socialism
Capitalist countries make the best video games.
>oh no, women and minorities are getting equal rights; i better kill myself!
Do it.
I want to fuck mui
First and second rules of Yea Forums should have applied for the whole site. The influx of normalfags, glow-in-the-dark faggots, (((JIDF))), journalists, SJWs really ruined shit for everyone
They've had equal rights for a while, despite the fact that they don't deserve them. Giving women the right to vote was one of the biggest mistakes this country made.
>and they're not
But (You) and they are.
unironically that's a great reason to off yourself, i mean, next time you trannys are gonna be demanding to be treated like normal people lmao
How can one man be so retarted?
What about Tetris?
>tfw born too late to kill commies without any repercusions
Very true
literally just stop being venezuelan you nerd
>as a Venezuelan
>no spic speak
Which one?
I see they’re assimilating into American culture.
I don’t see Ron Paul memes or bitching about Israel.
there's no point speaking our language in here user nobody would understand, or do you think we aren't serious about this shit? please get me out of this god forsaken hellhole
>Ron Paul memes
those stopped being posted over 5 years ago (with the exception of IT'S HAPPENING)
The mass nationalization of biz, the lack of investment in oil industry infrastructure, not saving any money when oil was 100 a barrel?
This was decades in the making. The us didn’t force unsustainably high social welfare spending with no ROI. Or incompetent kleptocrats into key positions.