Its 2019 and Yea Forums wants MW2 and Halo lobbies back

Its 2019 and Yea Forums wants MW2 and Halo lobbies back

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Why can't you do this with current multiplayer games?

Party chat




>wanting what killed CoD back
bjt it was epic necause I was 14 and everything was op !!1one

I want the old graphics back.

all that swearing and nobody said the n word even once


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>community killed cod

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I'm not an underage zoomer who's first game was cawadootie modern shitfare.

Talk about some gen 5 or 6 games if you want. Don't have nostalgia for shit I played in university you underage.

>no dedicated servers
>rampant hacking
>mod scene aborted
Everything was done in order in order to kill the community and the game
>Ahhhhh of you criticise my tastes you're a smashfag *John/reaction/wojak/pink/3748382*

No servers or mods was for consolefags.

Old shooter communities were aids as fuck. Join a server, kill a regular, get banned. Join a server, use the shotgun, get banned. Join a server kill someone near their zone, banned for baserape.

I'd rather everyone suffer under the same shitty rules than have inhouse rules applied unfairly.

Literally who? It killed PC CoD and was an unbalanced piece of shit. MW 1 was better in every way imaignable and it already got remastered.

>MW 2 lobbies
surely you mean dedicated server browser from cod 2

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partychat killed online gaming
>when mw2 used to force you into game chat to play search and destroy and you could shit talk the other team between rounds

this can literally just be solved if the people who kept saying they want it back all just hopped on and kept playing but they're just gonna wait for the corporate Jews to sell a full price remastered edition

iw4x is a thing, you know.

>dedicated shooters ban you for using guns
Yeah nah, you were probably just some obnoxious retarded kid who couldn't figure out he didn't need to use the mic 24/7. Community servers are way better than the cancer that is matchmaking.

I didn't use a mic, people just power tripped a lot.

IW4X exists retard
BO3 mods exist retard

you're the one who isn't up to date on anything

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>BO3 mods exist
Those didn't come out until like a year later.

>playing video games with Yea Forums
Lol no

But they exist now, and like most games the mod community takes off something like a year after release.

I want to go back

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I played mw2 a while ago, was still a great game except for people STILL one man army noob tubing
why would you do that on a 10 year old game??

Yeah scavenger was better for tubing anyway

If they really cared, the mod tools would have been made available at launch. Instead, they wanted to sell DLC and microtransactions and allowed mods to exist when the game stopped being a vehicle to sell shit.
And none of the games after have mods.

Play on IW4X, way less people noob tubing there.

no because with OMA you just sit in a room

>not boomercore

is there decent population?

Last i checked there is, it rarely gets barren.

It's not. I grew up playing arena shooters. MW2 came out when I was firmly in university and I have 0 nostalgia for it.

vids like this will never happen again

>in six years Fortnite will be considered boomercore
why are you still here, anons?

can I do this if my account got vac banned?

I tried installing an FOV mod long time ago and I got hit with the ban

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You don't need the Steam version to run this.

>FOV mod
The game options has a FOV selector.

Servers are hosted on the deep web

This place doesn't have an age ceiling, hell hardly anyone even cares about the age floor.

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thanks, I'l look into IW4x

>the game has an FOV slider

not mw2, at least the steam build. it was fucking stupid

im 25 yo boomer and it was super good when i was 16

I'm 30, it wasn't great when I was 21. The term is 30 year old boomer for a reason.

I'm referring to the iw4x client, it has a lot of options.

oh shit, thats great then.

how's that gout Phil