Guess what's in the box Yea Forums

Guess what's in the box Yea Forums

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A PS4Pro you bought in anticipation of Persona5 Royal


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This better be full of dildos, OP


whats this?

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are you fucking kidding me

Did you seriously make a new thread, faggot?

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If you didn't buy HD598's and a mod-mic/stand-up mic, you fucked up.

a dragon dildo
or gtfo

I don't see purple tissue paper in there, so this thread is over. Everyone out


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Nice try at remaking the earlier thread but it won't work fag
Try again in a month or so

headphones for gaming
you already said so in your last shitty thread faggot

>white hand


I want all "what's in the box" posts to be deleted, and their OPs to be banned.

this was in the box Yea Forums
thread is over i didnt order this

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Stop stealing my thunder false op

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nice repost fag


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