What should Sonics redesign look like?
What should Sonics redesign look like?
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i dont care as long as they get rid of the teeth
Someone fixed your fix.
Why is everyone focusing on his redesign like that's going to save the movie? The issue extends into almost every aspect of this movie. The script, the story, casting, etc. A redesign won't do anything.
>Still has the snout
Are you an actual autist? The whole design is awful, not just the teeth. The teeth are the least of its prolems
>blue arms
Does anyone know chrischans thoughts on the movie? Didn't he say a "dimensional shift" would happen, why the fuck is he allowed to be so sped.
This is fine. Also I wouldn't mind if the hair was less detailed and more cartoony.
Well, it's not supposed to look like a cartoon with just a black dot coming out of nowhere as a nose.
Everything but the design was pretty much fine
Changing the design would just be another ugly mark on the franchise rather than an obscene stain.
Why does the left look like a guy in a costume? Like Robby from that Dino sitcom
Is it because they are lazy and mocapped everything with a dude?
From what we know it's a generic ass story with awful unforgettable one liners. I mean, it's Sonic, there really isn't much you can do.
They can't change his height though,they can improve the existing model using the same skeleton with 0 effort but if it was smaller actors would be looking at thin air while talking to him
That literally looks better than the original.
fuck you talkin about? jim carrey as robotnik? sonic now has lightning magic?
nigga you ever even played a sonic game?
Judging from the trailer it's run of the mill stupid shit that's been done to death. Nothing to do with sonic except there's like 2 characters from the game.
I'd like for him to take off his shoes in the movie and it be bare. I want a lot of r34 of it.
Now make his arms tan.
I would honestly be OK with the redesign on the right. The way I see it, they probably will not drastically re-design Sonic, instead tweak the design they have. I'm sure for many reasons, (mostly that they filmed everything) they have to keep some semblance to the original Sonic in terms of body proportions and height. Also, I don;t expect them changing the shoes much, because the shows actually play some smaller role in the story, as seen by the trailer. It is shown that Sonic is burning through all sorts of pairs of human shoes and he is on some secondary quest to find a pair of shows that are durable enough for him. Sonic also has to have visible quills to fit in with the story of Robotnik getting a hold of them.
Why does Sonic attract autists though?
Sonic has what autists don't have, fast.
>Judging from the trailer it's run of the mill stupid shit that's been done to death. Nothing to do with sonic except there's like 2 characters from the game.
Leaks pretty much confirm that only Sonic and "robotnik" will be in this one. Maybe Metal Sonic could make an appearance? Of it had no voice actor attached.
He's easy to draw and interchange parts with to make OCs
Perfect. You're in.
I think the retarded design fits the Sonic franchise perfectly.
The right one here is probably the best balance between realism and source material. Yeah, he's missing the mono-eye connection, but otherwise it's pretty Sonic
Does anyone have that picture of the Golden Gate Bridge poster with Sonic's monster foot? I've been looking for that one.
t. CWC
I just noticed that Sonic looks at his wrist and says "well you look at that, I did 9 million steps today" (or something like that), but he isn't wearing anything on his wrists. But it is implied that he is suppose to be wearing some kind of FitBit, or a generic knockoff of one. Which does imply that the CG is in a very incomplete state in the trailer to begin with.
yeah somewhere in between these
Why can't Sonic just look like he does in the fucking games?
Ah yes, the lazy "take the 3D model and put fur on it" approach.
I want a redesign of sonic too but not in the obvious way and don't give me that "put faith in the original material" crap.
Oh, here I thought it was another product placement they were trying to secure for the movie.
Maybe they should go back to the first model but then give him white-tinted goggles.
but that's literally all you have to do. the original model with realistic textures and shaders is all that's required and all anyone wanted.
maybe its under the fur, did you ever consider that you fucking autist?
>Leaks pretty much confirm that only Sonic and "robotnik" will be in this one.
It makes sense when you remember that the whole franchise STARTED with just Sonic and Robotnik. They're probably saving the other characters for a hypothetical sequel.
I would keep the blue arms just to make Chris mad.
Too l8 m8 he already has dem socks
>that shot
>time's flowing infinitesimally slow
>brightness is still the same
yeah that's a DROPPED for me
Why are his arms blue?
>draw regular Sonic
>called it redesign
Why use a character if you don't like the character. You could just make a new character if you don't want to use the original design.
>making it exactly like it's supposed to be is bad because you can make something way more complicated and worse
they aren't going to change film sonic's design. it will have cost them tons of money and most of the film will be shot already
>you fucking autist?
I wasn't really paying close attention the first time I saw the trailer. Didn't notice that there was nothing on his wrist at all, until I looked at the above still.
> (You)
>they aren't going to change film sonic's design. it will have cost them tons of money and most of the film will be shot already
But didn't the director just tweet that they will be changing the design?
Look at this fucking retard
They would have done that to begin with if they weren't taking a 4D approach. Slapping fur on his 3D model is way to fucking generic.
boy oh boy you must feel pretty stupid right now
goood who fucking CARES
we knew how bad this shit was gonna look 6 months ago, as if you didn't already know by the titles 'Sonic product' and 'Video game movie'
>The only way to stay true to a design is just taking the model and slapping fur on it
then don't do it. he already has fur textures in many games. just make the fur extremely short and subtle.
Spoiled brats.
That would have been pretty cool. With the right gloves on top of the shades I think they could have captured the era he's from pretty well.
Yeah because we're finally getting that live action Sonic movie we've been begging for how dare we say it looks like shit.
>they're fixing Sonic
Sonicchads have won again.
The only acceptable anwser
he looks made of clay. No one will buy that he's actually next to Matt Daimon.
serves those pokefags right. We might be a cancerous fanbase but we aren't bitches.
Retard alert.
You're the kind of faggot that causes shit like Dragon Ball: Evolution.
Should look like this exccept realistically rendered spikehairs and fur instead of solid cartoon texture.
Spoiled. Brat.
>to stay true to a design you must keep the basics untouched
Yes...? Are you retarded, user?
Sonics design is marketing magic. What fucking moron decided, "hmmm let's throw away perfection and use this garbage instead"
I dont get it
Inspired by Detective Pikachu. Take original design, remove monoeye and add fur textures, add marketing shoes like they did with shitty Sonic and boom, done.
I can't believe they're actually fucking redesigning it.
The movie looks as though it's going to be awful either way, and no one is expecting it to be good, but changing the design so it doesn't look as unappealing is going to make the movie less entertainingly bad.
If anything they should make him look worse. The only reason anyone's talking about the movie is because Sonic looks so fucking disturbing. If they change that no one's gonna give a single fuck about it because nothing else about the trailer was remotely interesting.
Yes but
>Make the part where the monoeye is united a bit longer to the point the monoeye disappears
>Add fur textures
>Shoes are still the same from beta version since the producers made a deal for product placement and can't change them
This but unironically with Shadow.
The Sonic voice actor is terrible. Just find whoever did the cartoon back in the day. But Jim legit looks fun he may salvage the movie.
How do you actually "redesign" anything CGI in a movie that is almost finished? I'm no CGI expert but doesn't that mean they have to redraw Sonic in literally every scenes he's in? Does that take a lot of effort and money?
There's no way they're going to spend even more money on something that's guaranteed to underperform or even bomb. That's just throwing good money after bad
I hope whoever okayed the design got fucked though
>Paramount actually thought people would like the new design despite the reception when his outline was first released
>Actually expects to be able to remodel and reanimate Sonic's model in time for the movie in 6 months
Sonic can never catch a break
I don't think it's that bad desu (Not the design, I mean the fact that they want to finish in 6 months)
>put faith in the original material" crap.
So you want him to not be redesigned and look like he currently does?
who cares, grow you fucking babies
>How do you actually "redesign" anything CGI in a movie that is almost finished?
Looking at what's there in the trailer. I doubt any of the CG you see is final. It's rare that debut trailers ever show complete CG shots, these things are done in multiple passes over the course of months. There's probably still a lot of incomplete special effects shots that we are not seeing as well.
>sonic AND pikachu movies coming out
Is this for real? I have seen few pictures on the internet but i thought it was some shitty fanart.
In light of how much of a fucking meme Sonic is, why didn't they just make a big self aware movie?
it shouldn't
just let the abomination be
its fitting that the worst video game movie is a sonic movie
i would call it whining though cuz that's what they did as they show their render as if that's the same as modeling, rigging and adapting lughting ti a 3d model. all artists who participated on "look at my true to honest rendition of sonic" don't even care about the movie, they qanted the attention
Why can't we get cute old school Sonic instead of edgy Sonic or that movie design
They could reshoot everything. Or just scrap this embarrassment entirely and pretend it never existed.
>edgy sonic
Never happened.
>Passionate about a character I've known since childhood
>Movie completely butchers his design
>Talk about how I dislike the design
>"Lul what a fucking child"
You were the child all along user.
It is
What do you call
the best design would be just like they did with pokémon. its as weird as it can get, but they are probably not changing it that much because its causing a lot of fuss and free advertising
the whole sonic franchise made it very clear that theyre supporters of 'bad advertising is still advertising'
being ironic became something much larger than it should have been and this is the outcome of that
one word FUBAR
Because the source material was getting autistic as fuck BEFORE they came, Penders' work on the comic book to give one example.
What is about sonic that attracts autistic inadequates?
Easy to draw, with a faux-edgy personality.
stop being passionate about childish cartoons, that the point, dumbass. grow up and play a grown up game like Call of Duty
Change for the sake of change is stupid.
Enough with the fur, it never looks good so why do they keep using it?
They should lean even harder into their mistakes, just to fuck with people.
>all hair is now a practical effect
>CGI a human mouth on Sonic, Annoying Orange style
>longer limbs
>smaller hands
>actual human legs
>make his eyes even smaller
It should look like Sonic. I feel like that's the bare minimum expectation from a Sonic movie and I don't understand how they managed to fuck it up
Replace the shoes with the soap shoes from SA2 and we're good.
boomer core
> American Sonic
> Good
I wouldn't be surprised if they go for a cutesy classic Sonic design in some sad attempt to compete with Detective Pikachu
This, I thought the producers were going for a "so bad it's memeworthy" approach since every other choice they made is appalling.
Or we're all taken on a ruse cruise and the real movie is completely different.
This whole thing is a big stunt, right? Gangster's Paradise? That Sonic design? This is totally planned out.
this, he even say that line
red with dredlocks
>Sonic fans want the Sonic they're used to in a movie featuring the titular character
get bent
I kinda wish they made the shoes a bit bigger, I know Sonic has always had a huge ass head, but the tiny shoes make it stick out more
>Just find whoever did the cartoon back in the day
He's an alleged woman now.
Animators these days are sad little excuses of cuckbois, so I'm fucking glad they get to suffer more
I mean they are kinda right. Completely redoing ALL of sonics scenes with a brand new model they have to design from scratch is a major undertaking. Especially if they don't push back the release
And your evidence for this is that they added two red circles to some guy once? Solid intel.
>vidya execs
>put out trailer or gameplay demo for upcoming project
>receive a lot of negative feedback and criticism
>devs do not care what the consumers think and stay the course
>product releases and its garbage
>movie execs
>put out trailer for upcoming project
>receive a lot of negative feedback and criticism
>movie execs within a week do a complete 180 and vow to fix the design for the release
>product releases and it probably won't be nearly as bad
Why are the movie execs so much more based than game devs?
Like Sonic
>TV series version vs Endless Waltz version
You are so fucking wrong there, holy shit.
Hey Sonic fans, here is a very special message to you
Proud of you Guys, keep up the good Work
you're wrong. western devs really do care but not what you think. they only care for sjws, literal faggots and tranies. even japanese devs are losing this battle because sony is pushing sjw agenda and censoring harder than ever before.
isn't sony a japanese compnay? why would they fuck their own country for the sake of the west?
Gangster's Paradise is the thing that really makes me wonder. I could shrug off everything else, but they MUST have known what they were doing picking that out of all songs they could've picked.
Japan bows to the big white cock
Why isn't this being reported and deleted? Movies aren't video games.
>sony playstation
>And your evidence for this is that they added two red circles to some guy once? Solid intel.
It was the first image I could find on Google images. There are plenty of examples of early trailer CG not looking as good as final renders. Here is a more recent example from Detective Pikachu. I tried to match these up as close as possible. But it looks like the final version has altered animation from the first take. Also different lighting and extra Pokemon added to the right.
I'm not familiar with the song or its meaning. what makes it so out of place?
The fact that we have to ask this is mind boggling. I'm glad some kind of redesign is in the work, but he should've looked more appealing from the start. We don't live in the early 80s where we only have vague art and ingame sprites to go off of. Sonic has a design which most if not all kids who are going to see this movie in the first place, will recognize. I honestly can't understand the thougt process one has to go to pointlessly change what's already established. He's a blue, super fast, chili dog eating Hedgehog who fights a middle aged fat man having an identity crisis, his premise isn't realistic enough to warrant a "realistic" design
they're not going to make him shorter
they'd have to re-shoot every scene with sonic in it
True but the design isn't the only problem. Why is this taking place in current year US with the military and shit? What happened to Sonic's fantasy world and all the other characters? It just doesn't fit. And yes, Detective Pikachu is also shit.
replace the cgi sonic with a real actor with blue hair
Reminds me of Pico but I don't think it's him. I miss Pico. Three episodes weren't nearly enough.
>western devs really do care but not what you think, they don't care about incels
There is a lot of room between the speed of a missile and the speed of light you nonce
why did you take his nikes away
Nah, it's a girl from an actually watchable hentai
sauce please
>American Sonic
>falling so hard for the deception of niggers who either saw nothing wrong with pic related before it started making rounds on the internet or created it specifically as a marketing ruse
The same reason why My Little Pony and Steven Universe attracts autists
All characters follow a design template but have a unique skill/power/element with a corresponding color. It allows autists to be creative enough to create their own unique character following that template, but not unique enough since it's part of an already existing property.
>design from scratch
>make shitty looking sonic on purpose
>get everyone mad over it
>say you fix it
>make it like you originally planned
>everyone is happy with your "improved" sonic even if it looks like shit since it's not as shit as your intentionally shit sonic
Jewish trickery
More hedgehog-like and slightly more game-design preportions. No uncanny human teeth, no straight-up ripping the game model, no being retarded (relatively-speaking).
Why is the western movie culture so afraid of animated films?
>blue arms
Do it right the first time then.
Maybe because Chris-chan did a cover of it? I dunno though
>idiots who don't know how CG works
Literally just swap the model and have the computer farm re-do the frames
literally just copy this
looks familiar
Wow I like this one
Just make him look like sonic, I know these movie making boomers barely know what video games are but it's not that hard. Just google an image of the character and make that. I don't even know who this movie is made for anyway, kids don't know who the fuck sonic even is since their all wrapped up in CoD and Fortnite. The people who grew up with would go see it but they made him look like an unrecognizable monster and have Jim Carrey as Eggman but he can literally only play himself so that's an issue as well. How is it that so many people with the money to pump into these project are more often than not just plain retarded? How hard is to just make a half way decent movie with characters that actually look/act like the characters.
It's weird. I think the face looks fine, but the wider shots of his body make him look like a kid wearing a Sonic onesy.
someone post the skiing comparison pic
>merely pretending
>touching up effects and adding detail is the same as redesigning an entire model and reanimating
Fuck KC Green
Keep spending most our lives
Livin' in a gangsta's paradise
Been spending most their lives
Livin' in a gangsta's paradise
copy pasting from a thread from yesterday;
Literally autism. Same reason why MLP is so popular.
>color coded characters, the color makes their personality easy to understand (autists have trouble with understanding people)
>very expressive characters (autists also have trouble with reading expressions)
>animal characters are generally liked by autists since they aren't humans, and humans are too complex and remind them of real life
>in case of Sonic: "cool" music, generally cool and aloof attitude that they wish they had instead of being spaghetti lords
>autists love going FAST (many like to spin, for example)
I could think of some other things but that's basically it. It's just an autism magnet.
Get out
Where did all the zonic fans crawl from?
Who cares what the original design was?
>two red eye circles
>shot is framed wider
>lighting is different in all three
>more background detail
I'm just wondering who thought that first design was acceptable. What were they fucking thinking?
Stop, this makes too much sense
Has Chris said anything about this yet?
>ugly mohawk and eyebrows
Use this American Sonic instead.
Can some shop user make Sonic buff as fuck? That would be hilarious.
Like a HEDGEHOG, not a guinea pig with 90s haircut. With NEEDLES.
Jesus, did the designer ever saw the hedgehog in xis fucking excuse for life?
Sonic Rush Sonic and Adventure Sonic look awesome
fight me faggot
do people really think the studio didn't already make 2 designs to fall back on in case of backlash? There's no way they would've just said "oh we have a redesign planned" so quickly if that was the case. I'm pretty sure the producer and director know how much work that is. expect a trailer in 2-3 months showing the redesign because they had it just in case
Speaking of which, what's the news about the unclit?
People were counting CWC's days since that thing unraveled.
anyone who cares about his design are furries
>>touching up effects and adding detail is the same as redesigning an entire model and reanimating
You're right, this is a whole other thing. But this user ( ) mentioned that the CG is "Almost finished", and I was just pointing out that movie CG is constantly being tweaked and worked up right up to the initial screenings. The current Sonic CG shown doesn't look 'nearly complete' to me at all. Even with the questionable design. They might end up using the motion capture for the new Sonic redesign. But yeah, they do still have to redesign the character and do a lot of additional work.
Every frame about that is hilarious.
kill yourself furniggerfaggottranny
shit taste, no hentai are watchable, boku on pico is an exception with the animation quality, kys
>>But this user mentioned that the CG is "Almost finished", and I was just pointing out that movie CG is constantly being tweaked and worked up right up to the initial screenings
>touching up effects and adding detail is the same as redesigning an entire model and reanimating
Sonic rush Sonic is peak modern.
>wtf head too big this looks like a cartoon character not an animal
>wtf head too small this is too realistic.
I don't even think Modern Sonic looks bad, my main problem with him is that his attitude went from silent but cocky to non stop talking cunt trying to act cool all the times, Classic Sonic still had that cocky personality but was also more cheerful overall.
Those poor animators are going to die after all the unpaid overtime they put in to fix this mess.
I'm reminded of a certain shit-eating smirk.
>incels are actually sleepercels
Who cares? Just let it be a nightmare shit show so its at least entertaining to watch.
It's not going to be good, so hopefully its awful.
The worst thing it could be is mediocre.
>begging for a sonic movie
That is the saddest thing I've ever heard
imo they didn't go far enough, make him more humanoid
You're passionate about a bad movie about a series of mediocre games from 20 years ago.
He may be a child, but you probably shit in a sock.
Looks slightly furry, but I still prefer it to the design they came up with.
The real question is, (hint at artists out there)
What would shadow/knuckles/rouge etc look like when following the same design choices as this lanky sonic?
>literally "blue arms"-tier complaining
sonicfags are sad
Doesn't 3D/CGI animation work with models over animated rigs? The only hard task afaik is making a new model for Sonic, all the animations and mocap movements are already, or nearly, finished.
Here's your Sonic redesign bro
3D sonic has existed for years, no redesign needed.
>I'm assembling a team
They don't care because stupid manchildren will pay either way.
Fuck movie Sonic
I hope the movie is in 3D during that part
>better to try and fail than not try at all
in this case it should be better to leave this movie flop
now, if the redesign fails, not only will it flop but it will also be a huge disappointment
basically, you cannot fix what is irredeemable broken
I can't believe they put nikes on him.
Featuring Dante from Smash Bros
Who the fuck is that black girl? She is ugly and a terrible actress, she must be someones niece
They're pumas
I still think his legs need to be a bit more like the original's but shorter, but this an improvement
>t. clueless paramount executive
they shoulda cast an asian girl
so is this a shop?
The movie should have been animated. Prove me wrong.
The left sonic is concept art, they were probably expecting an endorsement deal with Nike
I wholeheartedly agree. The thing that actually bugs me is, how the fuck did SEGA okay that horrendous Sonic?
I laughed way too hard at this.
In the pic they're just adding effects and touching up the image, not redesigning.
I'm guessing they're gonna do something with the eyes, but leave the proportions as having to redo those physics is going to be too expensive.
This, with less muscles, bigger (gloved) hands and bigger shoes with socks
doesn't this defeat the purpose of a live action
Why are kids so easily influenced?
the monoeye is what makes sonic
the rest of the redesign would work if they kept monoeye, but this is the one thing they insist on getting rid of
Honestly didn't see much wrong with him besides his thighs and maybe increase his eye size a bit
Don't post this piece of trash. Stop giving him publicity. No one thinks it's funny.
>unironically liking the monoeye
It’s not like he’s fucking Mohammed or someone no one has taken pictures of.
You fucking stare at what sonic looks like for almost the entirety of every sonic game
I like american sonic everytime i like at the first sonic cover art im just stunned at how much emotion it evokes and then i play the game and its only the first stage and im disappointed
chris doesn't care about the movie because it's not made by sonic team and sega has almost no involvement in the film besides licensing sonic's image.
Now he looks female.
Monoeye just wouldn't work
Nah, he cares about it and did complain about designs. Robotnik in particular. Just didn't go apeshit over it.