Animal Crossing Switch (2019)


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It'll be pointless mobile game tier shit like every other animal crossing



New Leaf 2 with some of the shitty mobile game sprinkled in. Disappointing all-around compared to previous entries, but the fans will lap that shit up because "muh furry waifu" and "comfy"

These threads hurt because I have so many hopes, but honestly will be happy with anything, so I have plenty to write as hopes but not predictions since there's literally nothing to go off for that.

Fucking E3 can't come soon enough.

New Leaf, but with even more furfag pandering.

>it comes out
>it's an animal crossing game

I want to marry villagers and have disgusting mutant human-animal babies with them.

i want to visibly see a female villager take a wolf knot



I want to see the fe(male) villager take the knot

please stop

>Still can't romance villagers
Shit game.

nothing yikes about that. Some of us eant to start a family but haven‘t found the right man yet. That‘s life


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Prediction: It's going to be a slightly nicer version of everything we've already had

Hopes: Streaming content updates that include new dialogue, house designs, furniture, minigames, events.

Let me play as an animal

fucking nintendo

I hope the game has more to do at night time.

Animal Crossing for the Nintendo Switch (2019)

romance system for fucks sake

based nintenbro with baby fever


The exact same game as every other animal crossing just with some trivial shit added in.

I really hope they let us choose which villagers we want to live in our town.

It's going to look like new leaf rendered at 1080p on citra.

The visuals won't be that good.

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